Decision - blossomsib

Non-Commercial Partnership “Siberian
Federal Center of Healthy Nutrition”
The authority of the system of the independent certification of
food products and dietary supplements “Healthy food is
health of the nation"
The certificate of accreditation
No. POCC RU.0001.11ПК37 dated August 21, 2012,
630004, Novosibirsk, 28 Lenina St.,
Phone number: (383) 2183343; fax: (383) 2183343
The director of the authority of the system of the independent certification of
food products and dietary supplements “Healthy food is health of the nation"
Novoselov Y. B.
February 12, 2015
The advisory action
of the independent certification of the product
No. 001OC.003-15
Dated February 12, 2015
Concentrate of non-alcoholic drink “blossomsib”
Product name:
630005, Novosibirsk, 53 Karamzina Street
Blossom, LLC.
630048, Novosibirsk, 139 Nemirovicha-Danchenko Street
Producer, address:
Product characteristic:
Declaration of conformityTC No. RU Д-RU.HO12.B.00871 dated October 14, 2014
Field of application
As a food product
Recommendations of use
Dissolve1ml of the concentrate of non-alcoholic drink (one pipette) in the glass of water,
take1- 2 times a day
Presented documents:
Document number
Declaration of conformity
Product sample
Quality and safety certificate
Certified laboratory test records of safety
and originality indicators
Certified laboratory test records of
indicators of the independent certification
“Healthy food is the health of the nation”
TC No. RU Д-RU.HO12.B.00871
no number
No. 8813
No. 8814
Exp. 21.11.2015
No. 1-э
Protocol of the examination of compliance with requirements of legislative and standard-technicaldocumentation:
1. Information compliance on the label with the document of the state registration:
The document of the State Registration
Declaration of conformity
TC No. RU Д-RU.HO12.B.00871
Date of issue
meets requirements
2. Product compliance with requirements of Technical regulation of Customs union TR TS 021/2011 “Food safety”, with Unified
sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements of the goods which are liable to sanitary-epidemiological control of safety and
originality indicators:
Number of the certified test record
Date of issue
No. 8813
No. 8814
Issued by
Testing Centre of the quality assessment of
products and services GBPOU NSO
“Novosibirsk Chemical Technological
College named after D. I. Mendeleev”,
accreditation certificate No. POCC
RU.0001.21AB40 dated December 24, 2010
Testing Centre of the quality assessment of
products and services GBPOU NSO
“Novosibirsk Chemical Technological
College named after D. I. Mendeleev”,
accreditation certificate No. POCC
RU.0001.21AB40 dated December 24, 2010
meets requirements
meets requirements
3. Product compliance with the requirements of the system of the independent certification of food products and dietary supplements
“Healthy food is health of the nation":
Number of the certified test record
Date of issue
Issued by
Testing Centre NP “SFCHN”
Registration number No. POCC RU.0001.21ПИ20
meets requirements
dated October 29, 2010
Concentrate of non-alcoholic drink “blossomsib” produced by ZAO NPF “NOV”, by the information on the label,meets the
requirements of Technical regulation of Customs union TR TS 022/2011 “Labeling of food products” and of Unified sanitaryepidemiological and hygienic requirements of the goods which are liable to sanitary-epidemiological control.
According to the test results presented by the declarant (art. 2 of the advisory action), concentrate of non-alcoholic drink
“blossomsib” produced by ZAO NPF “NOV” meets the requirements of Technical regulation of Customs union TR TS 021/2011 “Food
safety”, of Unified sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements of the goods which are liable to sanitary-epidemiological control
and of Technical regulation of Customs union TR TS 029/2012 “Safety requirements of nutritional supplements, flavorings and processing
According to the test results, concentrate of non-alcoholic drink “blossomsib” produced by ZAO NPF “NOV” meets the
requirements of the requirements of the system of the independent certification of food products and dietary supplements “Healthy food is
health of the nation".
I. Characteristic of the primary quality:
1. Product quality is specified by the presence of tanning agents, flavonoids and organic acids which proves the using of natural
components as raw materials, and by the absence of calcium concentrations which are potentially important in realization of intersystem
interactionsat the metabolized substratums levelwhich provesthe high level of processing of raw materials which provides the maximum
safety of natural components.
2. High level of biomedical value of the product is the result of the properties of its components which content the wide array of valuable
nutrients which provide the specific nutritive metabolic properties of the main active elements gotten from the natural qualitative raw
2.1.It is detected that there aretanning agentsin the product (which positively influence the beginning of immunogenesis) which
determine the activity of:
 flavonoids and phenol compoundswhich influence the peroxidation oxidation of lipids which have the angioprotectiveactivity,
improve the microcirculation, prevent their sclerotic damage, succulence and inflammation (inhibition of aldolase, transaminase
and C-reactive protein),
what allows product components to show theiranti-inflammatory properties.
2.2.The optimal pH level (with increase of alkalinity, acidic functional groups, which take part in complex formation and rate of the
dialysis through the biologic membrane, are activated) promotes thedevelopment of the specific nutritive metabolic properties of
the main active elements gotten from the natural qualitative raw materials in:
 the complex of humic acids (high-molecular polymorphous organic substances) which have anti-inflammatory, antiviral
(interferon similar effect), antibacterial, antifungal, membrane-acting properties, catalytic activity (demonstrates their high
biochemical potential and ability to influence the activity of the metabolic processes in the body), the influence on nonspecific and
specific resistance (the ability to bond different classes of exo- and endotoxins,creating complexes with metals and compounds
with different classes of organic substances),
whatprovides high biological activity of the product.
2.3.It is detected that there is no the potentially important content of calcium, the antagonist of the main active components of the
product, which with a high degree of probability is capable of attraction to the final productin view of available production
technologies that determines the activity of:
 glucuronic acid which is an important component part of chondroitin sulfate (a part of heteropolysaccharides which in combination
with proteins form extracellular proteoglycan matrix of connective tissues), which takes part in the detoxification of xenobiotics,
disintegration products of medicines and the final metabolites of the body (of bilirubin);
 polysaccharides which promote the formation of strong insoluble chelate complexes with the quantivalent metals and their
what allows to influence the optimization of the adaptive capacity during the exo-endointoxication.
II. Characteristic of profile of nutrient support:
Components of the product due to the presence of indicators which meet the criteria of the system of the independent certification of
food products and dietary supplements “Healthy food is the health of the nation” are capable of optimal demonstration of the inherent
functional properties what allows to influence the optimization of the adaptive capacity during the exo-endointoxication and inflammations
of high risk of developing or already detected, including infectious processes.
1. Components of the product, regulated by technical documents due to the presence of indicators which meet the criteria of the
system of the independent certification of food products and dietary supplements “Healthy food is the health of the nation”, are capable of
optimal demonstration of the inherent functional properties, providing the entry of the useful elements into the body that affects the
functioning of the immune system.
2. Confirmed optimal biomedical and nutritional value combined with diet optimizes the adaptive capacity during the exoendointoxication and inflammations of high risk of developing or already detected, including infectious processes.
3. Optimal level of biomedical and nutritional value of the product is the result of the naturalness of used components and to the
high level of their processing which provides the maximum clarification of the product from the concomitant components, the preservation
of biomedical properties of the main and synergic metabolically important concomitant components.
On the basis of given facts experts consider it as possible to make the decision of giving the certificate of conformity to the system of
the independent certification of food products and dietary supplements “Healthy food is health of the nation" with the rights of using the
defensive mark “Healthy food is health of the nation" on the followingcommercial product: concentrate of non-alcoholic drink
“blossomsib” produced by ZAO NPF “NOV”.
The conformity of the name of the product is confirmed by the certificate of the system of the independent certification of food
products and dietary supplements “Healthy food is health of the nation" No. POCC RU.ПК37.Н00038 dated February 12, 2015.
In the future the conformity to the system of the independent certification of food products and dietary supplements “Healthy food is
health of the nation" will be determined by the inspection control and will be proved in accordance with established procedure by official
report, the certified test records, the right of using the defensive mark of the system of the independent certification of food products and
dietary supplements“Healthy food is health of the nation".
The advisory action of the independent certification: concentrate of non-alcoholic drink “blossomsib” produced by ZAO NPF “NOV”
meets the requirements of PCT MP No.12/11-08 “The rules of standardization of quality assessment, of biomedical and nutritional value of
food products and food raw materials” and of CTO 73121289.02.01.01.-2009 “Examinations, tests, conformity assessment, independent
certification,procedure, requirements of the certification management”.
Action agent
The leading expert, the expert of management and
realization of the sanitary-epidemiological
N. V. Holmogortseva