ICME 12 Survey Report Key Mathematical Concepts in the



ICME 12 Survey Report

Key Mathematical Concepts in the Transition from

Secondary to University

Changing mathematics curricula and their emphases have provoked some international concern about the ability of students entering university with regard to their apparently decreasing levels of competence (Smith, 2004). This has been particularly apparent with regard to essential technical facility, analytical powers, and perceptions of the place of precision and proof in mathematics. Such mathematical under-preparedness of students entering university has been seen as an issue

(Hourigan & O’Donoghue, 2007; Kajander & Lovric, 2005; Luk, 2005; Selden, 2005), and one that may impact on students’ success in university mathematics (Anthony,

2000; D’Souza & Wood, 2003), although not all studies agree on the extent of the problem (Engelbrecht & Harding, 2008). Further, concern has been expressed about the levels of student enrolments in undergraduate mathematics programmes (Barton

& Sheryn, 2009; the ICMI Pipeline Project) and the implications for the future of the subject.

While recent research has specifically addressed these issues with regard to the transition from school (Brandell, Hemmi & Thunberg, 2008; Engelbrecht & Harding,

2008; James, Montelle & Williams, 2008; Jennings, 2009), overall the volume of research in tertiary mathematics education has, until recently, been relatively modest

(Selden & Selden, 2001).



Several researchers studied the problems of transition between secondary school and university concerning the learning of Calculus. Some of theses studies focused on specific topics: real numbers (Bloch, Chiocca, Job & Scheider, M, 2006; Ghedamsi,

2008); functions (Dias, Artigue, Jahn & Campos, 2008; Vandebrouk, 2010); limits

(Bloch et al. 2006; Bloch & Ghedamsi, 2005); sequences and series (González-

Martin, 2009; Gyöngyösi, Solovej & Winsløw, 2010). They are located in several countries (Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Israel, Tunisia) and use different frameworks (Anthropological theory of didactics – ATD; textbooks analysis, analysis of students’ productions; use of CAS or innovative teaching and assessment methods).

I present a summary of the main articles reviewed.

Smida & Ghedamsi (2006) study the teaching practices of real analysis in the first year of mathematics/informatics courses in Tunisian university. They distinguish two kinds of teaching projects leading to two different models of teaching practices:

The projects where axiomatic, structures and formalism are the discourse which justify and generate the expected knowledge and know-how; this model only follows a mathematical logic;

The projects where the variety of choices for proving, illustrating, applying or deepening the mathematical results highlights a declared intent – by teachers – to enrol in a constructivist setting; this model combines the logic of mathematics and cognitive demands.

A questionnaire applied to 57 lecturers from 4 universities highlights 3 groups of lecturers: the lecturers with a logico-theoretical profile, who do not take into account cognitive demands (more or less 40%); the lecturers with a logico-constructivist profile, who have some cognitive concern (more or less 35%); lecturers who take into account cognitive demands (more or less 25%). However 80% of the lecturers report hardly or never give students tasks that lead them to formulate a conjecture. More than 90% of the lecturers do not consider the proof in Analysis as a mean to convince students of the validity of mathematical statements. Almost 60% do nor consider proof as a priority, as a logico-theoretical tool for validation.

Dias, Artigue, Jahn & Campos (2008) conduce a comparative study of the secondarytertiary transition in Brazil and France, using the concept of functions as a filter. With

ATD as a theoretical framework, the research is based on different approaches: institutional approach, an approach of the personal relationships developed by students with the concept of function; and an approach of continuities and discontinuities between teaching practices in secondary and tertiary institutions in the two countries. This paper focus on the analysis of institutional relationships through the analysis of evaluations used for the selection of students at university entrance or developed by specific universities (vestibular in Brasil; baccalauréat in France). They compare two tasks, considered as typical. A typical task in Brazil is the determination of terms and reason of arithmetic and geometric sequences, the associated praxeologies being based on algebraic techniques and technology. A typical task in

France is the study of the convergence of such sequences both qualitatively and quantitatively, the associated praxeologies being the use of analytic techniques and technology. Furthermore, the study also shows a higher level of students’ guidance through hints and intermediate questions in France than in Brazil. They conclude that

“becoming aware of such contextual influences which tend to remain invisible to those who stay inside a given educational system seems to us crucial for envisaging productive collaborative work, and also for envisaging evolutions inside a given system”.

Leviatan (2008) argues that while school mathematics tends to concentrate on problem solving skills, tertiary mathematics is more abstract and emphasises the inquisitive as well as the rigorous nature of mathematics. He presents a transition course aimed at bridging the gap for students of four-year secondary/high school teacher training programme. The objectives of this transition programme are: to identify and reinforce previous “core school mathematics”; to deepen and enrich the existing knowledge by adopting a more mature perspective to school mathematics; to introduce mathematical “culture” ( language, rules of logic, etc.); to get acquaintance with typical mathematical activities (generalizations, deductions, definitions, proofs,

etc.); to re-introduce central mathematical concepts and tools; and to provide a rigorous, yet only semiformal, exposure to selected new topics in advanced mathematics. Students’ evaluations of the programme report increasing selfconfidence, enjoying the sessions about misconceptions and playing the role of a reviewer. He concludes that a more systematic investigation is required and gives a list of possible follow-up.

Ghedamsi (2008) analyses the contributions of situations of pragmatic/formal mix control in a didactic engineering at Tunis University. The aim is to develop a form of conceptualisation deriving from a double thinking, natural and formal, more specifically: to resume the work with real numbers and enlarge the experimental field of students concerning the nature of real numbers and their appearance; leading students to an heuristic work which allows the development of pragmatic proofs; leading students to understand the link between the pragmatic experience and the existence of objects of real analysis through a go-between pragmatic proofs and formal proofs. Two approximation methods were used as experimental situations: the construction of the better rational approximation of 2 and, if possible, its generalisation to other irrationals; the co sinus fix point. She concludes that the scope of students’ work on the experimental situations concerns 3 main points: a conceptual skip on numbers (students consider real numbers as mathematical objects); the problematic existence/accessibility (emergence of the link between research procedure and established proof); the link between micro-didactic and macro-didactic variables. She concludes that the irrational numbers situation gives a status to numbers that students have only consider as “notations”, while the co sinus fix point situation gives access to real numbers that we cannot explicit, and consequently requires the implementation of formal procedures.

Winslow (2008) studies the transition from concrete to abstraction in real analysis, in particular the study of real functions and of the operations on these functions associated with the limit process. He considers the concrete analysis as the part of this study centred on the study of specific functions while the abstract analysis focuses on the axiomatic systems. In secondary schools the focus is on the practical-theoretical blocs of concrete analysis, while at university level the focus is on more complex praxeologies of concrete analysis and on abstract analysis. He considers two kinds of transitions in the student’s mathematical activity.

The first kind is the transition from activity mainly centred on practical blocks, more or less independent, to working with more comprehensive and structured mathematical organisations. The second kind is the transition to tasks on theoretical objects. This second kind of transition presupposes the first one. As a consequence, an incomplete achievement of the first transition produces an obstacle for the second one by turning inaccessible the tasks to be worked on.

To help Danish students perform the two kinds of transition, Winslow give the students thematic projects, where they have to work on rather theoretical issues that are not presented in the textbook. The work is given by instructions for a several

weeks’ theoretical work and done in groups. It leads to an oral individual presentation of the members of the group. This device provides a practical setting to undertake a didactical engineering work aiming at the second kind of transition.

González-Martin (2009) identifies two obstacles regarding the concept of infinite sum: the intuitive and natural idea that the sum of infinity of terms should also be infinite, and the conception that an infinite process must go through each step, one after the other and without any stop, which leads to the potential infinity concept. He argues that the concept of series is usually reduced to its algorithmic aspects. This leads to misconceptions of the integral concept. The aim of the research is to combine 3 dimensions (epistemological, cognitive and didactic) to study the learning of the series concept through textbooks analysis. He concludes that series represents 10% or more of the content, but that the textbooks do not foster the links between visual and algebraic representations. He did not find a consensus in the way to introduce series.

However there are very few tasks showing the application of series in the real life and very few historical references. Furthermore, the textbooks do not explicitly take into account the difficulties highlighted by the literature. He concludes that the approach is very “traditional” and that textbooks use almost exclusively the algebraic register, with very few graphical representations. They do not seem to take into account results and recommendations from research.

Oehrtman (2009) argues that students’ reasoning about limit concepts appears to be influenced by metaphorical application of experiential conceptual domains. He analyses written assignment of 120 students from an introductory calculus course and interviews 9 of them to identify students’ strong metaphors for limit concepts. He identifies the following metaphors: Collapse metaphor (for the definition of the derivative, the volume of solids of revolution, definite integrals and the fundamental theorem of calculus; approximation metaphors (for infinite series, the definition of the derivative); proximity metaphors (for the limit of function and continuity, infinite series, the definition of the derivative); infinity as number metaphors; physical limitation metaphors (for a volume of revolution, the limit of a sequence of sets). He argues that the only metaphor cluster that demonstrated a consistent detriment to students’ understanding was physical limitation metaphors.

Although he observed several strong metaphors, he also observed students’ inability to apply abstract criteria for adopting, evaluating, or modifying particular metaphors.

He concludes that many of students’ nonstandard interpretations are fertile sites for positive discussions. Recognising this potential for development of scientific reasoning requires an effort on the part of curriculum developers and instructors to see beyond students’ errors.

Gyöngyösi, E., Solovej, J & Winsløw C. (2010) report an experiment aiming at using

CAS based work to ease the transition from calculus to real analysis in Denmark.

Using ATD as a framework, they give examples of praxeologies to be developed by students and teachers and analyse them according to their pragmatic value (efficiency of solving tasks) and epistemic value (insight they provide into the mathematical

objects and theories to be studied). The tasks are de signed for using Maple. They conclude that students with an overall lower performance also commit more errors in using instrumented techniques. The course evaluation done via the course website with student replies being anonymous was not concluding as students appear to have diverging voices.

Vandebrouk (2010) studies student’s conceptions of functions at the transition between secondary school and university. He claims that the transition between secondary school and university can be interpreted, in some sense, as a way to move from the conceptual-embodied world to the formal axiomatic one, embedding a higher level of conceptualization of the notions related to the domain of analysis. He points out three points of view on the object function: the point-wide point of view, the global point of view, and the local point of view. In the point-wide point of view, functions are considered as correspondence between two sets of numbers, an element of the first set being associated with a unique element of the second set. The main representations are arithmetic formula and tables of values. In the global point of view, the representations are tables of variation. Algebraic expression and graphical representation can exploit and can be exploited from a point-wide point of view as well as global point of view.

He claims that working at university level on functions implies that students can adopt a local point of view on functions whereas only the point-wide and global points of view are constructed at secondary school. However, a large algebraisation of tasks at the end of the secondary school tends to erase the point-wise and global points of view and doesn’t permit to reach the local point of view.

He presents a task for which algebraic techniques were not sufficient to solve the task.

Two versions of the task were produced, one for secondary school level, and another for university level. The study of students’ productions shows that they face difficulties to solve tasks when algebraic techniques are not sufficient. He explains this by the non ability of students to consider functions as complex objects with pointwide as well as global properties; these difficulties are increased by the current practice of teaching in secondary schools in France, which reinforces tasks belonging to the algebraic frame only. Consequently students face difficulties to enter in the formal axiomatic world and to develop the local abilities which are necessary at the beginning of university.


As was the case for linear algebra, this area has been extensively investigated within the Francophone community, and the research developed obeys more or less the same characteristics, a diversity of approaches and themes but a shared vision of the importance to be attached to epistemological and mathematical analyses, the joint development of fundamental research and didactical engineering, the increasing influence of ATD.

Epistemological and mathematical perspectives

Several publications show this epistemological interest: (Robert, 2010) shows that the

FUG perspective can be useful for approaching the teaching and learning of some notions in Analysis and Bridoux en her doctoral thesis on topological notions introduced in a first university course in Belgium shows the FUG character of these notions (Bridoux, 2011); (Rogalski, 2008) addresses the relationships between local and global perspectives which are crucial in Analisis; (Artigue, 2008) crosses epistemological and didactical perspectives regarding the concept of continuity;

(Chorlay, 2009) formulates a series of hypotheses as to the long-term development of functional thinking, throughout upper-secondary and tertiary education at the light of a historical study of the differentiation of viewpoints on functions in 19th century elementary and non-elementary mathematics. Artigue (2009),Vandebrouck (2011) also address the evolution of functional thinking from secondary to university combining different perspectives: process / object duality, transition from the conceptual embodied and proceptual worlds to the formal axiomatic one, relationships between punctual, local and global perspectives, without forgetting the changes in the mathematical habitat of this concept (see also Najar above).

Didactical engineering

Didactical engineering research is also a long term tradition in the Francophone community linked to the theoretical influence played in this community by the Theory of didactical situations (TDS) due to Brousseau. Relying on epistemological and mathematical analysis as those mentioned above, didactical engineering has been designed and experimented in the last decade for supporting the transition between secondary and tertiary in Analysis. We mention some of these realizations below:

In Ghedamsi’s doctoral thesis (2009) regarding the concept of limit, two situations articulating knowledge on the nature and properties of real numbers and the notion of limit are designed. Through the development and use of approximation methods, these situations allow the students to productively connect the intuitive, perceptual and formal dimensions of this concept (see also (Bloch & Ghedamsi, 2010)).

In Bridoux’s doctoral thesis mentioned above, the author designs and experiments a succession of situations for introducing the notions of interior and closure of a set, of open and closed set, after identifying the FUG characteristics of these notions. This didactical engineering uses graphical representations for allowing the students to develop an intuitive vision of these notions on which the teacher will then rely for characterizing these notions in a formal language. As is the case in didactical engineering attached to FUG notions, a meta-mathematical discourse is also used.

(see also Bridoux, 2011b).

Anthropological perspectives

As already mentioned, Praslon’s doctoral thesis in 2000 regarding the concept of derivative was a pioneering work in that area. Combining the affordances of ATD and of educational research already developed in the area of Calculus and Analysis, he showed that, in France, at the end of high school a substantial institutional relationship with the concept of derivative was already established, and that regarding

this concept and its environment the transition secondary-tertiary was not a transition between intuitive and proceptual perspectives towards formal perspectives, but something more complex involving an accumulation of micro-breaches and changes in balance according several dimensions (tool/object dimensions, particular/general objects, autonomy given in the solving process, role of proofs…) to which university academics were poorly sensitive. He also developed and tested a series of didactic resources for making teachers and students more aware of these changes and allow specific work on these. In continuity with this analysis, Bloch identified 9 factors of discontinuity between high school and university in Analysis (Bloch, 2004). In the last decade, ATD has been used for the study of the secondary-tertiary transition by several researchers as already pointed out in the algebra part. One typical research work in Analysis is that developed by Bosch, Fonseca and Gascón in Spain (2004) regarding the concept of limit, in which they show the existence of strong discontinuities in the praxeological organization between high school and university, and build specific tools for qualifying and quantifying these. Another interesting contribution is that of Bergé (Bergé, 2008) investigating the evolution of students’ relationships with real numbers and the idea of completeness, and linking these relationships with the characteristics of the different courses where students meet these notions and work with them.

Generalised forms of arithmetic and Abstract Algebra: The case of Group


Students’ encounter with Group Theory marks a significant point in the transition to advanced mathematical formalism and abstraction. This is a topic that is characterised by ‘deeper levels of insight and sophistication’ (Barbeau, 1995, p139) and asks of students commitment to what is often a fast-paced first encounter in lectures (Clark et al, 1997). Key to this encounter is the realisation of the need to ‘think selectively about its entities, paying attention to those aspects consistent with the context and ignoring those that are irrelevant.” (Barbeau, 1995, p140). As Hazzan (1999) the students’ difficulty with Abstract Algebra can be attributed to the novelty of dealing with concepts which are introduced abstractly, namely ‘defined and presented by their properties and by an examination of what facts can be determined just from their properties alone’ (Hazzan, 1999, p73). Furthermore the way that students approach proof writing, the type of practices and beliefs that they bring to the task often exacerbates some of this difficulty (Powers, 2010; Weber, 2001).

Below I summarise results from a few studies that focus on the difficulties students experience in their first encounters with key concepts in Abstract Algebra – and a few that touch on pedagogical insights emerging from our understanding of these difficulties. The text originates largely in (Nardi, 2000; 1996) and the preparations for the literature review in the thesis (Ioannou, in preparation) of my doctoral student,

Marios Ioannou.

As mentioned above students’ skills in proof production are central to the quality of their first encounter with Group Theory. According to Hart (1991):

 Students’ conceptual schemas is the key element in the success of problem solving in Group Theory;

 Students’ overreliance upon concrete examples of groups often causes operation confusion;

The ability to translate concrete representations is critical in the students’ proof production (as is the overreliance on concrete representations)

Students need to learn how to apply domain-specific proving strategies

Dubinsky et al (1994) was the first comprehensive attempt to explore student encounters with fundamental concepts of Group Theory (group, subgroup, coset, normality and quotient group). Written largely in the language of APOS, the study marked the importance of students’ understanding of the process-object duality of mathematical concepts as a prerequisite for understanding in Group Theory; highlighted the importance of the concept of function in building group-theoretical understanding; and, identified specific issues of difficulty such as confusing normality with commutativity. Cosets and normality are also identified as major stumbling blocks in the early stages of students’ learning.

As a particular, and important, form of the concept of function, the concept of group isomorphism has attracted attention in several studies. For example, Leron et al (1995) distinguished between students’ naive and formal conceptualisations of isomorphism through an elaborate discussion of student attempts to distinguish isomorphic relations between two groups and isomorphism; to prove that a certain function is, or not, an isomorphism; to work with isomorphisms in the abstract or in concrete cases.

The results highlighted students’ difficulties to link isomorphic relations with group orders; to distinguish between properties of group elements and properties of groups’; and, to construct isomorphisms between certain groups.

Lagrange’s theorem is another topic from the introductory parts of Group Theory that has attracted attention in several studies. For example, Hazzan and Leron (1996) noted that: students may use theorems such as this (particularly those with recognisable names to them) as slogans-style references in their proofs (in their data students use Lagrange’s theorem or some version of its converse where not appropriate or relevant to the problem and use the theorem and its converse, or ‘naïve’ versions of the converse, indistinguishably).

Other important introductory elements of Group Theory were treated by two papers published in the late 1990s in the Journal of Mathematical Behaviour : Brown et al

(1997) focused on binary operations, groups and subgroups; and, Asiala et al (1997) focused on cosets, normality and quotient groups. Soon after, an analogous report by

Asiala et al (1998) focused on permutations of a finite set and symmetries of a regular polygon. Once again emphasis, in the context of groups of symmetries and dihedral groups, was on the need to facilitate students’ transition to object understandings of key notions in Group Theory.

Group and group elements as encapsulated objects.

In addition to a focus on fundamental Group Theory concepts, some studies have focused on issues such as the relationship between visual and analytic thinking, and, largely, the need for both (Zazkis and Dubinsky, 1996). In these authors’ VA model, whether external or internal, visual representations are in a constant interplay with analytical ones. Eventually it is of little concern whether the emerging complex construct is visual or analytic as the elements of both types of thinking have merged into it effectively.

In resonance with the VA proposition by Zazkis and Dubisnky, Hazzan (1999) explored how students attempt to cope in Group Theory through reducing its high levels of abstraction. In a related paper Hazzan (2001) examines these attempts at reducing levels of abstraction in the context of a problem asking students to construct the operation table for a group of order four.

Mirroring many of the difficulties outlined generally in the above in her analyses of student responses to introductory Group Theory problem sheets, Nardi (2000) identified students’:

 difficulties with the static and operational duality within the concept of order of an element as well as the semantic abbreviation contained in |𝑔| ;

 often problematic use of ‘times’ and ‘powers of’ in association with the group operation;

 ambivalent use of geometric images as part of meaning bestowing processes with regard to the notion of coset;

 problematic conceptualization of multi-level abstractions embedded in the concept of isomorphism.

The duality underlying the concept of group, and the role of binary operation in this concept, were also discussed a little later by Iannone and Nardi (2002) who offered evidence of the students’ tendency

 to consider a group as a special kind of set, often ignoring the binary operation that is fundamental to its entity

 to consider the axioms in the definition of a group as properties of the group elements rather than the binary operation

 to omit checking those axioms that they perceive as obvious (e.g. in some cases associativity)

Finally, I would like to mention a doctoral thesis (Ioannou, in preparation) which is expected to offer further evidence on some of the issues addressed above through drawing on a range of data collected during a semester of the students’ first encounter with Abstract Algebra (lecture notes and recordings; seminar notes and recordings; multiple interviews with 13 of the 78 students in that cohort; coursework and exam papers from all students; interviews with

the lecturer, seminar leaders and markers). Examples of the mathematical topics that are currently the focus of the analysis include: the Subgroup Test, symmetries of a cube, equivalence relations, employing the notions of kerner and image in the First Isomorphism Theorem. At the time of writing it seems likely that the thesis will conclude that the students’ overall problematic experience of the transition to Abstract Algebra is characterised by the strong interplay between strictly conceptual matters, such as the ones addressed above, affective issues and issues that are germane to the wider study skills and coping strategies that students arrive at university with. A preliminary flavour of these results can be found in (Ioannou & Nardi, 2009a, b; 2010;

Ioannou & Iannone, 2011). The thesis is due to be completed in 2011-12.

Most of the above studies offer some pedagogical insight into how teaching can facilitate students’ transition to this most abstract and formal topic in mathematics that students have met. As elaborating this insight may be outside the remit of this report, I list brief references to the pedagogical recommendations made in some of the above, and some other, studies:

Leron and Dubinsky (1995) propose an interactive approach that involves computer-based experimentation with group structures, followed by a more formal introduction to the topic.

Burn (1996; 1998) proposes reversing the order of presentation with examples and applications stimulating the discovery of definitions and theorems. At the heart of this new emphasis are the concepts of permutation and symmetry, historical precedents and platforms for the development of Group-Theoretical concepts.

Cnop and Grandsard (1998) propose a set of group-work activities that take the place of the formal introduction in the lectures and stimulate students’ taking over for the responsibility of their first encounters with the abstraction of Group Theory.

Alcock et al (2008) also encourage independent study of proofs in Group

Theory through carefully prepared workbooks.

In a similar vein to the above emphasis of concretisation of abstract ideas,

Thrash and Walls (1991) suggest activities that invite students to constructing multiplication tables for groups of small order as a stepping stone for an understanding of the general notion of group structure.

Larsen (2009) makes a similar case through presenting a series of tasks that explore the symmetries of an equilateral triangle and culminate in negotiating preliminary understandings of order of a group and isomorphism.

Linear Algebra

A sizeable amount of research in linear algebra has documented students’ difficulties, particularly as these difficulties relate to students’ intuitive or geometric ways of

reasoning and the formal mathematics of linear algebra (Dogan-Dunlap, 2010;

Gueudet-Chartier, 2004; Harel, 1990). Related to this work, Hillel (2000) constructed a theoretical framework for understanding student reasoning in linear algebra. He identified three modes of description in linear algebra: geometric, algebraic, and abstract. Hillel found that the geometric and algebraic modes of relating to vectors and vector spaces could become obstacles for understanding the abstract modes because they limited the amount of generality that a student could draw from either geometric or algebraic examples.

Wawro, Sweeney, and Rabin (2011) analyzed the ways that students used different modes of representation in making sense of the formal notion of subspace.

Specifically, the authors studied the relationship between students’ understanding of the definition of subspace and students’ concept images. In the study, students demonstrated a variety of ways of engaging with the formal definition and showed that they utilized geometric, algebraic and metaphoric ways of relating their concept image and the definition. The results of the study suggest that in generating explanations for the definition, students rely on their intuitive understandings of subspace. These intuitive understandings can be problematic, in the case of seeing R 2 as a subspace of R 4 , but they can also be very powerful in developing a more comprehensive understanding of subspace.

In addition to the geometric mode of reasoning that Hillel references, problems with the symbolic notation of linear algebra have also been studied. Harel and Kaput

(1991), for example, demonstrated that students have difficulties in generating relationships between many of the formal and algebraic symbols used in linear algebra and the conceptual entities that they are intended to represent. In examining students’ decisions about whether a given set was in fact a vector space, the authors demonstrated that students who related to the vector space as a conceptual idea were better able to reason about whether a given set was a vector space than those who procedurally checked the axioms against the new set. Because symbols in advanced mathematics in general, and in linear algebra in particular, connect so many different ideas (e.g., formal notions, systems of equations, vector systems, etc.), developing an understanding of what a symbol represents conceptually is crucial to understanding linear algebra as a whole. Further evidencing students’ difficulties with symbols in linear algebra, Britton and Henderson (2009) demonstrated that students had difficulties in dealing with the notion of closure. Specifically, the students had problems in moving between a formal understanding of subspace and the algebraic mode in which a problem was stated. These authors argued that student difficulties stemmed from an insufficient understanding of the various symbols used in the questions and in the formal definition of subspace.

Dorier, Robert, Robinet and Rogalski (2000a) expressed concern that in the French secondary school system the strong emphasis on algebraic concepts in linear algebra leaves little room for set theory and elementary logic. They contend that this absence leads to difficulty in working with the formal aspects of linear algebra. For example,

students are often unable to reason with definitions and abstract concepts. Dorier,

Robert, Robinet, and Rogalski (2000b) and Rogalski (2000) take an approach to dealing with these problems that involves teaching linear algebra as a long term strategy, having students revisit problems in a variety of different settings—geometric, algebraic, and formal. It also involves what the authors call the meta-lever in which students reflect on their activity in order to draw connections between the various settings and to build generalizations.

Other efforts to improve student learning include the work of Klapsinou and Gray

(1999), who studied a course in which students were first given concrete instantiations of linear algebra concepts and then used those concrete instantiations to generate understanding of the formal definitions of these concepts. The authors noted that students who were taught in this manner later had difficulty with understanding the definition and applying it to different situations. The authors argue that taking a computational approach and then developing the abstractions refines students’ processes for doing computation in linear algebra, but not their understanding of certain concepts as objects. Portnoy, Grundmeier and Graham (2006), in a study of pre-service teachers in a transformational geometry course, demonstrated that students who had been utilizing transformations as processes that transformed geometric objects into other geometric objects had difficulty writing proofs regarding linear transformations. The authors argued that the process nature of students’ understanding of transformation contributed to their understanding of the concept in general, but they may not have developed the necessary object understanding for writing correct proofs.

Other efforts to improve the learning and teaching of linear algebra have drawn on

APOS theory. Dubinsky (1997), for example, detailed how APOS theory could be used to analyze student thinking and develop linear algebra pedagogy from a constructivist perspective. Studies in linear algebra from an APOS perspective have focused on a variety of concepts including linear independence and dependence

(Bogomolny, 2008). Recently, Stewart and Thomas (2009) used APOS theory in conjunction with Tall’s (2004) three worlds of mathematics understanding (embodied, symbolic, and formal) to analyze students’ understanding of various concepts in linear algebra, including linear independence and dependence, span and basis. In a series of studies, the authors found that students did not think of many of these concepts from an embodied standpoint, but instead tended to rely upon an action/process oriented, symbolic way of reasoning.

Stewart and Thomas (2007) conducted a study of two groups of linear algebra students. They employed a course in which the students were introduced to embodied, geometric representations in linear algebra along with the formal and the symbolic.

The authors claim that the embodied view enriched students’ understanding of the concepts and allowed them to bridge between concepts more effectively than employing just symbolic processes. In another study, Stewart and Thomas (2010) demonstrated that students viewed basis from the perspective of the embodied, as a

set of three non-coplanar vectors, symbolically, as the column vectors of a matrix with three pivot positions, and formally, as a set of three linearly independent column vectors. The students in this study, however, were tended mostly toward the symbolic-process oriented view for most concepts.

In order to address students’ difficulties in bridging the many representational forms and the variety of concepts present in linear algebra, some researchers have turned to computers to aid in teaching (e.g., Berry, Lapp, & Nyman, 2008; Dogan-Dunlap &

Hall, 2004; Hillel, 2001). Dreyfus, Hillel, and Sierpinska (1998) postulated that a geometric but coordinate-free approach to issues such as transformations and eigenvectors may be helpful in coming to understand these concepts. The authors found that the use of a computer environment and tasks enabled students to develop a dynamic understanding of transformation, but that it hindered their ability to understand transformation as relating a general vector to its image under the transformation. In another study, (Sierpinska, Dreyfus, & Hillel, 1999) the authors investigated how students determined if a transformation was linear or not using

Cabri. In this study, the researchers discovered that students made determinations about a transformation’s linearity based upon a single example. Thus, they checked if for the vector, v , a scalar k , and the transformation T , if T ( kv )= kT ( v ). For this task the researchers found that the students checked only one image of kv under the transformation and did not vary v using the program’s capabilities. Recently, Meel and Hern (2005) created a series of interactive applets using Geometer’s Sketchpad and JavaSketchpad to teach linear algebra. Their intention in developing and using these tools was “to help students experience the mathematics and then lead them to examine additional examples that help them recognize the misinterpretation or misgeneralization” (p. 7). From anecdotal evidence, the authors noted that these activities have been largely successful in accomplishing this task.

More recently, different research teams have been spearheading innovations in the teaching and learning of linear algebra. Cooley, Martin, Vidakovic, and Loch (2007) developed a linear algebra course that combines the teaching of linear algebra with learning APOS. By focusing on a theory for how mathematical knowledge is generated, students were made aware of their own thought processes and could then enrich their understanding of linear algebra accordingly. In Mexico, researchers have been working with Models and Modeling (Lesh & Doerr, 2003) and APOS to develop instruction that leverages students’ intuitive ways of thinking to teach linear algebra.

For example, Possani, Trigueros, Preciado, and Lozano (2010) utilized a genetic composition of linear independence and dependence and systems of equations in order to aid in the creation of a task sequence. The task sequence, which asked students to model the coordination of the traffic flow in a particular area of town, was designed to present students with a problem that they could first mathematize and then use to understand linear independence and dependence.

In the United States, another group of researchers are drawing on sociocultural theories (Cobb & Bauersfeld, 1995) and the instructional design theory of Realistic

Mathematics Education (Freudenthal, 1973) to explore the prospects and possibilities for improving the teaching and learning of linear algebra. Using a design research approach (Kelly, Lesh, & Baek, 2008), these researchers are simultaneously creating instructional sequences and examining how students reasoning about key concepts such as eigen-vectors and eigen-values, linear independence, linear dependence, span, and linear transformation (Henderson, Rasmussen, Zandieh, Wawro, & Sweeney,

2010; Larson, Zandieh, & Rasmussen, 2008; Sweeney, 2011). For example, these authors examined students’ various interpretations with the equation A [x y] = 2 [x y], where [x y] is a vector and A is a 2 x 2 matrix prior to any instruction on eigen theory.

They identified three main categories of student interpretation and argue knowledge of student thinking prior to formal instruction is essential for developing thoughtful teaching that builds on and extends student thinking. This group has also begun to disseminate studies on the sequences of tasks for developing student reasoning of basis and constructing understanding of vectors, vector equations, linear dependence and independence and span. For example, Wawro, Zandieh, Sweeney, Larson, and

Rasmussen (2011) report on student reasoning as they reinvented the concepts of span and linear independence. The reinvention of these concepts was guided by an innovative instructional sequence that began with vector equations (versus systems of equations like most introductory texts do) and successfully leveraged students’ intuitive imagery of vectors as movement to develop formal definitions. This more recent work challenges some of the earlier findings that students’ intuitive ways of reasoning is an obstacle to the formal mathematics.


Research in that area has mainly focused on linear algebra. A synthetic article (Dorier,

Robert, Robinet, Rogalski, 2000) summarizes the specificities of the approach developed in the research work carried out in the nineties in the DIDIREM team, showing the importance attached to epistemological analysis in that research and evidencing the key role played by the notion of rank, the distance between students’ actual knowledge and the new knowledge aimed at due to the FUG characteristics of the conceptualizations involved, the lack of good problems allowing students to work with implicit tools of algebraic nature from which linear concepts could emerge also resulting from these FUG characteristics. It also presents how engineering designs emerged from these analyses, relying on what the authors call the “meta-mathematical lever” and mobility between settings, semiotic registers, points of view.

This epistemological perspective has been reworked in the recent years, associated with a general reflection on the forms of intelligibility which need to be combined for developing epistemological studies useful to didacticians (Rogalski, 2008) and on

FUG notions and the distance they generate (Robert, 2011). Note that the use of the idea of FUG concept is no longer restricted to linear algebra.

A recent doctoral thesis on the key concept of duality (De Vleeschouwer, 2010) has extended the area of research already covered. From the theoretical point of view this research adopts an anthropological perspective, that provided by ATD. This leads her

to analyze mathematical and didactical organizations and praxeologies involving this concept, and try to understand the systems of conditions and constraints shaping these.

The author relies on Winslow’s work (2007) who retains from ATD two elements for explaining the nature of the transition: the fact that university is both a terrain for research and teaching practices which influence transpositive processes, and the change in balance in the development of the practical and theoretical blocks of praxeologies. She confirms the importance of looking at the respective development of these practical and theoretical blocks for understanding students’ difficulties with duality. In a recent publication with Gueudet (De Vleeschouwer & Gueudet, 2010), she discusses the change in didactical contract at the transition, distinguishing three different levels (the general pedagogical contract, the contract regarding the mathematics discipline, the contract regarding duality). The recent doctoral thesis by

Najar (2010) also adopts such a theoretical perspective. The thesis focuses on the transition in Tunisia regarding the concept of function, and on the fact that this concept which essentially lives in Calculus in Tunisian high schools becomes a settheory concept and a concept central in algebra and linear algebra through the notions of homomorphism and isomorphism of algebraic structures when entering university.

The research carried out with high school students entering selected programs at university, adopts an institutional approach for identifying the existing discontinuities in the functional culture between high school and university, and their effects on these selected and motivated students. A particular attention is paid to the change in balance between the practical and theoretical blocks of functional praxeologies at the transition, the change in the distribution of math responsibilities between teachers and students, and the important change also in reasoning modes and use of semiotic resources linked to the new habitat of functional objects. As is the case in the previous thesis, a didactic engineering project is then developed for helping students understand and adapt to these changes, ordinary practices underestimating their cognitive needs.

Regarding linear algebra, another dimension of research deals with the relationships between linear algebra and geometry. These relationships were at the core of the doctoral thesis by Gueudet (Gueudet, 2004). In her habilitation dissertation (Gueudet,

2008), she has synthetized ten years of research in that area. She identifies the specific views on students difficulties, in the secondary-tertiary transition in linear algebra, resulting from different theoretical perspectives. The epistemological view leads to focus on linear algebra as an axiomatic theory, very abstract for the students.

Focusing of reasoning modes leads her to identify the need, in linear algebra, for various forms of flexibility- in particular, flexibility between dimensions. Moreover, as already mentioned above, an ATD framework leads to observe differences in the way the institutions – secondary school and university – shape the mathematical content. Another contribution in that area is that by Sackur & al. (2005). Inspired by

Cavaillès and Wittgenstein, these authors make a distinction between different levels of knowledge, and especially level I (mathematical knowledge) and level II

(knowledge about the rules of the mathematical game). They interpret some resistant

students’ difficulties as a lack of experience of “epistemological necessity” and build didactical designs for overcoming this obstacle. One example regards the students’ difficulties with equations of plane in which a variable is missing.

Researchers approaching transitions issues within an ATD perspective have also developed some distinctions regarding praxeologies which seem promising for approaching transition issues. For instance, Schneider and Lebeau (2010) identify two categories of praxeologies: praxeologies of a modeling type and praxeologies of a deductive type and use this distinction in the context of analytical geometry for developing an engineering design addressing the same issue as Sackur & al but with high school students.


Research in that area has mainly focused on linear algebra. A synthetic article (Dorier,

Robert, Robinet, Rogalski, 2000) summarizes the specificities of the approach developed in the research work carried out in the nineties in the DIDIREM team, showing the importance attached to epistemological analysis in that research and evidencing the key role played by the notion of rank, the distance between students’ actual knowledge and the new knowledge aimed at due to the FUG characteristics of the conceptualizations involved, the lack of good problems allowing students to work with implicit tools of algebraic nature from which linear concepts could emerge also resulting from these FUG characteristics. It also presents how engineering designs emerged from these analyses, relying on what the authors call the “meta-mathematical lever” and mobility between settings, semiotic registers, points of view.

This epistemological perspective has been reworked in the recent years, associated with a general reflection on the forms of intelligibility which need to be combined for developing epistemological studies useful to didacticians (Rogalski, 2008) and on

FUG notions and the distance they generate (Robert, 2011). Note that the use of the idea of FUG concept is no longer restricted to linear algebra.

A recent doctoral thesis on the key concept of duality (De Vleeschouwer, 2010) has extended the area of research already covered. From the theoretical point of view this research adopts an anthropological perspective, that provided by ATD. This leads her to analyze mathematical and didactical organizations and praxeologies involving this concept, and try to understand the systems of conditions and constraints shaping these. The author relies on Winslow’s work (2007) who retains from ATD two elements for explaining the nature of the transition: the fact that university is both a terrain for research and teaching practices which influence transpositive processes, and the change in balance in the development of the practical and theoretical blocks of praxeologies. She confirms the importance of looking at the respective development of these practical and theoretical blocks for understanding students’ difficulties with duality. In a recent publication with Gueudet (De Vleeschouwer &

Gueudet, 2010), she discusses the change in didactical contract at the transition, distinguishing three different levels (the general pedagogical contract, the contract regarding the mathematics discipline, the contract regarding duality).

The recent doctoral thesis by Najar (2010) also adopts such a theoretical perspective.

The thesis focuses on the transition in Tunisia regarding the concept of function, and on the fact that this concept which essentially lives in Calculus in Tunisian high schools becomes a set-theory concept and a concept central in algebra and linear algebra through the notions of homomorphism and isomorphism of algebraic structures when entering university. The research carried out with high school students entering selected programs at university, adopts an institutional approach for identifying the existing discontinuities in the functional culture between high school and university, and their effects on these selected and motivated students. A particular attention is paid to the change in balance between the practical and theoretical blocks of functional praxeologies at the transition, the change in the distribution of math responsibilities between teachers and students, and the important change also in reasoning modes and use of semiotic resources linked to the new habitat of functional objects. As is the case in the previous thesis, a didactic engineering project is then developed for helping students understand and adapt to these changes, ordinary practices underestimating their cognitive needs.

Regarding linear algebra, another dimension of research deals with the relationships between linear algebra and geometry. These relationships were at the core of the doctoral thesis by Gueudet (Gueudet, 2004). In her habilitation dissertation (Gueudet,

2008), she has synthetized ten years of research in that area. She identifies the specific views on students difficulties, in the secondary-tertiary transition in linear algebra, resulting from different theoretical perspectives. The epistemological view leads to focus on linear algebra as an axiomatic theory, very abstract for the students.

Focusing of reasoning modes leads her to identify the need, in linear algebra, for various forms of flexibility- in particular, flexibility between dimensions. Moreover, as already mentioned above, an ATD framework leads to observe differences in the way the institutions – secondary school and university – shape the mathematical content. Another contribution in that area is that by Sackur & al. (2005). Inspired by

Cavaillès and Wittgenstein, these authors make a distinction between different levels of knowledge, and especially level I (mathematical knowledge) and level II

(knowledge about the rules of the mathematical game). They interpret some resistant students’ difficulties as a lack of experience of “epistemological necessity” and build didactical designs for overcoming this obstacle. One example regards the students’ difficulties with equations of plane in which a variable is missing.

Researchers approaching transitions issues within an ATD perspective have also developed some distinctions regarding praxeologies which seem promising for approaching transition issues. For instance, Schneider and Lebeau (2010) identify two categories of praxeologies: praxeologies of a modeling type and praxeologies of a deductive type and use this distinction in the context of analytical geometry for developing an engineering design addressing the same issue as Sackur & al but with high school students.

Discrete Mathematics

Discrete mathematics occupy a rather variable place in mathematics education: in some countries, only a very small number of discrete mathematics concepts are taught, except perhaps those related with combinatorics and the basics of number theory. Discrete mathematics can be introduced, either as a mathematical theory, or as a set of tools to solve problems (a graph is a basic and intrinsic modelling tool). For example, mathematical games are often based on problems in discrete mathematics.

We present below three contributions at ICME-11 from members from the

Francophone community which illustrate how discrete mathematics can be used in mathematics in both high school and university for addressing important issues in the transition such are the nature and elaboration of mathematical definitions, and reasoning modes such as for instance reasoning by induction, necessary and sufficient conditions...

Learners’conceptions in different class situations on Königsberg’s bridges problem

Léa CARTIER & Julien MONCEL, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France

The paper focuses on the so-called Königsberg’s bridges problem. This famous problem is often used as an introduction to graph theory and discrete mathematics. It is also frequently proposed as an “enigma” in “recreational mathematics”. However, its complete solution is rarely given and its mathematical depth is usually masked.

Indeed, although the problem is nowadays completely solved, it remains a subtle and interesting one, giving access to fundamental mathematical concepts like proofs, necessary and sufficient conditions, modelling. We propose the analysis of the lecture of a historical document, conduced with undergraduate students in computer science and applied mathematics. We show that, whereas this problem and its solution are

(apparently) simple, pupils and students at various levels encounter the same difficulties on some specific points that we describe, concerning proving and modelling. In addition, a careful look at Leonhard Euler’s proof reveals that he might have encountered the same difficulties, actually missing an important part of the proof.

EULER L. (1736). Solutio problematis ad geometriam situs pertinentis,

Commentarii academiae scientiarum Petropolitanae 8 , pp 128-140.

Discrete mathematics : a mathematical field in itself but also a field on experiments.

A case study : displacements on a regular grid

Cécile OUVRIER-BUFFET, DIDIREM & Université Paris 12, France

The main feature of my mathematical and didactical research concerns the elaboration of definitions, a process rarely studied for itself. The guiding idea is to provisionally map the field with definitions serving as temporary markers for concept formation.

My research was conducted in discrete mathematics on the following various

concepts: trees (a well-known concept, possibly approached in several ways), discrete straight lines (a concept still at work, for instance in the perspective of the design of discrete geometry) and a wide study of properties of displacements on a regular grid. I chose to develop this last point for two reasons. First, the study of this kind of situation brings partial answers to the question : “How can discrete mathematics contribute to make students acquire the fundamental skills involved in defining, modelling and proving, at various levels of knowledge?” A mathematical work on

(“linear”) positive integer combinations of discrete displacements actually involves skills such as defining, proving and conceiving new concepts. Second, this situation leads us to work in discrete mathematics but also in linear algebra, as similar concepts are involved. A new question emerges: discrete mathematics are a mathematical field in itself, but can they also be a field of experiments in order to simultaneously investigate skills, knowledge and concepts involved in other mathematical fields as well ?

Some specific concepts and tools of discrete mathematics

Denise GRENIER, Institut Fourier, Grenoble University I, France

Discrete Mathematics, as they deal with finite or countable sets, bring into play several overlapping domains, e.g. number theory, graph theory, and combinatorial geometry. As a consequence of the peculiarities of discreteness versus continuum, interesting specific reasoning modes and new tools can be constructed, such as coloring, proof by exhaustion of cases, proof by induction, use of the Pigeonhole principle (Grenier 2001, 2003). Further concepts involved in other mathematical domains are also used in a specific manner, e.g. optimization techniques and the notions of generating set or minimal set. In this TSG, I developed two of these tools, the Pigeonhole Principle and the Finite Induction Principle. The Pigeonhole Principle plays an important role in numerous reasonings involving integer numbers. Its generalization allows existence problems to be solved. It is unusually effective, in that it simplifies the exposure of a proof or a solution, and may appear as the only possible way of solving a problem. Further, my research has shown that French students have limited and often inaccurate knowledge about induction, which is neither taught as a concept and almost always restricted to the case of an algebraic property P(n). A consequence of these didactic challenges is that misconceptions persist in the knowledge of many students, which I tried to address through assigning new original problems to students.

Logic, language and quantification

The difficulties met by fresh students concerning logic are well recognized by teachers and mathematics educators all around the world. In France, research on the role of logic in the learning and teaching of mathematics, and more specially proof and proving, are developed since the eighties. Durand-Guerrier (2003), as well as

Deloustal-Jorrand (2004) or Rogalski and Rogalski (2004) point out the importance of taking in account quantification matters in order to analyse difficulties related to implication, and more generally mathematical reasoning. In the same line, in

Tunisian context, Chellougui (2004, 2009) investigates the use of quantification by fresh university students in Tunisia. Her didactic analysis of textbooks and course notes concerning upper limit, as well as an interview with pairs of students in a problem-solving situation, revealed, on the one hand, the didactic phenomena related to the alternation of the two types of quantifiers and, on the other hand, difficulties in mobilizing the definition of the objects and the structures, which illustrate a major problem in the conceptualization process. These authors, as well as Durand-Guerrier and Arsac (2003, 2005) acknowledge that the importance of these questions seems to be largely underestimated by teachers as well at secondary school as at tertiary level, as it appears in particular in textbooks. Durand-Guerrier and Arsac (2003, 2005) enlighten the fact that a main challenge for novices is to develop together mathematical knowledge and logical skills, that are closely intertwined. Durand-

Guerrier (2005) supports the relevance of a model theoretic point of view for analysing proof and proving in mathematics. These pieces of research concern mostly written mathematical discourse. In order to study deeply the oral interaction in argumentation and proof, Barrier (2009a, 2009b) introduces a semantic and dialogic perspective as developed by Hintikka. This permits to enlighten the importance of back and forth between syntax and semantics in the proving process in advanced mathematics (e.g. Blossier, Barrier & Durand-Guerrier, 2009). All this research, together with research in other areas, pleads for the necessity of developing programs allowing fresh tertiary students to master the logical competences required by the learning of advanced mathematics, taking in account that in many countries, mathematics is studied in French by students whose mother tongue is not French, what reinforces the logical difficulties they meet. This is developed by Durand-

Guerrier and Njomgang Ngansop (2011) in Cameron, in continuity with the work of

Ben Kilani (2005) at secondary level in Tunisia.


A previous ICME survey report on proof (Mariotti et al., 2004) raised a number of questions that relate to transition issues. Among these were: “ Is proof so crucial in the mathematics culture that it is worthwhile to include it in school curricula?; What are the meanings of proof and proving in school mathematics and how are these meanings introduced into curricula in different countries? Important aspects include students’ conceptions on proof, students’ achievements, and teachers’ conceptions on proof; and How has research in mathematics education approached the issue of proof. In particular, is it possible to overcome the difficulties in introducing pupils to proof so often described by teachers?” (Mariotti et al., 2004, p. 184).

The key difference between school and university, which is expressed as a possible rupture, is that schools focus on argumentation while universities consider deductive proof (Mariotti et al., 2004, p. 193). In a translation of his own paper (Balacheff,

1999) , Balacheff argues for the notion of Cognitive Unity ( Boero, Garuti & Mariotti,

1996) as a potential bridge between them, saying “I would summarize in a formula the place that I find possible for argumentation in mathematics , according to the notion of Cognitive Unity as it was introduced by our Italian colleagues: argumentatio n relates to conjecture, like proof does to a theorem” (Mariotti et al.,

2004, p. 19 4). The survey report further proposed that “Research studies concerning the analysis of argumentation processes and their comparison with the production of mathematical proof appear to be very promising” (Mariotti et al., 2004, p. 201). The suggestion by Heinze and Reiss (2003) was that schools need to move students away from inductive arguments toward formal argumentation. More recently, Antonini and

Mariotti (2008) have applied the Cognitive Unity framework to the application of indirect proofs, such as contradiction and contraposition. They suggest that this provides a perspective, taking into account both epistemological and cognitive considerations, from which one may observe the relationship between argumentation and proof by focussing on analogies, without forgetting differences.

The 2004 survey report further recommended a cautious approach, suggesting that the inclusion of proof in the school or university curriculum is only a first step, and it is important to ensure that the goals for doing so should be clarified, along with processes for how they will be operationalized (Mariotti et al., 2004, p. 200).

In the years since that report then there have been many studies considering the role of proof, both at school and university. However, there appear to have been very few studies directly addressing proof as an issue of transition. While this is the case, the research does point out some of the key differences between approaches to proof in school and in university and makes suggestions for pedagogical approaches that might assist in the transition. In this section we draw on some of these aspects of proof studies.

Some of these studies have presented theoretical perspectives that may prove useful in considering the role of proof in transition. One of these is that of Harel (2008a, b), who proposes a framework called DNR-based instruction, which involves duality (D), necessity (N) and repeated reasoning (R). In this he makes a distinction between ways of understanding, a generalisation of the idea of proof, and ways of thinking, which generalises the notion of proof scheme, but also includes problem solving approaches and beliefs about mathematics. In general, proof schemes are present at school, while learning and understanding in university is via proofs. One of the principal implications of defining mathematics as comprising both aspects is “that mathematics curricula at all grade levels, including curricula for teachers, should be thought of in terms of the constituent elements of mathematics—ways of understanding and ways of thinking—not only in terms of the former, as currently is largely the case.” (Harel,

2008, p. 490). However, such a definition of mathematics is consistent with mathematicians’ practice of mathematics, but not with their perception of it. There is a fundamental difference between the way mathematicians perceive mathematics and the way they practice it in their research. One reason for this may be, as Hanna and

Janke (1993 – cited in Balacheff, 2008) hypothesise, that “Communication in scholarly mathematics serves mainly to cope with mathematical complexity, while communication at schools serves more to cope with epistemological complexity.”

(Balacheff, 2008, p. 433).

Figure 1. The main constructs of Harel’s DNR framework.

Since transition involves maturation and its accompanying changes in thinking, a second framework that seems relevant is the Three Worlds of Mathematics framework of Tall (2004a, b, 2008). Tall, and Mejia-Ramos (2006) apply this to outline the changes in proof types that they suggest occur as students become more mathematically sophisticated. Firstly, in the embodied world, the individual begins with physical experiments to find how things fit together. Then in the symbolic world, arguments begin with specific numerical calculations and develop into the proof of algebraic identities by symbolic manipulation. However, it is only in the formal world where proof by formal deduction occurs. Thus as students develop cognitively, moving through the three worlds, their argument warrants (Toulmin, 1958) change, and the hope is that formal proof will become the only acceptable warrant. Tall (2004) refers to this as moving through the ‘three worlds’ of mathematics. Pinto and Tall

(2002) also describe natural thinking as using thought experiments based on embodiment and symbolism to give meaning to definitions and to suggest possible theorems for formal proof.

Among the recommendations for pedagogical change that would have implications for transition is an important point made by Balacheff (2008) and others (eg Hemmi,

2008) is that there is a need for more explicit teaching of proof, both in school and university. Some, (e.g., Stylianides & Stylianides, 2007; Hanna & Barbeau, 2008) argue for it to be made a central topic in each kind of institution. One reason for this given by Hanna and Barbeau (2008) is that, apart from their intrinsic value, proofs may display fresh methods, tools, strategies and concepts that are of wider applicability in mathematics and open up new mathematical directions for students.

One example they cite, applicable to transition, is that an algebraic proof of the

formula for solving a quadratic equation introduces the technique of adding a term and then subtracting it again. Hence they argue that “…proofs could be accorded a major role in the secondary-school classroom precisely because of their potential to convey to students important elements of mathematical elements such as strategies and methods.” ( Hanna & Barbeau, 2008, p. 352). One way to make proof more central in the school mathematics classroom, proposed by Heinze et al. (2008) is the use of heuristic worked-out examples as an instrument for learning proof. While these kind of examples are based on traditional worked-out examples, they make explicit the heuristics of the problem solving process. The research showed some success with low- and average-achieving students, but there was no significant effect for highachieving students ( ibid ). However, if proof is made more central, Balacheff, (2008) cautions that teaching of mathematical proof “must not lead to an emphasis on the form, but on the meaning of proof within the mathematical activity.” (p. 506). Further, he maintains that to understand what proving is about requires the systematic organization of validation (eg control), communication (eg representation) and the nature of knowing. Three requirements for successful engagement with proof are also listed by Stylianides and Stylianides (2007), namely to recognize the need for a proof, to understand the role of definitions in the development of a proof, and the ability to use deductive reasoning.

Two potential difficulties in any attempt to place proving more prominently in the transition years are the role of definitions, and the problem of student met-befores

(Tall & Mejia-Ramos, 2006). A desire to use definitions as the basis of deductive reasoning in schools is likely to meet serious problems since, according to Harel

(2008,) this form of reasoning is generally not available to school students. In fact he claims

…it does not become an integral part of the repertoire of students’ ways of thinking until advanced grades (if at all)… Understanding the notion of mathematical definition and appreciating the role and value of mathematical definitions in proving is a developmental process, which is not achieved for most students until adulthood.” (Harel, 2008, p. 495).

Evidence for this is that when asked to define ‘invertible matrix’, many linear algebra students stated a series of equivalent properties (e.g., “a square matrix with a nonzero determinant”, ‘‘a square matrix with full rank”, etc.) rather than a definition. The conclusion is that the providion of more than one such property indicates that they were not thinking in terms of a mathematical definition (Harel, 2008). A study by

Hemmi (2008) agrees that students have difficulties understanding the role of definitions in proofs and lack experience of proving in their secondary school mathematics. She advocates a style of teaching that uses the principle of transparency , making the difference between empirical evidence and deductive argument visible to students. In this manner proof techniques, key ideas, structures of proofs could be taught at the same time as proof is used by the teacher and the students to verify, convince and explain mathematics. Her study showed that for students many aspects of proof remained invisible and they often wondered exactly what constituted a proof, since there were no discussions about proof or proof techniques for students new to it.

Adding transparency would avoid students being left to themselves to find out and

judge if their solutions are correct, and why. A study by Cartiglia et al. (2004) showed that the cognitive influence of student met-befores (Tall & Mejia-Ramos, 2006) was strong, with the most recent met-before for university students, namely a formal approach, having a strong influence on their reasoning. Having formed the habit of using formal mathematical knowledge as the only resource for doing mathematics inhibited their ability to look for meaning in algebraic formulas.

Another possible difficulty is the form of teaching in schools. It has been suggested that one of the major differences between argumentation and mathematical proof that could lead teachers to advance mostly argumentation skills with little or no deductive reasoning is the need to distinguish between the status and content of a proposition

(Duval, 2002; Harel, 2008). A potential way forward is proposed by Inglis, Mejia-

Ramos, and Simpson (2007), who argue for use of the full Toulmin argumentation scheme, including its modal qualifier and rebuttal. Their research indicates that “nondeductive warrant-types play a crucial role in mathematical argumentation, as long as they are paired with appropriate modal qualifiers … they retain the use of the warrants that have been used in previous ‘worlds’ or ‘proof schemes,’ but they qualify them appropriately (where appropriateness is defined by expert practice).” ( Inglis,

Mejia-Ramos, & Simpson, 2007, p. 17) This has possible implications for transition, since it would not be necessary for teaching to go straight to the use of formal deductive warrants.

A positive pedagogical approach to teaching of proving proposed by a number of researchers (eg Kondratieva, 2010; Pedemonte, 2007, 2008 ) is student construction and justification of conjectures. Pedemonte’s (2007) conclusion was that teaching of proof based on presentation of proofs to students and getting them to reproduce them, rather than to construct them, appears to be unsuccessful. Instead she highlights the need for o pen problems that ask for a conjecture, which appears to be a very effective way to introduce the learning of proof. She also discusses (Pedemonte, 2007, 2008) the relationship between argumentation and proof in terms of structural distance , moving from abductive, or plausible, argumentation to a deductive proof, where in the former inferences are based on content rather than on a deductive scheme. She argues for an abductive step in the structurant argumentation (coming after a conjecture, to justify it), since it “could be useful in maintaining the connection between the referential system in the constructive argumentation [contributing to construction of a conjecture] and the referential system in the proof, because it could help students to maintain the meaning of numerical examples used to construct the conjecture and algebraic letters used in the proof.” (Pedemonte, 2008, p. 390). In this way it is hoped that the abductive step would decrease the gap between the arithmetic field in argumentation and the algebraic field in proof, and thus assist in transition.

Another pedagogical approach, presented by Kondratieva (2010), uses the idea of an interconnecting problem to get students to construct and justify conjectures. The problem should allow simple formulation, solutions at various levels, be solvable using tools from different mathematical branches, and appropriate for different

contexts. The value of conjecture production has also been espoused (Antonini &

Mariotti, 2008) during production of indirect proofs, such as by contradiction and contraposition. The research, using a Cognitive Unity approach, showed that the production of indirect argumentation can hide some significant cognitive processes.

Hence, they propose that task of producing a conjecture offers students the possibility both of activating these processes and of constructing a bridge to overcome the gaps.

The conclusion is that “…without any conjecturing phase, some gaps could not be bridged or could require sacrifices and mental efforts that not all the students seem to be able to make.” (Antonini & Mariotti, 2008, p. 411).

Two possible strategies to prepare upper secondary school students for transition to the rigour of tertiary proofs suggested by Yevdokimov (2003) include: the value of intuitive guesses, and experience in what distinguishes a reasonable guess from one that is less reasonable; and a consideration of restrictions on statements and proofs.

This idea of considering restrictions, which links to ideas about the status of a proposition (Duval, 2002; Harel, 2008), has led some to propose the idea of pivotal and bridging examples, and suggest that a strategy using counterexamples can assist students with proof ideas (Zazkis & Chernoff, 2008). They claim that one benefit of a counterexample is to produce cognitive conflict in the student, and a pivotal example is designed to create a turning point in the learner’s cognitive perception ( ibid ), while

Stylianides and Stylianides (2007) state that counterexamples also foster deductive reasoning, since we make deductions by building models and looking for counterexamples . For Zazkis and Chernoff (2008) a counterexample is a mathematical concept, while a pivotal example is a pedagogical concept, and it is important that pivotal examples are within, but pushing the boundaries of the student’s potential example space (Watson & Mason, 2005 – those examples they have experienced). The importance of developing mathematical thinking through extension of example spaces by the addition of examples and counterexamples has been advocated by Mason and Klymchuk (2009). Another way to expand students’ example spaces, researched by Iannone et al. (2011), was based on Dahlberg and

Housman’s ( 1997 ) idea that getting students to generate their own examples of mathematical concepts might improve their ability to produce proofs. However, the results did not support the hypothesis that generating examples is a more effective preparation for proof production tasks than reading worked examples. They conclude that this may be because of the examples employed, and believe that there is currently insufficient guidance available on how to generate suitable examples effectively

( Iannone et al., 2011 ). The role of examples also arose in research by Weber and

Mejia-Ramos (2011) on how to read proofs. They looked at proof reading by mathematicians and found that they were mainly concerned with understanding the key ideas, the structure and the techniques employed. Hence they suggest that “One implication for the design of learning environments is that students might be taught how to use examples to increase their conviction in, or understanding of, a proof in the same way that the mathematicians in this paper described the ways that they read

proofs.” (Weber and Mejia-Ramos, 2011. p. 14). One of these ways is that they might see the value or insight that understanding, a proof may provide for them personally.

A pedagogical strategy propose by Yevdokimov (2003) is that a way to arouse interest and free students from the monotony of ‘standard’ problems is to give them questions such as find the mistakes in a given proof. However, when students check for errors in proofs they should be directed to consider three aspects of the methodological knowledge, proof scheme, proof structure and chain of conclusions

(Heinze & Reiss, 2003).

Regardless of the route taken, there has been a discussion ( Alcock & Inglis, 2008,

2009; Weber, 2009) on the relative roles of syntactic and semantic reasoning in proof construction. However, this seems to hinge on the definition of a syntactic proof, whether all, or just most, of the reasoning occurs within the representation system of proof. Alcock and Inglis (2008, 2009) argue that there are different strategies of proof construction among experts, and hence we need to identify these in order to know what skills we need to teach students and how they can be employed. They propose a need for large-scale studies to investigate undergraduate proof production, and an extension of this to include upper secondary school could be beneficial for transition.

One specific kind of problem that may be a good introduction to proof in schools, as suggested by Harel (2008), is one involving proof by mathematical induction.

However, he claims that this method of proving is often considered too quickly and the DNR framework suggests that a slower approach is necessary for understanding

(Harel, 2001). In addition, Man-Keung Siu (2008) recommends the use of history to help students engage with proof, thus humanising it, placing it in a cultural, sociopolitical and intellectual context.

Mathematical modelling and applications

Blum et al. (2002) wrote in the Discussion Document of 14th ICMI Study: “It is not at all surprising that applications and modelling have been – and still are – a central theme in mathematics education. Nearly all questions and problems in mathematics education, that is questions and problems concerning human learning and teaching of mathematics, affect and are affected by relations between mathematics and the real world.” This might be the reason why research on mathematical modelling and applications has attracted an increasing interest during the last few decades. This increasing trend can be noted from the fact that in recent years there are a huge number of research literature focusing on the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling and applications published in various mathematics education journals, ranging from all education levels including primary, secondary, tertiary and teachers education. In addition to these journal papers, there are also several international conferences/events dedicated to the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling and applications. Let us mention, in particular, the following events and the resulting documents:


The 14th ICMI Study: With the theme “modelling and applications in

mathematics education”, the study conference was held in Dortmund (Germany),

February, 2004. The study volume was published in 2007 as:

Blum, W., Galbraith, P. L., Henn, H.-W. & Niss, M. (Eds.). (2007). Modelling and applications in mathematics education. The 14th ICMI Study. New York/etc.:

Springer, New ICMI Studies series 10.


The 20th ICMI Study (The ICMI/ICIAM joint Study): With the theme

“Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry”, the study conference was held in Lisbon (Portugal), October, 2010. The study conference was published as:

Araújo A., Fernandes A., Azevedo A., Rodrigues J. F. (Eds.). (2010).

EIMI 2010

Conference (educational interfaces between mathematics and industry)


Comap Inc., Bedford, MA, USA.


ICTMA Conferences (the International Conferences on the Teaching of

Mathematical Modelling and Applications): The series conferences have been held biennially since 1983, and the coming conference ICTMA 15 will be held in

Melbourne (Australia) in July 2011. The conference proceedings for the latest three conferences are published as:

Haines C., Galbraith P., Blum W. and Khan S. (Eds.). (2007). Mathematical

Modelling: Education, Engineering and Economics (ICTMA 12) , Chichester:

Horwood Publishing.

Lesh R., Galbraith P.L., Haines C.R., and Hurford A. (Eds.). (2010). Modeling

Students' Mathematical Modeling Competencies: ICTMA13 , New York:


G. Kaiser, W. Blum, R. Borromeo Ferri & G. Stillman (Eds.), (2011). ICTMA14:

Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical modelling . (will be published soon (scheduled in April 2011) by Springer).

Literature from various mathematical education journals and above mentioned events have reported many studies and practices on the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling and applications, for both the secondary and tertiary levels.

The primary focus of many research was on practice activities, e.g. on constructing and trying out mathematical modelling examples for teaching and examinations, writing application-oriented textbooks, implementing applications and modelling into existing curricula or developing innovative, modelling oriented curricula (Blum et al.

2002). There are also extensive studies on clarifying the modelling concepts, characterising the feature of modelling processes, classifying the modelling tasks, and investigating what are and how to evaluate and improve the students’ modelling competencies and sub-competencies required for each modelling process.

However, among all the readings, it seems no literature exist explicitly discussing this topic with a focus on the "transition" from the secondary to the tertiary levels (or from any lower level to a higher level). This is a little bit strange and the reason might be due to that till now there are actually no roadmaps to sustained implementation of modelling education at all levels. Just as Blum et al. (2002) point out: “In spite of a variety of existing materials, textbooks, etc., and of many arguments for the inclusion of modelling in mathematics education, why is it that the actual role of applications and mathematical modelling in everyday teaching practice is still rather marginal, for

all levels of education? How can this trend be reversed to ensure that applications and mathematical modelling is integrated and preserved at all levels of mathematics education?” This is a big issue and it seems it remains to be resolved.

Since no literature explicitly discuss this topic with a focus on the "transition", this report only briefly report the current status of research and practice in mathematical modelling and applications which seems partially relevant to the secondary-tertiary

“transition” issue. Due to the huge number of literature in this field, this report does not mean a complete survey in any sense.

Reflections on mathematical modelling and applications

Niss et al. (2007) give an introduction both to the field of applications and modelling in mathematics education and to the study volume resulting from ICMI Study 14

(applications and modelling in mathematics education). In particular, when they talk about the duality between "applications and modelling for the learning of mathematics" and "learning mathematics for applications and modelling", they point out that “at the primary and lower secondary levels the duality is only seldom made explicit, as it is quite customary at these levels to insist on both orientations simultaneously, recognising that they are intrinsically intertwined.” However, “at upper secondary or tertiary level the duality is indeed, often, a significant one.” Their analysis suggests that “if we want students to develop applications and modelling competency as one outcome of their mathematical education, applications and modelling have to be explicitly put on the agenda of the teaching and learning of mathematics.”

In the same study volume, Stillman (2007) and Alsina (2007) present discussion summaries for the upper secondary and tertiary perspectives, respectively, on mathematical modelling and applications. Stillman points out that “High-stakes assessment at the upper secondary-tertiary interface is often seen as an unresolved problem for the infusion of modelling into the secondary curriculum at this level as other imperatives are uppermost in the minds of teachers and students driven by the demands and whims of an external examination regime in many education systems across the world.” She advocates authentic evaluation of current upper secondary assessment practices, traditional or innovative, so future planning and policy can be based on actualities other than myths. Similar idea is also mentioned by Alsina for the tertiary levels.

English and Sriraman (2010) suggest that one powerful option for advancing problem-solving curriculum development is that of mathematical modeling. In particular, they emphasize that “Further research is needed on the implementation of modelling problems in the elementary school, beginning with kindergarten and first grade. One area in need of substantial research is the development of young children’s statistical reasoning.”

Kaiser and Sriraman (2006) point out that “there does not exist a homogeneous understanding of modelling and its epistemological backgrounds within the international discussion on modelling”, and suggest “A precise clarification of concepts is necessary in order to sharpen the discussion and to contribute for a better mutual understanding.”

Maaß (2010) proposes a scheme for modelling tasks. “The scheme is intended to provide an overview of the different features of modelling tasks, thereby offering guidance in the task design and selection processes for specific aims and predefined objectives and target groups.”

Perrenet and Taconis (2009) investigates the changes in mathematical problemsolving beliefs and behaviour of mathematics students during the years after entering university. “Significant shifts for the group as a whole are reported, such as the growth of attention to metacognitive aspects in problem-solving or the growth of the belief that problem-solving is not only routine but has many productive aspects. ……The students explain the shifts mainly by the specific nature of the mathematics problems encountered at university compared to secondary school mathematics problems…….Apparently, secondary mathematics education does not quite succeed in showing an authentic image of the culture of mathematics concerning problem-solving.”

Petocz et al. (2007) includes a discussion on the advantages of using real world tasks in teaching: “An important dimension of curricula that can encourage students towards broader conceptions of mathematics is making explicit connections between students’ courses and the world of professional work. As mathematics lecturers, we can design learning tasks that model the way mathematicians work in industry and academia in order to give students an idea of the way mathematics is used in their future professions.”

Gainsburg (2008) conducts a survey for 62 secondary mathematics teachers about their understanding and use of real-world connections. One of the findings from the survey is that three primary reasons teachers don’t make more real-world connections in teaching are:

 “They tend to take more time than I feel I can spend on most math topics;”

 “They aren’t stressed in the required curriculum or on the standardized tests my students take;”

 “I’d need more resources, ideas, or training about what connections to make or how to make them.”

The recent publication of two important documents, Focus in High School

Mathematics: Reasoning and Sense Making (NCTM, 2009) and the Common Core

State Standards for Mathematics (National Governors Association Center for Best

Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010), emphasize the importance of mathematical modelling and applications:

Problem solving: instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to

Build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving

Solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts

Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems

Monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving

Connections: Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to—

 ……

Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics

Representation: Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to—

Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas

Select, apply, and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems

Use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena

Experiences for the teaching of modelling and applications

Bracke (2010) formulates two main consequences from his some twenty years experience of modelling with students:

• “The most important aspect concerning organization and implementation of modelling projects is learning by doing. Nobody would expect to become a good driver or even a pilot just by reading some books at this, quality is more or less proportional to the amount of practice (at least at the beginning. . . ).

• Mathematical modelling should be integrated into teacher training including the learning by doing component, training of the supervisor role and learning how to find problems to the same extent. To achieve this one idea is to include student teachers in organization and implementation of modelling events in schools; we started to test this concept at TU

Kaiserslautern some time ago and results are quite promising. A similar approach can be followed in advanced teacher trainings.”

Kaiser and Schwarz (2006) report their experience for modelling projects where prospective teachers together with students in upper secondary level carried out modelling examples either in ordinary lessons or special afternoon groups. In another report, Kaland et al. (2010) present experiences with modelling activities known as

“modelling week”, in which small groups of students from upper secondary level intensely work for one week on selected modelling problems, while their work is supported by pre-service-teachers. These activities are unique because they create a setting where pre-service teachers and upper secondary students are afforded the opportunity to work on authentic problems which applied mathematicians tackle in industry. For the tertiary level modelling activities, Heilio (2010) reports experiences with “modelling week” project for undergraduate students across Europe. Göttlich

(2010) reflects experiences in conducting “modeling week” projects and modelling courses with students (especially secondary level and undergraduates) at the

University of Kaiserslautern and describe how practical implementations can be performed.

Maaß and Mischo (2011) present the framework and methods of the project

STRATUM (Strategies for Teaching Understanding in and through Modelling), whose aim it is to design and evaluate teaching units for supporting the development of modelling competencies in low-achieving students at the German Hauptschule.

Ärlebäck and Frejd (2010) report that “Swedish upper secondary students do not have much experience in working with real situations and modelling problems, and that the incorporation of real problems from industry in the secondary mathematics classroom might be problematic. A closer collaboration with representatives from the industry working directly with classroom teachers and didacticians could provide an opportunity to enhance the students’ proficiency in this respect.”

Stillman and Ng (2010) recognize two different models of curriculum embedding intended to bring authentic real world applications into secondary school curricula.

The first has a system wide focus emphasizing using an applications and modelling approach to teaching and assessing all mathematics subjects in the last two years of pre-tertiary schooling. They report their experience from the second model - through interdisciplinary project work from upper primary through secondary where the anchor subject could be mathematics.

Leavitt and Ahn (2010) present a teacher’s guide of implementation strategies for

Model Eliciting Activities (MEAs) which seem getting more and more popular in secondary schools in USA.

Turner and Fowler (2010) describe an integrated collection of programs whose overall objective is to enhance especially applied mathematics education in middle and high school grades. The overall approach includes elements of professional development, student-based projects and programs of different lengths, levels and intensities, and the use of student contests to help motivate students’ interest in applied mathematics.

There are several contests in mathematical modelling and applications for both high secondary and tertiary students. The number of students participating these contests increases very fast in recent years, and these contests might be helpful to the secondary-tertiary transition in mathematical modelling and applications. The following is an incomplete list for some of the contests: o HiMCM (The High School version of the Mathematical Contest in Modeling) for high school students, MCM (Mathematical Contest in Modeling) and ICM

(Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling) for undergraduate students: All are operated annually by the Consortium for Mathematics and it Applications

(COMAP, http://www.comap.com). Currently the participants are from about

14 countries all over the world. The Consortium also provides a wealth of resources at both high school and college levels. o CUMCM (Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modelling) for undergraduate students (http://en.mcm.edu.cn): The international contest is operated annually by the Chinese Society for Industrial and Applied

Mathematics (CSIAM). Each year there are more than 1,000 institutions and

about 50,000 students participate the contest (for Chinese students, the first character “C” of CUMCM is also explained as “China”)(Xie, 2010). o Math Alympiad (http://www.fi.uu.nl/alympiade/en/): This is an annual modelling competition organized for high school students in Netherlands since

1989, with also some participants from other countries (Vos, 2010). o A B Paterson College Mathematical Modelling Challenge: Organised by A B

Paterson College, Gold Coast Queensland, Australia, for primary and secondary students Years 4-11 (the more information please visit the website http://www.abpat.qld.edu.au/Mathematics_Event.htm).


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Additional Resources

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Teses de PhD ou mestrados em Universidades Brasileiras

A) Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Paraná, Brasil http://www2.uel.br/cce/pos/mecem/pdf/Dissertacoes/thiago_nagafuchi_texo.pdf


Profª. Drª. Irinéa de Lourdes Batista – master dissertation

- TITLE: A Historical-philosophical study about the role of Mathematical Proof on

Bachelor of Mathematics Undergraduate Courses. (2009 - Master)

AUTHOR: Thiago Nagafuchi


The question that guides this research is “(how) would it be possible a more explicit teaching of mathematical proof from a historical-philosophical approach?”. And, more specifically, “what would be the significance of this question in the awarding bachelor’s degree on Mathematics?”. This research adopts a qualitative approach in which the main proceedings were documentary and bibliographic research, the historical reconstruction of mathematical proof, the pursuit for philosophical aspects of mathematical proofs and the realization and the analysis of semi-structured interviews with professors involved with the coordination of Bachelor of Mathematics undergraduate courses, searching for underlying epistemology which describes teacher’s real practice upon mathematical proof. From other mathematical education researches and the diagnosis obtained by the analysis and synthesis from the testimonials, we present some elements that make possible historical-philosophical approaches for mathematical proofs in Bachelor of Mathematics undergraduate courses, in a way that the bachelor has the ability to comprehend in a deepest way the

Science in study, possibly being able to realize a critical and analytical exam of it.

Keywords: Mathematical Proof. Proving. History of Mathematics. Philosophy of

Mathematics. Historical-philosophical Discussion. Bachelor of Mathematics. http://www2.uel.br/cce/pos/mecem/pdf/Dissertacoes/christian_bussmann_abstract.pdf


Profª Drª. Angela Marta Pereira das Dores Savioli - master dissertation

- TITLE: Knowledge involved in the course of mathematics students on the concept of group. (2009 – Master)

AUTHOR: Christian James de Castro Bussmann


In this work we investigated what knowledge about the concept of group is mobilized by students who have studied algebraic subjects solving a set of problems. Therefore applied to a group of students from third and fourth years of the Mathematics course at UEL a set of problems involving the content groups and employ the work of Sfard

(1991) for analysis of written records. We use abstract notions of concepts mathematicians that can be designed as structural (object) and operational (process), as well as stages (interiorization, condensation or reification) that manifest themselves

in the development of concepts mathematicians, in particular, algebraic structures. We concluded that knowledge mobilized by the students was in most majority of perational character and structural design appeared tentatively on some issues. Phases occurred in all matters; however there was emphasis on the internalization and condensation.

Key words: Mathematical Education. Group. Concept. Operational. Structural

B) Pontifica Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brasil

Autora: BELTRÃO, Maria Eli Puga

3 -

Título: "Ensino de Cálculo pela modelagem e aplicações: Teoria e Prática"

Data da Defesa: 15 de junho de 2009 - PhD

Linha de Pesquisa: A Matemática na Estrutura Curricular e Formação de Professores

Banca Examinadora:

- Dra. Sonia Barbosa Camargo Igliori, Orientadora


- Dra. Barbara Lutaif Bianchini (PUC/SP)

- Dr. Ubiratan D'Ambrosio (PUC/SP)

- Dr. Jonei Cerqueira Barbosa (UEFS/BA)

- Dr. Marcelo de Carvalho Borba (UNESP/RC)

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Esta tese tem por objeto de pesquisa a utilização da Modelagem e

Aplicações como abordagens de ensino da Matemática. A investigação teve dois direcionamentos: o teórico e empírico. O primeiro foi desenvolvido por meio de estudos documentais que forneceram dados históricos, dados sobre a criação e desenvolvimento dos Cursos Superiores de Tecnologia, resultados recentes de pesquisa nacionais e internacionais, bem como possibilitaram a organização de um panorama das pesquisas nacionais realizadas de 2006 a 2008, complementando o trabalho de Silveira (2007) que relacionou as pesquisas de 1976 a 2005. Esses estudos explicitaram a vitalidade da Modelagem e Aplicações como linha de pesquisa na

Educação Matemática, bem como suas potencialidades para o ensino. A pesquisa empírica teve por alvo a implementação da Modelagem e Aplicações como abordagem de ensino de Cálculo em um Curso Superior de Tecnologia de Alimentos, de uma Faculdade do Estado de São Paulo. Os procedimentos metodológicos desta pesquisa foram qualitativos, tendo o investigador como instrumento principal, e adotando as estratégias das observações participantes. Os dados coletados indicaram que a utilização da Modelagem e Aplicações, como abordagem de ensino, deve sofrer adaptações em conformidade com as condições do público alvo, e da instituição em que o curso está inserido. Levando em conta essas conclusões apresentamos uma estratégia de trabalho em fases, não necessariamente excludentes, duas delas de caráter preparatório. Esse caráter possibilitou o envolvimento dos estudantes no processo. Os dados também revelaram que é possível utilizar Modelagem e

Aplicações, e enfrentar os condicionamentos institucionais se os estudantes acreditarem no processo e perceberem a relação da Matemática com situações pertinentes à sua área de interesse. No entanto, esses dados também mostraram como

é necessário o rompimento com contratos didáticos estabelecidos, com hábitos e concepções que reforçam a idéia de que a Matemática é desvinculada da realidade.


Educação Matemática, Modelagem Matemática, Aplicações da

Matemática, Ensino de Cálculo, Curso Superior de Tecnologia.

C) Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Rio Claro, Brasil




Celso Ribeiro Campos - PhD

Orientadora: Profa Dra Maria Lucia Lorenzetti Wodewotzki

Tese de doutorado elaborada junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação

Matemática, Área de Concentração em Ensino e Aprendizagem da Matemática e seus

Fundamentos Filosófico-Científicos, para a obtenção do Título de Doutor em

Educação Matemática.

Rio Claro (SP) - 2007


The main goals of this thesis are: a) the theoretical study of the Statistic Education’s didactical basis and its integration with the Critical Education and the Mathematical Modeling; b) the application of this integration in the classroom, with the development and the execution of pedagogical projects toward this end.

In the research of the theoretical basis of the Statistic’s didactic, we search the main authors who had published recently researches about this subject and we observe that they indorse that the instruction planning must be able to develop three important capacities, which are: the literacy, the reasoning and the statistical thinking.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to carry through successfully the education and learning of this discipline. The Mathematical Modeling and the work with projects are used, in this research, as a pedagogical strategy to create the education projects looking for build up the capacities already mentioned. The Critical Education is present in the projects with the problematization and the thematization, the real data manipulation, contextualized, the discussion stimulation, the non-hierarchyzation, the democratic values acquired in the pedagogical environment of the classroom, the capacity stimulation of the students to be critical, the reflexive knowledge valuation and the student preparation to explain the world, the practicing speech of the social responsibility and the critical language, stimulating the individual freedom, the ethics and social justice. Putting together these ideas, the Critical Statistics Education’s concept appears in this thesis in two projects, presented here.

Key-words: Statistics Education; Mathematical Modeling; Critical


Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas

Campus de Rio Claro




Antonio Olimpio Junior

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Marcelo De Carvalho Borba

Tese de Doutorado elaborada junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação

Matemática – Área de Concentração em Ensino e Aprendizagem de Matemática e

seus Fundamentos Filosófico-científicos para obtenção do Título de Doutor em

Educação Matemática

RIO CLARO – 2006


From the integration of orality, writing and the CAS-MAPLE, I investigated understandings that emerge about the concepts of function, limit, continuity and derivative produced by full-time first-year students of mathematics from a public university in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The research, implemented under the guidelines of the interpretive paradigm and of the qualitative methodology, was characterized by experiments, which were conducted with eight volunteer participants. The data consisted of individual written answers in natural language and videotapes of the interactions between pairs of participants and the MAPLE. The initial analysis is on four episodes focusing on emerging conflicts on the concept of differentiability, the definition of derivative, the concept of limit, and the comparison between the graph of a function f and the graph of its derivative. Five interaction categories between pairs of participants and the MAPLE were described. In addition, three levels of compatibilities between a priori participants’ writings and the mentioned interactions were identified. The initial analysis suggests that the chosen approach is appropriate to the materialization of such understandings. The final analysis suggests that the conflicts that emerged from the experiments could have their roots in a limited understanding of the concept of function. The research also suggests a more intensive exploration of the dynamical nature of the differential calculus.

Keywords: writing, orality, Maple, conceptual understanding, calculus


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática

Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas

Campus de Rio Claro



Ricardo Scucuglia

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Marcelo de Carvalho Borba

Dissertação de Mestrado elaborada junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em

Educação Matemática – Área de Concentração em Ensino-Aprendizagem da

Matemática e seus Fundamentos Filosófico-Científicos, para obtenção de título de

Mestre em Educação Matemática.

Rio Claro (SP) – 2006


Information technology has been generating discussion regarding the foundations of mathematics, and reorganizing dynamics in mathematics education. Based on this idea, and on my engagement as a researcher participating in GPIMEM, I designed a study in which I discuss how students-with-graphing-calculators investigate the

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (FTC) . Based on the epistemological perspective of humans-with-media, which emphasizes the role of technology in the process of knowledge production, I conducted teaching experiments with pairs of students enrolled in the first year of the mathematics program at the State University

of São Paulo (UNESP), Rio Claro campus. Based on analysis of video-tapes of the first teaching experiments session, I noted that the use of programs and commands of the TI-83 graphing calculator conditioned the students’ thinking in the inquiry into the concepts Riemann Sums and Integration (concepts intrinsically inherent to the FTC).

In the second session, exploring examples of polynomial functions with the definite integration command by the graphing calculator, the thinking collectives composed of students-withgraphing-calculators-paper-and-pencil established conjectures regarding the FTC. In the process of demonstrating this theorem, intuitive notions and simplified notations were used before using the standardized symbology of academic mathematics. This approach made it possible for the students to become gradually engaged in “deductive mathematical discussions” based on the results obtained

“experimentally” through the activities proposed in the study.

Key-Words: Mathematics Education, Graphing Calculators, Fundamental

Theorem of Calculus, Humans-with-Media, Experimentation with Technologies.

D) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Abstract of dissertation presented to Institute of Mathematics of the Rio de Janeiro

Federal University (IM-UFRJ) as parts of the necessary requeriments for getting the

Master`s degree in Teaching of Mathematics (M.Sc.).


Allan de Castro Escarlate

2008, December , Rio de Janeiro

Advisor: Victor Augusto Giraldo

Departament: Pos-Graduacao em Ensino de Matematica

This work is based on a teaching and learning research of defined integral concept.

Considering as theorist referential, the theory of concept image and concept definition, by David Tall and Shlomo Vinner, we target to identify the main conflicts generated by the learning of such concept by mathematics graduation students from

Rio de Janeiro Federal University. Besides that, we also question if the idea of area could be considered a cognitive root suitable to the defined integral concept. The mentioned research has a qualitative character and was achieved thru series of questions and clinic interviews with students.

E) Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo, Brasil - UNIBAN


7 - FARO, S.D. The supposed knowledge availabe in the transition between the

Medium Education and the Higher Educations levels: the case of the notion of systems of liner equations.

2010. 224f. Master’s Dissertation – Post-Graduation Program in Mathematical

Education, Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2010. This work studies a few relevant aspects of the transition between the Medium and the

Higher Education levels, when the notion of systems of linear equations is taken into consideration. More precisely, analyses the knowledge considered mobilizable or available by the students when they get into Higher Education.

The notion of systems of linear equations is what is chosen to be studied in this research, due to the fact that it is a notion that articulates with other notions

of the mathematics itself or the ones of other sciences, both in the Medium and in the Higher Education levels. It’s a documental research in which the expected institutional relationships available for the Medium Education level are analyzed through the National Curricular Parameters and school books and the brochure of the New Proposal of the State of São Paulo respectively.

Therefore, an analysis screen is created for a better identification of the different types of tasks developed both in the Medium and in the Higher Education levels, which allowed us to notice the existence of problems of coherence between personal and institutional relationships for the Medium Education level which are taken into consideration by the Higher Education one and that allow us to state that the students enrolled in the Mathematic courses, who have accomplished the Higher Education level, have acquired the previous knowledge of systems of linear equations required for their being successful in their end-ofcourse macro-evaluation, once such knowledge is developed during the Medium

Education level and particularly recalled in the subjects of Analytical Geometry and Linear Algebra in the Higher Education level.

Key words: Systems of linear equations, type of tasks, knowledge levels, official documents, linear Algebra, frames, Mathematical Education.


8 - SIMIÃO, F. The notion of matrix in the transition from High School to



2010. 323f. Master’s dissertation – Post-graduate program in Mathematics

Education, Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2010.

This research considered mathematical and teaching organizations associated to the notion of matrix, its operations and properties, aiming at identifying what is expected as students’ prior, at least mobilized, knowledge of this mathematics concept in the transition from High School to Higher Education. In order to do so, official documents, course books, teachers’ and students’ books as well as institutional proposals for the development of this notion in High School will be analysed. The importance of this notion for the Linear Algebra course in Higher

Education will also be considered. Such study is conducted through an analysis grid prepared for this purpose where theoretical tools chosen as reference for this research are used. The results of the analysis reveal that the notion of matrix, its operations and properties are worked as explicit tool for the development of tasks associated to other mathematical notions in High School and that this project can be used as a support for the introduction of linear algebra in R (real numbers) at Higher Education.

Key words: Mathematics teaching course; matrices; change of picture; levels of knowledge; institutional and personal relationships.

UNIBAN’S professor’s publications possibily related to transition:

JAHN, A. P. ; KARRER, Monica . Articulação entre Álgebra Linear e Geometria: um estudo sobre transformações lineares na perspectiva dos registros de representação semiótica. In: Congresso Ibero-americano de Educação Matemática, 2005, Porto. V

CIBEM - Actas. Porto : APM -Associação dos Professores de Matemática de

Portugal, 2005. v. 1. p. 1-15.

KARRER, M. ; JAHN, A.P. . Transformações lineares planas e seus registros de representação semiótica: (in)compreensões de estudantes universitários brasileiros. In:

VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Matemática, 2009, Puerto Montt. Anais do VI Congreso IberoAmericano de Educación Matemática, 2009

KARRER, M. ; JAHN, A.P. . Studying plane linear transformations on a dynamic geometry environment: analysis of tasks emphasizing the graphic register. In: ICME

11, 2008, Monterrey. http://tsg.icme11.org/tsg/show/23, 2008.

KARRER, M. . Transformações Lineares: a problemática das tarefas que têm o gráfico como registro de partida. In: IX ENEM, 2007, Belo Horizonte. CD-ROM do

IX ENEM, 2007.

KARRER, M. ; JAHN, A.P. . Transformações Lineares Planas: um experimento de ensino explorando os registros gráficos no ambiente Cabri-Géomètre. In: VII Reunião de Didática da Matemática do Cone Sul, 2006, Águas de Lindóia. CD-ROM da VII

Reunião de Didática da Matemática do Cone Sul. Pernambuco : Sociedade Brasileira de Educação Matemática, 2006. v. 1. p. 1-16.

JAHN, A.P. ; KARRER, M. . Articulação entre Álgebra Linear e Geometria: um estudo sobre transformações lineares na perspectiva dos registros de representação semiótica. In: Congresso Ibero-americano de Educação Matemática. In: V CIBEM,

2005, Porto. Anais do V Congresso Ibero-Americano de Educação Matemática. Porto

: Actas Porto: APM - Associação dos professores de matemática de Portugal, 2005. v.

1. p. 1-15.

KARRER, M. ; JAHN, A.P. . Transformações lineares planas e seus registros de representação semiótica: (in)compreensões de estudantes universitários brasileiros. In:

VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Matemática, 2009, Puerto Montt. Anais do VI Congreso IberoAmericano de Educación Matemática. Puerto Mont, 2009. p.




ENVIRONMENT. In: 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 2008,

Monterrey. 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 2008.

LIMA, R. N. de ; TALL, David . Procedural Embodiment and Magic in Linear

Equations. Educational Studies in Mathematics, v. 67, p. 3-18, 2008.

CAMPOS, Tania Maria Mendonça ; SOUZA, Vera Helena Giusti de ; LIMA, R. N. de . An attempt to achieve reification in functions - a study based on several semiotic registers. In: L. Radford; G. Schubring; F. Seeger. (Org.). Semiotics in Mathematics

Education: Epistemology, History, Classroom, and Culture. : Sense Publisers, 2008, v. , p. -.

ONGIOVANNI, V. ; JAHN, A. P. . A Geometria Hiperbólica na Formação Inicial de

Professores de Matemática : Perspectiva Histórica em um Ambiente de Geometria

Dinâmica. In: Htem, 2006, São Paulo. III Colóquio de História e Tecnologia no

Ensino de Matemática, 2006

Artigos em Revistas especializadas Brasileiras

A) BOLEMA - http://www.rc.unesp.br/igce/matematica/bolema/

Publicado por - Departamento de Matemática

IGCE – UNESP – Caixa Postal 178

CEP 13506-700 – Rio Claro – SP – Brasil

In BOLEMA 39, 2009

1 -Demonstrations in the Teaching of Geometry: discussions on teacher education through the use of new technologies

Emilia Barra Ferreira1

Adriana Benevides Soares2

Josefino Cabral Lima3


This paper describes research conducted with mathematics teachers aiming to investigate the contribution of environments of dynamic geometry in their education, to encourage them to use demonstrations in the teaching of geometry. Considering demonstrations, which are by nature a key element in the construction of geometric knowledge, the proposal was that difficulties typically encountered in the necessary passage from empirical knowledge to formal knowledge, can be minimized or overcome through work in environments that allow experimentation, viewing, conjecturing, generalization and demonstration, as proposed by environments of dynamic geometry. The analysis was based on studies of Piaget (1983), Van

Hiele (1959) and Didactic of Mathematics (BROUSSEAU, 1986, DUVAL, 1995).

Didactic engineering was developed in the proposed environment, and the results suggest that such work is an effective alternative in the process of teacher education to encourage them to use demonstrations.

Keywords : Teacher Education. Demonstrations. Dynamic Geometry.

In BOLEMA 28, 2007

2 - Theory and Practice on Learning Calculus

Maria Clara Rezende Frota


Clinical interviews conducted with engineering students revealed their learning strategies. Strategy preferences can characterize different learning styles: a style named practical–theoretical defines a movement from practice to theory; a theoretical-practical style indicates a movement in the opposite direction, from theory to practice. Mathematics learning styles of calculus students are supported by a larger previous study conducted using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

Solving exercises is a key element of these students’ ways of learning calculus.

Sometimes theory is the starting point to further theoretical discussion and sometimes the arrival point, used in order to understand theory. Results point to the need to rethink mathematics education at higher levels considering the role of exercise solving in calculus teaching and learning.

Keywords : Strategies and Styles of Learning Mathematics. Teaching Calculus.

Exercise solving.

3 - First-year in an Undergraduate Mathematics Program: the function definition and the local/global duality of Calculus concepts

Antonio Olimpio Junior


Drawing on research on understandings of differential calculus concepts conducted with first-year undergraduate mathematics majors enrolled in a Brazilian public university, the article highlights the local/global duality as one of the essential dynamics to be exercised and explored when dealing with concepts like differentiability in a context of a first-year undergraduate mathematics program.

Moreover, it suggests that the exploration of a particular definition of function − more suitable for the educational demands in such a context − could contribute to decrystallize and broaden perceptions formed during high school, stimulating fluidity in the aforementioned dynamics.

Keywords: Understanding. Calculus. Differentiability. Function. Local/Global


4 - Semiotic Registers and Cognitive Obstacles Related to Solving Introductory

Problems to Non-Euclidean Geometries Directed to the Preparation of

Mathematics Teachers

Ana Maria M. R. Kaleff


This investigation deals with selected aspects of an investigation regarding the acquisition of geometric concepts by in-service mathematics teachers at a very particular moment in their education or preparation: that of the transition between

Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometric knowledge. Considering knowledge on

Euclidean Geometry acquired by teachers as the subject to investigate, categories of mental representations and cognitive obstacles appearing in the process of resolution of introductory problems to non-Euclidean geometric concepts were researched. To cover the qualitative aspects, interviews with six in-service teachers and two undergraduates were conducted. Quantitative confirmation was pursued by means of a questionnaire administered to 45 in-service teachers. After a cognitive analysis of the conversion between semiotic registers, 14 categories of possible cognitive obstacles were identified as related to 7 semiotic registers of representation.

Key-words: Cognitive Obstacles. Semiotic Registers. Preparation of Mathematics


5 - The Movement of the Construction of the Structures of Algebra: a phenomenological approach

Verilda Speridião Kluth


This article has as a purpose to introduce, briefly, a Phenomenological investigation about the construction knowledge of the Algebra structures, which moves around the

Mathematics Philosophical Education focused on the question: how is the thinking shown in the movement of the knowledge construction of the Algebra structures?

There are in this article: the research mainly question, the investigative movement and the analyses development; focused on the way the research ideas were built, because they build the research and its implication on the Mathematics Education about the way the Abstract Algebra is taught.

Key-words: Algebra. Hermeneutic. Phenomenological Cogitation. Mathematics

Philosophical Education.

B) ZETETIKÉ - http://www.fae.unicamp.br/zetetike/

Publicação Semestral da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Estadual de

Campinas (Unicamp) - Campinas (SP) Brasil em Educação Matemática

ZETETIKÉ volume 17, no. 31 (2009)

6 - Praxeologías Didactic in the University: A study of case about the notions of Limit and Continuity of functions p.151-190

Parra Verónica,

Núcleo de Investigación en Educación en Ciencia y Tecnología

Maria Rita Otero, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas


This work is a case study based on the Mathematical Analysis applied to Economy and Administration in the first university level in this area. The didactic praxeology of a university teacher is described using the Anthropological Theory of Didactics

(ATD) (Chevallard; 1992, 1997, 1999, 2000). The restrictions and exigencies that limit the educational practice in the University are analyzed. The didactic phenomenon of autism defined by Chevallard (1999) is described and an autism related to the exams is identified. The university teacher’s difficulties to resolve the didactic problems around the concepts of limit and continuity of functions are analyzed.


Anthropological Theory of Didactics. Didactic Praxeology. University level. Limit and Continuity of functions. Autism.

Corriveau, C. (2009). Formalisme et démonstration en algèbre linéaire. EMF 2009.

Groupe de travail 7. Dakar


In Quebec, the transition from secondary level to university is characterised by an increased responsibility of students concerning organisation, more complex notions to be learnt but also more demand in mathematical rigor.

The questions asked are:

What are the main challenges facing the teaching of mathematics in the university transition between college and university?

To what extent do university lecturers take [or could take] into account these breaks?



1.1. New practices expected from students

Kinds of tasks never met before

Multiple arguments to use at the same time for a given task.

Arguments to be applied several times …

Selection of information. Theorem to be partially applied.

Change (in charge of the student) of setting, register of representation, point of view.

Implicit quantifications to be detected and taken into account …

1.2. The formalism obstacle



The analysis has been done in two phases: the a priori analysis of the tasks’ complexity according to Robert’s framework; the analysis of students´ answers to these tasks. This analysis allows looking more precisely at students’ difficulties.

2.1. A priori analysis of 2 tasks

Task 1 – a proof using a definition (see p. 4) – was classified as simple.

Task 2 – an unusual proof (see p. 5) – was classified as complex.

2.2. Students’ productions and their analysis

11 to 12 works from a group of students. Analysis of 2 of them for the tasks 1a and 2

(see p. 6-8)

2.3. Balance of the productions’ analysis

Several students’ difficulties and errors which come at the same time from the manipulation of objects in linear algebra and more generally from proof.


Students frequently lose sight of the proof’s logical structure and use the result to be proved.

Their use objects that are not useful for the demonstration.

They are not aware of the difference between equivalences and simple implications.

They confuse an implication with the reverse implication.

They have difficulties in reading equalities from right to left.

They have difficulties to recognise or apply a definition or a property when they have to substitute a variable by a more complex expression.

They are reluctant to interpreting, decoding a rule or a definition.

They have difficulty to understand what a generic element aij is.

They confuse the cofactor associated to an element of the matrix with the matrix of cofactors.

2.4. Balance of the diagnostic analysis

The 2 tasks had been a priori evaluated, respectively as simple and complex. The productions’ analyses show that for students they were respectively complex and very complex.

The a priori analysis of tasks is necessary to measure the task’s complexity. The study of students’ productions complements this analysis and gives more precisely the level of complexity. The author suggests a new formulation of the 2 tasks, taking into account the difficulties that have been identified in order to choose intermediate questions and the values of the didactic variables (see p. 11-12).


The formalism obstacle appears when students work with expression loosing sight of the mathematical objects that the symbols represent. One of the challenges of the transition secondary level – postsecondary level is the « learning a new algebra paradox ». A new algebra (elementary algebra, vectorial algebra, matrix algebra, etc.) is introduced as a tool for calculation, for « automatisation », for « algorithmisation » of procedures, of reasoning through calculations and their rules. This means that we accept to delegate parts of the control of validity and meaning to this algebra. But this also leads to loosing control and meaning.

Drouhard’s hypothesis (2006): concerning transitions, the changes of the mathematical game’s rules are obstacles much more important that the simple extension and deepening of the mathematical objects’ domain of study.

2. Transition Papers presented at CERME7 Working Group 14 (University

Mathematics Education)

Several papers presented at CERME7 WG14 (which included issues of transition in its Call for Papers) focused on the transition from school to university mathematics.

Below I summarise these papers. I then list the full reference for each at the end of this section.

Gyöngyösi, Solovej & Winslow

employs Chevallard’s Anthropological Theory of

Didactics to describe a transitional course in Analysis that was taught with a combination of Maple and paper-based techniques and resulted in mixed reception

and performance by students. Of particular importance is the way in which this paper employs a combination of theoretical frameworks to study transition: an adaptation of

Chevallard's ATD by Winslow (the study of mathematical praxeology in terms of the

4T: tasks, techniques, technologies and theories), Artigue's notions of epistemic and pragmatic value, Winslow's semiotic representation, the construct of instrumental genesis and Trouche's instrumental orchestration. The collected data include sets of tasks, student coursework and student evaluation forms The paper is a solid example of the use of ATD theory in university mathematics education (here a study focusing on new students' transition to more formal aspects of Analysis - series - through the use of CAS). It provides clear definitions of the constructs employed in the research.

Even though written in an extensively symbolic language in its use of these constructs, the points about how the use of instruments changes the kinds of mathematics students do come across clearly. The paper is less confident in the way it treats the data from student evaluations and overall the recording of the student experience. It leaves the impression that ATD offers a comprehensive theoretical framework for exploring certain aspects of the student experience (epistemological, cognitive and institutional).

Stadler describes students’ experience of the transition from school to university mathematics as an often perplexing re-visiting of content and ways of working that seems simultaneously familiar and novel. The mathematical focus here is on students’ work on solving a parametric system of simultaneous equations and the difficulties they experience with working with variables, parameters and unknowns. Data include student observations and interviews and the perspective is discursive and enculturative, largely Sfard’s commognition. The paper illustrates the multi-faceted nature of transition from school to university mathematical discourse through the extensive examination of a selected episode. While the analysis of the episode as a case that illustrates several facets of the transition (individual, institutional, social) is not totally convincing (the students' difficulty with variables, parameters and unknowns is palpable and slightly overshadows the other aspects), this is overall a neat and apt application of Sfard's perspective. Throughout the impression is that

Sfard's perspective is a good match for studies of transition.

Nardi makes similar use of Sfard’s perspective. In interviews, university mathematicians comment on newly arriving Year 1 students’ verbalisation skills and note: the role of verbal expression to drive noticing; the importance of good command of ordinary language; the role of verbalisation as a semantic mediator between symbolic and visual mathematical expression; and, the precision proviso for the use of ordinary language in mathematics. One observation that emerges from the analysis is that discourse on verbalisation in mathematics tends to be risk-averse. Linked to this is the observation that more explicit, and less potentially contradicting, pedagogical action is necessary in order to facilitate students’ move away from often wordless mathematical expression in school and appreciation of mathematical eloquence. The examples that the interviewees touch upon span across mathematical topics but the

paper focuses on examples from Group Theory and Linear Algebra. The paper draws on a larger pool of data presented in (Nardi, 2008).

Biehler, Fischer, Hochmuth & Wassong proposes that blending traditional course attendance with systematic e-learning study can facilitate the bridging of school and university mathematics. Their data include student evaluation data (questionnaires) and explore a range of personal and institutional variables. Early indications of findings point favourably towards the e-learning part of the course.

Faulkner, Hannigan & Gill note the intensely shifting profile of students who take service mathematics courses. Specifically they report that between 1998 and 2010 the profile of students who take service mathematics courses in the University of

Limerick (Ireland) has changed dramatically: many more are diagnosed as at risk, fewer have an advanced mathematics secondary qualification and the percentage of non-standard (e.g. mature) students has grown (but is also the type of student better improving performance due largely to systematic use of newly offered types of learning support). Their data originate in student profiles and a diagnostic test database This paper adds to the intrernational body of evidence on changing student profiles in the transition from secondary to tertiary education. It also records a set of systematic responses to this changing profile in the particular institution. It is not a research paper as such but its longitudinal database has the potential to lend itself to substantial analysis and reflection. See also related IJMEST paper.

Vandebrouck noted that the transition from school to university mathematics students need to reconceptualise the concept of function in terms of its multiple registers and its process-object duality. The theoretical approach taken includes a collection of concept-image and process-object related theoretical constructs with some reference to Tall's three worlds. Data are mostly student scripts. While the idea of approaching issues of transition from school to university mathematics from the perspective of the transition from the embodied to the symbolic and formal world is a well-trodden, almost classic idea, it is these days a little schematic. Other more institutionally etc. sensitive perspectives are rather richer ways to examine transition.

De Vleeschouwer & Gueudet observe that students can learn to appreciate the duality in linear forms (process-object or, to these authors, micro-macro) if given an appropriate set of tasks that require them to engage with these concepts at both levels.

This paper also draws on Brousseau's didactical contract and Chevallard's 4T framework and its data are largely student scripts. The paper revisits classical ideas, such as the process-object duality of the linear forms in Linear Algebra, in order to put forward the point that some of the difficulties that the students experience may originate in the institutional experiences they have been offered (e.g. tasks). The perspective here is that of the changing didactical contract between school and university mathematics, particularly with regard to ways of approaching mathematical content (and less of the more common in research foci on more general aspects of the students' mathematical learning experiences such as teacher expectations, attitudes to proof etc.)

Iannone & Inglis discuss a range of weaknesses in newly arriving Year 1 mathematics students’ production of deductive arguments (rather than in the oft-reported perception that a deductive argument was expected of them). Specifically, Year 1 mathematics students responded to four proof tasks and demonstrated a range of weaknesses in their production of deductive arguments. The data comes from a larger pool of data (student responses to self-efficacy (not used here) and proof survey (4 proof tasks). The paper offers evidence that newly arriving Year 1 mathematics students are aware that when asked to generate a proof, they are asked for a deductive argument. This is in some contrast to previous work in the field but often this contrast may be accounted for by different student background and specialisms in the student sample.

Above papers will be published soon in the CERME7 Proceedings as follows:

Biehler, Fischer, Hochmuth & Wassong (2011, in press). Designing and evaluating blended learning bridging courses in mathematics. In Swoboda, E. (ed)

Proceedings of the 7th Conference of European Researchers in Mathematics

Education (pp. tbc-tbc).Rzeszow, Poland.

Faulkner, F., Hannigan, A. & Gill, O. (2011, in press). The changing profile of third level service mathematics in ireland and its implications for the provision of mathematics education (1998-2010). In Swoboda, E. (ed) Proceedings of the 7th

Conference of European Researchers in Mathematics Education (pp. tbctbc).Rzeszow, Poland.

Gyöngyösi, E., Solovej, J.P. & Winslow, C.(2011, in press). Using CAS based work to ease the transition from calculus to real analysis. In Swoboda, E. (ed)

Proceedings of the 7th Conference of European Researchers in Mathematics

Education (pp. tbc-tbc).Rzeszow, Poland.

Iannone, P. & Inglis, M. (2011, in press). Undergraduate students’ use of deductive arguments to solve “prove that…” tasks. In Swoboda, E. (ed)

Proceedings of the

7th Conference of European Researchers in Mathematics Education (pp. tbctbc).Rzeszow, Poland.

Nardi, E. (2011, in press). ‘Driving noticing’ yet ‘risking precision’: University mathematicians’ pedagogical perspectives on verbalisation in mathematics. In

Swoboda, E. (ed) Proceedings of the 7th Conference of European Researchers in

Mathematics Education (pp. tbc-tbc).Rzeszow, Poland.

Souto-Rubio, B. & Gómez- Chacón, I. (2011, in press). Challenges with visualization at university level: The concept of integral. In Swoboda, E. (ed) Proceedings of the

7th Conference of European Researchers in Mathematics Education (pp. tbctbc).Rzeszow, Poland.

Stadler, E. (2011, in press). The same but different - novice university students solve a textbook exercise. In Swoboda, E. (ed) Proceedings of the 7th Conference of

European Researchers in Mathematics Education (pp. tbc-tbc).Rzeszow, Poland.

Vandebrouck, F. (2011, in press). Students’ conceptions of functions at the transition between secondary school and university. In Swoboda, E. (ed) Proceedings of the

7th Conference of European Researchers in Mathematics Education (pp. tbctbc).Rzeszow, Poland.

De Vleeschouwer, M. & Gueudet, G. (2011, in press). Secondary-tertiary transition and evolutions of didactic contract: the example of duality in Linear Algebra. In

Swoboda, E. (ed) Proceedings of the 7th Conference of European Researchers in

Mathematics Education (pp. tbc-tbc).Rzeszow, Poland.

In this section I also referenced:

Nardi, E. (2008). Amongst mathematicians: Teaching and learning mathematics at university level . New York: Springer.


Transition papers published in IJMEST

Note 3: The work of this team can be massively assisted by the 2010 IJMEST SI edited by Eisenberg, Engelbrecht & Mamona-Downs based on papers presented at ICME11 in Mexico.

I cite below the Editors’ Foreword to this and include summaries of the relevant papers in Section 3:

‘The 10 papers published in this special issue share a common root in that they all originate from talks addressed at the same group, Topic Study Group 17, of the eleventh International Congress on Mathematical Education held at Monterrey,

Mexico, 2008. The papers that appear here are substantial extensions, refinements or re-workings of the presentations that were originally published on the conference proceedings website.

The original title of the theme of the group was: 'Research and development in the teaching and learning of advanced mathematical topics'. The 'advanced' was taken to refer to mathematical material from the final two years of secondary schooling and beyond, but was mainly levelled at undergraduate study. Papers were welcomed whether they dealt with specific 'mathematical topics' or addressed issues running through different topics.

The educational literature on this level of mathematics teaching and learning is now quite extensive. Here we organize our summaries of the papers in such a way to give the collection some distinct identity. Several of the papers stressed facets of transition, but in rather different contexts. A transition usually indicates a state in learning for which there are inherent difficulties to overcome from a previous one. On the other hand, without employing the term explicitly, several papers point to aspects of

'evolution', i.e. the assimilation of mathematical practice or conceptualization over a considerable time. Finally, much of the doing of mathematics concerns different sources of thinking that are available at a certain time and have to be co-ordinated; this largely concerns a willingness to affect 'changes of focus'. On these three 'axes', we group the papers as below.

The kind of transition most written about is the perceived difference between the styles of mathematics taught at school against that at university. In his essay,

Engelbrecht gives a wide vista on what working in advanced mathematics involves; the need for logical structure is stressed, indeed sometimes it constitutes the only way to proceed, but mental processing, conceptualization and intuition also have a crucial, complementary role. He considers formal presentation and verbal communication vis-

-vis first understandings, and draws on the difference between 'seeing' and 'doing' in mathematics. A more 'local' perspective concerning transition is considered by De

Vleeschouwer. Starting from the educational concept of 'mathematical organization', two kinds of transitions are identified; the first involves the passing from a technique to its justification, then its significance within a mathematical theory. The second concerns how the enriched theory allows another level of forming new techniques.

These transitions are illustrated in the context of duality in linear algebra, and the problems of students are studied in this regard. In particular, she points out that problems with transitions do not all occur at the outset of study at university. Even though not explicitly stating it, the work of Stewart and Thomas on students' learning of the concepts of basis, span and linear independence strongly suggest phases of transition. The authors find that students have a disposition towards matrix manipulation, and they do not attain the geometric aspects of linear algebra that are richer conceptually. The authors use a combination of two educational frameworks that both suggest 'local transitions' (i.e. the process of objectification, and adopting axiomatic treatment). This combination bears similarities to De Vleeshouwer's paper above. Wood considers a transition of a rather different character; does the mathematics studied at university meet with the expectancies and needs of employers? The study focuses on the graduates' point of view. Students expressed a need for the undergraduate curriculum to provide avenues to enhance their general computing skills, and to improve their communicational skills. Further, it was shown that graduates leave their studies without a coherent picture of the whole range of university level mathematics.

Other aspects of mathematical thinking of an individual seem to develop over time without the individual being fully conscious of how they evolved. Selden, McKee and

Selden examine non-emotional cognitive feelings and behavioural schemas as enduring mental structures that link situations to actions. These can be beneficial in some cases, detrimental in others. Examples are given concerning students' acceptance (or not) of the notion of a fixed but arbitrary element, and the behaviour that some students show in focusing too soon on the hypotheses rather than the result.

Teaching intervention in this context is also discussed and illustrated. Berg traces the varying cognitive weight that students place on the concept of completeness as it occurs at different places in their undergraduate career. The initial need to address an issue concerning the 'continuous' image of the number line formally leads to completeness to be taken as an axiom for which there are many equivalent formulations. The axiom enables proof of some fundamental theorems in Analysis that are simply assumed in Calculus. The paper discusses the situations where students regard completeness as a concept, as a working tool, or as something taken for granted. Consequent problems to the learning process are documented.

Various types of effecting changes in focus are featured in the remaining four papers.

Two papers explicitly deal with representations, i.e. the use of alternative contexts that reflect the same mathematical structure at hand but allow a relaxed environment for which mental or informal argumentation to act. Arnoux and Finkel consider the responsibility of the teacher to design representations such that they become an integrated aspect of teaching. Faithful representations are rarely encountered in standard expositions of advanced mathematics topics, so it is important to build up a catalogue for instructional purposes. The paper gives examples concerning models of graphs and automata, and a mechanical model in probability. Lagrange describes a

project aimed at improving secondary school students' understandings of functions and their handling. Mainly the project concerns the use of computer representations, designed on two principles, to insist on an environment allowing the linking of a dynamic geometry component with an algebraic unit, and to permit students to experiment freely. He also discusses the need for class discussion moderated by the teacher to collate the theoretical significance of the students' work.

Koichu confronts the issue that in (relatively) advanced mathematics, there are cases where problem solving behaviours, such as invoking heuristics and executive control, seem to be more decisive than employing associated bodies of mathematical knowledge. Even capable students can invoke knowledge that simply impedes a more basic approach. One explanation made of this phenomenon is that students wish to take the path that, to them, constitutes the least intellectual effort. Mamona-Downs illustrates how a mathematical theory can be recast simply by taking a slightly different perspective; the intention is to broaden students' appreciation beyond what is offered by the standard way it is taught. In particular, the 'underlying' set of real sequences is considered, yielding a way to gauge the sequence limiting behaviour in terms of accumulation points. In this respect the 'order' of the terms of the sequence is immaterial, a fact that can surprise students.’ (p139-141)


Eisenberg, T., Engelbrecht, J. & Mamona-Downs, J. (2010). Advanced mathematical topics: transitions, evolutions and changes of foci. International

Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 41(2), 139-141. doi:10.1080/00207391003607870.

As Zazkis & Holton observe about recent studies of transition from school to university mathematics examine ‘issues of transition as related to both curriculum and pedagogy’ (2005, p129). With reference to papers included in the IJMEST SI on the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics, they stress:

‘The issue of challenges in transition to undergraduate and advanced mathematics is of significant concern to the mathematics education community. Lovric points to a trend that school graduates are less prepared in dealing with university level mathematics using the result of the recent imposed change in the province of Ontario, Canada. Luk provides a personal account of transition, describing the challenges he faced both as a student and as teacher of undergraduate mathematics in Hong Kong. Hockman presents a concern of “watering down” courses in order to comply with the need to accommodate a larger amount of students and lack of support from administration in South Africa.

These papers raise a universal concern - the concern of deterioration. This goes hand in hand with what Selden refers as “two contradictory trends”: the advocacy for school graduates who are better prepared mathematically for

both university and the work place, and the seeming desire by legislatures and administrative bodies to reduce levels of certification.’ (p129)


Zazkis, R. & Holton, D. (2005). Foreword. International Journal of Mathematical

Education in Science and Technology, 36(2), 129-130. doi:10.1080/0020739042000196331

Similar observations offer the editors of the 2005 IJMEST SI that reported work from the DELTA conference of that year:

‘A key topic at all the Delta conferences has been the transition from secondary to tertiary mathematics education and we begin with papers on this theme from three countries: South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. The first paper, by Engelbrecht, Harding and Potgieter, challenges the common preconception that a high school education with a focus on procedural tasks leads to undergraduate students who have trouble dealing with conceptual problems. They further explore the confidence that students have when approaching conceptual tasks. This theme is continued by Carmichael and

Taylor who describe a study of students in a bridging mathematics course which indicates that student confidence contributes significantly to performance, even after accounting for prior knowledge. Barton, Chan, King,

Neville-Barton and Sneddon have looked at students in Auckland for whom

English is an additional language. Despite often having stronger backgrounds in mathematics, these “EAL students struggle with their learning of mathematics in English at undergraduate level much more than has been appreciated.” The paper by Oates, Paterson, Reilly and Statham looks at an effective programme of tutor training and collaborative tutorials which may help address many of these bridging issues, as well as developing a new generation of educators.’


(2005). Foreword. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science

and Technology, 36(7), 699-700.doi:10.1080/00207390512331391551

Below are summaries of the selected 14 IJMEST papers.

Hoyles, C., Newman, K. & Noss, R. (2001). Changing patterns of transition from school to university mathematics. International Journal of Mathematical

Education in Science doi:10.1080/00207390110067635 and Technology, 32(6), 829-845.

There has been widespread concern over the lack of preparedness of students making the transition from school to university mathematics and the changing profile of entrants to mathematical subjects in higher education has been well documented. In this paper, using documentary analysis and data from an informal case study, we locate the antecedents of this changed profile in the general shift across all subjects to

a more utilitarian higher education, alongside the more specific changes in A-level mathematics provision which have been largely market driven. Our conclusions suggest that, ironically, changes put in place to make mathematics more widely useful may result in it losing just those features that make it marketable.

Hourigan, M. & O’Donoghue, J. (2007). Mathematical under-preparedness: the influence of the pre-tertiary mathematics experience on students’ ability to make a successful transition to tertiary level mathematics courses in Ireland.

International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology,

38(4), 461-476. doi:10.1080/00207390601129279

Internationally, the consequences of the ‘Mathematics problem’ are a source of concern for the education sector and governments alike. Growing consensus exists that the inability of students to successfully make the transition to tertiary level mathematics education lies in the substantial mismatch between the nature of entrants’ pre-tertiary mathematical experiences and subsequent tertiary level mathematics-intensive courses. This paper reports on an Irish study that focuses on the pre-tertiary mathematics experience of entering students and examined its influence on students’ ability to make a successful transition to tertiary level mathematics. Brousseau's ‘didactical contract’ is used as a tool to uncover and describe the contract that exists in two case mathematics classrooms in Irish upper secondary schools (Senior Cycle). Although the authors are professional mathematics educators and well informed about classroom practice in Ireland, they were genuinely surprised by the very restrictive nature of this contract and the damaging consequences for students’ future mathematical education.

Clark, M. & Lovric, M. (2009). Understanding secondary–tertiary transition in mathematics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and

Technology, 40(6), 755-776. doi:10.1080/00207390902912878

In Clark and Lovric ( Suggestion for a theoretical model for secondary–tertiary transition in mathematics , Math. Educ. Res. J. 20(2) (2008), pp. 25–37) we began developing a model for the secondary–tertiary transition in mathematics, based on the anthropological notion of a rite of passage. We articulated several reasons why we believe that the educational transition from school to university mathematics should be viewed (and is) a rite of passage, and then examined certain aspects of the process of transition. Present article is a continuation of our study, resulting in an enhanced version of the model. In order to properly address all aspects of transition (such as a number of cognitive and pedagogical issues) we enrich our model with the notions of cognitive conflict (conceptual change) and culture shock (although defined and used in contexts that differ from the transition context, nevertheless, we found these notions highly relevant). After providing further justification for the application of our model to transition in mathematics, we discuss its many implications in detail. By critically examining current practices, we enhance our understanding of the many issues involved in the transition. The core section ‘Messages and implications of the model’ is divided into subsections that were determined by the model (role of

community, discontinuity of the transition process, shock of the new, role of time in transition, universality of transition, expectations and responsibilities, transition as a real event). Before making final conclusions, we examine certain aspects of remedial efforts.

Hong, Y., Kerr, S., Klymchuk, S., McHardy, J., Murphy, P., Spencer, S., et al.

(2009). A comparison of teacher and lecturer perspectives on the transition from secondary to tertiary mathematics education. International Journal of

Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40(7), 877-889. doi:10.1080/00207390903223754

The transition from school to tertiary study of mathematics comes under increasing scrutiny in research. This article reports on some findings from a project analysing the transition from secondary to tertiary education in mathematics. One key variable in this transition is the teacher or lecturer. This article deals with a small part of the data from the project–analysing secondary teachers’ and lecturers’ responses to questions on the differences they perceive between school and university and the importance of calculus, a bridging content. The results provide evidence of similarities and differences in the thinking of teachers and lecturers about the transition process. They also show that each group lacks a clear understanding of the issues involved in the transition from the other's perspective, and there is a great need for improved communication between the two sectors.

De Vleeschouwer, M. (2010). An institutional point of view of the secondary– university transition: the case of duality. International Journal of Mathematical

Education in Science doi:10.1080/00207390903372445 and Technology, 41(2), 155-171.

Novice students at the university encounter many difficulties, linked with the secondary–tertiary transition. But what does ‘transition’ mean exactly? We consider it here from an institutional point of view, which leads us in particular to distinguish between two types of transition. We propose a specific perspective, and apply it to the case of duality in linear algebra. After describing the structure of the mathematical content concerning this theme, we discuss a survey that we have developed for the follow-up of knowledge and difficulties of students enrolled in first-year university mathematics or physics programmes, concerning duality. We present its results categorizing students’ difficulties. We explain why it is possible to interpret students’ difficulties with duality in terms of transition.

Engelbrecht, J. (2010). Adding structure to the transition process to advanced mathematical activity. International Journal of Mathematical Education in

Science and Technology, 41(2), 143-154. doi:10.1080/00207390903391890

The transition process to advanced mathematical thinking is experienced as traumatic by many students. Experiences that students had of school mathematics differ greatly to what is expected from them at university. Success in school mathematics meant application of different methods to get an answer. Students are not familiar with

logical deductive reasoning, required in advanced mathematics. It is necessary to assist students in this transition process, in moving from general to mathematical thinking. In this article some structure is suggested for this transition period. This essay is an argumentative exposition supported by personal experience and international literature. This makes this study theoretical rather than empirical.

James, A., Montelle, C. & Williams, P. (2008). From lessons to lectures: NCEA mathematics results and first-year mathematics performance. International

Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 39(8), 1037-1050. doi:10.1080/00207390802136552

Given the recent radical overhaul of secondary school qualifications in New Zealand, similar in style to those in the UK, there has been a distinct change in the tertiary entrant profile. In order to gain insight into this new situation that university institutions are faced with, we investigate some of the ways in which these recent changes have impacted upon tertiary level mathematics in New Zealand. To this end, we analyse the relationship between the final secondary school qualifications in

Mathematics with calculus of incoming students and their results in the core first-year mathematics papers at Canterbury since 2005, when students entered the University of Canterbury with these new reformed school qualifications for the first time. These findings are used to investigate the suitability of this new qualification as a preparation for tertiary mathematics and to revise and update entrance recommendations for students wishing to succeed in their first-year mathematics study.

Breen, S., Cleary, J. & O'Shea, A. (2009). An investigation of the mathematical literacy of first year third-level students in the Republic of Ireland. International

Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40(2), 229-246. doi:10.1080/00207390802566915

This article reports on a study carried out to measure the mathematical literacy of a selection of students entering third-level education in Ireland. The study investigates how such students performed when confronted with mathematical tasks, which, though commensurate with their level of education, may not have been familiar to them, and to identify the factors influencing their performance. Moreover, the relationship between the skills measured by the test of mathematical literacy administered and those measured by state examinations was explored, as was the question of whether or not the concept of mathematical literacy is a useful one for third-level educators.

Gill, O., O’Donoghue, J., Faulkner, F. & Hannigan, A. (2010). Trends in performance of science and technology students (1997–2008) in Ireland.

International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology,

41(3), 323-339. doi:10.1080/00207390903477426

Hunt and Lawson 1 displayed the evidence of decline in the mathematical standards of first-year students in Coventry University between 1991 and 1995. Gill sought to

investigate if this was also the case in the University of Limerick (UL). The results of diagnostic tests administered to first-year undergraduates in the science and technology groups (service mathematics courses) between 1997 and 2002 displayed the evidence that the mathematical standard of students entering the university of

Limerick service mathematics courses had declined over the 6 years studied. In this article, the authors revisit the university of Limerick database, which currently holds data for over 6200 students, to investigate current mathematical entry standards of students in service mathematics courses. The university of Limerick responses to the

‘Mathematics Problem’ are also described. Ireland presents a unique situation in terms of the mathematical homogeneity of its third-level students; most students enter via the same route, i.e. the Leaving Certificate, on completion of 13 years of formal mathematics education. However, while research results and coping mechanisms in terms of learning support are not generalizable, they are portable. It is hoped that mathematics educators worldwide can learn from the Irish situation.

Varsavsky, C. (2010). Chances of success in and engagement with mathematics for students who enter university with a weak mathematics background.

International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology,

41(8), 1037-1049. doi:10.1080/0020739X.2010.493238

An increasing number of Australian students elect not to undertake studies in mathematical methods in the final years of their secondary schooling. Some higher education providers now offer pathways for these students to pursue mathematics studies up to a major specialization within the bachelor of science programme. This article analyses the performance in and engagement with mathematics of the students who elect to take up this option. Findings indicate that these are not very different when compared to students who enter university with an intermediate mathematics preparation. The biggest contrast in performance and engagement is with those students who have studied mathematics in senior secondary school to an advanced level.

Selden, A. (2005). New developments and trends in tertiary mathematics education: or, more of the same?. International Journal of Mathematical

Education in Science doi:10.1080/00207390412331317040 and Technology, 36(2), 131-147.

This paper examines four developments, or trends, in tertiary mathematics education today: (1) technology as an engine driving pedagogical change; (2) the often difficult transition for students from secondary to tertiary mathematics; (3) the responsibilities of mathematicians for the mathematical preparation of future teachers, and (4) the potential impact on teaching of research into the teaching and learning of tertiary mathematics.

Luk, H. (2005). The gap between secondary school and university mathematics.

International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology,

36(2), 161-174. doi:10.1080/00207390412331316988

It seems self-evident that there is a significant gap between secondary school and university mathematics, even though the gap may take different forms, which vary with different education systems in different places and at different times. This paper attempts to capture some common forms of this gap, and in particular, it discusses some core factors that are directly related to the nature of mathematics. Further, it also attempts to find ways to bridge the gap more easily and surely for students.

Furinghetti, F. (2000). The history of mathematics as a coupling link between secondary and university teaching. International Journal of Mathematical

Education in Science and Technology, 31(1), 43-51. doi:10.1080/002073900287372

During the years they spend in university, many mathematics students develop a very poor conception of mathematics and its teaching. This fact is bad in all cases, but even more in the case of those students who will be mathematics teachers in school. In this paper it is argued that the history of mathematics may be an efficient element to provide students with flexibility, open-mindedness and motivation towards mathematics. The theoretical background of this work relies both on recent research in mathematics education and on papers written by mathematicians of the past.

Opinions are supported with examples. One example concerns a historical presentation of ‘definition’; it was developed with mathematics students who will become mathematics teachers. For students oriented to research or to applied mathematics, an example is presented to address the problem of the secondary-tertiary transition.

Farmaki, V. & Paschos, T. (2007). The interaction between intuitive and formal mathematical thinking: a case study. International Journal of Mathematical

Education in Science and Technology, 38(3), 353-365. doi:10.1080/00207390601035302

This paper reports studies of the interaction between the intuitive, the formal and the procedural aspects in the processes of mathematical understanding of Peter, a firstyear undergraduate of Mathematics. Using an activity and an interview, an attempt is made to analyse his mental operations. The way in which he handles visual-graphic representations in a problem of uniformly accelerating motion in order to reach mathematical conclusions and justify them with strict formal reasoning, making the transition from the intuitive assumptions to the mathematical argumentation, is studied. The ‘focal analysis’ of the interview's content allows for an in depth investigation of qualitative elements of the student's mathematical thought. The study of the cognitive operations through the interconnection of various theoretical perspectives may lead to teaching interventions in order to develop students’ intuitive forces in a controlled manner, so that the formal mathematical thinking process can be promoted. This case study is part of a wider action research aiming to introduce firstyear undergraduates to basic Calculus concepts.

Tentative survey of publications and research work addressing transition issues between secondary education and university in the Francophone area

This survey was prepared by the group “Enseignement supérieur” of the Laboratory

André Revuz at the University Paris 7 which also includes members from other universities. It does not pretend to be exhaustive. For preparing it, we considered publications in different journals and in particular the journal Recherches en

Didactique des Mathématiques, doctoral theses, contributions to recent European

Conference CERME 6 and 7 and EMF 2009 or to the Summer school in the didactics of mathematics held every two years.

Research on transition issues and more globally on teaching and learning processes at the transition between high school and university or in the first university years has been addressed in this community since the early eighties (cf. for instance the doctoral thesis by Robert on the notion of limit in 1982, research on integral and differential processes in maths and physics education by Artigue, Legrand, Viennot and other colleagues, research on the teaching of differential equations by Artigue and Rogalski, in the eighties, research on linear algebra by Dorier, Robert, Robinet and Rogalski leading to a book published by Kluwer in 2000 in the nineties, all this research being referenced for instance in the ICMI Study devoted to the teaching and learning of mathematics at university level). Even if we focus in this survey on research published in the last ten years, there is no doubt that most approaches and theoretical constructs used today emerged more than ten years ago. For instance, the idea of FUG concept (FUG for Formalizing, Unifying, Generalizing) emerged in the research carried out in linear algebra mentioned above, the institutional approach to transition processes inspired by ATD (Anthropological Theory of Didactics due to Chevallard) emerged in Grugeon’s thesis (1995) regarding transition between general and vocational secondary education and was imported into the study of the secondaryuniversity transition by Praslon in his doctoral thesis (2000).

An approach to this set of research work can be organized in different ways. The information that we received on the survey encourages an organization by mathematical domains. But for understanding the affordances and specificities of

Francophone research about these transition issues, for instance the importance attached to epistemological and mathematical analyses, or the increasing influence of

ATD, a transversal vision seems also useful. We will try to combine them. Good reference for such a transversal view is also (Gueudet, 2008), (Artigue, Batanero,

Kent, 2007) even if these are not restricted to the Francophone community.


Artigue M., Batanero C., Kent P. (2007). Learning mathematics at post-secondary level. In F. Lester (ed.), Second Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and

Learning, 1011-1049. Information Age Publishing, Inc., Greenwich, Connecticut.

Gueudet G. (2008). Investigating the secondary-tertiary transition, Educational

Studies in Mathematics, 67-3, 237-254.

Holton D. (Ed.) (2001). The teaching and learning of mathematics at university level.

A ICMI Study , 207-220. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers.
