University of North Carolina at Greensboro Bryan School of Business and Economics Department of Accounting and Finance ACC 201-01: Financial Accounting Fall 2010 MW 2:00-3:15 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Hughen OFFICE: 336 Bryan E-MAIL: OFFICE HOURS: Mondays and Wednesdays 12:30-1:30 GRADUATE ASSISTANT: Jackie Reed TUTORING: 330 Bryan Course Objectives: Demonstrate an understanding of basic accounting terminology and procedures Create the financial statements which flow from the accounting process Understand the accounting cycle and the accounting system Develop an understanding of how business organizations operate and the events which have a financial impact upon them Understand the time value of money concepts Facilitate the development of the student’s written communication skills through an essay assignment, essay assessment and/or business memo assignments Contribute toward the Bryan School’s commitment to information technology by requiring students to use the internet, e-mail, word processing software and spreadsheet software where appropriate within the course. Text: Financial Accounting (This is a custom text for UNCG). The Connect homework software code is required and should be included in the text or can be purchased online. The e-book option does not include Chapter 8 of the custom text which we will cover during the semester. Course Resources: Blackboard: Connect Homework Software: Grades will be determined by: 2 mid-term exams: 25% each 1 final exam (cumulative): 25% Homework: 15% Written Assignment: 10% Grading Scale: A+ = 97-100 B+ = 87-89 C+ = 77-79 D+ = 67-69 F = 59 and below A = 93-96 B = 83-86 C = 73-76 D = 63-66 A- = 90-92 B- = 80-82 C- = 70-72 D- = 60-62 1 IMPORTANT This is a very demanding and time-intensive course. It is not a course you can study for the night before an exam. I cannot stress enough the importance of (1) attending class each day, (2) actively listening in each class, (3) reading the text and doing homework on a daily basis, and (4) developing a sound foundation by understanding the basic concepts in Chapter 1 through Chapter 3 of the text. ATTENDANCE POLICIES Attending each class is extremely important to success in this course. Please be sure to bring a pencil, eraser, and a calculator with you to each class. I expect students to attend every class and to pay attention during class. There are no excused absences. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to get the notes and any materials you missed from another student in the class. I will not give out notes or any other materials to a student who misses class. You do not need to let me know if you miss class. HOMEWORK POLICIES I recommend working out the assigned textbook problems on paper first, then uploading your answers to Connect before the assignment is due. The assignment must be submitted online using Connect. Homework assignments can be saved in Connect, allowing you to work on the same assignment at different times. However, you must submit the assignment to get credit for it. After submitting your homework, you will be able to see which problems were incorrect. You are allowed to re-do those problems and submit your assignment one additional time. Late homework will not be accepted. There are no exceptions. Doing the assignment before the due date reduces your chance of missing an assignment because of an illness or emergency. Answers to homework assignments will be available in Connect the day after the assignment is due. Please check your answers and make sure you understand the material. Note that if you did not submit the assignment, you will not be able to view the solutions. I do not give out hints or answers to homework problems over email. If you are having trouble with your homework, please use the tutoring available from the accounting department or see me before or after class. The due dates for all assignments are listed on the syllabus. If, for some reason, an assignment due date is changed, the change will be announced in class and posted as an announcements in Blackboard. You are responsible for checking the syllabus and reading all announcements in Blackboard. I will not respond to emails asking for the due date of a homework assignment. Homework grades will be posted in Blackboard shortly after the assignment is due. You are responsible for ensuring that the grade in Blackboard is the same as the grade in Connect. If there is a problem with the grade in Blackboard, please let me know. Note that if you did not submit the assignment before 8pm on the due date, your grade in Blackboard will be zero regardless of the grade in Connect. If you are experiencing a problem with the Connect website, please call the Connect Customer Help Desk at (800)331-5094 or follow the email instructions on the following site: If the problem you are experiencing means that you cannot complete or submit your assignment, please send me an email before the assignment is due to let me know. 2 EXAM POLICIES You may not borrow or share calculators during exams. Cell phones or other PDAs may not be used in place of calculators. If for some reason, you are unable to take a scheduled mid-term exam, you must notify me of this fact before the exam. Failure to do this will result in an exam grade of zero. In computing your course grade where a mid-term exam is missed, the final exam grade will count twice. Only those students with three or more final exams within the 24 hour period surrounding our scheduled final exam and have documentation from the registrar’s office are eligible to take the final exam on the make-up day. Documentation from the registrar’s office must be submitted to me before Monday, December 6. WRITING ASSIGNMENT The writing assignment is posted in Blackboard. The assignment is due in class on Wed., Oct. 20. BLACKBOARD Additional study materials (Powerpoint slides and review quizzes) are posted on Blackboard. I recommend working through the review quizzes to help you identify any problems you may be having with the material before the exam. Answers are shown on the last page of the review quizzes. Please make sure to check for new announcements in Blackboard. GRADES All grades will be posted to Blackboard as soon as they are available. To determine your grade at any point during the semester, use the grades on Blackboard and the weights shown on the first page of this syllabus. There are no opportunities for individual extra credit in this course. TUTORING Tutoring for this course is available in BRYN 330. The tutors will not do your work for you. Please be prepared with specific questions. Tutoring is available to students in all sections of ACC 201 so please be considerate of others that are waiting when you are receiving help. OTHER If you send me an email, please allow me at least 24 hours to respond. Please do not repeatedly send me the same email if you do not hear back from me right away. Students are expected to abide by the UNCG’s Academic Integrity Policy and the Student Code of Conduct: Student Conduct: Academic Integrity Policy: Any request for special accommodations must come through the Office of Disability Services with the appropriate paperwork. Student Disabilities: 3 SCHEDULE OF CLASS TOPICS AND ASSIGNMENTS DATE TOPIC CHAPTER ASSIGNMENT Aug. 23 Introduction to Accounting 1 Read Chapter 1, Problem 1-25 Aug. 25 Introduction to Accounting 1 Exercises 1-4, 1-9, 1-18 Aug. 30 Introduction to Accounting 1 Exercises 1-10, 1-11, 1-22 Sept. 1 The Accounting Cycle 2 Read Chapter 2, Exercises 2-2, 2-17 CHAPTER 1 HOMEWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 8PM ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 2 The homework assignment must be completed using the Connect software. The homework can be accessed using the website listed in the syllabus. Make sure you have SUBMITTED the assignment before it is due. Assignments submitted after they are due will not receive credit. No class September 6 – LABOR DAY Sept. 8 The Accounting Cycle 2 Exercises 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-16 Sept. 13 The Accounting Cycle 2 Exercises 2-25, Problems 2-27, 2-29 Sept. 15 Merchandising Businesses 3 Read Chapter 3, Exercise 3-3, Problem 3-21 CHAPTER 2 HOMEWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 8PM ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 16 Sept. 20 Merchandising Businesses 3 Exercises 3-5, 3-8, 3-9, 3-11 Sept. 22 Merchandising Businesses 3 Exercise 3-13, Problem 3-25(skip (a) in text) Sept. 27 Accounting for Inventories 4 Read Chapter 4, Exercises 4-2, 4-3 CHAPTER 3 HOMEWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 8PM ON MONDAY, SEPT. 27 Sept. 29 Mid-term Exam: Chapters 1, 2 & 3 Bring a pencil with an eraser and a calculator. Notes, scrap paper, and cell phones are NOT allowed during the exam. 4 DATE TOPIC CHAPTER ASSIGNMENT Oct. 4 Accounting for Inventories 4 Exercises 4-4, 4-5, Problem 4-20 Oct. 6 Internal Controls and Cash 4 Exercises 4-16, 4-17, 4-18, Problem 4-22 5 Read Chapter 5, Exercises 5-3, 5-4, 5-8 No class October 11- FALL BREAK Oct. 13 Accounting for Receivables CHAPTER 4 HOMEWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 8PM ON THURSDAY, OCT. 14 Oct. 18 Accounting for Receivables 5 Exercises 5-7, 5-9, Problem 5-19 Oct. 20 Accounting for Receivables 5 Exercise 5-11, 5-14, Problem 5-22 WRITING ASSIGNMENT DUE IN CLASS ON WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20 Oct. 25 Accounting for Long-Term Assets 6 Read Chapter 6, Exercises 6-7, 6-9, 6-11 CHAPTER 5 HOMEWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 8PM ON MONDAY, OCT. 25 Oct. 27 Accounting for Long-Term Assets 6 Exercises 6-8, 6-13, Problems 6-25, 6-27 Nov. 1 Accounting for Long-Term Assets 6 Exercises 6-14, 6-16, 6-19, 6-20 Nov. 3 Accounting for Liabilities 7 (p.250-260) Read Chapter 7, Exercises 7-1, 7-2, 7-7, 7-8 CHAPTER 6 HOMEWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 8PM ON THURSDAY, NOV. 4 Nov. 8 Mid-term Exam: Chapters 4, 5 & 6 Bring a pencil with an eraser and a calculator. Notes, scrap paper, and cell phones are NOT allowed during the exam. Nov. 10 Accounting for Liabilities Time Value of Money Nov. 15 Accounting for Long-Term Debt 7 Appendix A Read Appendix A, Exercises 7-10, 7-12, Problem 7-22 8 (p.291-305) Read Chapter 8 Exercises 7-14(skip (b) in text), 8-14A CHAPTER 7 HOMEWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 8PM ON MONDAY, NOV. 15 Nov. 17 Accounting for Long-Term Debt 8 Exercises 8-11A, 8-12A, 8-15A, 8-16A 5 DATE TOPIC CHAPTER Nov. 22 Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Corporations 9 ASSIGNMENT Read Chapter 9, Exercises 9-4, 9-6 CHAPTER 8 HOMEWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 8PM ON MONDAY, NOV. 22 No class Nov. 24 – THANKSGIVING BREAK Nov. 29 Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Corporations 9 Dec. 1 Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Corporations 9 Exercises 9-14, 9-15 CHAPTER 9 HOMEWORK MUST BE SUBMITTED BY 8PM ON THURSDAY, DEC. 2 No class Dec. 6 Dec. 13 3:30 – 6:30 PM BRYN 160 Cumulative Final Exam (Chapters 1-9) Bring a pencil with an eraser and a calculator. Notes, scrap paper, and cell phones are NOT allowed during the exam. Dec. 14 12:00 – 3:00 PM Location TBD Make-up Final Exam See EXAM POLICIES on page 2 of the syllabus to determine whether you are eligible to take the make-up final exam. 6