Week of 11.18.13

CP English 12
11.18.13 – 11.25.13
Monday, November 18
Objective: Initiate and participate effectively in collaborative discussion building on others’ ideas
and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Court Day! Begin to work on your presentation
Court Briefs due: One per group to be turned in to Ms. White
Poetry explications are due Tuesday
Section 12 of packet due Thursday
Tuesday, November 19
Objective: Objective: Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar
Skill check: Capitalization and comma usage
Renaissance Poetry Test Review
poetry explications due
Writing a poetry analysis (PowerPoint)
Work on thesis paragraphs
Prepare for Renaissance Poetry Test
Wednesday, November 20
Objective: Demonstrate comprehension of poetry at the high end of text complexity band.
Renaissance Poetry Test: The test will cover the following
Know the following:
 Key ideas from Chain of Being
History of the Renaissance (outline)
Sonnet: 14 lines, iambic pentameter, turn, differences between types (Petrachan,
Shakespearean, Spencerian), subject matter
Vocabulary in poems covered (melodious, fragrant, embroidered, folly, virtuous, reckon,
endure, dreadful, desperate)
Authors and content of poetry covered; literary devices, figurative language
(“Sonnet 30”; “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”; The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd”;
“To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”; “To His Coy Mistress”; “A Valediction: Forbidding
Mourning”; “Death be Not Proud” )
Assignment (Due Friday, November 22)
Following the guidelines given in class, type an analysis of your poem. (one page, double space, 10-12
point font; Times New Roman or Arial)
Thursday, November 21
Objective: Objective: Demonstrate command of the conventions of English grammar
Review packet
Skill check: Capitalization and punctuation
Friday, November 22
Objective: Develop and strengthen as needed by planning, revising, editing, or
Quiz: Section 12 (capitalization and commas are included)
Typed poem analysis draft due
Peer Review
Final copy due Tuesday, November 26