Associates of Kulpmont - Bernardine Franciscan Sisters

Debra Papp was born in Scranton, PA. Presently, Debra is a
nurse practitioner caring for children at Geisinger Medical
Center. Debra gives witness to Christ at home, works in the
parish, and in her community. Prayer is the foundation to
help strive for holiness so that she can go out to evangelize
to others. She is involved in the Cursillesta group, the
Marian Movement of Priests, Eucharistic Minister, choir
member, cantor and facilitates Prayer and Bible study groups. She feels the
community aspect of being an Associate is important for one’s spiritual journey.
We’re not alone and here we support each other. She loves the Franciscan
charism and is eager to incorporate it into her life each day. The study has
strengthened her faith for the storms encountered each day. Debra would like to
see Associates become more active in their local community by taking on a
project. Secondly, she hopes to get together with another local group for sharing.
Kathy Nolan has lived in Kulpmont all her life. Her Dad owned a small ice
cream and sandwich shop in town and it was here that he drilled into her
to be of service to others and since he placed a high value on making
people happy. Though her Dad had a strong faith, it was her Mother
who gave her the gift of the importance of a deep prayer life. Kathy
and her husband are active in the church where prayer is their first
priority. She is a Eucharistic minister and lector in the parish. Kathy and
other Associates are involved in Bible study and various Prayer groups in the
For Kathy, the Associates are a faith family where they concentrate monthly on
God’s Word and how it connects to the Bernardine Franciscan Mission.
She hopes that the program will be introduced into more parishes where the
Bernardine have ministered. As the associates grow in the parish, she hopes that
they broaden their presence in the parish and sponsor specific faith programs.
Helen Pasierb was born in
Excelsior, PA. God has given
her the gift of loving and
caring for the elderly. She
visits the homebound and
Nursing Homes giving to all
her beautiful smile and
devoted attention.
For many years she also
attended her mother, aunt
and sister during their illness.
Helen hates to cook so her husband does this while she does church work, helps
her neighbors, baby sits grandchildren, and transports friends and relatives to
Being an Associate lets me express and explain how I feel about my faith,
and how I look at life and its lessons. I would like to see our group visit
some shrines in the area. I love our gatherings and always leave them
with an uplifting feeling. I am grateful for Joette, our mentor.
Carmella Daniels has lived in Kulpmont all her life. Carmella
played the organ in church when she was younger but now
helps out at the parish with Bingo and renders service where
needed. She does office work in the rectory and also serves as a
Eucharistic minister. She loves attending the Associate meetings
where it is a time for prayer and sharing Jesus who is most
important in her life. She loves God’s people and tries to offer
compassion and support to our less fortunate brothers and
Geraldine (Gerry) Zarkoski grew up in Atlas, PA. Her parents and brother lived
with her paternal grandparents who were most loving and very religious.
Throughout her life she has belonged to various prayer groups and religious
societies such as the St. Pauline Healing society, Brianna’s Wings, and the Felician
Sisters lay group. As an associate she hopes to deepen her prayer life and
strengthen her faith in Christ.
Lucy Shimko is from Marian Heights. She attended Our Lady of Perpetual Help
School and for many years was an organist in her parish. She was employed as a
cashier at a dollar store for a few years and then she worked as a secretary for
Dale Manufacturing Co. Presently she is a member of the Holy Angels choir and
enjoys singing at Mass and services. During the week, Lucy is currently employed
as an aide in the Mt. Carmel School District where she
pleasantly greets the visitors that enter the elementary
school. She also rides the school bus as an aide with
the early childhood children to make sure that they are
safe. She loves the Associate gatherings where they
learn about the spirituality and life of St. Francis.
Through this she hopes to deepen her own spiritual life
and to grow closer to God.
Alex was born and raised in Kulpmont. He was brought up in the Lutheran
tradition. Alex’s daughter has a severe illness that needed brain surgeries and
only his reliance on God helped him through the recent rough times. For his
livelihood, Alex worked on construction, did masonry work and also operated a
forklift. For many years without any church or faith commitment, he realized he
was going down the wrong path. His wife, a Catholic, started him on his journey
to the Catholic faith. He also learned and was inspired by EWTN.
Six years ago Alex was received into the faith. He is now
very active in the church and is presently a Eucharistic
Minister. At the Pauline Center the Divine Mercy Chaplet
is led by the Associates and Alex sets this up every week.
He is a most inspiring Associate for us.
Joette Foris is a person for all seasons. She had been a full time teacher in the
Shamokin School System and is now retired. After that she has become a full time
Minister at her parish as the Director for Religious Education and she is there for
whatever ministry needs her service. Joette is also in the Music Ministry at her
church and in her spare time helps her family in the Florist business. Added to all
this she is the coordinator for the Bernardine Associate group in Kulpmont. She is
the mentor and inspiration for many people in her parish.
Maria Foris is a native of Kulpmont and is an icon of her
town. She has worked all her life with her family in the
Florist business which is a never ending task.
With each placing of a flower in an arrangement, a
prayer is whispered for the customer. Maria is also
a cantor in her parish and her voice is that of an
angel. She enjoys coming to the Associate
meetings where there are readings, reflections and
sharing of the charism and stories about St.
Francis and the Franciscan order.