Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Region 10 Education Service Center (Region 10) is seeking applications for funding under the McKinney-
Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act. Applicants for funding under the TXMVP-2 are restricted to Texas school districts currently receiving McKinney-Vento funds through a Texas Homeless
Education American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (TXHEARRA) subgrant. Districts currently receiving funds under the Texas Support for Homeless Education Program (TEXSHEP) are not eligible. An additional requirement is that districts have identified 150 students in homeless situations according to the McKinney-Vento Act definition of homelessness as reported on the applicant’s 2008-09 PR6400
Compliance Reporting submission to TEA. This is a competitive grant with successful applicants selected by a review of the submitted application.
Grant Purpose. These funds will be used in accordance with the authorizing program statute for Title X,
Part C of NCLB. Subgrantees must comply with all corresponding program requirements, conditions for grant award, and provisions and assurances for those programs. Funds are for the purpose of identifying children and youth in homeless situations, and developing and implementing educational and related services in order to help them enroll, attend, and succeed in school . These services will occur during school hours and/or before and after school, and on holidays, weekends, and vacations.
McKinney-Vento already requires districts to provide services to students in homeless situations regardless of whether or not they receive external funding for this purpose. This requirement includes naming a district liaison for homeless education.
Grant Period. The grant period covers 13 months, beginning on August 1, 2011, and ending August 31,
Funding. The following is provided in compliance with the 1992 U.S. Department of Education
Appropriations Act: a) Total funds available for this project: Approximately $.4 million b) Percentage that will be financed with federal funds: 100%
The amount of funding available to each applicant is approximately $75 per identified homeless student for the entire 13-month grant period. The number of identified homeless students used to determine the maximum funding for which an applicant is eligible to apply will be based on the applicant’s 2008-
209 PR6400 Compliance Reporting submission to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) through the eGrants system.
Grant Requirements Successful applicants will continue to serve homeless students using services currently funded under the TXHEARRA grant and/or new services. Modifications to current programs are allowed as included in Schedule 3 of this application.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Subgrantees must also submit all of the reports and documentation indicated in this application and summarized in Table 1 below, along with any other requirements deemed necessary by Region 10.
Subgrantees will also be required to send at least one program person to the Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 subgrantee training events. Dates and locations for these trainings have not yet been determined. Funds may be budgeted from the TXMVP-2 award to cover travel and registration costs for these events.
Subgrantees will undergo a mid-year program review in late Winter/Spring of 2012. This review will encompass an overview of program goals, benchmarks of implemented activities to date, and a general review of subgrant expenditures. Details regarding the mid-year review, such as the review instrument, will be provided to subgrantees after the start of the grant period.
A final program report will be required of all subgrantees, due September 30, 2012. This report will give a final account of all program activities, a review of program goal successes, explanations for goals not met, and plans for sustaining the program. Details regarding the final report will be provided to subgrantees after the start of the grant period.
Timelines. The general timeline (detailed below) includes a November 1, 2010 distribution of the RFA, a due date of December 2, 2010, to the Region 10 Education Service Center, notification of award by mid-
January 2011, and an effective starting date for subgrant activities on August 1, 2011.
Additional Information. Please direct any questions about this RFA in writing to Barbara James via email at babawawa@austin.utexas.edu. Substantive questions must be received by November 19, 2010.
Questions and responses received by that date will be posted on the THEO website. An on-line training
instrument with information on the McKinney-Vento Act and additional information about completing the TXMVP-2 application will be available on the THEO website after November 5, 2010 on the
TXMVP-2 Grant page ( http://www.utdanacenter.org/theo/txmvp/txmvp2.php
Table 1 lists the due dates for the various activities, reports and documentation required for the TXMVP-
2 grant.
Table 1 – TXMVP-2 Timeline and Reporting Requirement Deadlines
Date Activity / Reporting Requirement Deadline
November 1, 2010 RFA is distributed to eligible districts
November 19, 2010 Cutoff for substantive questions regarding the RFA
December 2, 2010 Applications are due to Region 10
Mid-January 2011
August 1, 2011
Fall 2011 (TBD)
Dec 30, 2011
Districts are notified
Subgrant activities commence
Statewide Conference - Attendance Required
1 st Financial Report (August, September, October, November 2011 period)
Late Winter, 2012
Mar 30, 2012
Spring 2012 (TBD)
Mid-year program review
2 nd Financial Report (December 2011, January, February 2012 period)
Statewide Conference – Attendance Required
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2
Jun 30, 2012
Sep 30, 2012
Sep 30, 2012
Applicant County/District Number: __________
3 rd Financial Report (March, April, May, 2012 period)
4 th (final) Financial Report (June, July, August, 2012 period)
Final Program Report (September 1, 2011 – August 31, 2012 period)
The TXMVP-2 is a cost-reimbursement subgrant. Region 10 will reimburse subgrantees through the financial reporting forms that will be sent to the project’s business manager once the grant period begins. Financial reports are due according to the timeline in Table 1 above.
Any activity not directly related to the subgrant requirements as outlined in this application is strictly forbidden (including lobbying efforts). Project funds must be used primarily to provide supplemental education and related services, beyond those required in the foundation program, to homeless students. Applicants are encouraged to use additional resources and other sources of financial support, especially Title I, to help maximize the effectiveness of the project goals and objectives. The target for services and funding is homeless students.
The budget for the grant period (August 1, 2011 – August 31, 2012) must be submitted on the attached schedules 4-4F.
Additional information on the use of funds and a complete listing of the allowable use of grant funds may be found in Appendix 1.
Staff from the Region 10 Education Service Center and its designees will review each completed TXMVP-
2 application that is selected for funding before the Notification of Grant Award (NOGA) is issued in order to negotiate details in the funded application to ensure compliance with all federal and grant regulations. Once the negotiation is complete, the NOGA will be issued. Subgrantees are not allowed to expend funds on the program until the negotiations are complete and the NOGA has been issued.
As part of the negotiation process, an Anticipated Annual Expenditure (AAE) form must also be completed by the subgrantee for submission prior to the start of the grant period (August 1, 2011). The
AAE is a spreadsheet that projects the distribution of the use of subgrant funds across the entire period of the subgrant (August 1, 2011 – August 31, 2012). Region 10 uses the AAE to track the subgrantee’s use of funds and anticipate reimbursement requests. The AAE will be available to subgrantees on the
THEO website at www.utdanacenter.org once the negotiation period begins.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Throughout the course of the subgrant period, it may be necessary to make adjustments to the fiscal and/or program portions of the subgrant. Applications may be amended after a NOGA has been issued and up until 30 days prior to the end date of the subgrant period. Only those support schedules that have changed in some way from the original application or the latest approved amended application should be submitted. Subgrantees should contact THEO for details regarding the amendment process and the documentation that must be submitted.
This is a competitive subgrant. Applications will be reviewed and scored using outside reviewers (neither
Region 10 nor THEO staff). Inconsistencies among reviewer scores will be resolved using a third reviewer. Applications that are deemed to be non-responsive or unrealistic will not receive funding.
Scoring will be based on the quality and detail of response to items within Schedules 2, 3, and 4-4F.
Values are assigned as follows.
0 – no response or non-responsive
1 – weak description and/or approach
2 – acceptable description and/or approach
3 – strong description and/or approach
Note: The above represents a maximum of three points for select items within a Schedule. The scale is expanded for some requirements to reflect weighting of particular items within a Schedule.
The following table details the available points as determined by a review of Schedules 2, 3 and 4-4F.
Table 2 - Application Scoring Summary
Max Points
2.a. Counts and projections of students
2.b. Level of parental support
2.c. Level of staff support
2.d. Level of external agency and entity support
2.e. Sustainability development
Subtotal for Schedule 2
3.a. Special circumstances and approaches
3.b. Needs, Activities, Services and Documentation for Elementary *
3.c. Needs, Activities, Services and Documentation for Middle School *
3.d. Needs, Activities, Services and Documentation for High School *
Subtotal for Schedule 3
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
4-4F. Suitability of budget for proposed activities
Other required schedules (list of all required schedules is included below)
Total Available Points
* Scoring will be adjusted for districts not serving all grade levels
NOTE: Districts with 3 or more scores of 0 or with a total score less than 90 will not be considered for funding.
Appendix 1 List of Allowable Activities
Appendix 2 List of all appropriate THEO and Region 10 staff
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Schedule 4
Schedule 4A submit only if funds are budgeted for use on this schedule
Schedule 4B submit only if funds are budgeted for use on this schedule
Schedule 4B.1 if applicable
Schedule 4C submit only if funds are budgeted for use on this schedule
Schedule 4D submit only if funds are budgeted for use on this schedule
Schedule 4E submit only if funds are budgeted for use on this schedule
Schedule 4F submit only if funds are budgeted for use on this schedule
Schedule 5
An original plus three copies of the application shall be submitted, for a total of four sets. At least one set must contain, on Schedule #1, an original signature in blue ink of the person authorized to bind the applicant in a contract. The application with the original signature must have the word “ORIGINAL” written or stamped on Schedule #1. Four sets of the completed and assembled application must be received at Region 10 Education Service Center no later than 4:30 p.m. on December 2, 2010, in order to be considered for funding. Applicants are responsible for ensuring each copy of the application is complete (i.e., contains each required page) and is in proper order. Photocopying and space for assembling documents are not available at Region 10 Education Service Center.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Applications must be submitted to Region 10 using the delivery method of the applicant’s choice to the following address:
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Project
Attention: Carey Foster
Region 10 Education Service Center
400 East Spring Valley Road
Richardson, TX 75081-5101
Do NOT send the application to the Texas Homeless Education Office (THEO), the Charles A. Dana
Center, or the Texas Education Agency.
Facsimile (Fax) or email transmission of applications or any pages in the application will not be accepted under any circumstances.
To be eligible and considered for funding, the required number of completed applications must be received in Region 10 Education Service Center by the due date and time, regardless of the method of submitting the application. Delays in mail, shipping, and courier service may occur for reasons beyond
Region 10’s control or the applicant’s control. Region 10 ESC will not accept responsibility for any such delays.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2
Applicant County/District Number: __________
Program Authority: Public Law 107-110 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance
Improvements Act of 2001
Project Dates:
Contact Information:
August 1, 2011 through August 31, 2012
New Application
Amendment # ____
District Name:
Mailing Address:
County-District #
ESC Number
District Homeless Liaison:
District Homeless Liaison Phone # ( ) Fax # ( )
Grant Manager (if not Liaison):
Grant Manager (If not Liaison) Phone # ( ) Fax # ( )
Business Manager Phone:
Business Manager Phone # ( ) Fax # ( )
Preferred Mailing Address for this grant (if not district address):
I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the local education agency named above has authorized me as its representative to obligate this agency. I further certify that any ensuing program and activity will be conducted in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, application guidelines and instructions, the Provisions and Assurances, Debarment and
Suspension, lobbying requirements, Special Provisions and Assurances, and Schedules 6, 7 and 12. It is understood by the applicant that this application constitutes an offer and, if accepted by Region 10 Education Service Center or renegotiated to acceptance, will form a binding agreement.
Signature of Authorized Official (blue ink): Date Signed:
Typed Name, Title, and Telephone Number of Authorized Official:
The signing of Schedule #1 - General Information by applicant indicates acceptance of and compliance with all requirements described within this application, including all provisions and assurances listed under the TXMVP subgrant on the THEO website at www.utdanacenter.org/theo.
PLEASE NOTE: Original applications require 4 copies with at least one original signature in blue ink.
Please write or stamp “Original” on the signed copy.
For Region 10 Use Only. Changes/notes made on this application have been confirmed with: by email/FAX/in person/telephone on: by: .
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Limit responses to the area provided – be succinct! Do not expand the available response area. Do not simply repeat the examples – this may be considered to be non-responsive. Do not use smaller than a 10 point font.
Schedule 2.a: Provide the number of students in homeless situations by grade span in 2009-2010 and those anticipated in 2011-2012:
Grade Span
Middle School
Homeless Students in 2009-2010
Total Count Served
Anticipated Homeless in 2011-2012
Count To be served
High School
Schedule 2.b: Describe the level of parental support for the homeless program:
Examples: Interviews with parents, counselors, advocacy groups. Counts of parent volunteers, participants in counseling/tutoring sessions.
Schedule 2.c: Describe the level of support provided by district staff:
Examples: Interviews with teachers, principals, department heads, superintendent. Number or hours of tutoring/mentoring provided. Counts of staff serving as chaperones, making home visits, or providing support for shelter staff.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Schedule 2.d: Describe the level of support provided by external agencies/entities:
Examples: Interviews with advocacy groups, shelters, businesses, local and state agencies. Number of agencies or businesses providing support, describe the support.
Schedule 2.e: Describe strategies and potential funding sources to continue the program if McKinney-Vento funding is no longer available:
Examples: Examine other district programs where start-up funding has ceased.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
In this schedule, describe the current and anticipated needs for students in homeless situations during the time period of the subgrant (August 1, 2011 through August 31, 2012) For each need identified, list the approach(es) used to address the need. Finally, describe the documentation that will be provided during mid-year reviews to demonstrate the program’s progress. Do not expand the provided area for this information. No more than three major needs and three activities to address those needs may be entered in this schedule. This does not preclude the district from providing more services. The stated needs and services provided may differ from those currently offered (2010-2011). Applicants must
serve at least one grade level, but may serve all grade levels with grant funds.
At least one need to be addressed for each grade span must include an academic area
(e.g., TAKS passing rate, attendance, promotion, etc.)
Schedule 3.a. This optional area can be used to describe any special circumstances or unusual approaches that the district is proposing.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2
Schedule 3 Continued
Applicant County/District Number: __________
Schedule 3.b: Elementary Grades Activity or Service Addressing Need Documentation that Will
Demonstrate Completion
Need 1:
Need 2:
Need 3:
Examples: TAKS passing rates below
70%, low promotion rates, low attendance, lack of school supplies.
Examples: Tutoring sessions, parent education, home visits, provide school supplies
Examples: Tutoring logs, description of parent training, number of students receiving supplies
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2
Schedule 3 Continued
Applicant County/District Number: __________
Schedule 3.c: Middle School Grades Activity or Service Addressing Need Documentation that Will
Demonstrate Completion
Need 1:
Need 2:
Need 3:
Examples: TAKS passing rates below
70%, low promotion rates, low attendance, lack of school supplies.
Examples: Tutoring sessions, parent education, home visits, provide school supplies
Examples: Tutoring logs, description of parent training, number of students receiving supplies
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2
Schedule 3 Continued
Applicant County/District Number: __________
Schedule 3.d: High School Activity or Service Addressing Need
Need 1:
Need 2:
Need 3:
Examples: TAKS passing rates below
70%, low promotion rates, low attendance, dropout rates.
Examples: Tutoring sessions, counseling, home visits, mentors, college visits
Documentation that Will
Demonstrate Completion
Examples: Tutoring logs, records of visits, counseling sessions, counts of mentors
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Program Authority: Public Law 107-110 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001.
Project Period: 08/1/2011 through 08/31/2012
For budget for this period, use only the highlighted column below entitled “Initial Budget”; remaining columns are to be used only in the event an amendment is needed.
No. Class/Object Description
01 Payroll Costs
4A 6100
Professional and
Contracted Services
03 Supplies and Materials
04 Other Operating Costs
4D 6400
Capital Outlay
(Exclusive of 6619 and
4E 6600
06 Adaptation of Space
4F 6629
07 Total Direct Costs (Sum of lines 1-6)
08 Indirect Costs ( %) (1)
09 Total Costs
(1) Indirect costs may not exceed the restricted indirect cost rate approved by the Texas Education Agency (less required exclusions), or 8%, whichever is less.
NOTE: For assistance in computing the Indirect Costs for this subgrant (or amendment), see the Indirect Cost Calculation
Worksheet on the THEO website at http://www.utdanacenter.org/theo .
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2
Applicant County/District Number: __________
Description of Payroll Costs
One Line Per Position
Related Needs and Activities
Number of
Number of
(show % of FTE)
Total Payroll Costs
(Include gross salaries, wages, and benefits)
Substitutes for Public School
Personnel (6112)
(Explain purpose:)
Extra-Duty Pay/Beyond Normal
Work Hours (6119/6121) (Explain purpose:)
TOTAL COSTS (add lines 7 + 8 + 9) 10
For federally-funded projects, charges to payroll must be documented according to the requirements in OMB Circular A-87.
Refer to the THEO website for a summary of these requirements.
From the NCLB News From TEA, February 19, 2008:
Title I, Part A may pay for the homeless liaison’s salary, but the liaison must also perform additional Title I responsibilities other than arranging for Title I services to homeless students. Otherwise, there is a supplant issue since the liaison is required under
McKinney-Vento, not Title I. If the liaison has no other federal program responsibilities other than services to homeless students, the LEA must pay the liaison out of McKinney-Vento, state, or local funds.
Any changes to the number of positions will require an amendment.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Needs and
Description of Expense Items
Contracted Services provided by ESC (6230) (Specify type(s) of services):
Professional/Consulting Services (6210): (Enter the total amount to be paid to consultant(s)/contractor(s). Include travel costs for consultants and materials provided by consultants in the budgeted amount. Travel costs include reasonable airfare, lodging, meals, and mileage not to exceed approved state or local rates, etc.)
If the applicant is requesting to contract with an organization a) to provide all or part of the direct services to students/families or b) to manage the project, provide the name(s) of the contracted organization(s) and attach a budget by
cost category and line item to this schedule. The same cost principles for allowable costs apply to all contractors and the budget is subject to negotiation by Region 10 ESC.
(For each consultant/contractor complete Schedule #7C.1: Contractor
Contracted maintenance and repair of equipment purchased with grant funds
(Enter the total amount for professional/ consulting services.)
Utilities (6250), including telephone, FAX charges, and telecommunication services, water, electricity, and gas for heating/cooling for grant activities conducted before school, after school, or during the summer
Rental or lease of equipment or building space (6260) (specify type and purpose):
Audit fees/expenses (6212) (Allowable only for audits of federal grant programs conducted in accordance with the requirements in OMB Circular A-
133, Audits. Audit costs that are part of an indirect cost pool should not be included on this schedule.)
09 Tuition Services (6220) (Explain purpose:)
10 TOTAL COSTS (add lines 01 through 09)
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Name of consultant/contractor Description of Services Total Costs
For each consultant/contractor attach a brief description of the services to be provided. Add as many rows as necessary.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Description of Expense Items
General supplies and materials (639X), including consumable teaching and office supplies; workbooks; audio-visual aids, such as DVDs, videotapes, computer software; and supplies for technology. Provide a general description of items to be purchased; a cost breakdown is not needed. For example, Math Manipulatives,
Instructional DVDs, copier paper.
Student School Supplies (639X) Provide a general description of items to be purchased; a cost breakdown is not needed.
Needs and
Textbooks and other reading materials (632X) (includes textbooks and magazines, periodicals, newspapers and reference books placed in the classroom or in an office. Also includes library books and media that are not capitalized and/or that have a useful life of one year or less. (Subscriptions to periodicals/magazines must be in the name of the organization and not in the name of an individual.) Provide a general description of items to be purchased; a cost breakdown is not needed.
Testing materials (633X) (does not include scoring of tests) Provide a general description of items to be purchased; a cost breakdown is not needed.
Emergency Clothing, Shoes (639X) Provide a general description of items to be purchased; a cost breakdown is not needed.
06 Other
Computer hardware (not capitalized) (6395)
List the hardware requested and the estimated quantity for each type.
Describe the use/purpose of the hardware in accomplishing the objectives of the project. Attach an additional page if necessary.
An amendment is required if the use/purpose of the hardware changes, if the estimated quantity of an item increases by more than 20 percent, or if a new item is requested.
(Attach an additional page if necessary.)
Other equipment (not capitalized) (6395) (List equipment requested and the estimated quantity for each. Describe the use/purpose of the equipment in accomplishing the objectives of the project. Attach an additional page if necessary.
An amendment is required if the use/purpose of the equipment changes, if the estimated quantity increases by more than 20 percent, or if a new item is requested.)
Supplies/materials for maintenance and/or operations (631X), including gasoline/fuel for transportation, janitorial supplies, building maintenance supplies, and supplies for upkeep of equipment. Provide a general description of items to be purchased; a cost breakdown is not needed.
10 TOTAL COSTS (add lines 01 through 09)
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
Description of Expense Items
Rates for travel may not exceed those established in the General
Appropriations Act for Texas.
Travel Costs for Employees, Students, and Non-Employees (6410), including: a. In-State Travel b. Out-of-State Travel c. Conference/Workshop/Seminar Registration Fees.
Membership Dues (6499) in Professional Organizations; however, membership dues to organizations that lobby are not allowable
(membership must be in the name of the subgrantee organization and not in the name of an individual).
Awards/Incentives for Participation (6499) (nominal in cost).
Identify types of awards/incentives to be provided:
Insurance (6420). (personal insurance is not allowable) Identify purpose:
Needs and
(Enter the total amount requested for travel. Do not split out the costs among subitems.)
Transportation. Explain purpose:
Food and Beverage Costs (not provided by the district food service program) (6499). Refer to instructions for allowable food costs on pp. I-64––I-65. Explain purpose:
09 Stipends to Non-employees (6413). Explain purpose:
10 TOTAL COSTS (add lines 01 through 09)
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
No. Description of Expense Items
01 List all equipment and furniture requested having a unit cost of
$5,000 or more and a useful life of more than one year (6630). Do not list brand names. Use generic descriptions. Enter the cost of each item. Explain the use/purpose of each item in accomplishing the objectives of the project. Attach an additional page if necessary.
An amendment is required to increase the quantity or to request a new item.
02 List Fixed Assets - District Defined costing less than $5,000 that must be capitalized according to district policy and that have a useful life of more than one year (6640). For each type of item requested, enter the estimated quantity and explain the use/purpose of the item in accomplishing the objectives of the project. It is not necessary to include the cost of individual items.
Attach an additional page if necessary. An amendment is required if the use/purpose of the equipment changes, if the estimated quantity of an item increases by more than 20 percent, or if a new item is requested.
Needs and
Activities Quantity
(Enter the total for items costing less than $5,000 that must be capitalized.)
03 TOTAL COSTS (add line 01 plus line 02)
All costs include shipping and handling.
For open-enrollment public charter schools: funds to be used for capital assets should be requested on this schedule. Refer to the Special Supplement to Financial Accounting and Reporting Nonprofit Charter School Chart of
Accounts: A Module of the TEA Financial Accounting System Resource Guide for reporting expenditures for capital assets in PEIMS.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
For each construction/remodeling contract expected to exceed $2,000 in federal grant funds, federal wage rates must be obtained from the website listed below prior to bid solicitation and contract
No. Description of Expense Items
Needs and
(not to exceed $10,000 total)
Adaptation of Space for nonschool facilities
A. Facility Name(s):
B. Estimated date(s) of completion:
C. Attach a statement explaining why this proposed adaptation of space is necessary and how it will benefit children and youth in homeless situations. Describe the major components of the construction or remodeling/renovation project.
A. Are funds requested for cost of materials only? _________Yes__________No
B. If item A is Yes, will all labor be performed by employees of the applicant?
If the response is “yes” to both items A and B above, or if no contract will exceed $2,000, the applicant is exempt from requirements set forth in the Davis-Bacon Act.
If the response to A is “no” and any construction/remodeling contract is expected to exceed
$2,000, subgrantees must comply with the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act and obtain federal wage determination rates from the U. S. Department of Labor for all applicable trades prior to bid solicitation and contract award.
To Obtain Wage Determination Rates for Texas by county, access on the Internet: http://www.access.gpo.gov/davisbacon/ . Click on “Browse all Determinations by State”, then click on “Texas”, then locate your county. Click under the “Building” column for your county to access the rates for all trades.
If your county does not have published wage determination rates for “building” on the above website, you will need to complete and submit Standard Form (SF) 308 to the U.S. Department of
Labor to obtain wage determination rates. Standard Form 308 is available at: http://www.dol.gov/dol/esa/public/programs/dbra/sf308.html
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
For assistance with completing Standard Form 308 call:
U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, Request for Wage Determination, Dallas, Texas,
Please refer to the instructions for completing this schedule for additional information pertaining to
the Davis-Bacon Act.
Subgrantee shall require the facility to comply with the American Standard Specifications for Making
Buildings and Facilities Accessible to and Usable by the Physically Handicapped No. A117.1-1961, as modified by other standards prescribed by the
Secretary or U.S. Administrator of General Services (41 CFR 101-19.6). The applicant shall be responsible for conducting inspections to ensure compliance with these specifications by the contractor.
For federally funded programs, the applicant must comply with provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act and the requirements set forth in the Technical Handbook for Facilities Engineering and Construction
Manual. The construction connected with the erection or installation of the building shall be subject to the provisions of: (1) The Davis-Bacon Act, (2) The Copeland Anti-Kickback Act, and (3) Executive Order
11246, as amended.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
SCHEDULE #5: Equitable Access and Participation (Required for Programs funded by the U.S.
Department of Education)
Part I: Listed below are barriers that may prevent students, teachers, and other beneficiaries from having equitable access to and equitable participation in McKinney-Vento projects and activities. Please make a check in the box in front of any barriers that might exist in the
applicant’s project for any of the aforementioned groups: a. Gender-specific bias b. Gang-related activities c. Drug-related activities d. Visual impairments i. High mobility rates j. Absenteeism/truancy k. Lack of support from parents l. Inaccessible physical structures e. Hearing impairments f. Learning disabilities m. n.
Shortage of qualified personnel
Cultural, linguistic, or economic diversity g. Lack of transportation to program o. Other physical disabilities/constraints activities ______________________________ h. Lack of knowledge regarding
program benefits p. Other:
Part II: If one or more of the boxes above is checked, use the space below to write the letter of the barrier, then state the group(s) affected by the barrier: students, teachers, others. For each barrier and group identified, briefly describe the strategies the applicant will use to ensure equitable access to and equitable access in the TXHEARRA project. Use additional sheets as needed. (See example in instructions.)
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
An LEA may use TXMVP-2 funds to assist homeless children and youth in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. In particular, the funds may support any of the following activities authorized under section 723(d) of the McKinney-Vento Act (42 U.S.C. 11433(d)):
1. Supplemental educational services, such as tutoring and other academic enrichment programs;
Expedited evaluations for various educational services;
Professional development activities for educators and pupil services personnel working with homeless students;
Health referral services;
Defraying the excess cost of transportation in order to enable students to attend the school of origin;
Early childhood education programs for pre-school-aged children experiencing homelessness;
7. Services and assistance to attract, engage, and retain homeless children and youth and unaccompanied youth in public school programs;
Before- and after-school, mentoring, and summer programs with educational activities; 8.
9. Payment of fees and costs associated with tracking, obtaining, and transferring records of homeless children and youth;
10. Education and training for parents of homeless children and youth about rights and resources;
11. Development of coordination between schools and agencies providing services;
12. Provision of pupil services (including violence prevention counseling) and referrals for such services;
13. Activities to address needs of students in homeless situations that may arise from domestic violence;
14. Adaptation of space and purchase of supplies for non-school facilities to provide services listed above;
15. Provision of school supplies, including those to be distributed at shelters or other appropriate locations; and
16. Other extraordinary or emergency assistance needed to enable homeless children and youth to attend school.
Additional information on allowable LEA uses of funds is provided in Part L of the Department’s previously issued guidance on the McKinney-Vento program at http:www.ed.gov/programs/homeless/guidance.doc
Funds may not be used to provide services to students in private schools. A subgrantee may reserve that portion of its TXHEARRA funding that is reasonable and necessary to administer the program effectively.
Region 10 reserves the right to reject any and all applications and to negotiate portions thereof.
Texas McKinney-Vento Program - 2 Applicant County/District Number: __________
400 E. Spring Valley Rd.
Richardson, Texas 75081-5101
Phone: 972-348-1700
Fax: 972-348-1537
Sandra Maddox, Deputy Executive Director
972-348-1008 sandy.maddox@region10.org
Gloria Key, Asst. Director for Special Populations
972-348-1536 gloria.key@region10.org
Sue Hayes, Chief Financial Officer
972-348-1110 sue.hayes@region10.org
Carey Foster, Accountant
972-348-1118; Fax: 972-348-1119 carey.foster@region10.org
David Ray, Consultant I
972-348-1786 david.ray@region10.org
Charles A. Dana Center
The University of Texas at Austin
1616 Guadalupe Street, Suite 3.206
Austin, TX 78701
Toll-free in Texas:
Barbara Wand James, Project Director
512-475-8765 babawawa@austin.utexas.edu
Vicky Dill, Senior Program Coordinator
512-475-9715 vickydill@austin.utexas.edu
Patrick D. Lopez, Senior Program Coordinator
512-475-9704 plopez@austin.utexas.edu
Tim Stahlke, Senior Program Coordinator
512-475-9709 tstahlke@austin.utexas.edu
Jeanne Stamp, Senior Program Coordinator
512-475-6898 jeannestamp@austin.utexas.edu