DRIVING QUESTION: How to avoid soil erosion & waste of water and energy in agricultural systems. Available water Exercises Exercises Metadata Keys Water & Soil How to save Water & Energy? (1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10) Generality (1;2) Soil Erosion (1;2) Available Water in the Planet Available water for humans corresponds to 0,08% of the total water on Earth. Over the past 20 years, the demand of water has increased by 60% (40% for agriculture), it is estimated that by 2020 about 1.4 million of people will not have enough water to live. Then, can you save water in agriculture? Yes! How to save water & energy: IRRIGATION One of the most effective ways to avoid wasting water is to irrigate crops according to the real needs of the plant and at the right time. A precise assessment of the water volumes and timing of irrigation, making more efficient use of water, as it reduces the volume required for the achievement of the best productions. How to save water & energy: IRRIGATION The calculation of the water balance of crops is the most accurate, inexpensive and easy way to estimate the amount of water required to cover the difference between the water consumed by the crop evapotranspiration and the one that reaches the plants with the rains, from shallow groundwater and capillary rise in the soil. How to save water & energy: SOFTWARE This method, although accurate, is laborious and often difficult to apply, especially in periods of up to work at a farm. For this reason the software have been developed that show daily to farmers when and how much to irrigate different crops. How to save water & energy: REUSE WATER The reuse of water waste for irrigation is an option that offers great benefits, especially in the face of increasing urbanization. The urban sewage, properly treated, can be channeled to the agricultural areas for irrigation. How to save water & energy: WATER CONSERVATION The water waste also provide nitrogen to crops also, of the phosphorus and potassium needed for agricultural production. The reuse of wastewater limits the sampling of surface water and groundwater, reduces the impact of discharges on rivers and promotes water conservation. How to save water & energy: DRIP IRRIGATION Drip irrigation is one of the most efficient and sustainable irrigation methods because it allows you to direct the water where it is needed, ie at the base of the plant, near the roots. It ‘s the most efficient system of common systems in rain water that spread over the entire field, even where it is not needed, resulting in waste of water resources. Pic 1 drip irrigation How to save water & energy: RESULTS Where drip irrigation has been introduced, there was a reduction in the consumption of water between 30% & 60%. We can save electric energy between 10% & 15%; mechanic energy between 45% & 60%. We can’t save money, this methods are more expensive than convenctional method. How to save water & energy: CHANGE The transition from a method characterized by high losses to one capable of determining the maximum efficiency of use is, therefore, a strategy indispensable for water & energy-saving in agriculture. How to save water & energy: THE PROBLEM THE PROBLEM: the combination of an irrigation system to the characteristics of the crop and the soil is not random but never, in fact, no irrigation system is perfectly suited to all situations, but each of them requires special attention in order to identify the optimal irrigation system. How to save water & energy: A REAL EXPERIENCE As I have observed in the farm of my school, not all crops are, for example, usefully irrigated by sprinkling, and for many others using drip irrigation is too complicated and expensive. This system should be used in the right way, taking all possible precautions to get its best efficiency. Pic 2 SOIL THE SOIL: General features The soil is formed by three principal components: sand, silt and clay. Based on the prevalence of one of these, soils is: clay, silty or sandy. The soil has an internal cavity: micropores (containing water) and macropores (containing air), a proper balance between micro-and macro-pores is critical to have a good soil structure. In the soil are also chemical elements nitrogen, potassium, iron ... THE SOIL: Generality Respect of the soil is essential for obtaining a good and fertility in a good productivity. Purpose of agriculture is to maintain or increase the potential of the land to make it productive to the maximum. Pic 3 SOIL Soil Erosion:THE PROBLEM THE PROBLEM: a very important problem on the ground is water erosion. This can be caused by heavy rains, strong winds, uprooting plants from the same plot, bad workmanship, faulty or absent natural drainage and poorly constructed artificial drainage. Pic 4 SOIL EROSION Soil Erosion:THE SOLUTION THE SOLUTION: Paying attention to all of these cases, the solution is elementary and immediate: a good upkeep certainly avoids the problem of soil erosion, even when nature wants to do some annoyance! Pic 5 DRAINAGE Exercises How much the available water in the Heart? The solution for soil erosion. Who are the compouns of soil? What is the effectiver method to save water in agricoltural system? Exercises Keys The available water in the Earth is 0.08% of total water of the Planet. Good upkeep, is the best solution to avoid soil erosion. Drip irragation is a good method. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Luca Foresi – Class 4°B – Water & Soil – A.S. 2013/2014 – I.I.S “G.Garibaldi” GENERALI: Titolo: WWD 2014 & Soil Autore: Luca F. Classe : 4°b Anno:2013-2014 Formato: PPT TECNICHE Dimensione: 4.46 KB Punti di forza: La presenza di foto, la sicurezza dei siti visitati per l’attuazione del progetto. Punti di debolezza: Qualche imprecisione nel linguaggio tecnico. EDUCATIVE Tipo: Progetto Lingua: Inglese generale / microlingua Tipologia interazione: Espositiva (Selezione topic -lettura-navigazione ipertestuale) Livello di interazione: Medio Ricchezza semantica: Medio-Alta Destinatari (tipo ed età): Studenti 1617 anni Contesto di apprendimento; laboratorio multimediale, autoapprendimento, recupero Grado di difficoltà: