(LIDAR) for forest measurement applications

The use of airborne laser scanner data (LIDAR)
for forest measurement applications
Hans-Erik Andersen
Precision Forestry Cooperative
University of Washington
College of Forest Resources
Forest structure analysis using remotely sensed data
Three-dimensional forest structure information is required to
support a variety of resource management activities
- Timber inventory and management
- Habitat monitoring
- Watershed management
- Fire behavior modeling
- Forest operations
Limitations of two-dimensional image data for forest
structure analysis
• Traditionally, acquired through manual or semi-automated
interpretation of aerial photographs or digital imagery
• Vertical (3-D) forest structure information acquired directly
from field measurements or indirectly inferred from 2-D image
• New generation of active remote sensing technologies (LIDAR,
IFSAR) provide direct, 3-D measurement of vegetation and
terrain surface
Why now?
Convergence of two enabling technologies for acquisition of precise
position and orientation of active airborne sensor
1) Airborne global positioning systems (GPS)
- Differentially corrected
- Positional accuracy: 5-10 cm
2) Inertial navigation systems (INS)
- Utilize gyroscopes and accelerometers
- Orientation (pitch/roll) accuracy : ~ 0.005°
Revolutionizing airborne remote sensing
LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging)
Active airborne sensor emits several
thousand infrared laser pulses per
Operates on principle that if location
and orientation of laser scanner is
known, we can calculate a range
measurement for each recorded echo
from a laser pulse
Components of system include INS
(inertial navigation system),
airborne differential GPS, and laser
Range measurements are postprocessed and delivered as XYZ
Courtesy: Spencer Gross
Capitol Forest LIDAR project
• LIDAR data acquired in the spring of 1999 covering 5.2 km2
within Capitol State Forest, near Olympia, WA
• Variety of silvicultural treatments have been applied in this area
Washington State
Area covered by LIDAR flight
Flight parameters and system settings for
Capitol Forest LIDAR project
Laser scanning system: SAAB
Platform: Helicopter
Flying height: 650 ft
Flying speed: 25 m/sec
Scanning swath width: 70 m
Laser pulse density: 3.5
Laser pulse rate: 7000
Maximum echoes per pulse: 4
LIDAR for topographic mapping
Laser pulses can penetrate forest canopy through gaps
Some laser pulses reach forest floor, other returns reflect from
canopy and sub-canopy vegetation
Allows for detailed modeling of terrain surface
LIDAR for forest structure analysis
LIDAR data represent direct measurements of three-dimensional forest structure
- “Small-footprint” vs. “large-footprint” systems
- “Continuous waveform” vs. “discrete return” systems
- Many small footprint, discrete return LIDAR systems can acquire multiple
measurements from a single laser pulse
Courtesy: Spencer Gross
LIDAR for forest structure analysis
High-density LIDAR data within Capitol Forest
study area
Same area in 1 ft orthophoto
LIDAR for forest structure analysis
“Forest structure is above ground organization of plant materials” –
(Spurr and Barnes, 1980)
Forest structural patterns are three-dimensional
- Growth at scale of individual tree crowns
- Competition for limited resources (light, water, nutrients)
LIDAR for forest measurement
How do we parameterize this three-dimensional spatial distribution of
above ground biomass components?
Regular grid/lattice
Distribution of foliage generalized within grid cell area (i.e. 30 x 30 m
Provides extensive data relating to forest structure across landscape
Object/individual tree level
Distribution of foliage associated with individual tree crowns
Provides intensive, detailed spatially explicit forest measurement data
Stochastic modeling and LIDAR forest sensing
• The distribution of LIDAR measurements throughout the canopy
contains information relating to forest structure in both vertical and
horizontal dimensions
• Large-footprint, continuous waveform LIDAR has been used
successfully to characterize forest structure patterns (Lefsky et al, 2002).
• Small-footprint, discrete return LIDAR measurements can be modeled
as observations from a stochastic process
• Stochastic model represents physical LIDAR sensing process
Bayesian LIDAR scan analysis for characterization
of forest structure
• Inferences can be carried out in probabilistic terms, allowing for
more complex, realistic modeling of forest spatial processes
• Sensing geometry is explicitly modeled (i.e. effects of scan angle,
• A Bayesian statistical framework allows for sources of uncertainty
and prior knowledge to be quantified and incorporated into model
• Due to the complexity of the probability models, inferences are
typically based upon Monte Carlo simulation
Bayesian LIDAR scan analysis for interpretation of
forest scenes: Model formulation
• Observed data: yt represent LIDAR
measurements acquired over a forest
• A single LIDAR measurement yt is a
distinct point along a 3-D vector t
• t  T, where T represents the scan
space - the set of all 3-D vectors
associated with the potential paths of all
emitted laser pulses from the sensor to
the ground surface
• LIDAR scan space (3-D vectors)
analogous to image space (2-D pixels)
* *
* *
Modeling Laser-Canopy Interaction
Variability in spatial distribution of plant materials (leaves, branches,
stems, etc.) gives rise to gap probability function (Kuusk, 1991)
The observed LIDAR measurements, y, will be related to the
distribution of foliage, x, through a probability distribution
This distribution, p(yt | x), is termed the sampling distribution
Modeling Laser-Canopy Interaction
• The parameters of the vertical
distribution of foliage density, x, determine
of global spatial organization of canopy
materials – represented as a mixture model
• Parameters of this mixture model
provide a detailed, quantitative description
of forest structure (Landsberg, 1986)
• The sampling distribution p(yt | x)
describes the probability that a given laser
pulse, traveling along a 3-D vector t, at an
angle θ, will reflect from a particular location
yt given a certain vertical distribution of
canopy foliage, x
Modeling laser transmission within the forest canopy
Laser energy is backscattered as it passes through a vegetation
Probability of a beam of light passing through a canopy (i.e. not
reflected) is given by gap probability function, based upon Beer’s
law (Sun and Ranson, 2000):
p = e-(kS)/cosθ
p is the probability that the beam is not reflected,
k is a measure of foliage area projected onto a plane normal to the light beam,
 is the foliage area density, and
S is the distance that the beam travels through the canopy
θ is the off-nadir angle of the beam
Models of this type can be used to determine the form of the
sampling distribution for LIDAR measurements p(yt | x)
Bayesian LIDAR scan analysis: Inferential approach
• In a Bayesian context, the posterior distribution of foliage
distribution parameters represents the probability of a particular
foliage density distribution, with parameter vector x, given the
observed LIDAR data, y:
p (y | x)  t  T p(yt | x) p(x)
• The mode of the posterior distribution will therefore represent
the most probable foliage distribution, given the LIDAR:
Posterior mode = argmax[p (y | x)]
• Finding the posterior mode is essentially a combinatorial
optimization problem
Posterior inference via Markov Chain simulation
• The target distribution can arise as the equilibrium distribution of a
special type of Markov chain – Green (1995)
• Moves within Markov chain consist of:
• addition of a model component
• deletion of an component
• change of object parameters
• splitting of a component
• merging of two components
• After a large number of steps, the subsequent samples can be
considered to be draws from the target (posterior) distribution
• Global optimization techniques used to determine the posterior
Bayesian LIDAR scan analysis for characterizing forest
structure: Inferential approach
space T
** *
posterior mode
Bayesian LIDAR scan analysis for characterizing vertical forest
structure: Example from Capitol Forest, WA
Stand structure projected from 1/5 acre field
plot data
Estimate of vertical foliage profile
from LIDAR scan analysis
Spatially explicit forest measurement through
Bayesian LIDAR scan analysis
• This modeling framework can also be used to infer individual tree
locations and dimensions
• Based upon theory developed in pattern recognition and computer
vision (Bayesian object recognition)
• Allows spatial interaction processes to be incorporated into model
• Output represents a spatially explicit representation of forest
canopy components
Spatially explicit forest measurement through Bayesian LIDAR
scan analysis: Model formulation
• Each object (tree) xi is an element of
object space U, and can be identified by
location, size, crown form, and foliage
(size, form, density)
xi  U
• The object configuration x will
determine the global spatial organization of
canopy materials -- modeled as a spatial
point process
yt *
• The sampling distribution p(yt | x)
describes the probability that a given laser
pulse, traveling along a specified 3-D vector
t, will reflect from a particular location yt
given a certain configuration of tree objects
(x, y)
Spatially explicit forest measurement through
Bayesian LIDAR scan analysis
• Inferences based upon the posterior probability density of object
configurations, conditional on the observed LIDAR data
• Prior distribution p(x) is a probability density over possible
object configurations
- Prior will penalize unrealistic forest patterns
- For example, large trees rarely grow close to one another
- We typically have some prior knowledge regarding the distribution of
tree dimensions in a given forest
Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Trees: The Prior Distribution
• Spatial point processes are a flexible class of models for
characterizing spatial patterns in the forest – Ripley (1981),
Penttinen et al. (1992)
• Marked point processes allow attributes to be attached to a point
- For example, xn may denote the (x,y) location of a tree, while the
mark, mn, may represent the crown diameter of this tree
• Markov point processes for modeling patterns with local
- Realistic assumption in forest dynamics
Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Trees: The Prior Distribution
• The Strauss process is a Markov point process used to model
pairwise interaction:
p(x) =  n(x)  s(x)
- n(x) = the number of points in the configuration x
- s(x) = the number of points within a specified distance from each other
- 0<  < 1
- When  < 1, there is inhibition between points
• Markov marked point process: interaction depends upon the marks
- Allows different interactions between trees of various sizes or species types
Posterior inference for spatially explicit Bayesian
LIDAR scan analysis
• In object recognition, global maximum of the posterior
distribution often of primary interest
• Maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of x
= argmax[p(x | y)]
= argmax[f (y | x) p(x)]
• MAP estimate represents the most probable global configuration
of tree objects, given the observed LIDAR data
Posterior inference for spatially explicit Bayesian
LIDAR scan analysis (cont.)
• Global optimization techniques (simulated annealing) can be
used to find the MAP estimate
• In theory, samples obtained, via Markov chain simulation, from
the tempered distribution
[p(x | y)]1/ T
will converge to the MAP estimate as T → 0
• Posterior distribution is a Markov object process
• Inferences can be based on samples drawn from the posterior
p(x | y)  f (y | x) p(x)
Spatially explicit forest measurement through Bayesian LIDAR
scan analysis: Inferential approach
(size, form, density)
* *
* *
* *
* ** * *
* data: y
** *
(x, y)
MAP Estimate of object configuration
Bayesian LIDAR scan analysis for spatially explicit forest measurement :
Example from Capitol State Forest, WA
MAP estimate of crown dimensions within 0.5 acre area of two-age stand
• Active LIDAR sensing technology provides means of
quantitatively characterizing three-dimensional forest structure
• Use of advanced computer vision and Bayesian inferential
techniques allows for automated extraction of detailed forest
• Methodology can be extended to incorporate other sources
of data (multispectral digital imagery, radar, etc.)
• Currently comparing to field-based and photogrammetric
forest measurements