Committee Handbook

U3A Batemans Bay Incorporated
to help you understand your
role and responsibilities
 Introduction to U3A Batemans Bay Inc.
 The committee
 Table of elected committee and non-elected
 Your special role
 People management
 Government and other requirements
 Forms and leaflets
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Introduction to U3A Batemans Bay Inc.
U3A in its different manifestations is a world-wide organisation. U3A is short for
University of the Third Age. There are many U3As in Australia. None is a university in
the usual sense of the word – rather we are a community of people interested in
broadening our horizons, keeping physically and mentally fit, and making new friends.
Our membership is for people over 50 who are entering a life away from full-time work –
and thus the concept of a ‘third age’. All our activities are run by volunteers doing what
they like best … helping people learn in an enjoyable way.
Growth in membership
“Our volunteers are
not paid, not because
Over the past few years, membership numbers
they are worthless but
have grown quickly. With just under 600
because they are
members at the time of publication, we must
work hard to provide the number and range of
activities for members. Fortunately good people
come forward every year to run new events, and
other good people continue as volunteer tutors over many years. It is estimated that at
any one time up to 80 people are involved in running the organisation, tutoring or some
other role to keep U3A running. Our membership size makes us one of the largest
volunteer groups on the far south coast.
Guided by government
We have considerable freedom in running U3A and providing for our membership.
However a lot of people don’t realise that U3A Batemans Bay is an incorporated body,
registered with the NSW government under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act
2009. This Act imposes a number of requirements on us and on how we conduct our
business even though we are all volunteers. In return the Act provides certain
protections to the committee and members. Read more in the section Government and
other requirements.
U3A Network NSW Inc.
We are also a member of the U3A Network NSW Inc. This elected, volunteer central
agency helps U3As throughout the state in various ways. For example our insurance is
held through a group arrangement made by the Network. The Network also holds an
annual conference where issues of importance are discussed.
What this handbook will and won’t do
This handbook is just a start and cannot tell you everything you need to know about
committee work and running an organisation.
When you become a member of the elected committee or of the support team that
assists the elected committee, you need to know facts on running an organisation of this
type, or at least where to find them. This handbook should help.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
It will give you basic information about the activities in your particular role (see the
Table of who does what, and Your special role), but more detail will come from talking
to people who have held the role before you. You should allocate yourself some
personal time to research U3As and incorporated associations on the web, and talk as
much as you can to other committee members, tutors and our membership. Nothing
beats getting out and seeing what is happening.
Under the Government and other information section of this handbook you will see the
list of our key documents. Nobody would expect you to be able to quote these
documents word for word. However you do need to keep a copy for yourself and note
where they have a rule or a guideline of some type that would assist you in your role.
The Government and other information section will also point you in the direction of
several government and other websites with good background information.
Talk as much as you
can to other
committee members,
tutors and our
membership. Nothing
beats getting out and
seeing what is
Only you can decide how much to read and when,
but if you are an elected committee member then
you are duty bound to be familiar with and act
within the provisions of the Constitution and The
Rules and other key documents.
In recent years, our U3A Batemans Bay website
has increasingly become a place where most
members go for information, including committee
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
The committee
Working with the U3A Batemans Bay committee can be a very enjoyable experience. It
brings you in touch with lots of people and opens a door to skills and talents that you
may have enjoyed using in the workforce. The positions also give you a focus in your
community and show you giving back in the true spirit of volunteering for others.
Without dedicated and responsible volunteers on the committee, the organisation
cannot flourish.
We have three main groups of people carrying out the essential roles for running U3A
Batemans Bay.
 Elected committee member positions (elections held in March)
 Support positions approved by the committee (not elected)
 Tutors and group co-ordinators (all called tutors in this document)
You attend committee meetings as much as possible if you are an elected committee
member. Committee meetings are held about once a month. If you are in one of the
non-elected support positions you generally don’t attend the meetings but do receive
the minutes. The full listing appears in the sections called Table of who does what, and
Your special role. Tutors do not have a written role but have a handbook, and are
supported in the organisation by the two Course
At all times, the work of the committee is primarily
about providing a social and educational experience
for our members that they enjoy and appreciate.
The aim is to find and engage volunteer tutors and
talks presenters on topics of interest to our
If you have
matters to discuss
at the meeting,
ask the Secretary
to add them to the
The committee year
Elections to the U3A Batemans Bay committee are
held annually in March. Provided you are reelected, you can continue to hold a position on the committee for a number of years.
The President is not permitted to hold tenure continuously for more than three years.
Our Constitution requires U3A to have a minimum of eight elected committee members
and we actually have more. Some positions undertake work that requires special skills
or knowledge.
The U3A calendar year begins in January when our Registration Day is held. The majority
of membership fees are paid on that day, though people can join at other times. The
tutors also make themselves available to talk with potential students about the courses
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
and other activities. Planning for the Registration Day involves quite a few people and
usually commences about September-October of each year.
In March the Annual General Meeting is held to elect the new committee. This meeting
can also be used as a time to raise big issues such as any changes to the Constitution and
discuss other major topics.
During the year, with few exceptions, U3A operates in public school terms. Publication
of the newsletter occurs four times a year and is timed to appear a few weeks before a
new term commences so that people can enrol in specific courses if needed. Many
courses don’t require enrolment every term and participants can attend all the year
once enrolled at the Registration Day.
The executive
Our committee has an executive of five: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer,
and the longest-serving of either the Course Co-ordinator (Continuing Activities) or the
Course Co-ordinator (New Activities). They can be consulted as a group between
meetings and this is particularly handy for the President and Secretary who may find
new issues arising between meetings that need resolution quickly. The executive has
powers to make decisions and recommendations together provided the matters before
them do not conflict with something written in the Constitution or Rules or any
government requirements.
The committee also has subcommittees that work on issues between meetings.
Members from outside the committee with special expertise are often asked to join the
subcommittees. These subcommittees deliberate on their special issues and then bring
their recommendations to the committee meeting.
The three current subcommittees are on Finance, Marketing
and Governance and they all have specific guidelines set by
the committee outlining what they are required to do. If you
are on a subcommittee, you will also meet at other times but
not necessarily every month.
Meeting practices
At the beginning of the year, the new committee decides the
dates for its meetings which, as already noted, are generally
monthly. The Secretary gives notice before each meeting and
provides an agenda, a copy of any reports and the draft
minutes of the previous meeting. Generally the draft minutes
are circulated earlier than the other documents so that you
can see what work is to be done before the next meeting.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
The committee has
been using
subcommittees to
work through
issues and make
for further
discussion. People
outside the
committee can be
invited to be on a
Here is some advice on meeting practices that help with committee management.
 Attend meetings as much as you can and give apologies to the Secretary when
you cannot.
 If you have matters to discuss at the meeting, ask the Secretary to put them on
the Agenda.
 Before going to the meeting, read the agenda and reports, and the draft
 Be prepared to comment on anything that arises at the meeting.
 Be aware of potential conflicts of interest you might have, and inform the
 Complete any tasks required of you as agreed at the meeting.
 Share collective responsibility and ownership of agreed decisions, irrespective of
your personal view or vote on the matter.
Standards of behaviour
As is mentioned elsewhere, Batemans Bay U3A has grown a great deal in recent
years. Community expectations have grown too. In recent times, issues such as
privacy, accountability and safety have changed the way committees work. Apart
from the normal good manners and fair dealing with
your fellow U3A members, there are some special points
In recent
to observe when you are working with a committee.
times, issues
such as
Conflicts of interest When decisions are being
discussed or made, particularly at committee meetings,
you must declare conflicts of interest if you feel that you
and safety
might have them. You should not be involved in the
have changed
discussion or decision making of anything that may give
the way
you gain of some type by its outcome.
Number of roles Occasionally committee members have
to stand in for each other, and carry two positions while
somebody is away. However committee members
cannot hold more than two positions at one time. The U3A Constitution and the
information provided by the Department of Fair Trading (see the section
Government and other requirements) are reliable sources of advice on these
Safety and risk Our committee places a good deal of emphasis on ‘work and
safety’. We must have tutors and members participating in an environment that is
as safe as possible. Community committees like ours, that do not employ any paid
workers, are not required to fulfil the full safety requirements of organisations that
do. But you will find that we care a lot about safety and have built it into our
management procedures. In particular see the Forms and leaflets section and the
comments on insurance and risk management in the Government and other
requirements section.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Privacy and personal actions We also care about privacy. Our membership is
entitled to expect that their personal details are managed to high standards of
privacy in our databases.
We also support standards of behaviour that discourage gossip or other destructive
personal behaviours among membership. We are particularly conscious of these
issues, given the widespread use of social media and internet, and would not like to
see U3A members badly treated through
the misuse of electronic communications.
Confidentiality Some matters discussed
by the committee are confidential and the
committee goes into confidential meeting
mode on those occasions. At other times,
matters discussed may be sensitive and
common sense in not discussing them
outside the committee comes into play.
The committee abides by its Rules on these
matters and will take action on them.
We support standards
that discourage gossip
or other destructive
personal behaviours
among membership,
particularly given the
widespread use of
social media and
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Table of who does what
This is the leadership position in the
organisation. It ensures that U3A
Batemans Bay is well managed and
provides satisfaction to its
Vice President
Course Coordinators
Provides support for the President,
particularly with large
administrative tasks and deputises
for the President when the
President is absent.
This is a key position that keeps
routine and official administration
operating correctly .
Keeps the financial records and
ensures that the committee is kept
up to date on financial matters.
Overview of
all areas
Voting rights
Member of the
Voting rights
Member of the
minutes and
Maintains key
Voting rights
Operates the
Does budgets
Voting rights
Member of the
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Can join in any
meetings of
subcommittees but
does not have to
attend them all
Is official spokesperson for the
Member of the
Supervises existing courses
operating in U3A and is the main
committee connection with tutors
and group co-ordinators.
With its focus on new course
development, this position
outreaches to the community to
find new courses.
Course Coordinator New
Course Coordinator
A central communications role that
receives and distributes different
types of information to the
Membership and provides a
welcoming and helpful promotional
presence directly into U3A homes.
Provides the information
technology advice and support to
the committee, the website, the
mailing system and the members’
This position has the broad view of
internal and external marketing in
U3A. It has a particular focus on
new members, and the promotion
of U3A’s values and benefits to the
Vice President
Marketing Coordinator
This position has a type of ‘roving
Existing tutor
Tutor training
Voting rights
Member of the
Executive is
the longest-serving of
either the Course Coordinator (Continuing
Activities) or the
Course Co-ordinator
(New Activities).
Finds new
Voting rights
Member of the
Executive is the
longest-serving of
either the Course Coordinator (Continuing
Activities) or the
Course Co-ordinator
(New Activities).
Sends out
emails on U3A
Voting rights
Overview of
Voting rights
Planning and
action for
Liaises with
the media
U3A Contact
Voting rights
Provides back
up to
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
role’ and can become involved in
many activities depending on the
interest and skills of the occupant
and the needs of the committee.
Voting rights
Town Crier
Newsletter Coordinator
In charge of the membership
Liaises with new applicants for
Important in Registration Day
This role is at the centre of the
production and distribution of the U3A
Batemans Bay newsletter each term.
Course Co-ordinators
Initiates deadlines for the term
Compiles input to newsletter
Sends out email and hard copy
Non-Elected Support Position
The leading role in preparing a program
of talks for members each year with the
assistance of a talks Subcommittee or
others as needed.
Course Co-ordinators
Seeks presenters for talks
Organises and supervises the
Co-ordinates the Wine Appreciation
Groups (WAGS) and supports them in
various ways to ensure that they work
smoothly and safely and have an
appropriate linkage with the President
and committee.
Membership Registrar
Co-ordinates the Book Groups and
supports them in various ways to ensure
that they work smoothly and safely and
have an appropriate linkage with the
President and committee.
Membership Registrar
Carries out actions to enrol new and
returning members and hold their
details in the membership database.
Non-Elected Support Position
Co-ordinates the Wine
Appreciation Groups
Non-Elected Support Position
Co-ordinates the catering for U3A’s
major membership events and occasional
social activities where catering is
Co-ordinates the Book Groups
Non-Elected Support Position
Organises refreshments and
similar for various events and
co-ordinates food donated
Non-Elected Support Position
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
This position looks after and monitors all
aspects of our teaching equipment and
associated items. Currently the bulk of
the equipment is stored at the Property
Officer’s home.
The person holding this position must
fully understand the legal requirements
of the role. Forms the link between U3A
Batemans Bay, as the association, and
the regulator of the Associations
Incorporation Act (2009), who is the
Commissioner of the Office of Fair
Trading. Has a number of mandatory
Course Co-ordinators
Talks Co-ordinator
Does not have a formal Role and
Responsibility. The Past President can
provide advice to the elected President
as needed, attend committee meetings
and generally provide advice to the
President for one year.
Equipment storage and
Non-Elected Support Position
Liaises with government as
required by law
Holds various important
documents at his/her personal
address which is deemed to be
the official address of the
The Public Officer is appointed
by the Committee
Non-Elected Advisory Position
Active for one year
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Your special role
On the pages following, you will find the Roles and Responsibilities section where more
detail is given about each elected and non-elected position, including your special role.
In 2014 there are 10 elected committee members and 9 non-elected support positions.
The Past President also provides guidance to the committee, usually through the
President, for one year. Note that the Public Officer is a committee- appointed position
Vice President
Course Co-ordinator (Continuing Activities)
Course Co-ordinator (New Activities)
Committee Member (Town Crier)
Committee Member (Information Technology Co-ordinator)
Committee Member (Marketing Co-ordinator)
Committee Member (Committee Support)
Membership Registrar
Property Officer
Newsletter Co-ordinator
Talks Convenor
WAGs Co-ordinator
Book Group Co-ordinator
Catering Co-ordinator
Public Officer
Past President
The tutors
The people who provide our activities by tutoring or running a group are the heart of the
organisation. They include many people who take some leadership in activities such as
the book groups and the wine appreciation groups, and who go about their work quietly,
seeing little input from the committee.
Then there are the others, some working in small teams, who provide exercise groups,
handiwork groups, art discussion, cards, dancing, language, history and much more.
Batemans Bay is a particularly diverse U3A group. According to the most recent Term 4
2013 Newsletter, there were some 60 individuals volunteering their time this way.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
An important role of being on the committee is to keep in touch with our tutor
volunteers. They have their own booklet called Tutors Handbook.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Elected Committee Member
Office Bearer under the U3A Constitution
This is the leadership position in the
organisation. It ensures that U3A Batemans Bay is well managed and provides satisfaction to its
members. This position is part of the executive along with the Vice President, Secretary,
Treasurer and the longest-serving of the two Course Co-ordinators.
Advance the interests of and
promote the good name of U3A
Batemans Bay.
Preside over and keep properly
informed about the various
strands of the organisation:
education and learning, finance,
record keeping, people
management, and legal and
government requirements.
Be the leading figure and spokesperson in
the organisation.
As much as possible, find joint solutions at
committee meetings or with the executive.
When necessary be the casting vote on
Keep track of key issues and ensure they
are resolved by the responsible person.
Ensure that Committee Members are
undertaking their duties.
Ensure the statutory return is made each
year by the Public Officer.
Approve new courses and groups before
commencement and advertising, or if they
undergo a substantial change at any time.
Be familiar with all and ensure compliance
with all key documents such as the
Constitution, Rules, Strategic Plan, Business
Plan, and the budget.
Liaise with the Secretary on running each
meeting and check draft Minutes and
With the Secretary, prepare an annual
calendar of key events to assist planning
and workflow.
Prepare and present the Annual Report at
the Annual General Meeting.
Write the President’s Message for the
Check the final draft of the Newsletter and
give approval to publish the newsletter and
other news provided to Members.
Check the final draft of media releases or
other written news items or publications.
Assist the Town Crier make decisions when
Chair committee meetings and
undertake associated functions.
Assist with the dissemination of
news items to members such as
through the newsletter and Town
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
faced with requests that might be outside
the Town Crier’s approved guidelines. Ends
U3A Batemans Bay
Elected Committee Member
Office Bearer under the U3A Constitution
Provides support for the President, particularly
with large administrative tasks. Is a member of the executive along with President, Secretary,
Treasurer and the longest-serving of the two Course Co-ordinators.
Deputise for the President during
the President’s absence.
Liaise regularly with the President to
ensure you are both up to date on U3A
Provide advice to the President.
When asked for advice or when advice is
Take the lead in risk management.
Keep up to date on best practices for risk
Check that records used for risk
management are adequate and properly
Provide human resources support
for committee.
Keep documents relevant to human
resources up to date.
Be convenor of the Governance
Subcommittee and Marketing
Organise meetings as required.
Select membership from within and
without the committee and ensure it has
committee approval.
Provide reports on activities to the
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Elected Committee Member
Office Bearer under the U3A Constitution
This is a key position that keeps routine
administration operating correctly .The role is part of the executive, along with the President,
Vice President, Treasurer and the longest-serving of the two Course Co-ordinators.
Run the paperwork for the
committee meetings.
Run the paperwork for the Annual
General Meeting (AGM).
Store and monitor all key
Maintain a data base of elected
committee members and non-elected
people assisting.
Share the elected data base with the
Public Officer.
Prepare draft minutes and circulate to
committee members.
Prepare draft agenda and circulate to
committee members after President’s
Have minutes signed off.
Take charge of all inward and outward
Answer and follow up correspondence as
instructed by the committee.
Organise membership notification of
Undertake paperwork relating to
nomination and voting processes for the
Ensure copies of Annual and Financial
Reports are available at the AGM.
Key documents are: the Minutes,
Constitution, Rules, Strategic Plan,
Business Plan, insurance papers, ABN and
other registrations, archival materials and
other documents as instructed by the
Provide information from the key
documents when required.
Work with the executive when revision or
renewal of key documents is planned.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Elected Committee Member
Office Bearer under the U3A Constitution
Keeps the financial records and ensures that the
committee is kept up to date on financial matters. Is a member of the executive along with
President, Vice President, Secretary, and the longest-serving of the two Course Co-ordinators.
Be in control of all incoming monies
and payments
Manage all reporting matters
associated with finance.
Be Convenor of the Finance
In charge of Treasurer’s Guidelines
Organise and supervise receipt of income
Work with Membership Registrar to
supervise and reconcile new and renewal
membership payments
Organise payments subject to financial
rules of committee
Monitor the budget in conjunction with
the committee
Contribute to formation of forward
Budget with committee
Organise new authorised cheque
Organise monthly statements
Put forward names of new members
Organise annual GST claim
Compile End of Year financial documents
Liaise with Auditor.
Organise meetings as required
Select membership from within and
without the committee and ensure it has
committee approval
Provide reports on activities to the
Ensure that the Treasurer’s Guidelines are
up to date
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Elected Committee Member
Office Bearer under the U3A Constitution
Supervises existing courses operating in U3A
and is the main committee connection with tutors and group co-ordinators. If this position is
held by the longest-serving of the two Course Co-ordinators, the occupant is a member of the
executive along with President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer
Maintain key administrative
documents relating to courses.
Provide advice to the committee
and to tutors.
Monitor the work of tutors.
Liaise with venue providers.
Take charge of the Tutor
Organise Tutor Forums.
Contribute to publicity for new
Manage master list of current tutors and
their details.
Ensure that all documents on running the
courses are correctly stored.
Report to each committee meeting.
Inform tutors of any significant changes
required by the committee.
Keep in touch with tutors.
Listen and act on their concerns.
Monitor attendance levels and discuss with
relevant tutors when consistently below
minimum numbers.
Confirm availability of venues for
continuing courses.
Locate alternative venues where
Update the Tutor Handbook as needed and
Course Co-ordinator (New Activities)
Take the principal role in developing and
organising the tutor/group co-ordinator
Course Co-ordinator (New Activities)
Work with Courses Co-ordinator (New
Courses) to assist Newsletter Co-ordinator
with proof-reading or other tasks as
Publicise new courses/groups through the
Marketing Co-ordinator.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Elected Committee Member
Office Bearer under the U3A Constitution
With its focus on new course development, this
position outreaches to the community to find new courses. If this position is held by the
longest-serving of the two Course Co-ordinators, the occupant is a member of the executive
comprising President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer.
Maintain key administrative
documents relating to new
Locate and assess potential new
courses and groups.
Monitor the work of new tutors
and assist them when required.
Provide support to the Course Coordinator (New Activities)
Contribute to publicity for new
Keep informed on the budget and
contribute to any discussion.
Keep documentation on establishment of
each new course.
(This documentation subsequently goes
into the records of the Course Co-ordinator
(Continuing Activities)
When courses appear potentially viable,
confirm their concept with the President in
accordance with The Rules.
Work through the processes for starting
the new course/group.
Consult with the Courses Co-ordinator
(Continuing Activities) as needed.
Keep in touch with new tutors when they
first start and assist them when needed.
Ensure that new tutors understand the risk
management processes.
Assist with the tutor Forum.
Assist with the Tutor Handbook.
Write information on new courses/groups
and work with Courses Co-ordinator
(Continuing Activities) on proof reading
and publication in the term newsletter.
Publicise new courses/groups through the
Town Crier and Marketing Co-ordinator.
Know what funds are available for your
Be able to inform tutors of the current
rules of expenditure and claiming.
Prepare forward estimates of costs when
required and in conjunction with the
Course Co-ordinator (Continuing
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Elected Committee Member
A central communications role that receives and
distributes different types of information to the Membership and provides a welcoming and
helpful promotional presence directly into U3A homes.
Administer an email information
service for Members.
Keep records relating to the
Receive messages from Members and
other sources for email distribution .
Circulate messages to Members as
required and in accordance with the Town
Crier guidelines and usual practice.
Maintain the guidelines for the service and
review or add to it periodically.
Refer possibly contentious messages to the
President for advice.
Maintain the list of email messages, both
received and sent, for as long as necessary.
Newsletter distribution
The Town Crier receives an electronic copy of the newsletter from the Newsletter Co-ordinator
for each term, two to three weeks before the beginning of term. On the specified date, Town
Crier sends an electronic copy to all the members who have given U3A their email address. Town
Crier sends out messages headed U3A News or Town Talk according to the origin of the
o U3A News messages come mainly from committee members and deal
exclusively with U3A matters, for example publicising, reminding or cancelling
U3A functions and events.
o Town Talk messages originate with other organisations in our area which are
holding events we consider of interest to our members.
Notices must conform to the guidelines laid down by the committee. If any doubt exists refer to
the president prior to sending. Refer any enquiries received to the appropriate committee
Content: No jokes, no chain letters, no petitions, nothing political, nothing religious, nothing
Obituaries or funeral notices only when the member has been actively involved in U3A over a
period of time. Ends
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Elected Committee Member
Provides the information technology advice and
support to the committee, the website, the mailing system and the members’ database .
Maintain the U3A Batemans Bay
Undertake various duties with
respect of U3A computer systems
and electronic equipment.
Take charge of the E-Mailing
Provide technical support for the
Membership database.
Administrator of the website..
Maintain the security of the website.
Liaise with the Marketing Subcommittee on
design and organisation.
Liaise with the President if urgent decisions
need to be made.
Act as Administrator of the systems when
Provide technical advice for Town Crier and
Membership Registrar.
Work with the Newsletter Co-ordinator to
ensure production of the term newsletter
and its availability to members.
Keep current and free of problems.
Reload current e-mail addresses of
members into U3A news and Town Talk
systems at least annually.
Provide support and advice to Town Crier.
Ensure appropriate backup of the
Assist Membership Registrar with all
information technology aspects of the
Install a uniform version of Microsoft Office
on the computers of all elected committee
members and non-elected supporting
people, and assist them with any problems
relating to this.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Elected Committee Member
This position has the broad view of internal and
external marketing in U3A. It has a particular focus on new members, and the promotion of
U3A’s values and benefits to the community.
Provide information to potential
new U3A members, existing
members, and the wider
Participate in the Marketing
Prepare and help others
prepare news releases, leaflets,
distribution and associated
Oversee the corporate look.
Assist callers to the U3A enquiry phone.
Liaise with the Media.
Develop and oversee strategies to help
inform and assimilate new members.
Undertake research on membership issues.
Assist the Subcommittee develop the
marketing plan.
Implement the plan in conjunction with the
Marketing Subcommittee.
Ensure that material going to the public is
accurate and reflects well on the
Maintain the photographic library.
Contribute to publications such as the
Newsletter and the website as appropriate.
Foster consistency of corporate look in the
Newsletter, webpages, public documents and
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Elected Committee Member
This position has a type of ‘roving role’ and can become
involved in many activities depending on the interest and skills of the occupant. The duties
mentioned here are a suggestion only and may change depending on the activities of the
committee during a year.
Work on social events.
Help plan and stage social events.
Assistance to others in their role.
Assist other committee members with
activities that might include: Annual
General Meeting, Saturday Talks,
Registration Day and the Tutors Forum.
Help distribute marketing information
such as leaflets and fliers.
Another special activity.
To be decided depending on skills and
abilities and interests of person in position.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Non-Elected Support Position
Carries out actions to enrol new and
returning members and hold their details in the membership database.
In charge of the major
membership database.
Updates other databases of
Works with Treasurer.
Ensures new member and renewing
member details are up to date.
Produces membership cards and distributes
them with information as needed.
Provides information from the database to
authorised people only.
Sends new and changed email addresses to
Town Crier.
Sends new and changed email and street
addresses as needed to Newsletter Editor.
Provides new and renewing membership
payments to Treasurer.
Assists Treasurer with various duties when
needed including:
o balance after Registration Day
o annual audit
o end-of-month balancing.
Distribute completed member
Depending on the responses to survey
questions, distribute to the relevant person
who might be:
Talks Co-ordinator, Courses Co-ordinator
(New Courses), Vice President, and Chief
Helper (social events)
Provide major input to
Registration Day.
Plan with the group organising the event.
Ensure that people taking membership fees
and providing information to members
understand their duties.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Non-Elected Support Position
This position looks after and monitors all
aspects of our teaching equipment and associated items. Currently the bulk of the equipment is
stored at the Equipment Officer’s home.
Monitor the pool of equipment
owned by U3A.
Keep list of equipment up to date.
Provide advice on the equipment.
Keep the committee informed if equipment
needs renewing or writing off.
Make recommendations for replacements.
Undertake equipment purchase when
Take an educational role on
equipment use.
Major events set-up of
Demonstrate the use of equipment at the
Tutors Forum.
Help tutors and group co-ordinators select
appropriate equipment for their task.
Assist with instruction on use of equipment
being used at regular activities such as U3A
Saturday Talks.
Be available to co-ordinate set-up of
equipment at major events such as the
Annual General Meeting.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Non-Elected Support Position
This role is at the centre of the production and
distribution of the U3A Batemans Bay newsletter each term.
Take charge of newsletter
Take charge of newsletter
Keep good records of the various
processes involved in preparation
and distribution
Produce other news-type
Set deadlines for the year.
Select the format and design in partnership
with Marketing Co-ordinator.
Put together the newsletter, and copy edit
in conjunction with President and Course
Work with the Information Officer on IT
Work with the Marketing Co-ordinator on
the overall design of the newsletter, and
sponsorship acknowledgements.
Report to the President if urgent issues
Work with others to ensure that
distribution takes place.
Ensure that the distribution occurs
according to the agreed list of tasks.
Consult with others involved in newsletter
production and distribution to ensure the
task list is workable.
Tasks list is kept up to date and distributed
to those involved so that they know their
Storage of back copies is secure and easily
Special newsletters or other similar singlepurpose news documents are sometimes
Publication and distribution involves similar
but probably less complicated steps as the
term newsletter.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Non-Elected Support Position
The leading role in preparing a program of talks
for members each year with the assistance of a talks Subcommittee or others as needed.
Take leading role in finding
Saturday talks.
Lead a group of people to assist
with talks.
Manage the talks event.
Look for and receive offers to provide talks.
Assess the suitability and interest level of
the talks.
Discuss the proposed talks schedule with
the President.
Arrange a venue appropriate to the nature
of the task.
Arrange for the equipment and set up of
the room as required by talk’s presenter.
Liaise with the talks presenters and ensure
they understand re-imbursement
Find and enlist the assistance of members
to help in taking bookings and making
preparations on the day.
Publicise by liaising with the Newsletter
Co-ordinator, Town Crier, and Marketing
Organise the introduction and presentation
of a gift.
Work with the Treasurer to deposit any
funds collected and make payments to the
talks presenter when appropriate.
Document the talks given and the
members and visitors who
At the end of each calendar year, hand the
talks’ attendance and other records to the
Secretary for storage.
Have an overview of likely risk
management issues, such as
insurance, and potential safety
issues at talks venues.
Obtain best information and keep up to
Ensure that any necessary safety
equipment provided by U3A or the venue
is used.
Document any accidents or incidents at the
talks using the Accident/Incident Report
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Non-Elected Support Position
Co-ordinates the Wine Appreciation Groups
(WAGS) and supports them in various ways to ensure that they work smoothly and safely and
have an appropriate linkage with the President and committee.
Maintain the waiting lists of
members seeking to join a WAG
Assist the WAGs groups as
Work with Membership Registrar to ensure
that the names of members wishing to join
a group are sent to you.
When a new WAGS groups appears
potentially viable, inform the President
that a new group is about to form.
Liaise with the Newsletter Co-ordinator so
that information about WAGS groups
appears in the newsletter each term.
Foster an increase in knowledge of wine
making and wine tasting techniques and
any other aspects of your WAGS guidelines
– guidelines are yet to be established
Ensure that WAGS Group Leaders provide
fully completed attendance sheets at year
end which are sent by you to the Course
Co-ordinator (Continuing Activities).
Handle any complaints or other issues
fairly and with reference to other members
of the committee if advice or assistance is
Be informed on the major
management and risk issues
arising in the organisation.
Talk with the Vice President on risk and
insurance issues as needed
Promote and assist with the
running of joint WAGS activities.
Keep Course Co-ordinator (Continuing
Activities) up to date with WAGS activities.
Help promote WAGS activities within U3A.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Non-Elected Support Position
Co-ordinates the Book Groups and supports
them in various ways to ensure that they work smoothly and safely and have an appropriate
linkage with the President and committee.
Maintain the waiting list of
members seeking to join a book
Promote joint and whole group
literary activities.
Assist Book Groups as needed.
Be informed on the major
management and risk issues
arising in the organisation.
Promote Book Groups at the annual
Registration Day and at other times as
Form new groups as numbers permit and
inform the President.
Liaise with the Newsletter Coordinator and
ensure timely articles and events are
publicised each term.
Liaise with outside organisations on
matters relating to visiting guest speakers.
Keep group coordinators informed of
coming events as appropriate.
Keep Course Coordinator (Continuing
Activities) up to date with book group
Help groups find replacement members as
Ensure that book Group Leaders provide
fully completed attendance sheets at year
end and send them to the Course
Coordinator (Continuing Activities).
Handle any complaints or other issues
fairly and with reference to other members
of the committee if advice or assistance is
Talk with the Vice President on risk and
insurance issues as needed.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
Non-Elected Support Position
Co-ordinates the catering for U3A’s major
membership events and occasional social activities where catering is required.
Undertake the catering for major
membership events such as
Registration Day and the Annual
General Meeting.
Liaise with the President on catering needs
and expected numbers for the particular
Develop a group of members who
are willing to assist on the catering
Talk with members whose names are sent
to you by the Membership Registrar as
potential volunteers.
Keep a list of those who indicate they are
ready to assist.
Be aware of their availability and any
special skills they may have with catering
or organising.
Prepare the master list for the
event and the type and amount of
food and beverages that will be
Be informed about the major
health and safety issues relating to
catering and food service.
Visit the venue if you have not catered
there before.
Consider any special food needs of those
Consider whether items such as disposable
cups, tablecloths, serviettes, rubbish bags
or similar items are needed.
Call on volunteers to find out what food
they can bring.
Use previous experience of quantities
required, and buy other items.
Ensure that you have a roster with
sufficient members of the team people
coming on the day to assist with serving
and cleaning up.
Claim back your expenses from the
Treasurer, with receipts where possible.
Talk with the Vice President on risk and
insurance issues as needed.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
U3A Batemans Bay
The Public Officer is appointed by the
The person holding this position must fully
understand the legal requirements of the role of Public Officer as it forms the link between U3A
Batemans Bay, as the association, and the regulator of the Associations Incorporation Act (2009),
who is the Commissioner of the Office of Fair Trading. It has a number of mandatory roles as a
Carry out the formal
requirements of the
NSW Office of Fair
Trading for an
Have your personal
address as the official
address of U3A
Be familiar with the NSW Office of Fair Trading
website and what it says about the duties of a
Public Officer in an incorporated association.
Some of these include the following.
 Within 28 days of your appointment, notify the
NSW Office of Fair Trading in accordance with
their procedure.
 Work with the U3A Secretary to ensure that you
receive all documents of the association in the
previous Public Officer’s possession within 14
days of their leaving office.
 Keep in your custody or control all records,
books and other documents related to the
association (see Constitution under heading 42)
including copies of Certificate of Incorporation
and other returns and correspondence with the
Office of Fair Trading.
 Keep a list of committee members and their
contact details (provided by the Secretary).
 Keep a register of members showing the name
and postal address of each person who is a
member of the association as specified in the
 Lodge an Annual Summary of Financial Affairs,
with fee, within one month of the Annual
General Meeting.
 If required, apply to the Director-General for
registration of a change in the association’s
name, objects, or constitution.
 Receive all official mail from the New South
Wales government and other agencies intended
for the association at your street address.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Batemans Bay Inc.
Provide advice to the
committee on the
requirements of this
Keep President or
Secretary informed of
your availability.
Be an authorised signatory for the association.
Bring all documents received by you to the
attention of the committee as soon as
When requested for advice or when advice is
Involves a knowledge of the NSW Associations
Incorporation Act 2009 where if affects U3A
Batemans Bay.
Involves knowledge of the U3A Batemans Bay
Ensure that the President or Secretary knows
when you will be absent from your address hard to put a length of time on this but perhaps
for more than two weeks.
This position can attend committee meetings but it is by choice only or by special request. The position receives the
minutes. The position has no voting rights. (Ends)
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
People management
If you thought you had left people management and ‘human resources’ behind when
you retired from the workforce, then this booklet is here to tell you that people
management is very much involved in the work of the committee. Being a member of a
voluntary committee is not the same as being a paid employee. But many human
resource management issues that you knew in the paid workforce still apply.
The core business of U3A Batemans Bay is to provide affordable learning opportunities
to people over 50 using the skills and abilities of the people themselves. Thus a strong
spirit of volunteerism underpins every aspect of our U3A. It extends to all of U3A’s
functions whether they are those of teaching and learning, office and technical support
or the person putting out the chairs or making the tea. Maintaining the volunteering
spirit and belief that we are doing something worthwhile is crucial to the role of
everyone in our organisation and, therefore, strongly influences our people
Roles and responsibilities in a volunteer organisation emphasise communication, not
only with our membership in general, but between our members and their tutors and
between everyone and the public. Taking an active interest in the work of others on the
elected committee and in non-elected support roles will help you in your role. In
addition, the need for back up in a small organisation is self-evident.
Our people are not available all the time. We have different life goals, we live in a rural
area and can be very involved with visitors, family and travel. And this means we have to
manage carefully to ensure that U3A continues even through lengthy absences.
Maintaining the
volunteering spirit and
belief that we are doing
something worthwhile is
crucial to the role of
everyone in our
organisation and,
therefore, strongly
influences our people
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Government and other requirements
This section involves a bit of self-learning. To be properly-informed as a committee
member, you will need to research some information yourself, but then isn’t selflearning a goal of U3A?
Elected members of committees in not-for-profit incorporated groups like U3A do have
responsibilities under law even though the work is purely voluntary. The NSW
Associations Incorporation Act 2009 gives community associations like U3A basic rules,
and sets requirements. This arrangement benefits members and committee in many
ways and ensures that we know what we must do under the law. It makes us a legal
entity, so not just a group of individual members. It also makes us eligible to apply for
some government grants and other funding, lets us continue on year after year and gives
committee members some legal protection if we
become involved in legal action of some type. All
You will need to
this assumes that the organisation is being run
research some
properly by the committee, in accordance with the
information yourself,
but then isn’t selflearning a goal of
So although the members of U3A do not peer over
our shoulders, we have an obligation to run the
organisation properly for their benefit not ours.
Major documents
Nobody could possibly remember everything that is said in our two key documents, but
you need to read through them and know where to find them easily. They appear on
our website and it is suggested that you download them and place them with the
meeting files that you will probably be keeping.
The major documents are:
The Constitution
As an incorporated association we must have a legal Constitution (see the section
on Government and other requirements). At the time of writing this handbook in
late 2013 our Constitution is being followed as much as possible, but will
eventually be updated in accordance with the government requirements for
The Rules
In September 2013 The Rules were completely updated. The content is referred
to regularly by members of the committee and those assisting them.
The Strategic Plan
This document was written in 2011 and contains some excellent advice on what
we should strive to do as a contemporary U3A organisation. It has been used on a
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
number of occasions as a general guide, but new committees may wish to review
it from time to time. There is also a Business Plan that was written several years
ago that sits beside the Strategic Plan and should be seen as offering ideas for
actions. Since it was written in 2011, some actions have been completed.
Note that it is also a good idea to familiarise yourself with the Tutors Handbook.
Useful Web Based Resources and Links
NSW Fair Trading – downloadble forms, details of fees and information sheets. and associations/Associations.html
NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009
NSW Associations Incorporation Regulation 2010
The New South Wales Council on Social Services has many well-written fact sheets. The
Council is the peak group for a diverse range of community sector organisations,
including volunteer organisations and has done its homework well in providing practical
advice to them on many subjects. Go to NCOSS - Council of Social Service of New South
Wales - Downloads Sector Development.mht
Australian Securities and Investments Commission – not-for-profit information
Below is the text about insurance that appears in
all our newsletters.
The chances of
recovering from any
significant injury
diminish as people
grow older, so an injury
for a member could
become a lifetime
“U3A Batemans Bay holds Public Liability
Insurance. This is not personal accident insurance
but a preventative measure to ensure the welfare
of the organisation, its members and invitees
should a situation arise where we are sued for an
accident that is deemed to be our fault. Insurance companies vigorously defend such
actions and for everyone’s benefit we require the person in charge of an activity to keep
accurate records. U3A has no responsibility for journeys to and from a venue or event of
any kind. For a longer explanation of U3A insurance see the U3A NSW website”
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
In the Forms and leaflets section you will find a form that is held at all U3A classes and
events by the tutor or person in charge on the day. The Accident/Incident form is selfcontained and provides for documenting any accident or incident, and shows the correct
way to contact emergency services if required. Another form is being developed to be
handed out to all members attending a class or group events where gentle exercise or
similar physical activity is expected to occur. This will guide members who seek to
undertake the activity about their need to fully understand their personal level of fitness
and health.
Managing risk
While insurance can go part of the way in helping us overcome some aspects of risk, it is
not a substitute for good risk management in an organisation. Nobody wants to see a
member become injured. The chances of recovering from any significant injury diminish
as people grow older, so an injury for a member could become a lifetime sentence.
Therefore vigilance about the way we operate our groups and classes is important and
tutors are encouraged to attend our annual Tutors Forum to hear how contemporary
risk management operates.
The Fact Sheets produced by the New South Wales Council on Social Services (NCOSS)
include good reading on risk management issues. Risk is something we face every day
and the issue is not the risk itself but the strategies we use to ensure that the worst
doesn’t happen or is reduced. Even as a group of volunteers, we must be able to
demonstrate that we have done our best to put good safety procedures into place.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Forms and leaflets
As a committee member, you will need to be familiar with the major forms.
They are produced by people in various committee roles and generally go
through a process whereby the committee sees them and gives approval before
being used. Where they would be considered official documents they need to
show this by the inclusion of the words ‘U3A Batemans Bay Inc.’ as required all
incorporated organisations.
The Membership Application Form – must be completed by all members joining
for the first time. This form is an appendix to our Constitution and thus can only
be changed when the Constitution is changed.
Class Attendance Sheet – this is used by our tutors in regular classes. However
everyone attending a, talk or activity of any type must sign or initial a similar
form. Such a procedure is commonplace these days because information about
who actually attended is of assistance should an insurance claim be made by a
member, and for statistical purposes.
The Accident/Injury Form – must be kept in the classroom or wherever a U3A
activity including Talks is happening. This form is completed if an accident or
injury occurs while the U3A activity is underway and is self-explanatory.
This is used by the groups that undertake exercise or similar more physical
activities and it is completed by all new members to these groups and
returned to the Course Co-ordinator (Continuing Activities) with the
Attendance Sheet.
New Courses Form – is completed by anyone intending to start a new activity of
some type, and discussed with the Course Co-ordinator (New Activities).
Etiquette Leaflet - is circulated widely and designed to be read by every
Information for Participants in Physical Exercise – provided to all people who
attend activities deemed as having physical exertion.
A copy of these forms appears on the following pages. Note that due to
formatting issues with the original documents, if you want a duplicate you
would do best to obtain it from our website.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Marketing Leaflet – there is a folder leaflet explaining our role to prospective
members which should be hand attached to this Handbook. If not, please obtain
one from the Committee Member Marketing.
University of The Third Age
Learning for Pleasure
I/We would like to renew our Membership of the Batemans Bay U3A. I/We agree to be bound by
the Constitution and Rules of U3A Batemans Bay.
Member 1
Member 2
Family Name
Preferred Name
(for name tag)
Member No
Phone number
U3A prefers to send you our newsletters and notices by e-mail but we do not give your e-mail to
Signature 1………………………
Signature 2…………………………….
Please post this application form with your cheque or money order for $40 ($80 for couples),
made out to U3A Batemans Bay Inc to:
The Membership Registrar, U3A Batemans Bay Inc
PO Box 1304 Batemans Bay, NSW 2536
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Office Use only
Application received ......./......../ .......... Amount received $.........................
M/ship Card/s posted date ......./........./.......
Records updated date ......... /......../ .........
Attendance Sheet
1. Tutors are requested to record their own name on the first line and initial the form each week to conform to insurance requireme
2. Please record the name, phone number and membership number for all applications received for this course.
3. At the end of term, return this form fully completed and signed, as soon as possible, to the Course Coordinator U3A Batemans B
Phone Number / email
Tutor name
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
NOTE: you must obtain verbal consent from a conscious person before giving aid or calling an ambulance
Emergency numbers are on the reverse
For Batemans Bay U3 A Activities
1. Tutor/course co-ordinator to complete this report on the day of the incident
2. Telephone and update President or Course Co-ordinator on the same day
3. Post immediately to Secretary U3A Batemans Bay PO Box 1304 Batemans Bay 2536
Use this form to report any incidents, injuries or events that:
Require assistance from medical, ambulance, fire or police (Major)
Involve an injury or medical event requiring no assistance (Minor)
You deem to be a hazard to others or unusual in some way (Hazard)
Name of tutor/course co-ordinator
Name of U3A activity
Address where accident/incident occurred ……………………………………………………….
……….………………………………………………....Date …………………Time ……………..
Name, phone number and address of person/people involved in the accident/incident
Name, phone number and address of witnesses
Tutor/course co-ordinator signature …………………………………….Date …………………...
Describe the accident/incident and any treatment given
Continue on reverse side
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
CONTINUED description of accident/incident
……………………………………………………………..…Attach a separate page if needed
Phone 000
Ambulance, Police, Fire, Rescue
(say which service you need)
Phone 132500
State Emergency Services
(weather-based emergencies)
Batemans Bay Hospital 02 4475 1500
Emergency :7 Pacific Street Batemans Bay
Moruya Hospital 02 4474 2666
Emergency: 2-10 River Street Moruya
Police at Batemans Bay 02 4472 0099
(Police Station not always attended)
Police at Moruya 02 4474 2444
(Police Station not always attended)
COMMITTEE USE: Date of notification to Batemans Bay U3A committee member
Name of committee member ……………………………… Signature …………………………
Was Insurance Company notified? ……. By whom: ………………………………………
On date: ……/……/….
ADVICE RECEIVED: ………………………………………………………………………………
Doc 04.13 This is a confidential document
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Batemans Bay University of the Third Age Inc.
PO Box 1304, Batemans Bay, NSW 2536
Thank you for agreeing to run a course/lead a group for us. Your participation is greatly
Please complete the form below, keeping a copy for yourself, and return the original to the
Course Co-ordinator (New Activities) at or by post to the address
Tutor Details
Name: ....................................................................................
Postal address: ......................................................................................................................................
Phone (H): ............................ Phone (mob): .............................. e-mail: .............................................
Course Outline
Course Name: ......................................................................................
Course Description*: [Please outline the content, teaching approach, material and equipment
requirements and any costs to students**]
* A brief description of available courses is included in the term Newsletter, together with the
tutor’s name and contact details for enrolments etc.
** If your participants will need to purchase books or materials, or if you will be recouping from
them expenditure incurred by you on items such as photocopying please indicate this in your
course entry. Please Note: Any ‘out of pocket’ costs for which you propose to seek
reimbursement from U3A should first be discussed with your course coordinator.
Copyright: Please advise if any material, information or website information given during the
course is/may be subject to copyright restrictions.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Course Details
Scheduling Preferences:
Term: ................................... 2014
Day: 1st choice (a) .......................................... 2nd choice (b) ................................................
(a) start ..................... AM/PM to ......................... AM/PM
(b) start ...................... AM/PM to ......................... AM/PM
Number of Sessions: ..................... Frequency: (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) ...............................
Single Term or Continuing Course: ..............................................................
Commencement Date: ................................................
Class Size: ................ (Min) ............... (Max)
Preferred Venue/Location:............................................................ (to be booked by the Co-ordinator),
or Tutor’s home address/other ...............................................................................................................
(Is this venue wheelchair accessible? Yes/No)
Tutors usually handle enrolments for their own courses, however a contact person can be
arranged if you wish. Please indicate if you wish to handle enquiries and enrolments for your
course. Yes/No.
Equipment: (Please detail any equipment you will need for your course.)
Physical Activity: (If applicable, please detail any physical exertion, whether by way of specific
exercises or otherwise, to be undertaken during the course.)
Course Co-ordinator: Any queries you have can be discussed with the Course Co-ordinator (New
Activities): Pauline Hill, Tel: 4472 9458 or email:
Emailing Directions: If you are returning the attachment by email, after amending/completing
the attachment, “save as” to your document folder then return the saved document to me as an
Thank you again for your kind offer to run a course/group for U3A Batemans Bay.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Member Etiquette
Please help us to help you by observing the following simple etiquette.
When attending a class or any U3A Batemans Bay function:
 wear your name badge ensuring your ICE (in case of emergency)
number/s are on the reverse of your badge
 sign on to the class attendance sheet – this is essential for
insurance purposes
 ensure that your phone is switched off or set to silent - if a call is
urgent, excuse yourself and take the call away from the class
 comply with all safety instructions given by the tutor.
Let your tutor know:
 of any health issues that might affect your ability to engage in
class activities
 if you need to miss one or more sessions of a course
 if you are ‘dropping out’, for whatever reason.
Lend a hand:
 with setting up and cleaning up
 by volunteering for tasks such as collecting money or organising
Let the tutor or course coordinator know:
 if the activity is not what you expected and/or not as described in
the newsletter.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014
Information for participants in Classes involving Physical Activity
It is important to remember that U3A classes are conducted by volunteers and, while
every effort will be made to follow safe practice, any physical activity comes with a level
of risk and you are responsible for your own health and wellbeing. You participate at
your own risk and you must ensure that you have enough information to decide
whether you are capable of participating without endangering yourself or others.
Specifically you must:
 Be aware of your own capabilities and consult a medical professional if necessary
before undertaking any physical activity involved in a class
 Advise the tutor or group leader of any potential problem areas
 Work at your own pace and within your own capabilities
 Wear appropriate footwear and loose comfortable clothing
 Bring water and ensure you are well hydrated.
Please sign the form below acknowledging that you have read and understood the
information provided above.
I have read the information provided above and understand that, in
voluntarily participating in ................................. [insert name of class], while
every care will be taken by the tutor to ensure my safety, my participation
in this class may expose me to risks that could lead to injury or other
medical consequences.
I acknowledge that I am responsible for exercising within limits appropriate
to my state of health, and that I am responsible for ascertaining such limits
from an appropriately trained person such as a medical practitioner.
Name .............................................
Signature ..............................................
Please Print
Tutors Note: This form is to be retained with the class Attendance Sheet and returned to the
Course Co-ordinator at the end of term.
U3A Batemans Bay Inc. Committee Handbook 2014