AgExcel RE-ENDORSEMENT FORM Provider Name: Address: Contact Name: Email Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Delivery Site(s): NZQA Number: ☐ School ☐ No Type of Provider: PTE Multi-Site Provider: Yes 1. ☐ Polytechnic ☐ Other ☐ ☐ Courses/Programmes (a) List all AgExcel endorsed courses/programmes that your organisation delivered during 2014: Courses/Programmes e.g. National Certificate in Agriculture (General Skills), (Level 2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Page 1 of 7 AgExcel Re-Endorsement Template (b) Theory or knowledge learning should be done in an applied manner as much as possible. Please comment on how your organisation ensures that practical skills are ‘real world’ (e.g. stock handling skills are better done in an actual farm setting) and that emphasis is placed on trainees putting skills and knowledge into industry context. ‘Real World’ Comments 2. Tutor Information (a) List your organisations current employed tutors along with the AgExcel course/ programme they deliver within your organisation: Tutor Name Course/Programme they Deliver e.g. Feeding and Pastures, Level 3 (b) Has your organisation employed new tutors during 2014 to deliver AgExcel courses/programmes: Yes No ☐ ☐ If YES please complete the below: Tutor Name Course/Programme they Deliver e.g. Feeding and Pastures, Level 3 Page 2 of 7 AgExcel Re-Endorsement Template (c) Has your organisation updated your tutor induction process during 2014: Yes No ☐ ☐ If YES please indicate below these improvements: Improvements in Induction Process 3. Professional Development Note any professional development your tutors have undertaken during 2014: Tutor Name Professional Development Undertaken e.g. AgExcel Forum, September 2014 4. Annual Moderation Report 2014 & 2014 Assessment Plan Report/Plan completed and returned by due date: Yes No ☐ ☐ Page 3 of 7 AgExcel Re-Endorsement Template 5. 2014 Moderation Panels Advised your report(s) results from the 2014 Moderation Panels: Unit Standard Number 6. Assessment Tool/Marking Schedule Results e.g. Meets the Unit Standard Criteria Student Scripts Results e.g. 2 out of 3 Consistent with the National Standard Clusters Note attendance at local Cluster meetings: Name Cluster Group Name Date of Meeting e.g. 12/05/2010 7. Internal Moderation Processes Please give details of your organisations internal moderation and assessment policies and procedures in place: Internal Moderation Processes & Assessment Policies/Procedures Page 4 of 7 AgExcel Re-Endorsement Template 8. Provider Moderation Visit Indicate if your organisation undertook a Primary ITO Provider Moderation Visit during 2014: Date Visit Took Place Actions Required/Recommendations e.g. 23/06/1990 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If actions or recommendations were required please give details below of improvements your organisations are undertaking in this area(s): Improvements in Place 9. Reviews/Reports External Evaluation and Review (EER) - Outline below if your organisation undertook an EER from NZQA during 2014: Date of EER Result e.g. 05/02/2008 e.g. Confident in the capability in self-assessment Education Review Office (ERO) - Outline below if your organisation undertook an Education Review Office visit during 2014: Date of ERO e.g. 30/12/2007 Actions from the Report Year of Next Review Page 5 of 7 AgExcel Re-Endorsement Template Literacy, Language and Numeracy (LLN) (a) What has your organisation done during 2014 to embed LLN into your courses/ programmes?: Comments (b) What has your organisation done to improve the literacy and numeracy knowledge and or skills of your tutors during 2014?: Comments Comments: Please note any other comments you would like to add to support your application for AgExcel reendorsement: Comments Page 6 of 7 AgExcel Re-Endorsement Template Based on the information supplied in this document we will make a decision regarding an AgExcel visit to your organisation during 2015, however: If you feel you would benefit from a AgExcel Evaluator visit during 2015 please indicate here: Yes No ☐ ☐ Name: Date: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OFFICE USE: AgExcel 2015 re-endorsement has been approved: Further information is required: An AgExcel visit needs to be scheduled for 2015: Yes No ☐ ☐ Yes No ☐ ☐ Yes No ☐ ☐ Page 7 of 7 AgExcel Re-Endorsement Template