ENG 201 Assignment #3

ENG 201.14 Michael Fernandes
Assignment #3
1st Piece of Writing
Old Method
The first piece of writing I chose was my Inquiry paper proposal. In this I wrote
about how my topic relates to me and a little background of why I wanted to research
and write about firefighting. I continued to explain what the reader of my paper would
learn and what they might take away from it. I also talked about where I got my
information from. The symbolic message behind my proposal was to show the love I
had for my topic and how much it means to me. The extended meaning of my proposal
is that I love firefighting and I wanted to write about it so I decided to write my paper
about it. I had all the information lined up and along with my own personal experience
and knowledge; I put it all together and decided that my proposal would be on a paper
about firefighting.
New Method
For the new method of analysis, I decided to use the Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
method. I let myself tell the reader how my paper would go about and was very direct
and straight up with how I was going to approach it. I showed that I have a burning love
for firefighting for putting a lot of emphasis that I had a lot of questions that I wanted
answered and that I was going to get my answers by doing this research. The reader
was going to know that they possibly wouldn’t have any knowledge to my topic so it
made it very appealing. I used as many questions that I could to give the reader a sense
of questioning and wanting them to read my paper. I wrote in my proposal all the
sources that I would use to show that I knew my paper would sound very believable and
that I had reliable sources and the reader wouldn’t see false knowledge.
2nd Piece of Writing
Old Method
For my 2nd piece of writing, I chose my letter to my ENG 201 Professor. My letter
is a letter to someone else in this case being my 201 professor. The audience that I was
writing too was any professor that was going to be teaching me in ENG 201. The
purpose of me writing this letter was so my professor gets a better understanding of
who I am and my writing style. I also wrote what I do good in writing and what I don’t do
good and what I can improve on. I also explained the thing I wrote in ENG 101 and what
I would do to improve in ENG 201. My stance on the letter was I wanted to be honest
with myself and with my professor and write on what I did good and what I didn’t and
that I would improve on my writing. The way I wrote this letter was on Microsoft Word
than posted it to my 101 portfolio.
New Method
I will once again use the Ethos, Logos, and Pathos approach to analyzing my
letter. I showed what kind of writer I am and what I can improve on. I explained what I
worked on and how each of those things helped me improve. I also wrote about things
that I already did well and will continue to do as I approach entering ENG 201. I used
some language that showed that I was genuine and accepting of the mistakes I made
and would do anything to improve them. I explained some of the works that I wrote and
said what I did well in each of them and what I did wrong. I reasoned with myself on
what I did was right and on some of the things I did was wrong. I also said how I would
improve upon my writing and the method that I would use to do it.
3rd Piece of Writing
Old Method
For the 3rd and final piece of writing I will be using my final inquiry paper. The
genre that the paper would fall under is a research paper. The audience that the paper
was intended to was anyone. It was more pushed to someone who wanted to learn
more about firefighting. The reason that I wrote this paper and researched this topic was
because I am a firefighter and wanted to learn more about the working of it and some of
the history of it. I wanted to get an all around view of it from a whole standpoint and after
all my research, I think I got everything I needed and learned a lot from it. I feel very
confident on my stance on firefighting and I really learned a lot and had a lot of fun
researching this subject. This paper was presented in Word format and was included in
my ENG 101 portfolio.
New Method
For the new method, I will use Burkes Pentad. My paper was about firefighting
and the inner working and history of the topic. I wrote this paper from both my
experience and from newspaper articles and books. I used my information as well as
the information of these outside sources to write this paper the way I wanted too. This
paper was written for me to get y own personal research and to learn more about
something I was very passionate about. Its also intended for anyone who has a lot od
doesn’t have a lot of knowledge of the topic. I feel the research I included into my paper
would let any ordinary person be able to understand the topic and have a good grasp on
what I wanted to research and why I did.