A Device to Emulate Diffusion, Thermal Conductivity, and Momentum Transport Using Water Flow Harvey Blanck JCE October 2005 Department of Chemistry Austin Peay State University Clarksville, Tennessee Steady State Planar Diffusion Fick’s First Law of Diffusion J D(dc / dx) Fick’s Second Law of Diffusion c / t D( c / x ) 2 2 Plane or Point Source Plane or Point Source Solution to Fick’s Second Law c0 x 2 c exp( x / 4 Dt ) 1/ 2 2Dt Gaussian Curves for Dt = 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 Free Plane or Point Source Diffusion Half Gaussian Curve c0 x 2 c exp( x / 4 Dt ) 1/ 2 2Dt c0 x 2 c exp( x / 4 Dt ) 1/ 2 Dt Free Step Boundary Planar or Point Source Diffusion Full 1-erf Curve Step-Boundary Step-Function Solution to Fick’s Second Law c0 2 c [1 1/ 2 2 0 x / 2 ( Dt )1 / 2 exp( y )dy ] 2 Step-Function Solution to Fick’s Second Law c0 c [1 erf ( z )] 2 Gaussian Curves for Dt = 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 Error Function Curves for Dt = 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 Constant Source Step Boundary Planar or Point Source Diffusion Lower Half 1-erf Curve Error Function Curves for Dt = 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 c0 c [1 erf ( z )] 2 c c0 [1 erf ( z )] Constant Exit Step Boundary Planar or Point Source Diffusion Upper Half 1-erf Curve Error Function Curves for Dt = 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 c0 c [1 erf ( z )] 2 c c0 [1 erf ( z )] Error Function Curves for Dt = 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 Confined Step Boundary Planar or Point Source Diffusion Steady State Planar Momentum Transport Newton’s Law of Viscosity dv x J dz To show momentum transport in a liquid between two parallel plates do a 90 deg CCW rotation of figure and a horizontal flip. Momentum Transport in liquid between parallel plates. (Bottom plate moving.) Momentum Transport in liquid between parallel plates. (Bottom plate moving.) Steady State Momentum Transport in liquid between parallel plates. (Bottom plate moving.) Newton’s Law of Viscosity dv x J dz Summary: This device rapidly emulates diffusion and thermal conductivity. It emulates all the diffusion coefficient determination methods found in JCE. Using Spreadsheet Transfer Equations to Emulate Diffusion and Thermal Conductivity Harvey Blanck JCE 2009 Department of Chemistry Austin Peay State University Clarksville, Tennessee Fick’s First Law J D(dc / dx) Fick’s Second Law c / t D( c / x ) 2 2 Steady State Planar Diffusion Spreadsheet Emulation Spreadsheet Formula for all Diffusion Calculations • B8 = B7+(A7-B7)*0.05-(B7-C7)*0.05 • explanation of the three terms: • (1) Amount that was initially present in cell B. • (2) Amount input from cell to the left (cell A) calculated from the height (pressure) difference times a flow proportionality constant. • (3) Amount output to cell on the right (cell C) calculated as in second term. Spreadsheet For First Law Steady State • Boundary conditions: (1) first cell always 100 (cell 1) (2) exit always zero (‘cell’ 17) • Transfer equation: B8 = B7+(A7-B7)*0.05-(B7-C7)*0.05. Spreadsheet initial condition Spreadsheet row 50 Spreadsheet row 100 Spreadsheet row 150 Spreadsheet row 200 Spreadsheet row 250 Spreadsheet row 300 Spreadsheet row 350 Spreadsheet row 400 Spreadsheet row 450 Spreadsheet row 500 Spreadsheet row 550 Spreadsheet row 600 Spreadsheet row 650 Spreadsheet row 700 Spreadsheet row 750 Spreadsheet row 800 Spreadsheet row 850 Spreadsheet row 2500 Spreadsheet initial condition Spreadsheet row 50 Spreadsheet row 100 Spreadsheet row 150 Spreadsheet row 200 Spreadsheet row 250 Spreadsheet row 300 Spreadsheet row 350 Spreadsheet row 400 Spreadsheet row 450 Spreadsheet row 500 Spreadsheet row 550 Spreadsheet row 600 Spreadsheet row 650 Spreadsheet row 700 Spreadsheet row 750 Spreadsheet row 800 Spreadsheet row 850 Spreadsheet row 2500 Linear Curve Fit to Spreadsheet Data Free Plane or Point Source Diffusion Spreadsheet Emulation Gaussian Curve Plane or Point Source Gaussian Curves for Dt = 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 Spreadsheet for Gaussian Diffusion • Boundary conditions for model: Set leftmost and rightmost cell to always read 0 which means there will be no flow from these cells to adjacent cells. Note: The center cell has no input but there is no need to alter the transfer equation. The transfer equation will have two negative values i.e. two outputs – one left and one right. • Transfer equation for all other cells (e.g.): B8 = B7+(A7-B7)*0.05-(B7-C7)*0.05 Spreadsheet for Gaussian Diffusion -2 -1 0 1 2 0.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0.0000 6.0000 94.0000 100.0000 94.0000 6.0000 10.9200 89.0800 99.2800 89.0800 10.9200 14.9760 85.0024 98.0560 85.0024 14.9760 18.3373 81.5840 96.4896 81.5840 18.3373 Spreadsheet initial condition Spreadsheet row 20 Spreadsheet row 50 Full Gaussian Step-Boundary Error Function Curves for Dt = 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 Spreadsheet for Full Step Boundary Diffusion • Boundary conditions for 16 cell model: (1) first cell has no input so transfer equation for it is (e.g.): A8=A7-(A7-B7)*0.05 (2) exit always zero (‘cell’ 17) • Transfer equation for all other cells (e.g.): B8 = B7+(A7-B7)*0.05-(B7-C7)*0.05 Spreadsheet for Full Step-Boundary Diffusion: initial Spreadsheet for Full Step-Boundary Diffusion: row 30 Spreadsheet for Full Step-Boundary Diffusion: row 60 Spreadsheet row 60 with 1- erf curve superimposed Spreadsheet row 60 with 1- erf curve superimposed Step boundary full 1-erf curve Confined Diffusion or Thermal Conductivity Spreadsheet for Confined Diffusion or Thermal Conductivity • Boundary conditions: (1) first cell has no input so transfer equation for it is (e.g.): A8 = A7-(A7-B7)*0.05 (2) last cell has no output so transfer equation for it is (e.g.): Q8 =Q7+(P7-Q7)*0.05 • Transfer equation for all other cells is (e.g.): B8 = B7+(A7-B7)*0.05-(B7-C7)*0.05 Copper Sulfate Diffusion Spreadsheet initial condition Spreadsheet row 10 Spreadsheet row 100 Spreadsheet row 200 Spreadsheet row 300 Spreadsheet row 400 Spreadsheet row 500 Spreadsheet row 600 Spreadsheet row 700 Spreadsheet row 800 Spreadsheet row 900 Spreadsheet row 2500 Spreadsheet row 5000 Thermal energy transport from a hot central section to uniform temperature throughout Spreadsheet initial condition Spreadsheet row 10 Spreadsheet row 50 Spreadsheet row 100 Spreadsheet row 200 Spreadsheet row 500 Spreadsheet row 1000 Spreadsheet row 1500 Spreadsheet row 2500 Spreadsheet row 5000 Thermal energy transport from a hot central section to uniform temperature throughout MODEL SUMMARY • Rapidly emulates planar diffusion and thermal conductivity and is a useful classroom demonstration device. • It emulates all the diffusion coefficient determination methods found in JCE. SPREADSHEET SUMMARY • The transfer equations emulate model operation. • Spreadsheet emulation lends itself well to use in PowerPoint presentations concerning planar diffusion and thermal conductivity behavior. • Spreadsheet emulation is easily extended to more cells. Using Spreadsheet Transfer Equations to Emulate Diffusion and Thermal Conductivity in Cylindrical and Spherical Systems Cylindrical Diffusion and Thermal Conductivity Fick’s First Law --a second look-- J D(dc / dx) Fick’s and Fourier’s First Law • J is the flux and has units of rate per area. It is only constant for planar conditions. • Although the flux is not constant for cylindrical and spherical diffusion and thermal conductivity, the rate is constant so the rate equations are: rate = -DAdc/dr and rate = -kAdT/dr where A = 2rh for a cylinder and A = 4r2 for a sphere Cylindrical Diffusion and Thermal Conductivity Spreadsheet Transfer Equations • The change in concentration (or temperature) of a cell depends on the amount in and out (which depends upon the area of the cell wall) and the volume of the cell. • B5 = B4+[(A4-B4)*2r1h - (B4-C4)* 2r2h]*0.02/ [hr22 - hr12] • B5 = B4+((A4-B4)*A$3- (B4-C4)*B$3)*2*0.02/ (B$3^2-A$3^2) Temperature profile with four inches of insulation surrounding a one inch radius pipe containing a hot liquid. (Each cell is 0.05 inches thick.) Theoretical Cylindrical Thermal Conductivity Temperature Distribution Equation T = T2 + ΔT[ ln (r/r2) / ln (r1/r2) ] T = A ln r + B Temperature profile for row 10,000 Diffusion of a fixed amount originating as a cylinder Curve fit for row 80 and row 300 Spherical diffusion and Thermal Conductivity Spreadsheet Transfer Equations • B5 = B4+[(A4-B4)*4r12 - (B4-C4)* 4 r22]*0.2 / [(4r23/3) - (4r13/3)] • B5 = B4+[(A4-B4)*r12 - (B4-C4)*r22]*0.2 / (r23 - r13)/3 • B5 = B4+((A4-B4)*A$3^2-(B4-C4)*B$3^2)*3*0.2/ (B$3^3-A$3^3) Spherical Thermal Conductivity for a one inch radius center and four inches of insulation. (Cell one is the outer edge of the central core which remains at constant temperature.) Theoretical Spherical Thermal Conductivity Temperature Distribution Equation T = T1 - ΔT[ (1- r1/r) / (1- r1/r2) ] T = T1 - [ΔT / (1- r1/r2)][1- r1/r] T = [ΔT r1/ (1- r1/r2)]/r + T1 - [ΔT / (1- r1/r2)] T=A/ r +B Spherical Steady State Thermal Conductivity Diffusion of a fixed amount originating as a central sphere Temperature Profile for Sphere Cooling with constant temperature surroundings Comments • The plastic model emulates diffusion and thermal conductivity in a variety of planar systems. • The spreadsheet transfer equation approach for these planar systems produces the same results as the plastic model. • The spreadsheet transfer equation approach appears to satisfactorily emulate transport processes in cylindrical and spherical systems to show the concentration and temperature distribution changes with time. References • Blanck, H. F., J. Chem. Educ. 2005, 82, 1523 (October 2005) (plastic model emulation) • Blanck, H. F., J. Chem. Educ. 2009, 86, page ? (May, June, or July 2009) (spreadsheet emulation) • Incropera, F. ; DeWitt, D. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 3rd ed.; John Wiley & Sons, 1990. • Google “Harvey Blanck” to find my Web pages. Information: www.apsu.edu/blanckh Web search for: “Harvey Blanck” e-mail: blanckh@apsu.edu • Prandtl-Glauert Condensation around an F-18