How to Guide: Step-by-Step introduction on how to Manage your References Pavlinka Kovatcheva, Sciences Librarian Library training instruction for Sciences users Training Outline • Quick overview of the Sciences Librarian Portal & Databases and additional Resources & Services • Brief Overview of RefWorks • Access and how to use RefWorks & Write-N-Cite • Practical Exercise UJ Sciences Librarian Portal Brief Overview What is RefWorks? RefWorks is web-based bibliographic software package that enables you to: • Organize your research • Include citations while you write your paper • Import references from online databases, web pages, text files, other bibliographical managers, manually) • Build a bibliography in a variety of formats (e.g. Harvard, APA etc., format collection from different journals) • Create bibliographies in different document formats (Word, RTF, HTML, etc.) How can I import results of searches into RefWorks? • After you perform a search, the results of your searches can be exported directly to RefWorks, so you don’t have to download or email them. What can you do with RefWorks? • • • • • • • • Create an individual account Direct export of references into RefWorks Manually entering references Create folders Search online catalogues Importing data directly & from saved files Format a bibliography from list of references Write –N-Cite Paper Advantages of RefWorks Import citations from many library databases Let you store and organise your citations Access anywhere within an Internet connection Can re-format citations from one style to another (APA,MLA,CHICAGO) • No limit on number of citations • Deal easy with duplicate references • References list can be sorted in various way for your convenience • • • • From which databases can I import references to RefWorks? ACS Publications; BioMed Central; BioOne; CABI databases; CSA databases; EbscoHost databases; Engineering Village 2; Scholar Google; HighWire; IEEE Xplore; ProQuest databases; Science Direct; Silver Platter Platform databases; Thomson Gale databases; Wilson Web, etc. GETTING STARTED WITH REFWORKS Access to RefWorks: 1. UJ Library web page 2. UJ Sciences Librarian RefWorks Support web page 3. Direct RefWorks access Group login Create individual account Step-by-step RefWorks features Write-N-Cite FAQ Access point (1): Library web page Access point (2): RefWorks support page Access point (3): Direct RefWorks Ask your librarian for the Group code to login You can now sign up for an individual account, or login if you are already registered Sign up for an individual account Welcome to RefWorks! Now, you are ready to start building your own database of references Need help? Click on Tutorial If you are ready to LOAD REFERENCES into RefWorks ~ keep this page open RefWorks: Tutorials RefWorks at a Glance RefWorks: (1) References • Add new Reference: You can manually add a new reference • Import: Add references from data vendors as a text file or copy/ paste • Export: Use your references with other software or share with another RefWorks user • Organise folders: Create, Rename & Delete folders • Backup/Restore: Create a local copy of your RefWorks database RefWorks: (2) Search • Advanced: Search Specific fields and specific combination of terms • Alphabetical listing of your References by Author, Descriptor & Periodical/Journal • Online Catalogue or Database: Search and export from library catalogue • RSS feeds: Display and import records from RSS feeds RefWorks: (3) View - Folder Folder: View all the references in a specific folder • Last imported: Locate most recently imported references • References not in a folder • Deleted References: Locate recently deleted references • Your folders: view your individual folders’ RefWorks: (3) View (continues) • Folder (previous slide) • Saved Search Results • All references: Display all the references in your database • My List: Displays all references in my list • Duplicates: View all possible duplicates in your database • RefWorks shared area: View posted folders or databases for your institution RefWorks: (4) Folders Organise your references by using folders • Create new folder • View • Organise folders: Create, Rename & Delete folders You can create folders either: • Share folders: share • as you start exporting references from a database references in a folder of •OR before you start selecting a database references RefWorks: (5) Bibliography Select preferred Reference Style: American Geophysical Union Journal such as: Geophysical Research Letters Preferred Reference style: AGU Create a Bibliography for References Reference list in UJ Harvard style RefWorks: (6) Tools Getting Your References into Word and writing your research • Write-N-Cite To use RefWorks in writing your research: - Click on Tools and then - Click on Write-N-Cite. Write-N-Cite will download and become a toolbar in Word. You will use this toolbar as you are typing your research. What is Write-N-Cite and what does it do? Write-N-Cite is a feature which allows you to • Access your references in RefWorks while working within Microsoft Word. • You can insert citation placeholders in the text and add a bibliography to the end of the document. • Both will be properly formatted based upon only those references that have been inserted into your Word document. • Write-N-Cite bridges your paper and the citations you store in your RefWorks account Write-N-Cite: Download Write-N-Cite: MS Word icon When you are ready to type your research, you will be using the Write-N-Cite icon installed in Word. This is what the Write-N-Cite page looks like. You can cite a reference and it will be added to your Word document, as well as add a bibliography at the end of you research report. Writing & Citing Since we want to add a citation, I will click on Cite at the reference I want to add. • Type your research as you would normally and when you are ready to add a citation • Click on the WriteN-Cite icon ~ the RefWorks log-in page will be displayed • You need to be login to RefWorks via Write-N-Cite Writing & Bibliography Your Research Papers after Write-N-Cite SCIENCE DIRECT DATABASE DIRECT EXPORT TO REFWORKS Search Science Direct Science Direct: Search Results How to export to RefWorks? • Select the relevant references • Tick in the box • Click on Export citations • Select from Export Format: • Click on: • Need more information on RefWorks? Click on: RefWorks: FAQ’s • • • • • • • • • • • • • Where are my references stored? Your database of references is stored on the RefWorks server. You can access them from anywhere by using your personal username and password I'm working on a group project. Can we share a RefWorks account? Yes. RefWorks does not limit the number of accounts you create. Every account can have two types of access - full and read-only. RefWorks also offers an add-on module called RefShare that allows for sharing of a folder as well as a database. I prefer to write my paper off line. Can I print out a list of references with RefIDs and how do I manually insert the citations in the text? Yes. You can print a list of your references for use off-line. Detailed instructions are available in the RefWorks online help. How many references can I store in RefWorks? Is there a limit? You may save an unlimited number of references within your RefWorks account. How many folders can I create in RefWorks? Is there a limit? No. There is no limit to the number of folders you can create within your RefWorks account. How do I back up my references? RefWorks offers a backup and restore feature that allows you create a file you can save to your computer and then restore if necessary. RefWorks also backs up all servers several times daily. If you need to view or move your data, we recommend using the Export option in RefWorks. Go to for more FAQ’s New RefWorks in 2011 Questions? Pavlinka Kovatcheva E-mail: Tel: 011 559-2621 UJ Sciences Librarian Portal: Slideshare presentations: