MS Word file containing all the references and resources

References & Resources for Explaining Research
Introduction References & Resources
General references
 Clark, Fiona, and Illman, Deborah H., "Portrayals of Engineers in 'Science Times,'" IEEE
Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 2006
 Council for the Advancement of Science Writing
 EurekAlert!
 Google News
 Greenberg, Daniel, Science, Money, and Politics: Political Triumph and Ethical Erosion,
University of Chicago Press, 2001
 Job Outlook 2012: The Candidate Skills/Qualities Employers Want, National Association
of Colleges and Employers
 Meredith, Dennis, "A Wrongheaded Myth Still Hinders Scientists' Communication,"
Research Explainer, February 20, 2010
 Meredith, Dennis, "Monkey Pay-Per-View" Study Could Aid Understanding of Autism,"
Duke Medical Center News Office release, January 28, 2005
 Meredith, Dennis, "Please Explain: Training Scientists to Be Better Communicators,"
Chronicle of Higher Education, may 16, 2010. Article also posted on Research Explainer
 Mooney, Chris, and Kirshenbaum, Sheril, "Unpopular Science," The Nation, August 17,
 National Academy of Engineering, "Harris Poll Reveals Public Perceptions of
 National Institutes of Health
 National Science Foundation
 NSF Office of Legislative and Public Affairs
 NSF Broader Impacts Review Criterion
 NSF Science360 news service
 Phillips, D.P., Kanter, E.J., Bednarczyk, B., and Tastad, P.L. "Importance of the Lay
Press in the Transmission of Medical Knowledge to the Scientific Community," New
England Journal of Medicine, October 17, 1991
 Project for Excellence in Journalism, State of the News Media 2008
 Project for Excellence in Journalism, State of the News Media 2009.
 Rosei, Federico and Johnston, Tudor, Survival Skills for Scientists, Imperial College
Press, 2006
 Watson, J.D. and Crick, F.H.C., "Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids," Nature, April
25, 1953
 Yahoo! News
 Zhang, Guili, Anderson, Timothy J., Ohland, Matthew W., and Thorndyke, Brian R.,
"Identifying Factors Influencing Engineering Student Graduation: A Longitudinal and
Cross-Institutional Study," Journal of Engineering Education, October 2004
 Ziman, John, Public Knowledge: The Social Dimension of Science, Cambridge
University Press, 1968
Chapter 1: Understand your audiences
General references
 Borchelt, Rick and Hudson, Kathy, "Engaging the Scientific Community with the
Public," Science Progress, April 21, 2008
 Evans, William and Priest, Susan Hornig, "Science Content and Social Context," Public
Understanding of Science, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp 327-340, 1995
 Gillmore, Dan, We the Media: Grassroots Journalism By the People, For the People,
O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2006
 Harris Poll, Doctors and Teachers Most Trusted Among 22 Occupations and Professions:
Fewer Adults Trust the President to Tell the Truth, Harris Poll # 61, August 8, 2006
 Harris Interactive, Firefighters, Scientists and Doctors Seen as Most Presitigious
Occupations, August 2009
 Harris Interactive/ California Academy of Sciences Poll, 2001
 Harris Poll, The Religious and Other Beliefs of Americans 2005, #90, December 14,
 Hassol, Susan Joy, "Improving How Scientists Communicate About Climate Change,"
Eos, March 2008, pp 106-107
 Holland, Earle M. Pleasant, Andrew, Quatrano, Stephen, Gerst, Robert, Nisbet, Matthew
C., and Mooney Chris, Framing Science letters to the editor and response, Science,
August 31, 2007, Vol. 317 No. 5842, pp. 1168-1170 (subscription required)
 Meredith, Dennis, "Marketing for Scientists Charts a Path to Sucess," Research
Explainer, April 1, 2012
 Mixon, Bobbie, "Why 'Scientific Consensus' Fails to Persuade," NSF news release,
September 13, 2010 (Ref: Journal of Risk research article by Dan Kahan, et al)
 Mooney, Chris, Do Scientists Understand the Public?, American Academy of Arts &
Sciences project on Improving the Scientific Community's Understanding of Public
Concerns about Science and Technology, 2010
 Mooney, Chris, "If Scientists Want to Educate the Public, They Should Start by
Listening," Washington Post, June 27, 2010
 National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2008
 National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2010
 National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2012
 Nisbet, Matthew C. and Scheufele, Dietram A., "What's Next for Science
Communication? Promising Directions and Lingering Distractions," American Journal of
Botany, September 3, 2009
 Nisbet, Matthew C. and Scheufele, Dietram A., "The Future of Public Engagement," The
Scientist, October 1, 2007
 Nisbet, Matthew C. and Mooney, Chris, "Framing Science," Science, April 6, 2007, V.
316, p. 56
 Nisbet, Matthew, Framing Science blog
 Pew Research Center for Public and the Press survey, "Public Praises Science; Scientists
fault Public, Media," 2009
 Science and Engineering Indicators 2008, Chapter 7, Public Attitudes and
Understanding, National Science Board
 Thompson, Clive,"Why Science Will Triumph Only When Theory Becomes Law,"
Wired, November 2007, p 102
Thompson, Mark, BBC Creative Future, speech to BBC staff, March 25, 2006
Quinn, Helen, "Belief and knowledge—a plea about language," Physics Today, January
2007, p. 8
Woodward, Billy, Science Heroes Web site
Woodward, Billy, Shurkin, Joel, and Gordon, Debra, Scientists Greater than Einstein:
The Biggest Lifesavers of the Twentieth Century, Linden Publishing, 2009
Chapter 2: Plan your communication strategy
General references
 Harvard Focus
 Harvard Gazette
 Harvard Health Newsletter
 Harvard Lab Works
 Harvard Medical School disease-based Web pages
 Journal of Visualized Experiments
 Seringhaus, Michael, and Gerstein, Mark, "The Death of the Scientific Paper," The
Scientist, September 4, 2006
Chapter 3: Give compelling talks
General references and resources
 Adler, Ronald B. and Rodman, George, Understanding Human Communication, Oxford
University Press, 2009
 Alley, Michael, The Craft of Scientific Presentations: Critical Steps to Succeed and
Critical Errors to Avoid, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003
 Alley, Michael, The Craft of Scientific Writing, Prentice-Hall, 1987
 Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Giving Talks. For a free copy, email
 Hewlett Packard, "The Power of Visual Communication," 2004
 Hoff, Ron, Say It In Six, Andrews McMeel Publishing, 1996
 Kushner, Malcolm, Presentations for Dummies, For Dummies, 2004
 Mahar, Stephen, Yaylacicegi, Uku, and Janicki, Thomas,"The Dark Side of Custom
Animation," International Journal of "Innovation and Learning, July 2009. See also
news article and blog discussion.
 Meredith, Dennis, "Play 'Bad Presentation Bingo': Losers are Winners!," Research
Explainer, February 26, 2010
 Mitchell, Olivia, How to Present with Twitter (and other backchannels)
 Naftulin, D.H., Ware, J.E., and Donnelly, F.A., "The Doctor Fox Lecture: A Paradigm of
Educational Seduction," Journal of Medical Education, July 1973
 OSHA Office of Education and Training, "Presenting Effective Presentations with Visual
 Quamut, Public Speaking Chart, Barnes & Noble
 Six Minutes: A Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Blog
 Soyouwanna Deliver an Effective Speech?
 Speaking About Presenting blog on presentations
 Toastmasters, Toastmaster's International Guide to Successful Speaking: Overcoming
Your Fears, Winning over Your Audience, Building Your Business & Career
 Winston, Patrick, "How to Speak" videos
Wired How-To Wiki, "Deliver the Perfect Presentation"
Woodward, Billy, Science Heroes Web site
Woodward, Billy, Shurkin, Joel, and Gordon, Debra, Scientists Greater than Einstein:
The Biggest Lifesavers of the Twentieth Century, Linden Publishing, 2009
Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies and Annenberg School, USC, Talking
Science: The Elusive Art of the ScienceTalk
Software and Web sites for sharing presentations and other content
 Agarwal, Amit, Share your Presentation Slides with a QR Code
 Articulate Presenter
 authorStream
 Creating a slidecast using Slideshare (Explains recording audio using Blackboard, but
you can also use a link to an existing .mp3 file on the Web)
 Echo360
 40 Interesting ways to use QR Codes in the Classroom
 Gallo, Carmine, "Present like Steve Jobs," YouTube, April 17, 2008
 for text such as business cards, web URLs, email addresses, etc.
 Impatica
 Meredith, Dennis, "Publishing Online Flip Books: Useful Tool or Gimmick?" Research
Explainer, June 25, 2010
 Meredith, Dennis, "Slidecast: Using Multimedia to Advance Your Research," Research
Explainer, February 21, 2010
 Meredith, Dennis, "Use QR Codes to 'Amplify' Your Work," Research Explainer, April
3, 2012
 MyBrainshark,free hosting service for sharing presentations
 QR Code in Powerpoint Presentations
 QR Code generator, basic (Google)
 QR Code generator (Delivr) Free version enables personalizatio, tracking of QR code
use. Paid version adds more sophisticated services
 QR Code generator, basic (Digital Inspiration)
 QR Code generator, basic (KayWa)
 QR Code generator for producing more sophisticated codes, including those that trigger
an action
 QR code generator (ZXing)
 QR Codes: What are They and How to Use Them (video)
 QR Codes: How to Generate with
 tools for QR codes
 SciVee Slidecast
, free basic presentation-hosting service with inexpensive upgrade to more
subtantial storage, bandwidth
 SlideBoom
 Slidecasting screencasts using Slideshare
 SlideShare free hosting service for sharing PowerPoint presentations.
 SlideServe, free hosting service for sharing PowerPoint presentations
 Slide Sharing Websites: Review, m62, January 19, 2010
 Soundslides, software for producing audio Web slidecasts
Sonic Foundry's Mediasite
TagmyDoc for sharing documents via a QR Code on the document or a Powerpoint slide
280 Slides allows creation, accessing, and sharing of slide shows
Ventation enables creation of synchronized video and slide presentations
PowerPoint and other presentation resources
 a Luna Blue stock video for PowerPoint backgrounds
 Alley, Michael, "Improve your PowerPoint," February 12, 2010
 Animation Factory animated clip art, templates, backgrounds and videos.
Science/Medical PowerPoint backgrounds
 Atkinson, Cliff, Beyond Bullet Points: Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 to Create
Presentations That Inform, Motivate, and Inspire, Microsoft Press, 2007
 "Become a PowerPoint Power User," Wired Wiki
 URL shortener
 CaptureFox, screencasting add-on for Firefox
 Crystal Graphics PowerPoint plugins for templates, Flash, animations, 3D
 GoogleDocs Presentations
 Grant, Bob, "Pimp your PowerPoint," The Scientist, March 1, 2010
 How to Create an Effective PowerPoint Presentation,
 "How to use Movie Maker to put titles on your video backgrounds for PowerPoint,"
 Inspiration organizing software
 Microsoft training for PowerPoint 2010
 video backgrounds for PowerPoint presentations
 Impress
 PowerFinish templates, backgrounds and videos
 Powered Templates PowerPoint templates and video backgrounds
 PowerPlugs: Transitions for PowerPoint Volume 7
 The PowerPoint FAQ
 commercial collection of templates, shapes, illustrations, maps
 PowerPoint Heaven
 PowerPoint Tips and Tricks, A Bit Better Corp
 PresentationPro
 Presenter for PowerPoint for creating special effects within PowerPoint
 Prezi presentation software
 Screenflow (Mac) for recording computer screen interaction, video, etc.
 SlideRocket
 Snagit for capturing and manipulating screen images
 SnipURL URL shortener
 TinyURL URL shortener
 Digital Inspiration, "The Most Essential Tools for Presenters"
 Tufte, Edward, The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint: Pitching Out Corrupts Within,
Second Edition
 Wikipedia, "Presentation Programs"
 Zamzar for converting file formats
Apple iWork Keynote resources
 Apple Keynote
 Apple iWork Keynote tutorials Apple iWork '08
 KeynoteUser
 Keynote/PowerPoint Comparison Chart, KeynoteUser, July 26, 2007
 Tessler, Franklin N, "PowerPoint 2008 vs. Keynote, '08," Macworld, April 16, 2008
Free sources for images, illustrations, animations, and videos
 Astronomy Picture of the Day, NASA
 Bugwood Network insect and forestry images
 CalPhotos
 Cool Science and Extreme Animated GIFs
 Genomics Image Gallery, (also images depicting biofuels, carbon cycling, systems
biology), DOE
 Earth Science World Image Bank
 EurekAlert! multimedia gallery
 Free Science Animated Clipart
 Google Advanced Image Search
 Hubble Space Telescope images
 image bank for particle physics
 Library of Science Illustrations: vast collection of illustrations and slides in cell biology,
microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, labware, shapes, and anatomy
 Master site for U.S. government photos and graphics
 National Digital Library, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
 Department of Energy and DOE national laboratories
 Giphy: Find and Share Animated GIFs
 Video University Guide to Public Domain Footage
 How Stuff Works Web site illustrations, animations, and videos on science and
 Materials Research Society Science as Art image winners
 Medical Animation Library, Penn Medicine. Huge collection of short medical animations
 MorgueFile general stock shots
 Molecular Workbench
 NASA art gallery
 NASA images
 NASA video gallery
 National Institutes of Health photo galleries
 National Marine Sanctuaries Media Library
 NIH National Cancer Institute visuals online
 NIH National Institute for General Medical Sciences image gallery
 National Science Foundation multimedia gallery
 NOAA Photo Library
 North Harris College Natural Sciences collection of links to science animations
 general stock shots
 Stock.xchng general stock shots
Twenty Animated GIFs That Explain How Things Work
U.S. government YouTube channel for science & technology
Wellcome Images, more than 40,000 images from clinical and biomedical sciences
Wikimedia Commons free images and video
Commercial sources for images, illustrations, animation and video
 Animation Factory
 Corbis
 Earth: Portrait of a Planet
 eduMedia
 Eduscapes collection of links to Flash animations
 Fotolia general stock shots
 Getty Images
 iStockphoto
 Microsoft clipart collection
 Molecular Expressions Photo Gallery
 NVTech
 PhotoObjects
 Photos to Go Unlimited
 ScienceSlides
 Wiley Interactive Concepts in Biochemistry
 Worth1000
 Worth1000 Nerdimals
Sources for science cartoons
 Cartoon Bank
 CartoonStock
 Sidney Harris cartoons
Science demonstrations
 Beaty, William, Physics demos & Science Exhibit Designs
 The experiMENTALS
 ExploScience: Innovative Resources for Science Education and Exploration
 Frostbite Theater: Jefferson Laboratory Physics Video Demonstrations
 Ophardt, Charles E., ed., Science Demonstrations, Elmhurst College
 Shakhashiri, Bassam, Chemical Demonstrations, Volume 1, University of Wisconsin
Press, 1983
 Shakhashiri, Bassam, Chemical Demonstrations, Volume 2, University of Wisconsin
Press, 1985
 Shakhashiri, Bassam, Chemical Demonstrations, Volume 3, University of Wisconsin
Press, 1989
 Shakhashiri, Bassam, Chemical Demonstrations, Volume 4, University of Wisconsin
Press, 1992
 Shmaefski, Brian, Favorite Demonstrations for College Science: An NSTA Press
Journals Collection
The Video Encyclopedia of Physics Demonstrations
Willey, David, The Physics Behind Four Amazing Demonstrations
Science and engineering jokes
 Ahajokes, Science Jokes
 Devine, Betsy and Cohen Joel, Absolute Zero Gravity: Science Jokes, Quotes and
Anecdotes, Fireside, 1992
 Funny Engineering Conversions
 Jupiter Scientific Science Jokes
 Verhagen, Joachim, Science Jokes
 Workjoke Profession Jokes
Chapter 4: Develop informative visuals
General references
 (Animated GIFs) Williams, Alex, "Fresh from the Internet Attic," The New York Times,
February 13, 2013
AAAS Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge 2009
Adobe Flash animation tutorial
Cleveland, William S., Visualizing Data Hobart Press, 1993
Adobe Photoshop
Biointeractive animations
Cimons, Marlene, "Cover Calculations," HHMI Bulletin, June 2002
Johnsen, John, The Cultural Significance of Color, American Chronicle
Kyrnin, Jennifer, Color Symbolism Chart by Culture,
Exploration magazine
Few, Stephen Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten,
Analytics Press 2004
Meredith, Dennis, "Using Multimedia to Advance Your Work" (Sidecast), AAAS
meeting, February 21, 2010
Tufte, Edward, Beautiful Evidence, Graphics Press, 2006
Tufte, Edward, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd edition, Graphics
Press, 2001
The Why Files
Zuker, Charles, et al, "Mammalian Sweet Taste Receptor," Cell, August 10, 2001
Tools and techniques for creating data visualizations
Atkinson, Cliff, Beyond Bullet Points: Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 to Create
Presentations That Inform, Motivate, and Inspire, Microsoft Press, 2007
"Build Animated GIFs in Photoshop," Creative Techs for producing online charts
Exploratree site for creating visual "thinking guides"
Extreme Presentation Method for designing visualizations of information
Factual site for uploading, creating, and/or embedding data tables
Flowing Data, "What Visualization Tool/Software Should You Use? — Getting Started,"
September 3, 2009
Friedman, Vitali, "Data Visualization:Modern Approaches," Smashing Magazine, August
2, 2007
Google Visualizations tools for creating Web visualizations
Griffith, WEric, "How to Make Animated GIFs," PC Magazine, September 11, 2011
"How to Create Animated GIFs Using Photoshop," wikiHow
Lovely Charts, free Web-based tool for creating diagrams, flow charts and organizational
Making Data Meaningful guides for effective presentation of statistics, United Nations
Economics Commission for Europe
ManyEyes collections of data visualizations
Meredith, Dennis, "Use Infographics to Explain Your Work," Research Explainer,
December 2011
Microcharts, Excel add-in for creating sparklines
Photofly (renamed 123d Catch) creates 3D images from photos
Smartdraw visual processor
Sparklines, open source software for creating sparklines
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, A Guide to Presenting Statistics, (part
of Making Data Meaningful guide series)
UUorld tool for visualizing data with maps
Visualization Tools/Applications collection
Wired, Make an Animated GIF
Youblisher makes pdf documents flippable and quickly loading
Chapter 5: Create effective poster presentations
General references
 American Society of Plant Biologists, How to Make a Great Poster
 Colorado State University, Guide to Poster Sessions
 eHow, How to Prepare a Proper Scientific Poster
 Hess, George, Tosney, Kathryn and Liegel, Leon, Creating Effective Poster Presentations
 Meredith, Dennis, "Use QR Codes to 'Amplify' Your Work," Research Explainer, April
3, 2012
 Purrington, Colin, Designing Conference Posters
 Pimp my Poster discussion/critique group for posters
, commercial source for poster production, including a multitude of
poster templates
 The Science Forum commercial poster design and production
 State University of New York at Buffalo, Designing Effective Posters
 University of Washington, Making a Poster Using MS Powerpoint also see tutorial
Creating a Poster Using MS Powerpoint
 Volz, Tracy, Poster Design and Presentation Skills, Rice University Office of
Professional Communications. Excellent presentation on creating and presenting posters
Chapter 6: Write clear research explanations
General references
Armstrong, J. Scott, "Unintelligible Management Research and Academic Prestige,"
Interfaces, April 1980
Grant, Bob, "Right Your Writing: How to Sharpen Your Writing and Make Your
Manuscripts More Engaging, The Scientist, November 2009
Larsen, Kevin, "The Science of Word Recognition," Microsoft Corporation, July 2004
Limerick, Patricia Nelson, "Dancing With Professors: The Trouble With Academic
Prose," New York Times Book Review, October 31, 1993
NIH Plain Language Online Training
Strunk, William Jr. and White, E.B., The Elements of Style (4th Edition)
Germano, William, "Passive is Spoken Here," Chronicle of Higher Education, April 22,
2005 (subscription required). Adapted from From Dissertation to Book (Chicago Guides
to Writing, Editing, and Publishing), University of Chicago Press, 2005
Meredith, Dennis, "Where the Exotic Meets the Academic," Duke Magazine, July-August
Meredith, Dennis, "Transparent Motives," Duke Magazine, November-December 2005
Chapter 7: Build a quality Web site
General references
 Dale Purves laboratory Web site
 Duke Department of Neurobiology Web site
 Duke Pratt School of Engineering Web site
 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Web site
 NASA science Web site
 National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2008
 National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2010
 ScienceDirect
 Space Telescope Science Institute Web site
References on Web site development and marketing
 Bruns, Merry, Science Sites Communications
 Bruns, Merry, Web Editors' Toolkit
 Bruns, Merry, Books on Web development
 Dell online course on managing and promoting a business web site
 Eveland, William P., Jr. and Dunwoody, Sharon, "User Control and Structural
Isomorphism or Disorientation and Cognitive Load: Learning From the Web Versus
Print," Communication Research, vol. 28, pp. 48-78, February 2001. Research Summary
by Gorder, Pam Frost, Students Learn Better from Web Pages that Contain Print 'Cues',
Ohio State Research
 Franco, Guillermo, What is the Future of Text Online? Interview with Chris Nodder,
Nielsen, Poynter Online
 British Library/University College London
 Johnsen, John, The Cultural Significance of Color, American Chronicle
 Kent, Peter, Search Engine Optimization for Dummies, For Dummies, 2008
 Kyrnin, Jennifer, Color Symbolism Chart by Culture,
 Lynch, Patrick J. and Horton, Sarah, Web Style Guide
Nielsen, Jakob and Coyne, Kara Pernice, Web eyetracking study reported in Annenberg
Online Journalism Review
Nielsen, Jakob and Loranger, Hoa, Prioritizing Web Usability, New Riders Press,
Berkeley Calif., 2006
Price, Lisa and Jonathan, Hot Text: Web Writing that Works, New Riders Press, 2002
Poynter Institute, Eyetrack07 Study for Print and Online News
Ruel, Laura and Paul, Nora, Eyetracking Points The Way To Effective News Article
Design, Online Journalism Review, March 13, 2007
Zimmerman, Jan, Web Marketing for Dummies, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007
Web hosting reviews and companies
 Best Hosting reviews
 Hosting Reviews
 Top 10 Best Web Hosting Companies
 Top Ten Web Hosting, Web Hosting Geeks
 FatCow
 Hostgator
 HostMonster
 JustHost
 Network Solutions
 1&1 Web Hosting
 OneWorld Hosting
 Website Creation Wizard
 Yahoo Hosting
Companies and sites offering Web site design tools and services
 Dynamic Drive DHTML and Javascript tools to enhance Web sites
 Freewebs
 99Designs web site design marketplace
 Rapidweaver
 Readability, a simple tool that automatically removes the clutter on a Web site, making
reading easier
 Sampa
 Sitecube
 Squarespace
 Synthasite
 TemplateMonster
 Weebly
 Youblisher makes pdf files flippable and quickly loading
Web search engines for submitting sites
 Yahoo!
 dmoz (Open Directory Project)
Web sites for content, background information, and link lists
(See Chapter 3 references for list of sources of free images, illustrations, animations, and
Academic Earth video lectures
Compendium of federal educational resources on a wide array of science, engineering,
mathematics, and other subjects
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Astronomical Society
American Cancer Society
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
American College of Physicians Foundation
American College of Surgeons
American Physical Society
American Scientist Sites of the Week
Brain Facts, from the Society for Neuroscience
Canon Science Lab: Light
Canon Science Lab: Nanotechnology
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Energy
Discovery Channel information from multiple reference works
EurekAlert RSS feeds
EurekAlert! Links & Resources
Exploring Life's Origins, Boston Museum of Science
Exploratorium list of Cool Sites
Google Alerts
Google Maps
Google Knol
Healthline overviews of health conditions
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Cool Science
How Stuff Works
Interactive Concepts in Biochemistry animations, Wiley, 2006
Internet Public Library Science and Technology Resources
Kent's Video Chemical Demonstrations
Kyrk, John, Cell Biology Animations
Learn.Genetics, Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah
LectureFox search engine for free university lectures
My HealtheVet
National Geographic
National Institutes of Health
NIH National Cancer Institute Understanding Cancer Series
NIH National Institute for General Medical Science fact sheets
National Science Foundation National Science Teachers Association recommended Web
NSF Science360
Neuroscience for Kids
Open Directory Project comprehensive listing of free online courses and discussion group
PhET, online simulations in physics, chemistry,math, biology, and earth science
Physics, American Physical Society online magazine
PhysicsCentral, American Physical Society
Science in the News, Sigma Xi (members only)
Science News
Scitable science reference and learning environment
Society for Neuroscience
Space Sites: Favorites from PC Magazine
Virtlab: A Virtual Laboratory
Wikimedia Commons free images and video
The Why Files
Web tools for monitoring traffic and optimizing search engine visibility
 Alexa
 Compete
 CrazyEgg tools for visualizing Web site analytics
 Web search
 Flickr
 Google Webmaster tools
 Google Analytics
 Link Popularity
 Meta Tag Analyzer
 Web CEO
 Yahoo Search resources
Chapter 8: Forge your research communication strategy
General references
 Genetics & Public Policy Center, Values in Conflict: Public Attitudes on Embryonic
Stem Cell Research
 National Institute of Standards and Technology, Communicating the Future: Best
Practices for Communication of Science and Technology to the Public, 2002
 National Institute of Standards and Technology, Taking Science to Policy Makers,
Annual Field Conference Program conducted by: Kansas Geological Survey, from
Communicating the Future: Best Practices for Communication of Science and
Technology to the Public, 2002
Experts lists and services
 AAAS Science Talk experts directory
 Profnet
 Science Media Centre
 Society for Neuroscience Expert Directory
Chapter 9: The essential news release
General references
 NIH research podcasts
 NIH radio
 NIH Vodcast
 NSF Science360 News Service
 NSF Broader Impacts Review Criterion
 Research Matters
National Institute for General Medical Sciences online news and publications
 Findings Magazine
 Research Briefs
 Biomedical Beat
Chapter 10: Craft releases that tell your research story
General references
 Cell Size and Scale Illustration, Genetic Science Learning Center, University of Utah
 Greenberg, Daniel, Science, Money, and Politics: Political Triumph and Ethical Erosion,
University of Chicago Press, 2001.
 Megaconverter
 Making Data Meaningful guides for effective presentation of statistics, United Nations
Economics Commission for Europe
 Meredith, Dennis, "Baby Got Math," Duke news release, February 13, 2006
 Meredith, Dennis, "Corn Fungus is Nature's Master Blaster," Duke news release, July 26,
 Meredith, Dennis, "How the Neuron Sprouts its Branches," Duke Medical Center news
release, December 9, 2005
 Meredith, Dennis, "Monkey Pay-Per-View" Study Could Aid Understanding of Autism,"
Duke Medical Center news release, January 28, 2005.
 Meredith, Dennis, "Monkeys Consciously Control a Robot Arm Using Only Brain
Signals; Appear to "Assimilate" Arm as if it Were Their Own," Duke Medical Center
news release, October 13, 2003
 Meredith, Dennis, "P[acman] Permits Precise Placement of Prodigious DNA," (Rewritten
to "Genes Large or Small, P[acman] Places Then All"), Howard Hughes Medical Institute
news release, November 30, 2006
 Meredith, Dennis, "Researchers Discover 'Doorways' into Brain Cells," Duke Medical
Center news release, October 23, 2002
 Meredith, Dennis, "'Reset Switch" for Brain Cells Discovered," Duke Medical Center
news release, October 29, 2003
Meredith, Dennis, "The Calculating Brain: New Studies suggest That Neurons Are Built
to Perform Simple Arithmetic," Howard Hughes Medical Institute news release,
November 20, 2006
Quinn, Helen, " Belief and Knowledge—a Plea About Language," Physics Today,
January 2007, p 8
Schneider, Stephen Mediarology: The Roles of Citizens, Journalists, and Scientists in
Debunking Climate Change Myths
Chapter 11: Target releases to key audiences
General references
 NIH News & Events
 NSF News
Release distribution services
 Alpha Galileo (Europe)
 Ascribe
 Cision
 EurekAlert!
 MyPRGenie
 Newswise
 ResearchSEA (Asia)
 Vocus
Chapter 12: Produce effective research photography
General references
 Dean, Cornelia, "She Calls it 'Phenomena.' Everyone Else Calls It Art," The New York
Times, June 12, 2007
 "Felice Frankel," Nature EdCast, November 17, 2009
 "Felice Frankel, Science Photographer," Wired Science Video Interview
 Frankel, Felice Envisioning Science: The Design and Craft of the Science Image, MIT
Press, 2004.
 Frankel, Felice and Whitesides, George On the Surface of Things: Images of the
Extraordinary in Science, Chronicle Books, 1997
 Frankel, Felice, "Getting You to Look," illustrated presentation at the New York
Academy of Sciences, March 22, 2006
 Frankel, Felice, Photographing Science slide show, The New York Times, June 12, 2007
 Long, John Ethics in the Age of Digital Photography, National Press Photographers
Exemplary image galleries
 AAAS Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge
 Astronomy Picture of the Day, NASA
 Duke University Photography Research Image Gallery
 Materials Research Society Science as Art competition
 Mathematical Art, Virtual Math Museum
 Molecular Expressions Photo Gallery
The New York Times Multimedia/Photos pages
Nikon Small World Competition
Nikon MicroscopyU
Princeton Art of Science competition
Slide show, photo album and slide-sharing software
 3-D Album
 Adobe Flash
 Animoto creates music-video-style presentations from still images
 Articulate Presenter
 authorStream
 Impatica
 LiveSlideShow
 Meredith, Dennis, "Create Screensavers to Show off Your Visuals," Research Explainer,
November 25, 2009
 Microsoft Expression Media
 myBrainShark
 Picaboo for creating online photo books
 QuickTime Pro
 Slideboom
 SlideShare
 Slidecast
 Slide Sharing Websites: Review, m62, January 19, 2010
 Soundslides
Panoramic image software and examples
 GigaPan
 EyeSee360
 Photofly (renamed 123D Catch) creates 3D models from photos
 Quicktime VR
 Harvard Virtual Tour
Chapter 13: Produce informative research videos
Bardosh, Karl, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Digital Video, Alpha, 2007
Bourne, Jennie, Web Video: Making it Great, Getting it Noticed, Peachpit Press, 2008
DV Filmmaking: From Start to Finish, O'Reilly Digital Studio
Digital Video Production Cookbook: 100 Professional Techniques for Independent and
Amateur Filmmakers, Cookbooks O'Reilly
 Digital Video Hacks: Tips & Tools for Shooting, Editing, and Sharing, O'Reilly's Hacks
 Underdahl, Keith, Digital Video for Dummies, For Dummies, 2006
Homemade video production devices
 Do it yourself video support gear
 Lee, Johny Chung, The Poor Man's Steadycam
Selakovich, Dan, Killer Camera Rigs That You Can Build
Tutorials, software, and tips for shooting video
 Desktop Video
 Celtx preproduction management software
 Consumer Reports, "Camcorder Buying Guide"
 Freeevlog videoblogging tutorials
 Griffith, Eric, "How to Become a YouTube Star," PC Magazine, January 1, 2008
 Knight Digital Media Center, UC Berkeley, Video Tutorials
 Lassiter, Tom, Collection of links on digital video hardware, software and techniques
 Media College online tutorial
 Izzy Video comprehensive tutorials on video production. See esp. Intro to Video course
(membership required)
 Meredith, Dennis, "Better Research Videos," SciVee, May 27, 2010
 Meredith, Dennis, "Making Pretty Good Videos Pretty Cheap," Research Explainer, June
4, 2010
 Meredith, Dennis, "SciVee: Integrating Video into Scientific Publication," Research
Explainer, May 30, 2010
 Online Journalism Review, USC Annenberg School for Communication, Tips for
Shooting Better Online Video
 PC World, "How to Buy a Digital Camcorder," January 26, 2009
 Ripple Training Video Editing Tutorials
 Skype video calling software
 Skype video recording software
 tutorials on shooting video for the Web
 Video Help
 Videomaker guide to creating and publishing video
 Video University articles on video production
 YouTube Help Center
Video editing and conversion software and tutorials
 Adobe video editing software forum: Premiere Elements, Premiere Pro, After Effects
 Adobe Premiere Pro Design Center: Tutorials
 Animoto creates music-video-style presentations from still images and video
 Corel VideoStudio Pro X2
 CyberLink PowerDirector8 editing software
 Final Cut Pro 7
 iMovie for Macs
 Lendino, Jamie, "Video Editing for the Masses," PC Magazine, November 3, 2009
 Muchmore, Michael, "How to Buy Video Editing Software," PC Magazine, June 24,
 Microsoft Expression
 MPEG Streamclip video converter, player, and editor
 Pinnacle Studio
Sorenson Squeeze video encoding software
Windows Movie Maker
Sources for footage
(In addition to these, see the references for chapter 3 for an extensive list of free and commercial
sources of images, illustrations, animations and videos.)
 Google Advanced Video Search
 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Holiday Lectures
 NASA video gallery
 Research Channel
 Video University Guide to Public Domain Footage
Examples of news, lecture, demonstration, and interview videos
 AthenaWeb
 Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Catalyst, experiMENTALS, Talking Science,
Discovery ChannelHoneywell Nobel Interactive Studio interviews with and lectures by
 Big Think
 BUniverse (Boston University)
 Forum Network PBS/NPR online lecture video service
 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Holiday Lectures
 IEEE Spectrum Video
 iTunes U
 Kent's Video Chemical Demonstrations
 MIT Open Courseware
 National Geographic videos
 Nature YouTube video channel
 New York Academy of Sciences eBriefings
 Nova ScienceNow
 Open Education Resource Commons
 Open Yale Courses
 Research Channel
 SciTalks
 Wired Science
 Wired top ten amazing chemistry videos
 Wired top ten amazing physics videos
 University of California, San Diego: Science Matters, Grey Matters, Atoms to xrays,
Molecules for the Media press workshops
 YouTube
Outlets for syndicating and sharing videos
 Benchfly for sharing laboratory techniques
 Bioscreencast
 Current
 DNAtube
 doFlick
Free Science Videos and Lectures
Freevlog videoblogging site
Google Video
iTunes U
Journal of Visualized Experiments
Liberated Syndication
Research Channel (membership required)
SciVee postercasts
Slidecasting and multimedia systems for sharing lectures
 Anystream Apreso Classroom
 Articulate Presenter
 Echo360
 MyBrainshark free hosting service for sharing presentations
 Slideboom, free hosting service for sharing PowerPoint presentations, including video
 SlideShare free hosting service for sharing PowerPoint presentations and video
 SlideServe free hosting service for sharing PowerPoint presentations
 Sonic Foundry's Mediasite
 Ventation enables creation of synchronized video and slide presentations
Chapter 14: Organize dynamic multimedia presentations
General references and Resources
 Adobe tutorial on creating multimedia projects
 Biointeractive
 BioVisions, Harvard University
 CampusTours
 Exploring Life's Origins, Boston Museum of Science
 Harvard LabWorks
 Issuu for converting pdf files into flip books
 Meredith, Dennis, "Communicating Research in 3-D Virtual Worlds," Research
Explainer, March 5, 2010
 Meredith, Dennis, "Publishing Online Flip Books: Useful Tool or Gimmick?" Research
Explainer, June 25, 2010
 National Geographic
 ScienceNow
Tagging of Pacific Predators
3-D Album
The Why Files
Youblisher for converting pdf files into flip books
Chapter 15: Create e-newsletters, wikis, blogs, podcasts, social networking,
and Webinars
General references
 Anderson, Chris, Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More,
Hyperion, 2006.
 Bonetta, Laura, "Should You be Tweeting?" Cell, October 30, 2009
 Cann, Alan, and Hooley, Tristram, Social Media: A Guide for Researchers, Research
Information Network, February 2011
 Chang, Kenneth, "Phoenix to Earthlings: I've landed! Awesome!," The New York Times,
May 31, 2008
 DeLong, J. Bradford, "The Invisible College," Chronicle of Higher Education, July 28,
2006 (subscription required)
 Drezner, Daniel W., "The Trouble with Blogs," Chronicle of Higher Education, July 28,
2006 (subscription required)
 blog disclaimer
 Raper, Vivienne, "Science Blogging and Tenure," Science Careers, January 28, 2011
E-newsletter references, mailing programs, and resources
 AWeber email system includes autoresponder that can automatically send sequences of
emails to new subscribers
 URL shortening service
 Bronto
 Constant Contact
 eNewsletterPro
 E-zineZ email newsletter tutorial
 EurekAlert RSS feeds
 Google Alerts
 iContact
 JangoMail
 ListProc
 MailChimp
 Majordomo
 myNewsletterBuilder
 Newsletter Ease
 NewsletterPro
 The New York Times e-mail alerts
 SparkList
 SnipURL URL shortening service
 TinyURL URL shortening service
URL-shortening services, from Honeytechblog
Wiki sites and resources
 Confluence
 Google Knol
 Jotspot
 PBWiki/PBworks
 Socialtext
 "Use a Wiki," Wired How-to Wiki
 ViaWiki
 Wetpaint
 Wikipedia
 Wikipedia comparison of wiki farms
 Wikipedia explanation of wikis
 Wikibooks textbook community
 Wikispace
Science blogs
 American Society of Microbiology, Small Things Considered
 AAAS ScienceInsider policy blog
 Nature Network
 The New York Times
 The Observatory blog on science journalism
 Open Directory Project list of science blogs
 RealClimate
 ScienceBlogs
 Science Life blog of the University of Chicago Medical Center
 Science News
 Scientific American blog network
 Scientific American 60-Second Science blog
 The Scientist Community
 2020 Science
Blogging sites and resources
 Alltop site for monitoring topics for blog posts
 Blog Carnival
 BlogCritics
 free blog site
 Bloglines
 Blogger
 BlogPulse
 Blogrunner
 Carrington, Damian, "How to Set up a Science Blog," SciDevnet, September 30, 2008
 site for free video blogs
Google Alerts
Google Blog Search
Holler, Pete, "Top 10 Blog Directories," SEO Wizardry, April 26, 2010
PostLater for scheduling blog and Twitter posts
Technorati main site
Technorati top 100 blog list
"30 Inspiring Ideas to Develop Content for Your Blog,"
"26 Tips for Writing Great Blog Posts," Social Media Examiner
Webmonkey tips for better blogging
Webmonkey tutorial on RSS
YackTrack enables tracking of comments about a blog post
Zivkovic, Bora, "How to Break into Science Writing Using Your Blog and Social
Media," Scientific American, April 2, 2013
Online survey tips, software, and reviews
 Bass, Steve, "Home Office: Design a Great Online Survey," PC World, September 17,
 GreatBrook, Tips for Selecting an Online Survey Software Tool
 Survey Software Report 2008
 Online Survey Design Guide, Laboratory for Automation Psychology and Decision
Processing, University of Maryland
 PollDaddy
 QuestionPro
 QuestionPro Survey Design Tips
 SurveyMethods
 Survey Monkey
 twtpoll polls via Twitter
 twtsurvey polls via Twitter
 Vizu Web polls
 The Write Market, "How to Design a Survey"
Twitter sites and resources
 URL shortening service
 CoTweet platform for joint Twittering
 Dybwad, Barb, "Tweet Ideas: Thirteen Things You Can Do With Twitter Besides
Tweet," Mashable, August 21, 2009
 Feedalizr
 Filttr service for filtering Twitter feeds
 HootSuite Web-based system for managing multiple Twitter accounts
JustTweetit for finding Twitter users with your interests
Macsai, Dan, Report: Nine Scientifically Proven Ways to Get Retweeted on Twitter, Fast
Company, September 21, 2009
Mitchell, Olivia, How to Present with Twitter (and other backchannels)
NASA Connect and Collaborate
NetLingo Internet Dictionary
Nurph for setting up chat channels
O'Reilly Webcast: Twitter for Business
Qwitter notifies when someone stops following your Tweets and what post prompted it
ReTweetist site for tracking ReTweets
ScienceBase list of scientific Twitter Friends
Seesmic for managing Facebook and Twitter feeds
SocialToo for synchronizing Facebook and Twitter
SnipURL URL shortening service
TinyURL URL shortening service
TweetBeep for for keeping track of Tweets containing a keyword such as your name
Twitblend enables creating and sharing conversations on Twitter
TweetDeck for managing Twitter feeds
TweetGrid search dashboard for monitoring topics, events, etc.
Tweetie client for iPhones
Tweet Later for managing and scheduling Tweets
Twellow, directory of public Twitter accounts
12seconds for sharing short videos
Twhirl destop application for managing social network accounts
Twilert service for monitoring Twitter
Twitip Twitter tips
Twitoaster threads and archives Twitter conversations
Twitoaster Quick Guide
TwitPic for sharing photos on Twitter
Twitter 101 guide for business users
Twitterfeed for feeding your blog through Twitter
Twitterfone sends Tweets from your phone
Twitter Guide Book, Mashable
Twitter in plain English
Twitter primer for administrators (Twitter in education)
Twitter search
Twittermail provides email address for posting Tweets
Twittertise manage and track advertising on Twitter
Twittonary dictionary of Twitter terms
TwitVid enables sending video via iPhone and Blackberry
Twitter Mars Phoenix
Twittering at NASA
twtaway organize Twitter giveaways
twtpoll polls via Twitter
twtsurvey polls via Twitter
Wikipedia article on microblogging
Wikipedia article on Twitter
Science podcasts, podcast tutorials, and camps
 Apple iTunes U
 American Chemical Society Science Elements podcasts
 Astronomy Casts
 BlogTalkRadio
 How to Podcast
 IEEE Spectrum podcasts
 Nature podcasts
 Omega Tau
 The New York Times science and technology podcasts
 NPR Science Friday
 PodCamps for bloggers, podcasters, video producers and social networkers
 Podcast Academy
 PodcastPeople commercial audio/video podcast site
 Scientific American podcasts: 60-Second Science, Science Talk
 Science podcasts
 Science podcasting directory
 Scientific American 60-Second Science podcasts
 Technology Review
 World Science Podcasts, Public Radio International and Sigma Xi
Podcasting hardware and sound editing services and software
 ACID Music Studio 7
 Amadeus II
 Audacity
 Audio Acrobat
 AudioDizer
 Adobe Soundbooth CS3
 Apple Soundtrack Pro
 Electro-Voice RE50/b Wired Shock-Mounted Handheld Interview Omni-Directional
Dynamic Microphone
 JK Audio Broadcast Host Digital Hybrid
 Magix Audio Cleaning Lab 12
 Office Supplies - WavePad Sound Editor Professional Audio Editing Software
 Sound Forge Audio Studio 9
 Zoom H4 Handy Recorder + Samson CH700 Headphones + Transcend 8GB SD +
Portable Mini Tripod
Podcast production, syndication, and distribution services
 Apple iTunes podcasting
Apple iTunes U
Liberated Syndication
Science360 NSF news service
Social networking sites, examples, and resources
 Bradley, David, Social Media for Scientists, Sciencebase, November 5, 2008
 Facebook
 Flipboard for organizing social media on the iPad
 FeedBurner
 Fiske, Peter, E-Persona Non Grata: Strategizing Your Online Persona, ScienceCareers,
Science magazine
 Flickr photo-sharing site
 Friendfeed
 Gather
 HubPages
 Linkedin
 Meetup
 Myspace
 NASA social networking sites
 Nature Network
 Orkut
 posts one entry to multiple social networking sites
 Perlmutter, David, "Facebooking Your Way Out of Tenure," Chronicle of Higher
Education, July 3, 2009 (subscription required)
 Posterous enables autoposting to many social media sites via e-mail
 ResearchGATE
 SciLink
 SciTechNet: Science and Technology Social Networking Services
 Squidoo
 Twitter
 WebKlipper for editing and commenting on Web sites
 Xanga
 Yahoo 360°
 YouTube
 YouTube Creating a Channel
 YouTube Help
Social bookmarking sites and resources
 AddThis service enables one-button sharing of content with multiple bookmarking sites
 Digg
 Mixx
 Reddit
Social Bookmarking, Wikipedia
Yahoo! Buzz
Webinar examples
 Science magazine Webinar series
Web conferencing software, books, and training
 Adobe Web Conferencing
 Calliflower
 Fuze Meeting
 Apple iChat
 GoToMeeting
 GoToWebinar
 Microsoft Live Meeting
 Netviewer
 On24
 PresenterNet
 SightSpeed video conferencing
 Skype video calling software
 Skype video recording software
 WebEx Meeting Center
 WebEx University Webinar training
 Webinar software comparison site
 Williams, Ryan C., Virtual Events for Dummies, On24
 Yugma
 Yuguu
 Zipcast
 Zoho Meeting
Chapter 16: Write popular articles, op-eds, and essays
General references
 American Scientist
 Burnham, Sophy, For Writers Only, Ballantine Books, 1994
 Conn, P. Michael and Janovick, Jo Ann, "A New Understanding of Protein Mutation
Unfolds," American Scientist, Vol 93, pp 314-318, July-August 2005
 Directory of Science Communication Courses and Programs
 Franklin, Jon, collection of narrative journalism stories in the Raleigh News & Observer,
1998-2001 (fee required)
 Hornstein, Gail A., "Prune that Prose: Learning to Write for Readers Beyon Academe,"
Chronicle of Higher Education, September 7, 2009 (subscription required)
 Hunsaker, Alan, "Enjoyment and Information Gain in Science Articles," Journalism
Quarterly, volume 56. pages 617-619, Fall 1979
 Scientific American
 Shipley, David, "And Now a Word From Op-Ed, The New York Times, February 1, 2004
Top journalism schools
Journalism organizations
 American Medical Writers Association
 Authors Guild
 National Association of Science Writers
 Society of Environmental Journalists
Books, articles, and Web sites on science writing and journalism
 American Scientist Science in the News
 Bender, John R., Davenport, Lucinda D., Drager, Michael W., and Fedler, Fred,
Reporting for the Media, Oxford University Press, 2008
 Blum, Deborah; Knudson, Mary; and Henig, Robin Marantz (eds), A Field Guide for
Science Writers: The Official Guide of the National Association of Science Writers,
Oxford University Press, 2006.
 The Best American Science Writing 2012
 The Best American Science Writing 2011
 The Best American Science Writing 2010
 The Best American Science Writing 2009
 The Best American Science Writing 2008
 The Best American Science Writing 2007
 The Best American Science Writing 2006
 The Best American Science Writing 2005
 The Best American Science Writing 2004
 The Best American Science Writing 2003
 The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2012
 The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2011
 The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2010
 The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2009
 The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2008
 The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2007
 The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2006
 The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2005
 The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2004
 The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2003
 The Best Technology Writing 2010
 The Best Technology Writing 2009
 The Best Technology Writing 2008
 The Best Technology Writing 2007
 The Best Technology Writing 2006
 Clark, Roy Peter, Fifty Writing Tools: Quick List
 Clark, Roy Peter, Writing Tools: 50 Essential Tools for Every Writer, Little, Brown &
Co, 2008
 Columbia Journalism Review The Observatory
 Dean, Cornelia, Am I Making Myself Clear?: A Scientist's Guide to Talking to the Public,
Harvard University Press, 2010
Every Writer's Resource Web site
Franklin, Jon Writing for Story: Craft Secrets of Dramatic Nonfiction, Penguin Books,
Greene, Anne E., Writing Science in Plain English, University of Chicago Press, 2013.
See also interview with Anne E. Green in the Chicago Manual of Style Shop Talk
Hancock, Elise, Ideas into Words: Mastering the Craft of Science Writing , The Johns
Hopkins University Press, 2003
Knight Science Journalism Tracker
National Institutes of Health, "Clear Communication: An NIH Health Literacy Initiative,"
Nieman Storyboard, a learning resource for journalistic writing
Paul, Annie Murphy, "Your Brain on Fiction," The New York Times, March 17, 2012
Stocking, Holly S.,The New York Times Reader: Science & Technology, CQ Press, 2010
Uko, Ndaeyo, Story Building: Narrative Techniques for News and Feature Writers,
University Press of America, 2007
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, A Guide to Writing Stories About
Numbers (part of Making Data Meaningful guide series)
World Federation of Science Journalists online course in science journalism
Writers of SciLance, The Science Writers' Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to
Pitch, Publish, and Prosper in the Digital Age, Da Capo Lifelong Books (2013). Book
web site and blog: Pitchpublishprosper
Writer's Digest
2014 Writer's Market
Zivkovic, Bora, "How to Break into Science Writing Using Your Blog and Social
Media," Scientific American, April 2, 2013
Magazine author guidelines
 Air & Space
 American Scientist
 Bioscience
 New Scientist
 Physics Today
 Popular Science
 Psychology Today
 Science
 Scientific American
 The Scientist
 Sky & Telescope
 Smithsonian
Online article sites
 ArticleCity
 Associated Content
 EzineArticles
 Payloadz
Articles illustrating "grabber" feature beginnings
Tell a story about someone involved in the article: "Allergy Action"
Craft a 'what if" scenario: "Sound Thinking"
Describe a moment of discovery, reconstructed from an interview: "Unearthing
Ostensible Ancestors" (lede only)
Describe a vignette of field work: "Tweet Mystery of Life" (lede only)
Describe a treatment or other process: "Internal Affairs"
Introduce a research facility: "Where the Exotic Meets the Academic"
Chapter 17: Author popular books
General references
 askSam
 Nota Bene
 Wernick, Sarah, Book Collaboration FAQ, Squidoo
Books and articles on writing, publicity, and marketing
 Blanco, Jody, The Complete Guide to Book Publicity, Allworth Press, 2004
 Burnham, Sophy, For Writers Only, Ballantine Books, 1994
 Cole, David, The Complete Guide to Book Marketing, Allworth Press, 2003
 Coker, Mark, Smashwords Book Marketing Guide, Smashwords (free), 2010
 Deval, Jacqueline, Publicize Your Book (Updated): An Insider's Guide to Getting Your
Book the Attention It Deserves, Berkeley Publishing Group, 2003
 Franklin, Jon, Writing for Story: Craft Secrets of Dramatic Nonfiction, Penguin Books,
 Germano, William, "How to be an Author," Chronicle of Higher Education, January 14,
2008 (subscription required)
 Kremer, John, 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, Sixth Edition, Open Horizons, 2006
 Larsen, Michael, How to Write a Book Proposal, Writers Digest Books, 2004
 Levinson, Conrad, Frishman, Rick, and Larsen, Michael, Guerrilla Marketing for Writers
: 100 Weapons to Help You Sell Your Work, Writers Digest Books, 2001
 Meredith, Dennis, "Explaining Explaining Research," ScienceWriters, Winter 2010
 Meredith, Dennis, "Explaining Research: the Aftermath," ScienceWriters, Spring 2011
 Sampson, Brent, Sell Your Book on Amazon: The Book Marketing COACH Reveals TopSecret "How-to" Tips Guaranteed to Increase Sales for Print-on-Demand and SelfPublishing Writers, Outskirts Press, 2007
 Sansevieri, Penny C., Author Marketing Services articles on book marketing
 Shepard, Aaron, Aiming at Amazon: The NEW Business of Self Publishing, or How to
Publish Books for Profit with Print on Demand by Lightning Source and Book Marketing
on, Shepard Publications, 2007
 Weber, Steve, Plug Your Book! Online Book Marketing for Authors, Book Publicity
through Social Networking, Weber Books, 2007
 Reading list of best popular science books
 Writers Digest online tutorials covering a wide range of publishing topics
Chapter 18: Become a public educator
General references and opportunities for involvement
 AAAS annual meeting
 AAAS Center for Public Engagement with Science and Technology
 Adopt-a-Physicist
 Apple iTunes U
 Association for Women in Science
 Association for Women in Science, A Hand Up: Women Mentoring Women in Science
(New version: Getting the Most out of Your Mentoring Relationships)
 Association of Science and Technology Centers
 Center for Informal Learning and Schools
 Chittenden, David; Farmelo, Graham; and Lewenstein, Bruce V. (eds), Creating
Connections, Museums and the Public Understanding of Current Research, AltaMira
Press, 2004
 Cool Science, HHMI Science Education Resource
 Earthwatch Institute
 Exploratorium resource page
 Falk, John H.; and Dierking, Lynn D., The Museum Experience, Whalesback Books,
 Harvard Longwood seminars
 Harvard Science in the News lectures
 Heffernan, Virginia, "The Camera-Friendly, Perfectly Pixelated, Easily Downloadable
Celebrity Academic," The New York Times, September 19, 2008
 HHMI education grants
 National Science Teachers Association
 NIH National Institute for General Medical Sciences School Resources
 NIH Office of Science Education, Free Resources for Science Teachers
 NIH Office of Science Education, Scientists in Science Education, January 2008
 NIH Science Education Partnership Awards
 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Science Education Web site
 National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2008
 National Science Board, Science and Engineering Indicators 2010
 NSF Broader Impacts Review Criterion
 NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources
 Neuroscience for Kids
 comprehensive listing of free online courses and discussion group
 PhET, online simulations in physics, chemistry,math, biology, and earth science
 Project Exploration youth research programs
 Salk Institute public education programs
 Science cafés
 Science and Entertainment Exchange of the National Academy of Sciences
 Sigma Xi chapter programs
 Supercourse a global repository of lectures on public health and prevention
 TeacherTube an online community for sharing educational videos
 TryScience gateway to science and technology centers, including opportunities for
researcher involvement.
Understanding Science, resource for teachers from the Coalition on the Public
Understanding of Science
Under the Microscope Web site for women in science
Virtlab:A Virtual Laboratory
Women in Science: Forging New Pathways in Green Science, and Women in Science:
Forging New Pathways in Biology, Science Magazine and L'Oreal Foundation, 2011
The X-Change Files blog of the Science and Entertainment Exchange
Chapter 19: Persuade administrators, donors, and legislators
General references
 Baskin, Paul, "Often Distant fom Policy Making, Scientists try to Find a Public Voice,"
Chronicle of Higher Educaton, May 28, 2009 (Subscription required)
 Goldston, David, Party of One blog, Nature
 Mervis, Jeffrey, Sherwood Boehlert Interview: Explaining Science to Power: Make It
Simple, Make It Pay, Science, November 24, 2006, Vol. 314. no. 5803, pp. 1228 — 1229
(subscription required)
 Murray, David, Schwartz, Joel, and Lichter, Robert S., It Ain't Necessarily So: How the
Media Remake Our Picture of Reality, Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001
 Pain, Elisabeth, "Feeding Your Research into the Policy Debate," Science Careers, July
30, 2010
, How do I brief policymakers on science-related issues?
 Stem Cells Explained, University of Michigan online tutorial
 Wulf, William and Jones, Anita, "A Call to Serve," Science November 14, 2008
(subscription required)
 Yankelovich, Daniel, "Winning Greater Infuence for Science," Issues in Science and
Technology, Summer 2003
Scientific society and governmental legislative affairs units and education resources
 AAAS Center for Science, Technology and Congress
 AAAS Guide to Graduate Education in Science, Engineering and Public Policy
 AAAS ScienceInsider policy blog
 American Academy of Pediatrics
 American Astronomical Society Public Policy Page
 American Chemical Society
 American Geophysical Union
 American Medical Association
 American Physical Society
 American Physiological Society
 Association for Women in Science Washington Wire
 Association of American Universities
 DOE Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs
 Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
 NIH Office of Legislative and Policy Analysis
 NSF & Congress
 NSF Office of Legislative & Public Affairs
 National Science Teachers Association
Society for Neuroscience Government and Public Affairs
Society for Neuroscience Guide to Public Advocacy
General research advocacy groups
 Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research
 Coalition for National Science Funding
 Council on Governmental Relations
 National Association for Biomedical Research
 STEM Education Coalition
 Task Force on the Future of American Innovation
 The Science Coalition
Issue advocacy groups
 Audubon
 Center for Science in the Public Interest
 Environmental Defense Fund
 Friends of the Earth
 Mars Society
 NASA Watch
 National Wildlife Federation
 Natural Resources Defense Council
 Ocean Champions
 Planetary Society
 Space Politics
 Union of Concerned Scientists
Federal science policy offices and committees
 Congressional committees and subcommittees
 Science & Policy links, National Science Foundation
 Office of Management and Budget
 Office of Science and Technology Policy
 U.S. House of Representatives committee offices
 U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology
 U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee
 U.S. Senate committees
Chapter 20: Parse publicity's pros and cons
General references
 Pain, Elisabeth, Your Research in the Headlines: Dealing with the Media,
ScienceCareers, September 12, 2008
 Russo, Gene, "Outreach: Meet the Press," Naturejobs, November 17, 2010
Chapter 21: Understand journalists
General references
 Bhattacharya. Ananyo, "Nine ways scientists demonstrate they don't uunderstand
journalism," theguardian blog, January 17, 2012
Brainard, Curtis, "'Whiplash' Climate Journalism," The Observatory, Columbia
Journalism Review, July 29, 2008
Brumfiel, Geoff, "Science Journalism: Supplanting the Old Media?" Nature News, March
18, 2009.
Chittenden, David; Farmelo, Graham, and Lewenstein, Bruce V. (eds), Creating
Connections, Museums and the Public Understanding of Current Research, AltaMira
Press, 2004
Cohn, Victor and Cope, Lewis, News and Numbers: A Guide to Reporting Statistical
Claims and Controversies in Health and Other Fields, Iowa State Press, 2001
Dean, Cornelia, Am I Making Myself Clear? Harvard University Press, 2009
Greenberg, Daniel, Science, Money, and Politics: Political Triumph and Ethical Erosion,
University of Chicago Press, 2001.
Kiernan, Vincent, Embargoed Science, University of Illinois Press, 2006
Kovach, Bil and Rosenstiel, Tom, The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should
Know and the Public Should Expect, Random House, 2007
Murray, David, Schwartz, Joel, and Lichter, Robert S., It Ain't Necessarily So: How the
Media Remake Our Picture of Reality, Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001
Revkin, Andrew, "Climate Experts Tussle Over Details. Public Gets Whiplash," The New
York Times, July 29, 2008
Revkin, Andrew, "The Daily Planet: Why the Media Stumble Over the Environment,"
from A Field Guide for Science Writers, Oxford University Press, 2005
Revkin, Andrew, Dot Earth blog, The New York Times
Revkin, Andrew, "Media Mania for a 'Front-Page Thought' on Climate," Dot Earth, The
New York Times, December 14, 2007
Revkin, Andrew, "Vanishing Frogs, Climate, and the Front Page," Dot Earth, The New
York Times, March 24, 2008
Russell, Cristine, Science Reporting by Press Release, The Observatory, Columbia
Journalism Review, November 14, 2008
Schneider, Stephen, Mediarology: The Roles of Citizens, Journalists, and Scientists in
Debunking Climate Change Myths
Wolvaardt, Elmien, "How Journalism can Hide the Truth About Science"
Wyman, Bill, "Five Key Reasons Newspapers are Failing," Splice Today, August 12,
Chapter 22: Meet journalists' needs
General references
 AAAS, Communicating Science: Tools for Scientists and Engineers online resource
 Christensen, Lars Lindberg and Robson, Ian, Communicating Astronomy with the Public,
ESA/Hubble, 2008
 Christensen, Lars Lindberg, The Hands-On Guide for Science Communicators: A Stepby-Step Approach to Public Outreach, Springer 2007
 Funsten, Herbert O., You and the Media: A Researcher's Guide for Dealing Successfully
with the News Media, American Geophysical Union, 2003-2004
 Greenberg, Daniel, Science, Money, and Politics: Political Triumph and Ethical Erosion,
University of Chicago Press, 2001.
 StemCells, Inc
Palca, Joe, The Ethics of Medical Research on Children, NPR, All Things Considered,
October 31, 2006
Rodgers, Joann Ellison, "Professors and PR," CASE Currents, January 1996
University of California, San Diego, Molecules for the Media press workshops
Warren, Dana R., Weiss, Marissa S., Wolfe, David. W., Friedlander, Blaine and
Lewenstein, Bruce, "Lessons from Science Communication Training," Science, May 27,
2007 (subscription required)
Experts lists and services for journalists
 AAAS, Science Talk experts directory
 Help a Reporter Out
 Profnet
 Reporter Connection
 Science Media Centre
 Society for Neuroscience media directory
Chapter 24: Make the interview work for you
General references
 Bower, Bruce, A 'lost and found' city in Peru gets new perspective,Science News,
February 23, 1985
 Franklin, Jon, collection of narrative journalism stories in the Raleigh News & Observer,
1998-2001 (fee required)
 Wilford, John Noble, "Correction to 'A Legendary 'Lost City' In Andes Gives Hint Of
Mysterious Culture'," The New York Times, February 14, 1985
Radio science programs and podcasts
 American Chemical Society Science Elements podcasts
 IEEE Spectrum Podcasts
 Nature podcasts
 The New York Times science and technology podcasts
 NPR Health & Science stories
 NPR Science Friday programs and podcasts
 Quirks & Quarks, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
 Science podcasts
 Scientific American podcasts: 60-Second Science, Science Talk
 Scientific American 60-Second Science podcasts
 Stardate, syndicated radio program
 Technology Review podcasts
Chapter 25: Protect yourself from communication traps
General references
 Basken, Paul, "Ghostwriters Haunt the Integrity of Medical Journals, Chronicle of Higher
Education, September 14, 2009 (subscription required)
 Basken, Paul, "Medical 'Ghostwriting' is Still a Common Practice," Chronicle of Higher
Education, September 10, 2009 (subscription required)
Boffey, Philip, "Rare Disease Proposed as Cause for 'Vampires'," The New York Times,
May 31, 1985
Burkholder, Joann, Central Essay in Uncertain Ground: The Boundary Between Science
and the Press, Module X, Science and the Media: Ethical Issues, North Carolina State
Davidson, Keay, "Livermore Lab Faulted in Plutonium Accidents," San Francisco
Chronicle, February 26, 2006
Google Alerts
Google News
Harris, Gardiner, "Cigarette Company Paid for Lung Cancer Study," The New York
Times, March 26, 2008
Hilts, Philip, "Mix-Up Seen in Backing Obesity Drug," The New York Times, August 29,
Lieberman, Trudy, Bitter Pill, Columbia Journalism Review, July/August 2005
Marshall, Eliot, "A Bumper Crop of Conflicts," Science, May 2, 2008 (subscription
Meredith, Dennis, "Coping with a Hyperstory: Lessons from a Biologist's Ordeal,"
Research Explainer, July 19, 2010
Moffat, Anne Simon, "Cornell Got Out in Front," Science, June 22, 1990
Rosen, Jeffrey, "The Web Means the End of Forgetting," The New York Times, July 18,
University of Wisconsin Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Center Web site
Yahoo Alerts
Tools for monitoring the Web
 Alexa
 Blogpulse
 Google groups
 MSN groups
 Technorati
 Twilert
 Yahoo groups
 WikiProject Biography/Science and Academia Work Group
Coverage of Roselli "gay sheep" story
 Cloud, John, "Yep, They're Gay," Time, January 26, 2007
 Modie, Jonathan, Biology Behind Homosexuality in Sheep, Study Confirms, Oregon
Health & Science University news release
 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Help Stop Cruel and Pointless 'Gay Sheep'
 Schwartz, Jon, "Of Gay Sheep, Modern Science and Bad Publicity," The New York
Times, January 25, 2007
, Out of the Closet: 'Gay Sheep' Experiments Exposed
Coverage of Johns Hopkins throat cancer story
Wasta, Vanessa, HPV Infection Linked to Throat Cancers: Oral Sex Increases Risk for
Both Men and Women, Johns Hopkins University News Release, May 10, 2007
Stein, Rob, "Virus Spread by Oral Sex Is Linked to Throat Cancer," Washington Post,
May 10, 2007
Chapter 26: Manage media relations at scientific meetings
News release sites
 AlphaGalileo
 Ascribe
 EurekAlert!
 Newswise
 PR Newswire
 ResearchSEA
Chapter 27: Should you be a public scientist?
General references
 Burkholder, Joann, "Central Essay in Uncertain Ground: The Boundary Between Science
and the Press," Module X, Science and the Media: Ethical Issues, North Carolina State
 Davidson, Keay, Carl Sagan: A Life, Wiley, 2000.
 Greene, Brian, " Put a Little Science in Your Life," The New York Times, June 1, 2008
 Kalosh, Anne, Interview with Carl Sagan, The Planetarian, Vol 24 #1, 1995.
 NASA Office of Inspector General, Investigative Summary Regarding Allegations that
NASA Suppressed Climate Change Science and Denied Media Access to Dr. James E.
Hansen, a NASA Scientist
 Olson, Randy, Flock of Dodos
 Project for Excellence in Journalism, State of the News Media 2008
 Project for Excellence in Journalism, State of the News Media 2009.
 Revkin, Andrew, "NASA Office Is Criticized on Climate Reports," The New York Times,
June 3, 2008
 Researchers, Do You Need Communication Training? Some Answers:, interview with
Carol Schadelbauer of Burness Communications, Research Explainer, March 16, 2010
 Schneider, Stephen, "The Roles of Citizens, Journalists, and Scientists in Debunking
Climate Change Myths," in Mediarology: The Roles of Citizens, Journalists, and
Scientists in Debunking Climate Change Myth
 Schneider, Stephen, "The 'Double Ethical Blind' Pitfall," in Mediarology: The Roles of
Citizens, Journalists, and Scientists in Debunking Climate Change Myth
 Zinman, John, Public Knowledge: The Social Dimension of Science, Cambridge
University Press, 1968