Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Date Submitted: Course title: Instructor: Address: Phone Number: Email Address: 1/14/11 The Brain & Learning III Rocky Casini EdS 3222 Mulberry Ave. 563 263 1924 rcasini@machlink.com Dates and Location Dates 8/08/11 Monday 8:30 8/09/11 Tuesday 8:30 8/10/11 Wednesday 8:30 8/11/11 Thursday 8:30 8/12/11 Friday 8:30 8/13/11 Monday 8:30 All assignments due by: 6/20/11 Dates grades will be posted:7/20/11 At AEA? If yes, Room: Yes Times 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 Other No If no: Location of course: Muscatine Community College, Larsen Room 76 Address: 152 Colorado St. Muscatine, Iowa Credit and Format Information Number of Credits: 1 2 3 Type of credit requested Graduate (Drake) Audit Yes No Workshop only option Yes No Yes No Licensure Renewal Dates for workshop only option: Times for workshop only option: CEUs available from AEA Type of professional development proposed (check those that apply): Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Traditional Course – Open to ALL (all sessions face-to-face) Online Course – Open to ALL District Only Course - Name of district: Building Only Course – Name of building: Combination Online/Traditional or Traditional/Learning Team Course Type: Content Pedagogy Instructor Reimbursement by (check one): Local district AEA Other N/A Course Materials: If your course will need materials printed or books ordered, please complete the Materials Form at the end of this syllabus form or in the Instructor’s Toolbox on the MBAEA website. Target Audience Targeted Participants: Grade Level(s) Pre-K 14 Content Area(s) Science Teaching Strategies Minimum class size 12 Maximum class size 60 Course Details Published Course Description for website: The Brain and Learning III is the third part of a series. The course is designed for all educators who are interested in how they learn and how to assimilate scientific research into their curriculum. Research is providing educators with other neural pathways for better teaching. Part III will emphasize the role of the senses in learning, intelligence, memory and assessment. Briefly describe the (1) district data which supports a need for the course and/or (2) research/best practices to support course outcomes: Research scientist in the area of cognitive development have given educators a vast amount of on how we learn. As educators must evaluate our teaching methodology and when possible we must incorporate this data into our lesson design to help our children learn better. By teaching with an understanding of how one learns will enhance a school curriculum, creating excellent schools that have excellent teachers that are focused on student learning. Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus If this is a district course, it is required that you list district goal(s) to be address: N/A Explain how this course addresses Multicultural, Gender Fair (MCGF) needs. This class will emphasize an atmosphere that is based on the understanding of equality. The presentation and content of this course will adhere to educational fairness for both genders, diverse racial, social economic and disability groups. The curriculum will provide learning experiences of different cultures and their contribution to our society. Course outcomes and evaluation: As educators they will keep accurate records to assess if “better” learning took place. 1. Outcome: To understand the basic anatomy and physiology of the human brain. Evaluation: Basic information about our brain will be presented to the class participants. Then working in small groups the participants will develop 6-8 learning goals that will help them and their students in understanding this very complex organ. Each participant will identify, label, and define terminology in each drawing. 2. Outcome: To assist each participant in realizing that if students value the information and it has relevancy it will be easier to learn. Evaluation: As the “instructor” for this class I plan on modeling how learning became easier for me when it had value to me. Then as class participants you will share with the class your own experiences that support this belief. 3. Outcome: To assist each participant in developing challenging, realistic classroom assessments that are necessary to improve methods of teaching, course content, and student learning. Evaluation: Each participant will take the Pre-test and keep their score in their portfolio. During the last date of the class each participant will take the Post-test. Working in groups of 3-4 they will share and discuss how they have improved their understanding of the brain and learning. Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus 4. Outcome: Participants in the class will become familiar with the process of human intellectual development and how each human being is the same and yet different. Evaluation: Working in small groups the participants will discuss early childhood development. Each will cite some examples of how in their development they exhibited the sameness/difference and how this affected their teaching and learning. 5. Outcome: To better understand the differences between the male and female brain. Evaluation: Each participant will list 3-4 behaviors that seem to be gender based. Then as a class we will compile the most common gender behaviors that may affect learning. 6. Outcome: To better utilize the age-level developmental characteristics of each child. Evaluation: Class participants will discuss the latest research finding in the field of early development. As a class we will review some samples of a districts curriculum and how it correlates with children’s development. 7. Outcome: To assist each class participant in understanding memory and recall and the role they play in the learning process. Evaluation: As a class, information will be provided to better understand different kinds of memory. In understanding how the brain stores and how humans retrieve information the class participants will appreciate the fact that learning actually changes the brain. 8. Outcome: To better understand how past knowledge and how the brain uses this information to build new knowledge to be applied in situations that may be different. Evaluation: Each class participant will be asked to share and cite examples of how they have used lessons that have a foundation built around past performance. 9. Outcome: To help each participant discover how they use emotions to obtain student attention. Evaluation: As a class we will discuss how emotions play a role in learning. Each participant will be asked to produce a list of several Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus strategies that when used in class, arouse student emotions. As a class we will share how these strategies affected learning. 10. Outcome: To assist each class participant better understand the early years of development especially diversities of some children. Outcome: As a class we will discuss 5-10 “common” diversities that affect classroom behavior. Dividing into small groups the participants will evaluate some classroom procedures and how they might change/modify them to help each student achieve success. COURSE BIBLIOGRAPHY -- Texts, magazines, & articles Armstrong, T. (1994) "Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom" Alexandria, VA, ASCD Bragdon, Allen and Garmon, David (2000) "Brains That Work a Little Differently" Barnes & Noble, USA Caine R. & G. Caine (1994) Making Connections: Teaching and the Human Brain." Alexandria VA. ASCD "Discover" (June 2007) "the Brain" Special issue devoted to the brain. Howard, Pierce, (2006) "The Brain" Austin Texas, Bard Press "Newsweek" (August 2005) " Your Baby's Brain" Special; issue devoted to brain development. Jensen, Eric, (1998) "Teaching with the Brain in Mind" Alexandria VA. ASCD Restak, Richard, M.D. (2003) "The New Brain" Rodale Inc. USA "Scientific American" (September 1992) "Mind and Brain" Special issue devoted to brain theory. Sylwester, R. (1995) "A Celebration of Neurons" Alexandria VA. ASCD Society for Neuroscience, (2006) "Brain Facts" Washington, DC. 'Guggenheim, Davis & Kimball Billy, (20100) " waiting For Superman" New York NY Public Affairs Publisher Willis, Judy M.D. (2006) "Ignite Student learning" Alexandria VA. ASCD Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus What product will be used to determine the impact of the course on increased teacher knowledge or skills or improved student achievement? X Pre and post assessment - A copy of the test is attached – scores will be sent at the end of course. IC map or Rubric scores showing growth from beginning of course to end of course on lesson plan Observations scored on observation tool demonstrating growth in application of learning to the classroom setting Scores on implementation logs Pre and post assessment demonstration student growth X other (Please describe the tool and how it will demonstrate increased teacher knowledge or skills or improved student achievement.) Each participant will be required to develop a class portfolio. This instrument will be used by the participant to assist them while working in small groups and sharing information that is required so they will better understand how students learn and incorporate this into their curriculum for better teaching. Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Grading Criteria: What level of proficiency is required for A, B, C, or Pass/Fail (both qualitative and quantitative)? In order to receive a passing grade for relicensure credit, participants must complete the A or B work. All participants must complete the same amount of coursework. The quality of work will be based on criteria established by the instructor and presented to students at the start of the course. Please attach one of the following: rubric (The rubric & grading system can be put together in one measurement tool) checklist other measurement tool used to determine quality of course work A or Pass 1. Attendance at all sessions. If an emergency arises and/or a grave reason a participant can not meet a session the participant must meet with the instructor to discuss make up options. 2. Complete course outcomes and be able to demonstrate application of the new knowledge in the classroom. 3. Read assigned literature. 4. Participate in class discussions by sharing, team work, presentations, learning logs. 5. Develop a portfolio that will reflect your commitment to learning. B or Pass A "B" grade represents a less than complete understanding/mastery of the course work. C Any grade below "B" represents insufficient class, participation, content understanding, and lack of commitment to the course requirements. F A failing grade reflects not meeting 80% of the requirements on the grading rubric. Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus CHECKLIST FOR PORTFOLIO 1 ____ SYLLABUS 2 ____ PRE & POST TEST 3 ____ CLASS PRESENTATION 4 ____ SMALL GROUP NOTES FOR OUTCOME 1, 2, 8, & 10 5 ____ DOCUMENTATION FOR OUTCOME 7 6 ____ COURSE DRAWINGS FOR OUTCOME 3 7 ____ NOTES FOR OUTCOME 4, 5, & 6 8 ____ VIDEO REVIEWS/CRITIQUE 9 ____ HANDOUTS 10 ____ ARTICLES Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus CONTENT OUTLINE 2. OUTLINE 3. WELCOME, MAKE-UP ETC. 4. INTRODUCTION / 9 – MONTHS ARTICLE 5. D. C. SCHOOLS ARTICLE 7. FEWER STUDENTS ARTICLE / ARNIE DUNCAN ARTICLE / GAP ARTICLE IMBALANCE 8. CHARTER 9. GATES ARTICLE 10. DIGITAL ARTICLE / CHINA ARTICLE 12. BRAIN “FACTS” 14. THE DEVIDED BRAIN MODULE 5 / PHINEAS GAGE MODULE 25 -- OVERHEAD OF BRAIN 18. AGGRESSION MODULE 24 19. TRUTH ARTICLE 24. HELP 27. SUPER MEMORIST MODULE 20 28. DOGS MARION BRADY ARTICLE 32. DARLING-HAMMOND ARTICLE 33. FUNCTION AND ORGANIZATION MODULE 1 34. IDEAS TO HELP STUDENT / FERTILE MINDS ARTICLE / LAUGHTER ARTICLE BABY ---PBS VIDEO 41. HORMONES MODULE 2 CHILD – PBS---VIDEO Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Iowa Professional Development Model (IPDM): Iowa Professional Development Model (IPDM): This class will assist educators that are continuously improving their effective teaching strategies to increase student achievement. Theory: Brain research has given validity to teaching techniques used by effective teachers. Demonstration: The course content has incorporated demonstrations that clarify and support the research of brain based learning. Practice: Collaboration (coaching, feedback, reflection): Each of these effective teaching strategies will be used to insure that the participants understand the complexity of the learning process. Course materials: Folder for portfolio, and a notebook Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus COURSE RUBRIC TITLE of the Course: The Brain and Learning Part III Name: Rocky Casini EdS A B Not Acceptable Participation Was an asset to the learning goals of the class. Consistently stayed on task. Very self directed A leader in group work. Helped Direct the group in reaching a Consensus. Assisted with most of the learning goals. Was focused on the task most of the time. Contribute very little to the learning goals. Often not on task Organization Developed an exceptional portfolio containing class notes, handouts, syllabus evaluations and assignments Developed a portfolio but it did not contain all required material from checklist. Portfolio was not acceptable Continuous Improvement Understands the many challenges facing the youth and is willing to evaluate his/her teaching skills to reach all students. Discusses and poses questions as a active member of the team. Understands the many challenges facing some of the youth. And, usually will modify his/her teaching skills to reach students. Presently does not indicate a willingness to evaluate his/ her teaching skills Tests Demonstrates competence in learning the content of the course. Consistently searches for data and information on brain research. Incorporates new thinking into lesson presentations. Demonstrates competence in learning most of the content of the course Does not exhibit a clear understanding of the course content Presentations Utilizes the proper use of instructional strategies & uses available resources Utilizes the proper use of some instructional strategies & uses most resources Does not exhibit using the instructional strategies properly Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus RUBRIC FOR CLASS PRESENTATION Presenter_____________________________________ Date___________ Evaluator_____________________________________ Rate each category from 5 – 1, please circle choice. (5 being Excellent – 4 Good – 3 Average – 2 Fair – & 1 Poor) Spoke clearly and confidently______________________________ 5 4 3 2 1 Effective introduction & ending_____________________________5 4 3 2 1 Knew the content area of the topic___________________________5 4 3 2 1 The information presented was clearly explained_______________ 5 4 3 2 1 Explained how the material presented supported class goals_______5 4 3 2 1 Gave clear responses to class questions_______________________ 5 4 3 2 1 Total points __________ Comments __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Revised: 10-26-2010 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Brain & Learning III HYPOTHALAMUS NEOCORTEX CONTROLS APPETITE HORMONE LEVELS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR SITE OF HIGH COGNITION AND INTEGRATION OF SENSORY INFORMATION THINK TWICE LAST PART TO FULLY DEVELOP BASAL GANGLIA HIPPOCAMPUS PART OF MOTOR CONTROL AND IN PLANNING AND STARTING ACTIONS MANAGES PRE-FRONTAL CRUCIAL TO MEMORY AND LEARNING OF FACTS AMYGDALA CEREBELLUM RESPONSIBLE FOR ANXIETY, FEAR & EMOTIONS IMPULSE DECISIONS AND SOCIAL SKILLS MOTOR CONTROL COORDINATION , SUPPORTS HIGH LEVEL OF LEARNING ESPECIALLY MATH, MUSIC BRAIN STEM & SPINAL CORD IMPORTANT FOR REGURGITATION AND PAIN SENSATION CORPUS CALLOSUM CONNECTS LEFT AND RIGHT BY A BUNDLE OF NERVES MAY BE INVOLVED IN PROBLEM SOLVING Revised: 10-26-2010