Quantum corral: Fe atoms on Cu(111) (r=7.3 nm) Nanoscience is not physics, chemistry, engineering or biology. It is all of them. S.M. Lindsay, Introduction to Nanoscience, Oxford University Press (2009) Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes DNA Imaging Dendrimers Nanoscience is about the phenomena that occur in systems with nanometer dimensions. top-down Photolitography Microprinting nanoclusters 0.1nm 1nm bottom-up Organic synthesis Self-assembly 10nm biomolecules 100nm 1m 10 m Bohr radius = 0.5292Å ≈ 0.05 nm C atom (VdW radius)=0.17 nm In a 1nm line: 3 C atoms In a 1nm·1nm surface: 9 C atoms In a 1nm·1nm·1nm cube: 27 C atoms In a 1m·1m·1m cube: 2.7·1028 C atoms Typical nanosystems may contain from hundreds to tens of thousands of atoms. Graphite: 2.3·103 Kg·m-3 = 1.15·1029 C atoms·m-3 Diamond: 3.5·103 Kg·m-3 = 1.76·1029 C atoms·m-3 Nanoscience is where atomic physics converges with the physics and chemistry of complex systems. Quantum Mechanics Statistical Mechanics Quantum Mechanics dominates the world of atoms, but typical nanosystems may contain from hundreds to tens of thousands atoms. Emergent behavior How much a system is quantum mechanical? 1. Below a certain length scale (that depends on interaction strengths) systems must be described using quantum mechanics. Ex. quantum dots, nanocatalysts, electronic transport through nanowires amd thin films 2. Many processes depend on the number of available energy states per unit energy. This quantity varies with the dimensionality of the system. 3. The effective concentration of reactants that are confined in nanostructures may be very high. • 1 mole at STP occupies 22.4L, one breath is ca. 0.05 Mole N2 • Mass of earth’s atmosphere is 5 ·1018 kg (80% N2), 1 mole of N2 weights 28 g. • Moles N2 in atmosphere are ca. 2 ·1020 • Fraction exhaled by Caesar: 0.05/ 2 · 1020 = 2.5 · 10-22: 150 “Caesar Molecules”/mole • In each breath we breath in: 0.05 ·150 or about 7 molecules • 1981 Invention of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy • G. Binning, H. Rohrer, C. Berger and E. Weibel Surface studies by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 57-61 (1982) • 1986 – First International Conference on STM •Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 14-18 July • 1986 – Nobel Prize to G. Binning and H. Rohrer • 1988 – STM Imaging of DNA and biological structures •1986 Invention of Atomic Force Microscopy G. Binning, C.F. Quate and C. Berger Atomic Force Microscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 930-933 (1986) Talk given to the American Physical Society, 1959 • “We can reverse the lens of an electron microscope in order to demagnify as well as magnify……This, when you demagnify it 25,000x, it is still 80Å in diameter – 32 atoms across.” Current e-beam technology allows features as small as 10 nm to be written. Fresnel Lens made by EBL for focusing X-rays (submicron patterning) C. David, Paul Scherrer Institut • “We would just have to press the same metal plate again into the plastic and we would have another copy.” Copyright (c) Stuart Lindsay 2008 PDMS Stamp technology • “A source of ions, sent through the lens in reverse, could be focused to a very small spot.” FIB = Focused Ion Beam (Courtesy of FEI Inc.) Molecular structure by direct imaging • “The wavelength of an electron is only 1/20 of an Å. So it should be possible to see the individual atoms.” Cryo-EM reconstruction of the Ribosome (LeBarron et al., 2008) 20 nm “Consider the possibility that we too can make a thing very small, which does what we want – that we can manufacture an object that maneuvers at that level! …… Consider any machine – for example, an automobile- and ask about the problems of making an infinitesimal machine like it.” World’s smallest motor (Zettl Lab) (Courtesy of Professor Alex Zettl) Making materials from atomic layers • “So, you simply evaporate until you have a block of stuff which has the elements…… What could we do with layered materials with just the right layers?” Alternate layers of HgTe and HgCdTe T. Aoki, M. Takeguchi, P. Boieriu, R. Singh, C. Grein, Y. Chang, S. Sivananthan and D. J. Smith, Microstructural characterization of HgTe/HgCdTe superlattices J. Cryst, Growth, 2004, 271, 29-36, Atomic scale synthesis by “pushing atoms” • “We can arrange atoms the way we want.” STM deposition (Courtesy of Prof. Wilson Ho) Resonant antennas for light emission and absorption • “It is possible to emit light from a whole set of antennas.” O O O O O O Nanophotonics O O O Me2N SO2 N UV abs O O O N NHO Me2N COOH Br O NMe2 NS O2 O O O O O NMe2 O O N O2S O O O N Br O2S N NMe2 O O O O O O O h N O2S N O O N Br Me2N O Br O O N SO2 N O2 SN O O E SO2 N O O O NMe2 O O O O Photoactive dendrimers O Me2N O O O O O h’’ Emission 530 nm Naph Dans Eosin Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2002, 41, 3595 • “We could use, not just circuits, but some systems involving quantized energy levels, or the interaction of quantized spins.” Electron spin valves have become the dominant readout device in the disk drives. Spintronics E1 2mL2 2 • Particle in a box 2 Quantum dots (Courtesy of Dylan M. Spencer) Copyright (c) Stuart Lindsay 2008 • Fluctuations play a large role in small systems simply because they are relatively larger in smaller systems. Fluctuations scale as N/N with respect to the mean energy But N/N 1 in small systems • Complexity is a rapidly increasing function of N: AN N • Adequate complexity and fluctuation. The critical size scale where fluctuations are big enough and the system is complex enough is indeed the nanoscale. Copyright (c) Stuart Lindsay 2008