The Mechanism of Translation II: Elongation and Termination Chapter 18 Direction of Polypeptide Synthesis and mRNA Translation • Messenger RNAs are read in the 5’3’ direction • Proteins are made in the aminocarboxyl direction - means that the amino terminal amino acid is added first The Genetic Code • The term genetic code refers to the set of 3base code words (codons) in mRNA that represent the 20 amino acids in proteins • Nonoverlapping codons - Each base is part of at most one codon in nonoverlapping codons - In an overlapping code - one base may be part of two or even three codons The Triplet Code • The genetic code is a set of three-base code words - or codons – In mRNA - codons instruct the ribosome to incorporate specific amino acids into a polypeptide • Code is nonoverlapping – Each base is part of only one codon • Devoid of gaps or commas – Each base in the coding region of an mRNA is part of a codon Coding Properties of Synthetic mRNAs The Genetic Code • There are 64 codons – 3 are stop signals – Remainder code for amino acids – The genetic code is highly degenerate Unusual Base Pairs Between Codon and Anticodon Degeneracy of genetic code is accommodated by: – Isoaccepting species of tRNA: bind same amino acid but recognize different codons – Wobble - the 3rd base of a codon is allowed to move slightly from its normal position to form a nonWatson-Crick base pair with the anticodon – Wobble allows same aminoacyl-tRNA to pair with more than one codon Compare standard Watson-Crick base pairing with wobble base pairs • Wobble pairs are: – G-U – I-A Deviations from “Universal” Genetic Code The (Almost) universal code • Genetic code is NOT strictly universal • Transitions and Transversions • Certain eukaryotic nuclei and mitochondria along with at least one bacterium – Codons cause termination in standard genetic code can code for amino acids Trp, Glu – Mitochondrial genomes and nuclei of at least one yeast have sense of codon changed from one amino acid to another Elongation mechanism in E.coli Elongation takes place in three steps: 1. EF-Tu with GTP binds aminoacyl-tRNA to the ribosomal A site (empty – based on second codon). 2. Peptidyl transferase forms a peptide bond between peptide in P site and newly arrived aminoacyl-tRNA in the A site Lengthens peptide by one amino acid and shifts it to the A site Elongation mechanism in E.coli Translocation • EF-G with GTP translocates the growing peptidyl-tRNA with its mRNA codon to the P site - The deacylated tRNA in P site leaves ribosome via E site. - The dipeptidyl-tRNA in A site along with its corresponding codon moves into P site - Steps keep on repeating Protein Factors and Peptide Bond Formation • One factor is T- transfer – It transfers aminoacyl-tRNAs to the ribosome – has 2 different proteins • Tu - u stands for unstable • Ts - s stands for stable • Second factor is G - GTPase activity • Factors EF-Tu and EF-Ts are involved in the first elongation step • Factor EF-g participates in the third step Elongation Step 2 • One the initiation factors and EF-Tu have done their jobs - the ribosome has fMet-tRNA in the P site and aminoacyl-tRNA in the A site • Now form the first peptide bond • No new elongation factors participate in this event • Ribosome contains the enzymatic activity peptidyl transferase - that forms peptide bond Peptide Bond Formation • The peptidyl transferase resides on the 50S ribosomal particle • Minimum components necessary for activity are 23S rRNA and proteins L2 and L3 • 23S rRNA is at the catalytic center of peptidyl transferase Elongation Step 3 • When peptidyl transferase has worked: – Ribosome has peptidyl-tRNA in the A site – Deacylated tRNA in the P site • Translocation - moves mRNA and peptidyltRNA one codon’s length through the ribosome – Places peptidyl-tRNA in the P site – Ejects the deacylated tRNA – Process requires elongation factor EF-G which hydrolyzes GTP after translocation is complete Proofreading • Protein synthesis accuracy comes from charging tRNAs with correct amino acids • Proofreading is correcting translation by rejecting an incorrect aminoacyl-tRNA before it can donate its amino acid • Protein-synthesizing machinery achieves accuracy during elongation in two steps Protein-Synthesizing Machinery • Two steps achieve accuracy: – Gets rid of ternary complexes bearing wrong aminoacyltRNA before GTP hydrolysis – If this screen fails, still eliminate incorrect aminoacyltRNA in the proofreading step before wrong amino acid is incorporated into growing protein chain • Steps rely on weakness of incorrect codon-anticodon base pairing to ensure dissociation occurs more rapidly than either GTP hydrolysis or peptide bond formation Proofreading Balance • Balance between speed and accuracy of translation is delicate – If peptide bond formation goes too fast • Incorrect aminoacyl-tRNAs do not have enough time to leave the ribosome • Incorrect amino acids are incorporated into proteins – If translation goes too slowly • Proteins are not made fast enough for the organism to grow successfully • Actual error rate, ~0.01% per amino acid is a good balance between speed and accuracy Three-Nucleotide Movement Each translocation event moves the mRNA on codon length, or 3 nt through the ribosome Role of GTP and EF-G • GTP and EF-G are necessary for translocation – Translocation activity appears to be inherent in the ribosome – This activity can be expressed without EF-G and GTP • GTP hydrolysis – Precedes translocation – Significantly accelerate translocation • New round of elongation occurs if: – EF-G must be released from the ribosome – Release depends on GTP hydrolysis Termination • Elongation cycle repeats over and over – Adds amino acids one at a time – Grows the polypeptide product • Finally ribosome encounters a stop codon UAG, UAA, UGA – Stop codon signals time for last step – Translation last step is termination Termination Mutations • Mutations can create termination codons within an mRNA causing premature termination of translation – Amber mutation creates UAG – Ochre mutation creates UAA – Opal mutation creates UGA Termination Mutations • Amber mutations are caused by mutagens that give rise to missense mutations • Ochre and opal mutations do not respond to the same suppressors as do the amber mutations – Ochre mutations have their own suppressors – Opal mutations also have unique suppressors Release Factors • Prokaryotic translation termination is mediated by 3 factors: – RF1 recognizes UAA and UAG – RF2 recognizes UAA and UGA – RF3 is a GTP-binding protein facilitating binding of RF1 and RF2 to the ribosome • Eukaryotes has 2 release factors: – eRF1 recognizes all 3 termination codons – eRF3 is a ribosome-dependent GTPase helping eRF1 release the finished polypeptide Dealing with Aberrant Termination • Two kinds of aberrant mRNAs can lead to aberrant termination – Nonsense mutations can occur that cause premature termination – Some mRNAs (non-stop mRNAs) lack termination codons • Synthesis of mRNA was aborted upstream of termination codon • Ribosomes translate through non-stop mRNAs and then stall • Both events cause problems in the cell yielding incomplete proteins with adverse effects on the cell Non-Stop mRNAs • Prokaryotes deal with non-stop mRNAs by tmRNA-mediated ribosome rescue – tmRNA are about 300 nt long – 5’- and 3’-ends come together to form a tRNAlike domain (TLD) resembling a tRNA Non-Stop mRNAs • Prokaryotes deal with non-stop mRNAs by tmRNAmediated ribosome rescue – Alanyl-tmRNA resembles alanyl-tRNA – Binds to vacant A site of a ribosome stalled on a non-stop mRNA – Donates its alanine to the stalled polypeptide • Ribosome shifts to translating an ORF on the tmRNA (transfer-messenger RNA) – Adds another 9 amino acids to the polypeptide before terminating – Extra amino acids target the polypeptide for destruction – Nuclease destroys non-stop mRNA Eukaryotic Aberrant Termination • Eukaryotes do not have tmRNA • Eukaryotic ribosomes stalled at the end of the poly(A) tail contain 0 – 3 nt of poly(A) tail – This stalled ribosome state is recognized by carboxyl-terminal domain of a protein called Ski7p – Ski7p also associates tightly with cytoplasmic exosome, cousin of nuclear exosome – Non-stop mRNA recruit Ski7p-exosome complex to the vacant A site – Ski complex is recruited to the A site Exosome-Mediated Degradation • Exosome, positioned just at the end of non-stop mRNA, degrades that RNA • Aberrant polypeptide is presumably destroyed Posttranslation • Translation events do not end with termination – Proteins must fold properly – Ribosomes need to be released from mRNA and engage in further translation rounds • Folding is actually a cotranslational event occurring as nascent polypeptide is being made Folding Nascent Proteins • Most newly-made polypeptides do not fold properly alone – Polypeptides require folding help from molecular chaperones – E. coli cells use a trigger factor • Associates with the large ribosomal subunit • Catches the nascent polypeptide emerging from ribosomal exit tunnel in a hydrophobic basket to protect from water – Archaea and eukaryotes lack trigger factor- use freestanding chaperones Release of Ribosomes from mRNA • Help is required from ribosome recycling factor (RRF) and EF-G – RRF resembles a tRNA • Binds to ribosome A site • Uses a position not normally taken by a tRNA – Collaborates with EF-G in releasing either 50S ribosome subunit or whole ribosome • • • This project is funded by a grant awarded under the President’s Community Based Job Training Grant as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (CB-15-162-06-60). 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