NOTICE This presentation was tailored to SLCC and our specific needs. The presenter has specifically Requested that we do not share it with anyone outside the institution. It may be used for internal information and training only. For questions, contact Universal Access Committee co-chairs: Candida Darling, Director DRC (801-957-4928) Nancy Sanchez, ADA Coordinator (801-957-4041) 1 ADA Program Access Compliance: Self Assessment and Transition Plans Salt Lake Community College July 30, 2012 Caveat These materials are provided for informational purposes only and are not to be construed as legal advice. You should seek independent counsel to resolve the individualized legal issues that you are responsible to address. 3 Presentation Outline Legal Background New Regulations (Effective 3-11) Duties of Covered Entities Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Nuts and Bolts Evaluating Compliance with New Regulations Ticketing Service Animals Use of Wheelchairs and Power Driven Mobility Devices Effective Communication Auxiliary Aids and Services TTY and Relay calls Qualified Interpreter Defined Qualified Reader Defined Examinations and Courses (May 2012 Documentation Guidelines) Website and Technology Employment Equipment (ATM’s/Kiosks) Adoption of 2010 ADAAG 2010 Standards effective 315-12 Reservation Systems Lodging Swimming Pools and Recreational Issues Transportation Emergency Evacuation Emergency Continuing Operations Plan 4 Three Pillars of the Case for Accommodating Persons with Disabilities (1) This is a Human Right A society is no better than how it treats its most vulnerable persons (Germany) Learning and thinking define us as human beings—it isn’t always about employment (2) Disability is a form of diversity Adds to the classroom An engine for innovation Serves the disability community with professionals who have “walked in my shoes.” 5 The Third Pillar: This is a Civil Right Mandated by Statute (3) It is the law It is founded upon many well established principles as race, gender, national origin law It came about through struggles and strategies common to other civil rights movements 6 Legal Authorities and Jurisdiction Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): every public elementary and secondary school Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (primary regulation for higher education) 34 C.F.R. section 104 and appendix A. - FFA The American’s with Disabilities Act of 1990 – FFA not required Title I - employment (employers with over 25 employees-(an alternate to OCR) Title II - public programs (key deaf/blind regs.) Title III – “public accommodations” (documentation) State Law (different definition of disability?) 508 for Federal Agencies inferred reasonable by ADA Persons not disabled under ADA may be “eligible” under other laws 7 Who is Protected An individual with a “disability” is any person who: has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities has a record of such impairment or Raytheon Co. v. Hernandez, U.S. Supreme Court (2003) is regarded as having such an impairment 8 ADA Provisions – Title II Title II: Public Services by State and Local Governments General Rule: No qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity 9 Title II Program Access Must be delivered in the most integrated setting appropriate May Require Entities to: Relocate service to accessible facility Provide aides or auxiliary services Provide benefits or services in alternative accessible formats 10 Title III: Private Entities and Public Entities Providing Public Services Title III covers private entities: public accommodations, commercial facilities, examinations and courses related to licensing or certification, and transportation provided to the public by private entities Public entities providing public accommodations can’t contract away the duty under Title II 11 Title III (cont.) Title III: Public Accommodations and Services Operated by Private Entities. General Rule: No individual shall be discriminated against on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of any place of public accommodation by any person who owns, leases (or leases to), or operates a place of public accommodation 12 Enforcement Investigation by designated agency or DOJ Compliance review Agency referral to DOJ or Withholding funds (OCR) DOJ litigation Suits by individuals 13 Recent Settlement Agreements OCR Letter to L.A. Unified School District DOJ Project Civil Access Kansas City, Missouri 7/25/12 Randolph County, Georgia 7/24/12 City of Wills Point, Texas 7/24/ One month to distribute to all persons – employees and contractors – who design, develop, maintain, or otherwise have responsibility for content and format of its website(s) or third party websites used by the City (Internet Personnel) the technical assistance document, “Accessibility of State and Local Government Websites to People with Disabilities,” ). 14 DOJ Project Civil Access (cont.) Three months and then throughout the life of the Agreement, the City will do the following: Establish, implement, and post online a policy that its web pages will be accessible and create a process for implementation; Ensure that all new and modified web pages and content are accessible; Develop and implement a plan for making existing web content more accessible; Provide a way for online visitors to request accessible information or services by posting a telephone number or e-mail address on its home page; and Periodically (at least annually) enlist people with disabilities to test its pages for ease of use 15 OCR Guidance for Web Accessibility (Tyler v. City of Manhattan, 857 F.Supp. 800 (D.Kan.1994)) H: Postsecondary institution violated its obligations under the ADA when it only responded on a caseby-case or ad hoc basis to individual requests for accommodation. Public entity has an affirmative duty to develop a comprehensive policy in advance of any request. (OCR 09-97-2002.RES). 16 ADA/504 Risk Management Coverage Implications 1. 2. Policy excludes coverage of claims for injunctive relief. By Rule, Risk must consult and agree before if an entity denies a request for accommodation. 17 17 June 29, 2010 DOJ/OCR Letter Regarding Inaccessible Technology: Kindle Expressed “concern” for Electronic book readers that are not accessible to the vision impaired Requests Universities to refrain from using inaccessible technology Office of Ed and DOJ are on the same page regarding this issue Suit against University of Arizona was for Injunctive Relief- specifically make the technology accessible or stop using it What is your ROI if you purchase equipment you can’t use? 18 Where These Laws Apply? In EVERY program or activity: academic and non-academic settings In field placements (an area particularly subject to compliance issues) All events In the “virtual world” (web pages etc.) But not always overseas 19 Covered Services: EVERY Program Service, and Activity You Offer Course Materials Websites / Online Testing / Tutoring Admissions Financial Aid Athletics Library Alumni Affairs Transportation Child Care Physical Access to Facilities Emergency Preparedness Food Services Housing / Parking Community Events / Entertainment (plays, concerts, athletic) Voting 20 To Whom Do These Laws Apply? Applicants Employees Public Visitors Applicants for services Applicants for licensure Students The non-retaliation provisions apply to everyone 21 2008 ADA Amendments Act Effective 1-1-09 Ensures equal access to employment opportunities and public accommodations for people with disabilities Congress identified the full participation, inclusion and integration of people with disabilities into society as a national goal 22 Intent of the ADA-AA Greatly Expands the Number of Individuals who are Covered by the ADA Congress wants entities (and courts) to focus on: (1) whether entities under ADA have complied with their obligations; and (2) does not want extensive analysis in determining if an impairment is a disability 23 New Title II and III Regulations Compliance by March 15, 2011 Ticketing Service Animals Use of Wheelchairs and Power Driven Mobility Devices Effective Communication/Auxiliary Aids and Services TTY and Relay calls Qualified Interpreter Defined Qualified Reader Defined Examinations and Courses (May 2012 Documentation Guidelines) 24 New Title II and III Regulations (cont). Website and Technology Adoption of 2010 ADAAG 2010 Standards effective 3-15-12 Reservation Systems Lodging (USU) Swimming Pools and Recreational Issues Emergency Evacuation Emergency Continuing Operations Plan (consider transport or work at home for those with public transportation requirements) 25 2010 ADA Accessible Design Standards Adoption of 2004 ADAAG (2010 standards) Effective March 15, 2012 New Construction and Alterations All new standards must be addressed by March 15, 2012 (pools, play areas, fishing piers, residential facilities) because there were previously no standards 26 Safe Harbor Inapplicable To: Elements that were not covered by Play areas (§§206, 240, 1991 or UFAS. 1008) Residential facilities Amusement rides (§§234 and 1002) Recreation boating facilities (§§206, 235, 1003) Exercise machines and equipment (§§236 and 1004) Fishing piers and platforms (§§206, 237, 1005) Golf facilities (§§206,238, 1006) Miniature golf courses (§§206, 239, 1007) Saunas and steam rooms (§§241, 304, 612, 903) Swimming pools, wading pools and spas (§§242 and 1009) Shooting facilities with firing positions (§§243 and 1010) Misc. (§§206.2, 206.7, 221.2) Team player seating Accessible route to bowling lanes Accessible route in court 27 sports facilities Construction Guidance If the construction was started after July, 1992 and before September 10, 2010, it can comply with the UFAS or the 1991 Standards. (Except for the elevator exemption) If the construction was started after September 10 and before March 15, 2012, it may comply with the 2010 Standards, UFAS or the 1991 standards (except for the elevator exemption) If the construction is started after March 15, 2012, then the 2010 standards apply 28 Duties of a Covered Entity Complete a Self Evaluation by 1-26-93 Prepare a Transition Plan for structural renovations by 1-26-95 29 Duty: Self Evaluation A self evaluation was due to be completed by January 26, 1993 The new rule required that the entity within 1 year, shall evaluate current services, policies and practices and the effects thereof and make modifications as needed For 3 years, the entity shall keep a list of the interested persons consulted in the review, description of the areas examined and the problem identified, and a description of the modification If it was completed previously, the review can apply only to policies and practices not included in the previous self evaluation. Better Practice: Review them All 30 Duty: Transition Plan A transition plan was required by January 26, 1992 to remove barriers identified in the self evaluation for government entities with greater than 50 employees (combined full and part time) Less than 50 employees, public entities still need to evaluate programs for discrimination…but no Transition Plan was required However, Title II requires a tool to address discrimination in access to ALL programs which equates to a transition plan 31 Why Now? Program Access Includes Policy Review and Modification to allow equal access You must show your work If you do not assess you current state of compliance how will you know whether you are compliant with new regulations? If you do not document your plan to compliance, how will you ensure you become compliant? 32 OCR Letter to North Carolina State University Agreed to develop a plan with input from appropriate groups, on and off campus, to devise and implement campus-wide accessibility standards for electronic and information technology. The plan was submitted to OCR for review and the agency indicated that the school must include a "process by which the University will ensure comparable access for students with disabilities to official University websites." (OCR 11-98-2046.LLA). 33 OCR Letter to Cal State University, Fresno (6-2011) “University must act continuously and proactively to identify and remedy barriers to access” Agreement: imposed an updated self eval and transition plan 34 Benefits of Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Following your transition plan: Helps demonstrate systematic removal of barriers Leads to full compliance Shows good faith May create a possibility for less stringent penalty from complaint or litigation 35 Harvard Factors in the Business Case for Web Accessibility Social Factors addresses the role of Web accessibility in providing equal opportunity for people with disabilities; the overlap with digital divide issues; and benefits to people without disabilities, including older people, people with low literacy and people not fluent in the language, people with low bandwidth connections to the Internet, people using older technologies, and new and infrequent web users. Technical Factors addresses interoperability, quality, reducing site development and maintenance time, reducing server load, enabling content on different configurations, and being prepared for advanced web technologies. Financial Factors addresses the financial benefits of increased website use, for example, from engine optimization (SEO); direct cost savings; considerations for initial costs and on-going costs; and ways to decrease costs. Legal and Policy Factors addresses requirements for Web accessibility from governments and other organizations in the form of laws, policies, regulations, standards, guidelines, directives, communications, orders, or other types of documents. 36 Duties of a Covered Entity Designate an ADA Coordinator Post Notice of the Coordinator and Grievance Policy Develop Procedures for requesting and granting aids and services for individuals with disabilities. Determine Eligibility Criteria for Disability Services and Accommodations Adopt Design Standards Develop Procedures for resolving complaints and grievances 37 Duties of a Covered Entity (cont.) Ensure Admission/Benefit Criteria does not purposely screen out Students with Disabilities Train All staff, administrators, faculty, volunteers and others who are in contact with the public in the requirements of ADA Review contracts, leases and agreements to establish responsibility assuring ADA compliance Ensure Proper signage designates accessible entrances, routes, auxiliary aids, restrooms and other important Accessible Information 38 Duty: An ADA Coordinator At least one responsible employee to coordinate ADA compliance Investigating any complaints that the entity has violated Title II The name, office address, and telephone number of the ADA Coordinator must be provided to interested persons Person must be trained or knowledgeable in ADA and other nondiscrimination laws (Title VI, Title VII) Person must have sufficient authority, time, and resources to accomplish the duties Kaplan University (1-2011) No Notification of ADA/504 Coordinator 39 Duty: Notice Notice should include the basic information regarding Title II of the ADA, 504 and how they apply to the programs, services, and activities of the public entity Contact information of the ADA Coordinator Brief statements about: Employment Effective communication Making reasonable modifications to policies and programs Not placing surcharges on modifications or auxiliary aids and services Filing complaints 40 Methods to Provide Notice Include the notice with job applications Publish the notice periodically in local newspapers Broadcast the notice in public service announcements on local radio and television stations Publish the notice on the entity’s website (ensure that the website is accessible) Post the notice at all facilities Include the notice in program handbooks Include the notice in activity schedules Announce the notice at meetings of programs, services, and activities Publish the notice as a legal notice in local newspapers Post the notice in bus shelters or other public transit stops 41 Duty: Process for Accommodations Must Provide Accommodations in the Most Integrated Setting Create Mechanisms For: Documentation and Accommodation Auxiliary Aids and Alternate Text Technology, Web Online Distance Ed Housing Needs Event Accessibility Emergencies Policy Modification if results in discrimination 42 General Accommodation Rules An entity must make reasonable modifications for the individual with a disability There is to be no cost to the individual for modifications A person with a disability is NOT required to accept an accommodation or modification offer 43 General Accommodation Rules (cont.) The entity cannot impose or apply criteria that would screen out individuals with disabilities No individual with a disability shall be denied because of facility location, in selection of procurement contractors No individual with a disability shall be denied in the administration of licensing or requirements for programs 44 OCR Letter to Hallmark College (11-2011) Admissions Standards Student with Visual Impairment inquired regarding technical FAA requirements for aviation maintenance program Student claimed to have applied through 3rd party website (no evidence supported) Student claimed she was advised to apply elsewhere due to her vision impairment (credibly disputed) Student was mailed catalogue with Accessibility statement and grievance procedure Student never filed grievance Finding: No Discrimination 45 Duty: Reasonable Accommodations Making Facilities Accessible Acquiring or Modifying equipment/devices Restructuring a Task Substituting Tasks Changing Schedules Modifying work/training site Providing readers, writers, interpreters Test Accommodations Providing transition planning and support 46 The Goal: Universal Design 1. Equitable/Accessible Use 2. Flexibility In Use (choice of teaching methods) 3. Simple and Intuitive (straight forward and predictable manner) 4. Perceptive Information (can be communicated effectively) 5. Tolerance for Error 6. Low Physical Effort (allow greater attention to learning) 7. Size and Space (with safety measures) 8. Community of learners (interaction and group work) 9. Welcoming and Inclusive (consider room set up) 47 The Goal: Effective Accommodations Cost and reasonableness can be considered but there is NO excuse for not providing an effective alternative Compatibility with institutions technology must be considered (“latest” not always “best”) Campus wide collaboration (or outside resources) is necessary to integrate with existing and future resources and technology. 48 Duty: Adopt and Post a Grievance/Complaint Procedure Letter to Mott Community College (11-2011) Action Step III: Revisions to Disability Grievance Procedure Notice to students and employees of the procedure, including where complaints may be filed and how they may be filed; Clarification that all complaints of alleged disability discrimination, including disability harassment, carried out by employees, other students, or third parties may be filed under the College's Section 504/Title II grievance procedure; Notice of the address and telephone number of the College employee with whom complaints should be filed and notice of an alternate person if the person with whom the complaint is filed is alleged to have been involved in the discrimination/harassment; 49 Grievance/Complaint Procedure (cont.) Adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation of complaints, including the opportunity to identify witnesses and other evidence; Designated and reasonably prompt timeframes for the major stages of the complaint process, including timeframes for: when the College will conduct a full investigation of the complaint; when both parties receive response regarding the outcome of the complaint; and when the parties may file an appeal, if applicable; Established timeframes to complete the investigation process; Take into consideration that extenuating circumstances may prevent compliance; involvement of the College's Section 504 Coordinator in the College's investigation of grievances; 50 Grievance/Complaint Procedure (cont.) Assurance that the College will take steps to prevent recurrence of any discrimination and to correct discriminatory effects on the complainant and others, if appropriate; Written notice to the parties of the outcome of the complaint; Maintenance of documentation of all proceedings, which may include written findings of facts, transcripts, or audio recordings; Clarification that any informal resolution process (i.e. first speaking with the Director of Disability Services before filing a written complaint with the ADA Compliance Officer) is voluntary and that the complainant must be notified of the right to end the informal process at any time and begin the formal stage of the complaint process; and That a complaint may be filed with OCR at any time. 51 Duty: Compliance with New Regulations Title II and III Regulations Compliance by March 15, 2011 Adoption of 2004 ADAAG (2010 standards) Effective March 15, 2012 52 The Goal of the Self Evaluation Establish a Baseline: The main goal of the self-evaluation phase is to provide a baseline of what programs, services, activities and facilities under the Department’s responsibility are noncompliant with ADA standards. Comparisons to the initial self-evaluation should provide evidence of a Department’s good faith in efforts to comply with ADA requirements. 53 Steps of The Self Evaluation Receive Authority from the President / Provost / Superintendent / Director Identify Key Players and Develop a Committee and Include Representatives from: Finance Major Departments/Divisions Finance Disability services personnel Advisory Bodies IT WHO ELSE? 54 Steps of The Self Evaluation (cont.) Determine Necessary level of Detail Develop Survey Tools To Evaluate and Track Disseminate the Survey Gather the Data Organize and Enter the Data 55 Self Evaluation Major Categories Universal Design Testing General Access Public Accommodations (Services/Meetings/Events) Policy Modification Web/Online/Technology Employment ATM/Kiosk Faculty Emergency Services Staff Physical Access Student Effective Communications Transportation Transition Plan Monitoring Auxiliary Aids and Alternate Format Every Individual Program, Service and Activity you Service Animals / OPDMD offer Ticketing 56 Self Evaluation Sub Categories General Access ADA Coordinator / Accommodation Process / Grievance Procedure Alternate Format (all materials) Enlarged Text Braille Public Accommodation (Meetings/Events) ADA Notice on advertising Accessible parking, route, seating Auxiliary Aids and alternate format Captioning Video Description Accessible restroom, drinking fountain, vending Etc. 57 Self Evaluation Specific Instructional Materials Visual Descriptions Captions Technology Accessibility Hardware/Software/Web Online/Web Accessibility Service Animals Allow animals Recognize horses require policy modification Train staff on magic two ? Transportation Campus Special Events (Graduation, Meetings) Academic Fieldtrips Emergency Plan and Communications Syllabus statement Text Labs, Clinicals, Internships Homework Materials Contracts Purchasing Physical Accessibility Guides and maps Weather Maintenance of accessible features 58 Disability Specific Considerations How Accessible are your Programs, Services and Activities to Individuals In Each Category: Without Vision With Low Vision Without Color Perception With no or limited Hearing With no or limited Speech With no or limited Manipulation, Reach, Grasp With limited Mobility With Learning Disabilities 59 The Goal of Transition Planning Identify an ADA Coordinator Provide Notice and Process for ADA procedures Identify Complaint Process Develop/Adopt Design Standards Identify Barriers to Access Identify Compliance Plan (time and budget) to Remove Barriers Identify a Re-evaluation Schedule Identify Public Involvement Opportunities Report progress in a manner that is meaningful to you and the public 60 Steps of The Transition Plan Analyze the Data to Identify a detailed list of Deficiencies (inventory) Identify detailed Solutions Identify Costs Prioritize Mitigating Deficiencies with Public and Disability Community Input Establish Time Frames and Budgets based on the levels of risks and ease of compliance 61 Steps of The Transition Plan (cont.) Identify Responsible Person For each Corrective Action Draft the Report Involve the Public (disability community) Systematically Implement the Mitigation Develop policies for Purchasing, Upgrading, and Maintenance of Accessible Features New or additional policy, equipment, software Re-evaluate Annually 62 A Word About Prioritization Priority should be given to public places, places of education and places of employment Factors to consider may include: Essential Nature of the program, service or activity Frequency of Use Presence of a disabled population Citizen requests or complaints regarding inaccessible locations Ease of compliance Cost 63 Interplay: Budget and Timeline Does compliance require: Stand alone project Regularly occurring maintenance What Resources are Necessary? Who Materials Timeline (deadline) What Funding Sources are Necessary? Annual or One time Grant Resources Available How Long will funds be necessary? Until barriers are eliminated Ongoing 64 Involving the Community WHO/WHAT STAKEHOLDERS? Internal Departments External Partners Contract Language Advocacy Groups Citizens Business Community Building Codes and Applicable Regulations Who Else? 65 Avoid Common Pitfalls Lack of time commitment. Lack of budget and (associated) lack of staffing Management decisions limiting staffing and support of ADA programs Delay in self-evaluation activities Inability to prioritize compliance upgrades Failure to set deadlines throughout each stage Failure to involve the community Failure to moving beyond evaluation to action 66 What to Evaluate? Existing Policy Practice Programs Services and Activities Compliance with New Regulations 67 Best Practice General Access Accurate and current access guides and maps Written procedures and policies exist for provision of disability accommodations and auxiliary aids in every aspect of campus program/service. Event procedures and policies to request accommodations Adequate number of accessible parking spaces. Policies/procedures to mitigate weather issues. Transportation policies and procedures. Work-study programs or receive financial aid for longer than four years. A protocol exists to ensure classroom accessibility, which includes a floating inventory of ergonomic chairs, adjustable-height tables. 68 Best Practice General Access (cont.) All benefits, services, programs and activities provided to the public, employees and students are available to persons with disabilities and are equivalent to those offered to people without disabilities. No Cost for accommodations/services Accommodation and access policies and procedures are in place (student council activities, parent's day, alumni association meetings, etc.) Course registration procedures exist to ensure that modifications are available to individuals with disabilities as needed (e.g., accessible registration sites, alternatives to phone-based registrations, e-mail, fax, and priority registration). Interpreters/captioning are available upon request for campus-wide events. Policies regarding use of recreational facilities are flexible to accommodate varying needs. 69 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 70 Policy Review for Compliance EEO/Harassment Background Checks Reference Checks GINA Bullying Social Networking Workers Compensation 71 Policy Review for Compliance Admissions/Transfer/Dismissal/Readmission Qualification for Disability Services Veterans/Military Service Leave Voluntary v. Involuntary Fundamental Program Elements Web and other Technical Accessibility Code of Conduct 72 Policy Review for Compliance (cont.) Threat Assessment Suicide Reporting and Prevention Drug Testing Sexual Violence Investigation FERPA Grievance Arbitration Requirements 73 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 74 Wheelchairs and Mobility Devices A public entity shall permit individuals with mobility disabilities to use wheelchairs and manually-powered mobility aids, such as walkers, crutches, canes, braces, or other similar devices designed for use by individuals with mobility disabilities, in any areas open to pedestrian use 75 Definition of Wheelchair A manually-operated or power-driven device designed primarily for use by an individual with a mobility disability for the main purpose of indoor or of both indoor and outdoor locomotion Includes mobility scooters No size or weight maximum §35.104 and §36.104 76 Other Power-Driven Mobility Device (OPDMD) Any mobility device powered by batteries, fuel, or other engines—whether or not designed primarily for use by individuals with mobility disabilities—that is used by individuals with mobility disabilities for the purpose of locomotion, including golf cars, electronic personal assistance mobility devices (EPAMDs), such as the Segway® PT, or any mobility device designed to operate in areas without defined pedestrian routes, but that is not a wheelchair within the meaning of this section. §35.104 and §36.104 77 Assurances A public entity may ask a person using an other power-driven mobility device to provide a credible assurance that the mobility device is required because of the person’s disability. May Not inquire about the person’s Disability. A public entity shall accept the presentation of a valid, State-issued, disability parking placard or card, or other State-issued proof of disability as a credible assurance that the use of the other power-driven mobility device is for the individual’s mobility disability. 78 Assurances (cont.) A ‘‘valid’’ disability placard or card is one that is presented by the individual to whom it was issued and is otherwise in compliance with the State of issuance’s requirements for disability placards or cards In lieu of a valid, State-issued disability parking placard or card, or State-issued proof of disability, a public entity shall accept as a credible assurance a verbal representation, not contradicted by observable fact, that the other power-driven mobility device is used for a 79 mobility disability OPDMD Safety Requirements An entity may consider: Type, Size, Weight and Dimensions Compared to Wheelchairs Facility volume of Pedestrian Traffic Facility Dimensions Legitimate Safety Requirements Ability to Stow when Not in Use Threat to Environment §35.130(h) and §36.303(1)(b) 80 Best Practice: OPDMD Policy Develop a Policy that clearly states: Types and sizes permitted Places, times, and circumstances permitted Speed limits Storage availability Policy related to credible assurance Include a Safety Analysis No fuel driven engines indoors (Powered by fuel, batteries or other engines) Publish for advance notice y_Policy_121007.pdf 81 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 82 Service Animals Definition: “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition” §35.104 83 Miniature Horses A public entity shall make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, or procedures to permit the use of a miniature horse by an individual with a disability if the miniature horse has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of the individual with a disability May Consider the Type, Size and Weight and the Specific Needs of the Facility and; Whether the facility can accommodate these features. Must be housebroken and in sufficient control. Title II §35.136 Title III §36.302(c)(3) 84 Service Animal Access Individuals with disabilities shall be permitted to be accompanied by their service animals in all areas of a public entity’s facilities where members of the public, participants in services, programs or activities, or invitees, as relevant, are allowed to go 85 How to Identify a Service Animal Verbal assurance – you can ask what tasks the animal performs and question how the animal accomplishes the tasks Look for physical indicators on the animals such as a harness or carrying implement Request documentation of the need when such is not obvious (such as a letter indicting the animal is a seizure dog which alerts the individual to an oncoming seizure or protects that person during and after the seizure) Observe the behavior of the animal to ascertain if the animal is actually paying attention to the individual 86 Permissible Inquiries If the Impairment is NOT Obvious Two Questions are Permitted: Is the animal needed for a disability and; What task(s) the animal has been trained to Perform An entity Cannot ask them to demonstrate the task MUST Train ALL staff on this point 87 Impermissible Inquiries An entity may not: Make inquiries when it is apparent the animal is a service animal Ask for ANY kind of documentation including certification, training or licensing Inquire about the nature of the individual’s disability Require special ID cards for the animal 88 Service Animal Control A service animal shall be under the control of its handler A service animal shall have a harness, leash, or other tether, unless either the handler is unable because of a disability to use a harness, leash, or other tether, or the use of a harness, leash, or other tether would interfere with the service animal’s safe, effective performance of work or tasks, in which case the service animal must be otherwise under the handler’s control (e.g., voice control, signals, or other effective means) 89 Service Animal Conduct A public entity may ask an individual with a disability to remove a service animal from the premises if— the animal is out of control and the animal’s handler does not take effective action to control it or the animal is not housebroken 90 Exclusion of Service Animal If a public entity properly excludes a service animal, it shall give the individual with a disability the opportunity to participate in the service, program, or activity without having the service animal on the premises 91 Service Animal Surcharges/Damages A public entity shall not ask or require an individual with a disability to pay a surcharge, even if people accompanied by pets are required to pay fees, or to comply with other requirements generally not applicable to people without pets If a public entity normally charges individuals for the damage they cause, an individual with a disability may be charged for damage caused by his or her service animal 92 What is a Task? Navigation for the Blind or those with Low Vision Alerting the Deaf or Hard of Hearing Pulling a Wheelchair Providing Non-Violent Protection or Rescue Work (alerts to presence of another at ATM) 93 What is a Task? (cont.) Assisting During a Seizure Alerting to the Presence of Allergens Retrieving Items Providing Stability or Support for Mobility Psychiatric Service Animal: Helps persons with Psychiatric and Neurological Disabilities by Interrupting Impulsive or Destructive Behavior 94 Update March 11, 2011 “Tasks performed by psychiatric service animals may include reminding individuals to take medicine, providing safety checks or room searches for individuals with PTSD, interrupting self-mutilation, and removing disoriented individuals from dangerous situations” “The Department has moved the requirement that the work or tasks performed by the service animal must be related directly to the individual’s disability to the definition of ’service animal’ [Federal Register: March 11, 2011 (Volume 76, Number 48)] [Rules and Regulations] [Page 13285-13286] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access 95 Emotional Support / Comfort Animals Animals that are for Comfort or Emotional Support are Not Service Animals However: HUD Recognizes them State or Local Law may recognize them 96 What is Training? Service Animals are Individually Trained to Perform Tasks for People with Disabilities Animal may be Self Trained 97 Service Animals: Special Issues Businesses that sell or prepare food must allow Service Animals in public areas even if state or local health codes prohibit animals on the premises Allergies are typically not a reason to exclude service animals 98 Service Animal Care and Supervision A public entity is not responsible for the care or supervision of a service animal or Provide a Special Location for it to Relieve Itself An entity may want to consider designated area where the student can tend to the service animal’s basic daily needs, e.g., eating or bodily functions Allowing student periodic breaks so the student can care for the service animal’s basic daily needs 99 Best Practice: Develop a Policy Service Animals Permitted on Campus (2011) Individuals with disabilities may be accompanied by their service animals on all University of Oklahoma campuses where members of the public or participants in services, programs or activities are allowed to go. By law, a service animal means any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals. In some cases, the University may permit miniature horses on campus on a case-by-case basis, consistent with applicable law. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual's disability. Examples of such tasks include, but are not limited to: assisting an individual with low vision with navigation; alerting individuals who are hard of hearing to the presence of people or objects; pulling a person's wheelchair; or providing assistance with stability or balance to an individual with a mobility disability. Federal law does not require the individual to provide documentation that an animal has been trained as a service animal. The University may, however, ask if the animal is required because of a disability, as well as what work or task the animal has been trained to perform. 100 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 101 Event Ticketing Title II 28 CFR 35.138 Title III 28 CFR 36.302(f) Equal Opportunity to the Purchase Accessible Seating Sell Accessible Tickets During Same Hours Available to All Identify and Describe Features of All Accessible Seating Provide maps, plans, brochures, pricing charts, text or visual representation Price Accessible Seats as Other Seats (% for Each Price Level) 102 Sales: Equal Opportunity to the Purchase Accessible Seating During: Same hours available to all Same stages: pre-sales, general sales, promotions, lotteries, wait lists etc. Same distribution Same types and numbers Same terms and conditions 103 Accessible Features Identify and Describe Features of All Accessible Seating in enough detail to reasonably permit an individual with a disability to assess independently whether a given accessible seating location meets his or her accessibility needs. Provide maps, plans, brochures, pricing charts, text or visual representation with the same text or visual representations as other seats. 104 Accessible Seat Features Clear floor space Dimensions Space is at grade Accessible Approach 105 Individuals Requesting Accessible Features Include those with: Mobility impairments Large service animals Circulation problems Respiratory problems Auxiliary Aids There must be a relationship between the request for the space and the individual’s disability 106 Event Ticketing (cont.) May Not request Proof of Disability May only ask if ticket is for a person with a disability Must provide 3 contiguous Companion Seats (or more if others can purchase more) Group ticket sales must attempt to place the entire group near the accessible seat 107 Event Ticketing (cont.) Unsold Accessible Seats May be released when all non-accessible tickets are sold Persons with Accessible Seats May Resell their Tickets to Non-Disabled If Non Accessible tickets are Purchased on the Secondary Market- The Venue Must Exchange the Non Accessible Seat for Accessible Seating if it is Available 108 Ticket Prices Ticket Prices: Price Accessible Seats as Other Seats for single events or series of events for all price levels If tickets for accessible seating at a particular price level are not available because of inaccessible features, then the percentage of tickets for accessible seating that should have been available at that price level (determined by the ratio of the total number of tickets at that price level to the total number of tickets in the assembly area) shall be offered for purchase, at that price level, in a nearby or similar accessible 109 location Multiple Tickets/Contiguous Seats For each ticket for a wheelchair space purchased by an individual with a disability a public entity shall make available for purchase three additional tickets for seats in the same row that are contiguous with the wheelchair space unless all ticket sales limited to a fewer number If there are Insufficient Number of Seats a public entity shall offer the next highest number of such seat tickets available for purchase and shall make up the difference by offering tickets for sale for seats that are as close as possible to the accessible seats 110 Hold and Release Unsold Accessible Seats May be released when: (i) All non-accessible tickets (excluding luxury boxes, club boxes, or suites) have been sold (ii) All non-accessible tickets in a designated seating area have been sold and the tickets for accessible seating are being released in the same designated area or (iii) When all non-accessible tickets in a designated price category have been sold and the tickets for accessible seating are being released within the same designated price category 111 Ticket Transfer Persons with Accessible Seats May Resell their Tickets to Non-Disabled shall be permitted to transfer tickets to third parties under the same terms and conditions and to the same extent as other spectators holding the same type of tickets, whether they are for a single event or series of events 112 Secondary Ticket Market An entity must modify its policies, practices, or procedures to ensure that an individual with a disability may use a ticket acquired in the secondary ticket market under the same terms and conditions If Non Accessible tickets are Purchased on the Secondary Market- The Venue Must Exchange the Non Accessible Seat for Accessible Seating in a comparable location if accessible seating is vacant at the time the individual presents the ticket to the public entity 113 Ticket Purchase Fraud An Entity: May NOT request proof of disability for example, a doctor’s note, before selling tickets for accessible seating May only ask if ticket is for a person with a disability A public entity may investigate the potential misuse of accessible seating where there is good cause to believe that such seating has been purchased fraudulently 114 Event Ticketing (cont.) Permissible inquiries: Single event tickets – May ask if the purchaser “has a mobility disability or disability that requires the use of the accessible features provided in the accessible seating or if they are purchasing for someone who has a mobility disability or disability that requires the use of the accessible features provided in the accessible seating” Series of Events/Subscription – May ask purchaser of accessible seating to attest in writing to the above 115 Stadium Accessibility Notice Examples Service Animals Courtesy Wheelchairs Companion Seating Concessions Emergency Evacuation Entrance Family Restrooms Fan Texting First Aid Guest Services Parking Restrooms Seating Areas Telephone Display Devices 116 University of No Colorado (3-2011) Accessible parking for the recreation center needs to be on the shortest accessible route Inadequate number of accessible parking spaces No van accessible parking spaces 117 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 118 Effective Communication Devices and Auxiliary Aids When selecting auxiliary aids, the entity must give Primary Consideration to the request of the person with a disability. The entity must honor the choice of the person with a disability unless: the entity can demonstrate that another equally effective means of communication exists or use of the chosen device would not be required because of a fundamental 119 alteration or undue burden OCR’S “Effectively Communicate” Standard Three basic components (1) the timeliness of delivery (2) the accuracy of the translation, and (3) provision in a manner and medium appropriate to the significance of the message and the abilities of the individual with the disability. (OCR 09-97-2002.RES) For example, if a website is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for other users, the information must be available that way for the visually impaired student. In the recent DOJ document, Accessibility of State and Local Government Websites to People with Disabilities, DOJ does not discuss the effectively communicate standard. 120 (ICT) Standards and Guidelines Official Communications Regarding Programs and Services 1. Content that is public facing; 2. Content that is broadly disseminated throughout an agency, including templates; 3. Letters adjudicating any cause which is within the jurisdiction of the agency; 4. Internal and external program and policy announcements; 121 (ICT) Standards and Guidelines Official Communications (cont.) 5. Notices of benefits, program eligibility, and employment opportunities and decisions; 6. Forms, questionnaires and surveys; 7. Emergency notifications; 8. Formal acknowledgements and receipts; or 9. Educational and training materials. 122 Auxiliary Aids Include Sign Language Interpreter Real Time Computer Aided Transcription (CART) Video Remote Interpreting Brailed Materials Alternate Text Screen Reading Software Magnification Software Optical Readers 123 Determining Appropriate Auxiliary Aids Complete a communication assessment Initially and Throughout the situation Inform individual of the request status Inform individual if services will not be provided (after consultation with Risk) Inform Individual of alternate services that are available or will be provided 124 New Definition Qualified Reader “A person who is able to read effectively, accurately, and impartially using any necessary specialized vocabulary.” 125 New Definition Qualified Interpreter “An interpreter who, via a video remote interpreting (VRI) service or an on-site appearance, is able to interpret effectively, accurately, and impartially, both receptively and expressively, using any necessary specialized vocabulary. Qualified interpreters include, for example, sign language interpreters, oral transliterators, and cuedlanguage transliterators.” 126 Addition: Video Remote (VRI) Interpreting VRI interpreting uses video conference technology over dedicated lines or wireless technology offering high-speed, widebandwidth video connection that delivers high-quality video images. §35.104 and §36.104 127 VRI Performance Standards Real-time Full-motion Video and audio High quality video with No lags or irregular pauses Not grainy, blurry, or choppy Must see both interpreter’s and student’s face, arms, hands, and fingers 128 VRI Performance Standards (cont.) Must be: Immediately available “As effective as communications with others” Provided in a way to protect the privacy and independence of persons with disabilities Employee must be trained in effective use May not be appropriate for all situations 129 ANPRM Update MOVIE CAPTIONING Open and Closed (for the deaf and hearing impaired) Video description (for the blind) Waiting for final rule but ADA and 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act make it applicable NOW! 130 FCC Overturns Hundreds of TV Closed Captioning Exemptions and Clarifies "Economically Burdensome" Standard in Connection with Captioning Rules Yesterday, the FCC released an Order that reversed a five-year-old decision by its Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (“CGB” or “Bureau”) that had granted certain video programmers “undue burden” exemptions from the FCC’s closed captioning rules. The reversed Bureau decision had changed the criteria for undue burden exemptions and permanently exempted two video programmers from compliance with the closed captioning rules on the basis of the new criteria. Finding that the Bureau’s new criteria deviated from both the statute and FCC precedent, the Commission overturned the decision, reversed 296 subsequent exemptions that had been granted by the Bureau in reliance thereon, and reinstated the original criteria for captioning exemptions. DWT has just released an advisory that provides more detail about the Commission’s decision, which can be found here. In addition, a copy of the Commission’s Order can be found here. 131 Captions: Live v. Pre-Recorded Determine how much of your projects will be live and how many will be prerecorded Live event price factors If an event can be taped live, then redistributed on videotape, it is cheaper to caption during the live event instead of sending the recorded version to be captioned They also program frequent words and phrases into a customized dictionary, which can increase time spent on the project. Will the event be completely scripted or use a teleprompter? If so, consider: Repurposing the electronic audio script for captions Purchasing a hardware or software solution to format captions using the script Pre-Recorded video price factors Does the video subject matter or audience require pop-on captions or will roll-on captions suffice? 132 Narration Elements The narrator should not: Be as dramatic as the program Fill in pauses Anticipate Action The narrator should: Be professional, not an amateur reader Clearly indicate screen changes Identify characters by both name and relationship The narrator should Only explain sounds that are mysterious after describing the context of the scene 133 Captioning Vendor Checklist How long have you been in business? Price schedules Live Captioning What is your accuracy rate of live captioning? What is your process for captioning a live program? (e.g., audio line or satellite link) What is your last minute captioning procedure? Product (inspect various finished samples) Clarity/precision Placement Size Other differentiating features Service 134 Equipment Needed for Live Captioning Live captioning is recording what is being said and immediately displaying it Live captioning requires: A stenocaptioner A stenographic keyboard A computer to translate the steno into English text, formatted as captions. 135 Pre-recorded Captions Closed (decoder is necessary to open the captions for viewing) or Open (visible to all viewers) Televisions with 13-inch or larger screens sold or manufactured in the United States after 1993 have an installed decoder chip Otherwise, the television will require a set-top decoder. 136 YouTube Captioning Information An archived online workshop is available at: ?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal NOTE: this is on about 65% effective and is not a permanent solution may serve as a temporary measure in an unforeseeable situation.” 137 Captioning in the Stadium Captioning on the LED boards is required for Washington Redskins to meet the "effective communication" requirement This does not mean that captioning is required for all stadiums, “because other aids could be sufficient or other stadiums may be able to invoke undue burden or fundamental alteration defenses” (Feldman v. Pro Football, Inc.; WFI Stadium, Inc., Nos. 09-1021, 091023, 2011 WL 1097549 (4th Cir. March 25, 201l)(unpublished)) 138 Time & Cost Considerations General Cost Considerations How much lead time can you provide the captioning vendor? Less time may mean higher cost. Do you plan on multiple or high quantity orders? The vendor may offer bulk discounts. Can you provide a script in electronic format? This reduces workload on the captioners. How complicated/technical/specific is your subject matter? A video that uses unusual 139 Quality Control Checklist Check the script for: Timing captions coincides with associated audio Continuity Accuracy Pronunciation Flow Spelling Sound effects (applause, other additional audio) 140 409 Caption Processing Technology 409.1 General. Where ICT displays or processes video with synchronized audio, ICT shall conform to 409.1.1 or 409.1.2. 409.1.1 Decoding of Closed Captions to Open Captions. Where audio-visual players and displays process video with synchronized audio information, players and displays shall decode closed caption data and pass on an open-captioned signal to the video display. 409.1.2 Pass Through of Closed Caption Data. Where audio-visual players and displays process video with synchronized audio information, players and displays shall pass through closed caption data to the video display for decoding as displayed text. Cabling and ancillary equipment shall not block the pass through of closed caption data. 141 Captioning Solutions MAGpie 1.0 can be used to export the captions to three multimedia formats: Microsoft's Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange (SAMI) format external link, RealText - external link for use with RealPlayer, and Apple's QuickTime format - external link. It will also export the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) format - external link, which is a display language used to display captions in Quicktime and RealPlayer. Although you can export the captions to Quicktime, Real and Windows Media, MAGpie 1.0 can only caption media files that are in Windows Media format. MAGpie 2.01 is the most recent version of their popular web captioning tool. MAGpie 2 includes all of the features of MAGpie 1, and adds functionality to allow audio descriptions and captioning for Macromedia Flash. MAGpie 2 can play most media files, not just Windows Media, and is available for both Macintosh and Windows computers. Hi-Caption is HiSoftware's solution to help web content developers quickly create synchronized captions for web multimedia. Hi-Caption provides a development environment that allows users to caption and synchronize captions to content while they listen to or watch their media files. Hi-Caption initially saves the files as Microsoft's SAMI files, but these files can be converted to RealPlayer and Quicktime SMIL files with RealText and Quicktime Text. The file name SAMI stands for Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange and SMIL for the World Wide Web Consortium's Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language. Additionally, HiCaption seamlessly integrates with HiSoftware's other accessibility testing and monitoring solutions (i.e. AccVerify, AccRepair, and AccMonitor). 142 Audio Description Service An audio description service provides a prerecorded description of key visual elements in a program that a visually impaired viewer would ordinarily miss. The equipment used to receive audio description services includes: TV with Second Audio Program, or TV and VCR with SAP (Second Audio Program), or Multi-channel Television Sound (MTS) that allows for 3 channels, 2 for stereo sound, and 1 for SAP. 143 410 Video Description Processing Technology 410.1 General. Where ICT displays or processes video with synchronized audio information, ICT shall provide a mode of operation that plays audio information associated with video description. 410.1.1 Digital Television Tuners. Where video description is played through digital television tuners, the tuners shall conform to ATSC A/53 Digital Television Standard, Part 5 (2010) (incorporated by reference in Chapter 1). Digital television tuners shall provide processing of video description when encoded as a Visually Impaired (VI) associated audio service that is provided as a complete program mix containing video description according to the A/53 standard developed by the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) (incorporated by reference in Chapter 1). 144 411 User Controls for Captions and Video Description 411.1 General. Where ICT displays video with synchronized audio content, ICT shall provide user controls for closed captions and video description conforming to 411.1. 411.1.1 Caption Controls. Where user controls are provided for the selection of volume, ICT shall provide user controls for the selection of captions in at least one location that is comparable in prominence to the location of the user controls for volume. 411.1.2 Video Description Controls. Where user controls are provided for the selection of channels, ICT shall provide user controls for the selection of video description in at least one location that is comparable in prominence to the location of the user controls for channels. 145 OCR Guidance: Access for the Vision Impaired “Substantially Equivalent Ease of Use” Students must be afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as sighted students. equally effective and equally integrated manner Must ensure equal access to the educational benefits and opportunities afforded by the technology and equal treatment in the use of such technology. 146 Sample HHS Auxiliary Aid Agreement HHS secured a signed Resolution Agreement to ensure that UUHC (serving more than 850,000 patients annually) will screen patients with hearing, vision or speech disabilities and provide auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters (1) affirm its compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794 (2) issue and post policies to ensure that appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters or video interpretation services, are provided to patients with hearing, vision or speech impairments within a two hour time period 147 Sample HHS Auxiliary Aid Agreement (cont.) (3) establish and post nondiscrimination policies and Section 504 grievance procedures (4) train physicians, employees and contractors on procedures to ensure effective communication (5) place TTY lines throughout its facilities (6) issue customer service questionnaires to patients with disabilities and (7) provide comprehensive compliance reports to OCR. 148 National Association of the Deaf Takes on Netflix Over Captioning Netflix, (largest Internet video subscription service) is facing a disability discrimination lawsuit over the lack of captioning of its ondemand content. The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) alleges that by refusing to provide captioning for its streaming television shows and movies, the company is violating Title III of Americans With Disabilities Act. NAD states the Internet is a "place of public accommodation" and Netflix's failure to caption amounts to a failure to provide full and equal enjoyment of its goods and services. The requests injunctive relief to provide closed captions for all of its on-demand content. "Despite repeated requests Netflix has provided captions on only a small portion of the overall titles available on the Watch Instantly service," the plaintiffs said in a press release. NAD, et al, v. Netflix, was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts nadfiles-disability-civil-rights-lawsuit-against-netflix 149 Telecommunications Title II and III require Voicemail and messaging to be realtime for individuals using auxiliary aids and services including TTYs and all forms of FCC-approved telecommunications relay systems, including internet based relay systems §35.161(b) and §36.303(a)(1) 150 Telecommunications (cont.) Title II and III require: Response to telephone calls from telecommunications and relay services in the same manner as other calls §35.161(c) and §36.303(d)(4) Title III allows places of public accommodation to use relay services in place of direct telephone communication for receiving or making telephone calls incident to operations §36.303(d)(3) Title III requires accessible public phones if public allowed to use phones on more than incidental basis §36.303(d)(2) 151 ANPRM Update 911 TECHONOLOGY Must currently accept TTY directly without using outside relay services Ultimate Goal is for 911 to use voice, text, or video from wired and wireless devices Waiting for final proposed Rule 152 Best Practice Effective Communications Communications with individuals who have Hearing, Vision, Speech, Mobility and Learning impairments are readily available and as effective as communications with others Qualified sign-language interpreters, Amplification systems, Television and video captioning, Telecommunication devices for the deaf [TTY], readers Automatic voice access to admissions status, financial-aid status, grades, changing of personal records (address or phone number change), voting in student elections, registration for classes and/or any similar automatic voice access system, has a companion system accessible to TTY users and students who 153 cannot use voice systems. Best Practice Communications (cont.) The campus has in place methods to provide appropriate communication devices including TTYs, assistive listening devices, etc., to students, guests and visitors. TTY locations is well publicized. The campus follows the Hearing Aid Compatibility Act of 1988 and the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in providing hearing aidcompatible phones for public use (pay phones, local access or house phones, and for phones provided in teleconferencing and videoconferencing). A percentage of public use phones have volume control, as required by ADAAG. Televisions and monitors have decoders for closed captioning. The institution has a policy that all new videos purchased will be captioned and existing videos used regularly will be replaced with captioned versions. 154 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 155 Best Practice Public Accommodations Events and Special Activities Marketing ADA Notice Ticketing Physical Access Signage Path of Travel Transportation Parking Seating Restroom Drinking Fountain Amenities Vendors Service Animals Communication What is Your Experience? 156 Example Notice Public Accommodations: KU Library Assistance Assistance with Print Materials Workstation Accessibility Adaptive Technology Electronic journals, books, and databases Software: Microsoft Windows XP · Acrobat Reader 8 · Adobe ImageReady 7 · Adobe Photoshop 7 · ArcSoft Photobase 3 · ArcSoft Photo Studio 5 · Cannon Scanning · Connect Outloud 3 · EndNote X · insight v5.6 · iTunes · Java 2 · JAWS 8.0 · OpenBook 7.2 · QuickTime · RealPlayer · Microsoft Office 2003: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint · Outlook Express · Power DVD DX · RefWorks/WriteNCite · Roxio Creator DE · Windows Media Player · Windows Messenger · Browsers: Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. Reference Assistance and Information Services 157 Training: Don’t Forget Volunteers Complaint alleged inadequate number of accessible parking stalls, discontinued golf cart services, provided limited shuttle service, and failed to provide adequate notice of drop off zones for home football games Volunteer staff did not adequately inform complainant Agreement: Training of staff and web posting of all parking and transportation updates Duke University (3-2011) 158 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 159 Best Practice Student Program Examples Health and Counseling Comprehensive health services existcapable of addressing needs of students with disabilities to the same extent as students without disabilities Policies and procedures for student participation in health, career and counseling services are reviewed regularly Exam Rooms meet new Equipment Standards Auxiliary Aids are readily Available 160 Student Programs (cont.) Residential Written procedures to request housing accommodations. Residential facilities have appropriate percentage of accessible rooms (according to ADAAG standards). Accessible housing is dispersed throughout the residence system. Access allows an equal experience and cost. Written procedures exist and are publicized to request housing accommodations when an attendant is needed. Flexibility in policies exists that allow variances when the need is adequately documented. Laundry areas include accessible machines that are available in both dorms and family housing. Maintenance provides individualized accommodation 161 needs such as grab bars, etc. Student Programs (cont.) Dining Considerations are made for specific dietary needs. Assistance is available for students who need help in carrying trays, identifying foods, can’t wait in line etc. Dining halls and lounges are wheelchair-accessible. Menus, if used, are available in Braille, large print, or someone is available to read this information to persons who cannot access the print medium. 162 Student Employment Departments include essential functions on all job descriptions. Selection criteria for jobs are consistent with the essential functions of the job. Announcements regarding position vacancies are in accessible formats. Materials, resources and guides readily available in Alternate formats to help ensure nondiscrimination in its programs. Training/regular updates for all departments regarding their responsibility in ensuring equal opportunity for people with disabilities to participate in the programs, activities and services of and to receive benefits from the institution. Financial and related employment assistance exists for students with disabilities when necessary to achieve equal access to employment opportunities. 163 Student Organizations All student and social organizations are accessible, nondiscriminatory, and seek participation by students with disabilities. Policies exist in writing that student organizations will operate in a nondiscriminatory fashion. The number of individuals with disabilities who may participate in a program or activity is not limited. Programs and activities receiving “significant assistance” Letter to Thomas Cooley Law School (12-2010) Failure to provide auxiliary aids at student bar association meetings 164 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 165 Exams and Courses Title III (§36.309) Three Distinctions: Documentation is “Reasonable and limited” Prior modifications in similar situations receive “Considerable Weight” Response is in a “timely manner” 166 Documentation: Reasonable and Limited New language adopted from the Preamble: “…when testing entities receive documentation provided by a qualified professional who has made an individualized assessment of an applicant that supports the need for the modification, accommodation, or aid requested, they shall generally accept such documentation and provide the accommodation”. 167 Acceptable Documentation May 2012 AHEAD Documentation Guideline Update: History of Diagnosis Participation in Special Ed Program Prior accommodations K-12 or Other Recommendation from Qualified Professional Licensed or Credentialed with expertise in the disability for which the modification is sought Psycho-educational evaluation 168 National Board of Med Exam’rs DOJ stepped in when a Yale medical student complained that the NBME denied his requests for double time and a separate testing room for his dyslexia twice on the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam. NBME claimed insufficient documentation Agreement: Granted the student's request Will only request documentation about the existence of a physical or mental impairment; whether the applicant's impairment substantially limits a major life activity; and whether and how the impairment limits the applicant's ability to take the exam under standard conditions. 169 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 170 The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act 1. Requires accessibility features for smart phones, video programming guides and navigation devices 2. Requires major stations to include Video description (for the blind) 3. Covers both the content and the equipment 171 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Standards and Guidelines Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (December 8, 2011) E201 Application E201.1 Scope. ICT that is procured, developed, maintained, or used by agencies shall conform to these requirements. 172 Functional Performance Criteria 302.1 Without Vision. Where a visual mode of operation is provided, ICT shall provide at least one mode of operation that does not require user vision. 302.2 With Limited Vision. Where a visual mode of operation is provided, ICT shall provide at least one mode of operation that magnifies, one mode that reduces the field of vision required, and one mode that allows user control of contrast. 302.3 Without Perception of Color. Where a visual mode of operation is provided, ICT shall provide at least one mode of operation that does not require user perception of color. 302.4 Without Hearing. Where an auditory mode of operation is provided, ICT shall provide at least one mode of operation that does not require user hearing. 173 Functional Performance Criteria (cont.) 302.5 With Limited Hearing. Where an auditory mode of operation is provided, ICT shall provide at least one mode of operation which improves clarity, one mode that reduces background noise, and one mode that allows user control of volume. 302.6 Without Speech. Where a spoken mode of operation is provided, ICT shall provide at least one mode of operation that does not require user speech. 302.7 With Limited Manipulation. Where a manual mode of operation is provided, ICT shall provide at least one mode of operation that does not require fine motor control or operation of more than one control at the same time. 174 Functional Performance Criteria (cont.) 302.8 With Limited Reach and Strength. Where a manual mode of operation is provided, ICT shall provide at least one mode of operation that is operable with limited reach and limited strength. 302.9 Minimize Photosensitive Seizure Triggers. ICT shall provide at least one mode of operation that minimizes the potential for triggering photosensitive seizures. 175 Clarification of Documentation Requirement for Undue Burden The Board received only two comments, both made by one individual with a disability, in response to this provision. Both comments requested clarification of the factors to be addressed in undue burden documentation. In the 2011 ANPRM, the Board has clarified the factors used as the basis for a determination of undue burden in subsection E202.5.1, and retained the requirement for documentation in subsection E202.5.2. The Board believes that requiring documentation of undue burden determinations for the use, maintenance, and development of ICT in addition to procurements will result in greater consistency and conformance with the 508 standards. These changes are consistent with the language of the statute, incorporate current practices, and encourage consistency in the documentation of undue burden determinations. 176 Form a Technology Committee Include: IT Disability services personnel Admissions and records personnel Student advisory administrators Financial administrators Develop policies for Purchasing Requiring Accessibility New or additional equipment New or additional software 177 Best Practices - Institutional Policies For IT Access Standards Procurement guidelines Assignment of responsibility for cost Procedures for delivery of needed AT Publication Proactive approach & adoption of policies help avoid legal problems later 178 Formulating Your Plan Strategy Medium and long range goals Relationship to academic plan Specific discipline and delivery method with learning plans Structure Organization Integration v. Stand alone Resources Decision Making Authority Who and How 179 Selecting Technologies Considerations: What problem will this technology solve? What effect does this have on workload? Will level of functionality meet current and future needs Will technology open new markets? What is the cost-effectiveness (recurrent costs) Interface with existing technology Intellectual and privacy issues (Bates and Sangra 201-203) 180 Harvard Technology Accessibility Policy Harvard is committed to providing access to information technology resources for people with disabilities, in accord with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Harvard endorses the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) (version 1.0) Priority Level 1 as the minimum guideline for the development of new institutional websites. University web developers should address care and attention to the accessibility of web content presented for use by present and prospective students, faculty, staff, and the public. The School Disabilities Coordinators can advise students requesting accommodation and assistive technologies for academic use. At the University level, the University Disability Coordinator sponsors accessibility coordination initiatives such as IT and Disabilities Coordinator training, articulates overall requirements for disabilities compliance, and advises on specific accessibility 181 issues encountered by those with disabilities. Harvard Policy (cont.) The Office of the University CIO supports initiatives for information technology accessibility and sponsors the University license for website accessibility diagnostics. Accessibility considerations are incorporated into the process of procuring new technologies for University deployment. At the School level, the Harvard Schools individually and collaboratively work with students requiring accommodation for the provision of suitable assistive technologies. Information technology accessibility is incorporated into expectations for websites and each of the Schools review high priority websites on a regular basis for accessibility issues. In accord with the University’s decentralized structure, a University IT Accessibility Advisory Group representing Harvard Schools, Central Administration, Museums, and Libraries meets periodically to identify priorities and challenges, sponsor initiatives, and review progress in this area. 182 Harvard Policy (cont.) The Web is increasingly an essential resource for many aspects of life: education, employment, government, commerce, health care, recreation, social interaction, and more. The Web is used not only for receiving information, but also for providing information and interacting with society. Therefore, it is essential that the Web be accessible in order to provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with disabilities. Indeed, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) recognizes Web accessibility as a basic human right. While accessibility focuses on people with disabilities, it also benefits older users, mobile phone users, and other individuals, as well as organizations. Older users with age-related accessibility needs are an increasingly important customer base for most organizations, as the percentage of older users is increasing significantly. Organizations with accessible websites benefit from search engine optimization (SEO), reduced legal risk, demonstration of corporate social responsibility (CSR), and increased customer loyalty. Organizations can realize substantial return on investment (ROI) that offset any costs of implementing Web accessibility. In order to be willing to make the initial investment, many organizations need to understand the social, technical, and financial benefits of Web accessibility, and the expected returns. The justification to commit resources to a project is often called a "business case". Business cases usually document an analysis of a project's value in meeting the organization's 183 objectives, the cost-benefit analysis, and the expected outcomes. ANPRM Update WEBSITE ACCESSIBILITY §508 Compliance Targeting Public Entities Specifically looking at Program Registration Services Updated Regulations December 2011. Final Rules possibly 2013. 184 OCR Guidance for Web Accessibility OCR released a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation Web Access Considerations under Section 504 and Title II that represents the most current OCR guidelines on web accessibility considerations under §504 and ADA. D=1229 Even if a library terminal has assistive computer technology installed for users with disabilities, Internet research by users with disabilities is not possible with inaccessible webpage design. 185 An Institutional Approach to Web Accessibility Adopt unambiguous policy requiring accessible web content, including alternative access modes for rare unforeseeable exceptions Publicize policy Adopt & publish plan for compliance Remember it is easier and less costly to build it right than to retrofit 186 Guidelines for Accessible Web Design W3C/WAI: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Section 508 Standards State regulations or system wide rules Another set of standards, including "home grown," that produce comparable results 187 Web Site Accessibility Images and animations. Use the ALT attribute to describe the function of each visual. Images have embedded text explanations. Image maps. Use client-side MAP (image map processor) and text for hotspots (active regions in images containing links or other types of interactivity). Multimedia. Provide captioning and transcripts of audio, and descriptions of video. Eliminating Flash. Hypertext links. Use text that makes sense when read out of context. For example, avoid “click 188 here.” Web Site Accessibility (cont.) Page organization. Use headings, lists and consistent structure. Be sure they are descriptive. Use CSS (cascading style sheets) for layout and style when possible. Graphs and charts. Summarize or use the longdesc (long description) attribute. Scripts, applets and plug-ins. Provide alternative content in case active features are inaccessible or unsupported. 189 Web Site Accessibility (cont.) Frames. Use NOFRAMES (displaying text intended for frames in Web documents for those using browsers that cannot read frames) and meaningful titles. Tables. Make line-by-line reading sensible. Summarize. Check your work. Validate. Use tools, checklists and guidelines at quick tips also are at: 190 Programming Accessibility Considerations Firmware type of hard-coded software that is built into hardware, such as sound cards, video cards, modems, and keyboards. Operating System and Shell The operating system (OS) is the low-level software that controls the hardware and other software. In doing so, the OS essentially manages the computer's resources, such as what commands the processor runs and when, memory (drives and RAM), and disk space. Application An application is a type of software that is intended to perform a specific set of functions for a user or for another application. Common examples are a word processor, a spreadsheet program, or the browser through which you're viewing this page. 191 Programming Accessibility Considerations (cont.) Programming Toolkit Every application is written using a computer language. Most languages include a "toolkit" that is similar to the application program interface (API) in an OS in that it contains common functions that do not have to be custom coded into the application. "Built-in" accessibility An application that is directly accessible has incorporated the ability for someone with any disability to successfully interact with the software without the use of AT. Plug-in" accessibility Software applications that are compatibly accessible are designed to communicate with the other "layers," such as the OS. The section 508 technical standards provide minimum specifications for software designers to implement this type of solution. In being compatible with the OS and AT, the software passes and receives information common to the other layers. 192 Free Accessibility Checking Software JAN S.N.A.P. Tool – Free Evaluation with red, yellow, green rating. 193 STEP # RESULT STEP DESCRIPTION 1 Does the site allow navigation with screen reading software? 2 Does the site provide text alternatives for all non-text content? 3 Does the site provide accessible multimedia (audio/visual (A/V) or alternatives) that allow users to understand the content? 4 Does the site use other means of conveying information besides color? 5 Does the site allow users to lower the volume or completely turn off any background audio content? 6 Does the site allow navigation by a user who does not use a mouse? 7 Does the site provide users with enough time to read, understand, and interact with online content? SELF-ASSESSMENT STEPS FOR CORRECTION 194 STEP S # T E P # 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 RESULT STEP DESCRIPTION 8 Does the site avoid content that flashes or blinks too quickly? 9 Does the site allow the default human language of each page to be programmatically determined? 10 Does the site present content in an organized manner that avoids unexplained changes in context? 11 Does the site help users avoid and correct mistakes? 12 Does the site allow users to skip repetitive content? 13 Does the site provide fully accessible PDFs, PowerPoint documents, and online forms? 14 Does the site display the company’s equal employment opportunity (EEO) policy statement? 15 Does the site explain to people with disabilities how they can get help using it and where to get reasonable accommodation if they cannot apply online? SELF-ASSESSMENT STEPS FOR CORRECTION 195 Accessibility Checking Software Bobby from Watchfire. $299. Bobby spiders through a website and tests on a page-by-page basis to see if it meets several accessibility requirements, including readability by screen readers, the provision of text equivalents for all images, animated elements, audio and video displays. Bobby can see local web pages, as well as web pages behind your firewall. It performs over 90 accessibility checks. InFocus from SSB Technologies. $1795. InFocus™ InFocus Desktop was the first commercial Web accessibility software and remains the market leader, with over 115 accessibility tests encompassing all major accessibility standards and a high level of automation available, InFocus The LIFT Machine from UsableNet $999. LIFT Machine is a server-based application that automatically scans internal and external websites for over 140 quality, accessibility, and usability issues. It then generates a variety of web-based reports for both executives and individual content creators. 196 Accessibility Checking Software (cont.) Ramp Ascend from Deque $1499.. Ramp Ascend includes full capabilities for adding SMIL captioning to multi-media, ensures web animations are safe, and provides comprehensive table remediation to even the most complex, n-dimensional tables. Includes plug-ins for Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage, and Mercury Interactive TestDirector 8. The product without repair functions is Ramp Grade, $269, and without spidering, Ramp Personal Edition, $69. Deque also an Enterprise product. WebKing from Parasoft (Contact for prices.) WebKing allows users to record critical user click paths by following them in a browser, then it automatically configures and executes functional/regression tests that verify paths and page contents while ignoring insignificant differences. WebKing’s static analysis identifies client-side code that does not comply with Section 508 accessibility rules, and pages with broken links, XML problems, and spelling errors. WebXM from Watchfire (Contact for prices.) Watchfire provides software and services to identify, measure and prioritize accessibility, and compliance risks that exist on corporate web properties. 197 Best Practice Web Accessibility New content Policy requires full Accessibility Training for standard guidelines Mechanism to review continued accessibility Existing content: Prioritize Core content Existing active course content Active secondary content Historical (inactive) content Linking to Outside Content Must be accessible 198 Online Accessibility John Wodatch, former chief of the disability rights section of the Justice Department, at the June meeting of the National Association of College and University Attorneys, urged college officials to think about the accessibility of their online courses to blind students and those with limited manual dexterity. OCR Letter to University of North Carolina Pembroke (2-2008) Complaint about captioning turned into campus accessibility review OCR Letter to George Mason University (04-2011) 15 minute latitude for attendance sufficient Refusal to grant webcasts when unable to attend NOT discriminatory 199 OCR May 26th 2011 Dear Colleague Letter As the use of emerging technologies in the classroom increases, schools at all levels must ensure equal access to the educational benefits and opportunities afforded by the technology and equal treatment in the use of the technology for all students, including students with disabilities. 200 OCR Technology Requirements Must a school always provide the same form of emerging technology to a student who is blind or has low vision as it provides to all other students? No: The legal duty imposed by Section 504 and Title II is to provide equal opportunity —access to the educational benefit at issue in an equally effective and equally integrated manner. Remember this No really means yes. 201 OCR on Technology FAQ (cont.) Whenever existing technology is 'upgraded' by a new technology feature, it is important to ensure that the new technology either improves accessibility or is compatible with existing assistive computer technology. When an entity selects software programs and/or hardware equipment not adaptable for people with disabilities: "...the subsequent substantial expense of providing access is not generally regarded as an undue burden when such cost could have been significantly reduced by considering the issue of accessibility at the time of the initial selection.” 202 OCR Technology FAQ and Online Education Question 7. Does the DCL apply to online courses and other online content, such as online applications for admission, class assignments, and housing? Answer to Question 7. Yes. The principles in the DCL apply to online programs that are part of the operations of the school, i.e., provided by the school directly or through contractual or other arrangements. 203 OCR FAQ (cont.) Example: A school creates an online course that includes instruction, posting of assignments and other course content, and a forum where students can discuss their course work with the teacher and each other. The teacher would like to incorporate video clips into the course, but is unable to obtain the video clips with audio descriptions. As a modification, the teacher creates separate audio descriptions for each video clip that narrate what is taking place in the video, and places them in a separate section of the online course. The online course includes links that enable persons who use screen readers to bypass the video clips completely and instead listen to the audio descriptions. Here, the use of detailed audio descriptions that are a part of the online course would provide students with disabilities access to the same opportunities and benefits in an equally effective and equally integrated manner. 204 Distance Education Accessibility Requires More than Accessibility and 508 Compliance in every Aspect (testing etc.) Provide Assistive Technology Training at Distance Sites Alternatives to “chats” Accessible homework options Accessibility statement on Materials and Web Registration Accessibility Contact (at all hours program is operating – 24/7) 205 “Substantially Equivalent Ease of Use” “equally effective and equally integrated manner.” Some forms of emerging technology may readily offer students educational opportunities and benefits that traditional alternative media cannot replicate.” 206 Online Courses It is estimated that 90 % of higher education institutions have online courses of some kind The enforcement effort by OCR will undoubtedly accelerate because Professors are teaching long distance learning courses over the Internet and even if a student is physically in class, homework assignments and resources are being posted on class webpages. 207 Accessible Distance Education “Musts” Ensure materials and web registration include access statement Ensure compliance in every aspect (testing, homework, Discussion, etc.) Provide assistive technology training at Distance Sites Consider alternatives to live “chats” 208 Online Course Considerations Class Size Admissions and Eligibility (most use regular standards) In Class Room Time Lecture by Video Tape over Internet v. Real Time Online Discussions requirements (v. more informal chats) Delivery Schedule (time requirements) Purchased lectures or presentations from other institutions Exams (at home on an honor system v. proctored 209 Online Course Considerations (cont.) UDL and Distance Learning Model Training Course Accessible Documents Faculty Training Learning Management Systems: Instructure (Canvas) Desire 2 Learn Blackboard eCollege. 210 Distance Ed Policy Considerations On-Campus Fees Off-Campus (Online) Fees Billing Retakes Incomplete Grade Policy Credit Hours Credit Hour Limit Grades Graduation Status Changes Drop/Refunds/ Withdrawals Accessibility Notice 211 UCONN Faculty Recommendations for Online and Blended Courses Clear statement of expectations and deadlines Explicit course organization, structure, and guidelines Consideration of technical elements Clear ways for students to obtain technical support Time management and course engagement (faculty response time etc) 212 UCONN Student Recommendations for Online and Blended Courses Plan for more time on course-related activities Increased need for self-monitoring and selfmanagement Need for clear and explicit directions and expectations from instructor 213 Who is Responsible For Distance Technology Accessibility? The Student: If all students are required to bring their own computer to campus (with or without disabilities) and to have all the hardware and software necessary to participate in the course (compatible computer, software and Internet access) Including the assistive technology to access the distance learning course for whatever hardware and software is necessary to allow him/her to be ready to participate. Make certain that that requirement is clearly defined in the admission requirements. Be certain to advise the required computer capacity. If modifications are needed to make the computer usable by the student (screen reading software, modified keyboard, etc.), it is the students responsibility to acquire same, and the student must be trained in the use of the computer. 214 Who is Responsible For Distance Technology Accessibility (cont.)? Possibly the School: If the school is providing the equipment in such places as labs, libraries, etc., then the school must be sure they make the needed modifications. Even if it is not the legal obligation of the postsecondary institution to provide the assistive technology, it is the responsibility of the distance learning course provider to make sure that users with disabilities who use assistive technology have access to the web-based information. Goal: Anyone, using any browser, can visit any site and fully understand the information with complete ability to interact with the site. 215 OCR Letter to Strayer University Online University (70 Campuses) Allegations Failed to notify student of approved accommodations (substantiated) Failed to provide graphs in textual alternative formats (substantiated) Failed to approve course substitution Failed to notify professors of academic adjustments Failed to notify student if professors agreed 216 OCR Findings Strayer Inconsistent information who to contact for academic adjustments (printed materials) Inconsistent accommodation protocol Inconsistent notification to staff and professors Spotty implementation of accommodations Ineffective graphs or descriptions Inaccessible Website 217 Extended Test Time Online How much time do you extend when everyone else is given more time than the instructor thinks is really necessary? Section 504/ADA hold the promise of equal access to opportunities presented to students without disabilities. It ONLY matters what opportunities other students get in relation to that test. (Jane Jarrow) 218 North Carolina State Tech Policy ENTERPRISE-LEVEL IT SYSTEMS OR TECHNOLOGIES: The University is committed to promote and integrate universal IT accessibility in the delivery of its resources and to develop innovative solutions to accessibility challenges for students, faculty and staff. Vendors must: a. Assure all features, components and sub-systems of the software or IT System contained on this RFQ fully comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794d), (; OR Detail why any feature, component or sub-system contained in this RFQ doe s not fully comply with Section 508, and the way in which the proposed product is out of compliance; b. If the Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPAT) ( html) are used, they must include compliance checklists for: 1. Technical Standards, 2. Function and Performance Criteria 3. Documentation and Support c. The product offered in response to this RFQ is subject to an accessibility evaluation by the University. 219 Best Practice Technology Adaptive technology is utilized, maintained, and updated to ensure that students with disabilities have equivalent access to technology. Access to computers for students with disabilities is provided during the same hours available to all students. Computing access for students with disabilities is regularly reviewed provisions exist to fund the necessary technology. Computer labs are staffed by knowledgeable personnel who can instruct persons with disabilities on use of AT. Procedures exist for distributing, maintaining, and supporting adaptive computer technology training for users. Procedures and equipment are in place to ensure that all electronic information is accessible upon request, including distance learning and teleconferencing. 220 Best Practice Technology (cont.) World Wide Web "publications" are compatible with standard adaptive software and meet criteria for accessible Web sites (W3C or 508 standards have been reviewed and adopted). Accessible Technology Policy (form an Accessible IT committee) Notice to all faculty and staff of the necessity to make Web pages and distance learning accessible for ADA compliance. Training/technical support is provided to faculty and staff for web/distance learning access. Informational technologies (such as library catalogues or information kiosks) are accessible to students with a variety of disabilities. Variety of technology readily available (for example, real-time captioning, C-print, Brailling, screen magnification), or students can access these items in a timely manner upon request. Materials in alternative formats is readily available upon request and in a timely manner. (taped texts, Brailled materials or large print materials). 221 Accessibility of Instructional Materials Congress require publishers of digital content to offer it in a fully accessible format. (offer tax incentives) Congress also should examine the current state of scanning services in the typical disability services office to determine whether scanning print materials satisfies the ADA's accommodation requirement and whether the Chafee Amendment should be clarified to allow educational institutions to operate as "authorized (The amendment allows authorized entities to reproduce or distribute materials in specialized formats for individuals with disabilities without running afoul of the Copyright Act.) Educational institutions should ensure that materials are fully accessible to students with disabilities. "institutions should aggressively educate faculty and other stakeholders about the 'significant guidance documents' issued by the Department of Justice and the Department of Education regarding the accessibility of instructional materials,“ "Faculty and other decision-makers must consider equal access for students with disabilities when choosing products to adopt." 222 Academic Freedom Full Freedom to Conduct Research and Publish Freedom to Teach Subject in the Classroom Freedom to Speak or Write as Individual Citizens in the Community (not university representatives) There is NO Academic Freedom to Discriminate against any Student including those with Disabilities. 223 What Do Faculty Need to Implement Accessibility Effectively Training (1-3 yr plan) Epistemology (objectivism, social construction, science v. arts) Biological basis of learning (cognition, memory, emotion) Learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism, connectivism) The design of teaching (defining learning objectives, outcomes, strategies, assessment, evaluation and evaluation) Learning technologies (assessment of 224 current skill, need, practice) What Faculty Need (cont.) Project work (design, delivery, evaluate) Electives: Emerging technologies and their application Planning, managing courses Cultural and international teaching and learning issues (Bates and Sangra197-198) Continuous Professional Development in Teaching (12 Mo plan) Include technology as a component in every leadership activity (Bates and Sangra) 225 UCONN E-Tools Course Organization and Expectations Assignment Calculator Course Management Software Doodle Google Reader Grade Tracker Template MS Word - Hyperlinks MS Word - Web Pages MS Word - Word to PDF Template - Student Resources Template - Syllabus Template - Week One Introductory Model Widgets 226 E-Tools Instructional Supports and Materials For Course Content Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 Comment Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 Extracting PDFs Audacity Apple Keynote - Audio Apple Keynote - Notes Apple Keynote Presentation Mode BioAlive Camtasia Feeds Flash Fotobabble Google Docs Inspiration Jing MS Word AutoSummary MS Word - Comment MS Word - Highlight MS Word - Outline Podcasts PowerPoint - Audio Narrations PowerPoint - Notes PowerPoint - Pictures PowerPoint Presentation Mode YouTube 227 E-Tools Student Assessment Assessment Strategy: Detecting Plagarism Assessment Strategy: Group Discussion of Exams Assessment Strategy: Likert Rating Scale for Student Feedback Assessment Strategy: Online Surveys and Polls: SurveyMonkey, Polldaddy, Poll Everywhere Assessment Strategy: Prompts Assessment Strategy: Providing Formative Feedback on Written Drafts Assessment Strategy: Rubrics, Rubistar Assessment Strategy: Test Banks & Practice Tests, Quiz Press 228 Best Practice Academics A process exists through the Office of Students with Disabilities that assists students in determining appropriate academic adjustments and auxiliary aids based upon documentation. Academic policies are in place that will accommodate the needs of students with disabilities (repeat rules, incomplete policies, "reasonable accommodation"). Accommodations are modified as needed. Fundamental Elements are established for each Degree, Department and class. There is a policy that describes how to request course substitutions without fundamentally alter the educational program or that would pose unreasonable risk to the student or others. Policies exist in the institution that freely allow the following in the classroom upon request: notetakers, tape recorders, interpreters, attendants, computers, captioners, and service animals. 229 Academics (cont.) Campus tutoring services, when provided for all students, are accessible to students with disabilities. Tutors are trained in using adaptive equipment, alternate media and/or differences in learning styles. Academic accommodations include: Reduced course load. Course substitutions. Alternate assignments. Flexible scheduling. Pass-fail options versus letter grade. Determination of dean's list status (e.g., during reduced course load). Extended time to complete degree. Exam accommodations. Adapted technology. 230 Academics (cont.) Faculty are Required to Caption and visually describe all auditory/visual material and provide accessible online/web material even if optional to the class. Faculty Understand: Students can make audio and/or video recordings of lectures, provided that recording is not disruptive, when it is an appropriate accommodation and docs not infringe on copyright. Faculty are required to provide: Accessible Handouts, websites Options to reduce distractions during in-class writing. 231 Simplified or repeated instructions, orally and Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 232 Best Practice Employment HR Accessible Policy and Procedure Departments include essential functions on all job descriptions. Selection criteria for jobs are consistent with the essential functions of the job. Announcements regarding position vacancies are in accessible formats. Materials, resources and guides readily available in Alternate formats to help ensure nondiscrimination in its programs. Accessible Testing for entrance requirements. Training/regular updates for all departments regarding their responsibility in ensuring equal opportunity for people with disabilities to participate in the programs, activities and services of and to receive benefits from the institution. Financial and related employment assistance exists for employees with disabilities when necessary to achieve equal access to employment opportunities. 233 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 234 NPRM Update Feb 2012 EQUIPMENT Medical Equipment (exam tables, chairs) Exercise Equipment Golf Carts (and number of holes on the course) Beds Electronics (all kiosks, point of sale machines and ATM, gas pumps) Waiting for final proposed rule but 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act is 235 effective NOW! Physical Accessibility 2010 Accessibility Requirements Entrance Routes Parking Transportation Housing Classrooms Laboratories Athletic Facilities Restrooms Auxiliary Buildings Kiosks 236 Title II and III Regulations: Hotel/Housing 3-15-2012 On or Off Site Hotel Management and Reservation Services available to all Identify and Describe Accessible Features Hold Guest rooms until all others are sold out Guarantee the Specific Accessible Room Reserved is Held Rooms Available on a Walk-Up or Call In Basis Timeshares and Condominiums controlled by 3rd Party Must Operate like Hotels 237 Housing at Places of Education Housing operated by or on behalf (includes Greek) Undergraduate (occupied school year only) follow transient lodging standards Graduate follow residential standards (5% mobility 2% communication) Distinct Purpose Dorms must be scoped individually When changing residential use, new scoping automatically applies (athletes etc) 238 Best Practice Physical Accessibility Written policy and procedure to require interface between programmatic and facility issues. A physical access specialist is available to review renovation/new construction projects and to consult with architects/institution regarding the planning of new projects. Established mechanisms and procedures exist for regular review of campus building construction, renovation, and maintenance projects to ensure compliance with ADAAG or UFAS as appropriate. (Risk Self Inspection) There is an identified process and mechanism for establishing the priorities for improving physical accessibility. (Your Transition Plan) Information exists via maps, brochures or Web pages regarding individual building access, access to classes and to campus-wide events. When facilities are not fully accessible, procedures exist for requesting modifications for access or the rescheduling of events/activities and class reassignment or relocation. (Who has the authority to move a class?) 239 Best Practice Physical (cont.) Any renovations, openings or closing of entrances or parking lots, installation of security systems, erection of fences, etc., are communicated beforehand to the SSD office so students with disabilities can be informed of the physical changes to the campus. Program access exists in buildings focused on integration and student choice, using ADAAG for physical alterations when necessary. New campuses/Buildings consider location and construction of buildings so natural topography is taken into consideration for new building accessibility. Wheelchair-access is ensured for all public locations of the institution, to eliminate the need to rely on relocation of classes, programs, services and activities Maintain Accessibility During Construction 240 UC-Berkeley (5-2011) Failure to move lectures, symposiums and conferences to an accessible location after six months of frequent elevator breakdown violates ADA and 504 when there is no evidence of the hardship to relocate activities Agreement: Online campus access guide Violation of a monitoring agreement reported to the Disability Advocates representing Plaintiff in prior federal accessibility lawsuit 241 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 242 Transportation Fixed Route Requirements: Non Fixed Route Requirements: Paratransit vans exist to supplement the bus system if all areas of campus cannot be readily accessed by bus. Paratransit is available at all times that other transit exists, so students can call on an asneeded basis. Special programs, entertainment events, social events, club activities, lectures and similar events offered by the university are held in architecturally accessible locations, including those held off-campus. 243 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 244 Best Practice Emergency Situations Alternate methods with the same quality and response time exist to: Notify visitor, students, staff and faculty of emergency notices? Take incoming calls from a TTY Hours of emergency services are provided for TTY users equal to the hours of operation of the services provided to others. TTY training is mandatory for all emergency communications services personnel who may have contact with individuals from the public who have hearing or speech disabilities. Telephone emergency services are tested to ensure direct, equal access for people using TTYs. 245 Emergency Situations (cont.) Staff education on emergency evacuation, including evacuation procedures. Staff receive special instructions about the needs of persons with disabilities, particularly emergency procedures. Individualized plans are offered and developed if desired by those with disabilities. Necessary evacuation equipment is available in each building. Shelter in place accessibility plan prepared. Continuing Operation Plan considers methods to include those with disabilities. 246 Emergency Situations (cont.) Lifts are equipped with emergency generator/power. Accessible emergency exists are clearly marked with access symbols. There is sufficient lighting along the accessible routes, corridors, and exists. Floor plans (e.g., print or tactile maps and models) include designated accessible exits and/or refuge areas, which are clearly marked. Emergency signage/information, including floor plans, is mounted at an appropriate height above floor and meets signage requirements. 247 Emergency Situations (cont.) Except in fully sprinkled buildings, an area of rescue assistance is it identified by a sign and meets the following criteria: Portion of a stairway landing within a smokeproof enclosure. Portion of an exterior exit balcony located adjacent to an exit stairway. Portion of a one-hour fire restrictive corridor located adjacent to an exit enclosure. Fire-resistive vestibule located adjacent to an exit enclosure. Portion of a stairway landing within an exit enclosure which is vented and separated from the interior of the building with fire resistive doors (not less than one hour). An area or room separated from portions of the 248 building by a smoke barrier. Emergency Situations (cont.) All alarms have both visual and audible signals. Audible alarms produce a noise which exceeds the ambient noise level by at least 15 decibels. Visual alarms xenon strobe type (or equivalent) with intensity of 75 candela and a flash rate of 1 per second minimum and 3 per second maximum. Visual alarms not more than 50 feet apart and mounted 80 inches above highest floor level or 6 inches below the ceiling, whichever is lower. All emergency exit doors clearly marked, and do they have a minimum opening of 32 inches? Exit doors equipped with tactile symbols to designate their location? 249 OCR Letters to George Mason University (4-2011) Student with multiple accessibility complaints Findings: Elevator out of operation for 24 hours total during a semester is not failure to provide access however, Note: Accessible features must be maintained for proper use 2nd Letter: Emergency Evacuation Procedure with Area of Rescue Assistance Sufficient multi story sprinklered building 250 Things To Consider Resources Who Materials Priority (High (1) Medium (2) Low (3)) Public Education Employment Cost Timeline and Deadline One Time Ongoing Public Involvement/Information 251 Remember The Steps To Success Accessibility Buy In From the Top ID Key Persons with Decision Making Authority and Establish Team Develop Survey Tool Disseminate Survey to EVERY Department Have Each Manager Identify Every Program or Service, the Method of Delivery, The Customer Served and whether it is accessible to each category of disability If it is not, Identify a solution, time frame, and cost 252 Return surveys to Committee Steps To Success (cont.) Enter data into Excel Spreadsheet Prioritize Include Feedback from your Disability Community Request Funds Track Progress Make Accessibility Part of Contracting, Purchasing, and Performance Criteria Work toward Universal Design for Inclusion 253 Free 508 Universe Training Courses Accessible Conference (2 hours) Accessible Video & Multimedia (2.5 hours) Additional Accessibility & Usability Concerns(1.25 hours) Buying accessible E & IT (1.25 hours) Building and Buying Accessible Software (2hours) Buying Accessible Computers (1.5hours) Buying Accessible Telecommunications Products (1hour 50 minutes) Designing Accessible Web Sites (4 hours) Micro-Purchases and Section 508(15 minutes) Opening Closed Products (1.5hours) Section 508 Coordinators (1.5 hours) urses# 254 Additional Resources U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, National Education Technology Plan,‐2010. Advisory Commission on Accessible Instructional Materials in Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities, National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC), Bookshare for Education, Described and Captioned Media Program, Learning Ally (formerly Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic), National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard Center (NIMAS Center), 255 Additional Resources (cont.) The American Printing House for the Blind (APH), The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), The Center for Implementing Technology in Education (CITEd), The Family Center on Technology and Disability (FCTD), www.accessibletech.orp - a website with information on tools, trainings and resources on accessible information technology - a free service that will provide accommodation information to callers www.disabilityinfo.Kov - comprehensive information about programs and services on federal state and local levels National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM Center) 256 Further Information U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section 800-514-0301 (voice) Disability Business and Technical Assistance Centers (DBTAC) 800-949-4232 (Voice/TTY) DOJ Title II Checklists 257 Questions and Answers Melissa L. Frost, J.D. State of Utah, Loss Control Specialist and ADA Coordinator 258