August - Town of St. Marys

St. Marys BIA Board Meeting Minutes
Aug 12, 2015, 6:30-8 p.m.
Town Hall Council Chambers
CALL TO ORDER AND CONFIRMATION OF QUORUM – called to order at 6:30 pm
APPROVAL OF AGENDA- add Website update –Sue, Approved by Carey, seconded by Julie
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approved by Julie, seconded by Mary Jane
Errors or Omissions –none noted
Attendance of Board: Nigel Howard, Julie Docker Johnson, Sherry Cookson, Mary Jane Ball, Sue Griffiths,
Carey Pope, Andrew Hodges.
Guests: Chantal Lynch, Brian Lynch- Hyggeligt Fabrics, Mary Van Den Berge, Casey Van Den BergeSunRayz Tanning, Bruce Barnes- Eclectic Treasures
CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS - Nigel encouraged Board Members to support Business after 5 in
either October or November in combination with the Chamber of Commerce. Suggestions for location
Potential Capital Expenditures follow-up – Sue is to amalgamate all ideas into one list and forward to Nigel to
be reviewed. Proposed costs are to be included where available, as well as suitable time roll out. These
potential capital expenditures would be considered for 2016.
$5000 had been earmarked for banners in 2015. Carey suggested a request for proposal for the banner
budget be put out to tender. Andrew and Carey will work to see what the status is of the brackets, town staff
will be asked to help with the process. Carey and Andrew to bring back info to the next meeting regarding
design, material, concept, etc. It was suggested that the ground work be done, but actual purchases may want
to be postponed until the streetscape is redesigned in 2016.
Review the Constitution follow up – Nigel is in the process of reviewing and redesigning the Constitution. It
will be brought to future meeting for discussion.
2016 Construction Information – The reconstruction of Queen Street will happen in 2016, April/May. Expect a six
to eight week period for completion. Work will encompass Queen Street from Victoria Bridge to Tim Horton’s.
Engineers will start initial investigations in the next couple of months. Work will cover water connections, curbs,
sidewalks, drainage. Attempts will be made to have Queen St. traffic flow during construction even if it's just one
side at a time -but that's not confirmed yet. Engineers will need to visit each building to review water
connections. Pedestrian crosswalks will be improved at intersections. Accessibility into stores will also be
addressed. BIA is asked to nominate a board member to sit at the planning table. Beautification will be an
element of the redesign as well. Julie made a motion to nominate Mary Jane Ball, all in favor.
Upcoming Events in Aug/Sept/Oct. have been circulated to the members via Newsletter.
Administrative assistance – Sue made note that an up-to-date list needs to be made of the stores and email
contact information due to the large number of new businesses and relocations. Again, the importance of
communicating via email will be stressed upon the businesses. Sherry has offered to help with this project.
The Town restaurant guide is being updated by the Town. Any changes should be reported. If your business
has an accessible washroom, Lorraine Heinbuch would like to know.
5. October 20th Mayors Breakfast – reminder 7-9 am at the PRC.
6. Plant beds under trees – The flower beds along sidewalks were mentioned again, with complaints
being made regarding fencing being placed around them. This will not be a problem next year with
the new sidewalk designs.
7. Parking concern – The issue regarding the changes to the bylaw relating parking spaces to
developing rental units was brought up for discussion. The BIA had been consulted for feedback on
the issue at an earlier meeting. It was suggested that any further concerns be forwarded to Grant
Brouwer at the Town.
8. Tax Reduction update in HDC – A tax rebate program is being suggested as a benefit of having the
downtown area designated as a Heritage District. Trisha McKibbin is working on guidelines and
forms to roll out the program. Presentation to Council will be coming shortly. Carey is to follow up
and find out if there are further details for downtown building owners.
9. Fall/Holiday Downtown Dollar ideas -$4000 was budgeted towards a promotion program similar to
the one that ran at the Santa Claus Parade last year. A number of events were suggested for
distributing the Dollars- Quilt event Sept 18&19, Bridal Show, other events could include hockey
tournaments, swimming events, the parade again. The denomination will be $10. They will be
accepted by businesses at face value. The voucher expires on December 31/15 and must be turned
in for reimbursement to Sherry by Jan 31/16. The vouchers will be numbered to track their use, and
measure their effectiveness. The budget must include the cost of printing the voucher. Julie to
investigate having them printed locally.
10. Fall Banners –see item #1
11. Treasurer update-Sherry reported a bank balance of $46,996 and investments of $30,488. All line
items of budget are on course for the year.
Tourism update – no report
EDAC update – Carey reported that EDAC is working on a grant to have the Looptrail paved.
Council report- Carey reported that the Town staff are working on a website committee, Sue is to sit
in on the meetings represent the interests of the BIA on Sept 16th. Downtown reconstruction will be
happening. There is discussion of having an election debate held at the Town Hall. Fundraising is
underway for the Festival of Lights.
On another note, Carey reported that Sean Camp from Lucid Musings is planning on taking the
group photo for the BIA to be used in upcoming promotion pieces.
No other business, meeting adjourned at 8p.m.
NEXT MEETING – Monday, September 14, 6:30 pm Town Hall