Day 8 - Home Page

GEOG 101
Day 8
Housekeeping Items
Social Sciences Pizza lunch event
on Tuesday the 6th in Building 356
from 12 to 1:30, probably on the
main floor atrium.
There will also be
representatives of agencies
serving students on campus.
Housekeeping Items
Nobody got any of my mass e-mails, so I had IT look into it. (It
seems to be fixed now.) All the assignment instructions and
deadlines are on the web site, and the deadline for the outlines is
October 6th, not the 1st. Were the talks in the Library useful?
 The deadline for the alternative mid-term assignment remains
October 15th.
 We have a special guest, Melissa Bracken, who will talk on vertical
organic gardens, and Daniel from our class will talk about no-till
agriculture. He passed on some video resources: -Canadian No-Till
farming:, and
On Quicker and Easier Land Restoration:
 He says in the Middle East and China’s Loess plateau, it involves
Arabian princesses and more. See
 Also awesome Borneo Rainforest recovery involving sugar-palm
biofuel production:
Extra Credit (Voluntary) Homework
There are lots of good films on soil and agriculture – Food Matters,
Food Inc., The World According to Monsanto, The Future of Food,
The Real Dirt on Farmer John, Food Fight, Fresh, King Corn, Super
Size Me, The Garden, Forks Over Knives, and Have You Got Milk? If
you know of others, let me know.
For extra credit: check out any of them and write a one-page, singlespace handwritten response to it, addressing whatever jumps out at
you – things you didn’t know, particularly vivid images, ideas for
enhancing and conserving soil, or whatever you like, as long as it’s
Try to have it in to me by next Tuesday, October 20th.
Upcoming event: the film “Bikes vs. Cars” on Wednesday, October
7th at 6:30 in Building 250, Room 125, by donation.
Also: Sustainability Fair, October 8th 11:30 to 2 in the Library Quad.
Housekeeping Items
Thanks to everyone who responded to my test message.
Bring your LUNCH AND LEARN about research at VIU featuring Michele Patterson, VIU
Geography Dept, PhD Geography Candidate, University of Victoria.
WHAT IS A FARMED SALMON? Understanding the social life of a seafood commodity from
ocean to table
Over the last few decades the world’s seafood economy has increasingly become both aquaculturebased and globally traded. BC farmed Atlantic salmon is a globally traded, farmed seafood product
that is also highly politicized here in British Columbia. This local politicization, however, has
seemingly not affected demand or sales in seafood markets outside BC, with farmed salmon being
BC’s largest agricultural export, and growing. This presentation will discuss new PhD research in
cultural geography that attempts to connect the production to consumption cycle to better understand,
among other things, value transformation along the farmed salmon commodity chain. This multisited ethnographic research will capture and characterize the "social life" of farmed salmon using
participant observation and informal interviews amongst people who produce, process, transport,
prepare, sell and eat farmed Atlantic salmon; in research sites across two BC and two California
Tuesday October 6, noon-1pm
Bldg 305/4th Floor Lounge
Upon successfully completing this chapter, you will be
able to (we will only hit highlights, and may cover more on
agriculture next Tuesday)
Delineate the fundamentals of soil science,
including soil-forming processes
Describe some important properties of soil
Characterize the role of soils in biogeochemical
State the importance of soils for agriculture and in
supporting plant growth
Identify the causes and predict the consequences of
soil erosion and soil degradation
Outline the history and explain the basic principles
of soil conservation
Soil as a System
“The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.”
– Franklin D. Roosevelt, Former U.S. President
Ganaraska wasteland before World War 2 (northeast of Toronto)
Photo courtesy of John Bacher and Ed Borczon
Soil as an (eco)system
Soil consists of mineral
matter, organic matter,
air, and water
 Dead
and living
microorganisms, and
decaying material
 Bacteria,
earthworms, insects,
mammals, amphibians,
and reptiles
 It’s
like an ecosystem on
to itself
Soil is a complex, dynamic mixture
Soil consists of mostly mineral matter with varying
proportions of organic matter, the rest is pore
space taken up by air, water, and other soil gases
 Parent material = the base geologic material of
 Determines the starting composition of the soil
 Organic matter includes living and dead
microorganisms as well as decaying plant and
animal material
 Water – is not pure, contains dissolved minerals
and organics and is important for support of plant
 Air – soil air is not the same as air we breathe
 Soil can have an influence on a region’s ecosystem
Soil formation is slow and complex
Soil formation begins when parent material is
exposed to the effects of the atmosphere,
hydrosphere, and biosphere
 Parent material can be lava, volcanic ash, rock,
dunes or most commonly, bedrock - the
continuous mass of solid rock comprising the
Earth’s crust
Weathering = the physical, chemical, or biological
processes that break down rocks to form soil
 Physical (mechanical) = wind and rain, no
chemical changes in the parent material
 Chemical = substances chemically interact with
parent material
 Biological = organisms break down parent
Soil formation is slow and complex (cont’d)
Soil formation is slow and complex
Biological activity includes deposition,
decomposition, and accumulation of organic
 Humus = a dark, spongy, crumbly mass of
material formed by partial decomposition
 Erosion = the dislodging and movement of soil by
wind or water
 Occurs when vegetation is absent
 When deposited elsewhere referred to as
 We destroy soil much faster than it re-creates
the issues
Earth’s Soil Resources
It can take anywhere from 500 to 100 years to produce 1
cm of natural topsoil, depending on local conditions.
Much of Canada’s land area was scraped free of soil
during the last glaciation by the passage of huge ice
masses, which retreated about 10,000 years ago. Today
much of interior and northern Canada still lacks soil.
Given this very long renewal time, is soil truly a
renewable resource?
should the very long renewal time influence soil
A soil profile consists of layers known as
Horizon = each layer of soil
Soil profile = the cross-section of
soil as a whole
Topsoil = inorganic and organic
material most nutritive for plants
Leaching = dissolved particles move
down through horizons
Litter = surface deposits of leaves,
branches, mosses, animal waste
A soil profile consists of layers known as
horizons (cont’d)
O Horizon – peat deposits
A Horizon – topsoil
B Horizon = subsoil, hardpan
C Horizon = broken parent material
R Horizon = unaltered parent
W Horizon = distinct layer of water
in some soils
Permafrost = some arctic soils
contain a perennially frozen layer
(which is beginning to melt in some
Soils vary in colour, texture, structure, and pH
Soils are classified into 10 orders
based largely on the processes thought
to form them
Soils classified into various categories
using properties such as:
 Color
 Texture
 Structure
 pH
Near Nanaimo, the soils tend to be HumoFerric Podzols and Distric Brunisols
Soils vary in colour, texture, structure, and pH (cont’d)
Soil color = indicates its
composition and fertility
 Black
or dark brown =
rich in organic matter
 Pale
gray or white =
indicates leaching
Soils vary in colour, texture, structure, and pH (cont’d)
• Soil texture = the size of particles
- Clay (smallest), silt, sand (largest)
• Loam = soil with an even mixture of the three
Influences how easy it is to cultivate and let air and
water travel through the soil
• Silty soils with medium-size pores, or loamy soils with
mixtures of pore sizes are best for plant growth and
crop agriculture
Soils vary in colour, texture, structure, and pH (cont’d)
Soil structure (“tilth”= a measure of soil’s “clumpiness”
 Large
clumps can discourage plant roots
 Repeated
tilling compacts soil
 Plowpan
= a hard layer resulting from repeated
plowing that resists water infiltration and root
Soil pH = influences a soil’s ability to support plant
 Soils
that are too acidic or basic can kill plants
Biogeochemical Cycling in Soil
Soil is an important terrestrial reservoir for
Soil plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle
Soil represents the largest terrestrial reservoir for carbon
Main carbon fluxes in which soil is involved are driven by
photosynthesis and the production of organic matter,
followed by respiration and decay or organic matter
Decay of soil organic matter produces soil gas that
contains carbon
 Carbon
 Methane
Soil Degradation: A Global Concern
Soil degradation: A global concern
Soil degradation:
A global concern
Soil degradation results from
deforestation, agriculture and
Over the past 50 years, soil
degradation has reduced global
grain production by 13%
Regional differences affect soil productivity
Rainforests have high
primary productivity, but
the nutrients are in plants,
not the soil. If the forests
are removed, the soils dry
out and cannot readily be
Swidden agriculture =
cultivation of a plot for a
few years and then letting
it regrow into forest
• Temperate grasslands
have lower rainfall and
less nutrient leaching
Erosion can degrade ecosystems and
Deposition = the arrival of eroded material at its new location
Flowing water deposits sediment in river valleys and deltas
 Floodplains
(e.g. Fraser Delta) are excellent for farming
Erosion occurs faster than new soil is formed
Erosion increases through: overcultivating fields, overgrazing
rangelands, and clearing forested areas
A possible solution is “no-till agriculture,” which Daniel will tell
us about briefly (check out also the videos)
Soil erodes by several mechanisms
Wind (aeolian) erosion
Water erosion (splash, sheet, rill, gully)
Rill erosion moves the most topsoil, followed by sheet and splash erosion
Gully erosion
Soil erosion is widespread
Humans are the primary cause of erosion
19 billion hectares of croplands worldwide suffer from
Kazakhstan lost tens of millions of hectares to wind erosion
Soil degradation over the next 40 years in Africa could
reduce crop yields by half
The on-farm cost of agricultural land degradation in Canada
is $670 million per year
Desertification reduces productivity of
arid lands
A loss of more than 10%
productivity from erosion, soil
compaction, forest removal,
overgrazing, salinization,
climate change, depletion of
water sources
A type of land degradation
Affects 1/3 of the planet’s
land area
Most prone areas are arid and
semiarid lands (e.g. Sahel)
Climate change could result
in displacement of 50 million
people in 10 years
The Dust Bowl was a monumental event in
North America (cont’d)
Native prairie grasses originally held erosion-prone
soils in place
1879-1929: Widespread cultivation of wheat, and
grazing of many thousands of cattle
Great Depression brought a cycle of poverty and
overly intensive agricultural practices
Dust storms (black blizzards) travelled up to 2000 km
Lung irritation, dust pneumonia, grasshopper
The Dust Bowl was a monumental event in
North America (cont’d)
Protecting Soils
Erosion-control practices protect and restore
plant cover
Crop rotation
Contour farming
Intercropping and agroforestry
Reduced tillage
Crop rotation
Crop Rotation = alternating
• Intercropping = planting
the crops grown field from one
different types of crops in
season or year to the next
Cover crops protect soil
alternating bands or other
spatially mixed arrangements
to increase ground cover
Contour Farming
• Contour Farming = plowing
furrows sideways across a
hillside, perpendicular to its
slope, to prevent rills and gullies
Terracing = level platforms
are cut into steep hillsides,
forming a “staircase” to
contain water
Shelterbelts or Windbreaks =
rows of tall, perennial plants are
planted along the edges of fields
to slow the wind
Alley cropping = shelterbelts
+ intercropping
Reduced tillage
• Reduced Tillage = furrows
are cut in the soil, a seed is
dropped in and the furrow is
Irrigation can cause long-term soil problems
Irrigation = Artificially providing water to
support agriculture
Waterlogging = over-irrigated soils which
suffocates roots
Salinization = the buildup of salts in surface
soil layers
 Salinization
inhibits production of 20% of all
irrigated cropland, costing more than $11
Irrigation can cause long-term soil problems
Remedies for correcting salinization once it
has occurred:
 Choose
crops appropriate for the area
 Irrigate
with low-salt water
 Irrigate
 Drip
irrigation targets water directly to
Other chemicals also contribute to soil
Fertilizer = substances that contain essential nutrients
but over-application can damage soils
Inorganic fertilizers = mined or synthetically
manufactured mineral supplements
Organic fertilizers = the remains or wastes of
 Manure, crop residues, fresh vegetation
 Compost = produced when decomposers break down
organic matter
 Manure can be a source of water contamination
Other chemicals also contribute to soil
contamination (cont’d)
Nitrogen and phosphorous runoff from farms and
other sources can lead to algal blooms
Nitrates can leach through soil and contaminate
Pesticides are another source of soil contamination
Industrial activity contaminates soil through
inappropriate disposal of wastes and improper
Grazing practices can contribute to soil
Overgrazing is largely
responsible for the
permanent drying out of
parts of the Mediterranean –
e.g. Greece and Syria
The preservation of arable soil is crucial for
the maintenance of global food security
Programs in Canada and worldwide have
been successful in reducing topsoil erosion
However, soil is still being degraded at a rate
that threatens the sustainability of the
The role of soil as a reservoir in
biogeochemical cycling is also of increasing
interest to scientists
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this class, you should be able to:
 Outline
the historical development of agriculture and the
transition to industrialized agriculture
 Identify the causes of soil erosion and soil degradation, and
explain the basic principles of soil conservation
 Explain the challenge of feeding a growing human population
 Evaluate sustainable agriculture
 Describe the science behind genetically modified food and
evaluate controversies over genetically modified food
Why Should You Care About Food Resources
Three major reasons
required for healthy & productive life
billion people do not get enough food
production has large environmental impact
- 38% of world’s ice free land in agriculture
- 70% of freshwater used for agriculture
- 60% of water pollution
- 25% of human greenhouse gases
Most of Canada's
wasted food
dumped from
$27B worth of food wasted across the
country every year, research group
See the documentary, “Just Eat It” by the
same folks who made “The Clean Bin
Project.” The people who made it tried to
live off ‘waste food’ for six months in
7 ways to reduce household food waste
1. Take stock before you shop
2. Plan your meals
3. Be smart about expiration dates
4. Don't assume you need to buy in bulk
5. Learn the art of pre-portioning
6. Use more of your fruits and veggies
7. Think twice before tossing overripe fruits and veggies
Percent of land use for growing crops
Food Choices
There are fewer than two dozen species of major food sources. They all share
three characteristics:
1. High yield
High production per unit area of land. Essential to subsistence farmers
dependant on small parcels of land
2. High food value
Staple foods have high total calories and essential nutrients: carbohydrates,
proteins, fats and vitamins
Most subsistence farmers plant a grain or tuber crop for caloric intake and
then vegetables and fruit for additional nutrients
3. Storageability
Most foods are harvested at a certain time of year and must last until the
next harvest
Food Choices
Top five global crops:
Cassava (Manioc)
Corn (Maize)
Food Choices
 90%
of human food comes from plants
Developing World
 are
more efficient than developed world because they rely on the
lowest trophic level in the energy pyramid
Consumption of animal products is growing
Our food choices are also energy choices
90% of energy is lost every time energy moves
from one trophic level to the next
The lower on the food chain from which we
take our food sources, the more people the
Earth can support
Environmental ramifications of eating meat
Land and water are needed to raise food for livestock
Producing eggs and chicken meat requires the least space and water; beef requires the most
When we choose what to eat, we also choose how we use resources
The Evolution of Agriculture
Agriculture led to:
 stable food source
 urban centres
 specialization of labour
 social hierarchies
Systems of Agricultural Production
Subsistence Agriculture: basic needs are met with a small surplus
for trade or store
 most widespread agricultural system in the world
Three Subsistence Agricultural Methods:
1. Intensive Subsistence Farming: supports dense populations as
it produces relatively high yields per unit of land
2. Shifting cultivation: supports small populations, requires large
3. Nomadic herding: supports very small populations, based on
seasonal migration
Systems of Agricultural Production
Industrial Revolution
 Mechanization
 led
enabled farmers to specialize and mass produce
to commercial agricultural systems that dominated regions
Systems of Agricultural Production
Systems of Agricultural Production
Industrial Agriculture: emphasizes specialized production of crops and
livestock to sell
 can produce enough food to feed many other people
Production efficiency is achieved in two ways:
1. improved inputs such as seeds, irrigation, fertilizers and pesticides
promote higher yield
2. It was two German scientists – Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch – who
figured out how to ‘fix’ nitrogen. Haber went on to develop poison
gas for use in combat in World War I, and his research indirectly
contributed to the development of Xylon-B, the gas which was the
main means of eliminating the Jews during World War II
3. specialized machinery speeds up production and requires fewer
people, uses fossil fuels
Fertilizers boost yields but can be overapplied
• Fertilizer = substances that contain essential nutrients
• Inorganic fertilizers = mined or synthetically manufactured
mineral supplements
• Organic fertilizers = the remains or wastes of organisms
- manure, crop residues, fresh vegetation
- Compost = produced when decomposers break down organic
Fertilizers boost yields but can be overapplied
“Dead zone” at the mouth of the Mississippi
We are producing more food per person
Food security = the guarantee of an adequate, reliable, and
available food supply to all people at all times
We face both too little and too much food
Undernourishment = people receive less than 90% of their daily caloric needs
 Mainly
in developing countries
Malnutrition = a shortage of nutrients the body needs
 The
diet lacks adequate vitamins and minerals
 Affects
some people who rely overly on “fast” and processed food
Overnutrition = receiving too many calories each day
 In
Canada, 48% of adults exceed their healthy weight and ~25% are obese
 Between
1981 and 2009, measured obesity doubled
Obesity in Canada: A joint report from the Public Health Agency of Canada and
the Canadian Institute for Health Information (2011). See also Stuffed and
Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World’s Food System by Raj Patel.
New Horizons in World Agriculture
The Green Revolution: the use of new technology, crop varieties and farming
practices introduced to developing countries
the Green Revolution led to a tripling of grain yields between 1950 and 1990
From 1900 to 2000, humans expanded the world’s total cultivated area by 33%
and energy inputs increased by 80 times:
 Synthetic
 Chemical
 Irrigation
 Heavy
New Horizons in World Agriculture
Shortcomings of the Green Revolution
 limited
participation by small, subsistence farmers
 increased
mechanization and farm size
 increased
 loss
of genetic diversity (monocultures)
 reduction
 soil
in soil fertility and increased erosion potential
damage and water resource depletion from increased irrigation
 many
regions initially bypassed by the Green Revolution
Pests and pollinators
Pest = any organism that damages valuable crops
Weed = any plant that competes with crops
Armyworms easily defoliate monocultures
Many thousands of chemical pesticides have been developed
Pesticides = poisons that target pest organisms
 Insecticides
= target insects
 Herbicides
= target plants (e.g weeds)
 Fungicides
= target fungi
91% of pesticide sales are for agricultural purposes
85% of pesticides sold in Canada are herbicides
Pests evolve resistance to pesticides
Resistance is passed through their genes to insect offspring
Pesticides stop being effective
Evolutionary arms race: chemists increase chemical toxicity to
compete with resistant pests
Biological control pits one organism against another
Biological control (Biocontrol) = uses a pest’s natural predators
to control the pest
Biocontrol agents themselves may become pests
No one can predict the effects of an introduced species
The agent may have “non-target” effects on the
environment and surrounding economies
Removing a biocontrol agent is harder than halting
pesticide use
 Due
to potential problems, proposed biocontrol use
must be carefully planned and regulated
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) combines biocontrol and
chemical methods
IPM uses multiple techniques to suppress pests
 Biocontrol
 Chemicals, when necessary
 Population monitoring
 Habitat alteration
 Crop rotation and transgenic crops
 Alternative tillage methods
 Mechanical pest removal
We depend on insects to pollinate crops
Pollination = male plant sex cells fertilize female sex cells
Value of insect pollination services in Canada is $1.2 billion
• Animals pollinate 75% of the
world’s staple crops and 90%
of all non-food flowering
Flowers are evolutionary adaptations to attract pollinators
Conservation of pollinators is vital
Beekeepers are hired regularly to bring honeybee colonies to crops for
To conserve bees:
 Reduce or eliminate pesticide use
Crossbreeding and Genetic Engineering
Early efforts at crop improvement
- Crossbreeding, or artificial selection
- Many current crops produced this way
- Requires long periods of time
Genetic engineering
- Adding, removing or changing DNA directly
- produces genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
- Similar to crossbreeding, but can use new genes
- Much faster than crossbreeding
- Can yield improvements quickly, but controversial
Genetic engineering is like, and unlike, traditional
agricultural breeding
Scientific techniques to develop more productive crops and livestock has
been around for more than a century
 Both
alter gene pools for preferred characteristics
 Both
apply to plants and animals
 Traditional
 Selective
 In
breeding uses genes from the same species
breeding deals with whole organisms, not just genes
traditional breeding, genes come together on their own
the issues
GM foods and you
Do you think you have ever eaten a food product that contained
genetically modified organisms?
As much as 70% of the food products on shelves in North American
grocery stores contain at least some GM ingredients.
Check your kitchen cupboards for any foods that contain products or
ingredients made from corn, soy, or canola.
For a pro-GM perspective, see
Biotechnology is transforming the products around us
2006: Globally, GM foods grew on 106 million hectares of farmland, producing $6.15
billion worth of crops
Concerns with transgenic crops
herbicide resistant crops (e.g. “Round-up Ready Canola”) will
encourage the use of herbicides (kills non-target species and pollutes
 crops might transfer their herbicide tolerance to closely related weeds
(super weeds)
 built-in pesticides will promote rapid evolution of resistant pests (super
 may permanently alter wild and domesticated plants and reduce
 genetically engineered seeds add to production costs
 only a small group of N.A. and European companies will control most of
the worlds certified seed supply
 health concerns have led to a debate about labelling
Precautionary principle
Supporters make the following points:
 GM
crops pose no ill health effects
 They
benefit the environment by using less herbicides
 Herbicide-resistant
crops encourage no-till farming
 GM
crops reduce carbon emissions by needing fewer fuel-burning tractors and
sequestering carbon in the soil by no-till farming
Critics argue that we should adopt the precautionary principle = don’t do any
new action until its impacts are fully understood
 and 14-year-old debating Kevin
Debate over GM foods involves more than science
Ethical issues play a large role
 People
don’t like “tinkering” with “natural” foods
 With
increasing use, people are forced to use GM products,
or go to special effort to avoid them
 Multinational
corporations threaten the small farmer
 Research
is funded by corporations that will profit if GM
foods are approved for use
 Crops
that benefit small, poor farmers are not widely
 Fears
that companies like Monsanto will gain control of
world’s food
Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable agriculture = does not deplete soil, pollute water, or
decrease genetic diversity
Low-input agriculture = uses smaller amounts of pesticide, fertilizers,
growth hormones, water, and fossil fuel energy than industrial
Organic agriculture = Uses no synthetic fertilizers, insecticides,
fungicides, or herbicides
 Relies
on biological approaches (composting and biocontrol)
2009: Organic Products Regulations
Multi-ingredient products must be 95% organic
Organic certification logo
The benefits of organic farming
For farmers:
 Lower
input costs, enhanced income from higher-value products, reduced
chemical costs and pollution
 Obstacles
include the risks and costs of switching to new farming methods and
less market infrastructure
For consumers:
 Concern
about pesticide’s health risks
desire to improve environmental quality
 Obstacles
include the added expense and less aesthetically appealing
appearance of the product
Locally supported agriculture is growing
The average food product sold in North America travels at least 2300 km
between the farm and the shelf, and is often chemically treated to preserve
freshness and colour.
Farmers and consumers are supporting local agriculture
 Fresh, local produce in season
Community-supported agriculture = consumers pay farmers in advance for a
share of their yield
 Consumers get fresh food
 Farmers get a guaranteed income
Community gardens = areas where residents can grow their own food -increasingly popular in cities
Intensive commercial agriculture has substantial negative
environmental impacts
If our planet will be able to support 9 billion humans, we must shift
to sustainable agriculture
 Biological
 Organic
pest control
 Pollinator
 Preservation
 Careful,
of native crop diversity
responsible genetic modification of food