Tryout Information Power Point

C h e e r
T r y o u t
M e e t i n g
Amie Tennyson
Becky Spasic
• Application turned in by February 25, 2016
• Paperwork (physical, AP recommendation
form, etc.) turned in by February 25, 2016
• Understand and agree to NISD constitution
and BNHS Cheer requirements
• Learn NCA tryout material from the Bobcat
Cheer Website available February 11th.
• Attend mock tryouts and tryouts
Candidates must turn in the following items by
the first day of practice on February 25th:
• Medical Release Form signed by the
• Pledge stating that he/she agrees to the terms and
expectations of a cheerleader
• Constitution signed by both the candidate and
• 1st semester report card
• AP Recommendation Form
Practices/Mock Tryouts
Dates: February 25th, March 3rd & 10th
Time: 4:30 – 6:00 PM
Attire: t-shirt, shorts, pony tail, cheer shoes
Attire (Mar. 10): plain white t-shirt, black shorts, pony
tail, and cheer shoes
Agenda: Cheer skills/techniques & open gym
Mock (March 10th): Draw numbers for tryouts and
run through the tryout process
*Parents & Friends are not allowed to watch.
*Phones must be turned off.
Mascot Tryout
Date: Friday, March 11 at BNHS
• Varsity/JV: 4:15 - until dismissed
• Freshman: 4:45- until dismissed
Cheer Attire: Plain white t-shirt, black shorts, pony tail, and
cheer shoes
Mascot Attire: Plain white t-shirt, black shorts, mascot
uniform * Bring MP3 with your music on it!
Bring: Water and a snack
No cellphones until all tryouts are complete
No parents, friends, or family in the building
Did I Make It?!
Results will be posted in alphabetical order on
the BNHS cheer web page as soon as the
building and parking lot are cleared.
• Be on time (no excuses for being late - times are a
requirement not a suggestion)
• Be respectful
oDo not talk back to coaches or captains
oDo not talk down to other squad members or
• Be prepared for practice
oCorrect clothes
oShoes on
oHair up
Be Spirited at all times in practice and performance
• Cheer class grade will be given based on
participation in practice, punctuality, and wearing
the correct practice clothes, etc.
• It is expected that all cheerleaders will pass all
classes each six weeks.
• Per UIL, a cheerleader becomes ineligible for 3
weeks if any classes are not passed for a six
weeks period.
• If a cheerleader becomes academically ineligible
2 times in 1 school year, they are removed from
the team.
Approximate Cost
• Camp- $400
• Uniforms, booster club
dues, etc.- $600
• An optional fundraiser will
be offered to raise up to
$400 for camp.
Point System
10 Points- 1 week suspension
15 Points- 2 week suspension
20 Points- 3 week suspension
25 Points- 6 week suspension
30 Points- Removal from squad
*5 Positive Action Points=1 Negative Action Point
*NISD Extracurricular Code of Conduct applies
What’s next?
• Made it meeting
– Tuesday March 22, 2016, 6:00PM BNHS Lecture Hall
– $400 due for camp
• Uniform fitting
– Thursday, March 31, 2016, 6:00PM BNHS Cheer Gym
• Spring Practices
– Tuesdays & Thursdays starting on April 5th
– 5:30-7:30 PM- BNHS Cheer Gym
– All balances must be settled by May 26th
• Summer Practice
– starts August 1st! Vacations, work, and competitive
cheer are not excused absences.
• Cheer Camp
– August 8-11th at the Gaylord Texan