Improving on the Recitation Section: Tutorials in Introductory Physics Wed Brown Bag SJP Fa '05 What are Tutorials? • • • • Research-based Student-centered “Elicit-confront-resolve” Process (discussion, consensus) + Sense-making The Tutorial space (basement, across from Jerry Leigh) Tutorials at CU • Used in 1110 & 1120, twice each (+ 1120, now) • Part of successful courses => motivation to continue • Today: some data Continue support? Resources • Space, material, training, personnel Ongoing support necessary. • “Learning Assistants” (LA’s) - undergrad STEM majors (interested in teaching) Courses studied so far Recitation Homework Text: Tutorials Tutorials Knight workbook Trad recitations CAPA CAPA MP MP Knight Knight Tutorials Tutorials CAPA CAPA • Phys 1110 – – – – Fa 03 Sp 04 Fa 04 Sp 05 HRW HRW • Phys 1120 –Fa 04 –Sp 05 HRW Knight pre/post measures • • • • Phys 1110: FMCE Phys 1120: BEMA common exam questions formal + informal survey questions Phys 1110: Distinguishing features 1: “Tut” (Sp04) Tutorials + CAPA 2: “Workbook” (Fa04) Small groups/Knight (+ Mastering Physics) 3: “(More) Trad” (Sp05) Mostly traditional recit’s (Otherwise much like "2" above) (different instructors, semesters …) 1110 summary - up front! • Tutorial courses : strongest results on learning gains and attitude surveys • Middle course (“2”) (research-based text and hw, clickers + small-group recitations, not Tutorials): good results. • Last course (like “2” except recitations): gains solid, lowest of three. Phys 1110 Pretest FMCE (Force and Motion concept evaluation) A nationally validated conceptual exam, like the FCI (but harder) Comparing FMCE pretest Matched, valid data only. (Eliminate pre>93%) Ave 40 35 % of students 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 9 18 27 36 45 55 64 73 82 91 100 Score (%) 1PreS0 4 (28 % +/-1) 2PreF04 (3 4%) Pre ave = 28%(1) / 34%(2) / 28%(3) Spring (2) higher (fall term) 3PreS0 5 (28 % ) Phys 1110 Posttest Comparing FMCE posttest Ave 40 35 % of students 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 9 18 27 36 45 55 64 73 82 91 100 Score (%) 1Pre S04 (7 4% +/-1) 2Pre F04 (69%) 3Pre S05 (5 8% +/- 2% ) Post ave = 74%(1) / 69%(2) / 58%(3) Phys 1110 normalized gains distribution of g: compared % of students 30 25 20 15 SP04 10 5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 normalized gain gain(1)= .66 +/-.02 Phys 1110 normalized gains distribution of g: compared % of students 30 25 20 SP04 15 FA04 10 5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 normalized gain gain(1)= .66 +/-.02 g(2)= .585 +/-.02 7.5 points lower => (more than half a letter grade) Phys 1110 normalized gains distribution of g: compared % of students 30 25 20 SP04 15 SP05 10 5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 normalized gain gain(1)= .66 +/-.02 g(2)= .585 +/-.02 g(3)= .45 +/-.02 (trad recit.) => significantly lower gains. (still, double nat’l standards!) Impact on different pretest populations: "low starters" pretest <=12.5% nor malized gain for low pretest 0.6 0.5 g 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 S04 (2 3%) F04 (20%) S05 (2 2%) Semester (% lass in (% of of cclass inthis this pool) prete st <= 12.5% Course (1) (2) (3) Impact on different pretest populations: "high starters" 50<pre<93% normaliz ed gain for high pretest 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 g 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 S04 (13 %) F0 4 (22%) S05 (14 %) Semester (% clas s in (% of class in this this pool) pretes t >50% Course (1) (2) (3) Beyond the FMCE: Exam comparisons • #2 (Knight workbooks/small groups): 34 common exam q’s (17 are “tutor. materials”, 9 are “quant/trad”) • #3 (Trad recitations): 30 common q’s (12 are “tutor. materials” 6 are “quant/trad”) Beyond the FMCE: Exam comparisons ( Tutorial score - other course score) All q’ Tut mater. quant/trad (2) Workbook: +6 +7 +6 (3) Trad: +10 +14 +10 (All ± 2) N.B. 12 points is roughly 1 letter grade. Tutorial courses: significantly better exam scores: both conceptual and quantitative/traditional. Other data • Replication study (compare with UW) • CLASS (attitudes/beliefs) • Surveys (did you like, did it help?) All favorable (or neutral) for tutorials, ask for details! 1110 Summary • Compare Tut-based with “workbook/small group” measurable diffs (FMCE, exams, CLASS) • Compare Tut-based with “more trad rec” significant diffs. • Tutorials only one effect. (Instructors, course structure …!?) • But in 1120, changing instructors + text => no impact Phys 1120: Tut1 (Fa04) and Tut2 (Sp05) Attempt at replication. Main differences: Tut2 has… • different instructor • different semester • different textbook • follows up 1110 without Tutorials • no long answer on exams Summary (up front!) • Despite changes in course elements, we replicated Tutorials + basic course structure. • Result: identical (high) learning gains. (Final score matches our juniors. Hard exam!) 1120 BEMA pre/post % of students BEMA (matched) (CU scoring) Fa04 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 55 61 67 Score (%) (CU scoring) PreF04 BEMA = “Brief E&M Assessment”, F04 (N=319) Pretest ave 26% 73 79 85 91 97 1120 BEMA pre/post % of students BEMA (matched) (CU scoring) Compare Fa04 and Sp05 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 Score (%) (CU scoring) PreF04 F04 (N=319) Pretest: 26% PreS05 S05 (N=232): 27% 1120 BEMA pre/post % of students BEMA (matched) (CU scoring) Compare Fa04 and Sp05 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 Score (%) (CU scoring) PostF04 F04 (N=319) 26% -> 59%, g(ave, F04) = .44+/- .01 PostS05 S05 (N=232) 27% -> 59% g(ave, S05)=.43+/- .01 BEMA (matched) (CU scoring) Fa04 g(ave)=.44, N=331 1120 E&M pre/post CU upp LA 1120 div post pre post 50 LA TA post pre TA post 45 # of students 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 Score (%) (CU scoring) Pre (ave=26) Post (ave=59) NCSU trad post NCSU honor & CMU trad post CMU M&I post CMU upp div post 96 Other data • • • • Common exam questions (no change) Replication study (compare with UW) CLASS (attitudes/beliefs) Surveys (did you like, did it help?) All results similar for both semesters! Affect: survey results 1120 (Tut2) followed 1110 using Knight “workbook” small-group recitations. Asked at end: Which is better, Tut or trad rec? 39% vs 40% Which would you enjoy more? 39% vs 39% 1120 mini-summary Different instructors, text, exam structures, semesters… same Tutorials and Conceptests: no sig diff on BEMA, CLASS, exams. Validated survey scores high. Slight differences in surveys: ~neutral student satisfaction. No disasters, room to improve Bottom line Tutorials successful, productive course elements. • Cost:$1500/LA/semester * (6-8 LA’s per course) • Need 1.5 hr/week training session (TA’s too!) • Benefits: Some LA’s => K-12 cert. (+ their learning gains very high) • TA’s exposed to research-based learning. Recommendation • We should continue implementing Tutorials (and collecting data) • Need support for LA’s, and training infrastructure (=> faculty or experienced grad student assigned to teach the TA’s/LA’s) Questions, Discussion! THE END Replication UW (no Tut) UW CU (with Tut) (with Tut) Atwood: tension 25 50 55 Identify Newton III partners 15 70 70 McDermott et al., AJP 62, 1994 Replication UW (no Tut) UW CU (with Tut) (with Tut) Atwood: tension 25 50 55 Identify Newton III partners 15 70 70 “Beliefs” survey: CLASS pre/post 1110 Overall CLASS 75 % favorable 1-Tut 2-Workbook 3-Trad 55 12 22 % unfavorable CLASS pre/post (full scale) 1110 Overall CLASS 100 % favorable 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 % unfavorable Tutorial-based course: no shift Two others: small but statistically significant declines CLASS pre/post 1120 Overall CLASS % favorable 70 Sp05 Tut2 Tut1 60 10 15 20 % unfavorable pre- to post shifts (attitudes and beliefs survey). Slightly negative (!), though it’s usually worse. CLASS pre/post 1120 Overall CLASS 100 % favorable 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 % unfavorable (Shown on full 0-100 scales) 80 100 Affect: survey results 1110 (Likert scale 1= “no” to 5=“yes”) • Did you like the Tutorials? 2.41 +/- .05 (62% neg, 21% pos) • Did the Tutorial help you learn Physics in 1110? (20% neg, 60% pos) 3.53 +/- .05 Affect: survey results 1120 Likert scale 1-5: “very bad” to “very good”) • How do you feel about the use of Tutorials in Phys 1120? Tut1: 3.32 +/- .07 (33% neg, 53% pos) Tut2: 2.96 +/- .09 (46% neg, 43% pos) • How much help was the Tutorial? Tut1: 3.33 +/- .06 Tut2: 2.90 +/- .08 F C I at C U Force Concept Inventory (FCI) red = trad, blue = interactive engagement <g> = post-pre 100-pre Fa98 Fa03/Sp04 R. Hake, ”…A six-thousand-student survey…” AJP 66, 64-74 (‘98). Beyond the BEMA - exam q’s • 31 common exam q’s (13 explicitly “tutorial material”, rest => other topics) (Fa04-Sp05) All Tut material only -1.9% ± 2% -1.8% ~75% ~40% * Mazur, E. Peer Instruction, Prentice Hall