Persuasive Essay

Tanning With An Increased Risk Of Melanoma
In this century many minors are using tanning beds regularly so they can be tan
throughout seasons like Fall and Winter, little do they know they have an increased risk of
getting skin cancer. As the years go on more and more minors are tanning. Even the parents of
the minors are letting their children tan without knowing the risks that come with it. When
people tan regularly before the age of thirty-five, they have an increased risk of getting skin
melanoma by 75% (Hill). More and more states are trying to regulate the use of tanning beds by
minors. Policymakers in some states are regulating minors use of tanning devices because sun
exposure in childhood and teenage years can be so damaging (NCSL). With these facts it is not
that safe to use tanning beds like everyone thinks.
Although people love getting color to their skin in the off seasons of summer, there are
plenty of risks that go along with it. Increased risk of Melanoma is the biggest risk when tanning
regularly. Teenagers are ruining their skin by tanning regularly in tanning beds. Even though
tanning inside is “safer” because it’s in a controlled environment doesn’t mean that everything
about it is safe. These facts are scientifically based on examining the use of UV rays on skin
(The Indoor Tanning Association). With these facts shown this leads to policymakers trying to
regulate the use of tanning beds for minors.
Along with the fact that there is an increase risk of skin melanoma, many states are in the
process or have already regulated the use of tanning by minors. By doing this, this will help
teenagers maintain a healthy body and this will not harm them. But when they turn eighteen
years old they can tan as much as they want since they are considered adults. Many parents now
in states that regulate the use of tanning for minors argue that it is their child so they can have
them do what they want (McCormick). Even though the state is trying to help keep their
children healthy.
Tanning regulations should also regulated by not only State governments but the Federal
government also. With doing this, this ensures the safety of minors in the country. Even though
some may think otherwise. Some organizations oppose banning tanning as a whole. One
argument against these facts is that according to the ITA, indoor tanning provides a safe way for
people to get adequate vitamin D through UV exposure (The Skin Cancer Foundation). Even
though this is a “safe” way to get vitamin D there are many others way one can get their vitamin
D. This “fact” does not show that this is the best way to obtain your vitamin D. Even though
you can receive vitamin D like this you could also receive it by eating the right things in your
daily diet.
According to these facts minors should not be able to tan on a regular basis when they
don’t even need to tan. Being tan is a want by teenagers so they can look good. But this is not
what young teenagers need. They can be themselves without harming their bodies using tanning
beds. There is the risk increase of Melanoma, policymakers trying to regulate the use of tanning
beds by teens, and tanning regulations by State and Federal governments, all trying to reserve the
health of minors bodies. If teens continue to tan regularly using tanning beds there will be an
increase in skin melanoma throughout this world.
Works Cited
Anders, Melissa. “Michigan Lawmakers Debate Banning Minors From Indoor Tanning Beds.”
n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.
Hill, David. “Tanning parlor ban eyed for minors.” Washington Times [Washington, DC] 9 Feb.
2012: A17. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.
“Indoor Tanning Restrictions For Minors- A State-by-State Comparison.” NCSL. National
of State Legislatures, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.
McCormick, Marlee. “New State Law Bans Tanning For Texas Minors.” CBSlocal. CBS Local
Media, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.
The Indoor Tanning Association. “Tanning Contributes to Health.” Health. Ed. Aurian Ojeda.
Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.
The Skin Cancer Foundation. “Vermont Becomes Second State to Ban Indoor Tanning for
Skincancer. The Skin Cancer Foundation, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.