Introduction ppt

Mrs. Hart
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening and
observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Create something that represents who YOU are
Be prepared to share! 
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening and
observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Get to Know Each Other …
 Use the colored cards to create groups
 Group up with people who have your colored card.
 Groups
will be answering questions to
get to know your classmates better.
Introduce yourself once you get in your groups!
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening and observation
skills and strategies to gain understanding
Group of 4: 2 pink, 1 yellow, 1 green
 Name
2 activities that you feel you are
good at!
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening
and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Influences of
self esteem
 Positive
 Negative
 Self talk
 Body image
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use
listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Group of 4: 2 people of 2 colors
What stresses you out??
(Name at least 2 things)
What is your favorite activity to do in your
spare time?
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening
and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
What stresses you out
 Positive stress
 Negative stress
 How to manage stress
 Stress relievers
 Coping with loss
 Suicide prevention
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening
and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Group of 2: same colored card
What are some of you favorite “healthy”
 What are your favorite “junk” foods?
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening and
observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Food groups
“Choose My Plate”
6 Classes of Nutrients
 Personal food analysis
 Weight management
 Fad Diets
 Sugar board
 Supersize Me
 Eating disorders
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use
listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Group of 3: 3 different colors
What was your favorite part of summer?
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use
listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Smokeless tobacco
Drinking and driving
“Drunk” goggles
I will use communication skills and strategies
 Illegal drugs
to interact/work effectively with others and I
will use listening and observation skills and
 Refusal skills
strategies to gain understanding
 Drug research projects - websites
Group of 3: 2 of one color, 1 of another
What are you looking forward to this
school year?
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening
and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
 Reproductive system
 Sexually Transmitted
 Contraceptives
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening and
observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
 Respect
 Come to class prepared
 Be positive
 Be an active participant and learner
 Cleaning
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use
listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
 Follow
school policies:
 No food, gum, drinks (expect for water)
 Cell phones in backpacks
 Electronic devices allowed at teacher’s
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will
use listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening and
observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
100%-93% = A
92%-90% = A89%-87% = B+
86%-83% = B
82%-80% = B79%-77% = C+
76%-73% = C
72%-70% = C69%-67% = D+
66%-60% = D
59% or below = F
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening
and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
 Due on assigned day:
 LATE WORK – 2 days = 70% credit; Half credit
accepted for unit work until the unit test is given
 Missed work:
 YOUR responsibility to gather work
 Check my website for HW documents
 Ask for work at an appropriate time
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening
and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
 Check
your grades online!!!
 Use the teacher website!!!
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening
and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Entry Task Notebook
Bring a notebook and/or a binder to class and take
out at the start of the period as well as your entry
task sheet. We will do this every class period!
You will need to get a folder for assignments and
you will need a planner/calendar!
Task Sheet - 2015.doc
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will
use listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
 Turning in assignments
 Place assignment in folder with name then the
appropriate box (your period number)
 Late work:
 Turn in to box start of class
 Write “late”
 If you were gone, write “absent”
If you’re pencil breaks
Wait until an appropriate time
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use
listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
 Sign-out
sheet & Hall pass
Used any time you leave the class
 Bathroom
Ask before using, sign out, take pass
 Fire
Exit room, go to field
 Line up alphabetically by appropriate number
Lock down- be as quiet as possible and close doors and
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening
and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
 Seating
Will change throughout the semester
 Sometimes assigned (be good)!
 End
of period
Do not pack up until announcement is made!
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use
listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Verbal Warning
May include:
Second Offence
Sign the book
Seat change
Conference with me…not fun!
Action plan, 30 min. after school, parental contact
Office Referral
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use
listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use
listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Mrs. Hart
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use
listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use listening
and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Who I Am Worksheet
Tell me a little about yourself!
Take your time and fill out the worksheet that is being
handed out. Every section should be filled!
Feel free to make it colorful.
Pick two items off your sheet that you would like to share
when we are finished.
Before class ends we will be turning this in as our first
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will use
listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding
Mrs. Hart
 khart@tahomasd.ud
Check the website for class information!!
I will use communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others and I will
use listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding