Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Step #1: BEGIN Cultivate A Daily Practice of Running QT Energy Step I (Week 1) of the BLISS Program: BEGIN 1.) BEGIN YOUR DAILY QT PRACTICE This step begins with establishing a consistent practice of running QT energy on oneself and through your blossoming healing practice. Although this exercise is introduced in the first week of the program, you will need to continue and maintain the practice of running QT throughout the program and your practice. Please submit only the first two months of this practice with your practitioner application. 2.) SET UP YOUR QT PROFILE This profile will not be seen on the QT website until you’re officially certified as a QT practitioner; however this will prepare you to become accustomed to practical use of your profile, often referred to as your “back office”. 3.) SET-UP SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILES Start socializing! These profiles help you connect with others, share inspiring quotes, experiences and stories, links to blogs, etc. This is a great way to share QT but you must use it consistently and wisely. 4.) SIGN UP FOR THE QT BLOG Currently, the most underestimated way to legitimize and endorse your work as an energy healer. With hundreds of testimonials (hopefully including yours), this page is a great resource for introducing potential clients to the world of energy healing. Submit your stories for the blog to stories@quantumtouch.com and have your blog linked to your QT profile, Facebook page, website, etc.! Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Step #1: BEGIN Cultivate A Daily Practice of Running QT Energy (On Yourself & Into Your Practice) B.L.I.S.S. Program 30 Day Calender (Please make copies of this form as needed.) EXAMPLE: Month: ______AUGUST__2013_____ 1 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 2 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 3 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 4 20 MINUTES/ EVENING 5 6 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 7 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 8 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 9 10 11 20 MINUTES/ EVENING 12 13 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 14 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 15 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 16 17 18 20 MINUTES/ EVENING 19 20 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 21 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 22 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 23 24 25 26 27 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 28 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 29 20 MINUTES/ MORNING 30 20 MINUTES/ EVENING 31 Month: _________________ Month: ___________________ Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Step #2: LEARN Practitioner Training: Interviews for Successful Practices Step 2 (Week 2) of the BLISS Program: LEARN Listen to at least 3 interviews and complete the worksheet associated with those interviews. Pick the topics that resonate with you most. Each of these Instructors has a personal story that will inspire you, but more importantly they have effective practices that support their success! Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Step #2: LEARN Practitioner Training: Interviews for Successful Practices Please complete the corresponding worksheet for the each interview you listen to and submit these with your practitioner application. Step #2 of the B.L.I.S.S. program, listen to 3 interviews and complete the worksheet associated with those interviews. Here is the list of interviews available to you in the back office: Richard Gordon: Passion and Willingness to do the Work (49:25) Henri Rand Furgiuele: Managing Empathy Skills (52.:12) Miriam Hunter: Sharing QT with Others (51:06) Ruth Franzen: Increase Your Confidence (1:03:48) Carol Lee: QT as the Foundation for All Healing Modalities (1:15:48) Cathleen Francois: How to Charge for your Time (1:04:31) Krismas Adams: Listen to the Whispers to Increase Synchronicities (57:41) Deborah Gair: A Passion For Miracles (44:14) *Ideally you will make time to listen to all of the interviews located in the “back office” of your profile, as all of them are valuable and have something to offer everyone. Please find the corresponding worksheet for each interview under B.L.I.S.S. Forms in the back office. Richard Gordon: Passion and Willingness to do the Work (49:25) 1. Who did Richard learn “Quantum-Touch” from? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. When did Richard come up with the name Quantum-Touch? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. What did polarity therapy and Quantum-Touch teach Richard about life-force energy? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Richard was inspired to do what with QT? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. How many lecture/ workshops did Richard typically give in each city? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. What type of venues did Richard speak at? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 7. How did Richard fill his workshops from free lectures with no budget? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 8. What did he invite his students to do after they learned Quantum-Touch? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 9. What are three things that have made Richard successful QT? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 10. What did you take away from this particular interview? How will you apply it to your practice? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Henri Rand Furgiuele: Managing Empathy Skills (52:12) 1. What practice did Henri say was a life-changer for her? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. What is Henri a “firm believer” in? Why? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. How many times did Henri take the Level I before becoming a QT Practitioner? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. What is “bootstrapping”? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. What are 3 things does Henri believe make you successful? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. What did Henri do on her way to work each day? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 7. What did you take away from this particular interview? How will you apply it to your practice? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Miriam Hunter: Sharing QT with Others (51:06) 1. How many hours a week is considered full-time for energy workers, massage therapists, etc.? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. How did Miriam promote herself? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. How many times did Miriam take the Level I before becoming a QT Practitioner? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. How did Miriam know how to communicate with others? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. What 3 things does Miriam believe make her successful? A. ______________________________________________________________________ 6. What did Miriam notice about the people coming to her at certain times? A. ______________________________________________________________________ 7. What did you take away from this particular interview? How will you apply it to your practice? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ruth Franzen: Expect Miracles and Increase Your Confidence (1:03:48) 1. Where did Ruth learn QT and how quickly did she balance hips? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. What does Ruth love about Quantum-Touch? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. What problem did Ruth experience when working with other modalities? A. ________________________________________________________________________ 4. What did Ruth say helped her clients establish trust? A. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why is Ruth so successful as a Practitioner? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. What do people not want to hear? What language should you use instead? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 7. What is another reason to take the Level I workshop multiple times? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 8. What is Ruth’s philosophy around approaching people about Quantum-Touch? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 9. What does Ruth expect? A. ________________________________________________________________________ 10. What did you take away from this particular interview? How will you apply it to your practice? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Carol Lee: QT as the Foundation for All Healing Modalities (1:15:48) 1. What is one way Carol suggests to share the credibility of QT/ energy healing? A. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Finish this sentence: “The more you ask…” A. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you have to be in order to be a successful energy worker? A. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. What is Carol’s definition of “a transition”? A. ______________________________________________________________________ 5. What did you take away from this particular interview? How will you apply it to your practice? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Cathleen Francois: How to Charge for your Time (1:04:31) 1. Why was Cathleen looking for massage schools? A. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. How long did Cathleen run energy for at her first expo? A. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. What is her advice for people just starting out with QT? A. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. What is Cathleen’s advice when working with a client? A. _____________________________________________________________________ 5. What is Cathleen’s advice for clients who become friends and avoiding co-dependency? A. ________________________________________________________________ 6. What inspired to create her monthly “International Association of Holistic Providers“group? A. ________________________________________________________________ 7. What did you take away from this particular interview? How will you apply it to your practice? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Krismas Adams: Listen to the Whispers to Increase Synchronicities (57:41) 1. What painful physical condition does Krismas have that goes away when she does QT? A. _________________________________________________________________ 2. What ability typically increases with QT? A. _________________________________________________________________ 3. How did Krismas expand her practice in an area that wasn’t “open” to energy healing? A. _________________________________________________________________ 4. How did Krismas start getting clients? A. _________________________________________________________________ 5. How much does Krismas charge for her sessions? A. _________________________________________________________________ 6. What advice does Krismas have for new Practitioners? A. _________________________________________________________________ 7. What did you take away from this particular interview? How will you apply it to your practice? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Deborah Gair: A Passion For Miracles (44:14) 1. What was Deborah told about her condition 6 years after her major accident? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. How long into her first treatment with QT did Deborah experience significant healing? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. What is Deborah’s advice for new Practitioners? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Who can see energy? A. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. What did you take away from this particular interview? How will you apply it to your practice? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Step #3: INITIATE Connect with Your Healing Community Step 3 (Week 3) of the BLISS Program: INITIATE Another important aspect to succeeding in the field of energy medicine is to stay connected to other like-minded individuals in the community. This not only includes the Quantum-Touch community, but rather stretches to include other modalities and people who may compliment your healing practice. We’ve provided a worksheet to document 4 of these contacts. Please find new people/ businesses outside of connections you may already have. This will help you become comfortable with speaking to others about Quantum-Touch. Please submit this worksheet with your practitioner application. Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Step #3: INITIATE Connect with Your Healing Community This part of the BLISS Program involves you ACTIVELY reaching out to like-minded individuals in your community. This worksheet is intended to help you establish connections with other healers in your area. Please make it a priority to connect with your fellow QT practitioners and instructors, however all healing modalities are welcome. Please document at least 4 of these contacts. Example: Name: John Doe Modality: Chiropractic & Massage Business Name: John Doe Chiropractic Primary Phone: 888-888-8888 Alt Phone: 000-000-0000 Email: doejjohn@johnchiropractic.com Interested in energy healing/ joint ventures/ referrals? Quickly demonstrated QT on John to adjust his hips. He is interested in learning more about QT. Does local healing fair 3x a year and has invited me to demonstrate at his booth to help promote QT. Wants to begin referring people once he sees consistent positive feedback & testimonials from clients. Yay! Running QT energy into this contact every day!____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Action Step: Make business cards to pass out at healing fair! ________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Modality: Business Name: Primary Phone: Alt Phone: Email: Interested in energy healing/ joint ventures/ referrals? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Action Step: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Modality: Business Name: Primary Phone: Alt Phone: Email: Interested in energy healing/ joint ventures/ referrals? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Action Step: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Modality: Business Name: Primary Phone: Alt Phone: Email: Interested in energy healing/ joint ventures/ referrals? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Action Step: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Modality: Business Name: Primary Phone: Alt Phone: Email: Interested in energy healing/ joint ventures/ referrals? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Action Step: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Step #4: SHARE (25) 5-10 Minute Healing Demonstrations Step 4 (Week 4) of the BLISS Program: SHARE Demonstrating is the #1 way that people are inspired to receive a Quantum-Touch session. We’ve provided you with the best locations for potential clients. Remember, when you are sharing QT you are giving people the opportunity to find a method of healing they might not have otherwise been exposed to. Along with this list, we’ve provided a worksheet to document twenty-five, 5-10 minute healing demonstrations. This practice not only gets you in the habit of recognizing opportunities to share Quantum-Touch, but it also allows you to practice moving past your own fears of speaking to others about Quantum-Touch. Please submit this worksheet with your practitioner application. Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Step #4: SHARE (25) 5-10 Minute Healing Demonstrations These demonstrations DO count towards your 90 hours of documented sessions. Simply attach this document to your hours when submitting your application. It all adds up! WHAT? Example: Balanced hips/ Pain in shoulder 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. WHERE? Grocery Store HOW LONG? 10min Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Step #4: SHARE Strategies For Using The QT Blog To Grow Your Practice Why You Want To Post A Blog Article The QT Blog currently has 1,270 subscribers as of September 2013, that receive the blog each time one is posted. Each blog article is then shared on the QT social networks (Facebook & Twitter) where we have an additional 10,000 + subscribers as of September 2013. The majority of our blog articles are then posted as healing stories in our bi-monthly newsletters that go out to approx. 65,000 people as of September 2013. We then link your blog article to your website or QT profile. Many of our practitioners and instructors report that they get new clients when people in our community read the blog articles they have submitted. How To Send In A Blog Article When you come across an amazing healing story you can write-up your story and submit it to either Devon at devon@quantumtouch.com or Joshua at Joshua@quantumtouch.com. Here are a couple of blog articles for reference. a. http://blog.quantumtouch.com/blog/bid/284666/A-Cardiologist-Discovers-QuantumTouch-For-His-Medical-Practice b. http://blog.quantumtouch.com/blog/bid/262133/Self-Created-Health-Used-To-FindEmotional-Cause-Of-Eczema c. http://blog.quantumtouch.com/blog/bid/229660/Energy-Healing-Helps-ReduceParkinson-s-Disease-Symptoms Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Step #5: SCHEDULE Plan Your Week in Advance & Book Appointments Step 5 (Week 5) of the BLISS Program: SCHEDULE Finally, the work you have initiated in the first 4 steps comes to fruition! This step engages your ability to be prepared to book your clients on the spot. We’ve included some examples on language you can use however, please be prepared for an infinite number of responses when booking a client for a session. Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Step #5: SCHEDULE Plan Your Week in Advance & Book Appointments Plan your month in advance and put office hours, healing circles, events/workshops & distant healing circles or community events on your calendar. Then, when you are giving healing demonstrations, invite them to attend one. Follow up with a confirmation email or phone call and let them know you are excited to see them again! Items Needed: Purchase a pocket calendar or set-up your calendar on your smart phone. Set-Up Your Calendar in Advance: Block out the hours you will be available for: 1.) 2.) 3.) Weekly Practitioner Sessions & Times Monthly/Bi-Weekly Healing Circles Events/Workshops/Distant Healing Sessions Language to Use When Booking a Session: Client: “Wow, this was great. I feel amazing.” You: “I am currently training to be a certified practitioner & am booking free sessions to get experience. I have availability on Tuesday at 10 am or Thursday at 2 pm for a session. Would you like to have a full session? “ Client: “Yes, (Book them) Client: “No”, or “I’m not sure…” You: “If you are interested in learning more about energy healing, (energy medicine, alternative healing, energy work), we do a free monthly healing circle and the next one is day/time. Would you like to come?” (Take down their name and info to remind them) Client: “I am not sure if that time will work.” You: “Well, my calendar fills up fast so let’s schedule you now so you have a time and then just call me if this doesn’t work. Please keep in mind I have a 24 hour cancellation policy.” Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training BONUS MATERIAL Locations for Meeting Potential Clients Return on Investment Pain Facts Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training How To Determine Your QT Return on Investment Practitioner Requirements and Costs 1 Level I 1 Level I 1 Advanced Class Registration Fee 90 Hours $350 $200 $450 $200 $0 Total Investment: $1,200 Practitioner Charges $100 12 Client Sessions To Break-Even Yearly Practitioner Fee: $100 One client a year to pay for itself Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Locations for Meeting Potential Clients Attend: Health Fairs Seminars/ Lectures Wellness Fairs Retreats Meet-Up Groups Advertise: Websites Newspapers Magazines Massage/ Chiropractic Offices Volunteer: Hospitals Hospice Health Clinics Nursing Homes Socialize: Churches (Unitarian/Unity Churches Open to Energy Work) Food Co-Ops/ Health Food Stores Yoga Studios New Age Bookstores Local Ladies/Mens Groups Gym Quantum-Touch Practitioner Training Facts about Pain *Definition Pain [peyn] noun 1. physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc. 2. a distressing sensation in a particular part of the body: a back pain. 3. mental or emotional suffering or torment: I am sorry my news causes you such pain. Synonyms torture, misery, torment. Ache, agony, anguish are terms for sensations causing suffering or torment. Pain and ache usually refer to physical sensations (except heartache ); agony and anguish may be physical or mental. Pain suggests a sudden sharp twinge: a pain in one's ankle. Ache applies to a continuous pain, whether acute or dull: headache; muscular aches. Agony implies a continuous, excruciating, scarcely endurable pain: in agony from a wound. Antonyms joy, delight Pain is the most common reason for physician consultation in the United States. *Pain Research studies by the National Institute of Health (NIH) have determined that over 50 million Americans (about 1 in 6) suffer from chronic, intractable pain. As the population ages, more people will need pain treatment, yet many physicians don’t practice the interdisciplinary approach and don’t know where to refer patients. Although approximately 20-60 million people suffer from pain, only 9 million seek treatment. *Pain Is Both Physical and Emotional Pain, especially chronic pain, affects more than your body. It's psychologically stressful and can (understandably) lead to emotions like anger and frustration. And pain and stress can be a vicious circle: Pain can increase stress levels, and increased levels of stress can make pain worse. This can cause depression and make it difficult to concentrate. *Pain Medication People who take opioids for pain relief for extended periods of time may need higher doses to ease their pain. They may develop tolerance to the drug and experience withdrawal symptoms if the medication is abruptly stopped. They become physically dependent on the drug. *Fibromyalgia Over 6 million Americans, 90% of them women in the prime of their life, suffer from FMS and sometimes struggle for years before being correctly diagnosed. Symptoms usually appear between 20-55 years of age, but children are also diagnosed with fibromyalgia syndrome. Pain and severe fatigue may keep FMS sufferers from their chosen profession and unable to perform common daily tasks. Dictionary: Pain www.dictionary.com Thesaurus: Pain www.thesaurus.com Wikipedia: Pain https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pain WebMD www.webmd.com/pain-management/features/prescription-painkiller-addiction-7-myths Everyday Health www.everydayhealth.com/pain-management/fascinating-pain-facts-you-didnt-know.aspx National Fibromyalgia Research Association www.nfra.net