Fundamentals of Art Syllabus - Queen Anne's County Public Schools

Fundamentals of Art
Queen Anne’s County High School
Teacher: Mr. Tim Goodger
Department: Fine Art
Credit: 1 Fine Art
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Fundamentals of Art is a course designed to familiarize students with the basic
concepts, processes, and vocabulary used in the major fields of Fine Arts. Concentration
will be in four content areas of art production, art history, art criticism, and aesthetics.
The value of art production as a means of experiencing and learning about art is provided
for by studio experiences throughout the course.
Outcome I: Perceiving and Responding-Aesthetic Education
The student will demonstrate the ability to perceive, interpret, and respond to ideas,
experiences, and the environment through visual art.
Outcome II: Historical, Cultural, and Social Context
The student will demonstrate an understanding of visual art as a basic aspect of history and
human experience.
Outcome III: Creative Expression and Production
The student will demonstrate the ability to organize knowledge and ideas for expression in the
production of art.
Outcome IV: Aesthetics and Criticism
The student will demonstrate the ability to identify, analyze, and apply criteria for making visual
aesthetic judgments.
Topics/Unit of Study
Visual Elements – LINE
Time Frame
(No. Of
10 days
Graded projects and Class Contribution
Visual Elements- SHAPE, FORM, & 10 days
Visual Elements – VALUE
10 days
Graded projects and Class Contribution
Visual Elements - COLOR
10 days
Graded projects and Class Contribution
Visual Elements – TEXTURE
10 days
Graded projects and Class Contribution
Criticism & Aesthetics
15 days
Graded projects and Class Contribution
Art History & Culture
10 days
Graded projects and Class Contribution
Exploration of Principles of Design 15 days
Graded projects and Class Contribution
Graded projects and Class Contribution
Art interdisciplinary projects during 18 weeks, not chronological. Quizzes will be
administered. Students will need to demonstrate studio skills, provide a portfolio, exhibit
competitive artwork and take comprehensive midterm and final examinations.
Every student has the ability to pass this course with flying colors, regardless of
drawing ability. Students are expected to comply with all county policies found in the
agenda book. Students are also expected to complete all assignments on time and to the
instructor’s specifications. Because of the small amount of homework assigned, emphasis is
placed on in class projects and activities. This in mind, attendance along with active daily
class work is critical to your success in this course.
MATERIALS - Needed daily for the Course
-2 #2 Pencils
-Sketchbook/Journal –three folders with pockets and clips
-Large eraser
In accordance with QACHS administrative policy, the student will receive a
warning and a phone call home the second time that they are tardy to class, the third time
the student will be assigned to the after school detention hall until 4:40, when the late bus
can take the student home). A discipline referral to the school administration will be issued
for tardiness that exceeds the earning of two detentions.
All homework not received the day it is due, while student is present, will see a
reduction in grade.
These will be kept for hand-outs and to record information from discussions and
demonstrations. Information should be kept for each project, including preliminary
sketches, project criteria, and journal type entries. One sketchbook assignment will be
assigned each Wednesday and collected the following Monday for a grade. A completed
journal will result in a resourceful study guide for the final. Journals will be checked for
correct information, weekly.
Final Exam:
Summative Assessments:
Formative Assessments:
Summative Assessments- may include application of skills learned through projects,
presentations, and integrating technology, tests, portfolio presentations and reflection.
Formative Assessments- may include demonstrating understanding of concepts through
participation in class activities, smaller projects, quizzes, homework, and critiques.
GRADING CRITERIA; Equal weight will be given to: 1) understanding the drawing
processes, techniques and CRAFTSMANSHIP, 2) the use of innovative concepts, ideas and
fresh design solutions to studio assignments, and (3) how the piece reads overall as a work
of art, considering composition and the use of design principles and elements of art.
A 90 – 100 Near perfection. Shows superb craftsmanship, firm understanding of the
creative process and materials, and is innovative in concept.
B 80 - 89 Good work. Exceeds basic level of competency in terms of craftsmanship,
technique and is inventive.
C 70 - 79 Average work. Meets the basic course requirements of craftsmanship, and
understanding of the specific creative process.
D 60 - 69 Inadequate work. Falls short of basic competency levels in understanding
materials and craftsmanship. Minimal effort.
0 - 59 Poor work. Fails to show a basic grasp of the assignment’s objective or are
very poorly executed.
In accordance with county policies late work may not be accepted from students
who have an unexcused absence. Should there be an unexcused absence, all assignments to
be handed in on that day including tests and quizzes will receive the grade of (0). All others
have 3 days to turn in work upon their return to class. After the 3 days have passed there
will be a minimum 10% reduction to the grade. Work may not be accepted after 5 days.
Students who miss class are expected to make up the time by attending open studio. Students
are responsible for making these arrangements with the instructor.
Retakes/Revision (Summative Exams): For each course, students will be allowed to retake or
revise summative exams (except for the Mid-Term or Final Exam) once, within 10 school
days from the time the assessment is returned if they score 69% or less and may earn up to a
70%. The recorded grade is to reflect the higher of the two grades, up to a 70%.
**Students will be charged a fee for unreturned or damaged art supplies.
QACHS will not be held responsible for any stolen or lost items which belong
to a student. (Examples: personal items, money, cell phones, sports
equipment, textbooks, electronic devices, personal and school issued art
Behavioral Expectations: The art room is a place where all individuals are welcome to express
their own ideas in a way that demands respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship, trustworthiness,
and fairness. If each student follows these general guidelines and the rules of the school and the
Board of Education, there will be an excellent atmosphere for producing wonderful artwork.
Remember too, that we share a relatively small space with a large number of other students, so
reasonable noise levels are expected, in order to ensure an environment conducive of learning.
Consequences of misbehavior: School procedures will be followed. Student and parent
contacts will be made. Students may be required to stay after school for detention, disciplinary
referrals will be written as needed.
Rules: There are five general rules to be followed in Mr. Goodger’s class…
Mr. G’s Five P’s
1. Be Prompt—present, on time, meet deadlines.
2. Be Prepared –have all materials needed for each class, homework done, and set up for
class work each day.
3. Be Polite—quiet while teacher is talking, share, help your neighbor, talk softly, refrain
from hitting, throwing, swearing, or picking on your classmates.
4. Be Productive—stay on task at all times; keep a clean & safe work environment.
5. Think Positive—maintain a good attitude, do good work, and compliment your
neighbor’s work.
1. No throwing of any object of any kind— it’s a safety issue and will result in an after
school detention.
2. Bring a pencil to class—NO PENS!! If you do not have a pencil, collateral will be taken
until the return of the borrowed pencil at the end of class.
3. Cleaning your work area—is very important for both you and the people after you.
Placemats, sponges and water buckets are available if needed. Table or room partners
will share more involved cleanup jobs.
4. Class will be dismissed by the teacher—often by tables, not the bell. Listen for last
minute instructions.
5. All cabinets, closets, and desks are off limits. If you need something and do not see it,
please ask!
6. Mr. Goodger’s library is not to be taken out of the room unless signed out. It is also
expected that the item loaned will be returned in the same condition in which it was
7. Conservation of supplies is a must! Draw on both sides of the paper, do NOT crumble
your work up and ask to start over. Show the “messed-up-work” to Mr. Goodger and
together, we will decide if you need another. Do not take any more than you need, if you
run out, more will be available. Store brushes bristle up so the retain their shape. Clean
and dry scissors to prevent rusting.
8. Stay in room 421. Ask permission to leave and don’t leave without a pass.
Note to parents
I am very glad to have your son/daughter in my fundamentals class this semester. I
cannot stress the importance of good communication between students, teachers,
and parents. Please feel free to contact me for any reason during the semester.
Thank You,
Tim Goodger
(410) 758-0500 ext. 165
Please sign and return this syllabus with your child to indicate that you have
received and understand the rules and guidelines laid out in this syllabus.
I understand that I am responsible for the rules and guidelines laid out in this
Student Signature _______________________________
Student Name___________________________________
Parent Signature________________________________
Parent E-mail______________________________