Introduction Optimum Design Process Mathematical process of finding the conditions that give maximum or minimum value of a function Identify : (1) Design variables (2) Objective functions to be minimized/maximized (3) Constraints that must be satisfied Initial design Analyze the system Convergence criteria ? N Change design using Optimization technique Y Optimum Design Introduction … Applications Optimization is at work everywhere: manufacturing, transportation, logistics, financial services, utilities, energy, telecommunications, government, defense and retail Engineering Applications Vehicle design and analysis Shape optimization of Aircraft structures Heat transfer analysis in CVD reactors Size and topology optimization of mechanical components Medical Applications Algorithms for new drug development Protein structure assessment DNA sequence mapping Environmental protection Efficient soil and water resource utilization Land and natural resource allocation Management Mathematics Supply Chain Management, Distribution Management and Production Scheduling Background Information Optimization Software Packages available in the Industry DAKOTA – Sandia National Labs, a complete optimization toolkit iSIGHT* - Engineous Software Inc, a complete optimization toolkit GENESIS* - Vanderplaats Research & Development, Inc., Structural Analysis and Optimization Software Mathematical Dynamic Modeling (MADYMO)* – TNO Automotive Hierarchical Evolutionary Engineering Design System (HEEDS)* – Red Cedar Technology OPTIMUS* – Noesis Solutions, Optimization software LS-OPT* - Livermore Software Technology Corporation COSMOSWorks™ and COSMOSM™* - Structural Research & Analysis Corporation MATLAB Optimization Toolbox* – MathWorks * Commericial packages Background Information Obtaining DAKOTA DAKOTA binary executable files and source code files are available through the following website: Installing DAKOTA - Binary Executable Files gunzip Dakota_4_x.OSversion.tar.gz tar -xvf Dakota_4_x.OSversion.tar Running DAKOTA dakota -i dakota -i > dakota.out dakota –i –read_restart dakota.rst > dakota.out Multiprocessor Execution mpirun –np 4 dakota –i > dakota.out mpirun –machinefile machines –np 4 dakota –i > dakota.out Optimization with DAKOTA Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications (DAKOTA) Software toolkit which provides a flexible and extensible interface between simulation codes and iterative analysis methods Improved or optimal designs using state-of-the-art optimization methods Shortens design cycle and reduces overall product development costs Black-Box interface between DAKOTA and a user-supplied simulation code Capabilities of DAKOTA Sampling Methods and DOE Parameter Study Multidimensional LHS Vector DDACE Modern DOE Centered List Uncertainty Quantification Analytic Reliability method Stochastic FE method AMV AMV+ Classical DOE Pseudo Monte Carlo CCD LHS Box Behnken Optimization Software packages Optimization Strategies Surface Fitting methods CONMIN Multilevel Hybrid First-order Taylor Series SGOPT Multistart Local Quadratic Polynomial PICO Pareto Kriging Interpolation APPS MINLP ANN OPT++ OUU MARS NPSOL* SBO FORM SORM Orthogonal Array sampling LHS : Latin Hypercube sampling DDACE : Distributed Design and Analysis for Computer Experiments DOE : Design of Experiments CCD : Central Composite Design AMV : Advanced Mean-Value methods FORM/SORM : First/Second Order Reliability Method MINLP : Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming OUU : Optimization Under Uncertainty SBO : Surrogate Based Optimization ANN : Artificial Neural Network MARS : Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines DOT* Parallel Computing Flexibility in DAKOTA Files required for Simulation DAKOTA Input File e.g., Simulation Driver Script File e.g., simulator_script Pre-Processing Utility e.g., transfer_perl Template Simulation Input file e.g., ros.template Adapting the Scripts for another Simulation Steps for this purpose are Create a template simulator input file by identifying the fields in an existing input file. Modify the Perl variables in the perl script file. Modify the analysis section of simulator script file. Change the post-processing section in simulator_script to reflect the revised extraction process. Modify the DAKOTA input file to define the initial values, bounds, and tags in the variables specification and the number of objectives and constraints in the responses specification. Capabilities … Optimization studies have shown that there is no single optimization technique that works best for all design problems. A combination of techniques can provide the best opportunity for finding an optimal solution Optimization Strategies Multilevel Hybrid Multistart Local Pareto optimization Flow chart of SBO Different optimization algorithms at different stages Multiple local optima exists Multiple sets of weights Sampling Based Optimization under Uncertainty Analytic Reliability based Stochastic Reliability based MINLP DACE (data sampling) Select design points that must be analyzed Simulation Analyze system using computational methods Metamodeling Construct approximated mathematical model (surrogate model) Branch and Bound Optimization Surrogate based optimization Find an optimal design variable set Capabilities (Surface Fitting methods) Surface fitting process consists of three steps: Selection of a set of design points, Evaluation of the true response quantities at these design points Using the response data to solve for the unknown coefficients in the surface fit model First order Taylor series model Linear Polynomial Regression Surface Fitting Methods Quadratic Cubic Kriging Interpolation Artificial Neural Network Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) Interfacing DAKOTA with Other Simulation Codes In DAKOTA, there are two different strategies for interfacing i.e., interfacing with an application and interfacing with an approximation DAKOTA Input File Format Interfacing Mechanisms in DAKOTA Variables Interface Responses Methods Strategy Interfacing with an application (Computational Simulation code) System Calls Forks Direct Function Interfacing with an approximation (Surrogate model) Local Global Multipoint Hierarchical Capabilities (Parallel Computing) Single Program Multiple Data parallel programming model MPI and MPI_COMM_WORLD Parallelism levels Algorithmic coarse grained Algorithmic fine grained Independent function evaluations Internal linear algebra Function evaluation coarse grained Separable parts of a single function evaluation Function evaluation fine grained Solution steps within a single analysis code Test cases – Weight Optimization A truss structure Weight optimization of a truss structure under vertical load Objective Function: Minimize the weight of Truss x2 x1 Cross sectional area of the truss members (x1, x2, x3, x4) are design variables Problem is formulated in C, C++, F77 / F90 Executable is linked with DAKOTA input file DAKOTA is executed with the input file to generate the output weight x4 Optimization Results Vertical deflection constraint and certain end constraints are applied Gradient based method (CONMIN_MFD) was applied x3 20,000 kg Mathematically : F(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1 1.2 x2 x3 0.6 x4 Design Variables Initial Point Design Variables Final Point x1 20 cm2 x1 10.63 cm2 x2 40 cm2 x2 6.65 cm2 x3 10 cm2 x3 10.64 cm2 x4 10 cm2 x4 12.86 cm2 Initial Objective 84 kg Final Objective 36.97 kg function value function value Best data captured at function evaluation 112 Total Wall Clock = 0.806 seconds Test case – Handling extreme non-linearity Objective : Find the most optimal solution on a non-linear (real world) response surface Mathematically f ( x1 , x 2 ) 1.7 * (1.25 cos(5.4 * x 2 ) ) (6 6 * (3 * x1 1) ) 2 1 1 9 * ( x1 0.6) 16 * ( x 2 0.5) 2 2 Gradient based and Non-Gradient based methods were applied Multi-Level hybrid optimization was applied Surrogate based Optimization (SBO) which employs data-sampling, A surface plot of the objective function metamodeling and optimization techniques was used. Gradient based optimization with different initial points using OPT++ Test initial x1 initial x2 optimal x1 optimal x2 f optimum 1 0.0 0.0 0.3239 -0.012 -0.7164 local 2 0.0 0.5 0.3312 0.5759 -0.6739 local 3 0.0 -0.5 0.3140 -0.5778 -0.7514 local 4 -0.5 0.0 -0.5922 -0.5021 -1.0696 global Effect of population size on GA population optimal x1 optimal x2 f computing time (sec.) 200 -0.5304 -0.5013 -1.0374 26.36 400 -0.6359 -0.4801 -1.0454 51.72 600 -0.6359 -0.4801 -1.0454 79.82 Multilevel hybrid optimization Method optimal x1 optimal x2 f computing time (sec.) GA PS CONMIN -0.5925 -0.5023 -1.0696 12.45 GA CONMIN -0.5925 -0.5023 -1.0696 11.44 Comparison of accuracy of surface fitting methods Fitting method x1 x2 f sbo % error* quadratic poly. -0.5007 -0.5076 -1.0024 6.28 No. of samples x1 X2 f sbo % error cubic poly. -0.5788 -0.4918 -1.0675 0.19 20 -0.5969 -0.5181 -1.0654 0.39 kriging -0.5981 -0.5130 -1.0675 0.19 30 -0.5981 -0.5130 -1.0675 0.19 MARS -0.5659 -0.4802 -1.0555 1.32 40 -0.5957 -0.5019 -1.0695 0.01 ANN -0.5530 -0.4685 -1.0381 2.95 Effect of number of samples in LHS on the solution (Kriging) f real = -1.0696 * % error = f sbo f real / f real *100 Test case – DAKOTA coupled with in-house solvers DAKOTA interface with a Inhouse CFD flow solver Black-box interface of DAKOTA and Flow solver Job file DAKOTA Input File Results File Generalized grid of the airfoil Objective Function: Maximize Coefficient of Lift CL Extract data Script File Extracted data Design Variable: Angle of attack (ALPHA) Side constraint: 0o ALPHA 13o Input File History File Alter Waits for Gradient based method (CONMIN_FRCG) is used FORK Application Interface is used Variables File Run Inhouse (Flow Solver) Grid Computing DAKOTA (Binary) is distributed for various platforms e.g., Intel Pentium Red Hat, Sun Solaris, SGI IRIX, IBM AIX and Mac OSX. DAKOTA (Source) is also distributed, which can be built for any particular platform. DAKOTA is intended for solving computationally expensive simulations of different applications, enabling DAKOTA on a grid based resource will reduce expense and make it available for various research communities Large scale parallelism and grid computing will be very useful for DAKOTA users, providing quick results, enabling collaborative usage and communication. DAKOTA version 4.0 with a JAVA Front End is installed on Medusa (Rocks 4.1 cluster), this required installing few additional packages e.g., BLAS, LAPACK, FLEX, YACC and Bison. PGI compiler was required for compiling various algorithms included in the toolkit Optimization, Parameter estimation, Uncertainty quantification and Statistics toolkit DAKOTA is intended for usage among scientists and engineers, this can further collaborated through SURA grid usage Goal is now to enable DAKOTA on SURA grid, it has been enabled on Medusa and can be easily extended to other available clusters. Users from different groups can submit jobs for different applications and there can be collaborative support among them. Conclusion Provides access to a broad range of iterative capabilities through a single, relatively simple interface between DAKOTA and simulation code. Interfacing a different iterative method / strategy with the simulation code requires only a change in few commands of the DAKOTA input file Provides access to a variety of different optimization methods and algorithms, with much of the complexity of the optimization software interfaces hidden from the user Designed to exploit massively parallel computing platforms through a multi-level parallelism approach which takes advantage of opportunities for concurrent function evaluations that are provided by the different optimization algorithms Flexibility, and extensibility, of the C++ object-oriented design approach used in creating DAKOTA permits the rapid development of more sophisticated optimization strategies such as surrogate-based optimization, hybrid optimization and optimization under uncertainty Input File – Truss design Input file for Truss design (Gradient based method) strategy, # method, # # # variables, interface, # responses, single_method graphics tabular_graphics_data conmin_mfd convergence_tolerance = 1e-4 conmin_frcg optpp_q_newton optimization_type minimize continuous_design = 4 cdv_descriptor 'x1' 'x2‘ ‘x3’ ‘x4’ cdv_initial_point 20.0 40.0 10.0 10.0 cdv_lower_bounds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 application, system application direct analysis_driver = 'a.out' parameters_file = '' results_file = 'test.out' file_tag num_objective_functions = 1 num_nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 5 numerical_gradients method_source dakota interval_type central fd_gradient_step_size = 0.001 no_hessians \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Input File – Handling Extreme non-linearity strategy, method, variables, interface, responses, Non - Gradient based method single_method graphics tabular_graphics_data output verbose max_iterations 300 max_function_evaluations 500 solution_accuracy = 1.e-2 seed = 1234 sgopt_pga_real initialization_type random population_size = 200 selection_pressure rank replacement_type elitist = 1 crossover_type uniform crossover_rate = 0.92 mutation_type offset_cauchy dimension_rate = .12 population_rate = .91 non_adaptive continuous_design = 2 cdv_initial_point 0.0 0.0 cdv_lower_bounds -1.0 -1.0 cdv_upper_bounds 1.0 1.0 cdv_descriptor 'x1' 'x2‘ application fork, analysis_driver = 'a.out' parameters_file = '' results_file = 'sgopt-real.out' file_tag num_objective_functions = 1 no_gradients no_hessians \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Input File – Handling Extreme non-linearity strategy, method, method, method, graphics tabular_graphics_data multi_level uncoupled method_list = 'GA' 'PS' 'NLP' id_method = 'GA' model_type single variables_pointer = 'V1' interface_pointer = 'I1' responses_pointer = 'R1' max_function_evaluations 10 sgopt_pga_real seed = 1234 population_size = 20 verbose output id_method = 'PS' model_type single variables_pointer = 'V1' interface_pointer = 'I1' responses_pointer = 'R1' sgopt_pattern_search stochastic seed = 1234 verbose output initial_delta = 0.1 threshold_delta = 1.e-2 solution_accuracy = 1.e-2 exploratory_moves best_first id_method = 'NLP' model_type single variables_pointer = 'V1' interface_pointer = 'I1' responses_pointer = 'R2' conmin_frcg gradient_tolerance = 1.e-2 convergence_tolerance = 1.e-2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ interface, variables, responses, responses, id_interface = 'I1' application fork, analysis_driver= 'a.out' parameters_file= '' results_file= 'multi.out' file_tag id_variables = 'V1' continuous_design = 2 cdv_initial_point 0.0 0.0 cdv_upper_bounds 1.0 1.0 cdv_lower_bounds -1.0 -1.0 cdv_descriptor 'x1' 'x2' id_responses = 'R1' num_objective_functions = 1 no_gradients no_hessians id_responses = 'R2' num_objective_functions = 1 numerical_gradients method_source dakota interval_type central fd_step_size = 0.0001 no_hessians Multi-Level Optimization \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Input File – Handling Extreme non-linearity Surrogate Based Optimization strategy, surrogate_based_opt graphics tabular_graphics_data max_iterations = 2 opt_method_pointer = 'NLP' trust_region initial_size = 1.0 minimum_size = 1.0e-6 contraction_factor = 0.50 expansion_factor = 1.50 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ method, id_method = 'NLP' model_type layered interface_pointer = 'SFN' responses_pointer = 'SFN_GRAD' optpp_q_newton, max_iterations = 50, convergence_tolerance = 1e-4 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ method, id_method = 'SAMPLING' model_type single interface_pointer='TFN' responses_pointer='TFN_GRAD‘ dace lhs seed = 123 samples = 30 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ variables, continuous_design = 2 cdv_initial_point -0.5 -0.5 cdv_lower_bounds -1.0 -1.0 cdv_upper_bounds 1.0 1.0 cdv_descriptor 'x1' 'x2' \ \ \ \ \ interface, id_interface = 'SFN' approximation global, dace_method_pointer = 'SAMPLING' kriging correlations 1.0 1.0 \ \ \ \ \ \ interface, application system, id_interface = 'TFN' analysis_driver = 'a.out' parameters_file = '' results_file = 'surrogate.out' file_tag \ \ \ \ \ \ \ responses, id_responses = 'TFN_GRAD‘ num_objective_functions = 1 no_gradients no_hessians \ \ responses, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ id_responses = 'SFN_GRAD' num_objective_functions = 1 numerical_gradients method_source dakota interval_type central fd_step_size = 0.0001 no_hessians # SAMPLING method specifications for building # surrogate function(s). \ \ \