IPCC and Carbon Management Responding to Climate Change, Spring 2011 Peter Schlosser, Juerg Matter Carbon Reservoir Sizes 2 Carbon Cycle 3 The problem • Developed and developing countries are using increasing amounts of primary energy • Most of this primary energy is produced by burning of fossil fuel • This has already led to significant increases in the atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gas CO2 accounting for roughly one half of the anthropogenically induced Greenhouse Gas Effect • Future projections point towards at least doubling of the natural atm CO2 concentrations (560 ppm) • The projected global warming would be in the vicinity of 3 degrees Celsius (IPCC 2007) IPCC 2007 • Recognizing the problem of potential global climate change, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988. It is open to all members of the UN and WMO. • The role of the IPCC is to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. The IPCC does not carry out research nor does it monitor climate related data or other relevant parameters. It bases its assessment mainly on peer reviewed and published scientific/technical literature. Its role, organisation, participation and general procedures are laid down in the "Principles Governing IPCC Work" http://www.ipcc.ch/index.html IPCC 2007 http://www.ipcc.ch/SPM2feb07.pdf IPCC 2007 http://www.ipcc.ch/SPM2feb07.pdf IPCC 2007 http://www.ipcc.ch/SPM2feb07.pdf Global Fossil Fuel CO2 emissions Fossil fuel CO2 emissions based on data of Marland and Boden (DOE, Oak Ridge) and British Petroleum. Source: Hansen and Sato, PNAS, 98, 14778, 2001. Global Fossil Fuel CO2 emissions Global fossil fuel CO2 emissions with division into portions that remain airborne or are soaked up by the ocean and land. Source: Hansen and Sato, PNAS, 101, 16109, 2004. Primary Energy sources Source: EIA International Energy Outlook, 2006 Keeling curve http://asymptotia.com/wpimages/2009/01/700pxmauna_loa_carbon_dioxide.png http://co2now.org/ IPCC 2007 http://www.ipcc.ch/SPM2feb07.pdf IPCC 2007 http://www.ipcc.ch/SPM2feb07.pdf IPCC 2007 http://www.ipcc.ch/SPM2feb07.pdf Virgin Earth Challenge http://www.virginearth.com/ Carbon Capture and Storage Why And How? Contributions from Klaus S. Lackner Columbia University Earth Institute School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Energy, Wealth, Economic Growth Primary Energy Consumption (kW/person) 100 Norway 10 Russia UK China 1 India USA France Brazil $0.38/kWh (primary) 0.1 0.01 100 1000 10000 GDP ($/person/year) 100000 EIA Data 2002 Energy, Wealth, Economic Growth EIA Data 2002 IPCC Model Simulations of CO2 Emissions Energy Will Not Run Out H.H. Rogner, 1997 Fossil Fuel Resources Source: BP, Stat. Review 2005 bnboe = billion barrels of oil equivalent USA Total Oil Consumption: 7.5 billion barrels per year U.S. Coal Facts • currently world’s 2nd largest producer and consumer • 50% of U.S. electricity generation • total consumption projected to increase ~30% by 2030 Coal Facts fastest growing energy source in the world plentiful and inexpensive compared to oil and natural gas 10 billion metric tons of CO2 emissions per year (global CO2 emissions are 25 billion metric tons per year) USA: 154 new 500 megawatt, coal-fired electricity plants between 2005 and 2030 China: Construction of the equivalent of one large coal-fired power plant per week U.S. Coal Regions Source: USGS, http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1996/of96-092/index.htm U.S. Electric Power Generation Cumulative CO2 Emissions Lifetime fossil fuel emissions from existing and planned power plants by 2030 will be comparable to the sum of all emission from the past 252 years 5 4 3 2 180ppm increase in the air The Mismatch in Carbon Sources and Sinks 1 50% increase in biomass 30% of the Ocean 30% increase in acidified Soil Carbon 1800 2000 Fossil Carbon Consumption to date Carbon as a Low-Cost Source of Energy US1990$ per barrel of oil equivalent Lifting Cost Cumulative Carbon Consumption as of1997 Cumulative Gt of Carbon Consumed H.H. Rogner, 1997 Fossil fuels are fungible Coal Shale Tar Oil Natural Gas Carbon Refining Synthesis Gas Diesel Jet Fuel Ethanol Methanol DME Hydrogen Heat Electricity The Challenge: Holding the Stock of CO2 constant Extension of Historic Growth Rates Constant emissions at 2010 rate 560 ppm 33% of 2010 rate 10% of 2010 rate 0% of 2010 rate 280 ppm What do we know? • Demand for energy services will grow – Increased demand can be accommodated • Environmental constraints will tighten – Bigger output, less tolerance for pollution – Climate change threat • Cost of carbon dioxide emissions will rise – Very difficult to saturate demand for CO2 emission reductions What do we not know? • Price of carbon – Form of regulation is highly uncertain – Time line is difficult to estimate • could be very fast • Tipping point has been reached • Price of oil and gas – Are we at Hubbert’s Peak? – Gas could last much longer than thought • Deep sources, hydrates • Technology Advances M. King Hubbert's original 1956 prediction of world petroleum production rates – Fuel cells, Carbon Capture and Storage, Nuclear • Ultimate Efficiency and Energy Intensity – Surprises could go both ways Options • • • • • Greater efficiency / Reduction in consumption Change fuel mix Substitute renewables for fossil fuels Nuclear Carbon capture and storage Introduction of Carbon Free Sources • Renewable Energy – – – – – – – Hydro Electricity Tides and Waves Wind Geothermal Biomass Waste Energy Solar Energy • Nuclear Energy – Fission – Fusion Driven by Fossil Fuel Prices and Carbon Price Stabilization Wedges - A Concept and Game "Stabilization Wedges: Solving the Climate Problem for the next 50 Years with Current Technologies,” S. Pacala and R. Socolow, Science, August 13, 2004. Historical Emissions 16 Billions of Tons Carbon Emitted per Year 8 Historical emissions 0 1950 Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative 2000 2050 2100 The Stabilization Triangle 16 Billions of Tons Carbon Emitted per Year Stabilization Triangle 8 Historical emissions Interim Goal Flat path 1.6 0 1950 Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative 2000 2050 2100 The Stabilization Triangle 16 Easier CO2 target Billions of Tons Carbon Emitted per Year ~850 ppm Stabilization Triangle 8 Historical emissions Interim Goal Flat path 1.6 0 1950 Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative 2000 2050 2100 The Stabilization Triangle 16 Billions of Tons Carbon Emitted per Year 16 GtC/y Eight “wedges” Goal: In 50 years, same global emissions as today 8 Historical emissions Flat path 1.6 0 1950 Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative 2000 2050 2100 What is a “Wedge”? A “wedge” is a strategy to reduce carbon emissions that grows in 50 years from zero to 1.0 GtC/yr. The strategy has already been commercialized at scale somewhere. 1 GtC/yr Total = 25 Gigatons carbon 50 years Cumulatively, a wedge redirects the flow of 25 GtC in its first 50 years. A “solution” to the CO2 problem should provide at least one wedge. 15 Wedge Strategies in 4 Categories Energy Efficiency & Conservation (4) 16 GtC/y Fuel Switching (1) CO2 Capture & Storage (3) Renewable Fuels & Electricity (4) Stabilization Stabilization Triangle 8 GtC/y 2007 2057 Nuclear Fission (1) Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative Forest and Soil Storage (2) Efficiency -> E, T, H / $ 1. Double fuel efficiency of 2 billion cars from 30 to 60 mpg. 2. Decrease the number of car miles traveled by half. E, T, H / $ Sectors affected: E = Electricity T = Transport H = Heat 3. Use best efficiency practices in all residential and commercial buildings. 4. Produce current coal-based electricity with twice today's efficiency. Cost based on scale of $ to $$$ Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative Fuel Switching -> E, H / $ Substitute 1400 natural gas electric plants for an equal number of coal-fired facilities. Requires an amount of natural gas equal to that used for all purposes today. Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative Photo by J.C. Willett (U.S. Geological Survey). Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) -> E, T, H / $$ Implement CCS: • 800 GW coal electric plants or • 1600 GW natural gas electric plants or • 180 coal synfuels plants or • 10 times today’s capacity of hydrogen plants Graphic courtesy of Alberta Geological Survey There are currently three CCS projects that inject 1 million tons of CO2 per year. We need 3500 CCS projects by 2055. Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative Nuclear Electricity -> E / $$ Triple the world’s nuclear electricity capacity by 2055 The rate of installation required for a wedge from electricity is equal to the global rate of nuclear expansion from 1975 – 1990. Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative Wind Electricity -> E, T, H / $-$$ Install 1 million 2 MW windmills to replace coal-based electricity Use 2 million windmills to produce hydrogen fuel A wedge worth of wind electricity will require increasing current capacity by a factor of 30. Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative Solar Electricity -> E, T, H / $-$$ Install 20,000 square kilometers for dedicated use by 2054 Courtesey: www. nunetherlands.wordpress.com One wedge of solar electricity would mean a 700 times increase in current capacity Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative Biofuels -> T, H / $$ Scale up current global ethanol production by 30 times Using current practices, one wedge requires planting an area the size of India with biofuel crops. Source: Carbon Mitigation Initiative Carbon Capture and Storage • Capture at the plant • Capture from the air • Long term disposal Driven solely by carbon price Dividing The Fossil Carbon Pie 900 Gt C total Past 10yr 550 ppm Removing the Carbon Constraint 5000 Gt C total Past Options exist • Triad of large options • Myriad small contributors How does one create the right incentives? A Triad of Large Scale Options • Solar – Cost reduction and mass-manufacture • Nuclear – Cost, waste, safety and security • Fossil Energy – Zero emission, carbon storage and interconvertibility Markets will drive efficiency, conservation and alternative energy Small Energy Resources • Biomass – Sun and land limited • Wind – Stopping the air over Colorado every day? • Geothermal – Geographically limited • Tides, Waves & Ocean Currents – Less than human power generation Net Zero Carbon Economy CO2 from concentrated sources Capture from power plants, cement, steel, refineries, etc. CO2 from distributed emissions Capture from air Permanent & safe disposal Geological Storage Mineral carbonate disposal Net Zero Carbon Economy CO2 from concentrated sources CO2 extraction from air Permanent & safe disposal Lake Michigan 21st century carbon dioxide emissions could exceed the mass of water in Lake Michigan Storage Life Time Slow Leak (0.04%/yr) 2 Gt/yr for 2500 years Storage 5000 Gt of C 200 years at 4 times current rates of emission Current Emissions: 6Gt/year Underground Injection statoil Underground Injection US Geologic Storage Capacity Assumption: only 1 – 4% of geologic capacity can be used for CO2 storage. total estimated geological CO2 storage: 3,600 – 12,900 billion tons of CO2. To put that in perspective, the United States’ current annual CO2 emissions are about ~ 7 billion tons per year. Risk of Leakage Source: www.westcarb.org Killer Lake In 1986, an explosion of CO2 from Lake Nyos, West of Cameroon, killed more than 1700 people and livestock up to 25 km away. Two lakes still contain large amounts of CO2 (10 and 300 millions m3 in Monoun and Nyos, respectively) Gravitational Trapping Subocean Floor Disposal With Buoyancy Cap Locations for injections Energy States of Carbon The ground state of carbon is a mineral carbonate Carbon 400 kJ/mole Carbon Dioxide 60...180 kJ/mole Carbonate Rockville Quarry Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 + 3CO2(g) 3MgCO3 + 2SiO2 +2H2O(l) +63kJ/mol CO2 IPCC, 2005: Carbon Capture and Storage Special Report Net Zero Carbon Economy CO2 from concentrated sources CO2 extraction from air Permanent & safe disposal Zero Emission Principle CO2 H2O SOx, NOx and other Pollutants Air Carbon N2 Power Plant Solid Waste Many Different Options • Oxyfuel Combustion (ready for sequestration) – Naturally zero emission • Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle – Difficult as zero emission • AZEP Cycles (Advanced Zero Emission Plants) – Mixed Oxide Membranes • Fuel Cell Cycles – Solid Oxide Membranes Hydrogenation Net Zero Carbon Economy CO2 from concentrated sources CO2 extraction from air Permanent & safe disposal Relative size of a tank gasoline hydrogen Electrical, mechanical storage Batteries etc. Ca(OH)2 as an absorbent Air Flow CO2 diffusion Ca(OH)2 Calcium hydroxide solution CaCO3 precipitate CO2 mass transfer is limited by diffusion in air boundary layer 1 m3of Air 40 moles of gas, 1.16 kg wind speed 6 m/s mv 2 20 J 2 CO2 0.015 moles of CO2 produced by 10,000 J of gasoline Volumes are drawn to scale Air Extraction can compensate for CO2 emissions anywhere 2NaOH + CO2 Na2CO3 Art Courtesy Stonehaven CCS, Montreal 60m by 50m 3kg of CO2 per second 90,000 tons per year 4,000 people or 15,000 cars Would feed EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) for 800 barrels a day. 250,000 units for worldwide CO2 emissions How much wind? (6m/sec) Wind area that carries 10 kW 0.2 m 2 for CO2 Wind area that carries 22 tons of CO2 per year 50 cents/ton of CO2 for contacting 80 m 2 for Wind Energy Hydrogen or Air Extraction? Coal,Gas Fossil Fuel Hydrogen Oil Gasoline Distribution Distribution Consumption Consumption CO2 Transport Air Extraction CO2 Disposal Take Home Messages • IPCC: certainty about connection between human activity, increased greenhouse gases and global warming is increasing • Carbon Management: There are technical options to influence the atmospheric CO2 concentration – Sequestration schemes – CO2 Extraction from atmosphere • Hydrogen or Carbon based energy cycles? • Virgin Earth Challenge: incentive for invention that leads to action • Real hurdles not in science and engineering but in policy