
Audience Feedback
(The Animatic)
When we screened our animatic we designed a
questionnaire, which is featured on the website, to obtain
audience feedback. Most of the questions required yes or
no answers but we felt more than a yes or a no was needed
and so we asked for their opinions which we will use to
improve our script.
We can also use the feedback to ensure that any
misinterpretations of ideas do not occur such as the
flashbacks being confused with the present and visa versa.
We have taken onboard everything that was said by the
audience and have even changed our script to coincide with
the points that they have made.
Question 1.
1) In your own words please describe what you understood the
storyline to be.
We found that the majority of people who viewed our animatic
misinterpreted or didn’t understand the ending; we feel that this
was because of the lack of information included in the animatic
such as the missing persons poster. When this scene is shot for the
film, a full missing persons poster will be included so that it is
made clear to the audience that the girl has ran away.
We also discovered that most of the audience understood the
main concept of the script and general idea the film is trying to
get across. Despite some people not fully understanding the
storyline, they still had a general idea of the main plot. This could
be due to the nature of the film and it’s openness to
Question 2.
2) Was the narrative structure clear and easily understandable?
Most people who took the questionnaire said that they thought
that the narrative structure was clear and felt that it was easy to
Question 3.
3) Was verisimilitude maintained? If no please give reasons for
your answer.
All of the answers for this question was ‘Yes’ and so no changes
will need to be made.
Question 4.
4) What do you think about the way in which the dialogue is
There was some confusion as to how the dialogue was actually
delivered in this question, some people thought that the dialogue
was the girl’s inner thoughts and so were a voice over whereas the
dialogue is delivered first person. This will obviously not be an
issue when it comes to the final film as it will be obvious that the
girl is speaking directly to the audience.
Another issue that arose from this was the speed at which the
dialogue was read; we had highlighted this as an issue before we
actually screened the animatic and so this will also be altered
when the film is actually shot.
Question 5.
5) Do you think that there is enough shot variation? If not which
scenes need to be changed?
Not one person said that there was not enough shot variation.
This has told us that there is no major changes that need to be
made so that enough shot variation is included. However, we will
still review all of the shots to ensure that enough different shots
are included.
However, someone did say that “some of it was repetitive”. This is
not a major issue for us as we understood when we made the
animatic that a lot of the stills were the same, we feel that even if
we keep returning to similar shots of the girl talking into the
camera that this will add to the empathy the audience will feel
towards the character and add to the overall effectiveness of the
Question 6.
6) Did the dialogue maintain interest throughout? If not, how
would you change it?
The majority of people who filled in the questionnaire said that
the dialogue did in fact maintain interest throughout and that
they wanted to keep watching to see what the girl’s ‘story’ was
leading up to.
Some people however did not like it, someone said that it was ‘dry
in the middle’. With regards to the comments that we got from
the rest of the group and from our own personal opinions, we feel
that the middle section of the script will stay as it is.
Question 7.
7) Did you think that all of the flashbacks were relevant and do
you think any more could be included?
The main points that we got from this question was that some of
the flashbacks needed to be clearer, especially the bed shot where
the girl is supposed to be crying. We feel that this will be made
clearer in the actual film as it will be an actress who will be playing
the girl and so the audience will see tears and her acting upset.
Someone also said that they didn’t get a sense of any flashbacks,
this is not a major issue for us. This is because the rest of the
group identified the flashbacks as being in the past however,
when it comes to editing, we may adopt some techniques to
ensure that it is made clear that these shots are supposed to be
from the past.
Question 8.
8) Do you feel that the music is effective? If no please give
reasons for your answer.
The music included was found to be effective by most people who
filled in the questionnaire and so we will seriously consider using
the same type of music featured in the animatic. Some people
said that they did not notice any music, this is a good thing in the
respect that it did not distract them from the story or dialogue,
but bad in the sense that it did not seem to add anything to the
Question 9.
9) Do you feel empathy towards to main protagonist? If not
please give reasons for your answer.
We found that some people did in fact feel empathetic towards
the main protagonist and so this was positive feedback as this is
what we were aiming for.
However, some people said that they did not feel empathy
towards the main protagonist; this causes major problems for us
and our script. To address this problem and take the feedback on
board, we have decided to alter the script and add a passage
explaining why the girl is the way that she is.
Question 10.
10) What would you change about any element of the film?
The main points that we found from this question was the slowing
down of the dialogue, this is something we are going to address
and take on board when making the film.
Another thing that was noted in this question was making the
twist at the end clearer. We have also taken this onboard and will
rectify this by ensuring that a missing persons poster is featured
clearly in the film so getting the message across clearly.