The Odyssey

English 9: Fall 2010
The Odyssey Final Project
After in-depth research on Greek mythology, reading and discussing excerpts from The
Odyssey, and watching a film version of the epic poem you will complete a final project to
demonstrate your understanding of Homer’s work. You may check out a textbook, consult
internet sources, and use books or other materials to glean information for your project.
You may choose from the following project options:
1. Brochure: Using Microsoft Publisher or other document software you will create a text
and graphic rich brochure that highlights the various locations that Odysseus visited and
the adventures he encountered on his travels home to Ithaca after the Trojan War.
2. Comic Strip: Choose an episode (ex: The Cyclops, The Sirens, Odysseus’ Revenge etc.)
from The Odyssey to illustrate using a minimum of 10 comic strip cells. If you Google comic
strip template you can find many possible layouts for a comic strip.
3. Newspaper: Format your project to look like a newspaper (published in either Ithaca or
Troy about the adventures of Odysseus) and include any elements that you would find on
the front page (feature articles, advertisements, weather report, gossip column etc.)
4. Journal: Write detailed journal entries from the perspective of five characters from The
Odyssey other than Odysseus. Possible perspectives you could capture: Telemachus,
Penelope, Athena, Polyphemus, Poseidon, Eurycleia, Circe, Anticleia etc. Make sure you
establish when in the story they are writing the journals and include specific details.
5. One Act Play: Write a script that details one of the episodes from The Odyssey. Include
character descriptions, stage directions and other elements that make up a play. You can
work on this project option with a partner and may decide to perform your play for the
6. Video/Digital Story: Using Movie Maker or iMovie (or comparable software) you may
create a short video (2-3 minutes) of one of the episodes of The Odyssey. You may work on
this project option with a partner.
7. Audiocast/Radio Broadcast or Poetry Reading: Write a newscast that you would hear on
the radio using specific details from The Odyssey. Using Audacity or other audio software
you can record yourself reading the script. You could also write a series of poems and
record yourself reading the poems. (3-5 minutes)
8. Board Game: Create a board game based on The Odyssey. Make sure you include
directions for how to play and elements that make up a game (game pieces, cards, visuals,
9. Song: Write a song (or series of short songs) based on The Odyssey. Turn in the lyrics to
the song(s) and you may choose to either perform for the class or even turn in an audio CD.
You may work with a partner on this project.
10. Essay: You may write an essay that explores a theme, character, or that makes a
personal connection to The Odyssey. This needs to be a well developed essay that utilizes
the correct format: title, introduction, thesis, (specific) supporting details, and a
11. Movie Review: Take a movie (could be your favorite movie) and use the steps of Joseph
Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” to write an essay/movie review about the film. Trace how the
movie uses the same structure as The Odyssey.
Various themes from The Odyssey:
 Glory and fame
 Hubris- excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance.
 Patriotism and love of country
 Sacrifice
 Temptation and mortal weakness/flaws
 Revenge
 Religion
 Loyalty and devotion
 Pressures of war
 Traits of a good leader
 Cunning vs. strength (brain vs. brawn)
 Hospitality to guests
 Family