Digitizing information • Information is knowledge in a form that is understandable to humans • Digital data are information that have been transformed to be understandable to computers – Computers are getting smarter all the time, so maybe we should say that information is digitized for digital devices or transformed into continuous patterns for analog devices (humans are considered mainly analog devices) Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 1 Data Representation • Digital data are any data (text, audio, video, touch, optics, numbers) that are represented by a bit pattern (such as 00011100011000) – – – – Bit: binary digit Can be represented by different voltage levels Or orientation of magnetic particles Or different frequencies , amplitudes, and/or phases • Analog data is represented by an infinite scale of continuous values. Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 2 How to represent numbers? Binary system (non-negative integers) Base 2 Base 10 000000 0 000001 1 000010 2 000011 3 000100 4 000101 5 000110 6 000111 7 Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 3 How to represent the digit 9? • All characters that we type on a keyboard are transmitted as a bit pattern • ASCII encoding uses 7 bits • • • • http://www.neurophys.wisc.edu/comp/docs/ascii/ Some encoded values are non-printable Extended ASCII (8 bits) encodes 128 additional symbols Unicode represents many language characters http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode6.0.0/ Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 4 Growth of social media • Social networking sites – Facebook, linkedln, YouTube, etc. • Blogs • Twitter Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 5 How is sound represented? • On your analog phone line and phonograph records, a sound wave is sent/recorded in proportion to the input • When sound is digitized it is sampled and quantized • Analog representation conceptually should be more accurate than digital information Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 6 How are images represented? • 2-Dimensional sampling (perhaps) – Each sample is called a pixel (picture element) – It can be represented by 1 bit for black or white (FAX messages) – Each pixel may require 24 bits (8 for each of the colors of red, green, blue) • Various compression schemes are usually applied (lossy or lossless) • More levels provide better resolution Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 7 Advantages of digitizing • Sampling errors are not cumulative • Small errors can be detected and corrected • It is easier to integrate different types of digitized information into one bit stream than manipulate analog representations • The same circuitry is used for different applications Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 8 Bits and byte • A byte was initially defined as a character encoding (so that, on some machines, a 6 or 7 bit pattern was called a byte) • Today a byte is generally considered to be 8 bits – Typically 8 bits are the number of bits used to represent a character • Even 7 bit ASCII encoding will be padded to 8 bits Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 9 Metrics used • Transmission speed is characterized in bps (bits per second or b/s) – 802.11 transmission speeds are typically given in some multiple of Mbps (1000000 bits/s) • Storage capacity is usually given in bytes – – – – 4TB envisioned for hard disks TB is 1024*1024*1024*1024 bytes GB is 1024*1024*1024 bytes MB is 1024*1024 bytes or 220 bytes Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 10 Circuits and Chips • Pulses flow over circuits – We’ll say two states – perhaps 5 volts to represent a 0 and -5 volts to represent a 1. • Timing is critical in order to separate two pulses that may each represent a 1. • Computer chip (or integrated circuit) is manufactured with wires (for delivery), capacitors (store the charges), transistors (amplify and switch voltages) Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 11 Materials used • Silicon and geranium are typically used for semiconductors because of good conducting and insulating properties • Process is miniaturized • Integrated circuits (chips) are packaged in protective carriers Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 12 Combining chips • Components are housed on a motherboard (system board) – System boards contains buses to interconnect the chips Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 13 Programs and Instructions – The Operating System is written by a programmer in a programming language such as C# or C (with a few lines of assembler). – Application programs may be written in a programming language such as Java or C++. – Web pages are written in programming languages such as html or xml. – Sometimes graphical tools are used to write programs Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 14 Source code/ executable code • Translator translates the source code to machine code – Compiler translates source code to object code, with instructions that can be repeatedly executed once translated – Interpreter translates and executes source code one statement at a time • “Machine code” is directly executable by the hardware – Instruction is a set of op codes and operands Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 15 Inside the processor • Control Unit – Interprets op code and sends signals to the different registers for transferring data • ALU (arithmetic logic unit) – Add, multiply, shift, compare, etc. • Registers – Temporarily hold data Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 16 Instruction Cycle • Von Neumann architecture – Data and program are stored in main memory – Instructions are executed sequentially unless they explicitly override this order • Instruction cycle – Instruction is fetched, decoded, pointer to next instruction is incremented – Instruction is executed Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 17 Executing an instruction • • • • Fetch the instruction from memory Decode the op code (say “add two operands”) Increment the program counter (concurrently) Send signals to different units to execute, e.g., – Fetch first operand from memory; send to ALU – Fetch second operand and send to ALU – Give signal to ALU to add – Result will be in register – send it to specified register. Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 18 Computer networks • Computer Network: Set of computers and associated devices together with a communication infrastructure – Links – Routers – Software and firmware protocols • Originally developed for businesses and Universities Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 19 The Internet &Personal Computers • Personal computers became widespread • The Arpanet was developed for national security purposes (Cold War) – DoD provided for the commercialization of the Internet – Networked computers are used for 1) social networking 2) Email 3) Games 4) Hosting the World Wide web Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 20 World Wide Web • Collection of linked files – Digitized graphics, sound, documents, etc. – The Internet is the infrastructure for the Web • Why might a web site be unavailable? – Your computer or local connection may be malfunctioning – The Internet may be down – The Site may be down or overloaded Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 21 Cloud Computing • Applications, Data Storage, Search, ecommerce and Web Information are all in the cloud – Basically high speed computers, high speed communication lines, huge storage systems • If your email files and application data are in the cloud, you can access them anywhere with a mobile device Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 22 Cloud computing • You do not have to maintain hardware and software or personnel for the maintenance • You need not add more memory • You do not have to worry about crashes • You do not have to upgrade your system • Provides mobility – You can’t work without an Internet connection • Is it more or less secure? Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 23 Convergence • Several technologies with different functionalities evolve to form a single product – Smart phones, • Camera, music player, movie player, email, telephony, compass, calendar, game console, ebooks, web access • iPhone hard Disk (64GB) filled with pictures • apps Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 24 The Digital Divide • Gap between earning power and education of those who understand and have digital technologies and those who do not. Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 25 Privacy and digital technology • Surveillance by government – Enabled by computers & networking • Social media – Teenagers & others tend to place personal information on these sites • Identity theft – Hackers breaking into databases • Cookies, gathering of marketing information Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 26 Intellectual Property • Software is soft – Illegal copies of music & video were previously common but of poorer quality – Software copies are of equal quality as the original – Easier and faster to copy – What rights do developers have? – Patents???? Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 27 A further look at security • Basic services that a system should provide: – Confidentiality • Prevent unauthorized access to information • Chief mechanism: encryption – Integrity • Prevent unauthorized modification of information • Sample mechanism: error detecting code attached – Availability • Sample mechanism: redundancy Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 28 Secure your computer • Do not download applications unless you are sure of their integrity. • Uninstall programs that you no longer use. • These steps will aid performance as well as security. – Storage – Processor speed • Cloud computing aids some of these issues Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 29 User IDs and Password • Strong passwords prevent use of: – Dictionary words – Less than 8 characters • System may require frequent change of passwords • System may keep history of previous passwords used – Passwords should not be kept on your desk Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 30 Suggestions for password usage • Use numbers, upper and lower case letters • Change passwords often • Try to use same ID for many accounts– Perhaps with some part of site attached • Have low-security account for mundane matters with same simple password • Have high-security account with strong password Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 31 What if you forget password? • Typically, it is mailed to your (previously stated) email account • May require a personal question • How do you access the cloud? – How secure is your password for cloud computing? Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 32 Password theft • Intruder can possibly obtain credit cards numbers and other personal information • Methods used – – – – – – Shoulder surfing Dumpster diving Network sniffing Brute force attack Phishing – link to a fake site Keylogging, spam Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 33 Standalone password manager • User is assigned a single (secure) password to access the password manager • Manager keeps track of accounts and passwords (even generate them) in encrypted form • Some password managers are free, shareware, or open source Chapter 1 Computers and Digital Basics 34