5-5-2015 Chris Wyatt MGT 1600 1st Period Business Management Term Paper Two Leaders By: Chris Wyatt 5-5-2015 Chris Wyatt MGT 1600 1st Period Abstract I am doing my writing assignment on the CEO of General Motors (GM), Daniel Akerson, the CEO of Toyota, Akio Toyoda. I chose Akio Toyoda because his company was rated one of the best in leadership areas and I felt this would be a good company to research. I chose Daniel Akerson because his company is one of the top competitors of Toyota and I was wondering how they work to compete with a great company. I am going to read and find out about these two leaders styles and the way they conduct business. First I am going to tell about the CEO of General Motors, Daniel Akerson. Akerson has a bachelor’s degree of science in engineering from The United States Naval Academy. He also holds a master’s degree of science in economics from The London School of Economics. In 1983, he was appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for MCI (Microwave Communications Incorporation). For the ten years of working there he worked as the President and the Chief Operation Officer of MCI. In 1993 he resigned from MCI to become the Chief Executive Officer of General Instrument (specialized in TV equipment and semi-conductors). He left General Instrument Three years later and became the CEO of Nextel (specialized in wireless communication; merged with Sprint Corporation); Nextel’s revenues grew from 171.1 million to 3.3 billion dollars. From 1999 to 2009 Akerson was CEO for Nextlink Communications and the managing director for The Carlyle Group (specializes in private equity). In 2009 Akerson was accepted in the board of 5-5-2015 Chris Wyatt MGT 1600 1st Period directors of GM and later became CEO in September 2010. In his first year of management, GM hit a record profit of $7.6 billion. Even though Akerson isn’t the typical “car guy” you might think the CEO of GM would be it seems Akerson has learned a lot in his thirty years of management. He clearly knows what he’s doing, but I don’t think he makes a personal connection with his businesses. Now I’m going to tell about the CEO of Toyota. Akio Toyota has a master’s degree in business administration from Babson College and a bachelor’s degree in arts and science from Keio University. When he was twenty-eight Akio started working for Toyota. In 2000, he was promoted to the board of directors. Then five years later he was upgraded to executive vice president; in 2009, he gained is current position as CEO of Toyota. His first year of Chief Executive Officer, Akio had to deal with man-made and natural disasters. First, Toyotas reputation of fine quality had been going over the past years and car recalls had been increasing (over eight million) more and more over the years; to make things worse, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami of 2009 damaged the supply of over five hundred parts. Akio assembled teams to find new supply routes and just a couple months decreased the five hundred to thirty. He began working on rebuilding consumer’s trust in his product. Personally, he put out a video of him apologizing for the bad quality of Toyota’s vehicles and that he will look at customers for ideas on how to make his cars more user friendly. Akio started meeting with lower management weekly to ensure things were running smooth. He asked them for ideas and 5-5-2015 Chris Wyatt MGT 1600 1st Period suggestions on how to make things better. Akio spends his time as a manager testing out new cars and seeking feedback from customers and lower management. If I decided to work with either Toyota or GM, I would likely choose Toyota. I chose Toyota because I like the way Akio Toyoda tries to get his employees’ feedback on some major decisions in the company. I also thought it was cool how Akio was able to pull his company out of the hole after the all recalls his company had. I wouldn’t go with Akerson because he changes his position so often. He doesn’t seem to connect with his companies nearly as well as Toyoda does. 5-5-2015 Chris Wyatt MGT 1600 1st Period References: http://www.gm.com/company/corporate-officers/daniel-akerson http://management.fortune.cnn.com/2012/02/09/toyota-akio-toyoda-comeback/ http://www.economist.com/news/business/21569721-dan-akerson-gm-doesntdo-hugs-bad-three-outsiders-three-styles http://www.forbes.com/profile/akio-toyoda/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OItBnWHjlFM http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/08/05/breakingthrough-gm-ceo-akerson-leadership/2581041/ http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB100014240527487044078045754258606 23946030 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIHgB6GHTwQ