Medical Informatics: Computers, Decisions, and Communications Vlad Olchanski, PhD o Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology o Institute of Control Sciences o International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Download content as o World Health Organization MS PPT presentation o Medical College of Virginia November 14, 2001 MCV Course for 4th year medical students Dr. Olchanski Home Page Medical Informatics Outline of Course Philosophy of Governing Life Informatics Component 1 Information Technology Computers Communications Internet Component 2 Decision Support and Theory Medical Records Diagnostic Support Pharmaceutical Prescriptions Health System Modeling Data Mining Medical Informatics INTRODUCTION Download content as MS PPT presentation Why Learn Medical Informatics? Cutting Edge Technologies: 1930s Radio communications 1990s Computers, Internet Why Learn Medical Informatics? In the 1920-1930s the Radio was very cool. In those days, the Radio was not a black box with buttons you have in your car. To get a good reception, you had to know a little bit about electronics and things... Why Learn Medical Informatics? Computers are cool today. If you don’t know a little bit about what "coils” are inside you will get frustrated and will bother other people. And yet we want computers and IT now! Why Learn Medical Informatics? 21st Century the Age of Informatics Major Tool of Informatics -- INTERNET IT is not as simple today as is Radio. Internet will turn into a black box with buttons. But not today. And not tomorrow. Why Learn Medical Informatics? Therefore, to behave as a conscious Medical Professional, a Physician of today has to know the basics of Information Technology as well as the basics of Physiology and Pharmacology. Yet the Information Technology alone cannot help you without the intellectual component of Medical Informatics: the Decision Theory. Phi Beta Kappa - philosophia biou kybernetes Philosophy Governs Life Philosophy Mathematics Natural Philosophy Physics Engineering General Theory of Systems Cybernetics Informatics Kybernetes Governs Cybernetics General Theory of Systems Bertalanffy (Austria-Hungary), Bogdanov (Russia) - 1908 Crash of empires after the Great War The Second World War: FLAK, Enigma Norbert Wiener (MIT): Cybernetics: Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine - 1948 Theory of Information, Finite Mathematics, Probabilities John von Neumann (Princeton) Alan Turing (Bletchley Park) Claud Shannon (MIT) Andrey Kolmogorov (Moscow State) First Computers This weaponry could not protect England: Cybernetics Theory of Information Communications Coding Algorithms Probabilities and Stochastic Processes Theory of Control Operations Research Optimization Management Science Systems Analysis Applications Live, bio-systems Engineering, machines, robots Organizational systems Computer Science Systems Analysis Decision Support, Artificial Intelligence Whence Informatics? Concept of Cybernetics too broad Word Cybernetics tarnished, devalued by Sci-Fi and Pop culture Pragmatic reduction to Computer Science in USA CS translated into INFORMATIQUE in France Backward translation of CS as INFORMATICS expanding the scope Handbook of Medical Informatics This excellent book unfortunately has very little coverage of the Internet applications. Otherwise, this is the #1 Resource! Medical Informatics Definitions Medical Information Science is the science of using system-analytic tools . . . to develop procedures (algorithms) for management, process control, decision making and scientific analysis of medical knowledge - Ted Shortliffe Medical Informatics comprises the theoretical and practical aspects of information processing and communication, based on knowledge and experience derived from processes in medicine and health care - Jan van Bemmel Whence Informatics? Computer Science and Informatics are practically synonyms: the difference in emphasizing the application aspect Informatics is frequently understood as broadly as Cybernetics -Information Processing including Decision Making and Systems Analysis Names used for Medical Informatics medical computer science medical information science computer application(s) in medicine health informatics, and more specialized terms such as nursing informatics dental informatics and so on. Informatics - What? Information Technology and Theory Computers, Communications, Data Processing, Algorithms Decision Theory and Applications Bayesian Approach, Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge-based Systems, Algorithms A Good INTRO to Informatics But should we go all the way together? Medical Informatics INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMPUTERS Download content as MS PPT presentation Computers: Evolution Von Neuman and the first MAINFRAME at IAS (1948) Vacuum tubes, punch cards or tape Batch mode of operation Low reliability - maintenance team of electronics engineers Transistors - Bill Shockley, 1956 NP MINICOMPUTERS MICROCOMPUTERS Interactive mode of operation Higher reliability due to Transistors Interactive mode of operation Reduced size and enhanced reliability due to Integrated Circuits SUPERMINIS WORKSTATIONS PERSONAL COMPUTERS Renamed from minicomputers to show due respect SUPERCOMPUTERS Computers: Operating Systems Mainframe OS -- oriented to batch processing Minicomputers -- more interactive, usually designed by hardware manufacturer, like RSX, VMS for late DEC machines Unix - an attempt to standardize Personal computers -- CP/M, MS DOS, IBM OS/2, Mac OS, Windows, Unix Internet developed mainly on Unix machines Computers: Operating Systems Windows should not be used for critical applications Programming Mainframe A punch card and the editing tool Page 104 of a program listing H Programming Mainframe Booting your computer -- giving it a kick? Programming Mainframe Booting your computer -giving it a kick? No! It is short from bootstrapping. “Bootstrap” was the name of a short length of the punched tape that was fed to a computer to initiate loading of the Operating System. Computer Architecture CPU, RAM, Bus, etc. are discussed in class Computers: Objects Files: Windows Commander: “” Name Type Size Time Attrib Owner long name, DOS name avoid spaces in names! extension, internal header, MIME type actual / on disk creation / modification / access hidden / system sysadmin/owner / group / world/other Directories (folders): c:\ ..\ root parent Computers: Startup Files config.sys autoexec.bat system.ini win.ini Registry System.dat User.dat SAM in Unix: .cshrc Text editors: Notepad.exe UltraEdit.exe Computers: Commands dir cd delete copy mkdir rmdir attrib xcopy diskcopy format tree date, time path set sort more /p - by page help /? -? /h -h Computer Architecture Data storage on disks File Allocation Table Security issues are discussed in class after Information Coding presentation Some Utilities Calculator (scientific mode) Character Map (Symbols to Computer Code) Notepad (Text editor) Medical Informatics INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS Download content as MS PPT presentation Communication Protocol Layers ISO Open System Interface Internet the application level is what we use: Email, FTP, Telnet, HTTP, etc. the physical layer is a stream of bits Internet Protocols FTP (file transfer protocol) serves to exchange data with a remote computer Telnet allows to run programs on a remote computer Terms: Upload - send TO a remote recipient Download - receive FROM a remote sender Remote Computing - I Fred at UBC has report software... Wilma at CUNY has data, needs report! Remote Computing - II Fred sends Wilma the username and the password Never by EMAIL !!! Wilma at CUNY has data, needs report! Remote Computing - III Fred at UBC has report software... FTP Wilma uploads her data with FTP Remote Computing - IV Fred at UBC has report software... Telnet Wilma manipulates her data on Fred’s computer with Telnet Remote Computing - V Fred at UBC has report software... FTP Wilma downloads the report with FTP Remote Computing - VI Fred at UBC has report software... Email Wilma prints the report in her office and sends her kisses to Fred by email Remote Computing Security Using Email - 1 Email is very much like Regular Mail: sending mail and receiving are done quite differently! To send mail, you may to drop it in any mail drop box in the street. To send email, you may connect and use any SMTP server in the world. It is for public convenience. SMTP server sends email Using Email - 2 You send a letter thru a Mail Drop Box You may use any one you find in the street Using Email - 3 You send an email thru a SMTP server You may use any one you find in the Internet Using Email - 4 Email is very much like Regular Mail: sending mail and receiving are done quite differently! To receive mail, you must have either your own mailbox or rent a box at any Post Office. To receive email, you must have an account with any POP3 server. It will be your private possession. You may have as many as you may wish. POP3 server receives email Using Email - 5 To receive a letter, you must have a home or a number in a US Post Office Using Email - 6 To receive an email, you must have an account at a POP or IMAP mail server you may have as many of these as you like Using Email - 7 POP server delivers all messages to your computer -good when you are on a fast connection IMAP server delivers only message headers and messages on demand -- good when you are on a dial-up Yet you will not have all messages on your computer T’bird, Eudora, TheBat! support multiple email accounts Webmail allows to use email with your browser -good when you are on the go Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. may be used for simple purposes -but it is not a true email Using Email - 8 You read and send email with Email Client There are so many different Email Client programs -make your own choice BUT some of Email Clients and some of Email USERS go outside of Internet Standards - incompatibility of messages - errors in transmission and reception Using Email - 9 SMTP An operative set of POP3 boxes POP3 Using Email - 10 Basic Rules of Nice Conduct 1. Never consider email as confidential 2. Email should best be a simple message 3. Do not send messages formatted with HTML -not all email clients can deal with them, confirms a hit for spammers (impossible in AOL email program ) 4. Avoid sending binary attachments these may come corrupted and can carry viruses How to avoid binary attachments in Email, see “” The Most Intimate Secret Like Wine dichotomy in Russia - White wine: Moonshine, Vodka, Brandy - Red wine: all the rest The Most Intimate Secret Data dichotomy in Internet - Text files: Plain English text: A-Z, a-z, 0-9 - Binary files: all the rest The Most Intimate Secret Symbols -- Bytes -- Octets Secret == 53 65 63 72 65 74 Bits 1010011 1100101 1100011 1110010 1100101 1110100 Sept “bits” fassent un “octet”! This is the ASCII Standard. Yet -Éç == C9 E7 == 11001001 11100111 Now you see that the French have a reason to call the “byte” not “septet” but “octet”! If you strip the 8th bit then corruption occurs: É -> 49 == I and ç -> 67 == g The Most Intimate Secret The 7-bit data trasmission was set into the infrastructure The Most Intimate Secret The Revelation Only text files may be sent through Internet Binary files will come corrupted To send a binary, it must be converted to a text file (encoded) and on the receiving end the encoded file must be decoded. In FTP protocol, the type must be told explicitly In Email, binary files go as attachments. There are different encode/decode procedures which may lead to confusion and errors Security: Cryptography Sherlock Holmes: The Dancing men ELSIE . .RE . ARE .TO M.EET .THY .GO . elsie PrePare To Meet Thy GoD come here at once Security: Cryptography Edgar Allan Poe: Gold-bug 53++!305))6*;4826)4+.)4+);806*;48!8`60))85;]8*:+*8!83(88)5*!; 46(;88*96*?;8)*+(;485);5*!2:*+(;4956*2(5*4)8`8*; 4069285);)6!8)4++;1(+9;48081;8:8+1;48!85;4)485!528806*81(+9;48;(88;4(+?3 4;48)4+;161;:188;+?; 8 there ; " 4 " +) " * " 5 " 6 " !1 " 0 " 92 " :3 " ? " ` " -. " are 33. 26. In English, the letter which most frequently occurs is e. 19. Afterwards, the succession runs thus: 16. 13. aoidhnrstuycfglmwbkpqxz 12. 11. 8. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 5 represents a ! " d 8 " e 3 " g 4 " h 6 " i * " n + " o ( " r ; " t A good glass in the bishop's hostel in the devil's seat twenty-one degrees and thirteen minutes northeast and by north main branch seventh limb east side shoot from the left eye of the death's-head a bee line from the tree through the shot fifty feet out. Security: Criptography Enigma, German Coding Machine Security: Cryptography Encryption with a keyword “this is plaintext” , the key is “key” + (add codes) “keykeykeykeykeyke” Encrypted text: “dxkfpsnputmsodjss” Plain book, a simple but efficient tool Decryption with a keyword -- the key must be sent to the recipient this is the weakest point Encrypted text: “dxkfpsnputmsodjss” , the key is “key” - (subtract codes) “keykeykeykeykeyke” One-time Decrypted text: pad “this is plaintext” Security: Cryptography PGP: Pretty Good Protection Fred’s public key My key ring of public keys of my correspondents My secret private key My public key stored on my website and in public depositories Security: Cryptography I send message to Fred Dear Fred, bla-bla... Fred reads my message ]hk@s#2kdMs0fHquja... Fred’s public key Fred’s private key Fred answers my message I read Fred’s answer My public key Dear Vlad, bla-bla... Dear Fred, bla-bla... My private key Msios$[\iqN7dkoZnu... Dear Vlad, bla-bla... Security: Cryptography Communications. Security 80% trash, 5% pearls Internet Protocols Usenet, News, Forums -- NNTP Protocol A small ISP carries ~45,000 groups. Different ISPs give different groups, have different scopes Medical and Health Related Groups listed: Internet Protocols World Wide Web == HTTP protocol User client -- browser Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox WWW is only a small part of Internet !!! AOL and MSN are not Internet at all !!! Internet AOL gateway MSN gateway Internet Services Providers give you full Internet Internet Connectivity Internet Addresses DSN: look up Host file Domain Name Server connect IP: Telephones Name: Vlad Olchanski look up Personal notebook Phone Directory dial Number: 804.828.5384 PING and TRACERT accessible through START/RUN Internet Connectivity A decent ISP must give a client: o SMTP address to send email o POP3 address to access the mailbox o NNTP address to get Newsgroups Additionally: o Space to host website at ISP’s IP address o FTP access to update website Optionally: o Static IP address for hosting own website Information Technology Viruses Viruses, Trojans, Worms, Bots, Denial of Service Virus Shields, Firewalls are discussed in class. Read also Steve Gibson’s saga about a virus attack: Information Technology: Secure Use of Internet Now let us see a presentation on how to practice Internet connectivity safely. Information Technology Basics of Security - 1 • make sure workstation is physically safe and secure • never send passwords by email • never paste passwords beside the workstation • install and regularly (weekly) update virus protection • avoid sending attachments • never open unsolicited attachments, always check and double-check the attachment’s file extension Information Technology Basics of Security -2 never open unexpected file with extensions EXE COM DOC DLL PIF LNK VBS (Windows does not show LNK and PIF extensions) Never click on a link – hover the link with mouse and look at the status bar where the link leads when clicked firewall may protect both yourself and the world but may also cheat you) Information Theory Sender and Receiver Noise and Distortion Codes Detecting Errors Codes Correcting Errors Checksums Data Packets are discussed in class Information Theory Data Compression zip, arj, rar, tar, gz, binhex, 7u, etc. Image Compression Image Formats bmp, tiff, gif, jpg, png, etc. are discussed in class. Image compression immediately leads to WEB DESIGN Web Design What is a good website? -- presentable for all users: WIN, Mac, Unix, etc. -- acceptable for all browsers: Opera, Netscape, Firefox, MSIE, Safari, etc. -- loads fast: byte size < 50 kB -- does not use Cutting Edge technologies Learn the culture of Web Design at review the Daily Sucker site daily! A web design project is done by students. Collection here Medical Informatics DECISION SUPPORT AND THEORY Download content as MS PPT presentation The Fundamental Principle of Decision Theory THE BAYES THOREM [New Knowledge] = [Experimentation] x [Old Knowledge] Application: Making Diagnosis [Old Knowledge] - we know disease D prevalence, p(D) [New Knowledge] - we need to know if the patient has disease D if he has symptom S, p(D|S) [Experimentation] - Bayes Theorem builds the Likelihood Function: L(D|S) = p(S|D) / {p(S|D) p(D) + p(S|’D) p(‘D)} Now this Likelihood Function modifies the Old Knowledge: p(D|S) = L(D|S) p(D) Medical Decision Support to mention a few Clinical Systems Financial Medical Records Comprehensive Diagnostic Systems QMR, Iliad, DXPlain, etc. Pharmaceutical Prescriptions Health System Modeling Research Data Mining Medical Decision Support Clinical Systems Computerized Medical Record systems are discussed in class: TMR -- CMR from Duke Medical Center MedicaLogica Pharmaceutical System for Multiple Drug Therapy in ICU, Pharm-X is discussed in class Comprehensive system for VCU HealthSystem is discussed in class. Medical Decision Support Diagnostic Systems observations knowledge base decision mechanism diagnoses explanations feedback to adjust observations Knowledge Engineering, Expert Systems, AI are discussed in class Medical Decision Support Health Systems Modeling - 1 Primary Care Physician Supply - 1 Medical Decision Support Health Systems Modeling - 2 Primary Care Physician Supply - 2 Medical Decision Support Health Systems Modeling - 3 Primary Care Physician Supply - 3 Medical Decision Support Measurement and Statistics Use only reasonable precision, round up numbers to convey your purpose Medical Informatics RECOMMENDED RESOURCE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES Download content as MS PPT presentation Handbook of Medical Informatics MCV Course for 4th year medical students Handbook of Medical Informatics I. Data and Information 1 Introduction and Overview 2 Information and Communication Handbook of Medical Informatics II. Data in Computers 3 Data Processing 4 Database Management 5 Telecommunication, Networking and Integration Handbook of Medical Informatics III. Data from Patients 6 Coding and Classification 7 The Patient Record 8 Biosignal Analysis 9 Medical Imaging 10 Image Processing and Analysis Handbook of Medical Informatics IV. Patient-Centered Information Systems 11 Primary Care 12 Clinical Departmental Systems 13 Clinical Support Systems 14 Nursing Information Systems Handbook of Medical Informatics V. Medical Knowledge and Decision Support 15 Methods for Decision Support 16 Clinical Decision-Support Systems 17 Strategies for Medical Knowledge Acquisition 18 Predictive Tools for Clinical Decision Support Handbook of Medical Informatics VI. Institutional Information Systems 19 Modeling of Health Care for Information Systems Development 20 Hospital Information Systems: Clinical Use 21 Hospital Information Systems; Technical Choices 22 Health Information Resources Handbook of Medical Informatics VII. Methodology for Information Processing 23 Logical Operations 24 Biostatistical Methods 25 Biosignal Processing Methods 26 Advances in Image Processing 27 Pattern Recognition 28 Modeling for Decision Support 29 Structuring the Computer-based Patient Record 30 Evaluation of Clinical Information Systems Handbook of Medical Informatics VIII. Methodology for Information Systems 31 Human-Computer Interaction in Health Care 32 Costs and Benefits of Information Systems 33 Security in Medical Information Systems 34 Standards in Health-care Informatics and Telematics in Europe 35 Project Management Handbook of Medical Informatics IX. Medical Informatics as a Profession 36 Education and Training in Medical Informatics 37 International Developments in Medical Informatics Handbook of Medical Informatics Unfortunately lacks the details on the Internet Education vs Vocational Training Medical Informatics THE END OF PRESENTATION Download content as MS PPT presentation MCV Course for 4th year medical students