Worship Leading

November 21, 2008
Worship Leading
What Is A Leader?
 Defined
in the following as the person who
chooses songs, sets practice, leads the
congregation and team in general
 Worship team is essentially a team of
worship leaders  all bear responsibilities
 More on roles of worship team members later
What Is A Leader? (Cont’d)
 Bill
Hybels – Courageous Leadership
 Vision – picture that produces passion
○ Increases energy moving people into action
○ Increases ownership
○ Provides focus
○ Chris Tomlin, for example, studies his order of
service for two hours, visualizing how each song
leads the congregation closer to the Lord
What Is A Leader? (Cont’d)
 Bill
Hybels – Courageous Leadership
 Contagious passion
 Takes responsibility from God
 Maximizes responsiveness of God (prayer,
fasting, etc.)
 Communicating vision through embodiment
 Communicate one-on-one, publicly
What makes a worship leader any
different than any other leader?
Responsibilities of Worship Leaders
 To
be a worshipper throughout the week
 To plan the worship program through
sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading
 To plan in a way that will make it easier to
lead the worshippers to focus and honour
God with a specific congregation
 Lead to worship God, focus on God (what is
 Worship Experience
 Know audience: generational, cultural, etc.
Responsibilities of Worship Leaders
 To
foresee key moments during the
worship experience and plan appropriate
responses to these moments (i.e. prayer,
silence, song, etc.)
 Worship Experience
 To
rehearse with the worship team in a way
that will prepare the team to play together
musically and be of one mind in focus
Responsibilities of Worship Leaders
 To
set an example to the worship team and
to the congregation as a model of a
 Barrier or Accountability?
 To
lead the worship in a Spirit-sensitive
way, ready to be flexible to the Spirit’s
leading and sense the congregation’s level
of worship
 What is Spirit-sensitive?
 Worship
Keys for Worship Leaders
 Respect
for authority, submission to the
 Willingness to learn
 Mutual respect
 Attitude of service
 What is the worship leader’s primary role?
Transparency vs. Leading
 Should
worship leaders be transparent?
 Point others to God
 Not a distraction, but a facilitator in
 Genuine, authentic, accountable
 Need to lead congregation, team in unison
 Can’t be overly consumed in own worship that
others are lost
 Balance leading others and worshipping God
Pastoral Responsibility?
 Varies
from church to church
 Be clear on roles, responsibilities within
your congregation
Worshipping While Worship Leading
 Going
through the motions? Not truly
 Lack of familiarity with music
 Lack of preparation
 Lack of private worship before leading
Worshipping While Worship Leading
 Tips
 Seek God
 Plan the worship set
 Practice the music
 Commit to God the worship set
Worship Leading During a Worship Set
 Cues
 Saying which song is next
○ Helps AV, congregation
○ Not necessary all the time, but can be helpful
 Saying what next line is, going to chorus, etc.
 Stepping away from the mic
 Stand, sit, prayer, eyes closed, lift
hands/voices, etc.
 To team
Worship Leading During a Worship Set
 Transitions
 A little less conversation?
○ Do not distract  encourages, prepares...
○ Let songs and preacher do the talking
 Personal testimony/sharing
○ Demonstrates authenticity, models worship in private,
Worship Leading During a Worship Set
 Transitions
 Scripture reading
○ Truth from God, communication, understanding who
He is and who we are in Him
 Introducing a song/lyrics
○ Helps congregation understand, gives more meaning
to the song rather than just a tune
Worship Leaders and the Worship Team
 Communication!!!
 Scheduling
 Giving music/set ahead of time
 Easier when you prepare and plan ahead of
 Chord sheets
 Sheet music
 File/YouTube link to song
 Key
Other responsibilities
 Book
practice locations, times
 ecacadm@telusplanet.net
 Prepare
PowerPoint/visual aides
 Cater to visual worshippers while
reducing/eliminating distractions
 Are there clear guidelines?
 Visible? Too small? Too big?
 Colours visible or distracting?
 Background relevant or necessary?
 Enough copies? Projector available? Backups?
Some obstacles to worship leading
 Inherited
 Dominant personalities
 Lack of backing from church leadership
 Can
be a barrier to allowing congregation
to worship
 Why, How do we worship?
 try, experience range of
 Practice, prepare
 Genuine
 Unnatural?
Should I be a Worship Leader?
 God doesn’t always call those who are
equipped, but He equips those He calls
 Recognition, appointment
 Leadership skills
 Interpersonal skills
 Musical skills
 Are you F.A.T.?  Faithful, Available,
 Can continually improve!
Hybels, Bill. Courageous Leadership. Grand
Rapids: Zondervan, 2002.
Kraeuter, Tom. The Worship Leader’s Handbook:
Practical Answers to Tough Questions. Hillsboro:
Training Resources, 1997.
Muchow, Rick. “A Little Less Conversation: How
Much Should A Worship Leader Talk?”. Christianity
Today International/Journal. 2008.
Townend, Stuart. “How To Lead A Worship Team”.
www.worshiptogether.com. January 1, 2000.
Next workshop
Worship Experience
 Friday, December 5, 2008
6:45PM in basement sanctuary