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BHS VTAC Info Session
August 2012
VCAA administers all of
the courses and your
results in VCE. They
automatically release
your results to VTAC.
VTAC coordinates the
entry of approx 60,000
students into courses in
universities and TAFE.
You will need to use their
Much of what used to be
in the printed VTAC guide
is now on the website.
What is in the VTAC Guide?
Important dates - p1
VTAC application process – p9
Course entrance requirements – p5
Pathways – contains a list of institution sites for information - p16
About courses – p11
Applying for courses – p21
Applying for accommodation – contains a list of sites to visit - p28
SEAS applications – p29
Scholarships – p44
Admissions tests – p51
Offers, enrolment and deferring – p50
Financial assistance – p63
Course index – p67 with last years ATAR listed
Course Guide – lists course, course code, brief outline of course,
whether there are prerequisites or extra requirements and whether
applications are through VTAC or direct, all other info on vtac
website p122
Index of major study areas – p423
The VTAC website?
Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe
• Blog: http://vtacmedia.wordpress.com
• Facebook (preferred method):
• Twitter: @vtacguide
The VTAC website?
Is where you apply online
Apply for SEAS
Apply for many scholarships
Change preferences
Find out definitive information about
courses: prerequisites, special
requirements, middle band
information. This information no
longer contained in the VTAC Guide.
Before you apply...
Read the information in the front section of the VTAC Guide
Refer to the ‘ABC of Applying’
Collect handbooks from the Student Pathways Centre
Make an appointment to meet with Mr. McKenzie
Go to Open Days, inquire about courses, accommodation,
scholarships. Get the “feel” of the place.
Visit the VTAC website www.vtac.edu.au
Click onto “CourseLink” to research courses.
Check out institutions, courses and subjects in the VTAC Guide
and in the VTAC website
See the Course Index at the front of the VTAC Guide for last
year’s ‘clearly in scores’ and ‘fringe’ ATARs.
If looking for which institutions offer particular study areas refer
Index of major studies.
Before you apply…
You need a “Plan A”, “Plan B” and “Plan C”
Think about pathways into courses. Many University
courses have TAFE pathways. Check for units
credited. Details in handbooks or University websites
Many TAFES now looking at your ATAR as part of a
range of criteria. Don’t assume you can relax
because you are planning on going to TAFE.
Get advice from anywhere you can.
Look for prerequisites, if you do not have the
necessary prerequisites no point applying.
Note, you are all undergraduate students.
Before you apply…
All this info is now on the website, not in the
Check out the Selection Mode and Extra Requirements,
may specify particular requirements e.g. folio, interview,
test, compulsory attendance at Information evenings,
work experience, etc., on the website. You will still have
to meet these requirements even if putting in at change
of preference. If you do not meet these requirements
you will not get in. Contact details and dates listed.
You must adhere to these.
Title and length of courses: FT 4 = 4 years full time, PTA
= part time available, a course with two titles and a /
between indicates a double degree, e.g. Arts/Sciences.
Note: you are a CY12 (current year 12).
The minimum study score published e.g. 25 for English
is before scaling.
ATAR - Australian Tertiary Entrance
Ranking of all students in the state
Highest is 99.95
ENTER of 90 means that you are ranked better than 90% of
Do not get lulled into a false sense of security, an ENTER of 50
means half the state has done worse and half done better. In Year
12 you are compared with every student in the state.
Add together Study Score for English and next best three plus 10%
of fifth and sixth studies (after scaling).
Many VET programs have a scored assessment (i.e. score included
in Primary 4). If not 10% increment as a 5th or 6th study. If a Scored
assessment is offered you must sit the exam otherwise it does not
count towards your ATAR at all.
Often a Certificate III SBA may count as an increment if entered on
VASS but I need to know about it.
ATAR and Selection
ATAR’s published in VTAC Guide based on 2011 applicants’
ATAR scores for each course – not set in advance
Last years ATAR appears at the start of each course – note,
many TAFE courses have an ATAR published
Jan ATAR is 1st round, Feb ATAR is after all offers made
Clearly in – above a certain score
% below reflects those who may have got in through SEAS and
middle band
Middle Band – re-ranking takes place usually according
performance in relevant studies. Consideration is often given to
SEAS students. You will be asked if you want GAT details
released as part of selection, if applying to Monash tick yes.
(need to go to the VTAC website for information).
‘RC’ – course selects on a range of criteria.
Fringe ATAR – 95% of offers were made above this ATAR score
n/a data not available or very low numbers applying
New means it is a new course.
You can still do poorly in
subjects that are scaled up.
• If you do subjects that are
scaled down you must do
better, as you should.
The scholarship applications open Monday August 6 and close 5.00pm Friday October
All students should apply, just tick the box, let the system sort out if you are eligible or
Scholarships determined via the VTAC scholarship application process maybe awarded
• Students with financial difficulties
• Indigenous Australians
• Other access and equity groups as defined by each institution
Victorian universities provide their own scholarships to assist students through VTAC
and directly. Check out University websites.
Commonwealth Scholarships administered through Centrelink: Student Start Up,
Relocation and Indigenous. Available to students receiving income support.
Merit Scholarships. To apply just register your preferences. It happens automatically.
Deferring an offer
Perhaps you want to travel
Did not get into the course you really wanted
Want time out to consider your future
Save some money, be careful if deferring to gain independent status. Need
to demonstrate you have worked an average of 30 hours per week for 18
months out of the past 24 months.
Not all institutions and courses able to be deferred, need to check start of
University section and perhaps contact institution.
TAFE generally does not allow you to defer although some courses
possible, e.g. RMIT but not GORDON, need to check with the TAFE.
You must attend enrolment day and then defer. You must accept the offer.
Most Universities, can defer for up to 24 months.
Be careful though, statistically a lot of students who do defer do not return
to University
SEAS – Access and Equity
Available for students who have been unable to reach their full potential or have restricted access to
the courses of their choice because of life circumstances.
Personal Information and location (age, indigenous Australian, postcode, under-represented
school, gender – if applying for courses typically specific to a certain gender)
Non English speaking background
Difficult circumstances
Disadvantaged financial background
Disability or medical condition
Latrobe (SALT scheme), University of Ballarat (REEP), Victoria University (PPP). The only one
that applies to Belmont students is the University of Ballarat (REEP)
Some categories just require you to tick the box e.g. Personal information and location, some require
impact statements and some require letters from doctors, psychologists or counselors.
If an event occurs after you leave school that impedes performance at an exam or preparation for
exams contact M/s Milne
Everyone should tick the personal information box, just tick it.
Pathways into courses
The best and quickest way to obtain a University degree is
to achieve the appropriate ATAR, however there are
often other pathways into courses:
• University of Ballarat REEP and Fast Track
• ACU early achievers
• Monash College
• VU Foundation studies
• Associate degrees
How To Apply
VTAC online application - via the VTAC
Interstate applications – through each
state’s agency – see Mr McKenzie (e.g.
VTAC Online Applications
Can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
from any where in the world before 5.00pm
September 28. You can change your preferences
during this time. Applications open now.
Check that you can access site if doing at home,
don’t leave until the holidays, can do in the careers
Cost $26.00 online payments or an invoice will be
sent. Cost additional $10. May take up to 10 days.
You have not applied until your payment is received
by VTAC. If online payment fails automatically sent
invoice, do not reapply. One off cost. Late
applications incur increased costs.
SEAS applications close October 9 at 5.00pm.
Scholarship applications close October 19 at 5.00pm
To access you need your full VCAA
number and a PIN
Find out your VCAA student number, this
is your VTAC application number
When you register you will be asked to
select your own PIN (a four digit number),
you will need it to access your application
Do not forget your PIN.
Current Year 12 students will receive a
reminder of your PIN early December.
Course Codes and Fees
Type 1 – CSP – Higher education and VET
(Course codes ending in 1). Australian
citizens, NZ citizens, humanitarian VISA and
permanent residents of Australia.
Type 2 – Fee paying courses (Course codes
end in 2). Only applicable for Private Colleges
and TAFE. No full fee paying courses at
Type 3 – Fee paying International students or
temporary VISA or business VISA (course
codes ending in 3)
Type 4 – For 20 year olds and over
Type 1 payment options
Up front – 10% discount.
Pay some up front, payments over $500 get discount.
HECS-HELP for full contribution, repayment starts when
you start earning approximately $48000.
If you are on a permanent VISA (PR) you can access CSP
courses but you are required to pay up front and not
eligible for discount.
TAFE courses – Cert IV and above now charge – could be
$4000 +, FEE-HELP available as it is for Private
Further information: www.goingtouni.gov.au
Type 2 payment options
FEE-HELP available for full fee paying courses.
Up to $100000
Loans subject to a 20% loan fee when
repayments commence.
Repayment starts when you start earning over
FEE-HELP available for Diploma and Advanced
Diploma courses where agreed credit for a
related University course is available.
Now includes TAFE.
Listing Your Preferences
You may list up to a total of 12 preferences.
CSP based course codes end in ‘1’ and Fee Paying course at
ITC’s and TAFE codes end in ‘2’. International fee paying
students course codes end in 3. Over 20 = 4
List the courses in the order that you want to do them
Include a range of courses that begin with your ‘dream course’
have some realistic courses and finish with a back up plan you
can easily achieve.
Often other pathways to a course e.g. Design and drafting
articulates into architecture.
Some universities are a TAFE as well e.g. makes sense if
applying to do Engineering at RMIT University to include
Engineering at RMIT TAFE somewhere on your preferences.
Civil Engineer – possible
RMIT – 87.45
Deakin University – 65.80
Engineering – Associate Degree – 78.55
RMIT TAFE – Adv. Diploma – 37.65
Assumes student wants degree at RMIT, but if can’t get into
RMIT will go to Deakin. If student has no intention of going
to Deakin would not include Deakin. Given the above
ATAR you would never get an offer to do the Assoc
Degree. TAFE is the back up. Associate Degrees
relatively new, 2 year course. Both Diploma and Assoc.
Degree articulate into the degree.
Nurse – possible preferences
Nursing Deakin – Geelong – 64.40
Nursing University of Ballarat – 50.40
Nursing Deakin – Warrnambool –
Div 2 Nursing at GORDON TAFE
(direct entry thus not in VTAC Guide)
There are many pathways into University if you do not get
the ATAR e.g.
•Monash College into Monash University
•MIBT into Deakin university
•TAFE into University
•Even a traineeship into University e.g. Student who
obtained a poor ATAR did an Integration aid traineeship,
worked for 3 years as an integration aid and eventually
got into Primary Teaching.
•Mature age entry is a bit of a myth, will still consider your
ATAR and you would have been doing stuff in that area
e.g. No good if you want to be a Primary Teacher and use
a Business Administration Traineeship as a pathway.
Results and ATAR released December 17
7.00am. ATAR statement in mail Dec 18
Change of Preference – Can change
preferences through to 26 October and
between 26 November and 24 December
Can be a totally new list, add, remove
courses - watch for extra requirements or
courses that cannot be added now
You don’t have to make changes
Applying to TAFE:
Many TAFE courses are in the VTAC guide.
You apply for these courses through VTAC in
the same way as University courses.
Other TAFE courses are direct entry. TAFE
application due dates may well be earlier than
when you receive offers e.g. GORDON TAFE
end of October. Some TAFE courses need to
be applied via direct entry. Certificate III, IV
and Diplomas. You will need to down load an
application form from the website. Make sure
you are aware of any special requirements
and dates.
To accept an offer you must enroll in the course i.e. attend on the
University enrolling day.
To defer you must attend on enrolling day and defer, check you can
defer first.
If rejecting an offer do nothing. Institutions will know if you do not
turn up on enrolment day.
To accept an offer in a later round you must accept your earlier
offer, then withdraw from the 1st offer.
Negotiated offers – you can apply for a negotiated offer if you want
to be considered for a preference listed lower on your list or for a
course not listed on your preference list. You can apply for a
negotiated offer after round 1 offers are released.
Offer dates
Round 1 – 17th January 2013
Round 2 – 6th February 2013
Supplementary offers – February 2013. Supplementary
offers replaced 3rd round offers, every student applying
needs to tick supplementary box when applying through
VTAC. Can get offers for courses not on your preference
International offers 11th January
Enrolment dates Round 1 – Late January. You need to
be available during these dates, if not contact the
institution, may need a proxy or may do online.
You have your VCE
You have put in your preferences
You have met any institutional prerequisites
and checked out additional requirements
Now you need THE ATAR TO DO WHAT
Do’s and don’ts
Start doing 3 hours per night/day
now if not already doing so
Start doing extra work above what
your teacher asks
Use a significant part of your
September holidays to study
Manage your time
Organize a place to study
Accept that until now you have
been compared to BHS students,
in the exams you are compared
with the whole state.
Leave your study until after the
last day of classes
Let your self down by not doing
your best
Say “oh well I’II just go to TAFE
then Uni”, this is an option but it
will take you longer and cost you
thousands more
Accept mediocrity – an average
ENTER is 50, if you get 50 you
are not going to Uni next year.
How do I study?
• Get your notes, assignments, past SAC’s organized into
chronological order.
•If you went poorly in a SAC find out why and get it right
•Summarize your notes, then summarize your summaries.
• Go through your text book and list the headings
• Make sure you can answer every question at the back of
the chapters, if not get an answer
•Start going through past exam papers and examiners
reports available at www.vcaa.edu.au Make sure you can
answer every question, if you don’t or can’t do something
make sure you can
• Talk to your teachers and get help and clarification
•Talk to friends doing the same subjects about school work
1. Think positive
2. Think can do
3. You don’t have to become a hermit
just a little disciplined
4. It is not to late to do well for many
subjects 75% of your assessment is still
to happen.
5. Do well because you can.
6. There is a direct correlation between
effort and success
Do your best, you can do no more. The
students who are disappointed because they
did not get an offer are those who
acknowledge they did not put in the effort.