Comics: A History

A History
What is a comic?
• It is an impossible task to define what a
comic book is. For some, it is any image
drawn in a certain cartoony style; for others,
it is any combination of image and text (this
can include anything from children’s books
to airline flight safety cards). Some
consider any sequence of images like cave
paintings or Medieval tapestries as comics;
while others associate the medium with the
genres of humor or fantasy.
Another name for a comic book (or the
combination of words and text to tell a
story) is “graphic novel.” This name better
suits the newer types of comic books
because most are not comedic in nature, but
are thrillers or adventure stories.
The search for new graphic/visual communication and expression
led to the development of the genre
– Beginning with hieroglyphics and prehistoric cave drawingsthese can be considered the first comics
 1st true comic: Richard Fenton Outcalt’s The Yellow Kid in 1896.
He was the first to use the speech balloons.
 Most of the first comics were humorous, thus the name COMIC
Books. They were often about animals or children.
 The crash of the Stock Market in 1929 was a turning point; in
the 1930s, comic books began to picture adventures. Ex. Flash
Gordon, Dick Tracy, and Tarzan.
 There were three essential types: science fiction, detective,
and jungle adventure
• The typical American comic was born…
Superhero comics!
*Superman is the landmark for the golden age of comics. He is
the archetype for most modern characters.
• Between 1940-1945, four hundred
superheroes were created: Batman, Captain
Marvel, etc.
• During WW II, many comics dealt with the subject matter
and were used as a way to increase support for the military
and the country. Ex. Captain America.
• In the 40s, the magazine form was created.
• In the 50s, a witch hunt occurred when Frederic Wertham
wrote the book The Seduction of the Innocent about the
comics causing adolescent delinquency, inciting violence,
*A Comics Code was created to limit what could/could
not appear in print. It destroyed many titles including all
horror comics
*Peanuts was created during this time.
• In the 60s, Superheroes were brought back with Stan Lee’s
Marvel Comic Books—Spider-Man, X-Men, etc.
• There has been much growth since then. Many comics
have been made into TV cartoons and movies.
X-Men movie trilogy
The Punisher
Sin City
Through a Scanner Darkly