99.DM_Draft Report With Mr. Tan Comment 2

With one single mission; “revolutionize travel through the power of technology”, this
company emerged as No.1 in Customer Loyalty 2010 by the Brand Keys Customer
Loyalty Engagement Index (MarketingProfs, 2010), winning awards upon awards
besides staying forefront within the industry. Expedia is one of the top 3 largest
online travel companies (Elliott, 2013) offering a distinct yet package based travel
products and services that cater to consumer wants. Auxiliary, Expedia has an
extensive brand portfolio in catering and delivering consumers values. Breadth of
products and international point of sale has contributed in Expedia’s market
positioning, however, over the years, the competition is getting steeper and tougher,
solely depending on the low-cost strategy is no longer appealing and effective in
satisfying the wants.
No need, straight to the point that relates to your Idea.
•Diverse and robust
product potfolios
•Global penetration
•Termination of the
•Legal proceedings
•Heavy reliance upon
travel suppliers and
other intermediaries
•Accretion through
•Business expansion
•Partnership agreement
across the globe
•Dependence on the
airline industry
•Intense competition
•Stringent regulations
could affect the
company's growth
Source: Datamonitor Expedia, Inc SWOT Analysis
An analysis is done towards not only on the company itself but also in scanning the
market environment. The market environment reveals that Malaysians prefer more
extemporaneous and financially-relaxed attitude towards vacation habits during
holidays or flexible length trips; be it domestic or international (Citation). Moreover,
emerging trends among Malaysian consumers includes they are looking into
harnessing and upgrading their skills and educations qualifications to stay
competitive in an ever-changing workplace (Citation). 69% of Millennial supported
that they are willing to spend money on trainings for self-enrichment and 80%
believed that the skills are vital to reinvent themselves or even change their career
pathway (Euromonitor, 2011). Due to the generations are skewing more to techsavvy, Malaysian consumers has a penchant for grabbing online deals especially
with the discounts offered and coupons for cheaper purchase. Reasons because it
eliminates off the ‘unnecessary’ cost incurred. Consequence of the tech-savvy, it has
made everything becoming even more convenient and faster which shapes the
consumers in being more extemporaneous in purchases. A shift of the economy and
globalization had led to a single income will no longer sufficient and there is a need
for second income, be it passive or active. Rising living cost further worsen the
Is it important for your Investment Idea? Whatever you have mentioned is something
Contrariwise, credits to globalization, Malaysian market is easily accessible and it can
be seen that investment is on the uprising trend, strengthened over the last decade and
expected to continue booming. Furthermore, government initiatives in striving high
income economy through the implementation of Economic Transformation Program
and the 10th Malaysia Plan have encouraged the citizens to do private and public
investment as well (MIDA, 2011). Investment is the ability to generate future profit
and it can be further diverged into traditional (Stocks or Bonds, Currency, Property,
Gold or Silver) and alternatives (tangible and financial assets). Tentatively,
Malaysian has a penchant in investing domestically especially the traditional
investment which emerged as the backbone of the country’s growth. 22% of robust
growth in private investment in 2012 has escalated 15.5 of GDP (BNM, 2013).
However, there is a demand in the market to potentially doing foreign investment.
The reasons holding the investment back was due to the risk of not exposing to
foreign investment market, cultures and lack of the sufficient knowledge, regardless
of which type of investments. Moreover, the foreign market is much more volatile
compared to domestic market.
Concisely, this package of 3 days 2 nights; In-Vest-Nite upholds the philosophy of
‘getaway like your way’. In-Vest-Nite originates from the simple idea of infinite,
which means unlimited and endless. The philosophy in combining the both concepts
was to portray an image to consumer that it is an unlimited investment night with
vast amount of benefits awaits for consumers the moment he or she takes on the InVest-Nite package. Furthermore, it is to create infinite values for consumers by fullyutilizing the company’s strength or core competencies and aligned it with the
emerging consumers’ trends. In-Vest-Nite encompasses of four different types of
traditional investment (refer below), hence the consumers are not tied down to only
one type of investment. This package will create a platform in linking different
industries, investment and Travel Company together.
Investment company will
elevate their profits and have a secured number of participants attending each time
having events or conferences, whereas Travel Company like Expedia get to achieve
economies of scale and drives down the experience curve. The same goes for
Expedia’s partners, hotelier get to reduce the amount of the vacant rooms available.
Your package should be the real package, is not just TICK only…Indicate the
example of conference/seminar (Just find from online the conference in Year 2014, or
pass year conference, the NAME) .
Hong Kong
Try to come out subtitle for each of the point
Example: Unique Selling Points
Company perspective
In-Vest-Nite serves as a common ground in creating values for both parties; Expedia
and consumers. From Expedia’s point of view, apart from the common existing
packages which are vacation by interest (adventure, luxury, romance and etc.), InVest-Nite is believed to be exclusive and unique as this package is touching the lives
of the consumer by not only fulfilling the basic needs but achieving the selfactualization; wants and desires. Due to it is a new exclusivity package, it brings the
first mover advantages by capturing a new lucrative untapped market. It is
definitely a competitive edge in differentiating with other competitors like
Travelocity, Kayak and Agoda. Reason because investment-based packages have
never been offered in the market. This will help the company to triumph the
objectives of building a prospect database from current and non-current customers
besides delivering leads. Moreover, the company has the opportunity to expand their
initiatives and widen their scope of services and packages offered.
Consumer perspective
Conversely, what it is in-store for consumers is the image of enriching oneself while
travelling; getaway by travelling into the country and learning about something
according to their way, bridging the best of both worlds together. Instead of purely
vacation, In-Vest-Nite offers the opportunity to exposing oneself to learning from
the experts, exchanging knowledge and expanding networks from the society of
the same mindset apart from understanding the cultures of the country before
investing. The best thing is you know what you actually spent on; spend an amount
that generates greater return in monetary as well as non-monetary forms. Moreover,
the vacation itself is extemporaneous and does not required months of savings. To
further add on, since it is an online deal, it eliminates off the certain costs which
makes it cheaper.
Target Market
To further leverage on how it will benefit the company, In-Vest-Nite primary target is
a portion of the segmented existing lucrative markets that is not yet discover. In-VestNite is positioned as ‘getaway like your way’ which means it is targeted to consumers
that in pursuit of enriching while enjoying themselves. The breakdown of the primary
target market is as below:
Target Market
Students with Master
Professional Women
or Women
(How about MEN?)
Financial Service
Institutions (Property
Male and Female
Aged 22 and above
Finance / Business
Part-timer or full
Minimum income
level of RM 2500
Innovators and
decision makers
Aged 26 and above
Middle to high
income level
Free from any
Decision makers
Hectic lifestyles,
seeking for a short
Majority male
Aged 22 and above
 Urbanization
 High internet
 Self-actualization
 Enjoy learning and
 Tech-savvy / Mobile
 Urbanization
 High internet
 Self-actualization
 Striving for work
life balance
 Expanding networks
 Independent and
successful minded
 Urbanization
 High internet
 Self-actualization
 Enjoying
agent, brokers,
analysts & etc.)
Small Medium
Enterprises owners
 Middle to high
income level
 Decision makers
 Male and Female
 Still growing
 Seeking opportunity
to boom
 Minimum turnover
rate of RM 150,000
 Decision makers
networking sessions
 Urbanization
 High internet
 Self-actualization
 Seeking opportunity
for expansion
 Seeking potential
Communication Plan
Communication Objectives
communication objective is to create awareness about the new and unique
travel and investment offering from Expedia. Not only this but we want to
make sure that they get the fact that such a package that involves travel
leisure and business knowledge has never been provided before or now. It
is only Expedia that has come up with this innovative offering of balancing
out leisure and professional life travelling.
Shaping Attitudes: Our second communication objective is to make our
target market think out of the box. We want them to realize that they world
is going forward at such a pace that they cannot afford to spend long times
at holidays or in leisure time. However we also know that in order to move
forward you need to have a relaxed mind. Hence we shape our target
market’s attitude in a way that the next time they go for a holiday, they
also utilize some of that time for their professional life. In this way they
will not only be enjoying and relaxing but also doing well for their future.
Hence it will be a win-win situation for them.
(What is this? Should be focus on consumer perspective) Projecting an
image: The last communication objective is in relation to the socially
responsible image Expedia wants to create in the eyes of the target market.
By offering them packages which not only caters for their target markets
leisure time but also professional life and success, Expedia wants itself to
be seen as a customer welfare company who wants its customers to enjoy
the perks of travelling abroad as well utilize their time in career growing
activities which might take their career forward.
This part move to the MEDIA, don’t make it redundant
In order to put into action the strategies proposed for the target market, the
seminars/workshops at hotels and university campuses, direct mail, both
online and offline format and stalls/booths at travel and investment fairs. As
we proceed forward,
Our target market for the specified Expedia in-vest-night package are Master’s
and Further studies students, Unmarried professional women, financial
intermediaries such as brokers, investors, property and estate agents and lastly
the Small Multinational Organizations (SME’s). However it is extremely
important that our media choice reaches the specific target markets. In order to
ensure its success below is the action plan to communicate our message
effectively to the specific target markets. (It is a MUST, so no need to mention)
In relation to the target markets chosen and the strategies proposed, the action plan for
communicating with the specific target markets are as follows.
Present in the following method, better, those reader who read very FAST will slow
down and look into it.
a. Students Pursuing Masters or further studies (OK)
In order to effectively communicate with this target market, we will be sending
out leaflets and brochures to universities regarding the in-vest-night package of
Expedia. Through these brochures, we will be first be informing and then
conducting workshops for master and further studies students at campuses
regarding the possible career opportunities they could gain by experiencing the
cultural side as well as the business environment of another country. Similarly we
will also be distributing surveys and questionnaires regarding in these workshops
to try and reach each potential customer in this target market category. Lastly, as
this specific target market makes use of many professional educational videos and
speeches on YouTube, we will be communicating our packages on unskipable
paid video advertisement in which a link leads to Expedia’s In-vest-night online
registration webpage, before the video commences. The paid video will be
harmonized around the new investment opportunities in foreign markets and their
success rate to create an emotional appeal towards this target market, as it is at this
age where master’s students are most inclined to take their career forward.
b. Professional Unmarried Women (How about MEN? Up to you guys)
There is no doubt in the fact that professional unmarried women of this age and
time and specifically in Malaysia are concerned about health and fashion as much
as their future. Hence to communicate effectively, we will be including brochures
and flyers regarding in-vest-night in magazines which are popular in this target
market such as vogue, economist etc. We will also be promoting In-vest-night
launch poster in major newspapers such as in Lifestyle “Section 2” of Sunday Star.
In order to record their responses we will also be including survey forms and invest-nights web page link in brochures present in the magazines and newspapers.
Newspaper and magazines can easily create brand awareness and build up the
image of In-vest-night. Lastly we will also be conducting seminars and workshops
regarding several investment opportunities abroad which can be availed through
in-vest-nite. Professional married women, due to their passion to move forward
are most likely to attend such events.
c. Financial institutions (OK)
This target market includes brokers, property and real estate agents. To
communicate effectively, we will be sending email’s, catalogs and leaflets to their
offices, regarding the conferences and seminars we are arranging regarding invest-night. Hence we will conduct conferences and seminars in relation to
investments and opportunities abroad to connect with this target market. Apart
from this, we will also be placing our brochures into property and investment
related magazines and newspapers such as ‘business insider’ and ‘business times’
to make sure we reach each and every property agent possible. Telemarketing will
also be used to convey the message and details regarding this offering straight to
this target market. This will result in a more personal discussion with anybody
from this target audience, enabling customer feedback and in turn generating
customer interest.
d. Small Multinational Enterprises (OK)
This target market includes those organizations which are growing and looking to
expand internationally. These organizations regularly send expatriates abroad to
look over possible opportunities and the investment environment in certain
countries. Expedia’s new offering is surely an attractive and cheap option for
these organizations. To communicate with them effectively, we will be sending
direct mail including emails, catalogs, brochures and feedback surveys to these
organizations. Similarly we also be using telemarketing to provide them with
vocal details regarding the seminars and conferences Expedia is organizing over
possible business opportunities abroad and how Expedia’s package will help them
to avail them at the best possible price. Through seminars, Expedia will be able to
build up relationship with target market and can provide a more personal touch
and feel to the servicing of customers.
Overall comment:
The reason SIR choose Expedia is because it is an ONLINE company, as an 100%
online company normally will go for E-Marketing, mean most of the media that they
choose will relate to online stuff. Furthermore, this is a future trend your generation.
However, most of your Media are relate to traditional method (page 13) (6 out of 7),
only Youtube is E-marketing.
Remark: Direct mail (send to house) is not EMAIL.
Responding to the in-vest-nite query will result in multiple incentives for our target
markets if certain conditions are fulfilled.
For example, for the first 100 respondents to In-vest-nights’ package launch, they will
be receiving personal recommendation and consultation by Expedia’s personnel on
the best in-vest-night package. Through this incentive our targets markets can get
personalized advice before choosing the right in-vest-nite package.
OMG, Expedia is Online….So you are referring to Online or FACE to FACE?
Similarly anybody who responds within 20 nights to the in-vest-night package launch
by filling out the survey or questionnaire’s present in magazines, sent through mail,
personnel handling or web page, they will also be entitled to receive a 50% discount
coupon on the package they purchase, with a validity of a time frame of the next three
How to know is the respondent register on website, they are from magazines, mail,
personnel handling or web page? It seem like any media also can right?
Another lucrative incentive offered would be a ‘Friend to Friend’ response benefit. If
one of our customers refer this in-vest-night package to someone and the other person
responds or communicates to us, the person will be entitled to a 50% percent discount
on accommodation with free breakfast and dinner, on the in-vest-night package he or
she purchases. This would allow customers to have high class service which will in
turn lead to customer satisfaction and loyalty.
How are you going to do it online? Perhaps, you should mention the once they have
registered online, there is an option to ENTER 3 friends email, from this, Expedia can
capture .
Similarly, only for respondent’s contacting back to Expedia through telephone, will
be given free vocal advice on their query. Purchasing a package on the spot would
entail them with a 50% package discount.
Can you find Expedia Hotline? Can customer book Expedia package through
Telephone? Sir does not think so, I am not 100% confirm, please check it.……
Nowadays, marketing moving from Telephone to Online or Mobile App (look at Taxi
industry; flight), you seem like proposing something backward. :D
Lastly, free photo service and in-vest-night’s catalog will be presented to those
respondents who filled in the survey and questionnaire’s given at the workshops,
conferences and seminars at the spot.
Are you going to hire Expedia new stuff to distribute the survey physically, or you
want to collaborate with the organizing agency of workshops, conferences and
seminars, If so, you need to propose 2 or 3 company that Expedia can work with?
Because It does not make sense….Expedia is ONLINE…
Response Rates and Forecasted Results (Your budget is not sufficient),
1. Average of package price?
2. Estimated commission? Expedia is not the owner.
3. Total sales/revenue?
4. Allocation of 1.5M based on selected media or any other marketing exp?
5. What is your propose ROI? How much can I earn if I invest in your idea?
6. Why 1,500? Just assume RM4,000 per package, mean total revenue is 6 M.
Commission is 15%, so earn gross profit 0.9 M. Your number of package
cannot meet the break-even point!
7. What is the dif between estimated package and forecast package? Why 50%
off the figure?
Media Choice
100/0.01= 10,000
50/0.01= 5,000
400/0.25= 1,600
200/0.25= 800
400/0.25= 1,600
200/0.25= 800
100/0.01= 10,000
50/0.01= 5,000
Magazines and
200/0.10= 2000
100/0.10= 1,000
140/0.05= 2,800
70/0.05= 1,400
160/0.06= 2670
80/0.06= 1,335
Direct Mail
Total= 20,500
Total= 10,250
Sir think the response rate is too OPTIMISTIC…please get more information on
it, don’t assume 1st…
Fulfillment and Response Management (Your fulfillment is wrong, check
Chapter 9)
Responses to the communication plan referred above require management,
administration, analysis and action. It is the ability to quantify results and measure
campaign performance. In relation to the communication plan for in-vest-night,
fulfillment and management of responses received will be undertaken through these
Specifying the maximum number of responses Expedia tends to achieve
through in-vest-night so that fulfillment of responses is easier by having the
maximum response value.
Provide a cut-off date for responses so that we can measure time taken per
each response in order to effectively manage responses quantitatively.
Restrict responses to one per IP address to ensure participants can only take
the survey once which will allow Expedia to manage each response uniquely
and separately, resulting in a countable and distinguishable number of
responses without the possibility of any duplication of responses.
Contact Plan and Communication schedule
Expedia’s proposed In-vest-night launch will be based on a two stage communication
plan. The first stage comprises of gathering data and statistics of the target market to
construct a prospective house list and in turn a database. This stage will practically
full fill our first direct marketing plan’s objective.
The media choice to collect data in this stage involves health and business magazines,
newsletters, brochures, catalogs, YouTube paid advertisement leading to Expedia’s
in-vest-night webpage, Booths/Stalls at investment and travel fairs. This media choice
as mentioned above perfectly complements our target markets in the reachability
factor. In the initial stage, first quarter brochures, leaflets, questionnaires, e-surveys,
e-newsletter (how to link magazine to e-survey and newsletter? QR code?) will be
placed in magazines and newspapers, as well as heavily distributed among real estate
and property estate agents, SME’s and Post-graduate campuses in original state to
inform the specific target markets of Expedia’s news program. Brochures/Leaflets
response rate is low but necessary to build Expedia’s In-vest-night house list and
database. Booth/Stalls at Travel and Investment fair’s will also help gaining major
responses from personal contact with individuals and their preference of In-vest-night.
Telemarketing to property/estate agents and SME’s will be done continuously due to
the high responses rates it collects.
The second stage of the In-vest-night plan will depend heavily on the data gathered
from direct mail, conferences, workshops, booth and stalls (traditional method). The
second stage is a specialized communication method to filter down the target market
respondents into specific groups. This involves contacting respondents, nonpurchasers from the first stage, which Expedia have already been in touch with and
have had personal contact, through telemarketing, direct mailing, booth/stalls etc
(traditional method). Each target market will be invited personally at different
occasions. For example, master and further studies students will mostly be projected
towards workshops at university campuses. Some unmarried professional women will
also be invited on these workshops. However property agents and SME’s will be
preferred and invited to attend conferences organized at hotels regarding In-vest-night.
Over hear, customer forms, surveys and questionnaires’ will be heavily distributed to
filter down the really interested prospective respondents. However those customers
with unfavorable responses as seen through their opinions in surveys, Expedia will
capture their attention sincerely accepting their incompetency in not providing the
best package and asking for feedback. If responded by some of them, it will indicate
interest and Expedia can include them in In-vest-nights house list. Lastly in this stage,
telemarketers will continuously stay in touch with the really positive respondents and
keep on updating them about new upbringings in In-vest-night such as signing in to
the webpage in order to receive updates. This fulfills Expedia’s second direct
marketing plan as we are personalizing our service for each target market through
different media choices and telemarketers and sales representatives are building
strong relationships to catalyst in-vest-night’s sales.
Try to make it subtitle, its too long and unorganized. Must think on the reader side,
Testing will be carried out on four aspects of our communication plans which
encompasses the media choice, its format, the timing of it and the services offered,
meaning the package, in-vest-night.
It is necessary to conduct tests before we actually put into effect our proposed plans. It
is extremely important to find out the response rates of particular media choices and
the credibility of their source. We must also be putting into scrutiny the current
weaknesses of expedia’s communication plan as mentioned in marketing strategy’s
section and what is lacking in Expedia’s current offerings. Having a clear view of the
background of such important matters can to a great extent help our direct marketing
team to develop logically and realistically feasible plans which will result in an
increased effectiveness for our proposed plan of In-vest-night.
The second testing should be conducted after the implementation for the proposed
communication plan. We will monitor any rise or fluctuations in response rates of any
media choice and whether the media choices are staying true and producing the
expected forecasted rates and results. This is because it is crucial to examine and
analyze where these perspective customers are obtaining information regarding
Expedia’s in-vest-night’s package. One way to test this is to place a unique code to
every voucher/incentive given out. Each code will contain information such as
location given; leaflets/brochures, time given, telemarketing, conferences, workshops
etc. and of course, media choice. As a result, through the incorporation of these codes,
the popular trends and preferred media choice of prospective customers can be
examined and in turn and marketing sales representative diverge their focus, worth
ethic and attention more on those media channels to get the most targeted customers
without wasting cost, time and Expedia’s resources. However this will also allow us
to clearly see the weaker channels and points of improvement which will eventually
lead positive responses from other media choices. Lastly, we can also test our in-vestnight package by getting feedbacks and responses from current customers of Expedia.
This will give us a clear indication regarding the viability of the project.
Database Strategy
Database content (OK, the database content is ok :D)
The database content of In-Vest-Nite will definitely include the fundamental personal
information, followed by several relevant questions that assist Expedia in catering the
personalized packages to the prospects. The database content is shown as below:
Section A: General Information
*All your information will be keep private and confidential.
Date of birth (dd/mm/yy)
Academic Qualification
Phone Number
Section B:
Please select one answer (  ) for each that best describes you.
1. Are you into investment?
2. What kind of investment that interests you best?
(Rank them according to your priority 1,2,3,4)
Gold / Silver
Currency Trading
3. What is the specific property you currently own?
4. What is the minimum amount of investment you can undertake?
RM: _____.__
5. What are the barriers you currently faced in relation to investment?
(You may ‘tick’ more than one)
If others, please specify:
Economy Stability
Lack of knowledge
Section C:
Please precede to the relevant sub-sections of investment that best interests you.
(1) : Property
a. Nature of properties you interested in
(Landed, SOHO, Shop lots & etc.)
b. Types of market are you interested into?
(matured, developing, underdeveloped)
c. How much investment can you undertake in
this category?
d. Due to the barriers in Malaysia, are you
inclined to invest in foreign markets?
(2) : Currency Trading
a. Nature of country’s currency you interested in
(GDP, AUSSIE, EURO & etc.)
b. Types of market are you interested into?
(matured, developing, underdeveloped)
c. How much investment can you undertake in
this category?
d. Due to the barriers in Malaysia, are you
inclined to invest in foreign markets?
(3) : Stocks/Bonds
a. Nature of stocks/bonds you interested in
b. Types of market are you interested into?
(matured, developing, underdeveloped)
c. How much investment can you undertake in
this category?
d. Due to the barriers in Malaysia, are you
inclined to invest in foreign markets?
(4) : Gold/Silver/OTHERS
*Others: Precious stones, Technologies and etc.
a. Nature of commodities you interested in
b. Types of market are you interested into?
(matured, developing, underdeveloped)
c. How much investment can you undertake in
this category?
d. Due to the barriers in Malaysia, are you
inclined to invest in foreign markets?
Section D:
Kindly select the answer that best describe you.
1. If there is an investment package offer to you, would you consider going?
(Package: 3D2N inclusive Investment talks/events, Flights, Accommodations, Travelling)
2. What kind or price range are you willing to pay for an investment-package trip?
RM1,500 - RM2,500
RM3,501 - RM4,500
RM2,501 - RM3,500
RM4,501 - RM5,500
3. Do you want to receive updates or any future attractive packages from us?
4. Which channel of communication would you love to receive or hear from us?
(You can ‘tick’ more than one)
If others, please specify:
Social Media
Phone calls
Roadshows /
Gathering Information
Expedia can gather the house lists from the communications plans. Reason because the
incentives granted in exchange for individuals’ information as aforementioned above. This
information can be easily gathered through the means of communications mentioned above
which include online and offline. The information which guarantees them lucrative
incentives such as vouchers and coupons will then mailed or sends to Expedia, which then
generates a new list; be it existing or prospects. Moreover, the direct mails that send to
customers will include a return mail which eases the customer response. Telemarketing
department of Expedia will the leverage on the toll-free number in further elevate the
Simultaneously, Expedia can purchase response list from universities for Master students,
high-end magazines or gym centres for the unmarried professional women whereas for
property agents and brokers, retrieving from the financial institutions would be ideal. For
the SMEs, approaching the government for the list will be more than sufficient. Reasons of
choosing this type of list was due to there are no direct competitors that can be exchange or
rent the lists and response list itself is directly skewed towards the targeted market which
ensures better response rates. It also sets the benchmark of the quality which matches with
the brand positioning. Example, chances of closing a deal by approaching or offering such
packages to masters students in Taylor’s University is higher as compared to certain public
university students due to the nature of the targeted demographic.
All this already mentioned if not mistaken.
Data Protection (You database protection is old fashion, all this software is a MUST for all
company, just got o Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com/) to get new and latest )
Customer database is the heartbeat or the asset for any companies, including Expedia itself.
Hence this piece of information has to be encrypted at all cost and should be highly
protected from any potential harm like theft, loss or unauthorized use of database. It is
imperative to assure the information privacy rights of all the consumers (Spiller & Baier,
2010). Predominantly, it is to protect the database from the common attack like viruses or
Trojan horse. Moreover, company should take extra-mile efforts to minimise the risk of
viruses and crackers from accessing the customer database to either destroying it or stealing
it. Hence, installing anti-viruses Trend micro and firewalls is imperative. A good example
would be McAfee’s database security which is believed to offers business-critical databases,
a real-time and reliable protection. In the effort of reducing the threat of security breach
imposed, database access should and only be visible to all the involved significant parties
such as the analysts besides a small pool of staff. They will also be given a formal contract to
sign on in ensuring their legal obligations towards the company’s asset alongside their
actions are bind by the legality. Thus, any infringements by them will lead to legal pursuit by
the company and any retired personnel will be immediately removed from the mailing list
together with the control list. Expedia can also consider of performing list seeding, which is
to ensure the privacy of the databases are not leak or sold to the black market. Concisely, in
aligning with the Data Protection Acts, the particular department in charge of database
management should have a procedure in evaluating request from other organization for any
access to personal data in Expedia’s possession.
Contact Determination and Timing
For the contact determination and timing, it leverages according to the types of investment
packages being offered and matches it with the prospects. For example, next year middle of
the month March will be having a FOREX talk in Australia, hence the investment package
offer or promotion of In-Vest-Nite itself will then being mailed towards the extracted and
sorted out database prospects. A consistent paid advertising and newsletter or magazines
can then be shown prior to few months before the event day.
Picture of Prospects and Direct Communication Method
In order to build a picture of prospects for a two-way communication by using direct mail,
newsletter and telemarketing, classification of Expedia’s In-Vest-Nite wil be as follow.
Part A: General Information (FINE)
Part B: ?????????? Why you collect the data? What is the function of the questions? Please
explain or you can add in, make it more meaning full.
Part C: OK, you apply it
Part D: OK
Classification A :
Classification B :
Classification C :
Classification D :
C1a (Landed), C1b (Developing & Underdeveloped), C1c (RM 500,000.00), C1d (Yes)
C2a (EURO & GDP), C2b (Matured), C2c (RM 800,000.00), C2d (Yes)
C3a (Treasury Bonds), C3b (Developing), C3c (RM 1,000,000.00), C3d (Yes)
C4a (Gold & Precious Stones), C4b (Matured & Underdeveloped), C4c (RM 1,500,000.00),
C4d (Yes)
References (Please refer to Harvard referencing styles, WRONG!)
BNM 2013, Outlook and Policy: Private Investment in Malaysia, viewed 21 October 2013,
<http://www.bnm.gov.my/files/publication/ar/en/2012/cp04_003_box.pdf >.
Datamonitor 2013, Expedia, Inc. SWOT Analysis, viewed 21 October 2013,
Elliott, C. 2013, The 6 Best Online Travel Agencies of 2013, viewed 20 October 2013,
Euromonitor 2011, ‘Malaysian Consumer in 2020: A Look Into the FUture’, viewed 22
October 2013,
MarketingProfs 2010, Brands With the Most Engaged, Loyal Customers, viewed 20 October
2013, <http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2010/3408/brands-with-the-mostengaged-loyal-customers >.
MIDA 2011, Malaysia’s Investment Performance, viewed on 20 October 2013,
Spiller, L., & Baier, M. 2010, Contemporary direct & interactive marketing. Upper Saddle
River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.