• Pengenalan Sidik Jari – Pengertian Sidik Jari – Dasar Keilmuan Sidik Jari – Manfaat & Keistimewaan Sidik Jari • Perkembangan Ilmu Sidik Jari – Permulaan Penelitian – Jurnal-Jurnal – Spectrum Biometric Analysis • Bagaimana Hubungan Cara Kerja Otak dengan Sidik Jari – Triune Brain – Cerebral Hemisphere – Cerebral Lobes Sidik jari (bahasa Inggris: fingerprint) adalah hasil reproduksi tapak jari baik yang sengaja diambil, dicapkan dengan tinta, maupun bekas yang ditinggalkan pada benda karena pernah tersentuh kulit telapak tangan atau kaki. Kulit telapak adalah kulit pada bagian telapak tangan mulai dari pangkal pergelangan sampai kesemua ujung jari, dan kulit bagian dari telapak kaki mulai dari tumit sampai ke ujung jari yang mana pada daerah tersebut terdapat garis halus menonjol yang keluar satu sama lain yang dipisahkan oleh celah atau alur yang membentuk struktur tertentu. Identifikasi sidik jari, dikenal dengan daktiloskopi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari sidik jari untuk keperluan pengenalan kembali identitas orang dengan cara mengamati garis yang terdapat pada guratan garis jari tangan dan telapak kaki. Daktiloskopi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu dactylos yang berarti jari jemari atau garis jari, dan scopein yang artinya mengamati atau meneliti. Kemudian dari pengertian itu timbul istilah dalam bahasa Inggris, dactyloscopy yang kita kenal menjadi ilmu sidik jari. Dermatoglyphics (from ancient Greek derma = "skin", glyph = "carving") is the scientific study of fingerprints. The term was coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father of American fingerprint analysis, even though the process of fingerprint identification had already been in use for several hundred years. The word dermatoglyphics comes from two Greek words (derma, skin and glyphe, carve) and refers to the friction ridge formations which appear on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Fingerprint recognition or fingerprint authentication refers to the automated method of verifying a match between two human fingerprints. Fingerprints are one of many forms of biometrics used to identify individuals and verify their identity. This article touches on two major classes of algorithms (minutia and pattern) and four sensor designs (optical, ultrasonic, passive capacitance, and active capacitance). Genetic Disorders Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome): Turner syndrome: Predominance of whorls, although the pattern frequency depends on the particular chromosomal abnormality. 47, XXY (Klinefelter's syndrome): Excess of arches on digit 1, more frequent ulnar loops on digit 2, overall fewer whorls, lower ridge counts for loops and whorls as compared with controls, and significant reduction of the total finger ridge count. Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome): Excess of arches on fingertips and single transverse palmar creasesin 60%. Trisomy 18 (Edward's syndrome) 6 - 10 arches on fingertips and single transverse palmar creasesin 30%. Inborn blindness: Initial data points to abnormal triradius and excess of arches on fingertips Cri du chat (5p-): Excess of arches on fingertips and single transverse palmar creases in 90%. Noonan syndrome: Increased frequency of whorls on fingertips, and the axial triradius t, as in Turner syndrome, is more often in position t' or t" than in controls. Increased incidence of single transverse palmar creases. Astigmatism relation: Personality and Fingerprints Scientists from Moscow found an interesting link between psychological patterns of a personality and fingerprints. This link gives unbiased characteristics for various abilities of a certain human being. Scientists developed devices for revealing psychological patterns of a personality by studying his/her dermatoglyphic parameters, i.e. papillary patterns of fingers and palms. The Mileage of Fingerprint Analysis Phase 1 : In the year 1880, early century of 19, Dr. Henry Faulds stated the theory of finger RC(Ridge Count): As to the finger ridge counting towards the RC ability to distinguish the study method of inborn intelligences, but the element of the post analyzing was too simple. Phase 2 : In the year of 1943, the middle 20 century, Dr. Harold Cummins stated the theory PI(Pattern Intensity) rate measuring, counting on RC value, 3 delta areas value, forms the fingerprint added with potency value, then different finger pattern with its different position, also could produce different degree. The former using PI value is more accurate compared with the first method that only used RC measurement. Phase 2 : In 1986 Nobel Prize in physiology was awarded to Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini Dr. Stanley Cohen for discovering the correlation between NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) and EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) Neuroscience Letters Volume 429, Issues 2-3, 18 December 2007, Pages 152-155 Francesco Angeluccia, Corresponding Author Contact Information, aFondazione Don C. Gnocchi, Rome, Italy bInstitute of Neurology, Catholic University, Largo Gemelli 8, 00168 Rome, Italy Abstract It has been reported that music may have physiological effects on blood pressure, cardiac heartbeat, respiration, and improve mood state in people affected by anxiety, depression and other psychiatric disorders. However, the physiological bases of these phenomena are not clear. Hypothalamus is a brain region involved in the regulation of body homeostasis and in the pathophysiology of anxiety and depression through the modulation of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. Hypothalamic functions are also influenced by the presence of the neurotrophins brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF), which are proteins involved in the growth, survival and function of neurons in the central nervous system. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of music exposure in mice on hypothalamic levels of BDNF and NGF. We exposed young adult mice to slow rhythm music (6 h per day; mild sound pressure levels, between 50 and 60 dB) for 21 consecutive days. At the end of the treatment mice were sacrificed and BDNF and NGF levels in the hypothalamus were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We found that music exposure significantly enhanced BDNF levels in the hypothalamus. Furthermore, we observed that music-exposed mice had decreased NGF hypothalamic levels. Our results demonstrate that exposure to music in mice can influence neurotrophin production in the hypothalamus. Our findings also suggest that physiological effects of music might be in part mediated by modulation of neurotrophins. Hubungan Cara Kerja Otak dengan Sidik Jari Hubungan Cara Kerja Otak dengan Sidik Jari Type WHORL Type LOOP Type ARCH Simple Arch Pragmatic, efficient, but more suspicious Ulnar Loop Representative emotional, adaptability good, moderate personality, the less passive in the interaction Press Whorl - With surging personality characteristics, easy to grasp goal, but also likely to have emotional reaction Concentric Whorl Independent, competitive, strong effect, the symbol of proactive Composite Whorl - At the same time like to have multiple objectives, a tendency of the characteristics of systemic thinking Tented Arch - Has the characteristics of impulsive passion, absorb information like sponges Radial Loop - More selfcentered, love to reverse operation Imploading whorl - Often easy as one of dual-use, can have increased confidence in goal Peacock's Eye - With a high degree of understanding ability, literacy, and have unique understanding and ability in arts Analytical Reflective Potensi Kecerdasan BRAIN HEMISPHERE OTAK KIRI OTAK KANAN 48% 52% Funsi OTAK KIRI: Pikiran Analitis Logika Bahasa Sains & Matematika Funsi OTAK KANAN: Pikiran Holistik Intuisi Kreatifitas Seni & Musik KINESTE TIK 37% ATD ANGLE ciri-ciri: 39 VISUAL 31% keterangan: Kecekatan (36-41=Respon Tinggi; 42-55=Ketelitian Tinggi) Respon tinggi: Cepat berminat pada sesuatu yang baru, cepat jenuh, berfokus pada inti permasalahan, dan kurang konsentrasi pada satu hal dalam waktu lama. Ketelitian tinggi : Menekuni sesuatu secara teliti, bertahap & teratur, berfokus pada detail, lebih konsentrasi pada satu hal dalam waktu lama. Sensitifitas Tindakan (Working Traits Sensitivity): Menunjukkan respon seseorang atas suatu tujuan, tugas dan tindakan Observasi Audio-Linguistik AUDITO RY 32% Logika Perencanaan Pengamatan Audio-Artistik Keterampilan Imajinasi Inovasi RCV 87 (keterangan: <120 =ANALISA TINGGI ; >120 = EKSEKUSI TINGGI) Analisa Tinggi Eksekusi Tinggi Dalam bertindak, melaksakan tugas dan mengerjakan sesuatu lebih didahului banyak pertimbangan. Dalam bertindak, melaksakan tugas dan mengerjakan sesuatu lebih pada tindakan responsif . SUMBER INPUT DATA: Sidik Jari Bersifat Spesifik Sidik Jari Bersfat Permanent Sidik Jari Bersifat Klasifikatif Rata-rata PROCESSING DATA: Sampling (pengambilan data) Pengolahan data Image Penghitungan data image Rata-rata 100% 100% 100% 100% Sidik Jari telah diakui sebagai data biometrik yang paling akurat dan data yang paling stabil untuk pengukuran biometrika. 90% 70% 80% 80% Terdapat kemungkinan kesalahan pengambilan data sampling oleh operator. Kualitas data sidik jari yang kurang baik dari keadaan klien itu sendiri. Proses interpretasi klasifikasi oleh analyst. Tingkat ketepatan (presisi) sistem Komputer yang masih terdapat margin error akibat kualitas data image. DATA OUTPUT /ASSESSMENT REPORT: Interpretasi data report Konsistensi antara variable report & Re-Measurement Perbandingan antar report dan metode psikometri Rata-rata 75% 80% 65% 75% KLAIM AKURASI RATA-RATA 85% Seiring terus berkembangnya ilmu neuroscience & psikologi yang menginterpretasi masalah perkembangan kepribadian. Terdapat keterbatasan sistem aplikasi komputer untuk tingkat presisi pengukuran akibat pengolahan data image. Disamping itu masih ada keterlibatan seorang analyst (human) dalam menentuan klasifikasi data image (terutama yang tidak bisa didetect oleh sistem komputer). Metode pengukuran biometrik menginterpretasi kondisi psikologis secara genetis (nature), sementara perkembangan psikologis seseorang juga dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan (nurture). Termasuk kategori akurasi tinggi POTENTIALS: SPECIFICATION REFLECTIVE STRENGTHS Gateway: Passion/Drive: Character: Orientation: Execution: ? Processing: ANALYTICAL STRENGTHS ? ? ? ? ? POTENTIALS: SPECIFICATION REFLECTIVE STRENGTHS Gateway: Passion/Drive: Character: Orientation: Execution: ? Processing: ANALYTICAL STRENGTHS ? ? ? ? ? POTENTIALS: SPECIFICATION REFLECTIVE STRENGTHS Gateway: Passion/Drive: Character: Orientation: Execution: ? Processing: ANALYTICAL STRENGTHS ? ? ? ? ? POTENTIALS: SPECIFICATION REFLECTIVE STRENGTHS Gateway: Passion/Drive: Character: Orientation: Execution: ? Processing: ANALYTICAL STRENGTHS ? ? ? ? ? POTENTIALS: SPECIFICATION REFLECTIVE STRENGTHS Gateway: Passion/Drive: Character: Orientation: Execution: ? Processing: ANALYTICAL STRENGTHS ? ? ? ? ? SPECIFICATION Gateway: Passion/Drive: Character: Orientation: Execution: ? Processing: ? ? ? ? ? SPECIFICATION Gateway: Passion/Drive: Character: Orientation: Execution: ? Processing: ? ? ? ? ? Low Reflective Afektive Repressive High Driven Parsial Low Reflective Afektive Repressive High Driven Parsial Low Reflective Afektive Repressive High Driven Parsial Low Reflective Afektive Repressive High Driven Parsial ANALYTICAL ANALYTICAL SPONTANITY SPONTANITY 53% Low Reflective Afektive Repressive High Driven Parsial 47% 47% Low Reflective Afektive Repressive High Driven Parsial 53% Low Reflective Afektive Repressive High Driven Parsial Low Reflective Afektive Repressive High Driven Parsial Low Reflective Afektive Repressive High Driven Parsial Low Reflective Afektive Repressive High Driven Parsial