sustainability literacy assessment questions

Asmuss - SLA - Pilot 2
Q1 Please select all that apply from the options given below Which of the following are the
characteristics of "Organic" foods?
 a) Foods that are grown locally. (1)
 b) Foods that are grown using very little or no artificial chemicals. (2)
 c) Foods that are genetically modified. (3)
 d) Foods that are grown only inside a green house chamber. (4)
 e) I don’t know. (5)
Q2 Which of the following three statements are most closely related to "Sustainability
 a) The understanding of seriousness, urgency, and relevance of sustainability crises we
face. (1)
 b) Understanding the integrated nature of our social, environmental, and economic
challenges. (2)
 c) Understanding that the technology consistently promotes sustainability. (3)
 d) The fundamentals of sustainability science as the basis for a new mental model. (4)
 e) I don’t know. (5)
Q3 Which of the following is not recyclable?
 a)Cardboard (1)
 b)Plastics (2)
 c) Batteries (3)
 d) Engine Oil (4)
 e) Glass (5)
 f) Mixed Metal (6)
 g) You can't recycle any of the above (7)
 h) You can recycle all of the above (8)
 i) I don’t know (9)
Q4 Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between advances in
technology and Sustainability?
 a) Technology consistently promotes Sustainability. (1)
 b) Technology consistently works against Sustainability. (2)
 c) Technology has no impact on Sustainability. (3)
 d) Technology can have a positive or a negative impact on Sustainability. (4)
 e) I don’t know. (5)
Q5 Which of the following closely represents your definition of "Sustainable Forest
 a) Environmentally appropriate management of forests for present and future
generations. (1)
 b) Societal beneficial management of forests for present and future generations. (2)
 c) Economically viable management of forests for present and future generations. (3)
 d) Only (a) and (b) (4)
 e) All (a), (b), and (c) (5)
Q6 Which of the following is presently true of an Electric vehicles' relationship with "Fossil
 a) Electric vehicles use no fossil fuels at all. (1)
 b) Electric vehicles use fossil fuels sometimes to run, when batteries cannot provide
enough power. (2)
 c) Electric vehicles use some fossil fuels in construction only, but not on an on-going
basis that creates carbon emissions. (3)
 d) Electric vehicles use some fossil fuels in construction and potentially some indirectly
depending on the source of electricity generated. (4)
 e) I don’t know (5)
Q7 Which of these helps to measure how sustainable something is?
 a) Carbon blueprint (1)
 b) Carbon footprint (2)
 c) Energy footprint (3)
 d) Energy index (4)
 e) I don't know (5)
Q8 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a "Green building"?
 a) Lower monthly cost ( heating/cooling, water and energy) than a regular building (1)
 b) Better indoor air quality than a regular building (2)
 c) Better resale value than a regular building (3)
 d) Long term durability than a regular building (4)
 e) Zero waste production than a regular building (5)
Q9 Which of the following is the major emitter of greenhouse gases into the environment at
University of Saskatchewan?
 a) Agriculture (1)
 b) Electricity consumption (2)
 c) Heat generation (3)
 d) Transportation (4)
 e) Waste generated (5)
 f) I don’t know (6)
Q10 Ammonia is one of the major air pollutants in Canada. Which of the following do you
think is its primary source?
 a) Oil and Gas industry (1)
 b) Transportation (Road, Rail, Air, Marine) (2)
 c) Fuel for Electricity and Heating (3)
 d) Agriculture (Livestock and Fertilizer) (4)
 e) I don’t know (5)
Q11 Which of the following most accurately reflects your understanding of sustainability?
 a) I completely understand what the term sustainability means. (1)
 b) I have a good understanding of what the term sustainability means. (2)
 c) I have very little understanding of what the term sustainability means. (3)
 d) I have no idea what the term sustainability means. (4)
Q12 Which of the following diagrams best depicts your understanding of sustainability?
 Image:22 (1)
 Image:33 (2)
 Image:Untitled (3)
 Image:Untitled (4)
 Image:Untitled3 (5)
 None of the above (6)
Q13 Ozone forms a protective layer in the earth’s upper atmosphere. What does Ozone
protect us from?
 a) Acid rain (1)
 b) Climate change (2)
 c) Fluctuations in temperature (3)
 d) UV rays (4)
 e) I don't know (5)
Q14 What is meant by the term “Carbon footprint”?
 a) It refers to the size of the carbon chain in a given quantity of gasoline. (1)
 b) It refers to the amount of carbon left on the ground each time you walk. (2)
 c) It refers to the quantification of greenhouse gasses released during daily activities
and/or during production, use, disposal of a given product. (3)
 d) All of the above. (4)
 e) None of the above. (5)
 f) I don’t know. (6)
Q15 What is the leading cause of pollution of streams and rivers in Saskatchewan?
 a) Dumping of garbage by cities (1)
 b) Surface water runoff from Agriculture fields (2)
 c) Effluents from the fishing boats (3)
 d) Waste dumped by factories (4)
 e) I don’t know (5)
Q16 What best emphasizes that purchasing of locally grown food contributes to
 a) Locally made foods use fewer pesticides than those grown far away and shipped
here. (1)
 b) Locally made foods are transported less of a distance so pollution caused by trucks
burning fuel is reduced. (2)
 c) Locally made food is more expensive and therefore forces you to eat less. (3)
 d) Locally made food supports local economy. (4)
 e) I don’t know. (5)
Q17 What is the most common reason that wild animals (mammals) are going extinct in
 a) Use of pesticides (1)
 b) Habitat loss (2)
 c) Hunting (3)
 d) Food scarcity (4)
 e) I don’t know (5)
Q18 Why is it important to completely shut down electronic devices rather than putting them
in a “Sleep” mode?
 a) Because the electronic devices continue to consume energy even in the sleep mode.
 b) Because the “sleep” mode is bad for your health. (2)
 c) Because the “sleep’ mode consumes more energy than the active mode. (3)
 d) Because the electronic devices could break down sooner in the sleep mode. (4)
 e) I don’t know. (5)
Q19 Why is it safer to drink "tap water" instead of bottled water in Canada?
 a) Because the tap water stays in the supply system for 1 to 3 days, compared to several
weeks or even several months with bottled water. (1)
 b) Because the tap water is untreated raw water free from all impurities. (2)
 c) Because the regulatory frameworks for producing drinking tap water is stricter in most
Canadian municipalities than the regulations for bottled water. (3)
 d) I don’t know. (4)
Q20 Approximately a third of all the food bought in the developed countries is thrown into
waste container. Rate the following actions from best to worst to avoid food wastage; Where
1= Best and 5= Worst. You can choose a rank only once for question #20.
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
a) Do not
make a
shopping list
b) Plan your
meals (2)
c) Buy more
than you
need (3)
d) Use
effectively (4)
e) Split bulk
buys with
friends and
members (5)
Q21 Rank the following modes of transportation you use ( with respect to each other) from a
scale of 1 to 6, where 1= Most used and 6=Least used. You can use a rank only once for
question #21.
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
a) Walking
b) Bicycling
c) Public
d) Driving
e) Driving
f) Other (6)
Q22 Rate the effects of global climate change into the following categories?
Not likely to
happen (1)
Likely to
happen (2)
Very likely to
happen (3)
Has already
happened (4)
I don’t know
of snow
areas. (1)
decreases in
land regions.
increase in
regions. (3)
d) Weather
perfect for
existence. (4)
e) No effect
at all. (5)
Q23 Indicate the importance of the following sustainability issues to you.
I don't
know (6)
Fair trade
Access to
care (2)
rights (5)
Q24 To what extent do the following factors prevent you from implementing more
sustainable practices in your everyday life?
Not at all (1)
A Little (2)
Quite a bit (3)
Very much (4)
a) Lack of
interest in
sustainability (1)
b) Lack of
knowledge about
sustainability (2)
c) Time
pressures (3)
d) Costs
associated with
practices (4)
Inconvenience of
practices (5)
Q25 Please rank in order, where 1= Highest and 5 = Lowest. Just drag and drop the option
to rank them in an order of your choice Which of these issue is most important globally?
______ Water conservation (1)
______ Clean energy (2)
______ Climate change (3)
______ War/Conflict (4)
______ Education (5)
Q26 Recycling saves energy and avoids air pollution. Each item has different energy
savings. Rank the following items in descending order according to your knowledge of their
energy savings per kilogram.
______ Aluminum (1)
______ Cardboard (2)
______ Glass (3)
______ Paper (4)
______ Plastic (5)
Q27 Give us your opinion
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 I don't know (3)
Should we be reconnecting ourselves with nature ________.
Answer If Give us your opinion   Should we be reconnecting ourselves with nature
A. Why?
 a) To continue our current rate of resource use until we are forced to return to a more
localized agrarian society (1)
 b) To consider and value the origin of what we use in our daily personal lives, so it is
easier to see our interdependence with the environment (2)
 c) To completely stop the use of all non-renewable resources (3)
 d) I don’t know (4)
Answer If Give us your opinion   Should we be reconnecting ourselves with nature
B. Why not?
 a) To continue our current rate of resource use until we are forced to return to a more
localized agrarian society (1)
 b) To consider and value the origin of what we use in our daily personal lives, so it is
easier to see our interdependence with the environment (2)
 c) To completely stop the use of all non-renewable resources (3)
 d) I don’t know (4)
Q28 Should developed countries assist developing countries in economic advancement for
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 I don't know (3)
Answer If Should developed countries assist developing countries in economic advancement
for sustainability?
A. Why?
 a) There is a direct connection between poverty and those who suffer the most from
environmental degradation (1)
 b) It is less expensive for developing countries to manufacture the consumer goods
needed by developed countries (2)
 c) It is easier and less expensive to exploit resources in developing countries (3)
 d) It is easier and less expensive to create physical and governmental infrastructure to
support heavy industry in developing countries (4)
 e) All people in developing countries welcome the influx of foreign corporations for
economic assistance (5)
 I don't know (6)
Answer If Should developed countries assist developing countries in economic advancement
for sustainability?
B. Why not?
 a) There is not a direct connection between poverty and those who suffer the most from
environmental degradation (1)
 b) It is more expensive for developing countries to manufacture the consumer goods
needed by developed countries (2)
 c) It is difficult and more expensive to exploit resources in developing countries (3)
 d) It is difficult and more expensive to create physical and governmental infrastructure to
support heavy industry in developing countries (4)
 e) People in developing countries do not welcome the influx of foreign corporations for
economic assistance (5)
 f) I don’t know (6)
Q29 Rate the following questions on a Likert scale Sustainability aims for generating wellbeing for human society in a way that does not undermine our social and ecological
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q30 There is no point in getting involved in environmental issues, since governments and
industries have all the power and can do what they like.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q31 Humans have the right to modify the natural environment to suit their needs because
nature is strong enough to cope with these impacts.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don’t know (6)
Q32 When given the option, I purchase ecofriendly products over their alternatives to protect
our environment.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q33 Sustainability is as much about what the future generation needs as it is about what we
need today.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q34 We cannot do anything to slow down the rate of climate change.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q35 Sustainability has nothing to do with social justice.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q36 It is acceptable to dispose of food waste in the normal garbage container because it
biodegrades in landfill sites anyways.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q37 Carbon offsetting (a compensatory measure made by an individual or company for
carbon emissions, usually through sponsoring activities or projects which increase carbon
dioxide absorption, such as tree planting) would get rid of climate change by restoring the
damaged environment if we all start doing it.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q38 Composting is one way of recycling.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q39 One should turn off the items such as cell phone chargers, fans, coffeemakers, desktop
printers, radios, etc. when they are not in use.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q40 Sustainability is primarily an issue of investment in developing countries.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q41 Sustainability refers to the conservation of the environment only.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q42 An objective of sustainability is ending the use of non-renewable resources.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q43 One should promote paper-less communication -- use email invites, website updates
and reusable signs to help in sustainability.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q44 I considered sustainability issues when I chose to enroll at University of Saskatchewan.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q45 Sustainable development cannot occur without a healthy population which includes a
healthy environment, a well-functioning economy, social support networks and strong
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q46 The prairie provinces of Canada (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) are responsible
for releasing almost 50% of Canada’s Carbon dioxide (green-house gas) equivalent every
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q47 Waste from garden or park, such as grass or flower cuttings and hedge trimmings, as
well as domestic and commercial food wastes are all forms of biodegradable waste.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q48 Grain based ethanol (Ethyl alcohol) is a viable alternative to gasoline for the
environmental, economic, and social challenges faced by urban and rural communities in
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q49 The Federal government should increase the taxes on polluters to pay for damage to
communities and the environment.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)
Q50 Aboriginal people and minority groups’ have a vital role in sustainability because of
their knowledge and traditional practices.
 Strongly Disagree (1)
 Disagree (2)
 Neutral (3)
 Agree (4)
 Strongly Agree (5)
 I don't know (6)