th 10 Euro Studies 3.09.15 Turn in: Rise of Evil Viewing Guide Note Cards: 25 Source Cards: 4 Take out : Planner/Calendar Notes Today’s Learning Objectives: I can understand how to revise my thesis statement and methods of outlining. Today’s Agenda: Thesis Statements Outlining HW: Sophomore Project Sophomore Research Project Thesis Statements: The good, the bad, & the ugly • • • • • • • • A strong thesis statement takes some sort of stand. Remember that your thesis needs to show your conclusions about a subject. For example, if you are writing a paper for a class on fitness, you might be asked to choose a popular weight-loss product to evaluate. – There are some negative and positive aspects to the Banana Herb Tea Supplement. 2. A strong thesis statement justifies discussion. Your thesis should indicate the point of the discussion. – My family is an extended family. 3. A strong thesis statement expresses one main idea. Readers need to be able to see that your paper has one main point. If your thesis statement expresses more than one idea, then you might confuse your readers about the subject of your paper. – Companies need to exploit the marketing potential of the Internet, and Web pages can provide both advertising and customer support. 4. A strong thesis statement is specific. A thesis statement should show exactly what your paper will be about, and will help you keep your paper to a manageable topic – World hunger has many causes and effects. What do you think??? • The Renaissance sparked in European minds the transformation of artists into individual achievers and artwork into a form of expression. • The Black Death was an extremely influential part of Europe’s history which negatively impacted the economic, religious, and personal aspects of Europe and its people. The Bad… • The Renaissance sparked in European minds the transformation of artists into individual achievers and artwork into a form of expression. • The Black Death was an extremely influential part of Europe’s history which negatively impacted the economic, religious, and personal aspects of Europe and its people. Too broad…get specific What do you think??? • The public’s demand for the destruction of the Berlin Wall led to the eventual reunification of Germany. • The pentathlon event was one of the original events from the Ancient Olympics and remains as a part of the Modern Olympics representing, as it has changed over time, the change in what society thinks is most important in athletics. The Bad • Too specific—you need to find a balance…might be great for a BODY THESIS STATEMENT… • The public’s demand for the destruction of the Berlin Wall led to the eventual reunification of Germany. • The pentathlon event was one of the original events from the Ancient Olympics and remains as a part of the Modern Olympics representing, as it has changed over time, the change in what society thinks is most important in athletics. What do you think??? • The French Revolution was an epoch of progression and downfall which is progressively reflected in governmental aspects of France throughout history. The Bad • Too obvious—if you get to the end, and there’s no new information… • The French Revolution was an epoch of progression and downfall which is progressively reflected in governmental aspects of France throughout history. What do you think??? • The bombing of Pearl Harbor indirectly caused the Cold War because it drew America into WWII, creating two superpowers that split Europe between two new factions. • The modifications made to the Olympics throughout history fostered its purpose by establishing peaceful relations among European nations, which consequently improved their economy. • As the industrial revolution progressed, and with the protection from governments in place recognizing the plight of women, women in the workforce began to feel empowered and their lives became more manageable. The Ugly • Un-provable—hypothetical, inaccurate, or dealing with feelings are not provable arguments… • The bombing of Pearl Harbor indirectly caused the Cold War because it drew America into WWII, creating two superpowers that split Europe between two new factions. • The modifications made to the Olympics throughout history fostered its purpose by establishing peaceful relations among European nations, which consequently improved their economy. • As the industrial revolution progressed, and with the protection from governments in place recognizing the plight of women, women in the workforce began to feel empowered and their lives became more manageable. What do you think??? • The injustice in Lenin’s life paralleled the conditions in Russia, fueling Lenin to lead the revolution that would change the face of Russian politics. • The Continental System, in combination with events of the Napoleonic Wars, proved to be a key factor that would eventually help Britain to lead the way in the Industrial Revolution. • The fall of the Berlin Wall, optimistically foreseen as the final step of German unification, proved to be in reality the beginning of an arduous struggle for the two nations to economically and socially unite. The Good • Specific and provable • The injustice in Lenin’s life paralleled the conditions in Russia, fueling Lenin to lead the revolution that would change the face of Russian politics. • The Continental System, in combination with events of the Napoleonic Wars, proved to be a key factor that would eventually help Britain to lead the way in the Industrial Revolution. • The fall of the Berlin Wall, optimistically foreseen as the final step of German unification, proved to be in reality the beginning of an arduous struggle for the two nations to economically and socially unite. OUTLINING • The purpose of outlining is to get all of your ideas organized before you start writing the actual paper. – This should help ensure that: •your main ideas are clear and connected •your arguments are supported with evidence •you are writing in logical order • An outline is the structure the BODY of your paper. Do not outline your introduction or conclusion. • Your research question and thesis statement must be at the TOP of your outline. Every part of your outline must connect back to your thesis statement. General Outlining Format • All outlines should have the thesis as the first component. – Without the main thesis present, the rest of the outline has little meaning. • Introductions and conclusions are not a part of a formal MLA outline – You will only outline the BODY of the paper. • A formal outline has complete sentences for the thesis statement and the topic sentences – The other components of the outline should be complete pieces of information, but do not necessarily have to be in sentence structure. The Format, a three-level outline Research Question Thesis Title I. First Level (body thesis) A. Second Level (general evidence - cited) 1. Third Level (further specific evidence and/or connection of evidence to body thesis – ie: analysis – cited if necessary) B. Second Level 1. Third Level 2. Third Level C. Second Level II. First Level A. Second Level 1. Third Level 2. Third Level B. Second Level 1. Third Level 2. Third Level Every subordinate level must directly support the level above it. Full Sentence Outlines • At the Roman numeral level of your outline (level one), you will have a full sentence – The Roman numeral levels of your outline are your body theses – These may or may not correspond to the paragraphs of your paper • You may have more paragraphs than Roman numerals this is because some body theses lend themselves to more than one paragraph of information • The only complete sentences you must have are your body theses and your thesis statement. • Your body theses must be an argument point. They also must have a DIRECT and CLEAR connection to your thesis. • Remember you are outlining the ARGUMENT POINTS of your paper not necessarily the paragraphs of your paper. – EACH ROMAN NUMERAL WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY EQUAL ONE PARAGRAPH. THINK OF THEM AS SECTIONS OR TOPICS WITHIN YOUR THESIS… What’s EXPECTED You will have a typed THREE level outline. Include the following in your typed outline: 1) Full MLA Heading, Title, Research Question, Thesis at the top of the outline 2) Level One - Roman Numerals: Body Thesis (a complete sentence and be absolutely sure that this sentence directly relates to your thesis) 3) Level Two - Capital Letters: Think Evidence/Support/Facts (and be absolutely sure that the evidence relates to your body thesis) 4) Level Three—Arabic numbers: think analysis that supports your evidence relating back to the thesis Notes: – – – Outlines do not need to be double spaced For all researched information – cite the source in your outline as though you are citing in an essay You may include a works cited page for feedback, this will be a requirement when your final paper is turned in. RECOMMENDED…