E-Books by Gale Virtual Reference Library

Science Expo Pathfinder
TPMS Media Center
Created by Ms. Phelan, Media Specialist
E-Books by Gale Virtual Reference Library
EBooks are constantly updated with the latest scientific information. To access EBooks from home, you
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UXL Encyclopedia of Diseases and Disorders , 5v, 2009
Alternative Energy , 3v, 2007
Chemical Compounds , 3v, 2006
Chemical Elements: From Carbon to Krypton , 3v, 2006
U*X*L Encyclopedia of Weather and Natural Disasters , 5v, 2008
UXL Complete Life Science Resource , 3v, 2001
UXL Encyclopedia of Science , 2nd ed., 10v, 2002
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Alternative Energy Issues surrounding both current energy sources and alternative energy options. While there
is significant discussion of the non-renewable resources now used to meet the majority of the world's energy
needs (oil, coal and natural gas), the primary focus of the set is on newer options to meet the ever-growing
Chemical Compounds Offers information on the ways in which different chemical elements combine to form
commonly-used chemical compounds, such as water, ammonia, and aspirin. Defines what a chemical compound
actually is and the difference between organic and inorganic compounds, as well as providing definitions of acids,
bases, salts, oxides, and coordination compounds. Features a general historical overview of major discoveries and
the notable scientists who made them.
Chemical Elements from Carbon to Krypton Provides in-depth information on 112 known chemical elements.
For younger and middle school students, but also appropriate for high school students.
UXL Complete Life Science Resource Features alphabetically arranged entries on theories, concepts, and
chronology of discoveries and a report topic section that suggests a range of research topics and experiment ideas.
UXL Encyclopedia of Diseases and Disorders Contains numerous entries on medical conditions, from avian flu
to warts. Entries cover infectious diseases, injuries, genetic disorders, and others.
UXL Encyclopedia of Science This alphabetically organized set opens up the entire world of science in clear,
nontechnical language. Topics profiled are related to the physical, life, and earth sciences, as well as to math,
psychology, engineering, technology, and the environment.
UXL Encyclopedia of Weather and Natural Disasters Weather and natural disasters, covering such topics as
weather basics, weather phenomena, forecasting, and climate. Provides information on the scientific aspects of
various types of disasters including: blizzards, earthquakes, flooding, tornadoes, volcanoes, and wildfires.
*The descriptions above are from Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Mentos and Coke Experiment Explained:
Many Different Experiment Ideas Explained: (Open this link and go to the bottom
of the page where it says “Experiment Categories”.)
Science Buddies
Over 1000 Project Ideas to choose from!
All Science Fair Projects hundreds of ideas for every science topic, from Astronomy to Zoology!
*Let Ms. Phelan know if you find a really great site, so we can add it to this pathfinder!
Online Databases
Science Reference Center by EBSCO Applied Sciences, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences,
Scientists, and Space Sciences. Search for specific information, or browse by topic area. Includes many full text
articles and images.
At home URL: http://search.ebscohost.com
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Encyclopaedia Britannica Search a wide variety of topics.
At home URL: http://search.eb.com
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