MPI (IMPORTANT QUESTIONS) ORDER OF PROIRITY TO PREPARE UNITS: VI, V, VII,VIII, IV, I, III, VII & ( FOR UNIT II SAME PROGRAMS TAUGHT IN YOUR LAB) UNIT I 1. draw the internal architecture of 8085? Explain each block. 2. what are the special functions of GPRs in 8086? And explain them 3 How does 8086 manage, when the instruction pointer pointing to the next instruction asking for branching? 4 Write a note on interrupt handling in 8086. 5 Draw the maximum mode configuration of 8086. 6 What is the length of the instruction queue in 8086? Discuss the use of the queue? Explain the reason for limiting the length of queue? 7 What is the minimum number of segment resisters that are necessary to provide segmentation? How do you access common data for different programs using segmentation? 8.with a neat architectural diagram explain the functioning of 8086 microprocessor 9.describe briefly about pre-fetch queue in 8086 10 discuss the general functions of all general purpose registers of 8086. Explain the special function of each register and instruction support for these functions 11.draw the register organisation of 8086 and explain typical application of each register 12. what is the minimum number of segment registers that are necessary to jprovide segmentation. how to access common data using segmentation 13. give the 16-bit flag register format of 8086 and explain about each flag in detail the flag registers of 8086 & 8085 15 write in detail about the addressing modes okf j8086 micro processor 16.discuss the assembler directives with example. 17.explain with example how a far procedure is declarled as public ? show how an external near procedure is called in main program 18. what is a procedure . give an example to declare a procedure as a near. Make this procedure as publilc procedure 19.differentiate between procedures and macros using certain examples UNIT-II 1. Write an ALP to add two 16 bit hexa decimal numbers 2. Write a ALP to add two 16 digit packed BCD numbers 3. Write an nALP to divide a 32 bit number by a 16 bit number 4. Write an Alp in 8086 to jfind a maximum number in an array of 10 numbers 5. Write a recursive e program in 8086 AlP to find the sum of the first n ilntegenrs 6. Write an ALP in 8086 to count number of positive and negative numbers from an array of 8- bit integers 7. Write an ALP in 8086 to exchange a block of N bytes of data beTween source and destination. 8. Write an ALP to add 5 bytes of data in array by making use do procedure UNIT-III 1. What are the purpose of ALE,BHE, ST/R and DEN pins of 8086? Show their timing in the system bus cycle of 8086 2. What are the control signals useful for inter processor communication using 8086? What instruction set support is provided inn 8086 3. With appropriate pin diagrams explain the minimum and maximum mode operations of 8086 4. What is the minimum number of bus cycles that can occur between the time an interrupt request is recognized and the first instruction in the interrupt routine is fetched 5. Show the circuit required to generate the upper and lower I /O strobes in minimum and maximum modes of 8086 6. What is function of ready pin in 8086? Draw the circuit diagram for wait state generation between 0 and 7 wait states and draw the corresponding timing diagram 7. Explain briefly about memory interfacing with 8086 micro processor 8. Explain how static RAMs are interfaced to 8086. Give necessary interface diagram assuming appropriate signals and memory size 9. With the help of basic cell explain SRAM and DRAM. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the memories 10. With a neat sketch explain the function of memory array of PROM 11. Draw the basic cell structure of EPROM and explain the principle of operation 12. Distinguish between EPROM and EEPROM. Mention their application areas 13. With a neat block diagram , explain the working of 8357 DMA controller or Explain the need of DMA. Discuss in detail about DMA data transfer method 14. Explain demand transfer mode and block transfer mode of 8237 15. Show how 8237s are cascaded to provide more number of DRQs and explain the operation 16. Explain how memory to memory transfer is performed with 8237 17. With a neat block diagram explain the working of 8237 DMA controller 18. Describe the function of the following pins and their use in 8086 based systems a)NMI b)LOCK c)TEST d)RESET UNIT-IV 1. what is BSR mode of operation. How it is useful in controlling the interrupt initiated data transfer for mode 1 and mode2 2. Distinguish b/w mode set control word and BSR control mode of 8255 3.give the hardware design to interface 8255 to 8086 mp 4. explain the transistor buffer circuit used to drive 7 segment LEDs 5. write an ALP in 8086 to generate a symmetrical square wave form with1 KHz frequency. Give necessary circuit to set up with DAC UNIT-V 1 describe interrupt vector table of intel processsors OR discuss about vector interrupt table and interrupt service routines 2 what is the difference between maskable and non-maskable interrupts. Give some examples. 3 which interrupt type is associated with TF flag? What is the vector address. Explain the use of this interrupt 4 draw the block diagram of 8259 and explain each block. Discuss the salient features of 8259 Or distinguish between master and slave mode operation of 8259 5 discuss about following control word format of 8259 a) Initialisation command words ( ICWs) b) Operational command words (OCWs) 6 discuss about interrupt priority schemes used in 8259 OR Explain in general why interrupt priorities are required. Discuss about interrupt piorities of 8259 7 discuss about DOS and BIOS interrupts. Give examples UNIT-VI 1 Discuss the types of serial communication 2 draw the asynchronous and synchronous formats and discuss the Differences 3 discuss the serial communication standards and their specifications Or Give the specifications of RS-232C 4 draw the circuit diagram of RS-232 to TTL conversion. Explain the interface. Or Draw the interface circuits for data conversion from TTL to RS-232C,RS-232 to TTL 5 Draw the block diagram of 8251 and explain about each block 6 explain the interfacinf of 8251 with 8086 with necessary circuit diagram. 7 discuss about the errors with reference to 8251 UNIT 7-8 1 Explain the basic differences b/w micro processor(mp) and micro controller (mc) 2 Explain the advantages of mc over mp 3 explain the salient features of 8051 family of mc 4 draw the architectural diagram of 8051 mc 5 discuss about various addressing modes of 8051 6 draw and discusss the formats and bit definitions of following a) TCON b) TMOD c) PCON d)IP(interrupt priority) e)IE(interrupt enable) f) PSW g)SCON 7 explain interrupt structure of 8051. Also explain the interrupt priorities 8 discuss in detail about parallel I/O ports in 8051 mc Or Explain the alternate functions of port 0,port 2,port3 9 explain the internal and external program memory as well as data memory of 8051 with diagram showing their capacities 10 draw the diagram to interface program memory of 16k x 8 EPROM of 8051 And give memory interface. 11 explain about the following signals a) ALE/PROG b)EA/Vpp c)PSEN d)RXD e)INT0/INT1 f) TXD g)To and T1 h) RD 12 explain about registers and SFR of 8051 13 Explain the various modes (mode1, mode2 )of operation of timer in 8051