New Zealand

Australia & New Zealand
Higher Education
Destination Coffees
April 21, 2011
Why Australia/
New Zealand?
Why not? – Australia and New Zealand are some of the
best places to live while you learn
In comparison to other countries, cost of higher
education is affordable; international students can often
work on a student visa
Strong international reputation for excellence –
standings in world rankings of research universities
Great preparation for future success
Multicultural societies with English-speaking cultures
Built in 6 month “gap” experience
What To Think About
Australian universities operate separate admissions procedures for
domestic and international students.
Many Australian universities have intakes in both Semester 1
(February/March) and Semester 2 (July). Applications submitted in
September for February intake.
Faculty Admissions Committees often set specific subject requirements
and selection procedures relating to particular degree courses.
You may direct entry to Law or Medicine
Standard university degree is 3 years
Although some courses at some institutions operate strict quotas (and
particular application procedures will apply) most courses operate on a
“rolling” admissions basis in that selection decisions are made as
applications from international students are received.
Australian Unis
There are different types of universities in Australia: the "Group of 8"
research universities (ANU, Monash, Universities of Adelaide,
Melbourne, Western Australia, Queensland, Sydney, South Wales)
Technology universities (RMIT, Curtin, University of South Australia,
University of Technology Sydney, Queensland University of
Universities that focus on undergraduate teaching (Edith Cowan,
University of Canberra, Central Queensland, Charles Sturt)
TAFE (Technical and Further Education) Colleges and Institutes:
Vocational education institutions, sometimes bridging institutions
between high schools and universities.
Admission criteria will differ among these groups, and even from one
university to another.
New Zealand Unis
New Zealand has 8 Universities (University of Auckland, University of
Waikato, Victoria University of Wellington, Canterbury University,
University of Auckland, University of Otago, Lincoln University, Massey
25 Polytechnics and/or Institutes of Technology (Auckland Institute of
Technology, Central Institute of Technology, Christchurch Polytechnic,
Waikato Polytechnic)
What is the difference between Universities and Polytechnics and Institutes
of Technology?
Historically the main difference had been that Universities focused on academic
programmes and the Polytechnics focused on practical training.
Taylors Auckland Foundation Year (TAFY) designed to prepare you for
entry into the University of Auckland, AUT University and Massey
General Requirements
Secondary School Leaving Certificate: Prefer IB
diploma, but also possible to enter with a High
School Diploma and scores from SAT (for noncitizens)
Language proficiency: Prefer the IELTS, but may
take TOEFL
Foundation Year: Also possible to do a Foundation
Year if you don’t meet general requirements
Application Process
New Zealand – Apply directly to each institution.
Australia - Australian citizens and permanent
residents apply through the tertiary admissions
centre in the state in which they plan to study
IB students – convert your IB score to the tertiary
leaving exam score equivalent to see what minimum
points are required for each course, at each uni
Tertiary Admissions
New South Wales – University Admissions Centre
Queensland – Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre
South Australia – South Aus. Tertiary Adms. Centre
Western Australia – Tertiary Institutions Service
Centre (TISC)
Victoria – Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre
Sample IB:ATAR score conversion table
Advice from WAB families
Residence is very difficult to get – think about shared
housing and start looking before you apply.
Important: which city, lifestyle do you want?
Think carefully about your “gap” semester
Keep an open mind, especially when returning to
your home country
Aussie unis moving towards more general education
in first year – to help retain students
For example, Monash will move to a 4-year degree in
Ms. Bernie Longboy
 A-I
Mr. Peter Hauet
 J-M
Ms. Aleka Novitski Bilan
 N-T
Ms. Michelle Chow-Liu
 U-Z