The Language of Anatomy Lab Part 1 Name: __________________________ 1) ALL TERMS REFER TO THE BOY WHEN IT IS IN ANATOMICAL POSITION. Stand up and assume anatomical position so you know what it feels like. Describe anatomical position. 2) DIRECTIONAL TERMS Right and left always refer to those sides from the perspective of the person being viewed (backwards from your perspective). Describe each of the following directional terms. Superior, cranial, cephalic _________________________________________________ Lateral _________________________________________________ Superficial _________________________________________________ Posterior, dorsal _________________________________________________ Distal _________________________________________________ Inferior, caudal _________________________________________________ Medial _________________________________________________ Deep _________________________________________________ Anterior, ventral _________________________________________________ Proximal _________________________________________________ 3) REGIONAL BODY PARTS Sketch the human on the website and label the given body regions. Hover over the name of a body region online to see where it is located on the body. Be sure to draw both the frontal and back views of the human. Practice matching them up after you sketch and label. 4) PRACTICE WHAT YOU KNOW The wrist is _________________________________________________ to the hand. The breastbone is _________________________________________________ to the spine. The brain is _________________________________________________ to the spinal cord. The thumb is _________________________________________________ to the fingers (be careful). The popliteal region is ____________________________________________ to the femoral region. The inguinal region is ______________________________________________ to the coxal region. Match each of the following descriptions with a key equivalent, and record the key letter or term in front of the description. Example: femoral = thigh 1. cheek ___________________ 6. posterior aspect of knee ________________ 2. pertaining to the fingers ___________________ 7. heel of foot ___________________ 3. shoulder blade region___________________ 8. pertaining to the head ________________ 4. navel ___________________ 9. armpit ________________ 5. buttocks ___________________ 10. anterior elbow __________________ Indicate the body areas on the below diagram by writing the names next to each letter. AT THE CLINIC A nurse informed Johnnie that she was about to take blood from his antecubital region. A) What part of his body was she referring to? Later, she came back and said she was going to give him an antibiotic shot in the deltoid region. B) Did he take off his shirt or drop his pants to get the shot? Before Johnnie left the office, the nurse noticed that his left sural region was badly bruised. C) Where was his bruise? A) ________________ B) ________________ C) ________________