SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous institution Re-Accredited with A Grade by NAAC) SATTUR- 626 203 B.Sc. DEGREE COURSE IN PHYSICS Syllabus and Regulations Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (Those who are joining in 2013 – 2014 and after) REGULATION - 2013 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Objectives The syllabus for B.Sc., Physics degree under semester system has been designed on the basis of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) which would focus on job oriented programmes and value added education. The main objectives are: To equip the students with specific knowledge and skills required for higher education. To develop an attitude for scientific research in them. To enable the students find employment in public and private sector undertakings. Eligibility for Admission Candidates who have passed the +2 Examination conducted by the Board of Higher Secondary Education , Government of Tamil Nadu, with Physics and Mathematics as subject components OR any other examination accepted by the Syndicate of Madurai Kamaraj University as equivalent thereto are eligible to join this course. Duration of the course The duration of the course shall be three academic years comprising six semesters with two semesters in each academic year. Subjects of study The main subjects of study offered for B.Sc.(Physics) Degree Course shall consist of the following: Part I : Tamil Part II: English Part III 1. Core subjects 2. Electives 3. Allied Subjects Part IV 1. Non Major electives SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus 2. Skill based subjects 3. Environmental studies 4. Value education Part V Extension activities Part I and II Tamil and English Language Courses are 4 each in number. Part III The number of Core Courses shall be 14 and Elective Subjects shall be 4. Allied Subjects cover 4 courses. Part IV The number of Non Major Elective Courses shall be 2 and that of Skill based Subjects 6. Environmental Studies and Value Education Course are 1 each in number. Part V These should be carried out outside the class hours. All the students shall have to enroll for NSS / NCC / Sports & Games or any other service organization in the College and shall have to earn a minimum hours of attendance to be prescribed by the College. A candidate shall be awarded a maximum of 1 credit for Compulsory Extension Service. Credits The term ‘credit’ refers to the weightage given to a course, usually in relation to the instructional hours assigned to it. The total credits .required for completing B.Sc.(Physics ) degree course is 140.The particulars of credits for individual components and courses are presented on Table 1. Scheme of Examination It is presented on Table 2. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Evaluation The performance of a student is evaluated in terms of percentage of marks with a provision for conversion to grade points. Evaluation for each course shall be done by a continuous internal assessment by the concerned course teacher as well as by an end semester examination which will be a written type examination of 3 hours duration and will be consolidated at the end of the course. The ratio of the marks to be allotted to continuous internal assessment and to end semester examination is 25 : 75 (i.e. Internal 25 marks and External 75 marks ). The components for continuous internal assessment are : Two tests and their average ---15 marks Seminar/Group Discussion --- 5 marks Assignment --- 5 marks Total --- 25 marks Pattern of Question Paper The question paper may have 3 parts. Duration of the external examination is 3hours. Part A Ten questions (Objective type with 4 alternatives) (Two questions from each unit – No choice) Part B Five questions (either or type ) (One question from each unit) (Answers not exceeding two pages) Part C 10 x 1 = 10 marks 5 x 7 = 35 marks Three questions out of five (One question from each unit) (Answers not exceeding four pages) 3 x 10 =30 marks Total ------------------75marks ------------------- SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Practical Examinations Practical examinations will be conducted at the end of even semesters only. Practicals: Record Note Book / Internal 10 + 30 = 40 External Examination = 60 -------------Total = 100 --------------- Question Paper Pattern (for Part IV only) Question Paper Pattern (External) Section-A THREE Questions (either or type) 3 X 10 = 30 marks (One Question from each unit) Section-B THREE questions out of FIVE (Atleast one question from each unit) 3 X 15 = 45 marks ------------------------ Total: 75 marks ------------------------- Question Paper Pattern (Internal) Same as in External Note : No unit shall be omitted; Not more than two questions from each unit SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus B.Sc., Allied Subject – Applied Electronics (With effect from the academic year 2012 – 2013) Scheme of Examination S. Title of the paper No Subject Year of Semester of Exam Code Study Study Hour Max Min Marks Marks for Hours Credit per Week pass 1. Applied Electronics I II III 3 100 40 4 4 2. Applied Electronics II II IV 3 100 40 4 4 3. Practical II End of the 3 100 40 2 2 year Practical Each student should submit the practical records at the time of practical examination. The maximum marks of 100 for the practical will be allotted as follows. Practical record note / (Internal) - External Practical examinations - 10 + 30 = = Total 40 60 100 Passing Minimum : 1. No separate minimum for the internal 2. 40% of marks (Internal + External) in each paper of Allied Subjects. 3. marks out of 75 in the external theory examination is the pass minimum. 4. marks out of 60 in the external practical examination is the pass minimum. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus B.Sc – Allied Subject – Applied Electronics (with effect from the academic year 2012 – 2013) Objective To enable the students to gain knowledge on the basic principles of applied electronics. Subjects of study and scheme of examination The papers offered under the Allied subject – Applied Electronics for one year (two semesters) and the scheme of examination are placed on Table – 5. Evaluation The performance of a student is evaluated in terms of percentage of marks with a provision for conversion to grade points. Evaluation for each course shall be done by a continuous internal assessment by the concerned course teacher as well as by an external examination which will be a written type examination of 3 hours duration and will be consolidated at the end of the course. The ratio of the marks to be allotted to continuous internal assessment and to end semester examination is 25: 75 (i.e. Internal 25 marks and External 75 marks). The components of continuous internal assessment are: Two tests and their average ---- 15 marks Seminar/Group Discussion ---- 5 marks Assignment ---- 5 marks Total ---- 25 marks Question Paper Pattern The question paper shall have 3 parts. Duration of the external examination is 3 hours. Part A Ten questions (objective type with 4 alternatives) (Two questions from each unit – No choice) 10 x 1 = 10 marks SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Part B Five questions (either or type) 5 x 7 = 35 marks (One question from each unit) (Answers not exceeding two pages) Part C Three questions out of five 3 x 10 = 30 marks (One question from each unit) (Answers not exceeding four pages) -------------75 marks -------------- Practical Examinations Practical examinations will be conducted at the end of even semesters only. Practicals: Record Note Book / Internal 10 + 30 = 40 External Examination = 60 ---------Total = 100 ----------- SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus B.Sc (PHYSICS) Table -1: Course pattern (Those who joined in 2013-2014 and after) Study Component I Sem. II Sem. III Sem. IV Sem. V Sem. VI Sem. Total Hours Total Credit Total Marks 12 No. of Course 4 Part-1 Tamil Part-II English Part-III Core subjects (T) Core subjects (P) Elective subjects Allied Subject –I(T) Allied Subject II(T) Allied Subject II(P) Part IV Non-Major Elective Courses Skill based subjects 6 (3) 6(3) 6(3) 6(3) - - 24 6(3) 6(3) 6(3) 6(3) - - 24 12 4 400 4(4) 4(4) 2(0) 4(4) 4(4) 2(2) 4(4) 4(4) 2(0) 2(2) - - 4(4) 4(4) 6(6) 6(6) 4(0) 4(0) 4(4) 6(6) 6(6) 4(4) 4(4) 4(3) 48 48 10 1000 24 12 4 400 16 15 4 400 6(4) - - - 3(3) 3(3) - - - 12 10 3 300 4(4) 4(4) - - 8 8 2 200 - - 2(0) 2(2) - - 4 2 1 100 2(2) 2(2) - - 4 4 2 200 2(2) 2(2) 2(2) 2(2) 2(2) 2(2) 12 12 6 600 Environment al studies Value education Part V Extension activities Total - - - - 2(2) - 2 2 1 100 - - - - - 2(2) 2 2 1 100 - - - 0(1) - - - 1 - - 180 140 42 4200 30(20) 30(24) 30(20) 30(25) 30(22) 30(29) 400 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus B.Sc (PHYSICS) Table – 2: Course Details and Scheme of Examination (For those who are joining in 2013 – 2013) FIRST SEMESTER Tamil Paper – I Part-II English Paper – I Part-III Core Subject Paper – I Mechanics & Properties of matter Paper – II Electricity Exam Hours Part-I Credits Subjects Inst. Hrs./Week Course components Max. Marks 6 3 3 6 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 Int. Ext. marks marks 25 75 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 25 75 100 Total Examination will be held in Practical -I Physics Allied Subject-I Part-IV Skill Based Subject Total Paper-I Mathematics Paper -I Instrumentation 2 - - 6 4 3 2 2 2 30 20 II semester. 25 75 100 25 75 100 600 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Part-I Part-II Part-III Core Subject Allied Subject-I Part-IV Skill Based Subject Total Tamil Paper – II English Paper – II Paper – III Thermal Physics and Sound Paper – IV Electromagnetism Physics Practical -I Paper-II Mathematics Paper - III Mathematics Paper -II MS Office Practical Int. Ext. Total marks marks 6 6 3 3 3 3 25 25 75 75 100 100 4 4 3 25 75 100 4 4 3 25 75 100 2 2 3 40 60 100 3 3 3 25 75 100 3 3 3 25 75 100 2 40 60 100 2 30 Exam Hours Subjects Max. Marks Credits Course components Inst. Hrs./Week SECOND SEMESTER 2 24 800 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus THIRD SEMESTER Allied Subject-II Part-IV Non-Major elective Subject Total Exam Hours Elective Subject Credits Part-I Part-II Part-III Core Subject Subjects Inst. Hrs./Week Course components Tamil Paper –III English Paper –III Paper – V Atomic Physics Physics Practical - II 6 6 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 2 - - Paper-I Materials Science Paper-I Applied Electronics I Practical I Applied Electronics Paper-I Basic Physics I 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 - - 2 2 2 30 20 Max. Marks Int. Ext. Total marks marks 25 25 25 75 75 75 100 100 100 Examination will be held in IV semester 25 75 100 25 75 100 Examination will be held in IV semester 25 75 100 600 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus FOURTH SEMESTER Allied Subject-II Part-IV Non-Major elective Subject Part-V Extension Activities Total Exam Hours Elective Subject Tamil Paper –IV English Paper –IV Paper – VI Nuclear Physics Physics Practical -II Paper-II Nano Physics Paper-II Applied Electronics II Practical I Applied Electronics Paper-II Basic Physics II Max. Marks Int. Ext. Total marks marks Credits Part-I Part-II Part-III Core Subject Subjects Inst. Hrs./Week Course components 6 6 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 25 25 25 75 75 75 100 100 100 2 4 2 4 3 3 40 25 60 75 100 100 4 4 3 25 75 100 2 2 3 40 60 100 2 2 2 25 75 100 1 30 25 800 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus FIFTH SEMESTER Exam Hours Max. Marks Int. Ext. Total marks marks Credits Subjects Inst. Hrs./Week Course components Paper-VII Optics and Spectroscopy 6 6 3 25 75 100 Paper-VIII Classical and Statistical mechanics Physics Practical-III 6 6 3 25 75 100 4 - Examination will be held in VI semester Physics Practical-IV (Digital Electronics) 4 - Examination will be held in VI semester Elective Subject Paper-III Programming in C 4 4 4 25 75 100 Part-IV Skill Based Elective Course Paper-III Physics for Everyday life Paper-IV Programming in C Practical 2 2 2 25 75 100 2 2 2 40 60 100 2 2 2 25 75 100 30 22 Part-III Core Subject Environmental Studies Total 600 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Elective Subject Part-IV Skill Based Elective Course Exam Hours Part-III Core Subject Subjects Credits Course components Inst. Hrs./Week SIXTH SEMESTER Paper-IX Quantum mechanics and Relativity Paper-X Digital Electronics Physics PracticalIII 6 6 3 25 75 100 6 6 3 25 75 100 4 4 3 40 60 100 Physics PracticalIV (Digital Electronics) Paper-IV Microprocessors 4 4 3 40 60 100 4 3 3 25 75 100 Paper-V Bio Medical Instrumentation Paper-VI Physics for Competitive Examinations 2 2 2 25 75 100 2 2 Value Education 2 2 Total 30 30 2 Max. Marks Int. Ext. Total marks marks 25 2 75 25 100 75 100 800 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester I Part III: Core Subject - Paper I Subject Code No of hours allotted: 4/week No of credits: 4 Title of the Paper: Mechanics and Properties of matter Objective: To enable the students To understand the basic principles in Mechanics To understand the basic principles in Properties of matter Unit I: Impulse and Impact Impulse of a force – Collision – oblique impact of a smooth sphere on a fixed smooth plane – Direct impact of two smooth spheres – Loss of kinetic energy due to direct impact of two smooth spheres – Oblique impact of two smooth spheres – Loss of kinetic energy due to oblique impact. Unit II: Gravitation Newton’s law of Gravitation – Kepler’s laws of planetary motion – Determination of Gravitational constant – Boy’s method – Gravitational field and Gravitational potential Gravitational potential and field due to a spherical shell - Gravitational potential and field due to a Solid sphere – Variation of ‘g’ with latitude , altitude and depth - Compound pendulum . Unit III Rigid body rotation Angular velocity – relation between angular and linear velocities – Angular acceleration – Normal acceleration – centripetal force – Torque and angular momentum – Moment of inertia – Perpendicular axes theorem – Parallel axes theorem – M.I. of circular ring, circular disc, solid cylinder, hollow cylinder, solid sphere and hollow sphere. Unit IV: Elasticity Moduli of elasticity – Torsion of a body – Rigidity modulus – Static torsion method – Torsional oscillations – Bending of beams – Expression for bending of beams – Cantilever – Determination of Young’s modulus – Cantilever depression – cantilever oscillation – Uniform and Non- uniform bending – I section of guiders. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit V: Viscosity Stream line and turbulent flow – Poiseuille’s formula – Correction – Coefficient of viscosity by Poseuille’s method – Ostwald’s viscometer – Stoke’s formula – determination of Viscosity by Stoke’s formula – Continuity equation – Energy of liquid – Euler’s equation – Bernouli’s theorem. Text Book: 1. Mechanics and Mathematical methods R.Murugeshan S. Chand & CompanyRam Nagar New Delhi. II Edition (1999) Text Book: 2. Properties of matter R.Murugeshan S. Chand & Company Ram Nagar New Delhi. II Revised Edition (1995) Unit I: Book 1. Chapter 1. Section 1.1 to 1.6 Unit II: Book 2.Chapter 6. Section 6.1 to 6.10 Unit III: Book 2.Chapter 7. Section 7.1 to 7.10 Unit IV: Book 2. Chapter 1. Section 1.1 to 1.2 and 1.9 to 1.21 Unit V: Book 1.Chapter 5. Section 5.1 to 5.4 Book 2. Chapter 2. Section 2.1 to 2.9 Books for reference 1. Mechanics by D.S. Mathur S. Chand & Co (2002) 2. Mechanics Part I and Part II – By Narayanamoorthy, National Publishers (2001) 3. Fundamentals of Physics by D. Halliday, Resnick 6th edition, Wiley, New York (2001) 4. Properties of Matter by D.S. Mathur, S. Chand & Co. (2002) SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester I Part III: Core Subject - Paper II Title of the Paper: Objective: Subject Code: No of hours allotted: 4/week No of credits: 4 Electricity To enable the students To understand the basic principles of Electricity Unit – I: Electric field Coulomb’s law – Gauss law – its proof – Applications of Gauss’s law – Electric field due to a uniformly charged sphere (a) at a point outside (b) at a point inside (c) at a point on the surface of the sphere. – Electric field due to a charged hollow sphere (a) at a point outside (b) at a point inside (c) at a point on the surface of the sphere. Electric field due to an infinite line of charge - Electric field due to infinite charged cylinder - Electric field due to plane sheet of charged conductor – Coulomb’s theorem – Mechanical force per unit area of the surface of a charged conductor Unit – II: Electric potential Electric Potential – Potential as the line integral of electric field –Potential due to a point charge - Relation between electric field and potential – Potential due to a charged spherical conductor at a point (a) outside (b) on the surface and (c) inside the sphere - Potential due to non conducting solid sphere – Electric potential energy. Unit – III: Capacitors Capacitance - Principle of capacitor – Expressions for the capacitance – Spherical capacitor – Cylindrical Capacitor – Parallel Plate Capacitor with and without partly filled dielectric – Energy of a capacitor – Loss of energy, when two charged conductors share the charges – Types of capacitors - fixed capacitor, variable capacitor, electric capacitors and sliding capacitor. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit – IV: Current Electricity Kirchhoff’s laws – Application of Kirchhoff’s laws to Wheatstone’s bridge – Sensitiveness of Bridge – Carey Foster’s Bridge – Determination of the resistance and temperature coefficient of the given wire with necessary theory – Principle of Potentiometer – Determination of internal resistance of the cell using Potentiometer – Calibration of Ammeter and Voltmeter – Low & High range. Unit – V: Thermo electricity Seebeck effect – thermo e.m.f. – Neutral temperature of inversion - Law of intermediate metal – law of intermediate temperature – Measurement of e.m.f. of a thermocouple with a Potentiometer - Peltier effect – Peltier coefficient – Thomson effect – Thomson coefficient – Thermodynamics of thermo couple – Thermoelectric diagram. Text Book 1:Electricity and Magnetism R. Murugeshan, S. Chand & Co. (2004) Unit I: Chapter 1.Section 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5 Chapter 2.Section 2.1 to 2.3, 2.5 to 2.9, 2.11 and 2.12 Unit II: Chapter 3.Section 3.2 to 3.6 and 3.8 Unit III: Chapter 4.Section 4.1 to 4.7, 4.9, 4.11 and 4.13 Unit IV: Chapter 6.Section 6.6, Chapter 7.Section7.1 and 7.2 Unit V: Chapter 8.Section 8.1 to 8.7 Books for reference 1. Electricty and Manetism by Sehgal, Chopra & Sehgal Sultan. Chand & Sons., (1998) 2. A Text Book of Sound by V.R. Khanna and R.S. Bedi, Ist edition, Kedharnaath Publishers & Co., Meerut (1998) 3. Electricity and Magnetism – Dr.K.K. Tewari, S.Chand & Co. (2002) SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus 4. Electricity and Magnetism with electronics – D.N. Vasudeva, S. Chand & Co.(2002) 5. Electricity and Magnetism 20th revised edition – Brij Lal & N. Subramaniyam S. Chand & Co.(2007) 6. Electricity and Magnetism 2nd revised edition – Narayanamoorthy & Nagarathinam – National Publishing Co.(1997) SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester I Part IV Skill based Subject - paper I Title of the paper: Instrumentation Subject Code No. of hours allotted: 2/week No. of credits: 2 Unit I: Measuring Instruments Galvanometer – Conversion of galvanometer to ammeter – voltmeter – Ohm meter – Multimeter – VTVM – CRO – Basic operation – measuremenmt – Applications – Digital multimeter. Unit II: Energy meter – Wattmeter – Electro dynamo type Wattmeter – Single phase and Three phase Wattmeter – Wave analyser – Spectrum analyser – Frequency synthesizer – Function generator – Applications. Unit III Recorders Recorders – Analog recorders – X-Y Recorders – UV recorders – Magnetic tape recorders – FM recording – Pulse duration modulation recording. Text Book: 1.Princijples of Electronics V.K.Mehta S.Chand & Company New Delhi 2.Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation A.K.Sawhney 3. Electrical Engineering and Electronics B.L.Theraja SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Unit I: Book 1. Pages 511 to 530 Unit II: Book 2. Pages 541 to 548 and Book 3. Pages 390 to 402 Unit III: Book 2. Pages 1309 to 1325 Book for reference: Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques Albert D.Helfrick and William D.Cooper. Syllabus SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester: II Part III: Core Subject - Paper III Title of the Paper: Objectives Subject Code: No of hours allotted: 4/week No of credits: 4 THERMAL PHYSICS AND SOUND To enable the students To understand the basic concepts of Thermodynamics. To understand the basic principles of Sound Unit 1: Basic concepts Postulates of kinetic theory of gases – Expression for Pressure and C.rms. – Boyle’s law - Degrees of freedom - Law of equipartition of energy –. Deviations from Boyle’s law – Critical constants of a gas – Joule Thompson effect – Porous plug experiment – Liquefaction of gases – Liquefaction of air by Linde’s method – Liquefaction of Helium – Properties of liquid helium. Unit II: Thermodynamics Zeroth law of thermodynamics – Thermodynamic equilibrium - First law of thermodynamics – Reversible and irreversible processes - Heat engines – Carnot’s engine – Second Law of thermodynamics –– Carnot’s theorem – Internal combustion engines – Petrol and diesel engines – Entropy –– Temperature versus Entropy diagram for Carnot’s cycle – Entropy and available energy - Third Law of thermodynamics – Nernst’s heat theorem. Unit III: Conduction and Radiation Thermal conductivity – rectilinear flow of heat – Thermal conductivity of a bad conductor – Lee’s disc method - thermal conductivity of a good conductor – Forbe’s method –– Thermal radiation – Black body Stefan’s law – Distribution of energy in black body spectrum – Wien’s law - Rayleigh-Jean’s law– Newton’s law of cooling from Stefan’s law – Solar constant - Determination of Solar constant (Water Pyrheliometer). SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit IV: Transport Phenomena Mean free path –Sphere of influence - Expression for mean free path – Variation with Temperature and pressure – Transport phenomena – Viscosity – Thermal conductivity – self diffusion – Effect of pressure and temperature on these quantities – Relation between them. Unit V : Sound Acoustics of buildings – Reverberation –Absorption coefficient – Sabine’s formula – Derivation – sound distribution in Auditoriums. Ultrasonics – Properties of ultrasonic waves – Production – Piezo electric crystal method, magnetostriction method - Detection – Properties – Applications – Velocity of ultrasonic waves( Acoustic grating). Text Books 1. Heat, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics BrijLal, N. Subramaniyam and P.S. Hemne S. Chand & Co., (2004) 2. Thermal Physics and Sound R.Murugeshan Shantha Publications Madurai (2007) Unit I: Book 1. Chapter 1. Section 1.3, to 1.6, 1.18, 1.19, Chapter 2. Section 2.4, 2.6, 2.20, 2.21, 2.23 Chapter 7. Section 7.6, 7.8, 7.11, 7.12. Unit II: Book 1. Chapter 4.Section 4.2, 4.4, 4.7, 4.20, 4.23, 4.28, 4.29, 4.32, 4.33, Chapter 5. Section 5.1, 5.7, 5.8 and 5.15 Unit III: Book 1.Chapter 15.Section 15.1, 15.2, 15.8, 15.9. Chapter 8. Section 8. 1, 8.6, 8.12 to 8.15, 8.21, 8.26and 8.29. Unit IV: Book 1. Chapter 3.Section 3.1 to 3.18 Unit V: Book 2. Pages No: 117 to 131. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Books for reference 1. Heat and Thermodynamics by D.S. Mathur, S. Chand & Co. (2002) 2. Heat and Thermodynamics by Zemarisky, MCgraw – Hill Book Co., New York 3. Fundamentals of Physics by Resnick Halliday and Walker, 6th Edition, John wiley and Sons, Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore. 4. A Text Book of Heat by Narayanamoorthy and Krishna Rao, Triveni Publishers, Madras. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester II Part III: Core Subject - Paper IV Title of the Paper: Electromagnetism Subject Code No of hours allotted: 4/week No of credits: 4 Objectives: To enable the students To gain knowledge on magnetic effects of electric currents To understand the origin of magnetism in materials and their magnetic properties To understand the basic concepts in Electromagnetic theory. Unit – I : Magnetic effects of electric current Biot – Savart’s Law – Its applications – long straight wire of infinite length – magnetic field at the center of a circular coil carrying current – magnetic field along the axis of a coil carrying current – solenoid – Ballistic Galvanometer – theory – Damping correction – Comparison between deadbeat and aperiodic galvanometer – determination of the absolute capacity of condenser, using B.G. (theory) and experiment – Comparison of Capacitance using B.G. (theory) and experiment. Ampere’s circuital law Unit – II : Electromagnetic induction Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic induction, - Lenz’s law – self inductance –self inductance of a long solenoid – Experiment to determine self inductance by Rayleigh method with theory – Anderson’s bridge method- Mutual inductance – Determination of Mutual inductance using B.G. (with theory), Coefficient of Coupling – Eddy Currents. Unit – III : DC and AC circuits Growth and decay of current / charge in LR, and CR circuits – High resistance by leakage - AC voltage applied to LCR series circuits – LCR Parallel circuit- Resonance effects – Power and Power factor in ac circuits – Q factor – AC bridges – Maxwell’s bridge, Owen’s bridge. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit – IV : Magnetic materials Definition of B, H M and relation connecting them - magnetic susceptibility – and Permeability – Properties of magnetic materials –The electron theory of magnetism -M-H curve Experiment – B-H curve experiment – Energy loss due to hysteresis – Importance of hysteresis curve. Unit – V : Electromagnetic theory Maxwell’s equations in material media –– Displacement current – significance of displacement current – Plane EM waves in free space – Poynting vector – Hertz experiment Text Book 1. Electricity and magnetism R.Murugeshan, S.chand &Co New Delhi 2004 Edition Unit I: Chapter 10. Section 10.2 to 10.4, 10.6, 10.11, 10.14 and 10.15 Unit II: Chapter 11. Section 11.1 to 11.10 and 11.16 Unit III: Chapter 12.Section 12.1 to 12.4, Chapter 13 section 13.2 to1`3.5, Chapter 19 Section 19.1 to 19.3 Unit IV: Chapter 15 Section 15.1 to 15.8, 15.10, 15.14 to 15.17 Unit V: Chapter 16 Section 16.1 to 16.6 Books for reference 1. Electricity and Magnetism 20th revised edition – Brij Lal & N. Subramaniyam S. Chand & Co.(2007) 2. Electricity and Magnetism 2nd revised edition – Narayanamoorthy & Nagarathinam – National Publishing Co.(1997) 3. Electricity and Magnetism – Dr.K.K. Tewari, S.Chand & Co.(2002)4. Electricity and Magnetism - R. Murugesan , S. Chand & Co., New Delhi (2004) 4. Electricity and Magnetism by Sehgal, Chopra & Sehgal Sultan. Chand & Sons., (1998) SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester II Part III: Core Subject – II Practical Paper I Title of the paper Physics Practical -I Subject Code No of hours allotted: 2/week No of credits: 2 List of Experiments (Any fourteen) 1. Young’s modulus – Uniform Bending – Pin and Microscope method 2. Young’s modulus – Uniform Bending - Optic lever method 3. Young’s modulus – Non-Uniform Bending – Optic lever method 4. Young’s modulus – Cantilever – Pin and Micros cope method 5. Compound Pendulum – Determination of acceleration due to gravity 6. Torsion Pendulum – Moment of Inertia and Rigidity Modulus 7. Melde’s string – Frequency of Vibrator 8. Thermal Conductivity of a bad conductor – Lee’s disc method 9. Specific heat capacity of a liquid – Newton’s cooling method 10. Carey Foster’s bridge – Resistance and Resistivity 11. Carey Foster’s bridge – Temperature coefficient of resistance 12. Potentiometer – Calibration of low range voltmeter 13. Potentiometer – Calibration of high range voltmeter 14. Potentiometer – Calibration of Ammeter 15. Coefficient of viscosity of a highly viscous liquid – Stoke’s method 16. Coefficient of viscosity and comparison of viscosities of two liquids – Capillary flow method SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) SATTUR – 626 203. Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-2014 and after) SYLLABUS Programme : B. Sc., Physics Semester : II Part IV : Skill Based Subject- Paper II Title of the Paper: MS Office Practical Objectives: Subject Code : No. of Hours allotted : 2 / Week No. of Credits :2 To enrich the practical knowledge in MS Office. To develop the practical skills by developing the mathematical expressions. UNIT – I MS – WORD 1. Using MS – Word perform the following a) Change the font size b) Change the font type c) Align the text to Left, Right, Justify, Center d) Underline Bold, Italics the text e) Inserting bullets and numbers 2. Table manipulation and preparing application form. 3. Illustrating the Mail Merge concepts. 4. Using MS Equation editor to prepare expressions in Physics UNIT – II MS – EXCEL 5. Building a worksheet to perform correlation and regression co-efficient using formula and check the answer with built –in-function. 6. Mark sheet preparation using statistical functions. 7. Drawing graphs and Charts for the given data. UNIT – III MS – POWER POINT 8. Preparing chart for a college environment in PowerPoint. 9. Preparing Power Point Presentation for a Physics concept. 10. Presentations applying slide transitions formatting. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Reference Book: “MICROSOFT OFFICE – 97 “– C.Nellaikannan Nels Publications III Edition 2004. Text Book: Title of the Book : MICROSOFT OFFICE – 97 Name(s) of the author : C. Nellaikannan Publisher : Nels publications Edition / Year : III Edition – 2004 UNIT I : MS – WORD UNIT II : MS – Excel UNIT III : MS –Power Point Syllabus SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of UG Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester III Part III: Subject Code No of hours allotted: 4/week Core Subject - Paper V Title of the Paper: No of credits: 4 Atomic Physics Objectives: To enable the students To understand the basic concepts of Atomic Structure. To gain knowledge on the origin of Atomic and Molecular spectra of materials. Unit I- The Electron and band theory of solids Determination of electronic charge – Millikan’s experiment – The free electron theory of metals- Expression for electrical conductivity – Expression for Thermal conductivity – Electron microscope – Band theory of solids – Classification of solids on the basis of Band theory. Unit II – Atomic Structure Introduction – Bohr Atom Model (no derivation) – Sommerfield relativistic Atom Model – Elliptical orbits – Relativistic variation of atomic mass- Application to the fine structure of spectral lines – Vector Atom Model – special quantization and spinning electron hypothesis – various quantum numbers – Pauli’s exclusion principle – Angular momentum and Magnetic moment – Coupling schemes – LS and JJ coupling – Electronic structure of some elements – Stern and Gerlach experiment. Unit III – Ionisation Potential and Splitting of Energy Levels Excitation and ionization potential – Frank and Hertz’s experiment – Davis and Goucher’s method – spectral terms and notations – selection rules – Intensity rule and interval rule – Fine structure of Sodium D lines – Zeeman effect – Larmor’s theorem – Debye’s Quantum mechanical explanation of normal Zeeman effect – Anamalous Zeeman SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus effect – theoretical explanation – Lande’s “g” factor – Explanation of splitting of D 1 and D2 lines of sodium – Paschen Back effect – Stark effect (qualitative study only). Unit IV – – X-rays Introduction - Production of X-rays – Properties and uses of X – rays – Diffraction of X-rays – Bragg’s law –X-ray spectra Continuous X Ray spectrum(Duane and Hunt law) and characteristic X Ray spectrum –– Mosley’s law and its importance – Compton effect – Theory and experimental verification of Compton effect. Unit V – Photo electric effect Lenard’s experiment to determine e/m of photo electrons – Richardson’s and Compton Experiment – Experimental investigations on the Photo electric effect – Einstein‘s Photo electric equation- Photo electric cells. Text book: 1.Modern Physics R.Murugesan and Kiruthiga Sivaprasath S.Chand &Co.,New Delhi Sixteenth Edition (2012) Unit I: Chapter 4 Section 4.1 to 4.7 Unit II Chapter 6 Section 6.1,6.4, 6.11 to 6.15 and 6.17 to 6.20 Unit III: Chapter 6 Section 6.8 to 6.10 and 6.22 to 6.28 Unit IV: Chapter 7 Section 7.1, 7.2, 7.6, 7.7 and 7.11 to 7.14 Unit V: Chapter 8 Section 8.1 to 8.6 Books for reference: 1. Modern Physics D.I.Sehgal,K.I.Chopra, and N.K.Sehgal, Sultan Chand &Sons Publications, 7th Edition , New Delhi(1993). 2. Atomic Physics J.B.Rajam, S.Chand &Co., 20th Edition, New Delhi(2004). 3. Concepts of Modern Physics A.Beiser, Tata McGraw Hill company, New Delhi(1997). SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of UG Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester III Part III Elective Subject - paper I Title of the Paper: Materials Science Objectives Subject Code No of hours allotted: 4/week No of credits: 4 To enable the students To understand the basic properties of different types of materials. To get some ideas on Materials Research. Unit I – Crystal structures and bonding in crystals Introduction-Some fundamental definitions in crystallography-Nomenclature of crystal directions-Nomenclature of crystal planes: Miller indices- Simple cubic, body centered and face centered structure – other important structures - Review of atomic structures-Interatomic forces-different types of chemical bonds-Ionic or electrovalent bondCovalent bond or Homopolar bond-Metallic bond- Hydrogen bond Unit II – Lattice vibrations in crystals Phonons-Momentum of phonons-Inelastic scattering of photons by phonons-specific heat -classical theory of lattice heat capacity- Einstein’s theory of lattice heat capacity Debye’s model of lattice heat capacity - Superconductivity -Introduction-Explanations for the occurrence of super conductivity-General properties of superconductors-Other general observations-Types of superconductors-Applications of super conductors Unit III – Magnetic materials Introduction- Different types of magnetic materials – Langevin’s theory of dia magnetism –– Langevin’s theory of paramagnetism- Weiss theory of paramagnetism- Weiss theory of ferromagnetism-Domain theory of ferromagnetism-Hysteresis -Explanation of Hysteresis curves on the basis of domain theory- – Hard and soft magnetic materials examples SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit IV – Dielectric materials Introduction-Fundamental definitions in dielectrics - Different types of electric polarization - Frequency and temperature effects on polarization - Dielectric loss-Local field or internal field-Clausius Mosotti relation-Determination of dielectric constant-Dielectric breakdown. Unit V – Laser materials Laser materials – Laser principle Characteristics of laser radiation- Different kinds of lasers - Ruby laser, He-Ne laser, Nd-YAG laser, Carbon dioxide laser, Semiconductor laser materials – Applications. Text Books 1. Material Science M.Arumugam , Anuradha Agencies (Revised Edition(2007). Unit I: Page No: 3.1 -3.11, 3.18 - 3.22, 3.24 - 3.28, Page No: 2.1-2.13, 2.15-2.16 Unit II: Page No: 8.1-8.7, 8.12-8.16 & Study material Unit- III: Page No: 7.1-7.15, 7.16-7.26 Unit-IV Page No: 6.1-6.17 Unit- V: Page No: 10.52 – 10.61 & Study material Books for reference 1. Solid State Physics by C.Kittel, Wiley Eastern limited (Sixth Edition) (2005). 2. Solid State Physics by P.K.Palanichamy, SCITECH Publications PVT Ltd. 3. Solid State Physics by R.K.Puri and V.K.Babbar, S.Chand & Co(1997). SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of UG Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Subject Code Semester III No of hours allotted: 4/week Part III: Allied Subject – II Paper I No of credits: 4 Title of the paper: APPLIED ELECTRONICS – I Objectives To enable the students To understand the basic principles of Electronics. Unit I - Semiconductor Diodes Crystal diodes - Semiconductor diodes – Diode equation – Applications of semiconductor diodes - Rectifiers (Half wave, Full wave and Bridge type) – Special types of semiconductor diodes - Zener diode– Voltage regulator using Zener diode – Tunnel diode, Photodiode, LED. Voltage doublers and voltage Tripler circuits – Clipping and Clamping circuits. Unit II – Transistors Junction transistors - Biasing a transistor – Action of a transistor – Three modes of transistor configuration – α, β and γ of a transistor and relation between them – Load line operating point and output characteristics of CE mode – Biasing circuits – Base bias, collector feedback bias, voltage divider bias – h parameter analysis of a transistor (two port network model) – FET - structure, characteristics and action. Unit III – Amplifiers Transistor CE voltage amplifier – calculation of voltage gain ,current gain, power gain, input impedance and output impedance using h parameters – Frequency response curve of amplifiers (single stage) – Power amplifiers – Class A, Class B, Class AB and Class C types – Multistage amplifiers – RC coupled, Impedance coupled, and Transformer coupled types – their applications , advantages and disadvantages. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit IV – Oscillators Feedback in amplifiers – Positive and negative feedbacks – Effects of negative feedback – Barkhausen’s criterion for oscillators – Transistor oscillators with mathematical analysis ( Hartley , Colpitt and Phase shift oscillators) – Relaxation oscillators using transistors – Astable , monostable and Bistable multivibrators with mathematical analysis Unit V – Operational Amplifiers. Operational amplifier – IC 741 –Configuration characteristics of an operational amplifier – CMRR, slew rate, Bandwidth, Input offset voltage. Input Bias current – definitions and typical values of IC 741 – virtual ground – Inverting amplifier – Non inverting amplifier – Adder (Summing amplifier) – Subtractor – Integrator – Differentiator – comparator.- Active filters. Text Books: 1.Analog Electronics and Digital Electronics G.Jose Robin and A.Ubaldraj, Indira Publications, Marthandam(2008). 2 .Principles of Electronics V.K.Mehta, S.Chand & Co, New Delhi (1996). Unit I: Book 1. Pages: 38 to 82. Unit II: Book 1Pages 88 to 130. Unit III: Book 1Pages: 138 to 165 and Book 2. Pages 276 to 297 Unit IV: Book 1Pages 207 to 244 Unit V: Book 1Pages 168 to 191 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Books for reference: 1. Basic Electronics (Solid State) B.L. Theraja S.Chand & CO., New Delhi(2010). 2. Electronic Fundamentals and Applications John . D. Ryder ,Prentice Hall of India Private Limited , New Delhi(1987). 3. Applied Electronics Volume I G.K.Mithal , Khanna Publishers , New Delhi(1997). 4. Electronic Devices and Circuits Millman and Halkias, McGraw Hill Publishing(1996). 5.Electronic Devices and Circuits S.Slivahanan , N.Suresh kumar , A.Vallavaraj ,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi(2008). 6. A Text book of Applied Electronics R.S.Sedha, S.Chand &Co, New Delhi (2006) SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester III Part IV Non Major Elective -Paper I Title of the paper: BASIC PHYSICS - I Subject Code : No of hours allotted: 2/week No of Credits : 2 Objective To gain knowledge on Basic principles of Physics. Unit – I S.I. Units – measurements of length, mass time and other Physical quantities – Dimensional formula for area, volume, density and force – Uses of dimension - Matter – Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma – Application of Plasma – change of state – specific heat capacity – specific latent heat of ice and steam. Unit – II Kinds of energy – Mechanical energy, Thermal energy, Optical energy, Sound energy, Electrical energy, Atomic and Nuclear energy(Examples) – Conversation of energy. Renewable and non-renewable energy – Fossil fuel – coal- Oil – Solar – Wind – Biomass – OTEC. Unit - III Mirror – Laws of reflection – Image formation (Concave and Convex mirror) – Lens – Laws of refraction – Image formation (Concave and Convex lens) – Defects of eye and rectification. Text Books Study Material Prepared by the Department of Physics, Sri S.R.N.M College. Reference Books 1. Mechanics – D.S.Mathur – S.Chand & Co., 2002. 2. Properties of matter – D.S. Mathur – S. Chand & Co., 2002. 3. Properties of matter – Brijlal Subramanian – S.Chand & Co., 2002 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester IV Part III : Core Subject - Paper VI Title of the Paper: Nuclear Physics Subject Code No of hours allotted: 4/week No of credits: 4 Objectives: To enable the students to understand the basic concepts of Nuclear Physics. Unit I – Nuclear Structure Introduction –General Properties of atomic nucleus – Nuclear Binding energy – Nuclear stability -– Yukawa’s theory (no derivation) – Theories of nuclear composition – Proton Electron hypothesis – Nuclear forces - Models of nuclear structure – Liquid drop model – Binding energy formula – Shell model – Collective model. Unit II – Nuclear Accelerators and Detectors Particle accelerators – synchrocyclotron – Betatron–– Electron Synchrotron – Proton Synchrotron – Detectors – Wilson cloud chamber – Bubble chamber – Photo graphic emulsion technique – Elementary particles – Particles and Anti Particles – Conservation laws and symmetry Unit III – Radioactivity Laws of radioactivity – Half life period – Mean life – Radio carbon dating – alpha rays – Properties - range – Geiger Nuttal law – Experimental determination of range – alpha disintegration energy – theory of alpha decay – Beta rays – Neutrino theory of beta decay – K-electron capture – gamma rays – origin – internal conversion – determination of wavelength by crystal spectrometer. Unit IV – Nuclear Reactions Nuclear transmutations by alpha particles, protons, deuterons, neutrons and electrons – photo disintegration – Nuclear fission – Explanation for release of energy – Nuclear SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus reactor. Nuclear fusion – (C- N cycle and P-P Cycle) - Thermo nuclear reactions – controlled thermo nuclear reactions. Cosmic rays – origin – primary and secondary cosmic rays – Van Allen belts Unit V – Nuclear Energy Atom bomb and Hydrogen bomb – Production of electricity from Nuclear energy – Nuclear reactors – General features of nuclear reactor – Different types of nuclear reactors – Pressurized water reactors – Boiling water reactors – Fast Breeder reactors – Radiation hazards. Text book: 1.Modern Physics R.Murugesan and Kiruthiga Sivaprasath S.Chand &Co.,New Delhi Sixteenth Edition (2012) Unit I: Chapter: 27 Section: 27.1 to 27.12 Unit II Chapter: 29 Section: 29.7, 29.9, 29.11 Chapter: 30 Section: 30.5, 30.6, 30.8 Chapter: 38 Section 38.1, 38.2 and 38.6 Unit III:Chapter : 31 section: 31.4, 31.10 to 31.12, 31.16, 31.22 to 31.25, 31.30, 31.31 and 31.35 Unit IV: Chapter: 34 Section: 34.7 Chapter 35 Section 35.2 to 35.4, 35.7 to 35.9 Chapter 37 Section 37.1, 37.5, 37.6 and 37.10 Unit V: Chapter 35 section:35.5 and 35.6 Chapter 36. Section 36.1 to 36.3 Chapter 32 sectin 32.1 to 32.5. Books for reference 1. Nuclear Physics D.C.Thayal, Himalaya Publishing House , New Delhi(2004). 2. Nuclear Physics I.Kaplan(2010). 3. Perspective of Modern Physics Delhi (1997). Arther Beiser , Tata McGraw Hill , New 4. Modern Physics D.I.Sehgal,K.I.Chopra, and N.K.Sehgal, Sultan Chand &sons Publications, 7th Edition , New Delhi(1993). SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Subject Code: Semester IV No of Hours: 4hrs/Week Part III: Elective Subject Paper II No of Credits: 4 Title of the Paper: Nano Physics Objectives To enable the students To gain knowledge about nano materials and its preparation. UNIT I Introduction Nanometer – Nanotechnology-Feynman’s idea of Nanotechnology-General purpose technology-General purpose Nano technology-The Next industrial Revolution-Tools and techniques-Uses of Nano technology-Future of Nano technology. UNIT II: Preparation Nano powders and Nano materials-Preparation plasma arcing– ChemicalVapourDeposition(CVD)-Electro deposition-Chemical Precipitation method-Ball milling-Sol-gel process. UNIT III Characterization Electron microscopes-Scanning electron Microscope(SEM)-Transmission electron microscope(TEM)-Scanning probe microscope(SPM)-Scanning Tunneling microscope(STM)-X-ray diffraction. UNIT IV: Light and nano technology Properties of light and Nano technology - Interaction of light and Nano technology Nano holes and photons – imaging –New low cost energy efficient windows and solar based on Nano particles. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 UNIT V: Syllabus Applications Insulation material-machine tools phosphors – Batteries-High power magnets- motor vehicles and aircraft-medical implants and other medical uses-Optoelectronic devices – Light emitting diodes-Thermionic solar power-Environmental applications. Text Book: 1.Nanotechnology fundamentals and applications by Manasi Karkare (UNIT1) I.K.International publishing House Pvt. ltd. Unit 1 page no: 1 - 18 2. Nanotechnology by Milk Wilson, Kamali Kannangara Geoff smith Simmons, - Michelle Burkhart Regurse overseas press India Private limited (Edition 2005) Unit 2 page no: 56 – 62, 71-76 Unit 3 page no: 30- 43 Unit 4 page no: 168 - 173 Unit 5 page no: 78 – 88, 244- 246 Book for Reference 1. Nano the essentials by T. Pradeep MC Graw Hill company (Edition 2007) SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester IV Part III: Core Subject – II Practical Paper II Title of the paper Physics Practical -II Subject Code No of hours allotted: 2/week No of credits: 2 List of experiments (Any Fourteen) 1) Comparison of magnetic moments- Deflection magnetometer 2) Determination of BH –Current through the circular coil 3) Determination of Magnetic moment 4) Comparison of EMFs- Potentiometer. 5) Resistance and resistivity- Potentiometer 6) Comparison of EMFs- Table galvanometer 7) Comparison of capacitances- De-Sauty’s bridge 8) Voltage and current sensitiveness – Table galvanometer 9) Thickness of a wire- Air wedge method 10) Dispersive power of a prism- Spectrometer 11) Grating Normal incidence- Spectrometer 12) Self Inductance of a coil (L)- Owen’s bridge 14) Impedance and power factor- LR Circuit 15) Frequency of AC – Sonometer 16) (I – d) Curve – Spectrometer 17) Radius of curvature of a lens – Newton’s rings SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Subject Code Semester IV No of hours allotted: 4/week Part III: Allied Subject – II Paper II No of credits: 4 Title of the paper: APPLIED ELECTRONICS – II Objectives: To enable the students To understand the concepts of measuring instruments. To understand the mechanism of switching devices. To understand the concepts in communication systems. Unit I –Applications of Op-Amp Active filters – Low pass, High pass and band pass filters – Band stop filter – Phase locked loop – Instrumentation amplifier using transducer bridge – Applications Unit II – Switching Devices SCR – Construction ,operational characteristics and applications- Half wave and Full wave rectifiers using SCR – DIAC – construction ,operational characteristics and applications (Lamp dimmer, Heat control) – TRIAC – construction ,operational characteristics and applications (High Power lamp switch , Electronic changeover of transformer taps). UJT – construction and operational characteristics – Relaxation oscillator using UJT Unit III – Modulation and Demodulation Modulation – Types of modulation – Amplitude modulation – Frequency modulation – Block diagram of AM and FM transmitters – Demodulation - AM diode detector – Block diagram of AM and FM receivers – characteristics of receivers. Unit IV – Television and Radar Principles of television broadcasting – videcon camera - scanning – interlaced scanning – composite video signal – Vidicon camera – TV transmitter and receiver – colour Television – Colour picture tube. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Radar(block diagram) Pulsed rtadar system - Radar equation - indicators – Plan position indicator. Unit V - Fibre Optical communication system Basic principles of fibre optic communication system – fibre optic cables – construction and working – Numerical aperture – Different types of fibre optic cables – Block diagram of fibre optic communication system –Advantages of optical communication. Text Books : 1. Electronics G.Jose Robin and A.Ubald raj Indira Publication Marthandam I Edition (2003) 2. .Principles of Electronics V.K.Mehta, S.Chand & Co, New Delhi (1996). 3. Analog Electronics and Digital Electronics G.Jose Robin and A.Ubald raj Indira Publication Marthandam I Edition (2008) 4.Electronics and Radio Engineering M.L.Gupta Dhanpat rai Publishing Co, New Delhi. IX Edition (1994) 5. Optics and Spectroscopy R.Murugesan, S.Chand &Co., New Delhi (2010). Unit I: Book 1.Chapter 8.Section 8.36 to 8.64 Unit II: Book 2. Pages; 479 to 509 Unit III: Book 3. Pages 249 to 281. Unit IV: Book 4.Chapter 40. Pages 1043 to 1095 Chapter 41. Pages 1112 to 1126 Unit V: Book 5.Chapter 8 Section 8.1 to 8.10 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Books for reference: 1. Basic Electronics B.L. Theraja S.Chand & CO., New Delhi(2010). 2. Basic Television and Video System, By Bernard Grob , McGraw Hill company(2005). 3. Optical Fibres and Fibre Optic Communication by Subir Kumar Sarkar, system S.Chand & Co., New Delhi(2010). SRNMC Regulation - 2013 SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of UG Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Subject Code Semester IV No of hours allotted: 2/week Part III Allied Subject – II Practical Paper - I No of credits: 2 Title of the paper Applied Electronics Practical List of experiments (Any Fourteen) 1) RCL Measurement- Multi meter 2) RCL Measurement- VTVM 3) Voltage, Period and frequency measurement- CRO 4) Wave shaping circuit- Diode 5) Half wave rectifier 6) Full wave rectifier-(centre tap transformer) 7) Bridge rectifier 8) Thermistor characteristics 9) UJT Characteristics 10) Zener diode Characteristics 11) Voltage regulator-Zener diode 12) UJT Relaxation oscillator 13) Voltage doubler 14) AND,OR, NOT gates with discrete components 15) NAND and NOR gates with discrete components 16) Hartley oscillator 17) Astable multivibrator-Transistor 18) Integrator and differentiator with discrete components Syllabus SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester IV Part IV Non Major Elective -Paper II Title of the paper: BASIC PHYSICS - II Subject Code : No of hours allotted: 2/week No of Credits : 2 Objective To understand the basic principles of Electricity Unit – I Electric current – Voltage and resistance – Ohm’s law and Kirchoff’s law – Resistance in series and parallel DC source – Primary cells – Leclanche and Daniel cell – Secondary cells – Lead Acid Accumulator – DC generator Unit – II Alternating current by hydro, thermal and atomic power stations – RMS value – Peak value – (Quantitative) – AC generator – no derivation - Measurement of Electric power by Wattmeter – simple calculations – Induction coil – Wattless current – Power factor Unit – III Simple electrical circuits – resistor, capacitor and inductor connected to AC source (independently) – Relationship between emf and current in each case. Diode – Bridge Rectifier. Text Book 1. Study material prepared by the Department Reference Books 1. Electricity and Magnetism – Dr. K.K.Tewari – S.Chand & Co 2002 2. Electricity and Magnetism with electrionics– Dr. D.N. Vasudeva – S.Chand & Co 2002 3. Electricity and Magnetism 20th revised edition – Brijlal & Subramaniyan – S.Chand & Co 2007 4. Electricity and Magnetism 2nd revised edition – Narayanamoorthy & Nagarathinam – National Publishing Co 2007 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester V Part III: Core Subject - Paper VII Title of the Paper: Optics and Spectroscopy Subject Code No of hours allotted: 6/week No of credits: 6 Objectives To enable the students To understand the concepts in optics To gain knowledge in geometrical and physical optics and Photoelectric effect and its applications. Unit I - Geometrical optics Equivalent focal length of a system of two thin lenses in contact- separated by a distance- Cardinal Points. Aberrations in lenses- chromatic aberration (longitudinal and lateral) - achromatic combination (lenses in contact and separated by a distance). Spherical aberration – minimizing spherical aberration- stops, crossed lens – separation by a distanceAplanatic lens. Eye pieces- Ramsden’s eye piece- Huygen’s eyepiece. Unit II - Physical optics – Interference Coherent sources-Interference in thin films -Michelson’s interferometer-applicationsDetermination of wave length-Resolution of spectral line-Refractive index of gas –FabryPerot interferometer-sharpness of fringes Resolution- Types of interference fringes (Reflection only)-Holography. Unit III - Diffraction Zone plate-Theory-comparison with convex lens – Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction in straight edges – rectangular aperture – circular aperture-concave gratingmountings- Resolving power of optical instruments - Telescope, grating, prism. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit IV – Polarisation Introduction -Double refraction- Nicol prism- Huygen’s explanation for double refraction. QWP-HWP- Production and analysis of plane, circularly and elliptically polarized light. Optical activity-Fresnel’s explanation-specific rotation-Laurentz half shade polarimeter. Unit V - Spectroscopy Types of spectra – Emission and absorption spectra – Infra red – Ultraviolet – Sources – detection – applications – Raman effect – experimental study – Quantum theory of Raman effect - Applications – NMR spectroscopy – theory – experiment – applications. Text Book: 1.Optics and Spectroscopy, R.Murugeshan, S.Chand&company Ltd. New Delhi VII Edition.( 2010) Unit I: Chapter 1.Section 1.3 to 1.5, 1.15 to 1.22 and 1.25 to 1.28 Unit II: Chapter 2.Section 2.5, 2.11 to 2.17 and Chapter 9 Section 9.1 to 9.3 Unit III: Chapter 3.Section3.1 to 3.3, 3.5 to 3.8, 3.18 to3.20 and 3.23 and 3.24 Unit IV: Chapter 4.Section 4.1, 4.5, 4.6, 4.8, 4.10and 4.12 to 4.20 Unit V: Chapter 5.Section 5.1 to 5.9 Books for reference: 1. Optics & Spectroscopy- Kakani & Bhandari Sultan chand & Sons-New Delhi. 2. A text book of optics – Brijlal & subramanyam S.Chand &Co 3. Spectroscopy – B.K.Sharma, GOEL Publishing House, Meerut 2006. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Subject Code Semester V No of hours allotted: 6/week Part III : Core Subject - Paper VIII No of credits: 6 Title of the paper: – Classical and Statistical mechanics Objectives To enable the students To understand the basic principles and application of classical and statistical mechanics. Unit-I Frame of reference-Inertial frame of reference-Mechanics of a particle-Conservation of linear momentum-conservation of angular momentum-conservation of energy-Mechanics of a system of particles-conservation of linear momentum-conservation of angular momentum-conservation energy (work energy theorem)- Lagrangian dynamics-Basic concepts-co-ordinate system, degrees of freedom-constraints –holonomic constraintsNonholonomic constraints-Generalized coordinates-Principle of virtual work. Unit-II D’Alembert’s principle-Langrange’s Equations from D’Alemberts principleformation of Lagrangian equation-applications- Newton’s equation of motion from Lagrangian’s equations-simple pendulum-Atwoods machine-compound pendulum-LC circuit. Unit -III Hamiltonian dynamics-introduction-generalised momentum and cyclic coordinatesconservation theorems-conservation of linear momentum and angular momentumHamiltonian equation H and conservation of energy-Jacobi’s integral-Hamiltonian’s equations in different coordinate systems (Cartesian, polar and cylindrical)-Example in Hamiltonian dynamics-Harmonic oscillator-simple pendulum-compound pendulum. Unit-IV Microscopic and Macroscopic systems-Ensembles-Probability-Thermo dynamic probability-Boltzmann’s theorem on entropy on entropy and probability-Fundamental postulates of statistical mechanics - statistical equilibrium-Quantum statistics - electron gas Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics-Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution law-MaxwellBoltzmann’s velocity distribution law. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit-V Bose-Einstein statistics-Bose-Einstein distribution law- Fermi-Dirac statistics-FermiDirac distribution law- -comparison of the three distribution laws - black body radiation – Rayleigh-Jeans formula – Planck radiation formula - Deduction Stefan’s law from Planck’s law – Application of F-D distribution to white dwarfs and neutrons. Text Books: 1.ClassicalMechanics, Upadhaya HimalayaPublishingHouse,Delhi 1999.(second edition) 2.Modern Physics R.Murugeshan and KiruthigaSivaPrasath S.Chand &Company Ltd. Ramnagar,NewDelhi -110055 2010 edition Unit I: Book 1. Chapter1.Section 1.4,1.6,1.6.1,1.6.2,1.6.3 (a),(b),(c),(d), 1.7.1,1.7.2,1.7.3, 1.7.8(a),(b),(c) Chapter 2. Section 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.1, 2.3.2 and 2.3.3. Unit II: Book 1. Chapter 2. Section: 2.4 to 2.8 Unit III: Book 1. Chapter 3. Section: 3.1 to 3.3.2, and 3.4 to 3.7 Unit IV: Book 2. Chapter 76. Chapter 75. Section 752 to 75.4. Unit V: Book 2.Chapter 75. Section 75.5 to 75.13 Books for Reference: 1.Statical Physics and Thermodynamics By Agarwal,S.Chand &Co.,NewDelhi 1996. 2.Thermodynamics,Kinetic theory and statistical thermodynamics By F.W.Sears and G.L.Salinger,Narosa Publishing House,NewDelhi 1986. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester V Part III Elective Subject - paper III Title of the paper: Programming in C Subject Code No of hours allotted: 4/week No of credits: 4 Objectives To enable the students To understand the basic principles of computer programming. To gain ability to solve problems by coding C programs. Unit I – Data types, Operators and Expressions Introduction to C – Character set, keywords and identifiers– constants and Variables – Data types –Various types of operators – Arithmetic expressions – Input and Output operations - Simple program – To find the volume of a sphere. Unit II –Decision making and Branching, Looping statements Decision making statements – Simple IF statement – Simple IF ELSE statement – Nesting of IF ELSE statement – The ELSE IF ladder statement – SWITCH statement – GOTO statement -Looping operation using WHILE statement - Do statement -FOR statement – BREAK statement – CONTINUE statement –– EXIT function - Simple programs – To find the factorial of a number –To find the Fibonacci series. Unit III – Arrays Defining an Array – Processing an array – One dimensional arrays, Two dimensional arrays –Character Arrays and Strings - Simple programs - program to arrange the given set of numbers in ascending order - program to add two matrices - program to multiply two matrices - program to sort names in an alphabetical order. Unit IV – Functions Defining a function – Accessing a function - category of functions – Passing arguments to function – Passing arrays to functions – Recursion - Simple programs - Sorting SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus a given set of numbers in descending order of magnitude using functions - To find the sum of integers from 1 to N by recursion method – To check a given number whether it is odd or even - to print current date and time using functions. Unit V – Structures, Unions and Pointers Defining a structure – Processing a structure – Arrays of structures – Arrays within structure – Structures within structures– unions - Understanding pointers-Accessing the address of a variable – Declaring and initialization of pointer variables - Accessing a variable through its pointer – Simple programs –To prepare the salary bill for the employees of a company using arrays of structure – Program for Union - Program to illustrate the use of & and * operators. Text Book: 1. Programming in ANSI CE.Balagurusamy-TataMc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi Fourth Edition (2009). Unit I : Chapter 2.1 to 2.7, 3.1 to 3.12,4.1 to 4.5 Unit II : Chapter 5.1 to 5.7 and 5.9, 6.2 to 6.5 Unit III : Chapter 7.1 to 7.6, 8.2 to 8.4 ,8.8 and 8.9 Unit IV : Chapter 9.4 to 9.14, 9.16,9.17 Unit V : Chapter 10.2 to 10.5, 10.8 to 10.10,10.12 Chapter 11.2 to 11.6. Programs for all Units – Study Material Books for Reference: 1.Theory and problems of Programming with C Byron Gottfried – Tata McGraw Hill company Limited, New Delhi(2006) 2. Programming in C D.Ravichandran,New Age International Publishers, New Delhi ( 2008). 3.Programming in C S.Ramasamy and P.Radhaganesan , Scitech Limited , Chennai(2003). Publications Private SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester V Paper: Part IV Skill based Paper III Title of the Paper: Physics for Everyday life Objectives Subject Code No of hours allotted: 2/week No of credits: 2 To enable the students To understand the operation of some home appliances. To understand the concepts of Physics behind some phenomena. Unit I - Home appliances I Fluorescent lamp – Electric fan – Electric Mixer – Washing machine – Hair drier – Electric vacuum cleaner – Emergency lamp – Domestic Refrigerator – Air conditioner (Window type). – Resistors – Colour coding – Tolerance. Unit II - Home appliances II Micro wave oven – Pressure cooker – Electric line tester – Photo copier – Thermo stat – Hearing aids – Black box – Cell Phone – cordless Phone. Unit III- Physics behind phenomena Cool water in mud pots- White colour of water falls - Drinking water in wells in the beach –Spherical drops of water - Humming sound in HT wires – Birds on live wire – curved wings of fan – Lie detector – Air filled tyres. Text Books : 1. Study of Electrical appliances and devices – K.B.Bhattia – Khanna Publishers Delhi. 2. Hindu speaks on Scientific facts Published by Kasturi&Sons Ltd Anna Saalai Chennai SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit I: Book 1. Chapter 1.3; Chapter 6.9; 6.15; 6.24 to 6.26; 6.28; 6.33 and 6.35 Unit II: Book 2. Chapter: Physical Sciences Physics and General: Applied Science and technology (relevant topics only) Unit III :Book 2. Chapter7.1to7.4and9.1to9.3. Books for Reference: 1.Fundamentals of Physics - D.Haliday, Resnic and J.Walker Willey Edition NY 2.Physics Vol I and II Halliday and Resnic Willey Edition NY 3. Every day science (Series) shivam Books . Chennai. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester V Paper : Part IV Skill based paper IV Title of the paper: Programming in C Practical Subject Code No of hours allotted: 2/week No of credits: 2 List of Experiments: 1. Write a program to find the factorial of a number. 2. Write a program to find the Fibonacci series. 3. Write a program to arrange the given set of numbers in ascending order. 4. Write a program to find the arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean of a given set of numbers. 5. Write a program to multiply two matrices. 6. Write a program to add two matrices using function 7. Write a program to sort names in an alphabetical order. 8. Write a program to find the sum of integers from 1 to N by recursion method. 9. Write a program to print current date and time using functions. 10. Write a program to prepare the salary bill for the employees of a company using arrays of structure. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester VI Part III: Core Subject - Paper IX Title of the Paper: Subject Code No of hours allotted: 6/week No of credits: 6 Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Objectives To enable the students To understand the concepts in Quantum mechanics and special theory of relativity. To gain knowledge in Quantum mechanics and special theory of relativity. Unit I Energy spectrum of black body radiation – Planck’s hypothesis – Derivation of Planck’s law. Dual nature of matter – The de Broglie Wave length. Expression for group velocity - Relation between group velocity and phase velocity –Davison and Germer’s experiment- G.P.Thomson’s experiment – Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle – Illustration – Gamma ray microscope and electron diffraction. Unit II Basic postulates of Wave mechanics – Schrodinger Equation – Derivation (Timedependent and steady state form) – Properties of wave function – - Physical significance of wave function – Probability density orthogonal and normalised wave function – eigen functions and eigen values. Unit III Applications of Schrodinger equation – Particle in an one dimensional box –(infinite square well potential) – its eigen function and eigen values - Potential step – The barrier penetration problem – Linear harmonic oscillator – zero point energy. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit IV reference- inertial frame of reference – Newtonian relativity- Galilean Frame of Transformation Equations- the Ether Hypothesis- Michelson-Morley Experiment- Significance of negative result. Unit V Postulates of Special theory of Relativity – The Lorentz Transformation equations. Lorentz –Fitzgerald length contraction- Time dilation – Illustration - Meson decay – Relativity of Simultaneity- Relativistic addition of velocities – Variation of mass with velocity. Mass energy equivalence- Unified mass unit - Relation between total energy, rest mass energy and momentum. Text Books : Modern Physics R.Murugeshan & Kiruthiga Sivaprasath S.Chand & Company, Ramnagar, New Delhi , 16 th Edition 2010. Unit I: Chapter 9, Chapter 11. Section 11.1 to 11.4 Unit II: Chapter11.Section 11.7 to 11.9 Unit III: Chapter11. Section 11.10 to 11.13 Unit IV: Chapter1.Section 1.1 to 1.6 Unit V: Chapter1. Section 1.7 to 1.14 Books for Reference: 1. Quantum Mechanics –Gupta &kumar Jay PrakashNata&Co,2007 2. Mechanics –D.S.Mathur,S.Chand&Co,2002. 3. Modern Physics – Seghal Chopra & Seghal Sultan,Chand,1998. 4. Quantum Mechanics – R.Satyaprakash, Ratan Prakasan Mandir 1994 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester VI Part III: Core Subject - Paper X Subject Code No of hours allotted: 6/week No of credits: 6 Title of the Paper: Digital Electronics Objectives To enable the students To understand the concepts in Boolean algebra, logic gates etc. To gain knowledge in digital principles and its applications. Unit I - Digital fundamentals Number systems- Binary-decimal conversion-binary addition, Binary Subtraction 1’s and 2’s complement-double complement-binary multiplication and division - Octal numbersDecimal to Octal conversion- Hexadecimal numbers- BCD . Digital circuits-Logic gateBinary concept-Basic logic gates- characteristics –NOR, NAND and EX.OR gates. Logic families- TTL NAND,TTLNOR gates. Unit II - Boolean Algebra and De Morgan’s laws Boolean equations of logic circuits- standard forms for expressing logic functions – SOP and POS forms – Boolean algebra – De-Morgan’s laws – applications – universal building block – Expressions for XOR gate output – principle of duality. Karnaugh Map Two variable map – three variable map- Min term Max term- Truth table for Karnaugh map. Unit III - Binary adders Half adder – Full adder – Half subtractor- Full subtractor – Multiplexer – De multiplexer- Encoder – Decimal to BCD encoder – Decoders - BCD to decimal decoder – BCD to seven segment decoder – Octal to binary encoder – 3 to 8 Decoder – 4 bit binary adder / subtractor SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit IV - Timer and Flip flops 555 timer – Monostable multivibrator – Astable multivibrartor – Frequency divider – Logic gate flip flop – R-S flip flop – Clocked RS flip flop – JK flip flop - JK Master slave flip flop- D flip flop –T flip flop. Unit V - Counters and Registers Binary counter – Decade counter – Ring counter – Ripple counter – Register – Shift register – Interfacing – D/A converter – A/D converter – Successive approximation type A/D converter. Text Book: 1. Analog Electronics and Digital Electronics By G.Jose Robin and A.Ubald raj Indira publications Marthandam. Unit I: Chapter 6. Pages: 286 to 314, Chapter 7A.Pages: 324 to 351 Unit II: Chapter 7B. Pages: 352 to 388, Chapter 7B. Pages:389 to 405 Unit III: Chapter 8. Pages: 421 to 453 Unit IV: Chapter 9. Pages: 454 to 478 Unit IV: Chapter10. Pages: 486 to 510 Books for Reference: 1. Digital Principles and Applications, Malvino and Leech, Mc Graw Hill 2. Electronics Devices and Circuit ,Salivaganan,Suresh Kumar and Vallavaraj Tata Mc Graw Hill -2006.(23rd print). 3. Basic Electronics, B.L.Theraja, S.Chand & Co 4. Electronic devices and circuits, Jacob Millman and Halkias, Mc Graw Hill 5 .Electronic fundamentals and applications - John D.Rydar – PHI . SRNMC Regulation - 2013 SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Subject Code Semester VI No of hours allotted: 4/week Part III: Core Subject – Practical Paper III No of credits: 4 Title of the paper Physics Practical -III List of experiments (Any Fourteen) 1) Refractive index of a small angled prism 2) (i-i’) curve 3) Hartmann’s formula 4) Cauchy’s constants 5) Grating minimum deviation 6) LCR Series circuit 7) LCR Parallel circuit 8) Impedance and power factor- CR circuit 9) C by- De-Sauty’s bridge(series and Parallel combinations) 10) Self inductance - Anderson’s bridge 11) Self inductance- Maxwell’s bridge 12) Self inductance- Rayleigh’s bridge 13) Boltzmann’s constant-Transistor 14) Comparison of mutual inductances 15) Newton’s rings 16) Conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter and ammeter Syllabus SRNMC Regulation - 2013 SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Subject Code Semester VI No of hours allotted: 4/week Part III: Core Subject –Practical Paper - IV No of credits: 4 Title of the paper Physics Practical - IV (Digital Electronics) List of experiments (Any Fourteen) 1) AND,OR,NOT,NAND,NOR and ExOR gates using ICs 2) Universality of NAND gate 3) Universality of NOR gate 4) Adder and subtractor - Op-Amp 741 5) Integrator and differentiator- Op-Amp 741 6) Astable multivibrator- Op-Amp 741 7) Astable multivibrator- IC 555 8) Schmitt Trigger- IC 555 9) Verification of De-Morgan’s law 10) Half adder and full adder 11) RS, JK and T flip-flop 12)Four bit binary adder 13) Four bit binary counter 14) Voltage regulator- IC 7805 15) Dual power supply 16) Shift register 17) BCD Counter Syllabus SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester VI Part III Elective Subject - paper IV Title of the paper: - Microprocessors Objectives Subject Code No of hours allotted: 4/week No of credits: 3 To enable the students To understand the basic concepts in Microprocessors To gain knowledge about Instructions, Programming techniques, code conversion and interrupts. UNIT I – 8085 Microprocessor Architecture and its Instructions Microprocessor architecture and its operations – Instruction Classification – Instruction format– Introduction to 8085 instructions – Data transfer operations – Arithmetic operations – Logic operations- Branch operations. UNIT II - Programming techniques with additional instructions Programming techniques Looping, counting and indexing – Additional data transfer and 16 bit arithmetic instructions – Arithmetic operations related to memory – Logic operations : Rotate and compare . UNIT III - Counters and time delays Counters and time delays – illustrative programs – Hexadecimal Counters – Zero to nine counters – Generating pulse wave form –Stack . UNIT IV - Code conversion BCD arithmetic and 16 bit data operations BCD to binary conversion – Binary to BCD conversion – BCD to seven segment LED code conversion – BCD addition – BCD subtraction –Multiplication . UNIT V – Interrupts and Interfacing data converters Interrupts – The 8085 interrupts - Digital to analog converters – Analog to digital converters . SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Text Books: Microprocessor / Architecture, Programming and application with 8085 – III Edition by Ramesh Gaonkar (Penram International Publishing, India ,1997). Unit – I Chapter 2.Sec. 2.1;Chapter 5. Section 5.1 to 5.3; 6.1 to 6.4 Unit – II Chapter 5.Sec 7.1 to 7.5 Unit – III Chapter 8.Sec 8.1 to 8.4; 9.1 Unit – IV Chapter 10.Sec 10.1 to 10.3;10.5 , 10.6, 10.8; Unit – V Chapter 12. Sec12.1,Chapter 13. Sec 13.1 to 13.2; Books for Reference: 1. Fundamentals of Microprocessor and Microcomputers by B.Ram .Dhanpat Rai Publications (Edition 2005) 2. Microprocessors by A.P.Godse and D.A.Godse.Technical Publications (Edition 2005).Pune. 3. Introduction to Microprocessors by A.P.Mathur(III Edition),Tata McGraw Hill Company, NewDelhi. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester VI Part IV Skill based Paper V Title of the Paper: Subject Code No of hours allotted: 2/week No of credits: 2 Bio Medical Instrumentation Objective: To enable the students To understand the basic principles in Bio medical instrumentation Unit I: Human Physiological system and Bio Potentials Cell and their structure – transport of ions through cell membrane – Resting and action potentials – Bio electric potentials – Design of medical instruments – Components of the Bio Medical Instrument system. Unit II: Transducers Active and passive transducers – magnetic induction type – Piezoelectric type – Sensor – Photo voltaic type – thermo electric type – Resistive transducers – Loading effect and sensitivity of a bridge – capacitive transducers – (LVDT) Linear variable differential transformers. Unit III: Recording System Characteristics of a recording system – ECG origin of cardiac action potential – Block diagram – ECG leads – unipolar and bipolar – ECG recording set up – EEG – origin – Block diagram. EMG – ERG – EOG. Text Book : 1.Bio Medical Instrumentation Dr M. Arumugam Anuradha Publishers, Kumbakonam II Edition (1997) Unit I: Chapter 1. Section 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 Chapter 2. Section 2.2 and 2.3 Unit II: Chapter 2. Section 2.5 2.5.1 to 2.5.8, 2.5.13 and 2.5.15 Unit III: Chapter 4. Section 4.2, 4.3, 4.3.1to 4.3.3, 4.4, 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.4, 4.5, 4.5.1 and 4.6 Books for reference: 1. Hand book of bio medical Instrumentation By R.S.Khandpur TATA MC Graw Hill 1999 SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Physics Semester VI Paper: Part IV Skill based Paper VI Subject Code No of hours allotted: 2/week No of credits: 2 Title of the Paper: Physics for competitive Examinations Objectives To enable the students To gain knowledge to prepare for various competitive examinations. To gain more knowledge about various fields in Physics. Unit – I: Electricity and Electromagnetism Steady current – Sources of current – simple cells – Secondary cells – Ohm’s law – drift velocity-resistance and resistivity – Kirchoff’s laws – Thermoelectricity – heating effect of current –Joule’s law. Electromagnetic induction – magnetic flux and induced e.m.f – Faraday’s law – Lenz’s law – Transformers – Eddy currents. Unit – II: Modern Physics Cathode rays – Photoelectric effect – Einstein’s equation – work function – Planck’s constant from photoelectric effect – wave particle duality- de Broglie waves- electron diffraction. Atomic masses – unified amu – the neutron – composition of nucleus –mass defect – binding energy – radioactivity – nuclear fission – nuclear reactor – nuclear fusion. Unit – V: Electronics Conductors – insulators – semiconductors (intrinsic and extrinsic) – junction diodeforward, reverse biasing – diode rectifiers – junction transistors – current gain in a transistortransistor amplifier – logic gates- study on basic logic gates. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Text Book: Study material prepared by the Department of Physics, Sri S.R.N.M College, Sattur with Question Bank. Books for reference: 1. Objective Physics, Dr S.L.Kakani, S.Chand &Co 2.Refresher course in Physics, C.L.Arora, S.Chand Co 3. Numerical Problems in Physics, Brijlal and N.Subramanian, S.Chand Co Question Paper Pattern Total Marks = 75 Part –A 30 x 1 = 30 Marks (TEN Questions from each Unit - Objective type) Part – B 3 x 15 = 45 Marks (THREE out of FIVE Questions) (One Unit can have a minimum of one and a maximum of two Questions) (There are two subdivisions in each question. One concept oriented (8marks) and another problem oriented (7Marks)). SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus There will be two Allied subjects to be taken during the three years of study --------------------------------------------------------Allied Subject Maximum marks Year of study --------------------------------------------------------Allied I : Mathematics 300 I Allied II : Applied Electronics 300 II --------------------------------------------------------The syllabus for the Allied subject Mathematics can be obtained from the Department of Mathematics. Eligibility for the degree a) A candidate will be eligible for the B.Sc., degree by completing three years (six semesters) and passing all the prescribed examinations. b) A candidate shall be declared as passed the course if he /she scores a minimum of 40 % marks (Internal + External) in each paper of all the subjects. - No separate minimum for the internal. - 27 marks out of 75 in the external theory examination is the pass minimum. - 21 marks out of 60 in the external practical examination is the pass minimum. S. Title of the paper No B.Sc., Allied Subject – Physics (With effect from the academic year 2012 – 2013) Table – 3 Scheme of Examination Subject Year of Semester of Exam Max Code Study Study Hour Min Marks Marks for Hours Credit per Week pass 1. Allied Physics - I I/II I/III 3 100 40 4 4 2. Allied Physics - II I/II II/IV 3 100 40 4 4 3. Allied Physics I/II End of the 3 100 40 2 2 Practical year SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Practical Each student should submit the practical records at the time of practical examination. The maximum marks of 100 for the practical will be allotted as follows. Practical record note / (Internal) - External Practical examinations - 10 + 30 = = Total 40 60 100 Passing minimum : 1. No separate minimum for the internal 2. 40% of marks (Internal + External) in each paper of Allied Subjects. 3. marks out of 75 in the external theory examination is the pass minimum. 4. marks out of 60 in the external practical examination is the pass minimum. B.Sc – Allied Subject – Physics (with effect from the academic year 2012 – 2013) Objective To enable the students to gain knowledge on the basic principles of applied electronics. Subjects of study and scheme of examination The papers offered under the Allied subject – Physics for one year (two semesters) and the scheme of examination are placed on Table – 5. Evaluation The performance of a student is evaluated in terms of percentage of marks with a provision for conversion to grade points. Evaluation for each course shall be done by a continuous internal assessment by the concerned course teacher as well as by an external examination which will be a written type examination of 3 hours duration and will be consolidated at the end of the course. The ratio of the marks to be allotted to continuous internal assessment and to end semester examination is 25: 75 (i.e. Internal 25 marks and External 75 marks). SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus The components of continuous internal assessment are: Two tests and their average ---- 15 marks Seminar/Group Discussion ---- 5 marks Assignment ---- 5 marks Total ---- 25 marks Question Paper Pattern The question paper shall have 3 parts. Duration of the external examination is 3 hours. Part A Ten questions (objective type with 4 alternatives) 10 x 1 = 10 marks (Two questions from each unit – No choice) Part B Five questions (either or type) 5 x 7 = 35 marks (One question from each unit) (Answers not exceeding two pages) Part C Three questions out of five 3 x 10 = 30 marks (One question from each unit) (Answers not exceeding four pages) -------------75 marks -------------- SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Practical Examinations Practical examinations will be conducted at the end of even semesters only. Practicals: Record Note Book / Internal 10 + 30 = 40 External Examination = 60 ---------Total = 100 ----------- SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who joined in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Allied Physics For B.Sc Mathematics and Chemistry students Semester I (For Mathematics students) SemesterIII (For Chemistry students) Paper : Part III Allied Subject I/ II Paper I Title of the paper: Allied Physics - I Subject Code No of hours allotted: 4/week No of credits: 4 Unit I: Mechanics Uniform Circular motion - Acceleration of a particle in a circle - centripetal and centrifugal forces - centrifuge motion of a bicycle and a car around a circle - Banking on curved tracks Unit II: Properties of matter Elasticity: elastic constants - Energy stored in stretched wire - Bending of beams Non-uniform bending - Determination of Young’s modulus – Torsion of wire – Rigidity modulus – Torsion pendulum. Viscosity: Stream flow and turbulent flow – Coefficient of Viscosity – Poiseulle’s formula – derivation – Determination of coefficient of viscosity – Terminal velocity – Stoke’s law - coefficient of viscosity – Stoke’s method – lubrication. Unit III: Heat and Thermodynamics Kinetic theory of gases – Vanderwall’s equation of state – Derivation of critical constants – Low temperature – Joule –Kelvin effect Theory and applications – Liquefaction of gases – Linde’s process – adiabatic demagnetization – Laws of thermodynamics - entropy - change of entropy in reversible and irreversible processes. Unit IV: Sound Simple harmonic motion - composition SHMs along a line and at right angles. Transverse vibration of a stretched string – Expression for the velocity of transverse waves – Laws of transverse vibrations – AC frequency by sonometer velocity of sound in a gas – Ultrasonics – production and uses. SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit V: Electricity and magnetism Capacitor – energy of charged capacitor – Loss of energy due to sharing of charges – Potentiometer – internal resitance of a cell – thermo emf measurement – Magnetic field due to current carrying conductor – Biot-Savart’s law – field along the axis of the coil – force in a conductor carrying current in a magnetic field – Ballistic galvanometer. Text Book : Allied Physics R.Murugeshan S.Chand & company Ram Nagar New Delhi 2005 Edition. Unit I: Chapter 1.Section 1.5 to1.15 Unit II: Chapter 2.Section 2.1 to2.23 Unit III: Chapter 3.Section 3.1 to3.19 Unit IV: Chapter 1.Section 1.1 to1.4 Chapter 3 Section 3.20 to3.31 Unit V: Chapter 4 Section 4.1 to4.15 Books for reference: 1. Heat and Thermodynamics By J.B.Rajam 2. Properties of matter By Brijlal and Subramaniyam 3. Electricity and Magnetism By R.Murugeshan 4. Mechanics By D.S. Mathur SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Allied Physics For B.Sc Mathematics and Chemistry students Semester II (For Mathematics students) SemesterIV (For Chemistry students) Paper : Part III Allied Subject I/II Paper I Title of the paper: Allied Physics - II Subject Code No of hours allotted: 4/week No of credits: 4 Unit I: Geometrical Optics Laws of refraction – Refraction through a thin prism – Dispersion through a prism – Dispersive power – Deviation without dispersion – dispersion without deviation – Defects of images – Aberration in lenses – their rectifications . Unit II: Physical Optics Velocity of light – Michelson method – Interference in thin films – interference in wedge shaped films – Diffraction – Theory of transmission grating – Normal incidence – Polarization – Double refraction – Nicol prism – Optical activity – Polarimeter Unit III: Nuclear Physics Nuclear model – liquid model – nuclear energy – mass defect – Binding energy – Radio activity – Nature of alpha, beta and gamma rays – Exponential law – Half life and mean life period – fission and fusion – atom bomb – nuclear reactor – Thermo nuclear reactions – Solar energy. Unit IV: Basic Electronics Junction diode – LED – Zener diode – voltage regulator – junction transistor – characteristics – common base mode – common emitter mode – transistor biasing – Amplifier(Single stage). SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus Unit V: Digital Electronics AND,OR,NOT gates – construction using diodes and transistors – NAND and NOR gates – Universal building blocks. Boolean algebra – DeMorgan’s theorems – verification – elementary ideas of ICs – SSI, MSI, LSI and VLSI. Text Book: Allied Physics R.Murugeshan S.Chand & company Ram nagar New Delhi 2005 Edition. Unit I: Chapter 5. Section 5.1 and 5.10 to 5.27 Unit II: Chapter6. Section 6.1 to 6.5, 6.8 and 6.10 to 6.20 Unit III: Chapter8. Section 8.1 to 8.25 Unit IV: Chapter10. Section10.1 to 10.16 Unit IV: Chapter10. Section10.17 to 10.28 Books for reference: 1. Text book of optics By Brijlal and subramaniyam 2. Modern Physics By R.Murugeshan 3. Analog and Digital Electronics By Jose Robin and Ubald Raj SRNMC Regulation - 2013 Syllabus SRI S.RAMASAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL COLLEGE (An Autonomous Institution Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC) Sattur-626 203 Department of Physics (For those who are joining in 2013-14 and after) Programme: B.Sc Allied Physics For B.Sc Mathematics and Chemistry students Semester II (For Mathematics students) SemesterIV (For Chemistry students) Part III Allied Subject – Practical Paper I Subject Code No of hours allotted: 2/week No of credits: 2 Title of the paper: ALLIED PHYSICS PRACTICAL 2ny fourteen experiments 1. Young’s modulus – Uniform bending – Pin and Microscope. 2. Compound Pendulum – Determination of “g”. 3. Lee’s disc – Thermal Conductivity of a bad conductor (Cardboard) 4. Potentiometer – Calibration of low range voltmeter. 5. Potentiometer – Calibration of Ammeter 6. Potentiometer – Resistance and Resistivity 7. Spectrometer – Refractive index of a prism. 8. Spectrometer – grating – normal incidence – determination of λ 9. Air wedge – Thickness of a wire 10. Newton’s Rings – Determination of radius of curvature. 11. Coefficient of viscosity – Stoke’s method 12. Mirror Galvanometer – Voltage and current sensitiveness 13. LCR – Series resonance 14. LCR – Parallel resonance 15. Bridge rectifier 16. Logic gates – AND, OR, NOT – Truth table verification – discrete components.