Giving God Everything

Giving God Everything
June 21
Think About It
What philosophy does this bumper sticker
Think About It
How does this philosophy differ from the first?
Eternal Life Not Earned or Bought
• Today  we look at how Jesus would have
responded to these philosophies.
• Listen to what Jesus has to say about being
and doing good.
Listen to what Jesus has to say about
being and doing good.
Mark 10:17 (NIV) As Jesus started on his way, a
man ran up to him and fell on his knees before
him. Matthew 19:16-30 (NIV) "Teacher, what
good thing must I do to get eternal life?" [17]
"Why do you ask me about what is good?"
Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good.
If you want to enter life, obey the
Listen to what Jesus has to say about
being and doing good.
[18] "Which ones?" the man inquired. Jesus
replied, " 'Do not murder, do not commit
adultery, do not steal, do not give false
testimony, [19] honor your father and mother,'
and 'love your neighbor as yourself.'"
Eternal Life Not Earned or Bought
• What was the attitude of the wealthy man as
he came to Jesus?
• Based on the young man’s questions, how did
he expect to gain eternal life?
• Note the remark "Why do you ask me about
what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only
One who is good.” What do you think Jesus
wanted the man to realize?
Eternal Life Not Earned or Bought
• How did Jesus explain the way to inherit eternal
• Note some interesting facts about this young
At a relatively young age (probably 20 to 40 years old),
this man seemed a sure fit for heaven.
Luke 18:18 described him as a ruler; he was probably
a synagogue official.
Since he claimed to keep the commandments, the
young man observed Jewish religious law.
He was wealthy, which Jewish tradition held
symbolized God’s blessing on a person.
Eternal Life Not Earned or Bought
 In the eyes of first-century Jews,
– this young man seemed to be assured of eternal
– but he obviously knew that something was
• In what kind of situation have you seen that
“goodness” didn’t bring the reward you
thought was deserved?
Listen for an amazing claim.
Matthew 19:20-22 (NIV) "All these I have kept,"
the young man said. "What do I still lack?"
[21] Jesus answered, "If you want to be
perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to
the poor, and you will have treasure in
heaven. Then come, follow me." [22] When
the young man heard this, he went away sad,
because he had great wealth.
Eternal Life Given when We Trust
• What astonishing claim did the young man
• What did he say that reveals his spiritual
emptiness, the uncertainty that he had been
“good enough” to enter heaven?
• What further assignment did Jesus give the
man who came to Him?
Eternal Life Given when We Trust
• How did the man react to Jesus’ demands?
• What are some synonyms for “sad”?
• Verse 22 says the man went away “sad.” The
Greek word lypoumenos used in this passage
– physical pain
– emotional suffering
– includes the idea of becoming uncomfortable or
Eternal Life Given when We Trust
• The person feeling this emotion might not
outwardly show his or her distress, but often
keeps it hidden from others.
• This same word was used to describe Jesus’
sorrow as He prayed in the Garden of
Gethsemane before His crucifixion (Matt. 26:38).
• Why do you think the rich young man responded
with this kind of deep emotion to the
requirements Jesus gave?
Eternal Life Given when We Trust
• Recall the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1 – 10)
List some similarities of Zacchaeus and the
man in our story today.
• What are some differences between the two
• What do you think might have made it hard
for Rich
the rich
man to accept
Listen for what surprises the disciples.
Matthew 19:23-26 (NIV) Then Jesus said to his
disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a
rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. [24]
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a needle than for a rich
man to enter the kingdom of God." [25] When
the disciples heard this, they were greatly
astonished and asked, "Who then can be
saved?" [26] Jesus looked at them and said,
"With man this is impossible, but with God all
things are possible.
Eternal Life Requires Surrender, Loyalty
• What amazing statement did Jesus make to
His disciples about riches and the kingdom of
• Why might a wealthy person find it difficult to
rely completely on Jesus for eternal life?
• What did Jesus mean when He made the
remark about the camel?
• How can we prevent ourselves from allowing
wealth to interfere with our Christianity?
Eternal Life Requires Surrender, Loyalty
• How did the disciples respond when they
heard how hard it is for a rich person to enter
the kingdom of heaven?
• Note
“with man
• Jesus
of redemption
possible for every person to have eternal life
• every man• and
girl can
this woman,
is exactlyboy
receive by faith
was forgiveness
trying to getofacross
• a person cannot do enough to
• And … “with God,
things are possible”
• Recognize how you might be trying to “do
good deeds” to satisfy God
– Nothing you can do will make God love you more
– Realize God loves you
– Receive by faith His salvation, bought at great
cost, but freely given
• What things do you need to set aside that are
the “wealth” that gets in the way of your
following Jesus?
– Being a workaholic – always wanting to earn more
“to provide for the family”
– Total involvement in a hobby
– An addiction – shopping, sports, entertainment
• You may be confronted with the choice this
week of giving up something to follow Jesus
– Don’t make the same mistake as the rich young
– Don’t go away troubled over making what you
know is the wrong choice
– Invest your resources eternally … in following
God’s path for your life
Giving God Everything
June 21