In Touch - Arnside Methodist Church

In Touch
November & December
Our Minister is rev. david Stretton
01524 761397
In Touch- a new venture!
At the Church Council meeting on the 28th of September there was a
discussion about the The Connect magazine. It was agreed that it was very
successful in linking the churches in the Circuit by publishing articles about
what was happening in the various areas of Circuit life. However, there
were some concerns expressed:
 As Connect only comes out quarterly, many details of our own
church life and activities are not able to be included, often because
there is not enough room in Connect, or we miss the deadline for
 Also, Pastoral Visitors presently only have The Connect to give out
quarterly and feel it would be good to have something else to
distribute when they visit members and associates of our Church.
It was therefore decided to try and start another Newsletter/Bulletin
which would be focused on the life of Arnside Methodist Church. It is
hoped to produce this every 2 months, if possible.
Karen Leslie has agreed to initiate this venture and it was decided, as
Christmas activities were fast approaching, it would be best to rush and
have the first one ready for November. Karen has “christened” the
publication In Touch. Please see Karen with your comments and feel free
to give her anything you want to publish for the next publication in
January. Her email is
Please help In Touch evolve into a useful platform for communication
amoungst us.
Christmas Fundraising fun!
if you require a lift please contact Eileen Walters on 761720
 Worship Service at 10.30 on Nov 1st, 15th, 22nd and 29th
 8th November: joint Remembrance Service at St James’ Church at 10.30
 22nd November at 6.30pm Evening Reflective Service with Rev. David
 20th December at 4.00pm Christmas Carol Service
 Christmas Day Family Service at 10.00 am with Rev. David Stretton
Monday Morning Meeting Point- in Church Hall; Coffee at 10.00am for a
10.30 start; Contact: Pam Green 761928
 November 9th “Stories from Around the World” Speaker: Tom Fryers
 November 23rd A Musical Morning with Joy Bell with Luncheon Club
 December 14th Christmas Celebrations with Rev John Hancock and
Christmas Lunch
Women’s Faith Group meet on the 3rd Monday of each month; 16th
November and 21st December at 3pm in someone’s home; Contact Karen
Leslie 762055
House Group at Sarah Vaughn’s in morning meet weekly
“Stitch in Time” meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 2pm to 4pm in Church
Hall; Contact Violet Brown 745219 or Janet Gorton 762859
Arnside Girl Guides meet at 7.30pm in the Church Hall Term time only
Prayer Fellowship meet and pray weekly at 9.15 in the Prayer Area of
Church or at the home of Frances Thompson, 1 Lawrence Drive 761131
Ecumenical Advent Discussion Course “Making Room” 10.45am-12noon
in the Church Hall on the 25th Nov, Dec 2nd, 9th and 16th . This same course
will be followed in the House Groups already meeting weekly.
Busy Bees Mother and Toddler Group meet 1.30 -3pm in the Church Hall
Term Time only; 50p per child; Contact Sue Gardner 761542
House Group at Frances Thompson’s meet weekly at 2.30pm
House Group at Robinson’s meet weekly at 7.30-9pm
Age UK Armchair Exercise Class meet weekly from 10- 11.30am in Church
Hall; £2.50; Contact Eileen Walters 761720
27th November Age UK Winter Warmth Event in the Church Hall
Free Soup Lunch, raffle and energy saving advice with entertainment by
Arnside Ukelele Band.
All are welcome!
Days for Girls / Stitch in Time
Thank you everyone for supporting us with your goodwill, encouragement,
money, hotel soaps and presence not only at the Palm Court Tea but
coming along to our Stitch in Time group.
We began back in June with a core group of 5 of us. We learnt how to sew
the Days for Girls components and assemble the kits to make a complete
package to hand out.
As you know, MMMP are also raising funds for John Clark's Nepal charity
"So the child may learn". They were happy to trial our kits, which meant
we had to quickly assemble seven kits for them by early July. Jenni
Pizer, their nurse was going to Nepal on July 17. There was a bit of a
sewing scramble to gather all the parts together and deliver them in time.
Thankfully it was done! The kits proved a success. Jenni ordered 200 kits
from the Days for Girls sewing group business they set up in Kathmandu,
Nepal. She also asked us to keep sewing! Since then we have provided
30 kits with the aid of a sewing group from Brampton Methodist, in August
for Nepal. John Clark was given another 20 kits to take on his trip to Nepal
in October. We continue to make kits for the schoolgirls and women in
We were fortunate to be invited by Arnside Guides to come and talk to
them about Days for Girls International. The Guides asked us back to
spend an evening cutting, sewing and assembling kits.It was great to be
involved with young women wanting to help their sisters abroad. Much
fun was had by all!
Our core group decided we should form a community knit, natter and
stitch group (Stitch in Time) which would incorporate sewing the Days for
Girls International kits. There already is a group of ladies knitting "Fish &
Chip" sweaters - so called as newborn babies are sent home wrapped in
newspaper as they have no clothes. We have 100 sweaters about to be
delivered to the Raven Trust in Scotland. They fill a container with all sorts
of machinery, equipment and medical supplies every 6 weeks for Malawi
in Africa.
Stitch in Time meets every first and third Tuesday afternoons from 2 to 4
pm. Folks come from far and wide, they kindly donate £1 towards costs.
We are grateful to the Church Council who have waved their charges for
use of the Church Hall this first year. We wish to thank MMMP for
choosing us as one of their charities for this year.
Thank you all for your continued support in prayers and gifts. God has
blessed us. May we continue to bless others.
Anne Hughson, Janet Gorton, Sheila Petersen, Vivienne Fishwick, Violet
Jenni Pizer nurse at the
“So the Child May Learn”
school in Nepal
We give thanks to God for the life of a true Christian Gentleman. He died
peacefully at St John’s Hospice in July just four months short of his hundredth
He was a native of Hyde and soon became an active member of the local
Methodist Church where he married Marion and had one son, John. His first job was
in a paper mill. He joined the Navy when the war broke out and immediately chose
to be known as Hugh amongst his engine room colleagues since which time the name
has stuck. He served in escort vessels to the North Atlantic Convoys.
After demobilisation he became a Sub-Postmaster and served the Church in
nearly every office including Scoutmaster which led him to bring the scouts to camp
in Silverdale. Naturally he was attracted to Arnside so moved here with Marion on
retirement nearly forty years ago. Sadly she died about ten years later.
They had both joined our Church where he held most offices including Treasurer,
Steward and ultimately Chief Steward. This became a pivotal role in supporting the
various Ministers and during the inter regnum period.
Hugh lived alone for some nine years before meeting a widow called Margaret
whilst on holiday. They married in1995 and enjoyed twenty happy years together.
Again they were both active members of Church life.
He became a member of many organisations during his time at Arnside. These
included:- The Abbeyfield Committee ---he was the secretary; Arnside Choral Society
---he had a good bass voice; and Arnside Probus Group--- he was the oldest and
longest serving member.
The bakers Dozen--- he contributed to a weekly discussion group.
Hugh had a strong faith, a lively mind and a strong sense of humour. He enjoyed
worship and the thousands of sermons. Above all he loved singing so many more
hymns. Long may his memory remain an inspiration to all.