EG2021 – Power System Analysis, Part 1 Course Syllabus, Schedule and Information Autumn 2012 (HT12) Course Examiner: Dr. Luigi Vanfretti Course Lecturers: Assistant Professor Dr. Luigi Vanfretti, Prof. Lennart Söder Course Coordinator: Yuwa Chompoobutrgool Course Teaching Assistants: Yuwa Chompoobutrgool, Vedran Peric, Doan Tu Tang, Muhammad Almas, Rujiroj Leelaruji Course Contact E-mail (For any enquiries send an email to the address below directly, please do not email the persons above to their personal email and do not call them – all the staff has access to the inbox of the email below): 1. General Information Level: Master’s Course Credits: 7.5 HEC Main field of study: Electrical Power Systems. School/Department: EES/Electric Power Systems Language: English Prerequisites: EJ1200 Electric Power Systems, EI1100 Electric circuit analysis, DN1240 Numerical Methods. Syllabus valid for autumn 2012 (HT12). 2. Course Motivation In the year 2000, the National Academy of Science of the United States of America named “Electrification” as the single “Greatest Engineering Achievement of the 20th Century”, and undoubtedly it is. The mere concept of electrification is powerful: it involves the continued development, operation and planning of colossal networks of electrical power apparatus that transform a diverse array of energy sources into electricity to enable almost the totally of industrial, commercial, and human life in modern society. Almost every single activity in today’s industrialized nations (such as Sweden) depends on electricity networks as the workhorse of society. However, the continued operation of such systems in a sustainable, secure, and reliable fashion is under increasing pressure due to environmental concerns, the uncertainties brought upon by the integration of variable energy sources, limited investments in transmission assets, and a steady demand for a more secure supply of electric energy at the lowest possible cost. It is then necessary to educate future engineers interested in electrical power with a strong background of the fundamental concepts and methodologies necessary to systematically study electric power networks. The foundations learned in this course will enable students to continue more advanced courses in the area. This course provides an introduction to electrical power networks and methods for their analysis. The methodologies studied in this course are well established and fairly general, so they can be applied to systems ranging from distribution networks to large-scale interconnected power systems. 3. Intended Learning Outcomes (Course Objectives) In this course students are prepared to become power system analysts, with the fundamental knowledge that they can use in the future for furthering their ability in designing and planning electrical power networks, and to characterize the most basic practices used in power system operations. After completing the course, the students should be able to: Using first principles derive the basic concepts and methods used for power system analysis. To construct mathematical models for computing the steady state performance, and basic unbalanced performance of power systems. To derive, describe and compare different models of the most common equipment used in power network models. Using different methods, to compute, analyze, and reflect on the performance of a power system under steady state and unbalanced operation To describe basic characteristics of renewable and distributed energy sources, as well as monitoring, analysis and control technologies used in Smart Grids. 4. Course Contents The course is divided in five important topics Modern Power Systems with an Introduction to Sustainable Energy Technologies and Smart Grids Electric power energy industry. Introduction to energy sources and elemental modeling of renewable (hydro) and variable energy sources (wind, solar, wave). Smart grids: Introduction to advanced monitoring, analysis and control technologies. Protection systems and control systems. Energy management systems. Fundamental Principles for Power System Analysis AC circuits Complex power and power balance. Power factor. Complex power flow. Balanced three- phase circuits. Y and ∆ connections and ∆-Y transformation. Per-phase (positive sequence) analysis. Balance three-phase power. Per-unit system and change of base. Electrical Modeling of Generators, Transmission Apparatus and Networks Classical generator models and parameters: salient pole and round-rotor machines. Power transformers: equivalent models and parameters, three-phase transformer connections and positive-sequence models, autotransformers, tap-changing and regulating transformers, three-winding transformers. Principles of Transmission Lines: line resistance, inductance, and capacitance; multi-conductor transmission lines, magnetic field induction, electrostatic induction, corona phenomena. Transmission Lines Models and Phenomena: short, medium, and long line models; voltage and current wages; surge impedance loading; complex power flow; power transmission capability; line compensation. Methods for Analysis and Design of Power Networks in Steady State and Unbalanced Operation Power flow analysis: rationale, solution of nonlinear algebraic equations, bus admittance matrix, power flow problem formulation, Seidel’s method, Newton-Raphson method, fast-decoupled methods, DC load flow, other methods. Power flow analysis software: data and algorithms, modern power system analysis software architecture. Balanced faults: three-phase faults, short-circuit capacity, systematic fault analysis and algorithms. Symmetrical components and unbalanced faults: symmetrical component principles, sequence impedances, sequence network. Fault Analysis: Single line-to-ground, lie-to-line faults, double line-to-ground faults, fault analysis using bus impedance matrices. Fault analysis software: data and algorithms. Methods for Generation Dispatch and Sensitivity Analysis of Power Systems Concepts and methods for nonlinear optimization. Operating cost of conventional generators. Economic dispatch: neglecting losses and generation limits, neglecting losses and including generation limits, dispatch including losses. Sensitivity analysis of power systems. 5. Course Literature Student Office Sale of course literature, distribution of exam papers, etc. STEX - Osquldas väg 10 Phone: 08-790 9086, 08-790 9087 Required Literature Course Textbook: The course will use a textbook for mandatory readings preparing students for lectures, in-class exercises, weekly exercises and weekly tests. You can purchase this book at STEX. The textbook is: Hadi Saadat, Power System Analysis, 3rd Ed., PSA Publishing, June 2010. Course Complementary Literature –Handouts: Additional material used for the course will be made available during the lectures. Scientific papers and handouts. Cost for the course literature: Textbook: 450 SEK Recommended additional literature: Additional references that you might find useful for further reading (it is not necessary to purchase them): Stephen J. Chapman, Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, May 2001. Arthur R. Bergen and Vijay Vittal, Power System Analysis, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, August 1999. Allen J. Wood and Bruce F. Wollenberg, Power Generation Operation and Control, 2nd Edition, Wiley-Interscience, 1996. For the discussion of power system software, and if you intend to take additional courses in electric power systems, the following is an important suggested literature with detailed coverage of the topic. The book gives details on models and algorithms implemented in power systems software in general. It is not necessary for this course to purchase this book: Federico Milano, Power System Modelling and Scripting, Springer-Verlag, London, 2010. Other Course Materials (Bilda) All the course presentations and grades will be posted in Bilda: If you don’t have access to Bilda, contact: A message board with the latest news is also present for you to look at; announcement on when the grades are posted will also be given there. There is also a course webpage in KTH Social, but will be used only for updating information. Please send questions to the email below; do not post them in KTH Social, you won’t get an answer. Course Contact E-mail (For any enquiries send an email to the address below directly, please do not email the persons above to their personal email and do not call them – all the staff has access to the inbox of the email below): 6. Course Registration and Course Evaluations 6.1 Registration 6.1.1 Course Internal Registration and EG2021 Registration Number You need to register for the course the week BEFORE the course starts, in the following link: VWpzYUE6MQ You will need to pick up your “Clicker” before class during the first two sessions, in the time slots shown below. Please bring a personal identification. Registration is carried out in person at the classroom during the following dates ONLY: (R1) September 3, 13:00 – 15:00, Room V3 (R2) September 4, 13:00 – 15:00, Room V3 If you fail to register online, you must do so in the time slots shown. This has to be done in person, and you need to bring a personal identification. The “Clicker” will be used during all course activities – the number of your clicker is your own registration number: EG2021 Registration Number. EG2021 Registration Number: This is a unique registration number for this course; it is used for publishing all marks related to the course activities and for other purposes in the course. It is linked to your clicker for use in different course activities. If a clicker is lost, the student has to pay 350 SEK otherwise he/she is not allowed to take the exam. 6.1.2 KTH Official Course Registration You need to carry out course registration during the same dates above by signing up in a list available at the registration table. The list will be available at STEX after the first week; however, if you don’t register on Sept. 3 or 4, it will not be possible to gather your marks through the course. Last day of registration is September 4th, 2012, 13:00 – 15:00, Room V3. 6.2 Course Evaluation Providing feedback in “Course Evaluations” is mandatory. You will need to use your EG2021 Registration Number, which will be registered separately from your reply to the course evaluations for confirmation that you have provided an answer to the course evaluations. Your grades in different course activities will not be published if you don’t fill out the course evaluations. Preliminary course evaluations: Immediately after Exercise Session 1 and Test 3 please fill out the “Preliminary Course Evaluation Forms” in the following website, using your EG2021 Registration Number: Preliminary Course Evaluation 1 (after Exercise Session 1): id=0 Preliminary Course Evaluation 2 (after Exercise Session 2): d=0 Final course evaluation: gid=0 Repertory Grid Interviews: Several students will be randomly selected for an interview using the “Repertory Grid” technique; this includes a face-to-face interview with one of the Teaching Assistants, and filling out an evaluation matrix. Participation in this interview is mandatory to obtain your final grade. Computer Account To get access to the Department’s computers in the student room, you need a computer account. This account can be obtained from Peter Lönn,, phone: 08-790 6594. 7. Course Structure: Teaching and Learning Activities 7.1 Mandatory Pre-Readings There are mandatory readings you should carry out before each lecture, the literature and page numbers of the mandatory readings are indicated in Table 1, Column E. Each pre-reading prepares you for the “Daily Reading Quiz”, and to keep up with the content discussed in the lectures. 7.2 Lectures There are a total of 20 lectures that cover all the topics of the course. The contents, literature and page numbers from the literature considered in each lecture are indicated in Table 1, Column E. The lecture includes the following: (i) A “Daily Reading Quiz”, (ii) Concept Questions, and (ii) Presentation of the material. Attendance to “Invited Lectures” is mandatory. 7.3 Daily Reading Quiz (5 BONUS points) These “Reading Quiz” will be carried in the class room by each student with the following procedure: Each student is given a clicker. The contents of each quiz are indicated in Table 1 column E. For each question multiple-choice answers are displayed in the screen, each student can select the answer he arrived to. A timer indicates when the time to answer has expired. The lecturer will indicate when the students can discuss with each other about their answers and check in the multiple choices presented in the screen for a second time. There are a total of 80 questions distributes among the lectures, each individual correct answer is worth 1 token. The accumulated tokens from the “Daily Reading Quizzes” can amount to a total of 5 BONUS(!) points towards the final course grade, according to the next Table: Total Tokens in Daily Reading Quizzes 70 – 80 60 – 69 50 – 59 40 – 49 30 – 39 Less than 30 Achieved BONUS Points (max. 5) 5 4 3 2 1 0 7.4 Weekly Homework (30 points, each 5 points – require validation) Each week there will be a set of exercises for the students to practice the methods and study the concepts covered during the lectures of that week. Students must follow the next guidelines: The problem set for each “Weekly Homework” is available on-line in Bilda in “Weekly Homework” folder. Please indicate clearly in your answer sheets which problem you are solving, it is not needed that you type this document using a word processor, you can hand in handwritten solutions to the problem sets and computer printouts. (Do not spend time typing, spend time studying!) The students should use the “Cover for Weekly Homework” that is available on-line (under “Documents/Weekly Homework”), when they hand in their homework. Students should hand in their homework every Friday, before either the “Test” or “Exercise Session”, to the teaching assistant. o NO late submissions are allowed. There are 6 pieces of homework. Each one has between 2 and 4 exercises. Each piece of homework is worth 5 points towards the final grade; however, these points will be validated during the “Exercise Sessions”. The weekly homework will not be returned to the students until the end of the course, if requested by the student. 7.5 Exercise Sessions The aim of the exercise sessions is to validate the knowledge of the students about the topics covered every two weeks and to verify if the students have done the homework by themselves. These exercise sessions takes place as follows: - Students hand in their homework at the beginning of the session to the teaching assistant. - In each session, students are picked randomly (from the submitted homework) to solve one of the problems that were in the last two weekly homework. - Students are only allowed to use a calculator and a formula sheet; no other aids are allowed. - If the students can solve the problem correctly, their homework will be graded. - However, if the students cannot solve the problem, their homework will not be graded, thus, zero point will be given for that corresponding weekly homework. - Note that in case if the students are called out but not present during the session, zero point will be given for that corresponding weekly homework. Exercise sessions are carried out on the following dates: Exercise Session No. Material Covered: Date Weekly Home works No. Room (see your specific assignation in Bilda Folder: “Exercise Sessions”) 1 1, 2 Fri. Sept, 14 E31, E34, H21 2 3, 4 Fri. Sept, 28 L21, L22, H21 3 5, 6 Fri. Oct, 12 D33, D41, H21 Note: Room assignments for each student will be uploaded in Bilda. 7.6 Tests There will be a total of 3 “Tests”; that account for 30 points towards the final grade. The following guidelines are followed for the weekly tests: There are 3 weekly tests, each test counts for 10 points out of the total 100 points of the course. The 30 points of the weekly tests are considered only for the 2012-2013 academic year. Each test consists of 2-4 questions similar to those in the weekly homework. The test duration is between 40 min to 90 min (depending on the contents). In Table 1 Column C it is indicated when the weekly test will take place. The contents of each weekly test are given in Table 1, Column F. For all tests, please follow the instructions in the document “Test Instructions” available in Bilda (under “Documents/Tests”). A problem sheet will be given to each student, who must use this sheet to record their final answers and their EG2021 Registration number. Students are not allowed to keep copies of these problem sheets. The problem sheet should be stapled to the test; otherwise, the test will not be marked. No aids are permitted for this test, only calculators are allowed and a formula sheet. Formula sheet: 1 sheet of A4 paper; you must hand in the formula sheet together with your Test. Tests are graded by the teaching assistants. 7.7 Final Exam The final examination accounts for 40% of the final grade. The exam will cover all of the topics in the course, including first lecture and invited lectures. The final exam is a single-part examination with both conceptual and computational problems similar to those solved in all class activities. No aids are permitted for this test, only calculators are allowed and a formula sheet. Formula sheet: 2 sheets of A4 paper, you can use both sides; you must hand in the formula sheet together with your test. Teaching Assistant Hours In Table 1 you can find the specific hours when the Teaching Assistants will be available for answering questions. Note that the teaching assistants will only be available during these specific hours. 8. Assessment (Examination, i.e. Final Grade) In this course the students’ learning is assessed continuously through daily quizzes, weekly Home works, exercise sessions, tests, and a final exam is used to assess the students’ learning of the course contents as a whole. The highest possible grade in the course is 100 points, they are divided as follows: Course Activity Points Daily Quiz 5 (Bonus) Weekly Homework 30 (5 points each) Exercise Sessions (No points) (Exercise sessions validate the grade either of the two last weekly Home works) Tests 30 (10 points each) Final Exam 40 Total 100 (+5 Bonus points) A grade letter is awarded to the students according to the following table: Total Points Grade Letter Final Exam + Weekly Tests 94 – 100 A 87 – 93 B 81 – 87 C 74 – 80 D 66 – 73 E 64 – 65 FX 00 – 63 F There are two opportunities to carry out the final exam: - An ordinary exam in October 19 and a re-exam in the second week of January. - The points from all the class activities are valid for the first ordinary exam and the first re-exam. - Bonus points are only valid for the ordinary exam; they are not valid for the re-exam. Those students obtaining a grade of FX can take an oral examination. If the examination is passed the student will get a grade of E. Contact the course examiner to arrange this oral test. It is mandatory to sign up for the exams through “My Pages” using KTH’s Student Web. Go to, and look on “My Pages”, under “Active Courses” you will see the courses you are registered to. Sign up there. You need a account to sign in there. 9. Course Schedule: Lectures, Mandatory Readings and Weekly Tests (Subject to change without notice!) Table 1 – Lecture’s Content, Mandatory Readings, Tests and Exercise Sessions A. Session B. Topic C. Date Time Room D. Lecturer R1 Registration LV L1 R2 Introduction The power system Electric Industry Structure, Smart Grids, Other topics Registration Sept. 3 1300 – 1500 V3 Sept. 3 1500-1700 V3 LV L2 Basic Principles TA1 Teaching Assistant Hours L3 Generator Models Sept. 4 1300 – 1500 V3 Sept. 4 1500-1700 V3 Sept. 5 1000 – 1200 D3 Sept. 6 1000 – 1200 V3 Sept. 6 1300 – 1500 V3 Sept. 6 1500 – 1700 V3 Sept. 7 1500 – 1700 Q11, Q13, Q15 Sept. 10 1000 – 1200 Q36 Sept. 11 1000 – 1200 Q34 Sept. 12 1000-1200 Q31 Sept. 12 1300-1500 Q2 Sept. 13 0800 – 1000 Q2 Sept. 14 1000 – 1200 E31, E34, H21 Reserved Time Slot TA2 Teaching Assistant Hours T1 Test 1 L4 Transformer Models L5 Per Unit System and Change of Base Transmission Line Parameters L6 Transmission Line Parameters cont. L7 Line Models and Performance TA3 Teaching Assistant Hours Ex1 Exercise Session 1 Complete first course preliminary evaluation. LV LS (conf.) LV E. Mandatory Readings F. Test and Exercise Session Contents Ch. 1 Book (pp. 1 – 4, 47) Ch. 2 Book (pp. 53 – 81) DT LV Ch. 3 Book (pp. 87-103) TBD DT DT, VP, RL Ch. 2 LV Ch. 3 Book (pp. 104 – 134) LV Ch. 4 Book (pp. 141 - 158) LV Ch. 4 Book (pp.159 – 174) LV Ch. 5 Book (pp. 181- 200) DT DT, YC, VP Ch. 2, 3, 4 L8 Line Models and Performance cont. L9 Power Flow Analysis (Introduction, Bus Admittance Matrix, Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Eqns.) L10 Power Flow Analysis cont. 1 (Power Flow Solution and Equations, GS Solution, Line Flows and Losses, Tap Changing Transformers) L11 Power Flow Analysis cont. 2 (Power Flow Software, Newton-Raphson Power Flow Solution, Fast Decoupled Load Flow, Other Load Flow Methods) L12 Optimal Dispatch (Nonlinear Optimization, Operating Cost of Conventional Plants) Sept. 17 Q2 1000 – 1200 Sept 18 1000 – 1200 E2 Sept 18 1300 – 1500 Q2 LV Ch. 5 Book (pp. 200 – 209) LV Ch. 6 Book (pp. 228 – 246) LV Ch. 6 Book (pp. 247 – 260) Sept 19 Q2 1000 - 1200 LV Ch. 6 Book (pp. 260 – 286) Sept 19 1300 – 1500 Q36 Sept. 20 0800 – 1000 Q2 Sept. 20 1000 – 1200 Q2 LV Ch. 7 Book (pp. 296 – 306) TAx Teaching Assistant Hours iL1 Invited Lecture: HVDC Systems: Innovative Technologies and Systems Engineering Methods for Advanced Power Systems (confirmed) iL2 Sept. 20 1400-1600 V2 T2 Invited Lecture: Electromagnetic Transients: Overview of Studies and Simulation Tools (confirmed) Test 2 Sept. 21 1000 – 12000 D33, E34, H21 DT, YC, VP L13 Optimal Dispatch contd. Sept. 24 1500 – 1700 Q36 LV Ch. 7 Book (pp. 307 – 348) Sept. 25 1000 – 1200 E2 Sept. 26 1300 – 1500 Q2 Sept. 27 1000 – 1200 Q2 Sept. 28 1300 – 1500 L21, L22, H21 Oct. 1 1000-1200 V3 Oct. 2 1000 – 1200 E2 LS (conf.) Handouts. Oct. 3 1300 – 1500 Q2 Oct. 4 1000-1200 Q34 Oct. 5 1000 – 1200 L22, L44, and Stora konferens rummet (Teknikringen 33, H building) ( Economic Dispatch Neglecting Losses and No Generator Limits, Economic Dispatch neglecting Losses and Including Generator Limits, Economic Dispatch Including Losses) L14 Sensitivity Analysis (Gradient Method, Marginal Lossess) No class TA Teaching Assistant Hours T2-R Replacement Test 2 Complete second course preliminary evaluation. Balanced Faults L15 (Fault Analysis, RL-circuits, 3-phase faults) L16 Balanced Faults cont. (Short Circuit Capacity, Systematic Fault Analysis, Bus Impedance Matrix Formation Algorithm) L17 Symmetrical Components and Sequence Impedances L18 Sequence Networks and Unbalanced Fault Analysis Using Sequence Networks Test 3 T3 RL Prof. Walter Kuehn – Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany Sebastien Dennetiere – RTE, France MA DT, YC, MA Ch. 5, 6 LV Ch. 9 Book (pp. 392 – 400) LV Ch. 9 Book (pp. 401 – 419) LV Ch. 10 Book (pp. 438 – 456) LV Ch. 10 Book (pp. 457 – 471) DT, YC, VP Ch. 7, 9, 10 L19 Unbalanced Fault Analysis Using the Bus Impedance Matrix L20 TA6 Power Generation Sources, Renewable Energy, and Distributed Generation Teaching Assistant Hours TA7 Teaching Assistant Hours iL3 Invited Lecture: Smart Grids in Ireland: Or How I Learned Not to Let Sheep Eat the Ethernet Cables Oct. 8 1300 – 1500 Q36 Oct. 9 1000 – 1200 E2 Oct. 9 1500 – 1700 Q2 Oct. 10 1300 – 1500 Q2 Oct. 11 1000 – 1100 E2 (confirmed) iL4 T4 FE Invited Lecture: Statnett’s Smart Grid R&D Program – Enhancing Grid Security through WAMPAC Technology (confirmed) Test 4 (Optional Test) Final Exam Complete final course evaluation. Oct. 11 1100 – 1200 E2 Oct. 12 1000 – 1200 D33, D41, H21 Oct. 19 0800 – 1300 E31, E35, E36 LV Ch. 10 Book (pp. 472 – 480) LV Ch. 1 (pp. 5 -40) Handouts VP VP Assistant Prof. David Laverty, Queen’s University of Belfast, Ireland Jan Ove Gjerde, SVP for R&D, Statnett SF, Norway DT, YC, VP Ch. 1-7, 9, 10 DT, YC, VP Ch. 1-7, 9, 10 Lectures Handouts Acronyms Literature: Ch. = Chapter (from the textbook: Hadi Saadat, “Power System Analysis”, 3rd Edition, PSA Publishing, 2010) HO = Hand outs Session: LX = Lecture X iLX = Invited Lecture X TAX = Teaching Assistant Hours X TX = Test X ExX = Exercise session X FE = Final Exam Lecturers and Teaching Assistants: LV = Luigi Vanfretti LS = Lennart Söder YC = Yuwa Chompoobutrgool VP = Vedran Peric DT = Doan Tu Tang MA = Muhammad Almas RL = Rujiroj Leelaruji