Lift High the Cross

March 17, 2013
8:15 AM and 11:00 AM
Welcome and Announcements
Dr. Brian Pikalow
*Passing the Peace
Please take a moment to greet the people around you with a warm smile and a handshake.
Arr: McDonald
“Amazing Grace”
Alisa Alexander, Lani Schumacher
*Hymn #159
Special Music
“Lift High the Cross”
“Beneath the Cross”
Arr: Fettke
Grace Notes
Morning Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
“By His Wounds”
Scott Harris, Jr - soloist
Worship with Tithes and Offerings
Missions Highlight: Asbury helps to financially support Family Promise
(Interfaith Hospitality Network)
Offertory Prayer
Offertory Anthem
“Let the Veil Down”
Arr: Goss
*Doxology #95
Isaiah 53: 5-10
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for
our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon
him, and by his wounds we are healed…the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted…he was led
like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers
is silent, so he did not open his mouth. He was assigned a grave
with the wicked, though he had done no violence, nor was any
deceit in his mouth. Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and
cause him to suffer...
Dr. Brian Pikalow
“The Suffering Hero”
*Hymn # 286
“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”
Pastor Brian
Congregation Response
“Lift High the Cross”
“Hallelujah! What a Savior!”
Alisa Alexander, Lani Schumacher
Worship Leader
Kathy Peck (8:15)
Paul Schumacher (11:00)
Lay Readers
Youth (8:15& 11:00)
March 17, 2013
Dr. Brian Pikalow
24 Hours That Changed the World - Part 3
“The Suffering Hero”
Scripture: In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that
God…should make the author [hero] of their salvation perfect through
suffering…Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is
able to help those who are being tempted. Hebrews 2:10-18
Jesus had to suffer before he was crucified for three reasons...
1. The _____________
2. The _____________
3. The _____________
Worship Leader: Scott Harris, Jr.
PowerPoint: Steve Alsene
Sound Technician: Steve Johnson
Greeters/Offering: Will & Melissa Rivard
SetUp: Tony & Karen Kaufman
Smoothies: Frances Stacey
ANNOUNCEMENTS March 17, 2013
PRAYER REQUESTS: Please keep the following beloved in your prayers: BJ Abbott, Pilar
Baird, John Ballas, Jane Bilyeu, Grace Bridge, Norma Burdette, Jack Cooper, Marian Ellis, Lori
Faller, Mike Feior, John Folsom, Jr., the Frank family, Evelyn Futch, Midge Guest, Virginia Hall,
Mary Hanley, Bryce Hershner, Ann Herzog, Jackie Hewitt, Janet Hunter, Al Kanode, Dale Kelly,
Neal Kessler, Phil Kopman, Stan and Marilyn Lance, Tommie Lapole, Herman Long, Jodi
MacKeigan, Roberta McDonald, John and Joyce McLeod, Bill Meister, Vickie Partida, Rose
Proffitt, Lynette Rabner, Peggy Rester, Betty Richelieu, Michelle Rosario, Terry Sneiderman,
Ron Staehler, Wes Stouder, Janice Tilley, Bob Timlin, Mark Wilstrup.
ASBURY IS LOOKING FOR ONE GOOD PERSON! Asbury will need to fill our Primary
Housekeeping position. Candidates need to be available to work Monday through Friday each
week, mostly during business hours; be physically able to handle floor cleaning equipment, as
well as chairs and tables; successfully pass a background check and have a passion for
keeping our facility looking its best. This is a part-time position of 25-29 hours per week, with
paid holidays. If you or someone you know is interested, please send your resume or email
response to or fax to 407-539-0658.
URGENT REQUEST: The Russell Home is in urgent need of INFANT DIAPERS AND INFANT
SIZE CLOTHES(girl). If you can help provide any of these items please contact the church
office or Jack Cooper as soon as possible.
Our SANCTUARY ANGELS need help immediately. Each Monday morning our angels arrive
to straighten up and restock our Sanctuary. If this is something that you would be interested in
helping with, please contact Pat Lockeby or the church office at 407-644-5222.
MOUNTAIN T.O.P. registration for Asbury Youth’s summer mission trip is live online. For
detailed information, pricing, and payment options, including the ability to pay online, find the
registration page under “Asbury Youth” located on the sidebar of the church website.
ASBURY NURSERY is looking for a responsible adult to work in the nursery. Hours might
include the occasional weeknights, occasional Saturday mornings for Praise Team Rehearsal,
and some Sunday mornings. Please contact Keith Tusing at for more
RED BAG SUNDAY: Don’t forget to pick up your Red Bag today and return it next Sunday with
the items listed.
CHURCHWIDE WORK DAY: An Asbury sponsored work day is scheduled for Saturday, March
23 starting at 9:00 AM and ending with lunch at 12:30 PM. Projects will include mulching,
weeding, spring cleaning inside, and windows. All are invited to participate. Please bring your
shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, and cleaning utensils (gloves, buckets, rags, etc.) Contact the
church office for more information. “Many hands make light work!”
EASTER CARNIVAL: Join us for a fun filled day on Saturday, March 30 from 11:00 to 1:00, for
our annual Easter carnival at the Asbury Lakeside Parking Lot. There will be an Easter Egg
hunt, Games and Lunch. All are invited so come have a fun time. Volunteers needed so please
contact Keith at Also, we are in need of some items to make this carnival a
success. Please donate a bag of individually wrapped candy, Easter stickers, or small prizes to
be a part of this event. You can drop the candy off in the bins in the narthex or fellowship hall
on Sunday or bring it by the church office during regular business hours.
concert in the Sanctuary. A Love offering will be taken. Brethren is a professional Christian
male ensemble comprised of 30 singers from all walks of life, and hailing from 19 different
states. They are composed of professional military musicians, free-lance artists, school
teachers, church musicians, a flight attendant, and a member of the Metropolitan Opera
company in New York City. The group began in October, 2005 when they recorded a small
project of a capella hymns for one of their mothers. In September, 2006 the group was officially
founded with 12 singers. They sing together about once a month in local churches. The group
headlined in June, 2008 at Lake Junaluska Assembly in Lake Junaluska, NC. Brethren is a
versatile ensemble performing music from southern gospel, to doo-wop, to chamber music, to a
full choir of choral music.
SUNDAY, MAY 12, KARYN WILLIAMS will present a concert in the Sanctuary at 3:00. Tickets
are $5.00 and there will be a Silent Auction. All proceeds from the Karyn Williams concert will
benefit the Courage to Dream Foundation. Refreshments will be served.
ASBURY UMM GOLF SCRAMBLE: Saturday, April 6 at 8:30 AM. The Country Club at Deer
Run. $65 per player/$260 per foursome. This is the main fundraiser for the UMM for the year.
Come out for a good cause, fun and fellowship. Fabulous prizes. Hole sponsorships available.
Contact Ray Entrekin 407-415-5913 for information or the church.
BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION: We are still collecting box tops for Hungerford Elementary
School. Please clip, save and bring to place in the bag hanging on the Red Bag bulletin
board. Each box top is worth $10. Last year we collected over $200.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Preparation has started and we are asking for your help. We
need 1000 pizza boxes to build a "Castle" wall. Please save your large pizza boxes, clean them
and bring them by the church office. Thanks for helping make VBS 2013 something incredible!
BEST OF FRANCE TOUR 2013: Deposits are now being collected for the 11-day November
tour. Brochures are available at the Welcome Station. Contact Pastor Scott for details.
LENTEN LUNCHEON: Wednesday, March 20. Dr. V. Scott Harris, Senior Pastor, Asbury
UMC. Theme: “What Easter Means to Me”
OURM MINISTRY: The next visit, by Asbury men, to the Orlando Union Rescue Mission will be
TODAY. Bob Burkhart will be the speaker and Rosemary Wright will play the piano. We meet in
the church parking lot and leave at 6:15 pm. Please place toiletries in the containers, in the
Narthex, for the men and women clients of the mission. Plastic sacks are also needed. Contact:
Dick Rabner.
RUSSELL HOME needs your donations of nonperishable items, clothing, small household
items, etc. Donation boxes are located on each side of the Fellowship Hall. These donated
items are used for the Russell Home family and what is not used goes to their thrift store.
FREE BIBLES AT THE WELCOME CENTER: UMM of Asbury are providing free Bibles to any
member or guest needing one.
2013 ALTAR FLOWER CALENDAR: The 2013 Flower Calendar is available in the Narthex for
those wishing to give altar flowers in honor of or in memory of a loved one. Please print your
name and how you would like the bulletin dedication to read. PLEASE PRINT THE
 ALTAR GUILD: March - Susie Wagstaff, Hillary Swengel
Set-up: Tony & Karen Kaufman
Greeters/Offering: Will & Melissa Rivard
Smoothies: Frances Stacey
(8:15) Al & Joyce Phillips, Bob & Linda Burkhart, Dianna Bates, Hillary Swengel.
(11:00) Dorothy Terry, Rick & Kathy Clements, Von Hancock, Amy Story.
 PETAL PUSHERS: 1st Monday-Mel Frye, Von Hancock, 2nd Monday-Louise Hancock,
Dee Schraysen; 3rd Monday-Janna Fatic, Joy Row; 4th Monday-Faye Andrew, Mary Lynn
Mathieu; 5th Monday-Janice Tilley. Flower Tags for each week by Maxine Bartz.
 POWERPOINT: Steve Alsene, Bradley Berrier, Adam Tusing
 PRAISE WORSHIP TEAM: Dawn Alsene, Melanie Alsene, Megan Alsene, Nikki
Alvarez, Josh McDonald, Steve Peck, Todd Russell, Danny Woodhall, David Stacey,
Ennis Pruitt, James Garoutsos.
 SOUND TECHNICIAN: Greg Lee, Steve Johnson
 USHERS: March (8:15) Wayne Bates (LEAD), Audrie Weissman, Kevin Smith, Gary Zimmerman.
(11:00) Ben Celones (LEAD), Terry Celones, Phil Kopman, Russ Fatic, Jim Clark.
 VAN DRIVERS: March – Bob Goodin, Marshall Dancy.
Next Week
March 24, 2013
Palm Sunday
8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 AM
Dr. V. Scott Harris
“On Trial: Who is your King?”
John 12:12-19